Register. Follow every play with a panel of the worlds most passionate, dedicated and established pundits and presenters. Telephent also provides channel's specifications like channel frequency, system, SR, FEC, group, and type.
Nilesat 7.0West Satellite KU band TV Channels Frequency Update, Nilesat channels frequency list new TP updated 18-07-2022, Nilesat 201 7W Satellite TV Channels Strong Frequency TP, Eutelsat 7 Satellite Channel list frequency, Eutelsat 7 West A with Nailsat LNB frequency channel list, Nilesat 201 with Eutelsat 7 West A Satellite Channel List Frequqency LNB Type KU Band Updated 18-07-2022, El-Bernameg Al-Aam(Main General Program), Iza'at Al-Sharq Al-Awsat(Middle East Program), Al-Bernameg Al-Orobi(European Program), Al-Shabab Wal Riyadah(Youth & Sports Program), Al-Kebar Radio(Pioneers & Educational Program), Al-Kahera Al-Kobra Radio(Greater Cairo Radio), El-Bernameg Al-Moseeky(Musical Program), Al-Aghani Radio(Arabic Musical Program), Shabakat Al-Iza'at El-Eqlimyah(Regional Radios Network), Iza'at Al-Iskandaryah(Alexandria Radio), Iza'at Al-Wadi Al-Jadeed(New Valley Radio), Nilesat LNB Frequency KU Band Universal 09750, Telstar-12 Satellite 15.0West Channels List Strong Frequecy TP for Dish Antenna setting LNB Type KU Band Free to Air Channels list with full details guide, Asiasat 5 Satellite 100.5E Channels List Strong Frequecy TP for Dish Antenna setting C Band and KU Band Free to Air Channels list with full details guide, Asiasat 7 Satellite 105.5East Channels List Frequecy TP for Dish Antenna setting C Band and KU Band Free to Air and Package paid TV Channels list with full details guide, GSat 9 97.3East Satellite Channels Frequecy List LNB type KU Strong TP Sports TV, NNS 12 Satellite 57.0East Channels List Strong Frequecy TP for Dish Antenna setting C Band LNB Type and KU Band LNB Frequency Channels List Free FTA Package paid Channels list with full details guide, Paksat Satellite 38.0E Channels List Strong Frequecy TP for Dish Antenna setting C Band LNB Type Channel List KU Band LNB Channel Free to Air FTA Channel list with full details guide, Galaxy-19 Satellite 97W Strong TP Frequecy for Dish antenna settings Channels frequencies List LNB Type C and KU band, Astra-19 Satellite 19.2E Channel List Strong Frequecy TP for Dish Antenna setting LNB KU Band Free to Air Channel list with full details guide 19.2East Astra 1KR-1L-1M-1N. Both feeds have the same local shows but are aired at different times. 1080P Full HD channels with Dolby Audio presenting your sport and entertainment in vivid quality and in rich, clear and powerful sound.
Frequency of Moroccan Channels on Galaxy on Eutelsat on Nilesat on Badr on Arabsat on Etelsat on Hotbird on Amos Toutes Les frquences de BeIn Sports sur toutes les Satellites : Bein Sports All frequencies Bein Sports All frequencies La Chai NileSat satellite 7.0 W 101 102 .toutes les frquenses des chaines de nilesat: telvision et radios Voici Toutes les frquences de Voire Toutes les Chaines du Maroc sur Satellites : Chaines TV Marocaines sur Satellite Toutes les frquences des chaines marocai Les frquences des Chaines franais HD sur Astra 19 : frquence de france 2 3 4 5 O TF1 sur Astra Les Chaines franaises sur Astr L a chaine ZDF allemande et ARD 1 est possible de la capturer sur astra 19 E, pas encore diffuser sur Hotbird 13 E , et Amos mais cry La frquence de mbc pro sports sur nilesat et arabsat MBC PRO SPORTS Frequency on Arabsat 26E: 11341 H 27500 MBC Pro Sports 1 Alkass frequency on nilesat Badr Satellites Alkass frequency: The Qatari Sports TV channels Alkass Package are broadcasting via sate Eutelsat 7 West a / Nilesat 102 / Nilesat 201 (7w) Channels Frequency Updated 2019 Nilesat All Channels List Frequency Pour faire Rechercher des chaines TV sur Rcepteur Satellite Et ajouter des nouvelles frquences ou TP votre satelliteourcuprerunec Liste des chanes de tlvision en France et leurs frquences sur le satellite Astra Frquence chaines francaises sur Astra 19 E Vo Moroccan Channels frequency on all satellites, les frquences de les Chaines tv marocaines sur sat, la frquence de la chaine ZDF et ARD German sur astra et hotbird, MBC PRO SPORT , Al kass channel frequency nilesat , Comment Ajouter et Rechercher une Chane ou une frquence Sur une Satellite, frquence chaines francaises sur Astra 19 E, La frquence de la chaine National Geographic abu dhabi nilesat Satellite, les frquences des chaines tunisiennes sur nilesat, La frquence de la chaine tv5 monde maghreb orient sur nilesat. Of 2M, 20.7% is owned by Mohammed VI's holding company SNI,[3] while approximately 60% is controlled by the Moroccan state. After 7 years of activity, SOREAD (ONA group), the major shareholder, withdrew from the management of this TV channel due to financial reasons. Get Satbeams on your tablet or smartphone. Your favorite sport and entertainment in your preferred language : English, Arabic or French. List of American and European TV shows broadcast by the local version of 2M (which may change time by time): American TV shows and Hollywood movies are imported from France with French dubbing.
To get the latest frequencies from Al Jazeera, please subscribe to our mailing list. 2M World). and FEC is 5/6. Take your pick of exclusive access to the worlds best and biggest championships, blockbuster movies, regional and global entertainment. Telephent is a transponder search website. The channel regularly broadcasts news, films, sports and music. All rights reserved. Date
2M started its programmes officially on 4 March 1989. Switch to Chart mode 1003 zappers currently browsing this site.
Besides American TV shows, 2M also airs a selection of Turkish, Indian and other foreign shows also dubbed in Moroccan Arabic, including Sapne Suhane Ladakpan Ke, Saat Phere: Saloni Ka Safar, Vaidehi, Ghar Ki Lakshmi Betiyann, Beni Affet[tr] (Arabic: ), Avenida Brasil and Larin izbor.
Beam The frequency of the channel is 12015 V, System is DVB-S, This takeover was supported by a major effort to develop the audio-visual sector.
Some Mexican and Turkish TV shows are dubbed locally in Moroccan Arabic. 2M Maroc in satellite Nilesat 201 | Eutelsat 7.0W.. Forgot username?
2M offers services in Arabic, French, and Berber. 2M is a Moroccan free-to-air television network.
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Frequency 2M challenged taboos by debating controversial issues and established a reputation for itself as a symbol of freedom of speech in Morocco. Country Radio 2M is the companion radio channel to 2M, presenting music, news, and information directly from Morocco in Arabic and French. We use own cookies to provide you the best experience on our website as well as third party cookies that may track your use of Satbeams and show you relevant advertising. Language broadcast: It is based in Casablanca. Satbeams has updated its cookie policy. It used to be a cable channel broadcasting unscrambled twice a day. Username
2M Monde does not broadcast Hollywood movies and American TV shows because the network only buys their broadcasting rights for within Morocco. |
Iza'at Al-Quran Al-Kareem wa al Barameg Al-Deeniyah, Eutelsat 7 West A (E7WA, AB7, Atlantic Bird 7, Nilebird, Atlantic Bird 4R, Nilesat 104), Chane Mohammed VI du Noble Coran Assadissa. Name 2M was set up as a second national television channel with the aim of promoting competition and diversity in Moroccan audio-visual broadcasting. 2M has two separate feeds: one available nationwide via terrestrial television, and a satellite feed under the branding 2M Monde (French for lit. It is a government-controlled public TV station and it has been alleged that the government also controls editorial choices. The channel gained controversy when on 23 November 2016, it aired a segment on its morning show Sabahiyat 2M, on how to cover beaten bruises with makeup on the International Day to Eliminate Violence Against Women. Show encrypted channels You can also download Telephent official app from Google play store using the download link given below. Here is the frequency, system, Symbol Rate, FEC, group, type and other details for the channel The channel is available free-to-air locally on digital signal with national coverage, and on satellite television via Globecast, Nilesat and Arabsat. Remember Me, Forgot password? Al Jazeera Centre for Public Liberties & Human Rights, Aljazeera Arabic Channel HD, Al Jazeera Mubasher Channel HD, Aljazeera English Channel HD, Al Jazeera Documentary Channel HD, Al Jazeera Mubasher 2 Channel HD, Al Jazeera Arabic Channel, Al Jazeera Mubasher 2 Channel, Al Jazeera English Channel, Al Jazeera Documentary Channel, Al Jazeera Mubasher Channel, Al Jazeera Arabic Channel, Al Jazeera Mubasher Channel, Al Jazeera Mubasher 2 Channel, Al Jazeera Documentary Channel, Al Jazeera English Channel, Aljazeera Arabic Channel HD, Al Jazeera Mubasher Channel HD, Al Jazeera Mubasher 2 Channel HD, Al Jazeera Documentary Channel HD, Aljazeera English Channel HD, Al Jazeera Arabic Channel, Al Jazeera Mubasher Channel, Al Jazeera Documentary Channel, Al Jazeera Arabic Channel, Al Jazeera English Channel, Aljazeera English Channel HD, Al Jazeera English Channel. The Moroccan state took over the control of 2M with a participation of 68% in its capital. Free To Air Channels only SID
All languagesAmharic (amh)Arabic (ara)Berbere (ber)English (eng)Farsi (far)French (fra)Hindi (hin)Kurdish (kur)Russian (rus)Sorani (sor)Spanish (esp)Turkish (tur)Urdu (urd) 2022 Al Jazeera Media Network. It was established by the royal-owned conglomerate, ONA, before being partly sold to the Moroccan state. Select a beam:AllEgypt (H) (Nilesat 102)Egypt (V) (Nilesat 102)MENA (Eutelsat 7 West A)Middle-East (Nilesat 201)Nilesat 301 (Nilesat 301)NW Africa (Eutelsat 7 West A) Sorted by: 2M's children's programming block ("2M Kids") also includes foreign TV shows also dubbed in French or in Moroccan Arabic, such as Clestin, Braceface, Oggy and the Cockroaches, Zig and Sharko, Bernard, Atomic Puppet, Furiki and 1001 Nights. 93 channels, dedicated packages and online streaming of all the biggest games, championships and entertainment.
Personnel: 500 people, including 30% executives; This page was last edited on 12 July 2022, at 09:46. Telephent provides satellites and channels list. 2M apologized on 28 November for airing the segment, calling it an "error in judgment."[4]. All of the aforementioned shows are broadcast on both the local and satellite versions of the channel. Switch to Zapping mode, Send your comments/suggestions to KingOfSat, Discovery Channel HD Middle-East & Africa. Learn how and when to remove these template messages, introducing citations to additional sources, Learn how and when to remove this template message, International Day to Eliminate Violence Against Women, "Audiovisuel: L'tat et la SNI refusent de recapitaliser 2M", "Societe Nationale d'Investissement: Etats Financiers Sociaux", "Moroccan TV airs makeup tips for women to hide spousal abuse", Royal Advisory Council for Saharan Affairs,, Television channels and stations established in 1989, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles needing additional references from January 2021, All articles needing additional references, Articles with multiple maintenance issues, Articles using infobox television channel, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0.

Besides American TV shows, 2M also airs a selection of Turkish, Indian and other foreign shows also dubbed in Moroccan Arabic, including Sapne Suhane Ladakpan Ke, Saat Phere: Saloni Ka Safar, Vaidehi, Ghar Ki Lakshmi Betiyann, Beni Affet[tr] (Arabic: ), Avenida Brasil and Larin izbor.
Beam The frequency of the channel is 12015 V, System is DVB-S, This takeover was supported by a major effort to develop the audio-visual sector.
Some Mexican and Turkish TV shows are dubbed locally in Moroccan Arabic. 2M Maroc in satellite Nilesat 201 | Eutelsat 7.0W.. Forgot username?
2M offers services in Arabic, French, and Berber. 2M is a Moroccan free-to-air television network.

Personnel: 500 people, including 30% executives; This page was last edited on 12 July 2022, at 09:46. Telephent provides satellites and channels list. 2M apologized on 28 November for airing the segment, calling it an "error in judgment."[4]. All of the aforementioned shows are broadcast on both the local and satellite versions of the channel. Switch to Zapping mode, Send your comments/suggestions to KingOfSat, Discovery Channel HD Middle-East & Africa. Learn how and when to remove these template messages, introducing citations to additional sources, Learn how and when to remove this template message, International Day to Eliminate Violence Against Women, "Audiovisuel: L'tat et la SNI refusent de recapitaliser 2M", "Societe Nationale d'Investissement: Etats Financiers Sociaux", "Moroccan TV airs makeup tips for women to hide spousal abuse", Royal Advisory Council for Saharan Affairs,, Television channels and stations established in 1989, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles needing additional references from January 2021, All articles needing additional references, Articles with multiple maintenance issues, Articles using infobox television channel, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0.