30+ levels it gains 9 fire damage per level, It gains 1 minimum lightning damage per level For me - no, I have not enough mana, almost zero FCR and lazy ass, who dont like clicking too much. What about Corpse explosion? Updated post about revives and corpse explosion. This may be a noob question, but I cant find any information on it. Is revive life time and damage enough for ubers? JavaScript is disabled. I maxed clay golems, golem mastery, revives, amp damage and put the rest in fire golem for easy normal and nm rushes. We aim to maintain the Lord of Destruction experience and provide consistent ladder resets while improving on the game as if development never ceased, Press J to jump to the feed. Below is the table of Necromage missile's damage according to the relative skill level listed in the above table. They have a 15% crushing blow, so they melt bosses like its nothing. The box that meets up is your Relative Skill Level. Physical damage. Let's say you have enough FCR and Mana to instantly make Desecrate + CE, so you get about 15K dmg per second. 16-22 levels it gains 4 poison damage per level Assuming average monster has 10K life, we get 0.5 dmg. Copyright 1997-2022 Smart Ass Productions. We are not affiliated with, sponsored by, or in any way endorsed by said companies. This can be done by looking in the following table. I use mages in Hell in 1.10, level 25/25. I remember someone doing a study (maybe not as well thought out) and coming to the conclusion that Might was nearly always better. Maxed on second table means all synergies have max points too. Now that seems to have been reveresed. What about maxing skele mastery + warriors + mages + curse mastery, and then pour the rest into revive? Means 3K dmg per corpse with Amp dmg. No There are skills for that. Is not it very random what monsters will you find? 9-15 levels it gains 3 fire damage per level Are the Battle.net numbers coming from an earlier patch of the game? Which build do you use? I can easily do uber tristram in under 5 minutes with them. It may not display this or other websites correctly. The Prevent Monster Heal mod has some buggy behavior in the v1.10s beta, but you can still stop monster health regeneration by equipping your merc with some Open Wounds items. The only problem is tiny tunnels areas like Arcane Sanct, where skeletons are useless. ac .
not even gonna consider the revive build? 16-22 levels it gains 3 cold damage per level 1-8 levels it gains 3 max lightning damage per level Also we can append conviction aura from merc. 1-8 levels it gains 1 cold damage per level This means: to calculate relative skill level we take Skeleton Mastery level as base for the calculation ('Skeleton Mastery'.lvl), than we add (Raise Skeletal Mage Skill Level-2)/2 provided that Raise Skeletal Mage level is equal or above level 4. PureDiablo is now hosting these old The following calculator, designed by the Amazon Basin crew, will allow a player to correctly factor and calculate the damage output of a Necromancer's various minions and summons. Thank you very much - that's very interesting. One point in amp dmg and rest in mage.
For 85 areas, you can revive pretty much anything, the clay golems and your merc will do most of the job with your amp dmg. The table only goes to 30 since the numbers after that are standard and should be pretty easy to set up. Hm, this is interesting idea.
9-15 levels it gains 5 max lightning damage per level Wokrs fine. Especially lawyers. 23-29 levels it gains 4 cold damage per level 16-22 levels it gains 5 fire damage per level What are you doing with physical immunes?
23-29 levels it gains 7 fire damage per level
23-29 levels it gains 11 max lightning damage per level I have to try it, probably good revives make more damage then skeletons and I can spend 20 freed skills to something more useful - another golem for synergy or curse mastery to increase amplify or even get another curse like confuse/descrep. Here some are numbers. Your Raise Skeletal Mage level is across the top, your Skeleton Mastery is along the left side. I guess which build has most damage and made little research. Killing solo baal is not hard, but a bit long. Thank you guys for good ideas. Here we have 30808 damage. Baulder's Gate, Starbound, Starcraft, Diablo, Warcraft, Torchlight, Din's Curse, Neverwinter Nights and Dark Age of Camelot are the property of their respective parent companies, and the titles, logos, content, and screen-shots are used without their consent. And it feels pretty fine on hell even without any gear. Also, once upon a time skeletons were a trap option and golem was the way to go. The answer is 40pts clay golem, 22pts revive and max amp damage. Elemental damage. 1-8 levels it gains 1 poison damage per level Rest assured that regardless of how we throw away your hard earned cash, we are up to absolutely no good. 5x Clay golems + 8x Skeleton warrios + Amplify dmg maxed. The nice thing I did not know, that Desecrate gives you random corpses of current location for revive. I am new to reddit, do not see how to append files, so cannot attach my excel tables with full data. I remember reading on some forum (forget where) that in higher levels the damage output by skeleton mages makes them unviable in Hell (in 1.10). Is -12% of amp damage enough? Malice and Steel, for example, are two runewords that you can easily obtain and serve this purpose well. A mod for and by passionate Diablo 2 fans. at/~gottwald/necro_pet_calculator.html, Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled, World of Warcraft Arena World Championship. I'm trying out adding CE in the mix for more damage. Probably it possible to have 1 blood + 4 clay golems if you make golems only necro to gain HP a bit. Especially on ubers? Personally I prefer this build.
In fact no, when I tested them the damage was very low and unreliable, very depends on good corpses. To calculate the Necromages' damage we need to know the Relative Skill Level (RSL) of their missiles. If it's on level 3 or less we do not add anything ((lvl < 4)?0). 5x Fire golems + 8x Skeleton mages + Lower res. Looking on blood and iron golems, I can say that clay golem is much better, since it has "slows enemies" effect and more damage. And it gives me 1K phys + 1K fire dmg and 3-5% of corpse. I max Clay Golems, Skeleton Warrios, Revive. Also why do you need curse mastery if no curses? 23-29 levels it gains 6 poison damage per level "no synerg" means maxed mastery (golem or skeleton) and 0 or 1 in synergy skills. These forum archives have been curated by the community bringing two decades of Diablo 2 knowledge to new players. Here we have 19699 damage. archives as requested by the community. If your Skeleton Mastery and Raise Skeletal Mage level is above 20, use the following formula to calculate your relative skill level: ('Skeleton Mastery'.lvl) + ((lvl < 4)?0:((lvl-2)/2)). The golems dont seem to be as much of a trap option, but the skeletons are awesome. Since the majority of damage output from a Skelemancer will be originating from the Skeletons, you shouldn't have to worry too much about maximizing your merc's damage output in contrast. "The most terrible thing about God is that he will let you have your own way.". Hope it will be useful. As far as I prefer make solo runs, curses are must have. You can form your own opinion on this matter though: I made an 1.10s skelemancer using max skeleton mastery, skeleton and mages. As for Curse mastery, my calculations say that +20 to golem synergy gives about 10% to Clay golem damage, while +20 Curse mastery gives +20% to every physical summon and merc damage. These are the community's Diablo 2 archive forums going back two decades. Are they good in real runs? 9-15 levels it gains 2 poison damage per level Use the main. What do you guys think about summon necro? For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. I made some more tests and now see another good build. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. I do not like skeletons only builds like mages+warriors+mastery, because u got low damage on physical and low damage on elemental. Don't know about CE, it seems too weak here. Legal sh*t sucks. Remove ads & support the site - Get PurePremium, http://tph.tuwien.ac.at/~gottwald/necro_pet_calculator.html. You are using an out of date browser. 30+ levels it gains 14 max lightning damage per level. I made level 40 CE + maxed Amp dmg + maxed Revive. Have to ressummon golems and wrap often. Going for ubers when find items. You must log in or register to reply here. About curses, I think Life tap andDecrepify worth 1 hard point. From items, I reached level 33 on all. So do lawyers. They dont get buffed from your stats but heres a pet damage calculator: http // tph . You may not use any graphics, content, or source code found in this website without the direct written permission of the authors. This list is to show what your Skeletal Mages gain per Relative Skill Level. Anyone have any opinions on this? Do the skeletons/revives/golems get buffs from the player stats? Zath: Thanks! When I looked at revive's damage, I thought WTF?! I think they will be easy too, as far as I killed them in vanilla with my skeletons-only necro with full gear (+25 skills, beast, enigma, etc). 5x Clay golems + Amplify dmg maxed + Revive maxed + Curse mastery maxed + some curses + Desecrate 1. (This post was last modified: 11-07-2003, 01:54 PM by. So my choice is maxed Curse mastery for -20% to enemy phys resist. The table that follows will list all the damage the Skeletal Mages can do. for fire golem aura is included in damage. Strength/Dex/Vitality, ect ect, or only from +skills and auras? 30+ levels it gains 5 cold damage per level, 1-8 levels it gains 2 fire damage per level 30+ levels it gains 8 poison damage per level, It gains 1 second cold duration per level (norm difficulty) Now I am at build 1 as in post, clay + warriors. It gains 10 seconds poison duration per level Is it worth? Also we can append might aura from merc and fanatism aura from beast. 9-15 levels it gains 2 cold damage per level
Desecrate too, I dont like item dependent skills.
I never pay any attention to what type I've summoned and I don't have Lower Resist. If you look on the left side of your summoner skill tree, you will have skills for improving Skeleton stats, Golem Stats and resistences. They are purely for reference and cannot be posted in. Then you got weak skeletons, because have not Amp dmg or Lower resist for immunes and enchanted bastards. 3. tuwien . So I see two viable builds of solo summon necro: Physical damage. Click HERE to open the Calculator in a new window. Best damage. Skeletal Mages are viable in Hell if you have some skill adders and pay attention to the right mix of elements. By my testing level 40 revives are really much better than skeleton warriors (at least on act 5). We swear to use this money for pretty much anything or any reason that strikes our fancy at any given moment. You can revive urdars in the river of flames, juste use desecrate to spawn them. 16-22 levels it gains 8 max lightning damage per level
not even gonna consider the revive build? 16-22 levels it gains 3 cold damage per level 1-8 levels it gains 3 max lightning damage per level Also we can append conviction aura from merc. 1-8 levels it gains 1 cold damage per level This means: to calculate relative skill level we take Skeleton Mastery level as base for the calculation ('Skeleton Mastery'.lvl), than we add (Raise Skeletal Mage Skill Level-2)/2 provided that Raise Skeletal Mage level is equal or above level 4. PureDiablo is now hosting these old The following calculator, designed by the Amazon Basin crew, will allow a player to correctly factor and calculate the damage output of a Necromancer's various minions and summons. Thank you very much - that's very interesting. One point in amp dmg and rest in mage.
For 85 areas, you can revive pretty much anything, the clay golems and your merc will do most of the job with your amp dmg. The table only goes to 30 since the numbers after that are standard and should be pretty easy to set up. Hm, this is interesting idea.
9-15 levels it gains 5 max lightning damage per level Wokrs fine. Especially lawyers. 23-29 levels it gains 4 cold damage per level 16-22 levels it gains 5 fire damage per level What are you doing with physical immunes?
23-29 levels it gains 7 fire damage per level
23-29 levels it gains 11 max lightning damage per level I have to try it, probably good revives make more damage then skeletons and I can spend 20 freed skills to something more useful - another golem for synergy or curse mastery to increase amplify or even get another curse like confuse/descrep. Here some are numbers. Your Raise Skeletal Mage level is across the top, your Skeleton Mastery is along the left side. I guess which build has most damage and made little research. Killing solo baal is not hard, but a bit long. Thank you guys for good ideas. Here we have 30808 damage. Baulder's Gate, Starbound, Starcraft, Diablo, Warcraft, Torchlight, Din's Curse, Neverwinter Nights and Dark Age of Camelot are the property of their respective parent companies, and the titles, logos, content, and screen-shots are used without their consent. And it feels pretty fine on hell even without any gear. Also, once upon a time skeletons were a trap option and golem was the way to go. The answer is 40pts clay golem, 22pts revive and max amp damage. Elemental damage. 1-8 levels it gains 1 poison damage per level Rest assured that regardless of how we throw away your hard earned cash, we are up to absolutely no good. 5x Clay golems + 8x Skeleton warrios + Amplify dmg maxed. The nice thing I did not know, that Desecrate gives you random corpses of current location for revive. I am new to reddit, do not see how to append files, so cannot attach my excel tables with full data. I remember reading on some forum (forget where) that in higher levels the damage output by skeleton mages makes them unviable in Hell (in 1.10). Is -12% of amp damage enough? Malice and Steel, for example, are two runewords that you can easily obtain and serve this purpose well. A mod for and by passionate Diablo 2 fans. at/~gottwald/necro_pet_calculator.html, Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled, World of Warcraft Arena World Championship. I'm trying out adding CE in the mix for more damage. Probably it possible to have 1 blood + 4 clay golems if you make golems only necro to gain HP a bit. Especially on ubers? Personally I prefer this build.

Desecrate too, I dont like item dependent skills.
I never pay any attention to what type I've summoned and I don't have Lower Resist. If you look on the left side of your summoner skill tree, you will have skills for improving Skeleton stats, Golem Stats and resistences. They are purely for reference and cannot be posted in. Then you got weak skeletons, because have not Amp dmg or Lower resist for immunes and enchanted bastards. 3. tuwien . So I see two viable builds of solo summon necro: Physical damage. Click HERE to open the Calculator in a new window. Best damage. Skeletal Mages are viable in Hell if you have some skill adders and pay attention to the right mix of elements. By my testing level 40 revives are really much better than skeleton warriors (at least on act 5). We swear to use this money for pretty much anything or any reason that strikes our fancy at any given moment. You can revive urdars in the river of flames, juste use desecrate to spawn them. 16-22 levels it gains 8 max lightning damage per level