A scientist, he pursues achievement through research and sees the development and training of Eleven as his greatest feat.
Nancy changes a lot in the course of, Validated by attracting the eye of Steve, her schools prom king, she adopts a partying persona as she begins to be accepted by the in crowd even though, as Barb observes, it isnt really her. For a quick Internet reference, theEnneagram Institutes website is the most in-depth and reliable, and the podcastTypologyis fun, accessible, and full of wisdom and insight. Ones fear that they will never be good enough and as a result are driven to always do the right thing. In other words, true to type One, his attention is drawn to what is wrong in a given situation. Though they desire personal connection above all else, Fours often withdraw in disappointment, feeling excluded and misunderstood, when reality does not meet their yearning fantasies a tendency Joyce recognizes in Jonathan when she tells her son, You act like youre all alone in the world, but youre not.. Sam Owens. Related:10 Things That Make No Sense About Steve Harrington. Though often treated merely as yet another personality test, the Enneagram does not claim to show us nine different forms the self can take. Fiercely loyal and protective over those she loves, there is no limit to how far Joyce will go for Will, Hopper, or the rest of the gang. Often the partys compass, Lucas tends to redirect the groups focus toward what he feels should be their primary objective. Her reluctance to be called a nerd is a form of a protective shield, as is her insistence that she has no phobias. Robin shows this drive to compensate for her longing in the energy she brings to cracking the Russian code and making fun of Steve. In season 2, Will develops true sight, the ability to sometimes see into the Upside Down, reflecting Nines spiritual capacity and tendency to see the bigger picture. He also often assures his friends hes fine even when hes experiencing trauma, which is quite common for many nines. 2022 RELEVANT Media Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Though we dont get to know her very well until season 3, when she becomes involved in Operation Child Endangerment, Ericas outspoken, precocious demeanor bears clear marks of type Eight. Lucas is always the type of friend to keep everyone on track, from guiding his friends in the right direction to encouraging Max to open up in season four. An article of this scope is also by necessity only a very broad overview of a very intricate and dynamic wisdom tradition. Though her extroversion may not look much like Jonathans moodiness, or the intensity of Elevens emotions, the obsessive envy of Steve that Robin felt in high school marks her as a Four, as does her feeling that her life has been one big error, and most significantly, her belief that if Steve ever really knew who she was, he wouldnt want to be her friend anymore.
Though often called Loyalists, Sixes can just as easily be counter-authority, especially when they see it as untrustworthy or unpredictable, as Murray clearly sees the U.S. government (not entirely without warrant). Erica Sinclair. However, when she's healthy, she gives great and confident adviceand can be a great leader. Owens resentment of Hopper giving him orders also suggests a slight Eight wing. It is only when the partys cohesion begins to weaken, in season 3, that he becomes vocal and critical of his friends, threatened by the breakdown of his comfort zone and feeling, as Nines tend to do, that his needs are a lower priority than the others. However, at her healthiest, fans see her aslovable and admirable for her extensive efforts. At this point in history, the Enneagram had yet to become the international phenomenon it has since. Though many believe Dustin to be a type seven due to his witty charm and people skills, hes overall very knowledgable and has fun thinking outside the box, as a true five does. Like Nancy, Steves arc surrounds his preoccupation with image. He comes up with the metaphor of the flea and the acrobat in season one, and uses an AC transformer to demonstrate electromagnetic fields to Joyce in season 3. Yet the letter he writes in season 3 shows that he has grown enough to look at his own issues honestly, and admit that living is worth facing risks, and that pain even pain that echoes past trauma isnt the worst thing in the world. Max values autonomy highly, insisting that she and El can make their own rules. Mike also shows a One wing in his resistance to including Max in the party at first, believing she is unfairly replacing Eleven, and in the value he places in the rule that friends dont lie.. So, Uh, Amazon Will Let You Make Alexa Sound Like a Deceased Loved One? Internet Explorer Is Officially Gone, So Youll Have to Find Another Way to Download Other Browsers, 59% of American Christians Say Theyre Persecuted, May Not Understand Real Persecution, No, You Really Cant Overdose on Fentanyl Just By Touching It, Tony Evans: Why We Need Black History Month, The Ukraine War is Causing a Hunger Crisis in Africa, WaPo: Franklin Graham Pushed a Woman to Return to Her Abusive Husband, Six Fathers Day Gifts that Also Give Back to Charities, This Real Life Weather Report Feels Ripped Straight From Dont Look Up, Kylie Jenner Should Throw Her Private Jet Into the Trash, Europes Deadly Heatwave Almost Defies Belief, Missouris New Bill Is About to Make Life Miserable for the Homeless, Report: A Record 100 Million People Have Been Forcibly Displaced Around the World, You Should Read the LA Homeless Services Directors Resignation Letter, Oklahomas New Law Could Ban Abortion Completely, How You Can Fight Injustices Without Leaving Your Home, Most American Christians Dont Support a Total Abortion Ban. Her Five wing is seen in the openmindedness she shows at the strange events she follows as she searches for answers. As he gets to know Nancy, he is drawn to what is real in her and shows disdain for what he perceives as falseness. His main motivation is being seen as useful, as he sees being informed as his primary form of safety. Fours tend to feel they are missing something that everyone else has, or are uniquely defective, which Eleven expresses when she tells Mike Im the monster in season 1, and which a vision of Dr. Brenner reinforces when it tells her she has a terrible wound., Part of her arc, especially in season 3, is discovering that its OK for her to be happy and at home in the world, and finding ways to fully express who she really is, not merely as Hopper or Mike see her. Yet, as is true of all Eights, the tough exterior is a mask used to guard against experiencing pain. Christopher Walken Will Bring More Cowbell to Dune: Part Two. Trailer: A24s Funny Pages Puts a New Spin on the Coming-of-Age Movie, Lysa TerKeurst: Surviving Our Seasons of Suffering, Seven Books That Will Help You Care for the Poor, Beth Moore on How to Handle Your Spiritual Coming-of-Age, HBO Max Is Adding a Ton of A24 Films, Giving It a Huge Win in the Streaming Wars, Abbot Elementary Star Quinta Brunson Will Play Oprah in the Increasingly Intriguing Weird Al Biopic, 12 Christian Reality Show Ideas Wed Binge Right Now, Watch: Stephen Spielberg Has Directed His First Ever Music Video for Marcus Mumford, Ten Underrated Worship Acts You Should Be Listening To, Watch the Grizzlies Ja Morant Leave a $500 Tip for His Shocked Waitress, The U.S. Soccer Federation Has Agreed to a Historic Deal for Equal Pay, Theres Actually No Evidence the Super Bowl Is a Hotbed of Human Trafficking. Though her extroversion may not look much like Jonathans moodiness, or the intensity of Elevens emotions, the obsessive envy of Steve that Robin felt in high school marks her as a Four, as does her feeling that her life has been one big error, and most significantly, her belief that if Steve ever really knew who she was, he wouldnt want to be her friend anymore. There areseveral references in the show ofMike's house being the central hangout spot, which is a perfect example of Mike's natural hospitality.
Jim Hopper. Like Nancy, Steves arc surrounds his preoccupation with image. An Entertainment Content Writer for ScreenRant, who knows a little bit too much about nerdy things. Related:Jonathan's 10 Best Quotes In Stranger Things. Maxs older step-brother is a bully, a racist and a bit of a narcissist, who embodies many of the more toxic levels of type Eight. Like many Threes, Brenner shows a chameleon-like ability to adopt different personas as the situation requires. When first found by the party in the woods, El hides her role in Wills disappearance out of shame and fear of rejection a Fours deepest fear by her new friends. It is the fall of 1984, and Purple Rain is the #1 song. Billy only begins to respect his step-sister when she in turn confronts him, demanding he leave her and the rest of the party alone. Type Twos core desire is to be loved for who they are, though they are seldom direct about their own needs, fearing they will only be loved for what they give and how they serve. Mike Wheeler. She tends to use the force of her personality to get what she wants, and resists being taken advantage of. Max Mayfield. . . Will generally keeps his fears to himself, initially hiding his traumatic experiences from others so they dont cause others to worry. A one-stop shop for all things video games. Robin Buckley. Similarly, Brenner discards Terry Ives Elevens mother once he has what he needs from her. . Steve Harrington. It is then that Steve like many Threes, when their masks stop working begins to question what he really wants in life, and begins to discover his true strengths and a truer version of himself as he helps Dustin with relationship advice, serving now as a source of, rather than a lure for, affirmation. Mike has trouble articulating his feelings for El in words, but fluently demonstrates them through kind and helpful acts. In other words, true to type One, his attention is drawn to what is wrong in a given situation. One of the most human depictions of an Eight in recent pop culture, Hopper embodies nearly every trait of this type: its preference for force and intimidation, its fear of vulnerability, its anger issues, and its protectiveness of the weak. Outspoken and bold, Max became a fan favorite early on, as viewers admired her tough outer shell despite her young age. Related:10 Things You Didn't Know About Stranger Things. Though she joins the party in season 2, Max shows a visceral independence and a resistance to the opinions of others. Her scorn for nerdiness may soften in the future, though, due to her time with Dustin, who sees through her defenses and suggests its OK to like things enthusiastically without putting up a shield. It can often help to learn about these nine types by seeing examples of them in fictional characters, like the many colorful personalities in Stranger Things. Sarah Jakes Roberts on Finding Peace in a Stormy Season, The Worlds Most Christian Countries Arent Where You Think, John Mark Comer: The Discipline of Hoping in God, Three Ways You Can Love Those Who Think Differently, What to Do When Youre Running Low on Faith, Why I Still Go to Church Even When I Dont Want To. Whether fans can relate to Will's sensitivity or Hopper's tough exterior, there is a character for everyone, with an in-depth backstory for each. Stranger Things: Which Character Are You, Based On Your Enneagram Type? But the 1980s in addition to being the era of big hair, teen movies, and, of course, It can often help to learn about these nine types by seeing examples of them in fictional characters, like the many colorful personalities in. His resistance to Murrays more realistic view of American society mirrors the tendency of Sevens to compulsively avoid anything negative and dwell almost exclusively on what is positive, entertaining and satisfying. Its Not Your Imagination. Like any teen, everyone questions where they fit in and who they truly are, and as far as Nancy goes, she's always insisted on navigating who she truly wants to be whether in terms of her popularity or her good-girl image. We suggest you watch the series before reading. You can learn about him at his website https://mluce.ro. Michael Lucero is a writer living in Charleston, SC. Will Byers. For an adventure show set in the 80s, its odd that one would have to reach for a minor character in the third season to find an example of a Seven, the most adventurous and fun-loving type. Sign up to get our top five trending stories every weekday! A vivid example of type Six, Joyce experiences life as a constant suite of perpetual threats and worse case scenarios. His often-helpful advice and encouragement is the communication style of Twos, epitomized in his catch phrase, Easy peasy. Bobs focus on others needs reflect the Twos core desire for love and connection, and his death, while a noble sacrifice, also suggests the Twos tendency to overgive to the exclusion of their own health. At the beginning of the story he is a bully, matching the expectations of the other popular high school kids, but this behavior begins to soften when he starts to date Nancy. Though at times nave and shallow, Alexeis charm is so genuine and infectious that even the suspicious, Russian-hating Murray grows to like him. Brenner is ultimately driven by the need to demonstrate his worth and ability to others, even in the midst of disaster. He shows an artistic bent in photography, using his camera as a window to relate to the world and others from the quintessential Four vantage point: from the outside looking in.
The sheriff of Hawkins, Indiana, Hopper faces the world without fear of confrontation, demanding what he needs even when not in a position of advantage. The type summaries in this article are based on my close observations while watching Stranger Things fanatically and repeatedly, though they may be wrong, especially where there isnt enough known about characters basic fears, desires, motivations and unconscious / subconscious lives. When we learn about our true self, it often feels far away, but in reality it is incredibly near, like Will in the Upside Down looking out at his mother through the walls of his own house.
Well acquainted with sorrow, Fours can see and value the emotional wounds in others, which El does when she looks into Billys past: an empathy that ultimately saves both her and him in The Battle of Starcourt.. A quiet, sweet and mellow kid, Will attaches to the desires and preferences of others, going with the flow of the party and drawing comfort from its stability as a group. Validated by attracting the eye of Steve, her schools prom king, she adopts a partying persona as she begins to be accepted by the in crowd even though, as Barb observes, it isnt really her. . Lucas Sinclair. He ultimately cooperates with the Americans out of fear of punishment by his superiors, typical of Sevens desire to outrun and escape painful experiences at any cost. Nancy Wheeler. He is visibly excited when sharing information, and delights in the sense of mastery and security his knowledge gives him, and is generous in sharing it with others. Spontaneous, curious, and enthusiastic are just a few adjectives that sum up Steve Harrington, and a general type seven personality. Ethan Hawke Says One Major Actor Is This Generation's Paul Newman. Though he's stubborn, many fans let this quality slide, as he is always able to eventually come around and apologize. He often mediates between the government scientists and their need to respond to the threats of the Upside Down, and the more personal, everyday concerns of Hopper and the Byerses, reflecting the Nines ability to see conflicts from all sides. Ethan Hawke Thinks Pope Francis Should End the War in Ukraine and Weve Heard Worse Ideas, The Weeknds New HBO Show The Idol Has Some, Shall We Say, Red Flags, Nathan Fielder, The Rehearsal and the Utter Terror of Being Known, Aaron Paul, Zazie Beetz and More Have Joined the Dystopian Cast of Black Mirror, The Bill to Codify Same-Sex Marriage Might Just Pass in the Senate, How to Stay Politically Engaged in Non-Election Years, Four Big Takeaways From the Houses Uvalde Shooting Report, Jordan Petersons Message to Christian Churches Is Nonsense. Joyce is the definition of sacrificial love and she always continues to press on despite any hardships she'sgone through. The director of the Hawkins National Lab after Brenners downfall in season 1, Dr. Owens is a much humbler, more amiable and easygoing man. NEXT:9 Movies Guaranteed To Give You The Same 80s Nostalgia As Stranger Things. Though Nancy evolves quite a bit throughout the series, one theme remains constant, and that is her struggle to upkeep her identity, which is very important to threes who desire a strong sense of belonging and take pride in their work. Murray finds a strange and ultimately unhealthy sort of security in knowing he isnt wrong about the many things he worries about. But the 1980s in addition to being the era of big hair, teen movies, and, of course, Stranger Things were among the first decades when these traditions crystalized into the modern form we know today: a system of human character structure divided into nine types, with fractal-like divisions into triads and subtypes.
When the party first meets Eleven in season 1, Lucas is impatient and critical of her, feeling she is another problem to distract them from finding the lost Will Byers. Editors Note: This article contains some spoilers for the show Stranger Things. Scott Clark. Nearly everything Bob does in his short stint in. Bob Newby. Having been through loads of trauma, she channels her powerful emotions into her telepathic gifts and powers, which is largely how she's such a powerful force. The Enneagram sheds light on nine unique paths toward just such a realization. Reflecting the Fours desire for significance and meaning in their lives and their selves, Jonathan looks down on high school conformity and small-town suburban lifestyle, instead reveling in what is beautifully unique in people around him. A quiet, sweet and mellow kid, Will attaches to the desires and preferences of others, going with the flow of the party and drawing comfort from its stability as a group.
Paranoid and given to conspiracy theories, Murray is continually on the lookout for any hint of a threat, believing that rumors of Eleven might suggest a Russian invasion.
Every weekday, get RELEVANT's top five articles delivered to your inbox!
The partys source of wisdom and knowledge, Clarke is dry, philosophical and loves to explain and lecture the primary communication style of a Five.
Dustin Henderson. However, Jonathan also has the creative aspect of the personality type with his passion for photography, which is also very typical of fours. The walls that separate ourselves from our essence, though, are incredibly thin so thin that all we must do to pass through them is realize theyre not really there.
Though he himself breaks a party rule when he tells Max about Eleven without the others permission, he is no less disapproving of Dustin when the latter secretly keeps a baby Demogorgon in his house.
Even in his advice to Dustin, though, he sees relationships as playing roles (acting disinterested toward girls), and persists in caring a lot about his looks even after high school when he begins his first job at the Starcourt Mall. The five is fittingly nicknamed The Investigator, as Dustin loves flexing his smarts and excels in getting to the bottom of mysteries as a creative problem-solver. Steve ends up losing his place among the in crowd, while Nancy drifts away from him toward the mystery of the Demogorgon.
Whether it's behind-the-scenes facts about music, movies, tv shows, or comics, Kallie is ready to talk your ear off about it, whether you like it or not!

Though often called Loyalists, Sixes can just as easily be counter-authority, especially when they see it as untrustworthy or unpredictable, as Murray clearly sees the U.S. government (not entirely without warrant). Erica Sinclair. However, when she's healthy, she gives great and confident adviceand can be a great leader. Owens resentment of Hopper giving him orders also suggests a slight Eight wing. It is only when the partys cohesion begins to weaken, in season 3, that he becomes vocal and critical of his friends, threatened by the breakdown of his comfort zone and feeling, as Nines tend to do, that his needs are a lower priority than the others. However, at her healthiest, fans see her aslovable and admirable for her extensive efforts. At this point in history, the Enneagram had yet to become the international phenomenon it has since. Though many believe Dustin to be a type seven due to his witty charm and people skills, hes overall very knowledgable and has fun thinking outside the box, as a true five does. Like Nancy, Steves arc surrounds his preoccupation with image. He comes up with the metaphor of the flea and the acrobat in season one, and uses an AC transformer to demonstrate electromagnetic fields to Joyce in season 3. Yet the letter he writes in season 3 shows that he has grown enough to look at his own issues honestly, and admit that living is worth facing risks, and that pain even pain that echoes past trauma isnt the worst thing in the world. Max values autonomy highly, insisting that she and El can make their own rules. Mike also shows a One wing in his resistance to including Max in the party at first, believing she is unfairly replacing Eleven, and in the value he places in the rule that friends dont lie.. So, Uh, Amazon Will Let You Make Alexa Sound Like a Deceased Loved One? Internet Explorer Is Officially Gone, So Youll Have to Find Another Way to Download Other Browsers, 59% of American Christians Say Theyre Persecuted, May Not Understand Real Persecution, No, You Really Cant Overdose on Fentanyl Just By Touching It, Tony Evans: Why We Need Black History Month, The Ukraine War is Causing a Hunger Crisis in Africa, WaPo: Franklin Graham Pushed a Woman to Return to Her Abusive Husband, Six Fathers Day Gifts that Also Give Back to Charities, This Real Life Weather Report Feels Ripped Straight From Dont Look Up, Kylie Jenner Should Throw Her Private Jet Into the Trash, Europes Deadly Heatwave Almost Defies Belief, Missouris New Bill Is About to Make Life Miserable for the Homeless, Report: A Record 100 Million People Have Been Forcibly Displaced Around the World, You Should Read the LA Homeless Services Directors Resignation Letter, Oklahomas New Law Could Ban Abortion Completely, How You Can Fight Injustices Without Leaving Your Home, Most American Christians Dont Support a Total Abortion Ban. Her Five wing is seen in the openmindedness she shows at the strange events she follows as she searches for answers. As he gets to know Nancy, he is drawn to what is real in her and shows disdain for what he perceives as falseness. His main motivation is being seen as useful, as he sees being informed as his primary form of safety. Fours tend to feel they are missing something that everyone else has, or are uniquely defective, which Eleven expresses when she tells Mike Im the monster in season 1, and which a vision of Dr. Brenner reinforces when it tells her she has a terrible wound., Part of her arc, especially in season 3, is discovering that its OK for her to be happy and at home in the world, and finding ways to fully express who she really is, not merely as Hopper or Mike see her. Yet, as is true of all Eights, the tough exterior is a mask used to guard against experiencing pain. Christopher Walken Will Bring More Cowbell to Dune: Part Two. Trailer: A24s Funny Pages Puts a New Spin on the Coming-of-Age Movie, Lysa TerKeurst: Surviving Our Seasons of Suffering, Seven Books That Will Help You Care for the Poor, Beth Moore on How to Handle Your Spiritual Coming-of-Age, HBO Max Is Adding a Ton of A24 Films, Giving It a Huge Win in the Streaming Wars, Abbot Elementary Star Quinta Brunson Will Play Oprah in the Increasingly Intriguing Weird Al Biopic, 12 Christian Reality Show Ideas Wed Binge Right Now, Watch: Stephen Spielberg Has Directed His First Ever Music Video for Marcus Mumford, Ten Underrated Worship Acts You Should Be Listening To, Watch the Grizzlies Ja Morant Leave a $500 Tip for His Shocked Waitress, The U.S. Soccer Federation Has Agreed to a Historic Deal for Equal Pay, Theres Actually No Evidence the Super Bowl Is a Hotbed of Human Trafficking. Though her extroversion may not look much like Jonathans moodiness, or the intensity of Elevens emotions, the obsessive envy of Steve that Robin felt in high school marks her as a Four, as does her feeling that her life has been one big error, and most significantly, her belief that if Steve ever really knew who she was, he wouldnt want to be her friend anymore. There areseveral references in the show ofMike's house being the central hangout spot, which is a perfect example of Mike's natural hospitality.
Jim Hopper. Like Nancy, Steves arc surrounds his preoccupation with image. An Entertainment Content Writer for ScreenRant, who knows a little bit too much about nerdy things. Related:Jonathan's 10 Best Quotes In Stranger Things. Maxs older step-brother is a bully, a racist and a bit of a narcissist, who embodies many of the more toxic levels of type Eight. Like many Threes, Brenner shows a chameleon-like ability to adopt different personas as the situation requires. When first found by the party in the woods, El hides her role in Wills disappearance out of shame and fear of rejection a Fours deepest fear by her new friends. It is the fall of 1984, and Purple Rain is the #1 song. Billy only begins to respect his step-sister when she in turn confronts him, demanding he leave her and the rest of the party alone. Type Twos core desire is to be loved for who they are, though they are seldom direct about their own needs, fearing they will only be loved for what they give and how they serve. Mike Wheeler. She tends to use the force of her personality to get what she wants, and resists being taken advantage of. Max Mayfield. . . Will generally keeps his fears to himself, initially hiding his traumatic experiences from others so they dont cause others to worry. A one-stop shop for all things video games. Robin Buckley. Similarly, Brenner discards Terry Ives Elevens mother once he has what he needs from her. . Steve Harrington. It is then that Steve like many Threes, when their masks stop working begins to question what he really wants in life, and begins to discover his true strengths and a truer version of himself as he helps Dustin with relationship advice, serving now as a source of, rather than a lure for, affirmation. Mike has trouble articulating his feelings for El in words, but fluently demonstrates them through kind and helpful acts. In other words, true to type One, his attention is drawn to what is wrong in a given situation. One of the most human depictions of an Eight in recent pop culture, Hopper embodies nearly every trait of this type: its preference for force and intimidation, its fear of vulnerability, its anger issues, and its protectiveness of the weak. Outspoken and bold, Max became a fan favorite early on, as viewers admired her tough outer shell despite her young age. Related:10 Things You Didn't Know About Stranger Things. Though she joins the party in season 2, Max shows a visceral independence and a resistance to the opinions of others. Her scorn for nerdiness may soften in the future, though, due to her time with Dustin, who sees through her defenses and suggests its OK to like things enthusiastically without putting up a shield. It can often help to learn about these nine types by seeing examples of them in fictional characters, like the many colorful personalities in Stranger Things. Sarah Jakes Roberts on Finding Peace in a Stormy Season, The Worlds Most Christian Countries Arent Where You Think, John Mark Comer: The Discipline of Hoping in God, Three Ways You Can Love Those Who Think Differently, What to Do When Youre Running Low on Faith, Why I Still Go to Church Even When I Dont Want To. Whether fans can relate to Will's sensitivity or Hopper's tough exterior, there is a character for everyone, with an in-depth backstory for each. Stranger Things: Which Character Are You, Based On Your Enneagram Type? But the 1980s in addition to being the era of big hair, teen movies, and, of course, It can often help to learn about these nine types by seeing examples of them in fictional characters, like the many colorful personalities in. His resistance to Murrays more realistic view of American society mirrors the tendency of Sevens to compulsively avoid anything negative and dwell almost exclusively on what is positive, entertaining and satisfying. Its Not Your Imagination. Like any teen, everyone questions where they fit in and who they truly are, and as far as Nancy goes, she's always insisted on navigating who she truly wants to be whether in terms of her popularity or her good-girl image. We suggest you watch the series before reading. You can learn about him at his website https://mluce.ro. Michael Lucero is a writer living in Charleston, SC. Will Byers. For an adventure show set in the 80s, its odd that one would have to reach for a minor character in the third season to find an example of a Seven, the most adventurous and fun-loving type. Sign up to get our top five trending stories every weekday! A vivid example of type Six, Joyce experiences life as a constant suite of perpetual threats and worse case scenarios. His often-helpful advice and encouragement is the communication style of Twos, epitomized in his catch phrase, Easy peasy. Bobs focus on others needs reflect the Twos core desire for love and connection, and his death, while a noble sacrifice, also suggests the Twos tendency to overgive to the exclusion of their own health. At the beginning of the story he is a bully, matching the expectations of the other popular high school kids, but this behavior begins to soften when he starts to date Nancy. Though at times nave and shallow, Alexeis charm is so genuine and infectious that even the suspicious, Russian-hating Murray grows to like him. Brenner is ultimately driven by the need to demonstrate his worth and ability to others, even in the midst of disaster. He shows an artistic bent in photography, using his camera as a window to relate to the world and others from the quintessential Four vantage point: from the outside looking in.
The sheriff of Hawkins, Indiana, Hopper faces the world without fear of confrontation, demanding what he needs even when not in a position of advantage. The type summaries in this article are based on my close observations while watching Stranger Things fanatically and repeatedly, though they may be wrong, especially where there isnt enough known about characters basic fears, desires, motivations and unconscious / subconscious lives. When we learn about our true self, it often feels far away, but in reality it is incredibly near, like Will in the Upside Down looking out at his mother through the walls of his own house.
Well acquainted with sorrow, Fours can see and value the emotional wounds in others, which El does when she looks into Billys past: an empathy that ultimately saves both her and him in The Battle of Starcourt.. A quiet, sweet and mellow kid, Will attaches to the desires and preferences of others, going with the flow of the party and drawing comfort from its stability as a group. Validated by attracting the eye of Steve, her schools prom king, she adopts a partying persona as she begins to be accepted by the in crowd even though, as Barb observes, it isnt really her. . Lucas Sinclair. He ultimately cooperates with the Americans out of fear of punishment by his superiors, typical of Sevens desire to outrun and escape painful experiences at any cost. Nancy Wheeler. He is visibly excited when sharing information, and delights in the sense of mastery and security his knowledge gives him, and is generous in sharing it with others. Spontaneous, curious, and enthusiastic are just a few adjectives that sum up Steve Harrington, and a general type seven personality. Ethan Hawke Says One Major Actor Is This Generation's Paul Newman. Though he's stubborn, many fans let this quality slide, as he is always able to eventually come around and apologize. He often mediates between the government scientists and their need to respond to the threats of the Upside Down, and the more personal, everyday concerns of Hopper and the Byerses, reflecting the Nines ability to see conflicts from all sides. Ethan Hawke Thinks Pope Francis Should End the War in Ukraine and Weve Heard Worse Ideas, The Weeknds New HBO Show The Idol Has Some, Shall We Say, Red Flags, Nathan Fielder, The Rehearsal and the Utter Terror of Being Known, Aaron Paul, Zazie Beetz and More Have Joined the Dystopian Cast of Black Mirror, The Bill to Codify Same-Sex Marriage Might Just Pass in the Senate, How to Stay Politically Engaged in Non-Election Years, Four Big Takeaways From the Houses Uvalde Shooting Report, Jordan Petersons Message to Christian Churches Is Nonsense. Joyce is the definition of sacrificial love and she always continues to press on despite any hardships she'sgone through. The director of the Hawkins National Lab after Brenners downfall in season 1, Dr. Owens is a much humbler, more amiable and easygoing man. NEXT:9 Movies Guaranteed To Give You The Same 80s Nostalgia As Stranger Things. Though Nancy evolves quite a bit throughout the series, one theme remains constant, and that is her struggle to upkeep her identity, which is very important to threes who desire a strong sense of belonging and take pride in their work. Murray finds a strange and ultimately unhealthy sort of security in knowing he isnt wrong about the many things he worries about. But the 1980s in addition to being the era of big hair, teen movies, and, of course, Stranger Things were among the first decades when these traditions crystalized into the modern form we know today: a system of human character structure divided into nine types, with fractal-like divisions into triads and subtypes.
When the party first meets Eleven in season 1, Lucas is impatient and critical of her, feeling she is another problem to distract them from finding the lost Will Byers. Editors Note: This article contains some spoilers for the show Stranger Things. Scott Clark. Nearly everything Bob does in his short stint in. Bob Newby. Having been through loads of trauma, she channels her powerful emotions into her telepathic gifts and powers, which is largely how she's such a powerful force. The Enneagram sheds light on nine unique paths toward just such a realization. Reflecting the Fours desire for significance and meaning in their lives and their selves, Jonathan looks down on high school conformity and small-town suburban lifestyle, instead reveling in what is beautifully unique in people around him. A quiet, sweet and mellow kid, Will attaches to the desires and preferences of others, going with the flow of the party and drawing comfort from its stability as a group.
Paranoid and given to conspiracy theories, Murray is continually on the lookout for any hint of a threat, believing that rumors of Eleven might suggest a Russian invasion.
Every weekday, get RELEVANT's top five articles delivered to your inbox!
The partys source of wisdom and knowledge, Clarke is dry, philosophical and loves to explain and lecture the primary communication style of a Five.
Dustin Henderson. However, Jonathan also has the creative aspect of the personality type with his passion for photography, which is also very typical of fours. The walls that separate ourselves from our essence, though, are incredibly thin so thin that all we must do to pass through them is realize theyre not really there.
Though he himself breaks a party rule when he tells Max about Eleven without the others permission, he is no less disapproving of Dustin when the latter secretly keeps a baby Demogorgon in his house.
Even in his advice to Dustin, though, he sees relationships as playing roles (acting disinterested toward girls), and persists in caring a lot about his looks even after high school when he begins his first job at the Starcourt Mall. The five is fittingly nicknamed The Investigator, as Dustin loves flexing his smarts and excels in getting to the bottom of mysteries as a creative problem-solver. Steve ends up losing his place among the in crowd, while Nancy drifts away from him toward the mystery of the Demogorgon.
Whether it's behind-the-scenes facts about music, movies, tv shows, or comics, Kallie is ready to talk your ear off about it, whether you like it or not!