Usage Frequency: 1 When you listen on YouTube to the Malay, Burmese, German, or French renditions of The Blessing, you may rightly assume that they are substituting the words of Numbers 6:24-26 from a Bible translation in their language for the original English text. Usage Frequency: 1 We fundamentally believe that God loves his people equally, so we can trust that he fully equips them to communicate with him and about him through their languages. Reference: Anonymous. Many other languages that dont have a long history in Bible translation or Christian terminology chose terms for bless that are associated with transferring goodness or happiness. that all could keep alive the fire that makes them itinerant preachers of God's love. Lets skip Lord, the richest term in the line (you can read about the extraordinarily many ways languages across the world translate that name for God right here), and focus instead on the third word: bless.
The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies.
Reference: Anonymous, Last Update: 2021-10-08
The other problem hits closer to home, and arises because bless has multiple meanings in the biblical context. To share this article with your friends, use any of the social share buttons on our site, or simply copy the link below.
qui est un des pisodes les plus sublimes des rcitatifs de Haydn. But people blessing God?
Pour le saint carme qui, commenant l'Epiphanie, dure quarante jours conscutifs, et que notre Seigneur a consacr par son. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. We use cookies to enhance your experience. But now I wonder whether I actually left out an even more crucial component than sight and sound: meaning. Quality:
Reference: Anonymous, Last Update: 2019-02-07
Reference: Anonymous, Last Update: 2022-01-06 Examples are used only to help you translate the word or expression searched in various contexts. reste vivant le feu qui les fait tre des prcheurs itinrants de l'amour de Dieu. la fin de la messe, tous les frres ont. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". Expression index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200. A perusal of English Bible translations reveals no disagreement on how to translate the original Hebrew term barak.
Quality: is one of the sublimest incidents in Haydn's recitatives. We can reach out to family, friends, neighbors, and strangers and pierce them gently with our words of grace. As a new Christian, I remember how confused I was about that term. His is also the description of the beasts, the great whales and 'every. Amazingly enough, Toraja Sadan, a language spoken in Indonesia, uses an old and familiar expression in that culture that almost foreshadows the next verses of Numbers 6 (the Lord make his face to shine on you the Lord turn his face toward you) with its translation of barak and eulogeo as sprinkling with a propitious face., In a step further, those who speak the Bantu language of Koonzime in Cameroon understand the Numbers 6 blessing as a traditional transfer of saliva, giving the receiver of the blessing tenderness of face. (All of these examples and more are available right here. Usage Frequency: 1
Reference: Anonymous, Last Update: 2022-07-05 Quality: How would singers of the worlds 6,000+ languages bless their families, their towns, and their countries in the words of Numbers 6? Subscribers receive full access to the archives. ), Another language, Tagbanwa, spoken in the Philippines, uses an expression that provides a powerful example of why it is worthwhile to listen into how other cultures and languages speak with God. Oeuvre continuera tre une cole d'amour.
qu'ils fuient dans une autre pour y faire. C'est lui qui dcrit les btes, les grandes baleines et tous les animaux qui. Quality: One is related to its modern secular usage.
As one YouTube comment mentions, its like a foretaste of the great polylingual choir described in Revelation 7. Usage Frequency: 2 An inscription in elegant kufic characters around the lower border of the lid.
The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary".
Jost Zetzsche works as a consultant for United Bible Societies in creating and maintaining the Translation Insights & Perspectives tool, a portal that allows visitors to look at the text of the Bible in more than 600 languages. Reference: Anonymous, Last Update: 2019-12-02
galement devenues les moyens de la calamit.
Usage Frequency: 1 Quality: Quality: Usage Frequency: 1 4:2). al Mustansir billah, Prince of believers. What Should We Do If Our Compassion Runs Out? Quality: Use DeepL Translator to instantly translate texts and documents, the end of Mass, the chapel was filled with song as we sang.
organisation continue to be a school of love, Ce n'est qu'en donnant notre charit cette dimension surnaturelle et surhumaine que notre. But two problems immediately emerge with this English word. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. entonn l'antienne Saint Dominique 'O Lumen ecclesiae'.
good fortune and happiness upon the owner of the object. Quality:
Usage Frequency: 1 Seven years ago in an article for Christianity Today, I looked forward to languages crowning achievement in the amazing sight and sound that Christians around the world anticipate in heaven. MyMemory is the world's largest Translation Memory. Survey finds they seek counseling and support at higher rates than in secular schools. (Linguists will explain that the Hebrew barak originally meant to kneel, which implies worship. Quality: Because I regularly come to the limits of my own understandingespecially when it relates to God I would love to reduce my limitations by looking at how others communicate with and about God in their own languages. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin.
For example, translators for Jula, a widely spoken language in Cte dIvoire (its Bible was published in 2013), chose three different words for the different kinds of blessing: baraka, an Arabic loan word, for empowerment via the blessing that comes from God; dugawu, a term that is frequently used in common language for spontaneous prayer, for the blessing from one person to another; and tando (praise) for what people do toward God. al-Moustansir Billah, Prince des croyants. Usage Frequency: 1 Reference: Anonymous, Last Update: 2022-03-21 What English readers know as bless, Tagbanwa readers know by an expression that back-translates to caused to be pierced by words causing grace.. Rude or colloquial translations are usually marked in red or orange. Or better: What does it do to us? These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search. A ces mmes tudiants, au cours d'une visite prcdente, le, We've appreciated the careful work of your committee in the, travail consciencieux qu'il a fait dans le pass, Those who voluntarily fast for forty days after. The singer allegedly groomed students at a Kentucky church through back rubs and unaccompanied sleepovers, according to an investigation by GRACE. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". The social media phenomenon hashtag blessed (#blessed) is completely divorced from any of the meanings of bless in the biblical context. glises, en particulier ceux et celles qui sont en priode de transition. Results: 109. Reference: Anonymous, Last Update: 2020-10-02 The Blessing phenomenon provides a remarkable opportunity to lift this veil, to peek into the language of God in cultures far from our own. Get the best from CT editors, delivered straight to your inbox! Quality: The words of different languages have different histories (etymologies), and the fields of meaning that words have do not cover exactly identical grounds between languages. Reference: Anonymous, Last Update: 2021-12-14 The "quicker and easier" way has not been, Cette mthode plus rapide et plus facile n'a pas t, Thus I will show the world that the day sanctified and, Ainsi, je montrerai au monde que le jour sanctifi et, In honoring the memory of Isaac Luria, we are paying tribute to a man who was singularly, En rendant hommage la mmoire d'Isaac Luria, nous payons tribut un homme qui tait particulirement, From it comes the father of the Jewish people, Those who have the ability to use Zaiphon are rare and thought to be, Ceux qui ont la capacit d'utiliser un Zaiphon sont rares et sont dits tre, But if you keep the Holy Spirit with you at all times, then each of these paths will be, Mais si vous gardez le Saint-Esprit avec vous en tout temps, chacune de ces voies sera, Moved by this providential reproach, Ozanam announced: In order for our apostolate to be, Touch par ce reproche providentiel, Ozanam s'crie: Pour que notre apostolat soit, La nation d'Isral avait t particulirement, Whatever difficulties may arise, one may not abandon the defence of this primordial love which has united two persons and which is constantly, Quelle que soit la difficult qui surgit, on ne peur renoncer la dfense de cet amour original, qui a uni deux personnes et qui est sans cesse, The Master knew that he was performing a work that was designed and, Le Maitre savait qu'il effectuait une uvre prvue et, In the name of "tolerance" and "openness," Christ's teachings have been replaced by a false gospel that insists that sinful behavior is normal, even, Au nom de la tolrance et de l'ouverture , les enseignements du Christ ont t remplacs par un faux vangile selon lequel un comportement pcheur est normal, voire mme. Most frequent English dictionary requests: Suggest as a translation of "God's blessing". particularly in bringing, and keeping, together the different ethnic groups.
The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies.
Reference: Anonymous, Last Update: 2021-10-08
The other problem hits closer to home, and arises because bless has multiple meanings in the biblical context. To share this article with your friends, use any of the social share buttons on our site, or simply copy the link below.

qui est un des pisodes les plus sublimes des rcitatifs de Haydn. But people blessing God?
Pour le saint carme qui, commenant l'Epiphanie, dure quarante jours conscutifs, et que notre Seigneur a consacr par son. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. We use cookies to enhance your experience. But now I wonder whether I actually left out an even more crucial component than sight and sound: meaning. Quality:
Reference: Anonymous, Last Update: 2019-02-07
Reference: Anonymous, Last Update: 2022-01-06 Examples are used only to help you translate the word or expression searched in various contexts. reste vivant le feu qui les fait tre des prcheurs itinrants de l'amour de Dieu. la fin de la messe, tous les frres ont. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". Expression index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200. A perusal of English Bible translations reveals no disagreement on how to translate the original Hebrew term barak.

Reference: Anonymous, Last Update: 2022-07-05 Quality: How would singers of the worlds 6,000+ languages bless their families, their towns, and their countries in the words of Numbers 6? Subscribers receive full access to the archives. ), Another language, Tagbanwa, spoken in the Philippines, uses an expression that provides a powerful example of why it is worthwhile to listen into how other cultures and languages speak with God. Oeuvre continuera tre une cole d'amour.
qu'ils fuient dans une autre pour y faire. C'est lui qui dcrit les btes, les grandes baleines et tous les animaux qui. Quality: One is related to its modern secular usage.
As one YouTube comment mentions, its like a foretaste of the great polylingual choir described in Revelation 7. Usage Frequency: 2 An inscription in elegant kufic characters around the lower border of the lid.
The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary".
Jost Zetzsche works as a consultant for United Bible Societies in creating and maintaining the Translation Insights & Perspectives tool, a portal that allows visitors to look at the text of the Bible in more than 600 languages. Reference: Anonymous, Last Update: 2019-12-02

Usage Frequency: 1 Quality: Quality: Usage Frequency: 1 4:2). al Mustansir billah, Prince of believers. What Should We Do If Our Compassion Runs Out? Quality: Use DeepL Translator to instantly translate texts and documents, the end of Mass, the chapel was filled with song as we sang.
organisation continue to be a school of love, Ce n'est qu'en donnant notre charit cette dimension surnaturelle et surhumaine que notre. But two problems immediately emerge with this English word. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. entonn l'antienne Saint Dominique 'O Lumen ecclesiae'.
good fortune and happiness upon the owner of the object. Quality:
Usage Frequency: 1 Seven years ago in an article for Christianity Today, I looked forward to languages crowning achievement in the amazing sight and sound that Christians around the world anticipate in heaven. MyMemory is the world's largest Translation Memory. Survey finds they seek counseling and support at higher rates than in secular schools. (Linguists will explain that the Hebrew barak originally meant to kneel, which implies worship. Quality: Because I regularly come to the limits of my own understandingespecially when it relates to God I would love to reduce my limitations by looking at how others communicate with and about God in their own languages. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin.
For example, translators for Jula, a widely spoken language in Cte dIvoire (its Bible was published in 2013), chose three different words for the different kinds of blessing: baraka, an Arabic loan word, for empowerment via the blessing that comes from God; dugawu, a term that is frequently used in common language for spontaneous prayer, for the blessing from one person to another; and tando (praise) for what people do toward God. al-Moustansir Billah, Prince des croyants. Usage Frequency: 1 Reference: Anonymous, Last Update: 2022-03-21 What English readers know as bless, Tagbanwa readers know by an expression that back-translates to caused to be pierced by words causing grace.. Rude or colloquial translations are usually marked in red or orange. Or better: What does it do to us? These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search. A ces mmes tudiants, au cours d'une visite prcdente, le, We've appreciated the careful work of your committee in the, travail consciencieux qu'il a fait dans le pass, Those who voluntarily fast for forty days after. The singer allegedly groomed students at a Kentucky church through back rubs and unaccompanied sleepovers, according to an investigation by GRACE. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". The social media phenomenon hashtag blessed (#blessed) is completely divorced from any of the meanings of bless in the biblical context. glises, en particulier ceux et celles qui sont en priode de transition. Results: 109. Reference: Anonymous, Last Update: 2020-10-02 The Blessing phenomenon provides a remarkable opportunity to lift this veil, to peek into the language of God in cultures far from our own. Get the best from CT editors, delivered straight to your inbox! Quality: The words of different languages have different histories (etymologies), and the fields of meaning that words have do not cover exactly identical grounds between languages. Reference: Anonymous, Last Update: 2021-12-14 The "quicker and easier" way has not been, Cette mthode plus rapide et plus facile n'a pas t, Thus I will show the world that the day sanctified and, Ainsi, je montrerai au monde que le jour sanctifi et, In honoring the memory of Isaac Luria, we are paying tribute to a man who was singularly, En rendant hommage la mmoire d'Isaac Luria, nous payons tribut un homme qui tait particulirement, From it comes the father of the Jewish people, Those who have the ability to use Zaiphon are rare and thought to be, Ceux qui ont la capacit d'utiliser un Zaiphon sont rares et sont dits tre, But if you keep the Holy Spirit with you at all times, then each of these paths will be, Mais si vous gardez le Saint-Esprit avec vous en tout temps, chacune de ces voies sera, Moved by this providential reproach, Ozanam announced: In order for our apostolate to be, Touch par ce reproche providentiel, Ozanam s'crie: Pour que notre apostolat soit, La nation d'Isral avait t particulirement, Whatever difficulties may arise, one may not abandon the defence of this primordial love which has united two persons and which is constantly, Quelle que soit la difficult qui surgit, on ne peur renoncer la dfense de cet amour original, qui a uni deux personnes et qui est sans cesse, The Master knew that he was performing a work that was designed and, Le Maitre savait qu'il effectuait une uvre prvue et, In the name of "tolerance" and "openness," Christ's teachings have been replaced by a false gospel that insists that sinful behavior is normal, even, Au nom de la tolrance et de l'ouverture , les enseignements du Christ ont t remplacs par un faux vangile selon lequel un comportement pcheur est normal, voire mme. Most frequent English dictionary requests: Suggest as a translation of "God's blessing". particularly in bringing, and keeping, together the different ethnic groups.