Next.js build on React, so many of React feature I could leverage here, and with the help of Next.js, my application becomes faster, optimized, and robust too. Static Routing - when the page navigation is fixed, that means you know the page name where the application should navigate. It looks as follows. You can take the /out folder content and do static web hosting.
We depend on below two feature provided by the Next.js. Required fields are marked *, Angular Master Detail Router Navigation And Slide Animations, Add Google Adsense to your Single Page Web Application, Autocomplete Typeahead Suggestions Search in Angular 9 application, SEO friendly URL with Angular 9 Angular Universal and Prerender strategy, How to check user inactivity or user idleness using Angular 9 with circle progress, Array handling in Javascript or in Angular, How to create HTTP Interceptor in Angular 11, Angular Material Table with Filtering, Sorting, Pagination, Deletion, Customized Column Data and more, Deploy Angular Universal app to Heroku for Free, Angular Interview Questions for beginners, Intermediate and advanced, Angular ng template ng content and Content Projection with real time example, How to show Media.Net ads to Angular or React Application, How to integrate Bootstrap Popover in Angular 13 application, Integrate DocuSign with cordova ionic application, Cordova Angular App with Responsive Layout with Camera plugin, Host web application in AWS using s3, CloudFront and route53, Create serverless REST API using AWS Lambda API Gateway RDS postgres with Nodejs and Typescript, SSO configuration using AWS Cognito ForgeRock OpenAM with SAML Assertion, How to read or download or stream Document from S3 using AWS Lambda and Nodejs, Create Microfrontend Application using Single SPA framework, Create production ready REST API using nodeJS with TypeScript, How to upload a file using TypeScript with Node and Express, How to Build a serverless backend AWS Lambda function to upload a file using TypeScript with Node, How to create a Node TypeScript based Scheduled job using node corn, How to find total page views and most visited pages from your website using Google Analytics, Create COVID 19 tracker using Mapbox and Angular 9, How to create Cluster, marker annotation and popover using Mapbox, How to create and add GitHub gist file to your blog, How to establish Audio Video call and Screen Share option using WebRTC in Angular 11, How to Parse HTML string in JavaScript or Angular 11, How to add Google AdSense Script tag programmatically using JavaScript or Angular 11, Explanation on Shallow copy, Deep copy in JavaScript or TypeScript using structuredClone, Another buzz word around Web3 So what is Web3, Where to keep application secure data in Cookie or HTML5 Web storage, How to create Axios Interceptor for Vue with TypeScript, How to create the first Vue with TypeScript Application, Create Vue widget and inject it in any javaScript application like Angular React and Vue itself, How to use PDF.js in React Next.js Application, How to create your first NextJS application with TypeScript SCSS and Bootstrap v5.0, Next.js Static and Dynamic Routing with TypeScript and responsive design with SCSS, A complete React Redux store implementation with TypeScript, How to create React Context using useReducer and useContext hook with TypeScript, REST API Call using Axios Interceptor in React NextJs, Component design on Storybook using NextJS TypeScript with Webpack 5, React hooks explanation with an example using NextJs and TypeScript, How to Configure Theming or Theme Switching with React and TypeScript, How to create a Rating component using React or NextJs, How to create or configure an E Commerce application using Magento PWA Studio, /books/[category] => /books/tintin, /books/asterix etc. In this article, I am going to demonstrate how you can create a responsive & mobile-friendly web design using Next.js with TypeScripe.
Whether its ensuring all your code is bundled and minimized using a bundler like webpack or implementing optimizations like code splitting to improve page performance, Next.js has all the tools you need. It could be /books/tintin OR /books/asterix etc. Dynamic Routing - When the page navigation is dynamic, which means you do not know which page user will navigate. To create your first Next.js application you can follow the post earlier I have written. The next export command will generate a prebuild static HTML file for you, and it is very SEO-friendly. Once your code is being ready, you can build and export the application. /books/[category]/[bookTitle], In the above example, I did use an Array to full fill my requirement. As you can see from the above image we are having 6pages and those are built like that way -. "build": "next build && next export && http-server -a localhost -p 3001 ./out".
Arrows represent page navigation. After a long work with Angular, I was looking for another library or framework which makes my application faster to load, optimized and robust. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. Let's start with how I build the above application Next.js is a React framework build in SSR (Server-side-rendering) or CSR (Client-side-rendering). From the above example /, /books, /blog, /about all are static routing. -How to create your first NextJS application with TypeScript SCSS and Bootstrap v5.0.
From the above example, you do not know which category user is going to choose. description: "Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. After few days of research, I choose Next.js with TypeScript. Your email address will not be published. So this part is dynamic, because of that Idefined the root directory as [category], In the same way, you do not know which books the user is going to choose, that route also denied as a dynamic route. ", Based on the above data source, I am going to create all routing paths and props for my page as well. During build time, if you found the images are not compiling, you do need to create a next.config.js file, there you need to define loader. getStaticPaths() &getStaticProps() both the method calls during compilation time. const categories = => books.category); const bookName = => => book.bookTitle)); const categoryObj = booksArray.find((data) => data.category === category); const item = categoryObj.books.find(data => data.bookTitle === bookTitle); Based on the above configuration, you will be able to generate all dynamic page routing and provide proper props for your page. For that, you can modify the package.json file accordingly. Please mind to comments below for any suggestions. First, let me show you the application routing details, each box represents a page. Reading, Learning, Understanding & Experimenting is the way of problem-solving. And it will have the following features -. Hope you can now build your static or dynamic routing as you need. /book/tintin Path creation & get the props for this page -, export const getStaticPaths: GetStaticPaths = async () => {, const paths = => ({, export const getStaticProps: GetStaticProps = async ({ params }) => {, const item = booksArray.find((data) => data.category === category), return { props: { errors: err.message } }, /books/tintin/Destination-moon Path creation &get the props for this page -. It is one of the best libraries I have used so far.
![typescript fullstack](
From the above example, you do not know which category user is going to choose. description: "Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. After few days of research, I choose Next.js with TypeScript. Your email address will not be published. So this part is dynamic, because of that Idefined the root directory as [category], In the same way, you do not know which books the user is going to choose, that route also denied as a dynamic route. ", Based on the above data source, I am going to create all routing paths and props for my page as well. During build time, if you found the images are not compiling, you do need to create a next.config.js file, there you need to define loader. getStaticPaths() &getStaticProps() both the method calls during compilation time. const categories = => books.category); const bookName = => => book.bookTitle)); const categoryObj = booksArray.find((data) => data.category === category); const item = categoryObj.books.find(data => data.bookTitle === bookTitle); Based on the above configuration, you will be able to generate all dynamic page routing and provide proper props for your page. For that, you can modify the package.json file accordingly. Please mind to comments below for any suggestions. First, let me show you the application routing details, each box represents a page. Reading, Learning, Understanding & Experimenting is the way of problem-solving. And it will have the following features -. Hope you can now build your static or dynamic routing as you need. /book/tintin Path creation & get the props for this page -, export const getStaticPaths: GetStaticPaths = async () => {, const paths = => ({, export const getStaticProps: GetStaticProps = async ({ params }) => {, const item = booksArray.find((data) => data.category === category), return { props: { errors: err.message } }, /books/tintin/Destination-moon Path creation &get the props for this page -. It is one of the best libraries I have used so far.