On this day Goddess Parvati is worshipped. Carrying forward the Bhaubeej ceremony in traditional style, sisters' perform arti of their brother and apply a red tika on the brother's forehead. %&'()*456789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz ? School holidays : Http://www.moepiu.gov.np, Buddhism (Theravada) : Magh Sankrati } !1AQa"q2#BR$3br IF YOU NEED TRANSLATION INTO THIS COUNTRY's LANGUAGE(S), Edit - Easy Does I.T. Buddhism (Theravada) : First day of the Hindu Dashain Festival. (Wikipedia).
JFIF ,, Exif MM * z ( 1 2 i Canon , , 2021:03:25 14:58:04 0221 0100 Q j 2021:03:25 14:58:04 C j Q ] {o_/w?'V|/D{5YqGC/?mk!4zhm ?l|WOu=|:o_~/F koP. - 16 bis rue d'Odessa - Boite 37 - 75014 Paris (France), Makar Sankranti/Pongal/Magh Bihu/Tusu Puja. The jollity often goes on till midnight, after which the 24hour fast starts. Keep your email address to subscribe to us. Gambia, today is your national day! +{Vg/? Copyright 2021 Advertising Nepal Pvt. (G) Nepalese Year starts and ends in mid-April. List of Holidays to be effective from 2021/04/14 to 2022/04/13, Jitiya Parwa(For Female Employees following Jitiya Parwa), Phalgunanda Jayanti (For Employees following Kiratism), Guru Nanak Jayanti (For Employees following Sikhism), International Disability Day (For Disabled Employee), Phagu Purnima (For Kathamandu Valley and Pokhara Office), Phagu Purnima (For Offices other than Kathmandu Valley and Pokhara Office), Public holidays for a particular religion, community, and region: Ubhauli Parwa(For Kirat, Rai, Yakhkha, Sunuwar, Limbu), Chandi Purnima, Bakar Eid/Eid at Adha (For Islam Religion only), Kirat Udhauli Parwa, Yomari Punhi Jyapu Dibas (Dhanya Purnima), Siruwa Pawani Parwa (For Jhapa, Morang, Sunsari, Sirha and Saptari). A colourful and traditional festival with many a ceremony devoted to various deities and cattle races. 1 0 obj
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Buddhism (Theravada) : Tamang New Year - This community has a tradition of associating years with the symbols of 12 different animals (starting with Rat and ending with Boar). (H) # As declared by the Government of Nepal. In return brothers bless their sisters and treat them with Bhaubeej or cash gifts.
Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB), Human Resource Management Department published the list of public holidays for the year 2078. Its totally free of cost and will be free forever. in honor of the contribution of then King Prithivi Narayan Shah, the builder of modern Nepal.
She also affectionately applied tilak on Krishna's forehead. All subscribed viewer's get daily email alert after the notice has been uploaded. No need to sign up or create profile to get notices. (F) * Full Holiday only for Kathmandu Valley. Women, married and unmarried, mainly of Khas ethnicity, assemble at one place, in their finest attire and start dancing and singing devotional songs. %PDF-1.4 % Get all Bank and Financial Institutions Notice, The Latest News, New schemes, Upcoming events, Audio Notice, Investment Opportunity, Branch Finder and Important Information in one app. (1) 10:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. (Sunday to Thursday, from 2021/04/14 to 2021/11/01, & from 2022/01/30 to 2022/04/13), (2) 10:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. (Sunday to Thursday, from 2021/11/02 to 2022/01/29), (3) 10:00 A.M. to 1:30 P.M. (Every Friday), (1) 10:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. (Sunday to Thursday, from 2021/04/14 to 2021/11/01, & from 2022/01/30 to 2022/04/13), (2) 10:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. (Sunday to Thursday, from 2021/11/02 to 2022/01/29), (3) 10:00 A.M. to 12:30 P.M. (Every Friday). The list of Banking Holidays effective from 2077-04-14 to 2022-04-13 (2078 Baishakh 1 to 2078 Chaitra 31) in all banking and financial institutions in Nepal. Hinduism : Celebration of the harvest, which is observed for three days: Bhogi Pongal, Surya Pongal and Mattu Pongal. EDIT wishes you all the best on this special day. Ltd. (Triumph Media Pvt. observed by women only. Amidst all this, the grand feast takes place. Since then the custom of celebrating Bhaubeej or Bhai Bij started. Hinduism : Dedicated to the Hindu Sun God, Surya, also known as Surya Shashti.
Hinduism : Called Bhaubeej in India, this is a Bhai Bij legend in Hindu mythology: after slaying Narkasur, Lord Krishna visited his sister Subhadra who gave him a warm welcome with sweets and flowers. cards/flowers : Dedicated to the Hindu Sun God, Surya, also known as Surya Shashti. Branch Opening Schedule is published by Nepal Bank Limited published on on 2077-5-11. Ltd.) All rights reserved as per, Asia/ Pacific Group on Money Laundering (APG), Financial Consumer Protection Portal ( ). Kalash, (holy water vessel) symbolizing the goddess Durga often with her image embossed on the side is placed in the prayer room. Hinduism : Teej, Hartalika. This teeka ceremony, on the occasion of Bhai Bij signifies sister's sincerest prayers for the long and happy life of her brother. (=?1_

Buddhism (Theravada) : Tamang New Year - This community has a tradition of associating years with the symbols of 12 different animals (starting with Rat and ending with Boar). (H) # As declared by the Government of Nepal. In return brothers bless their sisters and treat them with Bhaubeej or cash gifts.
She also affectionately applied tilak on Krishna's forehead. All subscribed viewer's get daily email alert after the notice has been uploaded. No need to sign up or create profile to get notices. (F) * Full Holiday only for Kathmandu Valley. Women, married and unmarried, mainly of Khas ethnicity, assemble at one place, in their finest attire and start dancing and singing devotional songs. %PDF-1.4 % Get all Bank and Financial Institutions Notice, The Latest News, New schemes, Upcoming events, Audio Notice, Investment Opportunity, Branch Finder and Important Information in one app. (1) 10:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. (Sunday to Thursday, from 2021/04/14 to 2021/11/01, & from 2022/01/30 to 2022/04/13), (2) 10:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. (Sunday to Thursday, from 2021/11/02 to 2022/01/29), (3) 10:00 A.M. to 1:30 P.M. (Every Friday), (1) 10:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. (Sunday to Thursday, from 2021/04/14 to 2021/11/01, & from 2022/01/30 to 2022/04/13), (2) 10:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. (Sunday to Thursday, from 2021/11/02 to 2022/01/29), (3) 10:00 A.M. to 12:30 P.M. (Every Friday). The list of Banking Holidays effective from 2077-04-14 to 2022-04-13 (2078 Baishakh 1 to 2078 Chaitra 31) in all banking and financial institutions in Nepal. Hinduism : Celebration of the harvest, which is observed for three days: Bhogi Pongal, Surya Pongal and Mattu Pongal. EDIT wishes you all the best on this special day. Ltd. (Triumph Media Pvt. observed by women only. Amidst all this, the grand feast takes place. Since then the custom of celebrating Bhaubeej or Bhai Bij started. Hinduism : Dedicated to the Hindu Sun God, Surya, also known as Surya Shashti.
Hinduism : Called Bhaubeej in India, this is a Bhai Bij legend in Hindu mythology: after slaying Narkasur, Lord Krishna visited his sister Subhadra who gave him a warm welcome with sweets and flowers. cards/flowers : Dedicated to the Hindu Sun God, Surya, also known as Surya Shashti. Branch Opening Schedule is published by Nepal Bank Limited published on on 2077-5-11. Ltd.) All rights reserved as per, Asia/ Pacific Group on Money Laundering (APG), Financial Consumer Protection Portal ( ). Kalash, (holy water vessel) symbolizing the goddess Durga often with her image embossed on the side is placed in the prayer room. Hinduism : Teej, Hartalika. This teeka ceremony, on the occasion of Bhai Bij signifies sister's sincerest prayers for the long and happy life of her brother. (=?1_