cursing the Imperial soldiers who slaughtered her sanctuary, who let her father die in their pointless wars and skirmishes and caused her to have nothing. She trusts Cicero but he's not a spouse option.. just her close friend. You will be getting Vampirism from Serana later, however, as it is "Intimate" to be turned by someone and you as a character develop a bit of a crush on Serana for a while.. though she rejects Caerwyn's advances. Log in to view your list of favourite games. Dump the rest of your stat points into Magicka as you're going to want it for use of such spells as Vampire's Bane and Circle of Protection, healing spells etc. (Edit) I forgot to answer your other question about Talos. You're browsing the GameFAQs Message Boards as a guest. (IF you are using the Live Another Life mod you may choose to start how you wish.. She always felt more comfortable with the heft of an axe in her hands than she did with a little knife.. and her choice to wield an Axe over a dagger has got her out of several sticky situations. After Harkon is dead, MAKE SURE you go with her into the Soul Cairn and retrieve Valerica.. Lycanthropy/Vampirism:Obviously with the Companions questline comes Lycanthropy "To Join the Circle you must Share the Blood of the Wolf" or whatever it is Skjor says I don't remember anymore. Congratulations on a great first build Baldur. I mean, she tortures children, doesn't feed them, and always tells them that no one wants them. The Companions isn't really about bringing evil people to justice though. it has been argued that Kynareth hates werewolves though, Not sure how Meridia feels about werewolves , werewolves are not undead :3 so she shouldn't have too much problem with them :p. actually found this post on the same theme from years back:, She was such a close candidate as well, man. Combined with the Atronach Stone, which grants 50 percent spell absorption, and on average you're walking around with 80 percent immunity to all spells. Out of respect for Serana, you can't get it cured, as that would imply vampirism was somehow wrong or unclean when not being used as a force of good. Companions- Same deal as before, she views the Companions as honourable warriors and a guide to how she should be a hero. Valve Corporation. This is chosen partially due to the DB backstory but also because the DG Rune Shield is Light Armor, so to maximize the defense bonusses I have chosen to have full light armor. She lived on her own for a time before a noble came to take her land. I don't have any pose mods so I made do with TFC and some other boring vanilla stuff.. posing in a dungeon etc. The reasoning being as a former evil person on the path to Redemption, you meet this woman who's selfless and honourable and mainly wants to protect her people and protect others. Cicero of course will never go hostile he is loyal to his listener to the grave if necessary, and Frea.. Nice first build Baldur. Somewhere in the mid-fifties it seems - sometimes it pays to note the level of the complete build so that players know how much of a time investment the build will require. She at least will tolerate my lycanthropy while encouraging my hatred of the undead and such abominations. Would a paladin kill someone? Also you wouldn't know whom Aventus wanted killed until you broke into his house. Keep in mind.. if you're using the Talos stacking glitch you'll need to redo that glitch at some point in the future or you won't have infinite shouting. Plus it gives you a place to go and rest later in the game, as one location in the reach becomes home to Madonach and his followers and they will be friendly towards you, giving you another place to rest on the road if you're doing a no fast travel run. As someone who was part of the Dark Brotherhood, She would naturally worship Sithis over any other Deity, hence the title, Paladin of Sithis. Anyway, if you are using an axe but not the rune axe/rune shield etc you should utilize your restoration skills to get by. You will not allow the darkness of the Vampire Blood to taint your soul you will follow in Serana's path and seek a better path.. one where you may use your new-found dark powers to spread the holy light of day, and put the fear of the Nine back into the deviants, lowlives, and lesser vampires of Tamriel. Novice Alteration, Apprentice Alteration, Adept Alteration, Expert Alteration, Atronach (Take this AFTER getting Necromage), Though you are a member of the Dark brotherhood, your true calling is to be your holy mission and heroism, so you're not going to max this out. Please Note you may NOT pursue the Main Questline or Dragonborn until AFTER you complete the Dark Brotherhood, as slaying the dragon and finding out she is Dovahkiin sets Caerwyn on her path of redemption. Agile Defender (5), Custom Fit, Unhindered, Wind Walker, Matching Set, Deft Movement, Yes I know usually an assassin would use a dagger, however Caerwyn is no ordinary girl. A subreddit dedicated to the Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. The Fortify Carry weight is because you've been running for your life for 8 years, your skills may have got rusty but your legs are strong.). With Vampirism, you're generally immune to poison, or if you do get poisoned you resist 100 percent of the damage if I read that right so that should be the one area where the Vampire Lord stands out over the Werewolf. Muiri is an option as well as she's a very attractive woman who you'd have met and become attracted to as part of the DB questline.. since she's your first major contract in Skyrim she could be someone that you could try and show how to follow the path of light as you yourself learn to walk it. You may pursue the questline as far as you like.. the Mages are generally honourable so of course she'd have no issue with freeing the ghosts of the mages and killing Morokei. (THAT SHOULD cover all areas of combat if I missed something tell me. Obviously coming from Cyrodil Caerwyn will want to stop the rising of Potema. Make sure you circle them.. the bigger automatons like the Centurions struggle to turn around sometimes so you can stay ahead of their blows and hit them hard and fast. Keep the 20k from the DB you're not gonna be using the Dawnguard sanctuary, there's not much point in upgrading it. (For Anyone who is Curious as to the name "Paladin of Sithis" Sithis is neither good nor Evil, he is simply the Void. Hey, impatient pup :D Images tell a thousand words, we coulda got the art group to help get you some banners, and sourced you some nice pictures to help break up the text - Workshop is a good place to store and work on the build. Followers:I chose to use a few different ones over the course of the playthrough. Speaking of both those forms, you may also utilize your Werewolf or Vampire Lord form to muscle your way through, if you're struggling with the close combat strategies. This one should be a fairly obvious choice seeing how to deal with their priests and all.. you're gonna wanna utilize things like Ward Absorb. Perhaps I'm overthinking things, especially if he is a reach-born who follows the old traditions the worship of hircine would work easily, for hatred against the undead it would be meridia and mara for the honor and compassion towards skyrims population that a paladin is supposed to show.
The REQURED quests will be in red, recommended ones in Orange Anything else will simply be saying how this character would react during those quests, and will be added to if people ask questions. It stands to reason that the people who would have caused her the most grief in her life would likely be the Imperial Soldiers from being responsible for her father's death to killing all the members of the Dark Brotherhood in Cyrodil, Caerwyn hates them with a passion.. so when she hears about a chance to murder as many of them as she can and get called a hero for it anyway. You better believe she sides with Jarl Ulfric however because I hate killing ice wraiths personally I like to add an extra twist.. She pretends to join the Empire since killing a few bandits is nothing to her then she takes the Jagged Crown to Jarl Ulfric.. betraying those who betrayed her trust in Cyrodil.. the ones she trusted to protect her father and let him die, let her mother die, killed her family in the Dark Brotherhoodetc. It's just a glorified Fighters Guild whose higher members are Werewolves. Pick a side and stick with it! Enchanter (5), Soul Squeezer, Fire Enchanter, Soul Siphon, Frost Enchanter, Insightful Enchanter, Storm Enchanter, Corpus Enchanter, Extra Effect. It also draws the eye, as it is different than the normal Crusader titles you would see, such as Paladin of Meridia, Paladin of Mara, Paladin of Akatosh, Paladin of Auriel etc.
Install hundreds of mods with the click of a button. However at lower levels they can still prove somewhat tricky, so in those situations use your Dragonskin power to boost your defense, if you already have the Atronach stone but not the perk this should raise your absorption to 100 or at least to the cap, allowing you to take next to no damage from their spells, then charge in close and finish them off. In combat against Dragons, you're also going to want to have used your Smithing ability to get the Dawnguard Rune Axe as high damage as possible, since you can't enchant it. Main Questline, Dragonborn, Dawnguard(Side With Dawnguard). Image Creidts Viking Female and Viking Female 2 by, Raph04art on DeviantArt, Screenshots from SSE, First picture from Google. Furthermore, all three of my choices are Essential, so no matter what happens you can't kill them though if you hit Serana too much she will start hitting back. (Explanation in comments), I took an arrow in both knees, are u kidding me, Press J to jump to the feed. He attempted to have his way with her and she slaughtered him like a pig. Though this character will delve into some of the evil aspects of Skyrim, she will overall be a Good character. That means No putting out the lighthouse at Solitude, Free Madonach Only when the Imperials control Markarth, Don't choose to become one of the Volkihar vampires.
It's not right leaving her trapped there and she'd make a valuable asset if you were using a mod to rebuild Volkihar after the Vampires are all dead. I find it hard to believe that you find pictures that suited this character! The Necklace of Poison Resistance 50% is always there. You could also utilize Circle of Protection, Bane of the Undead Etc. Please Note you may NOT pursue the Main Questline or Dragonborn until AFTER you complete the Dark Brotherhood, as slaying the dragon and finding out she is Dovahkiin sets Caerwyn on her path of redemption. Here you have two choices.. you can either Join, find all the Stones of Barenziah, get the Crown, and never touch this questline again, OR if you dislike unfinished questlines cluttering up your quest log, as Caerwyn does, you can finish the TG as well, Becoming the Guild Master, but leaving all but using the fences behind once you start the main questline. You may max out Smithing for the perk points.. but only get those specific blacksmithing p. Steel Smithing, Elven Smithing, Arcane Blacksmith, Advanced Armors. After the DG is over with do not change Serana to a human, or get cured yourself, respect her right to live the life she chooses, and the gift she gave you. Retrieval of the Mace of Molag Bal is useful as a way of getting a soul trap enchanted item. How to make the guards to stop attacking me. She never stayed in the same place, and though her skills grew rusty as she spent the time evading capture until she was captured entering Skyrim illegally, her legs grew strong, and her step remained light and silent. Looking good, Baldur. If you like you can also delve into the Fire perks of the Destruction skill, as most undead are weak to fire. So I'm really not sure what to do. Civil War (Stormcloaks)-It stands to reason that the people who would have caused her the most grief in her life would likely be the Imperial Soldiers from being responsible for her father's death to killing all the members of the Dark Brotherhood in Cyrodil, Caerwyn hates them with a passion.. so when she hears about a chance to murder as many of them as she can and get called a hero for it anyway. You better believe she sides with Jarl Ulfric however because I hate killing ice wraiths personally I like to add an extra twist.. She pretends to join the Empire since killing a few bandits is nothing to her then she takes the Jagged Crown to Jarl Ulfric.. betraying those who betrayed her trust in Cyrodil.. the ones she trusted to protect her father and let him die, let her mother die, killed her family in the Dark Brotherhoodetc. To maximise the gain from having a shield, you're obviously going to want the perks to make yourself more tanky. Perks Chosen:Shield Wall (5), Deflect Arrows, Quick Reflexes, Power Bash, Elemental Protection, Deadly Bash, Disarming Bash, Shield Charge. For bandits, rely on your lycanthropy/vampire lord form if you haven't already levelled that up to the max perks. That night as she was wondering what she should do, a Speaker for the Dark Brotherhood approached her in her sleep.. informing her she had a place among their ranks, an offer she accepted without a second thought.
Image Creidts Viking Female and Viking Female 2 by Raph04art on DeviantArt, Screenshots from SSE, First picture from Google BANNERS BY DRAGONBORN. As Cicero is your friend from Cyrodil, and though he doesn't recognise you.. Help him anyway. [Smithing]: You'll want those specifically so work your way up to those particular smithing traits. Lycanthropy can be kept, so long as it is ONLY used on Vampire lairs, Bandit Lairs, Silver Hand, and during the Civil War questline against the Empire.You must allow Serana to turn you into a Vampire Lord as part of the DG questline, you must follow the exact same rules. College of Winterhold- I mostly say to join them so you can gain access to the master level Restoration spells.. things like bane of the undead, guardian circle etc. We are due to move soon. Caerwyn comes from a magical family, her father was a healer and her mother was a blacksmith skilled in crafting Enchanted weapons as well. This will give you at LEAST 100 percent magicka absorb.. if the game doesn't cap you off at like 80 or something, so their attacks will do basically no damage and you're free to either fight them from afar with Vampire Bane, Sun Fire or getting up close and personal with the Dawnguard Rune Axe. I'd think a Paladin would WANT to join the companions, for what greater accomplishment can a paladin take pride in than bringing those who are evil to the side of goodness. Most magic users are pretty devastating from a distance, but are worthless at close combat. If you dislike Vampirism, however, you may choose to remember the power you felt with the blood of the beast coursing through your veins, and retake the blood of the Wolf from Aela. After that, use it only when you feel you're overwhelmed, and rely on the strength of your sword-arm.. or in this case axe arm. Vampires are covered under Undead). I hope you enjoyed reading this, and Hope you enjoy playing it as much as I did creating it. Since this build relies on Light armor instead of Heavy, this is going to be a slightly more difficult task. Things like Vampire Bane, Sun Fire and Stendarr's Aura, if you don't have the Rune Shield, are all great to help give yourself an extra edge against the undead. This build is going to be a bit of an odd sounding one at first. (The muffle on the boots is mostly to reflect that you used to be an assassin, and as such are light and quiet on your feet. It also allows you to make new types of mead and that can be a fun little side quest to do to help the people celebrate their newfound path to redemption. Yes essentially, hit them til they break. You may alternatively choose to get the Steel Battleaxe of Firey Souls from Ironbind Barrow and disenchant it to make an axe of Firey Soul Trap and Fire Damage or sometihng like that.. really capitalize on the burning damage. Though many people choose to use Dawnbreaker, I've found little to no builds utilizing the Dawnguard Rune Axe which has a very unique attribute on it the Dawnguard Rune Axe stores energy from killing undead, increasing the sun damage it does to enemies over time. It's not right leaving her trapped there and she'd make a valuable asset if you were using a mod to rebuild Volkihar after the Vampires are all dead. I suggest blocking only in close quarters or to deflect arrows and move around a lot. It's not as easy as I would have liked but I have a couple here I could add. She always felt more comfortable with the heft of an axe in her hands than she did with a little knife.. and her choice to wield an Axe over a dagger has got her out of several sticky situations, Armsman (5), Fighting Stance, Hack and Slash (3), Critical Charge, Savage Strike, Paralyzing Strike. This character is mostly leaving a dark past behind and is seeking redemption through Heroism.. and after discovering she is the Dovahkiin, pursues this whole-heartedly in the act of seeking redemption. However, her father was killed in the war against the stormcloaks, having been drafted for the Imperial army and sent to Skyrim to act as a healer and support role.
Eternity shall be spent like this. What level is the complete build? Remember Should you choose to retake the blood of the wolf you can never take it again after this.. so if you choose to have Caerwyn retake the blood of the Vampire.. you must remain a Vampire for the rest of your playthrough. Morrowind's 20th Anniversary - Modathon, Prizes, Memories! Complete the questline, it and the Dawnguard Radiant quests will be how you earn "Workaday" job money after you leave the Thief's Guild and Dark Brotherhood behind you.
You also cannot remove Lycanthropy by curing it at the Tomb of Ysgramor, as that would be an insult to the Companions who helped you follow the path of redemption. Yes, she's mean, but I see her as evil too. Others I would suggest are St Alessia and perhaps Shor (elf-hater). Scrolls can save your life! I suggest you find an amulet or circlet of Waterbreathing.. A good way to level up Alteration, Smithing and Enchanting all in one is to get the Transmute Ore spellbook, use Alteration to turn iron into silver, silver into gold, smith the gold to make bars make gold rings and then enchant the gold rings and sell them for cash. However, her father was killed in the war against the stormcloaks, having been drafted for the Imperial army and sent to Skyrim to act as a healer and support role. My wife said she doesnt want Forgot to pause, came back to this. When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu. Copyright 2022 Black Tree Gaming Ltd. All rights reserved. DRAGON PRIESTS;These can be particularly tricky to deal with, as a lot of them wield powerful magic and magic staves, not to mention the Thu'um. Honest question are people still playing this on 360 ?
IF I could find any extra images that would suit this character I would have uploaded them.. [blockquote][b][url=/profile/Dragonborn1721]Dragonborn1921[/url] said:[/b]. I'm glad I could help though! Paladins abhor abominations and evil in general. Novice Restoration, Apprentice Restoration, Adept Restoration Expert Restoration Master Restoration, Regeneration, Recovery (2), Respite, Avoid Death, Necromage (get this after becoming a Vampire) *Optional* Ward Absorb. hese can be particularly tricky to deal with, as a lot of them wield powerful magic and magic staves, not to mention the Thu'um. Of course if you decide to use Alchemy I can't stop you but, Caerwyn doesn't like Alchemy it gives her a headache. Spare Cicero, he's your companion later after Serana is dealt with. Or does it need to be downloaded from nexus. Perks Chosen: Stealth (3), Muffled Movement, Light Foot. [Restoration]: Most of what she knows she learned from her father, mostly how to treat a few wounds and the like. With the Retaking Thirsk Mead Hall, you also gain access to tons of.. Stealth (3), Muffled Movement, Light Foot. Black Star-Black Star- Enchanting requires souls. So I would do that. She wields magic and axes too, though she wears heavy armor I find she could make a perfect Mentor type follower, someone that Caerwyn would idolise and even have a little girl crush on. To answer the question no one asked.
Sentences like this. Make sure, however, that you don't just lock your guild master armor in a chest, or blackguards if you got it from the Dragonborn DLC, Make sure you put it on a Mannequin in a house somewhere, so any time you come home you get that reminder of what you walked away from. As Caerwyn was hurt and betrayed by men who attempted to violate her, bandits and nobles alike, she has developed an acute distrust of men, and seeks only the arms of women for her companionship. Wouldn't make sense for a paladin to have dealings with or the corruption of Hircine. BANDITS; Chop everything then chop everything again! As you start off with the Dark Brotherhood you will keep Cicero with you as soon as you unlock him, partially because Cicero is a BEAST with one handed weaponry, but also because it follows the backstory.. he is your old best friend and though he has been driven to madness and does not remember you, travel with him anyway so you get a feeling of the home you lost. If you like you can also delve into the Fire perks of the Destruction skill, as most undead are weak to fire. That's a good idea, I'll see if I can do that, "A form of the Familiar conjuration spell makes more sense. Perks Chosen: Agile Defender (5), Custom Fit, Unhindered, Wind Walker, Matching Set, Deft Movement, [One Handed]: Yes I know usually an assassin would use a dagger, however Caerwyn is no ordinary girl. Main Questline, Dragonborn, Dawnguard(Side With Dawnguard)- This character is mostly leaving a dark past behind and is seeking redemption through Heroism.. and after discovering she is the Dovahkiin, pursues this whole-heartedly in the act of seeking redemption. It seems a google search for female viking would have netted you hundreds to choose from. While out on a contract, her sanctuary was slaughtered, the Night Mother's tomb of Bravil desecrated and of course everyone she held dear was killed.. so she fled. Just let me know if I can continue to. I suggest you get the mace before you meet Serana just because there's extra dialogue to say you're the Champion of Molag Bal and have her impressed with you. Other- Other than these you may do any questline you desire. Perks Chosen: Armsman (5), Fighting Stance, Hack and Slash (3), Critical Charge, Savage Strike, Paralyzing Strike. :P This is an area where the Restoration and Alteration skill trees won't make much difference for you. :P This is an area where the Restoration and Alteration skill trees won't make much difference for you. They should do double damage to such abominations as werewolves, undead, vampires, and demons. This build also uses the Dawnguard Rune Shield, which is a Light armor shield, which also is why I chose to make this a light armor build. I suggest you get the mace before you meet Serana just because there's extra dialogue to say you're the Champion of Molag Bal and have her impressed with you. ay up to those particular smithing traits. These should be basically the same as your fights against ordinary bandits.. though watch out for their frequent use of Poisons. After the DG is over with do not change Serana to a human, or get cured yourself, respect her right to live the life she chooses, and the gift she gave you. Don't hestitate to use scrolls! Would a paladin break into someone's house? I made Roggvir kill Vittoria Vici. Pick a side and stick with it! [Alteration]: The key reason for this skill tree is for the Atronach perk, which grants you 30 percent spell absorption. ), *Edited for Consistency, Spelling and a few other quests and decisions to the mix. Same deal as before, she views the Companions as honourable warriors and a guide to how she should be a hero. Yeah I thought so a bit too. Scrolls can save your life! Perks Chosen:Novice Alteration, Apprentice Alteration, Adept Alteration, Expert Alteration, Atronach (Take this AFTER getting Necromage), [Sneak]:Though you are a member of the Dark brotherhood, your true calling is to be your holy mission and heroism, so you're not going to max this out.
I just need to work out who that is. You may alternatively choose to get the Steel Battleaxe of Firey Souls from Ironbind Barrow and disenchant it to make an axe of Firey Soul Trap and Fire Damage or sometihng like that.. really capitalize on the burning damage. You may choose to obtain Eldergleam sap and fight the spriggans or get the sapling for the Blessings of Nature.. up to you if her dark nature causes her to hurt the tree, or she is sufficiently "Light side" enough to take the sapling instead. He attempted to have his way with her and she slaughtered him like a pig. Copyright 2022 Robin Scott. Roleplay wise, my character is a Nord, fighting for the Stormcloaks, who hates undead, vampires, and Elves, making Talos or Stendarr ideal choices. You may pursue the questline as far as you like.. the Mages are generally honourable so of course she'd have no issue with freeing the ghosts of the mages and killing Morokei. The Black Star allows you an infinite use black soul gem which means you can kill any random bandit and make a killer enchant.. no pun intended. I'll post the link to the mod below so you guys can see all the options and tell me your thoughts. Remember Should you choose to retake the blood of the wolf you can never take it again after this.. so if you choose to have Caerwyn retake the blood of the Vampire.. you must remain a Vampire for the rest of your playthrough. You may design Caerwyn however you like provided she is a Blonde Female Breton). [Block]: To maximise the gain from having a shield, you're obviously going to want the perks to make yourself more tanky. Spell?
The REQURED quests will be in red, recommended ones in Orange Anything else will simply be saying how this character would react during those quests, and will be added to if people ask questions. It stands to reason that the people who would have caused her the most grief in her life would likely be the Imperial Soldiers from being responsible for her father's death to killing all the members of the Dark Brotherhood in Cyrodil, Caerwyn hates them with a passion.. so when she hears about a chance to murder as many of them as she can and get called a hero for it anyway. You better believe she sides with Jarl Ulfric however because I hate killing ice wraiths personally I like to add an extra twist.. She pretends to join the Empire since killing a few bandits is nothing to her then she takes the Jagged Crown to Jarl Ulfric.. betraying those who betrayed her trust in Cyrodil.. the ones she trusted to protect her father and let him die, let her mother die, killed her family in the Dark Brotherhoodetc. It's just a glorified Fighters Guild whose higher members are Werewolves. Pick a side and stick with it! Enchanter (5), Soul Squeezer, Fire Enchanter, Soul Siphon, Frost Enchanter, Insightful Enchanter, Storm Enchanter, Corpus Enchanter, Extra Effect. It also draws the eye, as it is different than the normal Crusader titles you would see, such as Paladin of Meridia, Paladin of Mara, Paladin of Akatosh, Paladin of Auriel etc.



Image Creidts Viking Female and Viking Female 2 by Raph04art on DeviantArt, Screenshots from SSE, First picture from Google BANNERS BY DRAGONBORN. As Cicero is your friend from Cyrodil, and though he doesn't recognise you.. Help him anyway. [Smithing]: You'll want those specifically so work your way up to those particular smithing traits. Lycanthropy can be kept, so long as it is ONLY used on Vampire lairs, Bandit Lairs, Silver Hand, and during the Civil War questline against the Empire.You must allow Serana to turn you into a Vampire Lord as part of the DG questline, you must follow the exact same rules. College of Winterhold- I mostly say to join them so you can gain access to the master level Restoration spells.. things like bane of the undead, guardian circle etc. We are due to move soon. Caerwyn comes from a magical family, her father was a healer and her mother was a blacksmith skilled in crafting Enchanted weapons as well. This will give you at LEAST 100 percent magicka absorb.. if the game doesn't cap you off at like 80 or something, so their attacks will do basically no damage and you're free to either fight them from afar with Vampire Bane, Sun Fire or getting up close and personal with the Dawnguard Rune Axe. I'd think a Paladin would WANT to join the companions, for what greater accomplishment can a paladin take pride in than bringing those who are evil to the side of goodness. Most magic users are pretty devastating from a distance, but are worthless at close combat. If you dislike Vampirism, however, you may choose to remember the power you felt with the blood of the beast coursing through your veins, and retake the blood of the Wolf from Aela. After that, use it only when you feel you're overwhelmed, and rely on the strength of your sword-arm.. or in this case axe arm. Vampires are covered under Undead). I hope you enjoyed reading this, and Hope you enjoy playing it as much as I did creating it. Since this build relies on Light armor instead of Heavy, this is going to be a slightly more difficult task. Things like Vampire Bane, Sun Fire and Stendarr's Aura, if you don't have the Rune Shield, are all great to help give yourself an extra edge against the undead. This build is going to be a bit of an odd sounding one at first. (The muffle on the boots is mostly to reflect that you used to be an assassin, and as such are light and quiet on your feet. It also allows you to make new types of mead and that can be a fun little side quest to do to help the people celebrate their newfound path to redemption. Yes essentially, hit them til they break. You may alternatively choose to get the Steel Battleaxe of Firey Souls from Ironbind Barrow and disenchant it to make an axe of Firey Soul Trap and Fire Damage or sometihng like that.. really capitalize on the burning damage. Though many people choose to use Dawnbreaker, I've found little to no builds utilizing the Dawnguard Rune Axe which has a very unique attribute on it the Dawnguard Rune Axe stores energy from killing undead, increasing the sun damage it does to enemies over time. It's not right leaving her trapped there and she'd make a valuable asset if you were using a mod to rebuild Volkihar after the Vampires are all dead. I suggest blocking only in close quarters or to deflect arrows and move around a lot. It's not as easy as I would have liked but I have a couple here I could add. She always felt more comfortable with the heft of an axe in her hands than she did with a little knife.. and her choice to wield an Axe over a dagger has got her out of several sticky situations, Armsman (5), Fighting Stance, Hack and Slash (3), Critical Charge, Savage Strike, Paralyzing Strike. This character is mostly leaving a dark past behind and is seeking redemption through Heroism.. and after discovering she is the Dovahkiin, pursues this whole-heartedly in the act of seeking redemption. However, her father was killed in the war against the stormcloaks, having been drafted for the Imperial army and sent to Skyrim to act as a healer and support role.
Eternity shall be spent like this. What level is the complete build? Remember Should you choose to retake the blood of the wolf you can never take it again after this.. so if you choose to have Caerwyn retake the blood of the Vampire.. you must remain a Vampire for the rest of your playthrough. Morrowind's 20th Anniversary - Modathon, Prizes, Memories! Complete the questline, it and the Dawnguard Radiant quests will be how you earn "Workaday" job money after you leave the Thief's Guild and Dark Brotherhood behind you.
You also cannot remove Lycanthropy by curing it at the Tomb of Ysgramor, as that would be an insult to the Companions who helped you follow the path of redemption. Yes, she's mean, but I see her as evil too. Others I would suggest are St Alessia and perhaps Shor (elf-hater). Scrolls can save your life! I suggest you find an amulet or circlet of Waterbreathing.. A good way to level up Alteration, Smithing and Enchanting all in one is to get the Transmute Ore spellbook, use Alteration to turn iron into silver, silver into gold, smith the gold to make bars make gold rings and then enchant the gold rings and sell them for cash. However, her father was killed in the war against the stormcloaks, having been drafted for the Imperial army and sent to Skyrim to act as a healer and support role. My wife said she doesnt want Forgot to pause, came back to this. When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu. Copyright 2022 Black Tree Gaming Ltd. All rights reserved. DRAGON PRIESTS;These can be particularly tricky to deal with, as a lot of them wield powerful magic and magic staves, not to mention the Thu'um. Honest question are people still playing this on 360 ?
IF I could find any extra images that would suit this character I would have uploaded them.. [blockquote][b][url=/profile/Dragonborn1721]Dragonborn1921[/url] said:[/b]. I'm glad I could help though! Paladins abhor abominations and evil in general. Novice Restoration, Apprentice Restoration, Adept Restoration Expert Restoration Master Restoration, Regeneration, Recovery (2), Respite, Avoid Death, Necromage (get this after becoming a Vampire) *Optional* Ward Absorb. hese can be particularly tricky to deal with, as a lot of them wield powerful magic and magic staves, not to mention the Thu'um. Of course if you decide to use Alchemy I can't stop you but, Caerwyn doesn't like Alchemy it gives her a headache. Spare Cicero, he's your companion later after Serana is dealt with. Or does it need to be downloaded from nexus. Perks Chosen: Stealth (3), Muffled Movement, Light Foot. [Restoration]: Most of what she knows she learned from her father, mostly how to treat a few wounds and the like. With the Retaking Thirsk Mead Hall, you also gain access to tons of.. Stealth (3), Muffled Movement, Light Foot. Black Star-Black Star- Enchanting requires souls. So I would do that. She wields magic and axes too, though she wears heavy armor I find she could make a perfect Mentor type follower, someone that Caerwyn would idolise and even have a little girl crush on. To answer the question no one asked.
Sentences like this. Make sure, however, that you don't just lock your guild master armor in a chest, or blackguards if you got it from the Dragonborn DLC, Make sure you put it on a Mannequin in a house somewhere, so any time you come home you get that reminder of what you walked away from. As Caerwyn was hurt and betrayed by men who attempted to violate her, bandits and nobles alike, she has developed an acute distrust of men, and seeks only the arms of women for her companionship. Wouldn't make sense for a paladin to have dealings with or the corruption of Hircine. BANDITS; Chop everything then chop everything again! As you start off with the Dark Brotherhood you will keep Cicero with you as soon as you unlock him, partially because Cicero is a BEAST with one handed weaponry, but also because it follows the backstory.. he is your old best friend and though he has been driven to madness and does not remember you, travel with him anyway so you get a feeling of the home you lost. If you like you can also delve into the Fire perks of the Destruction skill, as most undead are weak to fire. That's a good idea, I'll see if I can do that, "A form of the Familiar conjuration spell makes more sense. Perks Chosen: Agile Defender (5), Custom Fit, Unhindered, Wind Walker, Matching Set, Deft Movement, [One Handed]: Yes I know usually an assassin would use a dagger, however Caerwyn is no ordinary girl. Main Questline, Dragonborn, Dawnguard(Side With Dawnguard)- This character is mostly leaving a dark past behind and is seeking redemption through Heroism.. and after discovering she is the Dovahkiin, pursues this whole-heartedly in the act of seeking redemption. It seems a google search for female viking would have netted you hundreds to choose from. While out on a contract, her sanctuary was slaughtered, the Night Mother's tomb of Bravil desecrated and of course everyone she held dear was killed.. so she fled. Just let me know if I can continue to. I suggest you get the mace before you meet Serana just because there's extra dialogue to say you're the Champion of Molag Bal and have her impressed with you. Other- Other than these you may do any questline you desire. Perks Chosen: Armsman (5), Fighting Stance, Hack and Slash (3), Critical Charge, Savage Strike, Paralyzing Strike. :P This is an area where the Restoration and Alteration skill trees won't make much difference for you. :P This is an area where the Restoration and Alteration skill trees won't make much difference for you. They should do double damage to such abominations as werewolves, undead, vampires, and demons. This build also uses the Dawnguard Rune Shield, which is a Light armor shield, which also is why I chose to make this a light armor build. I suggest you get the mace before you meet Serana just because there's extra dialogue to say you're the Champion of Molag Bal and have her impressed with you. ay up to those particular smithing traits. These should be basically the same as your fights against ordinary bandits.. though watch out for their frequent use of Poisons. After the DG is over with do not change Serana to a human, or get cured yourself, respect her right to live the life she chooses, and the gift she gave you. Don't hestitate to use scrolls! Would a paladin break into someone's house? I made Roggvir kill Vittoria Vici. Pick a side and stick with it! [Alteration]: The key reason for this skill tree is for the Atronach perk, which grants you 30 percent spell absorption. ), *Edited for Consistency, Spelling and a few other quests and decisions to the mix. Same deal as before, she views the Companions as honourable warriors and a guide to how she should be a hero. Yeah I thought so a bit too. Scrolls can save your life! Perks Chosen:Novice Alteration, Apprentice Alteration, Adept Alteration, Expert Alteration, Atronach (Take this AFTER getting Necromage), [Sneak]:Though you are a member of the Dark brotherhood, your true calling is to be your holy mission and heroism, so you're not going to max this out.
I just need to work out who that is. You may alternatively choose to get the Steel Battleaxe of Firey Souls from Ironbind Barrow and disenchant it to make an axe of Firey Soul Trap and Fire Damage or sometihng like that.. really capitalize on the burning damage. You may choose to obtain Eldergleam sap and fight the spriggans or get the sapling for the Blessings of Nature.. up to you if her dark nature causes her to hurt the tree, or she is sufficiently "Light side" enough to take the sapling instead. He attempted to have his way with her and she slaughtered him like a pig. Copyright 2022 Robin Scott. Roleplay wise, my character is a Nord, fighting for the Stormcloaks, who hates undead, vampires, and Elves, making Talos or Stendarr ideal choices. You may pursue the questline as far as you like.. the Mages are generally honourable so of course she'd have no issue with freeing the ghosts of the mages and killing Morokei. The Black Star allows you an infinite use black soul gem which means you can kill any random bandit and make a killer enchant.. no pun intended. I'll post the link to the mod below so you guys can see all the options and tell me your thoughts. Remember Should you choose to retake the blood of the wolf you can never take it again after this.. so if you choose to have Caerwyn retake the blood of the Vampire.. you must remain a Vampire for the rest of your playthrough. You may design Caerwyn however you like provided she is a Blonde Female Breton). [Block]: To maximise the gain from having a shield, you're obviously going to want the perks to make yourself more tanky. Spell?