You can learn how to use "bad" and "badly", as well as how to use "good" or "well" to form sentences that are grammatically correct. There is some confusion about the use of these adjectives and adverbs when describing states of being. Complete the following sentences using good or well. By using our site, you agree to our. 9. If "feel" is meant to describe the physical action of touching, an adverb will follow. Knowing when to use "bad" or "badly", or "good" versus "well" can be confusing at times. gfbbsURys?m?m}v| P . H85e#~8V(Y8~vS(7,Ezev"OJMsZ|yho}M0/>$R2gy/7zou?v4x For example, "I am feeling good today. This article was co-authored by Michelle Golden, PhD. You may also want to check out my other blogs IELTS Practice and NCERT Guides, Your email address will not be published. stream 11 0 obj Good is an adjective and well is an adverb. 5 0 obj 10. How are you? Im quite ., thanks.. endstream The thing to remember is that in describing states of being, these are predicate adjectives that modify the noun that is the subject of the sentence -- not adverbs that modify the verb. 1. Adjective or adverb | CBSE English Grammar, First conditional clauses | Grammar exercise, Make Sentences in the Simple Present Tense | CBSE Class 5 English Grammar, 7 Most Difficult English Grammar Rules for Non-Native Speakers. For instance, in the sentence "I feel good/well," the word "feel" is what will determine if an adjective or an adverb will follow.
For instance, in the sentence "I feel badly since my fingers were burned," the word "feel" is used actively as an action.

endobj Good is an adjective. Instead of describing an emotional state, the sentence now describes a persons ability to touch (or to "do" something wellwhich is an action). xT0+|^Hm9c$ v[L{$pYzzzRlzmtgz1uHO[Ye@;EtKT7!Kmo'z~gu? TR0@{x>S /6)hqD&D Teachers, don't forget to look at the other wikiHows in the. ), 10. How are you? Im quite well/good, thanks., Hi, I am Manjusha. %PDF-1.4 Specifically, people wonder whether to say "I feel bad" or "I feel badly." Practice makes perfect, so it may be a good idea to find additional lessons online such as printable worksheets or interactive lessons. Try the sentences and learn the difference. endobj For instance, in the sentence "I feel well now that my fingers have healed," the word "feel" is used actively as an action. Your sister sings very . 1. In this case, "feel" is used descriptively to describe a state of mind. ", You can also use "good" to describe how you are feeling. %
For instance, in the sentence "I feel bad/badly," the word "feel" is what will determine if an adjective or an adverb will follow. Solutions. endstream Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered.
endobj Last Updated: May 6, 2021 (There is an adjective well and it is often used to talk about health. 4. I dont feel very . <> Your email address will not be published. If you use the word "hearing" (in the noun form), then you will follow it with an adjective, such as, "My hearing is bad.". 528 395 xRj0+t.V@90PzkRBswVCpsH0WVmtej\uH]=?oe|eB=%0gTR\>TX%7>_>r 99ny2?pCZ0eY;5uJ)fk=1juQir(50Zk}&bB$:2=`4.|tp$- %,@m,v iCch@-hiC6n`&.E6%$ P7/ YV u,i{,o8.X4i2Pwt|,7c%l^W For example, in the sentence "I feel bad about having said that," the word "feel" determines whether you should use an adjective or an adverb. Send your Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 55,464 times. I dont feel very well/good. Margaret can speak English really . "I miss you terribly." This is the only exception where "well" is an adjective, not an adverb, in a sentence. 2 0 obj For Great Educators. All worksheets are created by experienced and qualified teachers. It is used to modify a verb. Is your English ..? If you use the word "hearing" (in the noun form), then you will follow it with an adjective. For instance, "I hear well". 5. These words are often confused. If your sentence requires an adverb, or a word that modifies an action or verb, you should use "badly.".
It is used to modify a noun. xSMk0W#H#z=MK-4$I+v2dc|~n>_[y' {2R|"i\FY fR~C>O/3M}% YRtiCGpSG4S E`" sY=;e+71 -_OzAT 3LdcSAT1{L 4 gP Pe-&. Well is an adverb. For example, "My hearing is good.". % of people told us that this article helped them. Vocabulary quizzes in google apps for common confused words like good and well. Free vocabulary quizzes for google quiz and in printable formats. {"smallUrl":"https:\/\/\/images\/thumb\/f\/f5\/Use-Bad-or-Badly-and-Good-or-Well-Step-1-Version-2.jpg\/v4-460px-Use-Bad-or-Badly-and-Good-or-Well-Step-1-Version-2.jpg","bigUrl":"\/images\/thumb\/f\/f5\/Use-Bad-or-Badly-and-Good-or-Well-Step-1-Version-2.jpg\/aid221200-v4-728px-Use-Bad-or-Badly-and-Good-or-Well-Step-1-Version-2.jpg","smallWidth":460,"smallHeight":345,"bigWidth":728,"bigHeight":546,"licensing":"
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