Opens in a new browser tab. Free banking for organisations with income under 50,000 per year. purchase of
Note that some banks only offer accounts to registered charities. 9AM - 6PM, Saturday
in 1981 and has
Representative example (based on using a Reward Current Account). To qualify for the 150 switching offer (the offer) you must switch to a Reward Current Account or Ultimate Reward Current Account using the Current Account Switch Service to switch from a bank account held with another bank. Visit the Halifax Facebook page. At least one of the signatories must be an existing RBS customer.
For further information about the compensation provided by the FSCS, refer to the FSCS website at If a business (or otherwise commercial ad) is posted using an individual option, the ad may be removed without notice. Exercise critical thinking and use caution. You must be logged in to your account in order to post a comment.
When everything is entered as youd like, click the Post Classified button. Unless they have an account with that bank already it will usually be necessary for them to go to the branch in person with: New applicants may also need to provide several months worth of personal bank statements, or other proof of their financial situation. $6.3 Million in
Avoid entering any personal or contact information, as people can respond to your ad through your CityNews Halifax account. Any item that is counterfeit or stolen, including items that are: "Replicas," "knock-offs," in the same "style" as, or "fake" versions of a name brand product. The Ameriflex Participant Services team is available Monday Friday: 7:00 AM to 8:00 PM CST and Saturday: 9:00 AM to 1 :00 PM CST. you with a
Currently only accepting applications from existing customers.
Any ad selling animals on an ongoing basis (breeding) must be paid for. Ask the local police if they have an internet purchase zone set up in your community. *All overdrafts are subject to application and repayable on demand.
The Trailblazer Community helps everyone thrive in the Salesforce economy. Banks usually refer to community groups as Clubs and Societies. An accompanying message will be posted explaining that comments on the story "have been closed because an overwhelming number of readers were making statements that could be considered offensive, libelous, untrue or vulgar.". Most categories will have options for individuals and businesses. At least one of the signatories must be an existing Natwest customer. Treasurer, Mary J. Collie, Asst. Live Chat:, 4928 Linksland Drive If there are any errors, well let you know so you can make any necessary corrections. Is there a branch located in a place that is convenient for your group? Join Community Groups to learn Salesforce with your peers, build your network, and find mentors. You switch to any account other than a Reward Current Account or Ultimate Reward Current Account. Join us as we learn, connect, have fun, and give back together. Businesses and other commercial enterprises (including home businesses) are required to choose the business option. To find out more, seeourPrivacy noticeforwebsite users. Then, choose the Type, which will have a free option for most categories, along with some paid options that will make your listing for visible or make it stay up for longer. Before you make a purchase, its important to verify that the expense is eligible under the rules of your plan. CityNews Halifax does not participate in, nor is it a party to, any Classifieds transactions. If you suspect your account has been compromised, change your password immediately.
Free everyday banking when you stay in credit. Opinions can be expressed without foul language. Click the register button atop the right corner of the home screen. Our app does not work on jailbroken or rooted devices. We can
Sellers and buyers are responsible for all applicable taxes and for all costs incurred by participating in CityNews Halifax Classifieds.
Other types of automated payments, such as standing orders and recurring card payments, wont count towards this; and. You must be aged 18 or over to apply. Avoid giving out too much personal information to strangers on the Internet. Individual contracts, services, and any item that is non-transferable. vehicle. Type your comment into the box and when you are satisfied with the content, click submit. utilities bill, benefit letter, tax demand, Waiting list of approximately 4 weeks for an appointment to open a new account, Groups with an account at another bank cant switch to Barclays at the moment, Groups must have charitable aims and annual turnover of less than 100,000, Check eligibility on their website, then call0800 515 462 to start your application. Posting an ad for the sole purpose of collecting user information or raising money. Copyright 2010. Any item for gaining unauthorized entry to a place or vehicle including lock-picking devices, vehicle master keys, and other devices. Inauthentic sports collectibles, celebrity autographs, or otherwise inauthentic versions of memorabilia or other items with inauthentic signatures. assist you
Cheque book, paying in book and debit card provided. Account
To find out more visit.
Below are some bank accounts that are available for community groups. Legal reasons: If comments breach a publication ban when the story involves a trial, crime or other legal case, or when comments contain information that could put us at legal risk, comments will not be opened at the time the story is posted. Switch your bank account held elsewhere to a Reward Current Account or Ultimate Reward Current Account using the Current account switch service. If you lose your card, you can request a complimentary replacement by logging into your Ameriflex account or the Ameriflex mobile app. You must be 18 or over to apply. You can use it to borrow money up to an agreed limit through your bank account. You are solely responsible for actions taken under your account, and you should not disclose your login information to anyone else. Listings not relevant to the local community served by CityNews Halifax. assets and Most categories have a free option, but some categories for high-value items like real estate or cars may not. 2022 If your account has an arranged overdraft, you will not pay any daily arranged overdraft interest for 6 months provided you stay within your arranged overdraft limit and do not increase or otherwise alter the arranged overdraft limit agreed. 5,250 members. ), Charity Registration confirmation / Trust deed (if group is a charity), Memorandum and Articles of Association (if the group is a limited company), Proof of identity e.g. You wont be eligible if youve received an incentive for switching to a Halifax account since April 2020. Pay the agreed upon price when purchasing something from a seller. your new or You can use the representative APR to compare with other products or credit providers, this can help you make sure that you choose the right type of borrowing for you. There's a 3 monthly fee for maintaining the account, however if you pay in 1,500 or more each month, you won't pay the fee. There are lots of scams out there, and while we try to catch and remove these listings, CityNews Halifax is not immune. Gambling items (lottery tickets, sweepstakes, pyramid schemes, grab bags, raffles, slot machines, etc.). You can view, edit, delete or renew your ads by clicking on My Ads at the top of the Classifieds. You may not offer any item for sale that is not in your possession, you do not have the right to sell, or that does not exist at the time of the ad.
your home or
You are switching to a joint account and one of the parties to the joint account has already received a switching offer since April 2020. You may not submit any Classified listing which is in violation of CityNews Halifaxs Community Guidelines or Terms of Service. Have at least three people who are named as signatories for the account, any two of whom can sign cheques. It is everyones responsibility to make it a place for intelligent, insightful and entertaining conversation. If your group cannot open a bank account for some reason, or you need a system to use while you wait for your account to be opened, you may want to consider using an online hosting service like Accountable. To help you during your switch, we may be able to arrange an interest-free arranged overdraft for 6 months, subject to application and approval. Opens in a new browser tab. We use some essential cookies to make our website work properly. Lobby Hours
If you are unable to access your account, use the Forgot Password feature to have a reset link emailed to you. Find information about account fees, reward payments, overdrafts and more. Our bank account and savings account for 11 to 15 year olds. These accounts are all available to unregistered community groups and charities. We have reason to believe that you have violated or have tried to violate the rights of others. As your new current-account provider we offer the following guarantee. To qualify for the interest-free offer you must: Any questions on the switcher overdraft offer? Your satisfaction is our top priority, and our team of experts are ready to help whenever you need it. Bootleg recordings of concerts, movies, or other performances. Click OK to accept all cookies and carry on using the site. There's a 17 monthly fee for maintaining the account. Conduct business in a public place if at all possible. When you submit data (including writing, photography, video, etc.) Federal Credit
Chairman, J.
These listings are posted by our audience, not by CityNews Halifax. Examples include but not limited to: CityNews Halifax encourages you to post ads in Classifieds as long as they are not duplicates or other forms of spam, or otherwise inconsistent with our Guidelines or Terms of Service. If a problematic comment slips through moderation, users can alert our moderators by flagging the comment. Listings that are not for a legitimate item, announcement, event or service. You should delete your ad when your item sells. How do you apply for an arranged overdraft?
What happens after the 0% interest free period ends? An arranged overdraft on a Reward Current Account has a variable interest rate of39.9% EAR, and a variable representative rate of39.9% APR, based on borrowing1,200. What will you put in your neighbourhood newsletter? Assistance
If youd like to add a photo to your listing, click the SELECT button to locate the photo on your device. Any item that infringes the rights of a third party, including items that violate copyrights, trademarks, publicity, or privacy rights of third parties. All animal breeder ads are considered business ads and must be placed as a paid business ad.
Comply with applicable laws. Comply with CityNews Halifaxs rules. Other than responding to suspected fraudulent or illegal listings, CityNews Halifax does not participate in, nor is it a party to, any Classifieds transactions. Make sure you set your account up so that at least two people are required to sign each cheque, or approve withdrawals. The daily arranged overdraft interest rate will be based on how you manage any accounts with us and on the credit information we hold about you. Eligible deposits with us are protected by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS). Supervisory
The online community at CityNews Halifax exists to provide a platform for people to express their views on the stories making news headlines in our community. Your credentials for the MyAmeriflex Portal and the MyAmeriflex Mobile App are the same; there is no need for separate login information! Once your six month interest-free period ends we will charge interest daily. Downvote: downvote or thumbs down a comment if you dislike or disagree with it. Federal Credit
This community is shaped by the people who have a voice here. County Community
Most high street banks offer some kind of community group account. Any item that has been the subject of a product recall. services to
If youve posted a paid ad before, there may already be a credit card saved to your account. It will only take seven working days.
Any item or service that is harmful to minors, obscene, or otherwise objectionable. Never forget that even behind a username and without providing any personal information, you are still NOT anonymous online. Both Seller and Buyer should exercise caution and use their best judgement. Comments are also moderated by the community of readers and staff. If there are any issues in making the switch, we will contact you before your switch date. You must accurately describe the item or service you are selling. You need a CityNews Halifax account in order to post. The Service Center number is located at the bottom of this page. Connect with fellow Trailblazers by collaborating online, joining Community Groups, and learning from amazing Community Leaders. After registering, you can log into your account to: Update your reimbursement method, and more. We have put together some information for small groups in the UK on how to fill in this form (its less complicated than it looks!). Rude, disrespectful and unreasonable comments are automatically sent to moderation via this tool. Not all Telephone Banking services are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. 9AM - Noon, William E. Coleman,
If your comment has disappeared it is likely that it is under review by our moderators.
We have reason to believe that your account has been compromised or is fraudulent. Bodies, body parts, bodily fluids.
Profanity: Keep it clean. Use the Current Account Switch Service. Enable push notifications on your device. Halifax
This is the quickest and easiest way to access your account on the go. By submitting this data to CityNews Halifax, however, you grant CityNews Halifax unlimited use of that data, including republishing, use in news coverage, etc. Click details and how to link your accounts. Examples include but are not limited to: You may not use CityNews Halifax Classifieds for posting anything that CityNews Halifax deems unethical or dangerous to the community. immediately and without notice if: We have reason to believe that you have violated the spirit or the letter of the CityNews Halifax Community Guidelines or Terms of Service. The offer will be paid directly into your account within 3 working days of your switch completing and will appear as a cash credit. Sign in or register for your free account. If you are a registered charity, a charitable or discretionary trust, a limited company that is a registered charity, a parish council or local authority, call 0345 606 0286 to apply. You can apply for an arranged overdraft with the following accounts: All overdrafts are subject to our assessment of your circumstances and are repayable in full on demand. Get more from your account with a monthly reward. Whether you can have an arranged overdraft and the amount will depend upon your personal circumstances at the time you apply for one.
Choose the most appropriate category and then enter a title, price, description.
You can post an ad using the Post an Ad link at the top of the Classifieds. You cannot withdraw cash, or get a cheque book or debit card., Information on our overdraft offer when you switch, Find out more about overdrafts and switching, Financial Services Compensation Scheme page, Worldwide multi-trip family travel insurance, Earn 5 or a lifestyle benefit each calendar month choose a Reward Extras offer and get rewarded when you meet a, Access to our secure Mobile Banking app and Online Banking, Use the Current Account Switch Service to transfer all the active credits and debits from the bank account that you hold with another bank to a Reward Current Account (3 monthly maintaining the account fee) or Ultimate Reward Current Account (17 monthly maintaining the account fee). How much does my overdraft cost in pounds and pence?
Education Officer, Denise Taylor-Forrest,
We will take care of moving all your payments going out (for example, your Direct Debits and standing orders) and those coming in (for example, your salary).
Personal attacks: Name calling, threats and verbal abuse directed at another individual will not be tolerated.
All rights reserved. Your CityNews Halifax account allows you to participate in Commenting, Classifieds, Auctions, Contests and other features in our online community. Go to and click Login from the upper right hand corner. Classifieds. Classifieds are posted directly by our audience, not by CityNews Halifax staff. Protection & peace of mind with our packaged account that comes with lots of added extras. Available only for organisations based in East Sussex or Brighton & Hove. (Please note: Pets may be offered for sale on CityNews Halifax Classifieds.). cheque book, internet banking, phone banking, debit card)? Spam: Messages promoting commercial entities or competing media sites will be removed. Full terms and conditions can be found below. You can delete your comment at any time by clicking the delete icon just below your comment. We will also contact the sender and give them your new account details. This may include an ad that instructs the user(s) to contact the person/company posting the ad for more information and then require the user to pay a fee for that information. & Auto
To help you during your switch, we may be able to arrange an interest-free arranged overdraft for 6 months, subject to application and approval. Examples include, but are not limited to: Unauthorized copies of software, music, video games, movies, photos, or other media.
And well close down your old account for you when its done. Any used goods not appropriate for resale for safety, health, or other reasons, including any clothing items that have not been appropriately cleaned. Call: 888.868.3539 CityNews Halifax does not screen or control users who may sell or buy on Classifieds, nor does CityNews Halifax review or authenticate all listings, items, or services offered for sale. If you need any information about our overdrafts, please visit: Only one offer is available per customer. Just fill in our simple online form and well take care of the rest. Counterfeit, or for the purpose of producing counterfeit, currency, stamps, government identification. We welcome all, and we love to succeed together. Its important to make sure the account meets your groups particular needs. books and
If CityNews Halifax suspects your account is fraudulent, or is being used to harass, defame, spam, or is breaking laws, or is breaking our rules, your account may be temporarily or permanently suspended. If you choose a paid option, you will need to enter a credit card. Posting identical ads in the same category and location. Direct debits set up or transferred after your switch has been started will not count towards this offer. Please help us keep CityNews Halifax Classifieds an enjoyable and positive experience. Drive Thru Hours, inc. All rights reserved. An arranged overdraft can act as a useful safety net. If you've already got a current account with us you can log onto Online or Mobile Banking and see if there is an option to extend your arranged overdraft. Most banks now offer internet banking and the use of debit cards. more!
9AM - 5PM, Friday - If you see a listing that violates our Community Guidelines, please contact The following conditions apply: We have designed the Current Account Switch Service to let you switch your current account from one bank or building society to another in a simple, reliable and stress-free way.
Comments will be removed. You can set up a Wave Community Bank account so that transactions require authorisation from two signatories (this is usually required by funders), but in that case you cant use their online banking services. Union opened
You can nominate as many bank accounts as you like to receive transfers. We welcome all, and we love to succeed together. Do reporters and writers read and respond to comments?
Offensive usernames: If your username includes words that are offensive or abusive, your account will be blocked. Comments
Before applying for an account, check that: To open a Club and Society account you will be asked for proof that your group is a voluntary, non-profit-making organisation and not a private business.
With the current account switch service it'll only take 7 working days. loan to pay Illegal activities: Libellous statements or comments that include false or unsubstantiated allegations will be removed. Posting an ad with inappropriate links, titles, descriptions, or unauthorized use of content to which the person posting does not have rights. Cigarettes, illegal drugs, drug paraphernalia (including items to grow, manufacture, or distribute the same), prescription drugs, and medical devices, including any medical device that requires fitting by a certified practitioner or licensed seller. provides It is important for keeping track of your groups money and making sure it does not get mixed up with individuals money. Halifax Everyone is entitled to their opinions, so please debate the issues fairly and be constructive. Information for community groups about choosing a bank and opening an account. Upvote: upvote or thumbs up a comment if you like or agree with it. Posting an ad that requires a user to register before getting detailed information about the product or position. for tuition, Fireworks, explosives, or any hazardous material or restricted chemical. Accountableacts like a bank and holds money on behalf of your group, and you use their online platform to manage your outgoings and income. Treasurer, Freddie Jeffress, Jr., Attempt to resolve any disputes with the Seller. used Be careful to fill the application form in thoroughly, and send all the information that is requested. Specifically for not-for-profit organisations with income under 250,000 per year. (the app is not compatible with some older versions of the operating systems check the App Store or Google Play for more details). You change your existing account to a Reward Current Account or Ultimate Reward Current Account but you do not move your account from another bank using the Current Account Switch Service before the switching deadline. The views expressed by our audience in the Comments do not necessarily reflect or represent the views of CityNews Halifax, its staff or contributors. Let us help For more information on how to look after your money and keep your accounts, see our information sheets Your Groups Money, Role of the Treasurer and Financial Rules. CityNews Halifax may take action to delete classifieds ads and/or CityNews Halifax user accounts that we believe are misusing this service. A really useful place for community groups, Managing funds for short-lived crisis-response groups, Legal structures for community groups and not-for-profit organisations, Entity Tax Residency Self-certification form, Getting outside help with starting a group, Support for Tenants' and Residents' Associations, Support for Resource Centre Member Groups, Favourite Funders for capital and equipment costs, National Lottery Reaching Communities England, The Southern Co-operative: Love your neighbourhood fund, Favourite Funders for existing activities and running costs, Brighton & Hove City Council Communities Fund: Resilience Fund, Brighton & Hove City Council Communities Fund: Engagement Fund, Brighton District Nursing Association Trust, Sanctuary Housing Community Investment Fund, Trust House Charitable Foundation Small Grants, Favourite Funders for specific projects and new activities, Cameron Grants for Innovation in Mental Health, Sport England Queen's Platinum Jubilee Activity Fund, Sussex Police and Crime Commissioner Community Safety Fund, Hiring equipment from the Resource Centre, Licensing and regulations for events and fundraising activities, Public liability and employer's liability, Independent examinations of accounts at the Resource Centre, Quick tasks for treasurers during the Covid-19 pandemic, Responsibilities of the Management Committee, Equality and diversity policies for small groups, Using the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS), Getting outside help with running your group, State your case: how to write a campaign briefing, Getting outside help with organising events and activities, A community group's guide to radio and TV interviews.
The Trailblazer Community helps everyone thrive in the Salesforce economy. Banks usually refer to community groups as Clubs and Societies. An accompanying message will be posted explaining that comments on the story "have been closed because an overwhelming number of readers were making statements that could be considered offensive, libelous, untrue or vulgar.". Most categories will have options for individuals and businesses. At least one of the signatories must be an existing Natwest customer. Treasurer, Mary J. Collie, Asst. Live Chat:, 4928 Linksland Drive If there are any errors, well let you know so you can make any necessary corrections. Is there a branch located in a place that is convenient for your group? Join Community Groups to learn Salesforce with your peers, build your network, and find mentors. You switch to any account other than a Reward Current Account or Ultimate Reward Current Account. Join us as we learn, connect, have fun, and give back together. Businesses and other commercial enterprises (including home businesses) are required to choose the business option. To find out more, seeourPrivacy noticeforwebsite users. Then, choose the Type, which will have a free option for most categories, along with some paid options that will make your listing for visible or make it stay up for longer. Before you make a purchase, its important to verify that the expense is eligible under the rules of your plan. CityNews Halifax does not participate in, nor is it a party to, any Classifieds transactions. If you suspect your account has been compromised, change your password immediately.

Below are some bank accounts that are available for community groups. Legal reasons: If comments breach a publication ban when the story involves a trial, crime or other legal case, or when comments contain information that could put us at legal risk, comments will not be opened at the time the story is posted. Switch your bank account held elsewhere to a Reward Current Account or Ultimate Reward Current Account using the Current account switch service. If you lose your card, you can request a complimentary replacement by logging into your Ameriflex account or the Ameriflex mobile app. You must be 18 or over to apply. You can use it to borrow money up to an agreed limit through your bank account. You are solely responsible for actions taken under your account, and you should not disclose your login information to anyone else. Listings not relevant to the local community served by CityNews Halifax. assets and Most categories have a free option, but some categories for high-value items like real estate or cars may not. 2022 If your account has an arranged overdraft, you will not pay any daily arranged overdraft interest for 6 months provided you stay within your arranged overdraft limit and do not increase or otherwise alter the arranged overdraft limit agreed. 5,250 members. ), Charity Registration confirmation / Trust deed (if group is a charity), Memorandum and Articles of Association (if the group is a limited company), Proof of identity e.g. You wont be eligible if youve received an incentive for switching to a Halifax account since April 2020. Pay the agreed upon price when purchasing something from a seller. your new or You can use the representative APR to compare with other products or credit providers, this can help you make sure that you choose the right type of borrowing for you. There's a 3 monthly fee for maintaining the account, however if you pay in 1,500 or more each month, you won't pay the fee. There are lots of scams out there, and while we try to catch and remove these listings, CityNews Halifax is not immune. Gambling items (lottery tickets, sweepstakes, pyramid schemes, grab bags, raffles, slot machines, etc.). You can view, edit, delete or renew your ads by clicking on My Ads at the top of the Classifieds. You may not offer any item for sale that is not in your possession, you do not have the right to sell, or that does not exist at the time of the ad.

9AM - 5PM, Friday - If you see a listing that violates our Community Guidelines, please contact The following conditions apply: We have designed the Current Account Switch Service to let you switch your current account from one bank or building society to another in a simple, reliable and stress-free way.

With the current account switch service it'll only take 7 working days. loan to pay Illegal activities: Libellous statements or comments that include false or unsubstantiated allegations will be removed. Posting an ad with inappropriate links, titles, descriptions, or unauthorized use of content to which the person posting does not have rights. Cigarettes, illegal drugs, drug paraphernalia (including items to grow, manufacture, or distribute the same), prescription drugs, and medical devices, including any medical device that requires fitting by a certified practitioner or licensed seller. provides It is important for keeping track of your groups money and making sure it does not get mixed up with individuals money. Halifax Everyone is entitled to their opinions, so please debate the issues fairly and be constructive. Information for community groups about choosing a bank and opening an account. Upvote: upvote or thumbs up a comment if you like or agree with it. Posting an ad that requires a user to register before getting detailed information about the product or position. for tuition, Fireworks, explosives, or any hazardous material or restricted chemical. Accountableacts like a bank and holds money on behalf of your group, and you use their online platform to manage your outgoings and income. Treasurer, Freddie Jeffress, Jr., Attempt to resolve any disputes with the Seller. used Be careful to fill the application form in thoroughly, and send all the information that is requested. Specifically for not-for-profit organisations with income under 250,000 per year. (the app is not compatible with some older versions of the operating systems check the App Store or Google Play for more details). You change your existing account to a Reward Current Account or Ultimate Reward Current Account but you do not move your account from another bank using the Current Account Switch Service before the switching deadline. The views expressed by our audience in the Comments do not necessarily reflect or represent the views of CityNews Halifax, its staff or contributors. Let us help For more information on how to look after your money and keep your accounts, see our information sheets Your Groups Money, Role of the Treasurer and Financial Rules. CityNews Halifax may take action to delete classifieds ads and/or CityNews Halifax user accounts that we believe are misusing this service. A really useful place for community groups, Managing funds for short-lived crisis-response groups, Legal structures for community groups and not-for-profit organisations, Entity Tax Residency Self-certification form, Getting outside help with starting a group, Support for Tenants' and Residents' Associations, Support for Resource Centre Member Groups, Favourite Funders for capital and equipment costs, National Lottery Reaching Communities England, The Southern Co-operative: Love your neighbourhood fund, Favourite Funders for existing activities and running costs, Brighton & Hove City Council Communities Fund: Resilience Fund, Brighton & Hove City Council Communities Fund: Engagement Fund, Brighton District Nursing Association Trust, Sanctuary Housing Community Investment Fund, Trust House Charitable Foundation Small Grants, Favourite Funders for specific projects and new activities, Cameron Grants for Innovation in Mental Health, Sport England Queen's Platinum Jubilee Activity Fund, Sussex Police and Crime Commissioner Community Safety Fund, Hiring equipment from the Resource Centre, Licensing and regulations for events and fundraising activities, Public liability and employer's liability, Independent examinations of accounts at the Resource Centre, Quick tasks for treasurers during the Covid-19 pandemic, Responsibilities of the Management Committee, Equality and diversity policies for small groups, Using the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS), Getting outside help with running your group, State your case: how to write a campaign briefing, Getting outside help with organising events and activities, A community group's guide to radio and TV interviews.