decision tree induction

which feature in the data to use to make a decision) and the number of splits and the respective split thresholds. Inducing cost-sensitive decision trees via instance weighting. Schapire, R. E. and Singer, Y. The experimental results show that the TBWC algorithm yields the highest accuracies when compared with decision tree learning and clustering for all datasets and improves the predictive performance especially for multi-class datasets. Artificial Intelligence 3rd Ed. A tree induction algorithm will typically use impurity to determine these factors. Learning decision trees using the area under the roc curve. 1990. The uppermost node in the tree is the root node.

Art. This paper will discuss scalability of decision tree algorithm based on the selection of the attribute selection measure, and perform the comparative analysis of these measures to determine which measure should be used in which situation in order to increase the Scalability of the Decision Tree algorithm.

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