Our promise is that we will provide the best and most progressive balanced dog training, with the highest quality service. Crate Training Waiting politely at doors and gates (wait when they are opened until you release them) Copyright 2022 Dog Squad Dog Training | Canine Trade Group, Meet our Oakland Dog Trainer & the Founder of The Dog Squad, Certified Dog Trainer by the International Association of Canine Professionals, Professional Member of the International Association of Canine Professionals, Steve has both a BA degree in Psychology and a MS in Counseling, As a college student he worked as a Seal Trainer for Stanford Research, Volunteered at the Oakland Animal Shelter helping with adoptions and training of dogs, Certified No Limitations Remote Collar Specialist, Completed Andrew Ramseys Nosework Train The Trainers Course I & II, Steve had his first dog at the age of four and his dream as a five year old was to become a Zoo Keeper.. Whether you decide to take the test or not, this class is full of Real Life Skills for all urban dogs. Sit and Down on Command/Stay in Place The dog will respond to the handlers commands to 1) sit, 2) down and will 3) remain in the place commanded by the handler (sit or down position, whichever the handler prefers). New Puppy? A new dog approaches the testing dog and handler, the handlers will exchange pleasantries and then walk away. This is our 8 private lesson course which includes the 4 basic obedience lessons (5 commands outside/off leash) followed by 4 lessons specifically tailored to you and your dog passing the Therapy Dog Certification. So you save $100.00 by paying for everything up-front! 8. We are certified CGC evaluators! Following are just a few testimonial letters that we have received from clients who have used our e-collar training method with success.
Check out KPA certified trainers, Fear Free certified professionals, IAABC behavior consultants, CCPDT certified trainers. Sun 12-3pm, Fax: 510.535.5601 When we first introduce the idea of training a dog with an E-collar many clients are skeptical and react negatively. Is your goal to make your dog a certified therapy dog? In cases of emergency, call 911 (land line) or 510-777-3211 (cell phone). This will be brought to your first lesson along with the 20-foot leash! Loose Leash Walking. They will walk right beside of you on a leash Shes been helping friends and neighbors train their dogs in an unofficial capacity for nearly thirty years. Then, BravoPup will conduct the actual CGC Test at a different location at a later scheduled date. Thank you again, and I look forward to seeing you on Friday. 9. Canine Good Citizen Certification and Advanced Canine Good Citizen Where the heck did you leave your phone this time? Sincerely, Bret Fimiani and Hailey Ashcraft Alameda, CA. Four times a week for 4 weeks; 3 days with dog, 1 day with you and dog. This is where you drop off your dog, and 2-weeks later you pick up a dog that is flawless outside, off-leash, with distractions! Always consider the methods that a trainer users, and not just whether they produce results. This behavior is known as Recall, and its the most frequent training request that we get for dogs of all ages, sizes, and breeds. 6. Sitting Politely for Petting The dog must allow a friendly stranger to approach, touch and pet it. I had begun working with a positive reinforcement trainer and wasn't seeing any results Jee-Hae & Deug-Min with Koru K9 were an incredible (brother/sister) team.
Whether were your first choice or a last resort, Koru K9 will ensure that your canine companion is the perfect addition to your pack. We introduce basic performance skills in a safe and highly supportive environmentEveryone gets an ovation! Based on our findings, well recommend a training plan and package that fits your needs. We will teach you environmental awareness and management, plus expert leash skills so that you can be a relaxed team out on walks. We offer 2 levels of BravO-bility so that you can keep practicing and building your dogs skills. It has become a highly regarded and accepted test of a dogs ability to be out in the public and be well mannered. Out. To drop any and all things you ask them to. When we walk in downtown Walnut Creek she heels and sits before we cross a street. Plus we want to give you to the tools for ongoing work since this issue often requires consistent work for a length of time to see lasting results. Additionally, Offleash K9 will train it to let you know when it has to go outside! 2. This intermediate to advanced class is a continuation class for pups that have completed a Bravo! We are certified Therapy Pets Unlimited evaluators! The FOAS Zazzle Store and FOAS Redbubble Store contain cards, mugs, tees, and other products that benefit the Friends of Oakland Animal Services. A good choice if you want to expand on skills learned in class, such as recall or polite leash walking. Even if you have previously trained your own dog(s), remember that each dog is an individual and you can learn something new by attending classes with your new dog. It only made sense that she would eventually decide to become a certified, professional dog trainer. The reaction is justified because most people have only seen or heard of the collar being used incorrectly or harshly. 10. Both the private lessons and park sessions have increased their social skills tremendously. If you are interested in private training, please fill out the, The Get-Your-Butt-Over-Here-Right-Now! Class. We had tried a chain store for training and that did not work out. Thats how Les Sloane feels about mans best friend. Thanks Again, Jenny and Sam Osman Oakland, CA. Basic and Advanced Obedience Package: This package is for those who really want their dog to be rock-stars! The total price of this 2-week intensive package $3,500.00.After completion of the training, owner will be provided with a 2 hour one-on-one session which will detail everything their companion does, how to handle them, and how to properly control them.Click here for more info! Sat 11-5pm We would recommend our Therapy Dog Development Course. You and your dog will practice the CGC exercises: Accepting a friendly stranger, Sitting politely for petting, Appearance & grooming, Out for a walk (loose leash walking), Walking through a crowd, Sit and down on command and Staying in place, Coming when called, Reaction to another dog, Reaction to distraction and Supervised separation. I just want you to know how appreciative I am. He is committed to making each dogs life a better one and to helping each owner enjoy the responsibility of dog ownership to its fullest. With a small class size and access to the industrys best trainers, our program offers a blend of world-class instruction and real-world business know-how that gives you the tools to stand out amongst your peers and turn your passion and skill for dog training into a rewarding life-long career. I hardly ever use the zapper but I find it good to have if she wants to play with other dogs sometimes. We wish we had connected with Steve sooner. Down and Extended Down By the end of the session she was reliably responding to come and no longer pulling on her leash. After hundreds of hours of rigorous book education and hands-on learning, trainers move to the next level of supervised in-home training. From preventing to improving, our balanced training approach and comprehensive program options will transform your pet and transform your life with a canine companion that is the perfect addition to your pack. Pre-approval if you have taken classes elsewhere. Keep in touch with the latest news from the Friends of the Oakland Animal Services. During these hours, no appointment needed for adoptions. You save $75.00 by paying for the Basic Obedience Package and 4 Advanced lessons up-front! Please make an appointment by calling us at 510.535.5602 between 11am to 5pm any day of the week. Using fun and engaging exercises, youll practice skills that you can put to use immediately as you build your dogs foundation of public manners. The drool on the floor speaks for itself! Advanced Lessons: Your dog must finish our Basic Obedience Package before we will teach them advanced lessons! Greeting Manners (not jumping) Two of his own dogs have won three National Agility Championships and were awarded The NADAC Agility Trail Championship. You and your dog will work toward creating a better relationship while your dog learns to listen to you consistently. Recommended for installing multiple basic obedience commands or addressing complex behavior issues. I am writing on behalf of The Dog Squad and in support of his training methods. Reaction to Distractions Dog must be able to demonstrate that he can remain calm in distracting situations. Steve came to our home and worked with us for the first 4 weeks of training. Friends of Oakland Animal Servicesmade with for the animals. The best trainers. Thu 12-7pm At the recommendation of Providence Veterinary Hospital, my wife and I hired Steve Bettcher this year to help us obedience train our two dogs (Gus and Violet). With private lessons you and your dog have the undivided attention of a professional BravoPup trainer. Nov 11, 24 & 25, Dec 25, Back to top|2022 Oakland Animal Services, City of Oakland, CA. We both enjoy hiking on the off-leash trails in Redwood Park, but I could not rely on her to come when it was time to break off playing with another dog or upon meeting a horse. We look forward to continuing their training and taking back our Alpha status in the household. Using fun exercises in a supportive atmosphere, you will practice skills to put to use immediately as you build a solid recall for your canine companion. Basic Obedience In Home (4 private lessons): $1,200.00 Im so impressed with your training and have already recommended you to friends. She came and sat beside me when we encountered horses. Common distractions used are dropping a chair and walking past the dog with a dolly. As you work with your dog to teach the CGC skills, youll discover the many benefits and joys of training your dog. Any breed. This 5 week course is held safely indoors at the Oakland Zoos spacious auditorium and focuses solely on teaching you how to install an emergency recall, speeding bullet style. Train programs, this fits any training goal or behavior with a foundational reset, then in-home sessions to incorporate what we have taught your dog into your life. Behavior consultations (typically for more severe behaviors): Click here to watch a short video to learn about the importance of puppy socialization. Supervised Supervision The dog must remain calm and polite while left with a friendly stranger for a period of 3 minutes with the owner out of sight.
There is no officially-sanctioned dog training license or certification, however there are a handful of certifying organizations that conduct tests, require certain qualifications, and are generally respected in the training community. People who lose their stuff around the house, People who LOVE to watch their dog have a BLAST, Jumps (safely through, not over the jumps for young growing bones), Tables / Platforms (your dog will learn to stay on), Teaching dog to switch from left to right side of your body. The Canine Good Citizen Program is a two-part program that stresses responsible pet ownership for owners and basic good manners for dogs.
Join the fastest-growing dog training company!. Steve is retired and no longer trains dogs. This specially designed 8-lesson course prepares you and your dog for their therapy dog testing and certification. This is the cost-effective solution for busy owners who dont have time to devote to training but want a well-behaved dog. After they prove themselves in that capacity, they get to use their knowledge to help dog owners in their community. All in all it is quite satisfactory and I can recommend Steves work as before! Steve Bettcher came to my home to meet Polly, make an evaluation, and explain the training program, which included three home sessions and unlimited classes as long as Polly lives. Stay up-to-date on the latest Koru K9 news and stick around for stories, advice and the sweet dog content we know you love! ** This class is NOT for dogs that lunge and bark wildly at other dogs while on leash. Indeed it has worked that way. Our bigger goal is to help your dog change his emotional response when seeing other dogs while out on walks. Dog Aggression Training Package: Does your dog have issues with dog aggression, dog reactivity, or simply go over the top when it comes to other dogs being around? Then you practice, practice, practice. For adoptions, see separate hours below.) I have enclosed his business cards. 5. With a combination of both our In-Home and Board & Whether your dog is ready to for the certification, or you want us to help get your dog ready for the certification, contact us. TALENT (def): A skillful act performed for entertainment or amusement. Okay, we pulled that from the dictionary, but everybody knows what a tricks class is right? Weekly class summaries, training handouts, support documents and CGC TEST included. After the first session I took her out on the trail. This class teaches YOU how to manage your dogs behavior and your dog to associate other dogs with Glorious Things. Steve is proficient in using various dog training methodologies. Are you unable to participate in a group class due to your schedule constraints or your dogs behavior? All trainers are hand-selected by owners Ray & Bridget Murphy to provide industry-leading expertise in 13 states across the country. Good for situations where you just need a little help or fine tuning. We love Farm Hounds because they partner with small farmers to deliver all-natural, organic treats and chews. By the end of the second session she was heeling, sitting, and lying down. We can help. $2,800.00 See more >>.
or equivalent basic course. She really likes to play with other dogs. Steve has worked with all types of dogs and puppy/dog training problems. When she walks the streets with her own three dogs, shes often asked if she is a dog trainer. Basic Obedience Starter Package: One individual lesson is $500.00 (This includes the Off-Leash K9 Training E-Collar, 20 foot leash, and the price of the first lesson). One of our favorite parts about #DogTrainerTuesday, Interested in joining the growing Koru K9 team? Hes about fourteen months now. Leave it. We, This is an inside look at part of @k9advocateheath, What better way to celebrate the dog days of summe, Ticks can be harmful to you, your family and your, We now have peace of mind both in and out of th. She boarded dogs, walked dogs, owned dogs, and helped others with their dogsbut now shes finally able to do what she loves for a living. Accepting a Friendly Stranger The dog must allow a friendly stranger to approach and speak to the handler. We recommend vaccination against Canine Flu for all dogs: Canine Influenza Virus H3N2/H3N8. I literally called Jee-Hae in tears seeking a last resort for our hot-mess of a rescue mix. Current on all vaccinations for Rabies, Distemper and Parvo. 3. Off. Do not jump on me or anyone else. Owners who are frustrated by their dogs lack of enthusiasm, or sneaky running away behavior. Dog must not be reactive to other dogs on leash. This class is 6 weeks long. If so, this is a specially designed program may be the best option for you and your dog. Check them out! Polly is a nine month old sweet shepherd-terrier mix with lots of energy and a mind of her own. Dogs of any age that have problems coming when called because either they are distracted or would rather do something else. Completion of at least one basic BravoPup Class (this is not an entry-level class). Proof of current vaccinations for Rabies, Distemper, and Parvo, This class is for dogs who lunge and bark at other dogs while on leash. She is great with children of all ages, loves people and gets along with our cat. This is NOT a class to teach your dog social skills with other dogs and we are very careful to keep the dogs calm and totally separate from each other. We have had many of our former clients easily pass their therapy dog certification after our training program. Whether were your first choice or a last resort, Koru K9 will ensure that your canine companion is the perfect addition to your pack. You learn. Heel Command (off-leash, will come around the right side of your body and sit down right beside of your left leg). Fri 11-5pm Dog must be friendly with dogs and people. Teaching Pup to let YOU know he/she has to potty Before the training we had very little authority over our dogs and as a result our ability to guide and control Gus and Violet in social situations (with other dogs in particular) was limited. **Extended sit, down, and place means your dog will REMAIN in the down, sit, or place position until YOU tell them to break (release them). It will also help strengthen the bond between you and your dog. Cant find your keys when its time to leave the house? Please consult your veterinarian. In this class well work on all of the test items to prepare your dog for the Canine Good Citizen (CGC) test. Two-week board and train program! Get in touch with Les Sloane at The Dog Squad today. Looking for a trainer or other dog-related services? 4. Try searching on Go Dog Pro. This class is perfect for continuing your dogs education.

Check out KPA certified trainers, Fear Free certified professionals, IAABC behavior consultants, CCPDT certified trainers. Sun 12-3pm, Fax: 510.535.5601 When we first introduce the idea of training a dog with an E-collar many clients are skeptical and react negatively. Is your goal to make your dog a certified therapy dog? In cases of emergency, call 911 (land line) or 510-777-3211 (cell phone). This will be brought to your first lesson along with the 20-foot leash! Loose Leash Walking. They will walk right beside of you on a leash Shes been helping friends and neighbors train their dogs in an unofficial capacity for nearly thirty years. Then, BravoPup will conduct the actual CGC Test at a different location at a later scheduled date. Thank you again, and I look forward to seeing you on Friday. 9. Canine Good Citizen Certification and Advanced Canine Good Citizen Where the heck did you leave your phone this time? Sincerely, Bret Fimiani and Hailey Ashcraft Alameda, CA. Four times a week for 4 weeks; 3 days with dog, 1 day with you and dog. This is where you drop off your dog, and 2-weeks later you pick up a dog that is flawless outside, off-leash, with distractions! Always consider the methods that a trainer users, and not just whether they produce results. This behavior is known as Recall, and its the most frequent training request that we get for dogs of all ages, sizes, and breeds. 6. Sitting Politely for Petting The dog must allow a friendly stranger to approach, touch and pet it. I had begun working with a positive reinforcement trainer and wasn't seeing any results Jee-Hae & Deug-Min with Koru K9 were an incredible (brother/sister) team.
Whether were your first choice or a last resort, Koru K9 will ensure that your canine companion is the perfect addition to your pack. We introduce basic performance skills in a safe and highly supportive environmentEveryone gets an ovation! Based on our findings, well recommend a training plan and package that fits your needs. We will teach you environmental awareness and management, plus expert leash skills so that you can be a relaxed team out on walks. We offer 2 levels of BravO-bility so that you can keep practicing and building your dogs skills. It has become a highly regarded and accepted test of a dogs ability to be out in the public and be well mannered. Out. To drop any and all things you ask them to. When we walk in downtown Walnut Creek she heels and sits before we cross a street. Plus we want to give you to the tools for ongoing work since this issue often requires consistent work for a length of time to see lasting results. Additionally, Offleash K9 will train it to let you know when it has to go outside! 2. This intermediate to advanced class is a continuation class for pups that have completed a Bravo! We are certified Therapy Pets Unlimited evaluators! The FOAS Zazzle Store and FOAS Redbubble Store contain cards, mugs, tees, and other products that benefit the Friends of Oakland Animal Services. A good choice if you want to expand on skills learned in class, such as recall or polite leash walking. Even if you have previously trained your own dog(s), remember that each dog is an individual and you can learn something new by attending classes with your new dog. It only made sense that she would eventually decide to become a certified, professional dog trainer. The reaction is justified because most people have only seen or heard of the collar being used incorrectly or harshly. 10. Both the private lessons and park sessions have increased their social skills tremendously. If you are interested in private training, please fill out the, The Get-Your-Butt-Over-Here-Right-Now! Class. We had tried a chain store for training and that did not work out. Thats how Les Sloane feels about mans best friend. Thanks Again, Jenny and Sam Osman Oakland, CA. Basic and Advanced Obedience Package: This package is for those who really want their dog to be rock-stars! The total price of this 2-week intensive package $3,500.00.After completion of the training, owner will be provided with a 2 hour one-on-one session which will detail everything their companion does, how to handle them, and how to properly control them.Click here for more info! Sat 11-5pm We would recommend our Therapy Dog Development Course. You and your dog will practice the CGC exercises: Accepting a friendly stranger, Sitting politely for petting, Appearance & grooming, Out for a walk (loose leash walking), Walking through a crowd, Sit and down on command and Staying in place, Coming when called, Reaction to another dog, Reaction to distraction and Supervised separation. I just want you to know how appreciative I am. He is committed to making each dogs life a better one and to helping each owner enjoy the responsibility of dog ownership to its fullest. With a small class size and access to the industrys best trainers, our program offers a blend of world-class instruction and real-world business know-how that gives you the tools to stand out amongst your peers and turn your passion and skill for dog training into a rewarding life-long career. I hardly ever use the zapper but I find it good to have if she wants to play with other dogs sometimes. We wish we had connected with Steve sooner. Down and Extended Down By the end of the session she was reliably responding to come and no longer pulling on her leash. After hundreds of hours of rigorous book education and hands-on learning, trainers move to the next level of supervised in-home training. From preventing to improving, our balanced training approach and comprehensive program options will transform your pet and transform your life with a canine companion that is the perfect addition to your pack. Pre-approval if you have taken classes elsewhere. Keep in touch with the latest news from the Friends of the Oakland Animal Services. During these hours, no appointment needed for adoptions. You save $75.00 by paying for the Basic Obedience Package and 4 Advanced lessons up-front! Please make an appointment by calling us at 510.535.5602 between 11am to 5pm any day of the week. Using fun and engaging exercises, youll practice skills that you can put to use immediately as you build your dogs foundation of public manners. The drool on the floor speaks for itself! Advanced Lessons: Your dog must finish our Basic Obedience Package before we will teach them advanced lessons! Greeting Manners (not jumping) Two of his own dogs have won three National Agility Championships and were awarded The NADAC Agility Trail Championship. You and your dog will work toward creating a better relationship while your dog learns to listen to you consistently. Recommended for installing multiple basic obedience commands or addressing complex behavior issues. I am writing on behalf of The Dog Squad and in support of his training methods. Reaction to Distractions Dog must be able to demonstrate that he can remain calm in distracting situations. Steve came to our home and worked with us for the first 4 weeks of training. Friends of Oakland Animal Servicesmade with for the animals. The best trainers. Thu 12-7pm At the recommendation of Providence Veterinary Hospital, my wife and I hired Steve Bettcher this year to help us obedience train our two dogs (Gus and Violet). With private lessons you and your dog have the undivided attention of a professional BravoPup trainer. Nov 11, 24 & 25, Dec 25, Back to top|2022 Oakland Animal Services, City of Oakland, CA. We both enjoy hiking on the off-leash trails in Redwood Park, but I could not rely on her to come when it was time to break off playing with another dog or upon meeting a horse. We look forward to continuing their training and taking back our Alpha status in the household. Using fun exercises in a supportive atmosphere, you will practice skills to put to use immediately as you build a solid recall for your canine companion. Basic Obedience In Home (4 private lessons): $1,200.00 Im so impressed with your training and have already recommended you to friends. She came and sat beside me when we encountered horses. Common distractions used are dropping a chair and walking past the dog with a dolly. As you work with your dog to teach the CGC skills, youll discover the many benefits and joys of training your dog. Any breed. This 5 week course is held safely indoors at the Oakland Zoos spacious auditorium and focuses solely on teaching you how to install an emergency recall, speeding bullet style. Train programs, this fits any training goal or behavior with a foundational reset, then in-home sessions to incorporate what we have taught your dog into your life. Behavior consultations (typically for more severe behaviors): Click here to watch a short video to learn about the importance of puppy socialization. Supervised Supervision The dog must remain calm and polite while left with a friendly stranger for a period of 3 minutes with the owner out of sight.
Join the fastest-growing dog training company!. Steve is retired and no longer trains dogs. This specially designed 8-lesson course prepares you and your dog for their therapy dog testing and certification. This is the cost-effective solution for busy owners who dont have time to devote to training but want a well-behaved dog. After they prove themselves in that capacity, they get to use their knowledge to help dog owners in their community. All in all it is quite satisfactory and I can recommend Steves work as before! Steve Bettcher came to my home to meet Polly, make an evaluation, and explain the training program, which included three home sessions and unlimited classes as long as Polly lives. Stay up-to-date on the latest Koru K9 news and stick around for stories, advice and the sweet dog content we know you love! ** This class is NOT for dogs that lunge and bark wildly at other dogs while on leash. Indeed it has worked that way. Our bigger goal is to help your dog change his emotional response when seeing other dogs while out on walks. Dog Aggression Training Package: Does your dog have issues with dog aggression, dog reactivity, or simply go over the top when it comes to other dogs being around? Then you practice, practice, practice. For adoptions, see separate hours below.) I have enclosed his business cards. 5. With a combination of both our In-Home and Board & Whether your dog is ready to for the certification, or you want us to help get your dog ready for the certification, contact us. TALENT (def): A skillful act performed for entertainment or amusement. Okay, we pulled that from the dictionary, but everybody knows what a tricks class is right? Weekly class summaries, training handouts, support documents and CGC TEST included. After the first session I took her out on the trail. This class teaches YOU how to manage your dogs behavior and your dog to associate other dogs with Glorious Things. Steve is proficient in using various dog training methodologies. Are you unable to participate in a group class due to your schedule constraints or your dogs behavior? All trainers are hand-selected by owners Ray & Bridget Murphy to provide industry-leading expertise in 13 states across the country. Good for situations where you just need a little help or fine tuning. We love Farm Hounds because they partner with small farmers to deliver all-natural, organic treats and chews. By the end of the second session she was heeling, sitting, and lying down. We can help. $2,800.00 See more >>.