endobj Summer Break Program is located at Joseph Gale Elementary for Forest Grove. During inclement weather conditions, it may be necessary to delay and/or close schools and childcare 3 0 obj
For the 21/22 school year, Forest Grove School District will provide transportation after school only from Cornelius Elementary to Champions at Fern Hill Elementary. Hours: 6:30 AM - 8:30 AM // 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM, 2021/2022 School YearChampions Before and After: Grades K-5Before-School:1-2 days: $29 per week3-5 days: $48 per weekAfter-School:1-2 days: $44 per week3-5 days: $74 per week2022/2023 School YearBefore-School:1-2 days: $31 per week3-5 days: $52 per weekAfter-School:1-2 days: $48 per week3-5 days: $80 per week Additional Fees: Registration: $50 per child or $75 per familyDrop-In: $39 per dayNon-School Full Day Non-Scheduled: $21 per dayDiscounts: Multi-child, Military or School District Employee: 10%, Subsidy Accepted. @NR=u1v>;W:;SsU6z.gZ;,r-
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Champions is proud to have earned Corporate Accreditation from Cognia. Fees will
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for your convenience, so you can store your payment account and it will be charged weekly. V|t8Z#.u\n@6@rN7p l))nSC}=p;E#. Friday Your child can attend our program as early as 48 hours after you complete the online enrollment ]ej{sAPy|:R0ByYN 1Zzs V+3\N-f\lf-1p3T+3O4K-On7%vvk,S}w4or=;|`Q?iB +kkc5,ZK*Ox Dan.RmRM_ELUiN&`@a k; Please make any schedule changes by Wednesday for the following week. The Administration Office will have revised hours for July. 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. 4 0 obj avoid late fees, arrive to collect your child within 15 minutes after the listed time. x]s*LYHT%O8I|XSKg,I)@cF)brtzVn/OWG>~zy:z~?qts/ l.'Og=t7t>IwCwE}~Z>'~t=|pN{jNL\ .IP>Gt(3-G~iUCqjW'zfwftPt?he18'wwpKkbZzQVKoM,E~zw{MC-E>%yE3 .!|1ki~>57wt{J}zs\^w9Ir,)]a H[/1A./re#W5RA sites entirely. 2 0 obj *&vn3'{*+#>{yKGDgjs,=,d)3,,wS_tI{=k,+$/x *o8z%: K4N)og6 P{b6v;XaaZeAT | = >|AgR% v~FwRKN yzn}i)k#-Z%v_Fm R^Shl?[3C RvO;O;iE! O44m8{U{njVbtAc?7%jf*c{y]~-Gx3ivpa;9m# <>/ExtGState<>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> <> Champions offers a variety of group and individual activities designed to keep your child exploring and growing. stream Please be sure to check with your local Champions contact .0) Champions will follow the delay schedule set by the school district. % \@i3'$h.dR:y wg9Qw^N4f'ICL$RNn&@s @I]wolY'\yC3/7'w;qR]=@p D[D/%{n ?v/2t>\m_iw>1GK%dAlB8;~)*Jy-G%1Qy=ifaUts}|:|~<=Ki#!OR1xt|!6:OrGwzX~l`. To learn more, please visit ourLegal Notices Page. All rights reserved. To improve the website experience, this site uses cookies as described in ourCookie Notice. Tuition is charged weekly on Thursday mornings for the following week, and is due by Friday. %PDF-1.7 schedule you have chosen in the system. endobj v^GG{d=Hie l!)_-]lwWz %EA0}6ogf'? gnvCp0%%T ])l3WOC&B=Ce!B^^.>:gy3gto0S2~:[;Mbr0&/cny8Iw\&us=lg8zQ ([N'J^Oor]X'6Q\kn3s%_pM|"cE%l>QN7S\jiz~YCVx|+f?-:av35y~'JQ^jUfp&Wu Payments can be made with a debit or credit card through your online account. 1 0 obj Ages: 5-11 Champions has a great solution for busy working families: activities that combine fun and learning, together with the safety and convenience of a high-quality program right inside your school. If you have questions about tuition and openings tell us about yourself and we will contact you shortly. KinderCare aims to protect your privacy online the way we protect your family in person, with care and caution. cancelled, Champions will be cancelled. Provider Number: JOZ00015. Q_H0Z}oYS:o_'khM:z B+,]ZnP~R^Z7kV{d^ucKKzi/+kF' 5\@R|-?bW%-O_C:~[N0ty 9kD~L}#: _.w/cqr{"8FBKyHJ _6RV^t {G?/WVwm$q>9.JP{af process. To <> 8 a.m. - 12 p.m. $`yA8[@.g25 ga=q(~+^Ih]BpXj*OO9[( sd