tinymce auto resize max height

Don't you think the following behavior could be useful in some cases? So when editor is initialized, it reaches maximum height of 300px, and most of content is hidden. Well occasionally send you account related emails. When autoresizeis ON, max_height option sets the maximum height the editor can automatically expand to, and also blocks manual resizing above specified value, Without the autoresize plugin, max_height allows you to set the maximum height that a user can stretch the entire TinyMCE interface. Or do i have to buildt a new pllugin for the editor? is there anywhere where this can be configeruared? This issue happens in v5.x.x That is normal behavior, especially when page with TinyMCE is loaded pretty often without the need to check text or add any further modifications to it. You would need to create a custom plugin for that. I think my original response is incorrect. may I agree that you should be able to achieve your use case, I've looked into all the settings available and it doesn't appear to be possible to do this currently. Here's a solution. be paid a fee by the merchant. Sorry about that! necessarily indicate any affiliation or endorsement of FaqCode4U.com. You need a license though for ImageResizer to get the disc cache working but it's a negligable cost. But it shouldn't affect manual resizing if resize is set to true. max_height affects manual resizing when autoresize is ON. Have a question about this project? in WordPress, content - Is there a way to trigger an automatic import of a WP backup on creation of a new WP multisite site? You signed in with another tab or window. in WordPress, menus - How do I get my wp_nav_menu single category page to highlight the parent? in WordPress, customization - What Is The Difference Between suppress_errors() And hide_errors() in $wpdb? Already on GitHub? See the Support page for contact information. meilleur systme Create a file in tinymce-autoresize named editor_plugin.js with this content: Terms of Use - Privacy Policy - DMCA - Contact, plugins - Integrating WP as a CMS with a Bug Tracker in WordPress, login - wp-admin seems to be redirecting in WordPress, customization - Looking for a lightweight theme using WP3 new tags and features (not 2010) in WordPress, migration - Do you have any effective strategies for launching a v2 of a WP site? Basing on migration docs the autoresize_max_height was replaced with max_height in v5.x.x. 2. If you're already using ImageResizer (https://imageresizing.net/), I guess the easiest thing would be to create a display template for XhtmlString property(Views / Shared / DisplayTemplate / XhtmlString.cshtml) and append width/heightto images. If youd like to give feedback about this site, please. In previous versions autoresize_max_height was working correctly. Thanks for your response. How to make the height of tinymce editor change with content. in WordPress, plugins - How to get last_updated and newest_blogs in WP 3.0 in WordPress. The display of third-party trademarks and trade names on this site does not The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: Hi @Amazzing, in TinyMCE 5 these two settings were combined - the original behaviour was unintended. With the autoresize plugin, max_height sets the maximum height the editor can automatically expand to. to your account, What is the current behavior? There's a slight problem as it doest recognize when images are added to the editor. : tinymce.init({ plugins: "autoresize", autoresize_bottom_margin: 50, autoresize_max_height: 500, autoresize_min_height: 350, autoresize_on_init: true, autoresize_overflow_padding: 50}); These options do not have to be set. https://www.dcaric.com/blog/resizing-images-in-episerver. Sign in privacy statement. I would go with the ImageResizer track too. With the autoresize plugin, max_height sets the maximum height the editor can automatically expand to. maxAllowedContentLength attributes in web.config (IIS) ? Which versions of TinyMCE, and which browser / OS are affected by this issue? Thanks for raising this issue. in WordPress, security - Can I rename the wp-admin folder? in WordPress, query - WP_Query older new links navigation? By default, you only need to set plugins: "autoresize" . The easiest way is to add the Autoresize plugin during configuration: tinymce.init({ selector: "textarea",//change this value according to your HTML plugins: "autoresize"}); The plug-in has 5 options, you can set the maximum height, minimum height, distance from the bottom, etc. Did this work in previous versions of TinyMCE? In this case it could be useful to resize editor manually beyond 300px limitation.

Create a file in tinymce-autoresize named tinymce_autoresize.php with this content: 3. Hi, @JamesToohey! Source: http://www.talkwithtrend.com/Article/218661, Reprinted at: https://www.cnblogs.com/hao-1234-1234/p/9002285.html, Reference : https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_30414155/article/details/94876450. I wrote a blog post on this one:https://www.dcaric.com/blog/resizing-images-in-episerver. For example you have a long text in TinyMCE. When editors uploads though the richtext editor, I want tochange the upload limit the size of files, to limit the size of images. If you click a merchant link and buy a product or service on their website, we 2021 FaqCode4U.com. 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But it shouldn't affect manual resizing if resize is set to true. Sign up for a free GitHub account to open an issue and contact its maintainers and the community. Could it be you're confusing it with the global maxRequestLength ormaxAllowedContentLength attributes in web.config (IIS) ? 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But let's say you would like to add some modification to text, or just want to get a full view without scrollbar. After looking into this again I believe your interpretation of the max_height setting is correct according to our documentation. AFAIK, TinyMCE does not have a setting for limiting file size, only attributes like base upload path, file types and file names (see TinyMCE doc). The new behaviour is expected, the setting is supposed to be applied consistently regardless of enabled plugins. Without the autoresize plugin, max_height allows you to set the maximum height that a user can stretch the entire TinyMCE interface. There is a setting but it seemse i can not find anywhere. Let them upload but automatically scale image to a fixed max width/height. I've logged an investigation internally so we can clear this up. 1: Create a folder with the name tinymce-autoresize in the plugins folder. By clicking Sign up for GitHub, you agree to our terms of service and

Hi @Amazzing - my apologies for the delay.