Forgot your password? Is Irene the Hugo of BCS? Copyright Fandango. The devil is in the details, but so is everything else. VIFF Centre He and Irene are both innocent victims of their respective show's protagonists. As the show nears its end, series creators Vince Gilligan and Peter Gould have established its credentials not only as a worthy sequel, but a great series in its own right. I love that there are two amazing shows in the same universe that acre this much fun to discuss! Better Call Saul has obviously featured otherBreaking Badcharacters, including Giancarlo Espositos Gus, Jonathan Banks Mike Ehrmantraut, and Dean Norris Hank. She is also a produced playwright, an occasional podcaster, and a repository of X-Files trivia. Do you think we mischaracterized a critic's review. By creating an account, you agree to the Privacy Policy I agree, I ultimately felt worse for Irene because of the relationship she had with Jimmy, even if just a small one, and Jimmy playing her intentionally the way he did, she really put her trust in Jimmy, as a lawyer and a friend. These actors told some minor fibs to score roles in major Hollywood productions. Amid the tension, rollicking dialogue and flashes of violence, Better Call Sauls winning attribute continues to be its slow-burn consistency. At this point I don't think Jimmy cares about her at all, his end game with Sandpiper was always a big payout, and while I like to think he may have given it a second thought had this been earlier in the show, I'm still not sure that would have been the case. While its choices may fall under new scrutiny once the seasons over, this episode is a staggering achievement, giving one character the showcase he deserves before the fate he cant outrun arrives. Or does he just not worry about her at all?). (I wonder how much time Jimmy spent justifying this plan to himself. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. All rights reserved. Sall good man! Peter made his television directorial debut in season four and wrote and directed the penultimate episode of the series. He won two Emmys for his work on the show. From the cartel to the courthouse, from Albuquerque to Omaha, season six tracks Jimmy, Saul and Gene as well as Jimmys complex relationship with Kim, who is in the midst of her own existential crisis.
Ah excellent points for sure! Even ifwe were, series creatorsVince Gilligan and Peter Gould wouldnt tell us; that would ruin the surprise. Does he tell himself that this is really for Irene's own good, since she'll be better off once she has the settlement money? Walt wasn't as close to Hugo and was a coward. I'm sure Walt would have tried to help Hugo or prevent his arrest had he known what was coming and could have. He didn't want to see her get hurt. He ultimately threw his own reputation away, sealing his fate as Saul Goodman, just to get her reputation back for her friends. six and a half series in and it is the best thing on TV possibly ever, in fact! Meanwhile, Mike, Gus, Nacho and Lalo are locked into a game of cat and mouse with mortal stakes. Charity Registration Number: 11894 6821 RR 0001. Nice idea. Things finally converge with Breaking Bads beginnings. One of Better Call Sauls most impressive qualities throughout its run has been its consistency, and that holds true in season six. Now in its final season, Better Call Saul remains just as expansively cinematic and claustrophobically tense as ever it was, with creators Vince Gilligan and Peter Gould still masters of their desert domain. Its clear the show runners are getting better and better at making great TV, while the actors slightly undermine the story by looking older now in the prequel than they did in the main series. It has remained faithful to that restrained rhythm but the time has come to blow everything up. Marijuana is illegal. You do feel like there's a trajectory. Co-Creator/Showrunner/Executive Producer, Better Call Saul. After thinking very carefully about what he should or should not say, Gilligan saidit would be a damn shame if the show ended without [Cranston and Paul] appearing, would it not? For his part, Gould did at least confirm that these two worlds [Breaking Bad andBetter Call Saul]cross over in a way youve never seen before although theres a lot of things that could mean besides appearances by Cranstonor Paul.
VIFF thanks the xmkym (Musqueam), Swxw7mesh (Squamish), and Sllwta/Selilwitulh (Tsleil-Waututh) Nations for their continued stewardship of the unceded and occupied land on which our work takes place. But some sort of role for Cranstons Walter White and Pauls Jesse Pinkman is the thing that would really put the final season ofBetter Call Saul over the top for a lot of viewers. She is currently senior entertainment editor at Consequence, and her work has also been published by Vulture, Variety, The Los Angeles Times, Collider, The AV Club, IGN, Paste, The Verge, Thought Catalog, and more. One difference is that Irene was deliberately set up for a fall by Jimmy, while Hugo was (IIRC) collateral damage--an unintentional victim of Walt's selfishness and cowardice. Marvel Movies Ranked Worst to Best by Tomatometer, Ethan Hawke Reflects on the Price of Fame in His Own Career and Those of Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward. I mean there are no similarities between Irene and Hugo other than how bad I feel for both of them getting fucked over due to the main character in each show. When the series concluded, Peter andBreaking Badcreator Vince Gilligan decided they werent finished with the shady attorney; together they created the spin-off prequel Better Call Saul. The first five seasons of the show received numerous awards and the sixth and final season has already been lauded by Salon critic Melanie McFarland as still the most extraordinary, riveting drama on TV. According to Hugo Rifkind of The Times of London: The vital fact about Better Call Saul is that it is simply as good as telly gets.. Liz Shannon Miller is a Los Angeles-based writer and editor who has been talking about television on the Internet since the very beginnings of the Internet. In season two ofBreaking Bad, Peter wrote the episode that introducedcriminallawyer Saul Goodman (Bob Odenkirk). Thesixth and last season ofBetter Call Saulpremieres on AMC on April 18. 1181 Seymour Street I would argue that he DID care for Irene. Another difference is that, while Hugo respected Walt as a teacher, they did not appear to have much of a relationship. Michael Mando truly rose to the occasion. (And also being how early into the show it was.) Season six is yet another reminder that Better Call Saul has not only stepped out from under Breaking Bads shadow but developed a confident identity as its own series chronicling the slow and steady demise of its protagonists. . It's still the most extraordinary, riveting drama on TV, substantially because of its emphasis on showing and implying before scripting what it's thinking. I began re-watching the series today, and realized I forgot about Hugo and how nice of a person he was, and how awful I felt when he got arrested because of the DEA investigating the lab equipment that Walt had stolen. So, Better Call Saul . Vancouver, BC Canada As part of this process, we remain committed to collaborating with and supporting Indigenous artists, filmmakers, curators, and audiences. Better Call Saulis a prequel toBreaking Bad, and asSaul is nowabout to start its sixth and final season on the air, fans are wondering: Is this the time the series story will catch up to the events chronicled inBreaking Bad? As an organization founded and predominantly directed by settlers and immigrants, we understand our responsibility to seek out and build authentic relationships with Indigenous communities, and to allow this ongoing dialogue to influence our practices. Please enter your email address and we will email you a new password. Currently streaming on AMC and AMC+, the series concludes the complicated journey and transformation of its compromised hero, Jimmy McGill, into criminal lawyer Saul Goodman. Better Call Saul stays the course at the beginning of its final season, building anticipation towards a finale that we know is just the beginning of a new story instead of the ending of the current one. All it takes for Jimmy to slip is seeing some dollar signs $$$$$$$. . Thanks for the insight! The season will run for 13 episodes. A subreddit for the Breaking Bad spinoff "better Call Saul" starring Bob Odenkirk. Without wanting to sound grandiose, it is one of those shows that reminds you that you are observing not just entertainment, but an art form, as distinct and intricate as literature. Peter Gould was a writer for the Emmy Awardwinning seriesBreaking Badfor all five seasons of the shows run, serving as executive story editor, producer, supervising producer, and co-executive producer. The acting is still phenomenal, the writing is top-notch, the cinematography remains stunning yet understated, and the subtle touches and motifs are all there. [Full review in Spanish]. V6B 3M7 But in an interview withVariety, theystronglyhinted that there would be something coming that would make longtime Breaking Badfans happy. Already rated 100% on Rotten Tomatoes, the sixth and final season of Better Call Saul is ready to come full circle. And the law is sacred. Vince Gilligan, Bob Odenkirk and company are firing on all cylinders in the AMC shows final season To make a final season the best of a series is a near-impossible task, but by keeping this story level, consistent, and wonderfully written, this cast of characters takes a fairly straightforward story and makes it as intricate as any of Jimmys cons. Follow her on Twitter at @lizlet. You can tell it bothered Walt. and to receive email from Rotten Tomatoes and Fandango. Everything that made its earlier seasons fantastic is here in season 6, only turned up to 11. Jimmy had spent time and effort legitimately earning Irene's trust, and betrayed it as soon as it suited his interests. Sign up here. Don't have an account? Hugo is more compassionate that's for sure. Hurting Irene didn't bother Jimmy. And could that mean that wewillget appearances byBreaking Bad stars Bryan Cranston and Aaron Paul somewhere in this final season ofBetter Call Saul? I'm largely with you--I remember feeling awful for Hugo. Get the freshest reviews, news, and more delivered right to your inbox! and the Terms and Policies,
Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous: Season 5. It is a powerful show and very well put together. We were thrilled to welcome back co-creator, showrunner and executive producer, Peter Gould for a mid-season conversation and Q&A as he offered insights into the most recent episodes. Second question: Is Hugo a better person than Chuck? Remember Hugo from season one of Breaking Bad? Press J to jump to the feed. It's a pleasure to be three steps behind. Just an observation.

VIFF thanks the xmkym (Musqueam), Swxw7mesh (Squamish), and Sllwta/Selilwitulh (Tsleil-Waututh) Nations for their continued stewardship of the unceded and occupied land on which our work takes place. But some sort of role for Cranstons Walter White and Pauls Jesse Pinkman is the thing that would really put the final season ofBetter Call Saul over the top for a lot of viewers. She is currently senior entertainment editor at Consequence, and her work has also been published by Vulture, Variety, The Los Angeles Times, Collider, The AV Club, IGN, Paste, The Verge, Thought Catalog, and more. One difference is that Irene was deliberately set up for a fall by Jimmy, while Hugo was (IIRC) collateral damage--an unintentional victim of Walt's selfishness and cowardice. Marvel Movies Ranked Worst to Best by Tomatometer, Ethan Hawke Reflects on the Price of Fame in His Own Career and Those of Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward. I mean there are no similarities between Irene and Hugo other than how bad I feel for both of them getting fucked over due to the main character in each show. When the series concluded, Peter andBreaking Badcreator Vince Gilligan decided they werent finished with the shady attorney; together they created the spin-off prequel Better Call Saul. The first five seasons of the show received numerous awards and the sixth and final season has already been lauded by Salon critic Melanie McFarland as still the most extraordinary, riveting drama on TV. According to Hugo Rifkind of The Times of London: The vital fact about Better Call Saul is that it is simply as good as telly gets.. Liz Shannon Miller is a Los Angeles-based writer and editor who has been talking about television on the Internet since the very beginnings of the Internet. In season two ofBreaking Bad, Peter wrote the episode that introducedcriminallawyer Saul Goodman (Bob Odenkirk). Thesixth and last season ofBetter Call Saulpremieres on AMC on April 18. 1181 Seymour Street I would argue that he DID care for Irene. Another difference is that, while Hugo respected Walt as a teacher, they did not appear to have much of a relationship. Michael Mando truly rose to the occasion. (And also being how early into the show it was.) Season six is yet another reminder that Better Call Saul has not only stepped out from under Breaking Bads shadow but developed a confident identity as its own series chronicling the slow and steady demise of its protagonists. . It's still the most extraordinary, riveting drama on TV, substantially because of its emphasis on showing and implying before scripting what it's thinking. I began re-watching the series today, and realized I forgot about Hugo and how nice of a person he was, and how awful I felt when he got arrested because of the DEA investigating the lab equipment that Walt had stolen. So, Better Call Saul . Vancouver, BC Canada As part of this process, we remain committed to collaborating with and supporting Indigenous artists, filmmakers, curators, and audiences. Better Call Saulis a prequel toBreaking Bad, and asSaul is nowabout to start its sixth and final season on the air, fans are wondering: Is this the time the series story will catch up to the events chronicled inBreaking Bad? As an organization founded and predominantly directed by settlers and immigrants, we understand our responsibility to seek out and build authentic relationships with Indigenous communities, and to allow this ongoing dialogue to influence our practices. Please enter your email address and we will email you a new password. Currently streaming on AMC and AMC+, the series concludes the complicated journey and transformation of its compromised hero, Jimmy McGill, into criminal lawyer Saul Goodman. Better Call Saul stays the course at the beginning of its final season, building anticipation towards a finale that we know is just the beginning of a new story instead of the ending of the current one. All it takes for Jimmy to slip is seeing some dollar signs $$$$$$$. . Thanks for the insight! The season will run for 13 episodes. A subreddit for the Breaking Bad spinoff "better Call Saul" starring Bob Odenkirk. Without wanting to sound grandiose, it is one of those shows that reminds you that you are observing not just entertainment, but an art form, as distinct and intricate as literature. Peter Gould was a writer for the Emmy Awardwinning seriesBreaking Badfor all five seasons of the shows run, serving as executive story editor, producer, supervising producer, and co-executive producer. The acting is still phenomenal, the writing is top-notch, the cinematography remains stunning yet understated, and the subtle touches and motifs are all there. [Full review in Spanish]. V6B 3M7 But in an interview withVariety, theystronglyhinted that there would be something coming that would make longtime Breaking Badfans happy. Already rated 100% on Rotten Tomatoes, the sixth and final season of Better Call Saul is ready to come full circle. And the law is sacred. Vince Gilligan, Bob Odenkirk and company are firing on all cylinders in the AMC shows final season To make a final season the best of a series is a near-impossible task, but by keeping this story level, consistent, and wonderfully written, this cast of characters takes a fairly straightforward story and makes it as intricate as any of Jimmys cons. Follow her on Twitter at @lizlet. You can tell it bothered Walt. and to receive email from Rotten Tomatoes and Fandango. Everything that made its earlier seasons fantastic is here in season 6, only turned up to 11. Jimmy had spent time and effort legitimately earning Irene's trust, and betrayed it as soon as it suited his interests. Sign up here. Don't have an account? Hugo is more compassionate that's for sure. Hurting Irene didn't bother Jimmy. And could that mean that wewillget appearances byBreaking Bad stars Bryan Cranston and Aaron Paul somewhere in this final season ofBetter Call Saul? I'm largely with you--I remember feeling awful for Hugo. Get the freshest reviews, news, and more delivered right to your inbox! and the Terms and Policies,
Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous: Season 5. It is a powerful show and very well put together. We were thrilled to welcome back co-creator, showrunner and executive producer, Peter Gould for a mid-season conversation and Q&A as he offered insights into the most recent episodes. Second question: Is Hugo a better person than Chuck? Remember Hugo from season one of Breaking Bad? Press J to jump to the feed. It's a pleasure to be three steps behind. Just an observation.