Box. Upon acceptance, you will be called upon for the process by UNHCR. Further your case could also be found to be inappropriate for submission. The interview is conducted in the language preferred by the refugee applicant and also, he/she can express their preference as to the interpreter and gender of the interviewer. Refugees are not considered on the basis of how long they have been in Kenya. Terms of reference for the Youth Working Group in Urban areas, Regional Bureau for the East and Horn of Africa, and the Great Lakes - Factsheet May-July 2020, Operational Update for Kenya, as of September 2020, Kakuma Camp Population Statistics 31 JANUARY 2019, Kalobeyei Settlement Population Statistics 31 JANUARY 2019, UNHCR Dadaab bi-weekly update 01-15 March 2017, UNHCR Dadaab bi-weekly update 15 - 28 Feb. 2017. In August, UNHCR and implementing partners in Kakuma distributed 130,000 reusable facemasks donated by the Government of the United States. The second lockdown resulted UNHCR - East and Horn of Africa, and the Great Lakes - COVID-19 Emergency Response, External Update #30, UNHCR - East and Horn of Africa, and the Great Lakes - COVID-19 Emergency Response, External Update #29, UNHCR - East and Horn of Africa, and the Great Lakes - COVID-19 emergency response, External Update #28, UNHCR Regional Bureau EHAGL - Regional Dashboard: Refugees, asylum-seekers, refugee returnees and IDPs as of 31 December2021, UNHCR Regional Bureau EHAGL - Regional Dashboard: Refugees and asylum-seekers by country of asylum as of 31 December 2021, UNHCR Regional Bureau EHAGL - Regional Dashboard: Refugees, asylum-seekers, refugee returnees and IDPs as of 30 September 2021, UNHCR Regional Bureau EHAGL - Regional Dashboard: Refugees and asylum-seekers by country of asylum as of 30 September 2021, UNHCR Regional Bureau EHAGL - Regional Dashboard: Internally Displaced persons (IDPs) as of 31 March 2021, Kenya Statistics Infographics as at 31 March 2022, Kenya Statistics Infographics as at 28 February 2022. As the protracted emergency enters its sixth year, the South Sudan situation remains the largest refugee situation on the African continent. Because of this, the Congolese refugee population is now among the ten largest in the world. Yes. To facilitate a smooth process and a fair assessment, the refugee is requested to ensure that they tell the truth. Different countries have different requirements. Examples of such fraud would include: supplying false information about their background; adding false information to make their case seem more serious; claiming a false identity or attempting to substitute themselves for another person; attempting to add a person onto their case who is not a genuine member of their family; charging money to other refugees for resettlement services. Presentation made by UNHCR on situating Financial Inclusion (FI) for persons of concern in the global agenda during the Regional Livelihoods Working Group Meeting - 01 April 2021, Presentation made by UNHCR's Innovation Service on Digital Inclusion during the Regional Livelihoods Working Group Meeting - 04 March 2021, Kenya Refugee Response Plan for South Sudanese 2019-2020, Interagency report on the South Sudan refugee response in Kenya in 2018, One page infographic on the South Sudan refugee response in Kenya in 2018, Interagency report on the South Sudanese refugee response in Kenya in 2018, One page infographic on the South Sudanese refugee response in Kenya in 2018, Two page overview of the 2019-2020 Burundi Regional RRP, Burundi Regional Refugee Response Plan (RRRP) 2019-2020, Executive summary of the outcomes of the regional Government-to-Government Conference, 31 October - 1 November 2019, Addis Ababa, Outcome report on the outcomes of the regional Government-to-Government Conference, 31 October - 1 November 2019, Addis Ababa, The Democratic Republic of Congo Regional Refugee Response Plan (RRRP) 2019-2020 - Revised in June 2019. Yes. Responding to the High Commissioners request to step up livelihoods interventions this document outlines the strategic directions and recommends actions for the EHAGL Regional Bureau 2020-2025 to add UNHCR Summary Livelihoods Response Strategy 2020-2025, Terms of reference for the Community Based Protection Working Group in Urban areas. This information can be obtained from the country that was processing your case. Source: 2022 current budget as approved by the High Commissioner as of April 2022; pending presentation to the ExCom's Standing Committee. In Kenya UNHCR relies almost entirely on referrals from other UNHCR units or from partner NGOs including Refugee Consortium of Kenya (RCK), Kituo Cha Sheria, RefugePoint, HIAS, Heshima Kenya, the International Rescue Committee (IRC) and Danish Refugee Council (DRC). Somalia and South Sudan). PoC who can no longer support themselves in urban areas continued to request for assistance to relocate to the camps. Resettlement is not a right.
In September 2019, with the aim of bringing decision making closer to the point of delivery, UNHCR opened its Regional Bureau for the East, Horn of Africa and Great Lakes Region (EHAGL). They must fit into one of the seven resettlement categories which are: woman and girls at risk, legal and/or physical protection needs, survivors of torture and/or violence, medical needs, lack of foreseeable alternative durable solutions, family reunification and children and adolescents at risk. Five Persons of Concern (PoC (3 females, 2 males) from urban areas and eight PoC (3 females, 5 males) from Kakuma were shortlisted for the training after a competitive process. The interview is an opportunity for the refugee to present his/her situation so that UNHCR can have a detailed understanding of the circumstances of the case. This is the final resettlement interview with UNHCR. Remote interviewing will increase the number of interviews conducted. All other years are considered final for budget and expenditure data. Within the EHAGL region, two situations are managed by the Bureau: the South Sudan Regional Refugee Situation and the Burundi Regional Refugee Situation. Once a case if referred to UNHCRs resettlement unit, it will undergo a Phase 1 verification interview and a Phase 2 resettlement interview. Different cases are also processed at different timelines depending on many factors. Source: UNHCR Refugee Data Finder for years until 2021, UNHCR planning figures (COMPASS) otherwise. Resettlement involves the identification and transfer of refugees from a State in which they have sought protection to a third State which has agreed to admit them with permanent residence status. >> Select another country on our Help page. If you suspect a referral for resettlement in your case has been made but you have not been contacted by the Resettlement Unit about your referral, you can inquire whether your referral was received and the outcome through the Helpline. There must be no prospects for voluntary repatriation or local integration.
The de-facto social integration with t UNHCR Regional Update - South Sudan Situation Jan-Feb 2020, Ethiopia Emergency Situation Regional Update #29 - 28 February 2022, Ethiopia Emergency Situation Regional Update #28 - 31 January 2022, East and Horn of Africa, and the Great Lakes Region Operational Update: October - December 2021, Population Per Location as of 31 Aug 2019, UNHCR Kakuma - New Arrivals Registration Trend as of 31 AUGUST 2019. Requirements of countries sometimes involve nationalities, case sizes, ages of refugees, languages, etc. If your case is rejected by a resettlement country, the decision will tell you if there is a chance for appeal or not. You cannot apply for resettlement. RAS and UNHCR agreed to set up a working group to start a remote interviewing pilot for refugee status determination. The refugees urgently need medical aid and high-protein, high-energy food. They also need clean water, shelter and basic services in the camps. Currently, Kenya continues to be among the top refugee hosting countries in Africa. To qualify: You will be informed of this by UNHCR and will be invited for an interview. UNHCR in partnership with Oracle launched the Oracle Workforce Development program, which aims to impart digital skills training with global certifications. UNHCR has specific global criteria and methodologies for resettlement case identification. Some countries have an opportunity for appeal while others do not. 43801-00100. The four-year project is targeting 1,500 farmers, of which 30 percent are refugees, farming on approximately 750 acres and ultimately delivering 1,200 tons of Groundnuts per year. As for 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic has overall affected the voluntary repatriation programme to Somalia, Ethiopia and Burundi. Final 2018 South Sudan RRP Inter-Agency Funding Snapshot. If it is resettlement then the Resettlement Countries directly contact with UNHCR and allocate quota for the refugees. (Field Posts are still closed due to COVID-19, please. It will be determined by UNHCR based on your profile meeting the resettlement criteria imposed by the resettlement countries. Global Focus is UNHCRs main operational reporting website for donors and other key partners. The identification of a refugee as being particularly vulnerable does not necessarily mean that the refugee is either eligible for or in need of resettlement. Depending on the country where the case is submitted to, processing procedures and timescales vary. UNHCR is mandated to find durable solutions for refugees. Almost half of the refugees in Kenya reside in Dadaab (44%), 40% in Kakuma and 16% in urban areas (mainly Nairobi), alongside 18,500 stateless persons. Due to the large number of cases that the RST Unit handles, they may not be able to give feedback on your case all the time. RAVES PROJECT - KENYA LAUNCH: Official launch of the Refugee Agricultural Value chains for Economic Self-reliance (RAVES) Programme. Resource allocation at the objective level is subject to change during the course of the year as the operational situation evolves and priorities shift. You should inform UNHCR as soon as possible. The project is expected to bring in KES 96 million annually to Turkana County and spur the development of a groundnut industry in the County. As the longest surviving refugee settlement in the Somali Regional State, Kebribeyah settlement has a vast range of opportunities that can be capitalised upon. Resettlement is not a right and resettlement places are limited; UNHCR does not submit cases to countries according to refugees preferences. Please be patient. FAO with funding from the IKEA Foundation and in collaboration with the Turkana County Government, UNHCR, WFP, IFC, INSTA Products, Egerton University and other stakeholders has initiated a project aimed at enabling farmers from Loima and Turkana West Sub-Counties of Turkana County as well as refugees in Kalobeyei settlement to produce groundnut for INSTA Products in a Public Private Partnership. Terms of Reference for the Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Working Group in Urban areas. In general, be patient, you will be contacted any time there is a new development in your case. Resettlement is a limited option available only to refugees who meet precise criteria only a tiny percentage (less that 1%) of refugees get resettled. One must have been granted refugee status. The comparative analysis on the socioeconomic conditions of urban and camp-based refugees in Kenya builds upon the findings of the Kalobeyei, Kakuma and Urban Socioeconomic Surveys (SES). Twenty years of conflict and waves of drought have uprooted a quarter of the countrys 7.5 million people. It offers a Inter-Governmental Authority on Development (IGAD), A primer for staff working in mental health and psychosocial support programmes. Within this time, families and individuals being considered for resettlement will need to attend additional interviews with resettlement country government agencies, undergo security and background checks, and take a series of medical tests prior to departure. Refugees must fall under one of the UNHCR resettlement submission categories. No. Further, the Resettlement Unit is working with a large number of cases that are currently pending, many of which are urgent. The situation continues to be characterized as a childrens crisis with children constituting over 65 percent of the refugee population. Note: The table presents thebudget for this operation broken down at the objective level. Persons of concern from other nationalities including Burundi, Sudan, Uganda, Eritrea, Rwanda, and others make up 6.7% of the total population (501,049 as at the end of October 2020). UNHCR cannot guarantee the resettlement of your family members who are left behind. Small-scale repatriation to Somalia has only now been resumed in December 2020, with some more returns planned to Burundi and DRC. No. UNHCR is available to assist with this. Many cases had to be deprioritized due to the lack of available quotas. While assessing an individual case, voluntary repatriation and local integration prospects will also be taken into account. For these reasons, the planning figures for voluntary return to Somalia are 10,050 in 2021 and 10,620 in 2022. For more explanation on the individual categories, UNHCR has published a detailed handbook on Resettlement which is available here. However, simply because the Resettlement Unit received a referral does not mean the Resettlement Unit can process the case immediately. Specific details will be provided to the individuals and families by the relevant resettlement country. Refugees are identified based on levels of vulnerability and UNHCR aims to identify the most vulnerable refugees for resettlement. Any refugee who attempts to commit fraud relating to his or her resettlement application may be permanently disqualified from resettlement under UNHCR auspices. Once you withdraw your case, UNHCR will close your resettlement case and you will no longer be processed for resettlement.
>> Select another country on our Help page. Refugees requesting for an appointment for resettlement counselling are required to send ONE SMS only to this number: +254(0)704871054. Selection of cases for resettlement can only be done by the AIM application. The Phase 1 interview is to ensure that the family composition is up to date and that there are no related pending issues. You should not assume that you have a resettlement case unless you are advised so by the Resettlement Unit. UNHCR and the Refugee Affairs Secretariat (RAS) worked on resuming PoCs relocation to the camps.
If there are, case processing will be on hold until the pending issues are resolved. Loading Total Refugees and Asylum-seekers in Kenya. No. If reasonable time has lapsed since the last time you received feedback on your case, you can inquire on the status of your case through the Helpline. The SMS should include the UNHCR Case Number and brief reason(s) [maximum 20 words] for the appointment. Overview presentation made by IFC on their engagement in Kenya on creating markets in forced displacement contexts (Private Sector solutions for the displaced and their hosts). During the resettlement interview, a refugee will be asked a variety of questions. Resettlement is a limited option at the disposal of UNHCR to address a refugees vulnerability. For those cases that do not need follow up, the individuals and (if applicable) their family will be called for a Phase 2 interview once there are interview slots available. The refugee is reminded to provide any relevant identity, travel, or other documents which they may have. Other ways for admission to third countries (Complementary Pathways), Assistance to Persons with Specific Needs, Eligibility / Refugee Status Determination (RSD), Community Mobilization and Peacebuilding Services, Education and Immigration Opportunities Abroad (Complementary Pathways), Feedback and reporting fraud or (sexual) abuse, Complaints, feedback and reporting fraud or sexual abuse, Click here for more information on Resettlement, Visit the UNHCR Field Post and check the status of your resettlement case in KASI (Field Posts are still closed due to COVID-19, please. Resettlement identification in Kakuma is done through AIM (Application for Integrated Management) which is an electronic tool that selects cases based on different criteria. All services provided by UNHCR and partners are free of cost. It may be one to two years, or sometimes longer, for a final decision and departure to the resettlement country. The trainees will be upskilled in Java Fundamental and Programming and later be linked to job opportunities. It depends on available quotas provided by countries. Learning from experiences and seizing opportunities, Self-reliance and social networks: explaining refugees reluctance to relocate from Kakuma to Kalobeyei, Kenya Statistics Infographics | June 2022, Kenya Statistics Infographics | April 2022, IOM - WFP - Life amidst a Pandemic: Hunger, Migration and Displacement in the East and Horn of Africa - June 2021, IGAD - 2021 Regional Report on Food Crises (RRFC) - Full Report, Summary Report- Understanding the Socioeconomic Conditions of Refugees in Kenya, Full Report- Understanding the Socioeconomic Conditions of Refugees in Kenya, MMC WEST AFRICA - 4Mi Snapshot - October 2018, WB - Socioeconomic Impacts of COVID-19 in Kenya - June 2021, UNHCR - EHAGL Refugees, asylum-seekers, refugee returnees and IDPs - 31 December 2021, UNHCR - EHAGL Refugees and asylum-seekers by country of asylum - 31 December 2021, EHAGL: Refugees, asylum-seekers, refugee returnees and IDPs - 30 September 2021, EHAGL: Refugees and asylum-seekers by country of asylum - 30 September 2021, EHAGL: Internally Displaced persons (IDPs) - 31 March 2021, Kenya Statistics Infographics | March 2022, Kenya Statistics Infographics | February 2022, NORTHERN ETHIOPIA EMERGENCY SITUATION UNHCR REGIONAL APPEAL JANUARY - DECEMBER 2022, 2018 South Sudan RRP Inter-Agency Funding Snapshot Dec 2018, UNHABITAT and UNHCR - Settlement Profiling Tool, July 2020, Guidance To Put Forward Sustainable Forestry Interventions In Displacement Settings In Kenya, Presentation - Kenya: Lessons from refugee inclusion in the National Hospital Insurance Fund (NHIF) - 05 April 2022. Nearly 55 per cent are children, many crossing borders unaccompanied or separated. << Back to Kenya homepage Settlement Profiling Tool - A Spatial Analysis Framework for Settlements accommodating Displaced Populations. Once this is completed and the case has been written and reviewed, it is forwarded to the resettlement country for processing. In general, a family or individual in the resettlement pipeline should expect to wait for one year or more to leave Kenya. It depends upon the resettlement countries laws and decision whether they may join you afterwards. The Resettlement Unit uses a twostep process. The majority of refugees and asylum-seekers in Kenya are from Somalia (54%), followed by South Sudanese (24.5%), Congolese (8.9%) and Ethiopians (5.8%). UNHCR will also continue its advocacy on behalf of stateless persons. Due to limited quotas and specific requirements for these quotas, having a referral or an interview with a resettlement staff member does not guarantee a submission. In addition, the situations in the Democratic Republic of Congo and Ethiopia are responsible for refugee outflows. If your case does not meet the requirements of the countries the case may have to be deprioritized and revisited at another time when there are opportunities. Resettlement involves the selection and transfer of refugees from the State in which they have sought asylum to a third State which has agreed to admit them as refugees but with permanent residence status. Results from the 2019 Kakuma Socioeconomic Survey - Summary Report, Results from the 2019 Kakuma Socioeconomic Survey. All identification of cases corresponds with the above criteria and focusses on cases that have acute protection needs which can be addressed through relocation to a third country. Aspirations of refugees and migrants from West Africa. Your case was rejected for reasons that were made available to you. Media coverage, testimonies of stateless persons, reports on the issue and all documents pertaining to the Brazzaville Declaration process can be consulted in English, French, Portuguese and Arabic. For allegations of fraud committed by UNHCR staff or partners: Head of Investigation Service Inspector Generals Office UNHCR 94, rue de Montbrillant 1202 Geneva Switzerland Telephone: +41 22 739 8844; Facsimile: +41 22 739 7380; Email: [emailprotected]; UNHCR website. The Kenya refugee operation is impacted by political developments and the humanitarian situation in the region, mainly due to developments in the two main refugee producing countries (i.e. Resettlement is not initiated by an individual refugee application. Resettlement is not a right embodied in international law. UNHCR staff will organize appointment schedules based on the incoming requests on a first-come basis and inform refugees of their counselling appointment date via SMS. If a case is accepted by the resettlement country and all medical and security checks are satisfactory, the individual(s) will depart to the resettlement country: the new country of permanent residence. << Back to Kenya homepage In addition, resettlement countries have their own criteria about which categories of people they accept and this too plays a part in the identification procedure. Somalia is at the heart of one of the worst humanitarian crises in the world today. Even if a refugee meets the above criteria, resettlement is not guaranteed. The fact that you were interviewed does not guarantee that you will be resettled. If a case is rejected by UNHCR, the applicant(s) will be called to the office and informed of the decision verbally and in writing. Note: Population figures include stateless persons already counted as refugees or under other categories. Existing camps and sites in many asylum countries are saturated, and available basic services are stretched to the limit. In order for refugees to be considered for resettlement, they have to meet certain criteria. With the US you may be able to file a Request for Review (RfR). Promoting opportunities for refugees around the world to become self-reliant and achieve a better quality of life. Refugee applicants do not have any preferences concerning the resettlement countries. Resettlement consideration is based on protection needs and done on an on-going basis as part of UNHCRs everyday work. Resettlement is a solution that only applies to refugees in very specific circumstances. Refugees whose cases have been submitted for resettlement should be patient while the case is being processed. For cases that have already been submitted to a RST country, some RST countries have channels for tracking case progress. Only persons who have been recognized and registered as a refugee by the Kenyan authorities or UNHCR may be considered for resettlement. The current budget, reflected in the bottom line of this table, is updated on a monthly basis and is replaced by the final budget at year-end. Refugees are advised to arrive at the office by 7:30am on the date of their appointment. It provides an overview of the protection risks that refugees and other populations of concern to UNHCR face across the world, as well as regularly updated information about the organizations programmes, operations, financial requirements, funding levels and donor contributions.
Yes, you can join your family members in a third country through the family reunification procedures however it is not guaranteed and will only happen once the family reunification is accepted by the resettlement country. Refugees International and the Center for Global Development: From Displacement to Development, How Kenya Can Create Shared Growth by Facili WB - Understanding the Socio-Economic Conditions of Urban Refugees in Kenya : Results from the 2020-2021 Urban Socioeconomic Survey, WB - Understanding the Socioeconomic Differences of Urban and Camp-Based Refugees in Kenya, Nairobi declaration on Durable solutions for Somali refugees and reintegration of returnees in Somalia, Culture, context and mental health of Somali refugees, Ethiopia - Kebribeyah Settlement Profile, July 2020, UNHCR Regional Update - South Sudan Situation December 2019, UNHCR KENYA - Livelihoods and Economic Inclusion Strategy 2020-2024, UNHCR: East and Horn of Africa and Great Lakes - Stepped-up Livelihoods Strategic Directions 2021-2025, Stepped up Livelihoods Response - Responding to Covid19 Impact on POC Livelihoods in EHAGL, Community Based Protection Working Group (TOR), Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Working Group (TOR), UNHCR - East and Horn of Africa, and the Great Lakes - Factsheet May-July 2020, UNHCR Kenya Operational Update, September 2020, Yemen Regional Refugee and Migrant Response Plan, Kenya - Eradication of Statelessness in the East and Horn of Africa, and the Great Lakes Region, Kenya - Regional Bureau for the East and Horn of Africa, and the Great Lakes Region, Livelihoods Programme Monitoring Beneficiary Survey, 2020, Socio-economic impact of COVID-19 on refugees - Round 5, 2021, Socio-economic impact of COVID-19 on refugees - Round 4, 2021, Post Distribution Monitoring Survey in Kalobeyei Settlement, March 2020, Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 International License. Considering COVID-19, a reduction in resettlement slots and the current capacity of the operation to process resettlement cases, it is projected that some 2,000 refugees will be proposed for resettlement in 2020. There is no obligation on countries to accept refugees for resettlement. UNHCR identifies refugees for resettlement consideration on an on-going basis by monitoring specific protection needs and vulnerabilities. We are currently being faced with a shortage of resettlement slots. The situation requires support, adequate resources and collaboration so that effective protection and assistance can be delivered efficiently to Congolese refugees. Resettlement counselling is held every Tuesday morning. By the end of 2019, at a first st Kakuma.Total Population as of 31st July 2019, Realizing the Potential of Multi-Year, Multi-Partner Planning. In the resettlement country, they will be assisted upon arrival either by an NGO or by a government agency tasked with meeting their immediate needs. Resettlement is not a right and only a very small percentage of refugees benefits from resettlement globally.
In September 2019, with the aim of bringing decision making closer to the point of delivery, UNHCR opened its Regional Bureau for the East, Horn of Africa and Great Lakes Region (EHAGL). They must fit into one of the seven resettlement categories which are: woman and girls at risk, legal and/or physical protection needs, survivors of torture and/or violence, medical needs, lack of foreseeable alternative durable solutions, family reunification and children and adolescents at risk. Five Persons of Concern (PoC (3 females, 2 males) from urban areas and eight PoC (3 females, 5 males) from Kakuma were shortlisted for the training after a competitive process. The interview is an opportunity for the refugee to present his/her situation so that UNHCR can have a detailed understanding of the circumstances of the case. This is the final resettlement interview with UNHCR. Remote interviewing will increase the number of interviews conducted. All other years are considered final for budget and expenditure data. Within the EHAGL region, two situations are managed by the Bureau: the South Sudan Regional Refugee Situation and the Burundi Regional Refugee Situation. Once a case if referred to UNHCRs resettlement unit, it will undergo a Phase 1 verification interview and a Phase 2 resettlement interview. Different cases are also processed at different timelines depending on many factors. Source: UNHCR Refugee Data Finder for years until 2021, UNHCR planning figures (COMPASS) otherwise. Resettlement involves the identification and transfer of refugees from a State in which they have sought protection to a third State which has agreed to admit them with permanent residence status. >> Select another country on our Help page. If you suspect a referral for resettlement in your case has been made but you have not been contacted by the Resettlement Unit about your referral, you can inquire whether your referral was received and the outcome through the Helpline. There must be no prospects for voluntary repatriation or local integration.
The de-facto social integration with t UNHCR Regional Update - South Sudan Situation Jan-Feb 2020, Ethiopia Emergency Situation Regional Update #29 - 28 February 2022, Ethiopia Emergency Situation Regional Update #28 - 31 January 2022, East and Horn of Africa, and the Great Lakes Region Operational Update: October - December 2021, Population Per Location as of 31 Aug 2019, UNHCR Kakuma - New Arrivals Registration Trend as of 31 AUGUST 2019. Requirements of countries sometimes involve nationalities, case sizes, ages of refugees, languages, etc. If your case is rejected by a resettlement country, the decision will tell you if there is a chance for appeal or not. You cannot apply for resettlement. RAS and UNHCR agreed to set up a working group to start a remote interviewing pilot for refugee status determination. The refugees urgently need medical aid and high-protein, high-energy food. They also need clean water, shelter and basic services in the camps. Currently, Kenya continues to be among the top refugee hosting countries in Africa. To qualify: You will be informed of this by UNHCR and will be invited for an interview. UNHCR in partnership with Oracle launched the Oracle Workforce Development program, which aims to impart digital skills training with global certifications. UNHCR has specific global criteria and methodologies for resettlement case identification. Some countries have an opportunity for appeal while others do not. 43801-00100. The four-year project is targeting 1,500 farmers, of which 30 percent are refugees, farming on approximately 750 acres and ultimately delivering 1,200 tons of Groundnuts per year. As for 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic has overall affected the voluntary repatriation programme to Somalia, Ethiopia and Burundi. Final 2018 South Sudan RRP Inter-Agency Funding Snapshot. If it is resettlement then the Resettlement Countries directly contact with UNHCR and allocate quota for the refugees. (Field Posts are still closed due to COVID-19, please. It will be determined by UNHCR based on your profile meeting the resettlement criteria imposed by the resettlement countries. Global Focus is UNHCRs main operational reporting website for donors and other key partners. The identification of a refugee as being particularly vulnerable does not necessarily mean that the refugee is either eligible for or in need of resettlement. Depending on the country where the case is submitted to, processing procedures and timescales vary. UNHCR is mandated to find durable solutions for refugees. Almost half of the refugees in Kenya reside in Dadaab (44%), 40% in Kakuma and 16% in urban areas (mainly Nairobi), alongside 18,500 stateless persons. Due to the large number of cases that the RST Unit handles, they may not be able to give feedback on your case all the time. RAVES PROJECT - KENYA LAUNCH: Official launch of the Refugee Agricultural Value chains for Economic Self-reliance (RAVES) Programme. Resource allocation at the objective level is subject to change during the course of the year as the operational situation evolves and priorities shift. You should inform UNHCR as soon as possible. The project is expected to bring in KES 96 million annually to Turkana County and spur the development of a groundnut industry in the County. As the longest surviving refugee settlement in the Somali Regional State, Kebribeyah settlement has a vast range of opportunities that can be capitalised upon. Resettlement is not a right and resettlement places are limited; UNHCR does not submit cases to countries according to refugees preferences. Please be patient. FAO with funding from the IKEA Foundation and in collaboration with the Turkana County Government, UNHCR, WFP, IFC, INSTA Products, Egerton University and other stakeholders has initiated a project aimed at enabling farmers from Loima and Turkana West Sub-Counties of Turkana County as well as refugees in Kalobeyei settlement to produce groundnut for INSTA Products in a Public Private Partnership. Terms of Reference for the Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Working Group in Urban areas. In general, be patient, you will be contacted any time there is a new development in your case. Resettlement is a limited option available only to refugees who meet precise criteria only a tiny percentage (less that 1%) of refugees get resettled. One must have been granted refugee status. The comparative analysis on the socioeconomic conditions of urban and camp-based refugees in Kenya builds upon the findings of the Kalobeyei, Kakuma and Urban Socioeconomic Surveys (SES). Twenty years of conflict and waves of drought have uprooted a quarter of the countrys 7.5 million people. It offers a Inter-Governmental Authority on Development (IGAD), A primer for staff working in mental health and psychosocial support programmes. Within this time, families and individuals being considered for resettlement will need to attend additional interviews with resettlement country government agencies, undergo security and background checks, and take a series of medical tests prior to departure. Refugees must fall under one of the UNHCR resettlement submission categories. No. Further, the Resettlement Unit is working with a large number of cases that are currently pending, many of which are urgent. The situation continues to be characterized as a childrens crisis with children constituting over 65 percent of the refugee population. Note: The table presents thebudget for this operation broken down at the objective level. Persons of concern from other nationalities including Burundi, Sudan, Uganda, Eritrea, Rwanda, and others make up 6.7% of the total population (501,049 as at the end of October 2020). UNHCR cannot guarantee the resettlement of your family members who are left behind. Small-scale repatriation to Somalia has only now been resumed in December 2020, with some more returns planned to Burundi and DRC. No. UNHCR is available to assist with this. Many cases had to be deprioritized due to the lack of available quotas. While assessing an individual case, voluntary repatriation and local integration prospects will also be taken into account. For these reasons, the planning figures for voluntary return to Somalia are 10,050 in 2021 and 10,620 in 2022. For more explanation on the individual categories, UNHCR has published a detailed handbook on Resettlement which is available here. However, simply because the Resettlement Unit received a referral does not mean the Resettlement Unit can process the case immediately. Specific details will be provided to the individuals and families by the relevant resettlement country. Refugees are identified based on levels of vulnerability and UNHCR aims to identify the most vulnerable refugees for resettlement. Any refugee who attempts to commit fraud relating to his or her resettlement application may be permanently disqualified from resettlement under UNHCR auspices. Once you withdraw your case, UNHCR will close your resettlement case and you will no longer be processed for resettlement.
>> Select another country on our Help page. Refugees requesting for an appointment for resettlement counselling are required to send ONE SMS only to this number: +254(0)704871054. Selection of cases for resettlement can only be done by the AIM application. The Phase 1 interview is to ensure that the family composition is up to date and that there are no related pending issues. You should not assume that you have a resettlement case unless you are advised so by the Resettlement Unit. UNHCR and the Refugee Affairs Secretariat (RAS) worked on resuming PoCs relocation to the camps.
If there are, case processing will be on hold until the pending issues are resolved. Loading Total Refugees and Asylum-seekers in Kenya. No. If reasonable time has lapsed since the last time you received feedback on your case, you can inquire on the status of your case through the Helpline. The SMS should include the UNHCR Case Number and brief reason(s) [maximum 20 words] for the appointment. Overview presentation made by IFC on their engagement in Kenya on creating markets in forced displacement contexts (Private Sector solutions for the displaced and their hosts). During the resettlement interview, a refugee will be asked a variety of questions. Resettlement is a limited option at the disposal of UNHCR to address a refugees vulnerability. For those cases that do not need follow up, the individuals and (if applicable) their family will be called for a Phase 2 interview once there are interview slots available. The refugee is reminded to provide any relevant identity, travel, or other documents which they may have. Other ways for admission to third countries (Complementary Pathways), Assistance to Persons with Specific Needs, Eligibility / Refugee Status Determination (RSD), Community Mobilization and Peacebuilding Services, Education and Immigration Opportunities Abroad (Complementary Pathways), Feedback and reporting fraud or (sexual) abuse, Complaints, feedback and reporting fraud or sexual abuse, Click here for more information on Resettlement, Visit the UNHCR Field Post and check the status of your resettlement case in KASI (Field Posts are still closed due to COVID-19, please. Resettlement identification in Kakuma is done through AIM (Application for Integrated Management) which is an electronic tool that selects cases based on different criteria. All services provided by UNHCR and partners are free of cost. It may be one to two years, or sometimes longer, for a final decision and departure to the resettlement country. The trainees will be upskilled in Java Fundamental and Programming and later be linked to job opportunities. It depends on available quotas provided by countries. Learning from experiences and seizing opportunities, Self-reliance and social networks: explaining refugees reluctance to relocate from Kakuma to Kalobeyei, Kenya Statistics Infographics | June 2022, Kenya Statistics Infographics | April 2022, IOM - WFP - Life amidst a Pandemic: Hunger, Migration and Displacement in the East and Horn of Africa - June 2021, IGAD - 2021 Regional Report on Food Crises (RRFC) - Full Report, Summary Report- Understanding the Socioeconomic Conditions of Refugees in Kenya, Full Report- Understanding the Socioeconomic Conditions of Refugees in Kenya, MMC WEST AFRICA - 4Mi Snapshot - October 2018, WB - Socioeconomic Impacts of COVID-19 in Kenya - June 2021, UNHCR - EHAGL Refugees, asylum-seekers, refugee returnees and IDPs - 31 December 2021, UNHCR - EHAGL Refugees and asylum-seekers by country of asylum - 31 December 2021, EHAGL: Refugees, asylum-seekers, refugee returnees and IDPs - 30 September 2021, EHAGL: Refugees and asylum-seekers by country of asylum - 30 September 2021, EHAGL: Internally Displaced persons (IDPs) - 31 March 2021, Kenya Statistics Infographics | March 2022, Kenya Statistics Infographics | February 2022, NORTHERN ETHIOPIA EMERGENCY SITUATION UNHCR REGIONAL APPEAL JANUARY - DECEMBER 2022, 2018 South Sudan RRP Inter-Agency Funding Snapshot Dec 2018, UNHABITAT and UNHCR - Settlement Profiling Tool, July 2020, Guidance To Put Forward Sustainable Forestry Interventions In Displacement Settings In Kenya, Presentation - Kenya: Lessons from refugee inclusion in the National Hospital Insurance Fund (NHIF) - 05 April 2022. Nearly 55 per cent are children, many crossing borders unaccompanied or separated. << Back to Kenya homepage Settlement Profiling Tool - A Spatial Analysis Framework for Settlements accommodating Displaced Populations. Once this is completed and the case has been written and reviewed, it is forwarded to the resettlement country for processing. In general, a family or individual in the resettlement pipeline should expect to wait for one year or more to leave Kenya. It depends upon the resettlement countries laws and decision whether they may join you afterwards. The Resettlement Unit uses a twostep process. The majority of refugees and asylum-seekers in Kenya are from Somalia (54%), followed by South Sudanese (24.5%), Congolese (8.9%) and Ethiopians (5.8%). UNHCR will also continue its advocacy on behalf of stateless persons. Due to limited quotas and specific requirements for these quotas, having a referral or an interview with a resettlement staff member does not guarantee a submission. In addition, the situations in the Democratic Republic of Congo and Ethiopia are responsible for refugee outflows. If your case does not meet the requirements of the countries the case may have to be deprioritized and revisited at another time when there are opportunities. Resettlement involves the selection and transfer of refugees from the State in which they have sought asylum to a third State which has agreed to admit them as refugees but with permanent residence status. Results from the 2019 Kakuma Socioeconomic Survey - Summary Report, Results from the 2019 Kakuma Socioeconomic Survey. All identification of cases corresponds with the above criteria and focusses on cases that have acute protection needs which can be addressed through relocation to a third country. Aspirations of refugees and migrants from West Africa. Your case was rejected for reasons that were made available to you. Media coverage, testimonies of stateless persons, reports on the issue and all documents pertaining to the Brazzaville Declaration process can be consulted in English, French, Portuguese and Arabic. For allegations of fraud committed by UNHCR staff or partners: Head of Investigation Service Inspector Generals Office UNHCR 94, rue de Montbrillant 1202 Geneva Switzerland Telephone: +41 22 739 8844; Facsimile: +41 22 739 7380; Email: [emailprotected]; UNHCR website. The Kenya refugee operation is impacted by political developments and the humanitarian situation in the region, mainly due to developments in the two main refugee producing countries (i.e. Resettlement is not initiated by an individual refugee application. Resettlement is not a right embodied in international law. UNHCR staff will organize appointment schedules based on the incoming requests on a first-come basis and inform refugees of their counselling appointment date via SMS. If a case is accepted by the resettlement country and all medical and security checks are satisfactory, the individual(s) will depart to the resettlement country: the new country of permanent residence. << Back to Kenya homepage In addition, resettlement countries have their own criteria about which categories of people they accept and this too plays a part in the identification procedure. Somalia is at the heart of one of the worst humanitarian crises in the world today. Even if a refugee meets the above criteria, resettlement is not guaranteed. The fact that you were interviewed does not guarantee that you will be resettled. If a case is rejected by UNHCR, the applicant(s) will be called to the office and informed of the decision verbally and in writing. Note: Population figures include stateless persons already counted as refugees or under other categories. Existing camps and sites in many asylum countries are saturated, and available basic services are stretched to the limit. In order for refugees to be considered for resettlement, they have to meet certain criteria. With the US you may be able to file a Request for Review (RfR). Promoting opportunities for refugees around the world to become self-reliant and achieve a better quality of life. Refugee applicants do not have any preferences concerning the resettlement countries. Resettlement consideration is based on protection needs and done on an on-going basis as part of UNHCRs everyday work. Resettlement is a solution that only applies to refugees in very specific circumstances. Refugees whose cases have been submitted for resettlement should be patient while the case is being processed. For cases that have already been submitted to a RST country, some RST countries have channels for tracking case progress. Only persons who have been recognized and registered as a refugee by the Kenyan authorities or UNHCR may be considered for resettlement. The current budget, reflected in the bottom line of this table, is updated on a monthly basis and is replaced by the final budget at year-end. Refugees are advised to arrive at the office by 7:30am on the date of their appointment. It provides an overview of the protection risks that refugees and other populations of concern to UNHCR face across the world, as well as regularly updated information about the organizations programmes, operations, financial requirements, funding levels and donor contributions.
Yes, you can join your family members in a third country through the family reunification procedures however it is not guaranteed and will only happen once the family reunification is accepted by the resettlement country. Refugees International and the Center for Global Development: From Displacement to Development, How Kenya Can Create Shared Growth by Facili WB - Understanding the Socio-Economic Conditions of Urban Refugees in Kenya : Results from the 2020-2021 Urban Socioeconomic Survey, WB - Understanding the Socioeconomic Differences of Urban and Camp-Based Refugees in Kenya, Nairobi declaration on Durable solutions for Somali refugees and reintegration of returnees in Somalia, Culture, context and mental health of Somali refugees, Ethiopia - Kebribeyah Settlement Profile, July 2020, UNHCR Regional Update - South Sudan Situation December 2019, UNHCR KENYA - Livelihoods and Economic Inclusion Strategy 2020-2024, UNHCR: East and Horn of Africa and Great Lakes - Stepped-up Livelihoods Strategic Directions 2021-2025, Stepped up Livelihoods Response - Responding to Covid19 Impact on POC Livelihoods in EHAGL, Community Based Protection Working Group (TOR), Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Working Group (TOR), UNHCR - East and Horn of Africa, and the Great Lakes - Factsheet May-July 2020, UNHCR Kenya Operational Update, September 2020, Yemen Regional Refugee and Migrant Response Plan, Kenya - Eradication of Statelessness in the East and Horn of Africa, and the Great Lakes Region, Kenya - Regional Bureau for the East and Horn of Africa, and the Great Lakes Region, Livelihoods Programme Monitoring Beneficiary Survey, 2020, Socio-economic impact of COVID-19 on refugees - Round 5, 2021, Socio-economic impact of COVID-19 on refugees - Round 4, 2021, Post Distribution Monitoring Survey in Kalobeyei Settlement, March 2020, Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 International License. Considering COVID-19, a reduction in resettlement slots and the current capacity of the operation to process resettlement cases, it is projected that some 2,000 refugees will be proposed for resettlement in 2020. There is no obligation on countries to accept refugees for resettlement. UNHCR identifies refugees for resettlement consideration on an on-going basis by monitoring specific protection needs and vulnerabilities. We are currently being faced with a shortage of resettlement slots. The situation requires support, adequate resources and collaboration so that effective protection and assistance can be delivered efficiently to Congolese refugees. Resettlement counselling is held every Tuesday morning. By the end of 2019, at a first st Kakuma.Total Population as of 31st July 2019, Realizing the Potential of Multi-Year, Multi-Partner Planning. In the resettlement country, they will be assisted upon arrival either by an NGO or by a government agency tasked with meeting their immediate needs. Resettlement is not a right and only a very small percentage of refugees benefits from resettlement globally.