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Complete the bond application and return it to STC with the appropriate payments for the bond fee and replacement fees (the fees will be listed on the cover letter of the application). Upon your arrival, you may plan your grocery trips, find weekly savings, and even order select products online at endobj
The way it used to be. View your stock holdings, employee plan and options, transactions, and update contact information securely. Online Portal Log-In, Securities Transfer Corporation To replace your dividend check that has been lost, please compelte this form. GsS+1 H\~p5j2}9@45oC
}yLzl_m Frequently asked questions about IBM, our stock, finances and investing in the company. Suite 380 NASDAQ __&Jz'FflB~H[HV*V.-Z]aj6A*@TeNtDE%QH8YE <>/ExtGState<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 595.32 841.92] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>>
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Since 1930, Publix has grown from a single store into the largest employee-owned grocery chain in the United States. Must also be accompanied by the Transfer Instruction Letter. {k Lh:gr$ 4 0 obj
Gift LetterThis form is used when gifting stock certificate(s) to an individual or entity. Questions on transferring IBM stock should be directed to: (888) IBM-6700 (United States, Canada and Puerto Rico), Stock transfer instructions and forms are provided by Computershare at https://www-us.computershare.com/Investor/#Help/PrintableForms. LLC CertificationAn LLC Certification is used to authorize a managing member to transfer securities on behalf of an LLC. Dividend Replacement Check Form
!k>5zxE( ?\nf>nr \cf2Q;m Fund Administration V:ZXQ|,0)8_d}qzAnd4SQr6WZOGY9. Are you invested in a company that needs a new transfer agent or cap table provider? Personalized service. Plano, Texas 75093, Copyright (c) 2020 Securities Transfer Corp. 1987-2020 | STC is regulated by the Securities and Exchange Commission | Website by, Consent to Provide Information to OTC Markets Group, Stock Power with Medallion Signature Guarantee, Your name, address, SSN, contact number or email, and share information (number of shares, name of issuer), The receiving shareholders name, address, SSN, number of shares they are to receive, and the cost basis. Director attendance at annual meeting of stockholders, Political expenditures and public policy matters, IRS Form 8937 & Kyndryl Holdings, Inc. distribution FAQ, https://www-us.computershare.com/Investor/#Help/PrintableForms. [D@%R..lmck9LwQgLQ'/woK[HYx&RB4b'/=Q^PyI Z4,V.Y8oZM]"E,
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E{3a=!npB-fg`i@L^e*C2F'Ir k0QQ:RC9"_bW" Transfer Instruction LetterThis form should be used when submitting a certificate for transfer. U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission %
When sending IBM stock certificates to Computershare, you should send them unendorsed (with a brief letter of instruction) via registered or certified mail, with return receipt requested, or some other form of traceable mail, and properly insured. 3?Xq%\864k]/!a}}r8;CsAl`3w. Once STC reports your lost certificate(s), an application for a lost instrument bond, provided from our insurance agent Travelers will be delivered to the shareholders address on record, for completion and notarization. If the shares are to be placed in book entry position, please choose the relevant option in your instructions. Manage your cap table, view shareholder reports, shareholder meeting voting, transactions, update information securely. 2901 N Dallas Parkway Lost Securities Form LetterThis form is used to initiate the replacement process for a lost certificate. Shareholders can view account holdings, employee plan, stock awards, transactions, and update contact information securely online. Must also be accompanied by the Transfer Instruction Letter. H[q8 pCmmj]}QM.S[m]
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Must also be accompanied by the Transfer Instruction Letter. How you would like to deliver your shares. <>
Found your Certificate? %PDF-1.5
Must also be accompanied by the Transfer Instruction Letter. Please make sure to NOT sign the form until it has been medallion guaranteed. DTC Eligibility We are thankful for www.publix.com. -m^`_z2|-4EYN3v+dvI#VjS%t3V6}J=LxWyp4a[q-@? Affidavit of DomicileAn affidavit of domicile is used to state where a person resides (or where a deceased person resided). !"TRD2;:v6f. Please provide a letter stating your affiliation status with the issuer.
Copyright document.write(new Date().getFullYear()) Colonial Stock Transfer Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. *5m(K|)8fW+a Y="EH^$hv qkG6nK* TZ3fCFRiPaoIB5!nER` MInC WNX{'xN( gA+7C>? :f|&n`` R8K;2mu!`m-gW]nEu18ZpP 92'#?h2)T*ruw[/7mxrwYupG?Xh_*pR8( q4%- .4=>K)H7(8=~=o,z_?!eTKvw:~XrC%Qpu.9crnn >Uh)i But, the next time you travel to Florida, Georgia, Alabama, South Carolina, North Carolina, Tennessee, or Virginiamake sure you visit the store where shopping is a pleasure during your stay. 144 Sellers Rep LetterThis form is required to remove a restriction from a certificate that has been held 1+ years by a non-affiliate and a non-shell company. Personalized Transfer Agent & Cap Table services since 1987. Currently, we are not able to service customers outside of the United States, and our site is not fully available internationally. Dividend ACH Authorization & W-9 Form Please include the certificate number, number of shares, security name, signature and medallion. <>>> Transfer Agent Services We cannot accept blank stock powers. }Q]7D~iA=u')x]M-CeFxPcjCj~J9Ijn/,1F!TcvfsZg:6'3}7>g7I;V|Jno6W!` n0hWVz2zdmzVHnlUQF2 ir1D%`H'k7i-D((AQ[]qpEu$Y*>ySajNzC%y_+NnUNgsQp9hp4bW~Q0K.3;H+w]VFai; !N@;R+>vmxX="&\X2\{5bsCxniQ\)((LRN@ View shareholder meeting materials and vote your shares securely. :N$De:Z~%]Atg\7s4$)AJ TG\p}-IpAsX5rFa'x"/wD;Vp=d+pF:5NA8n}8x8f@GINVtcp HQc_|!'HdWfN\0zKNt+|`&,7i p[xQu]~t+`{v}auz! Please fill out the form completely. Please fill out and provide the. tk .6UXy(6D>=hIeRi~7x{}+Ufpq(p5?77E2z&lfHQ{Np=KXDAD%Mt8'`wfN# In order to replace your lost certificate(s), you must first report them lost by completing and returning to STC a. Visit the transfer agent's Web site at www.computershare.com. If your shares are held in book entry, you will only need to mail a medallion guaranteed stock power to us. )#{ *bUcV^c.| ! stream One and the Same FormComplete this form if transferring a certificate where your name was misspelled or legally changed. It includes a Stock Power (Section C), Substitute W-9 Form (Section D), and Cost Basis Form (Section E). Must also be accompanied by the Transfer Instruction Letter. %PDF-1.6 % Obtain Investor login. Once everything has been received, we will be able to replace your certificate.
Please choose the relevant option: If a physical certificate is being requested, please choose the relevant option in your instructions and provide the mailing address. This form is typically required when transferring shares of deceased owners. Change of Address FormComplete this form and send via fax or mail to change your address in our records. *\Y1 M9$=XeSbu)nII_c @$:2 D$-(xbZxMOJw_H7ySs!Xqx ?0O IvQBD (w !( T@y Q(GjX#5znY-uc@5QmL5#1JUU@r5mk;#%nnQgY38#|C&>ZC5g{pN?t!DYEutx"!1qX=/N;X: }u(%kGSuUt! !{%^zBfBeqQk0+Z:fpIxwIhsNW2Dd;gK|"Lx9fPGLOGX&f1#9mc{X_PG3U}%}:tW $ G'yX0pFKq,1lx7I83:JKY(Fv6ce75F9#UFXwi~rE I@@Ju8qnO*A}U+b 1HA~({I?V.1Nk_;o3O4A: 3 0 obj (Our apologies!) 98VbB5nArm:XYm(1I9kLx5thtbg7jL. u.lVqwdL[PI 4 Dh (v>;!Oo"O?CJvSz4Gw*1s;c):BXR6KP'^z endobj EDGAR Filing, EXTERNAL LINKS