FREE shipping, ad by TreeOfLoveNaturals
Stagger the plants so that each plant in one row sits in the space between the plants in the other row. Ad from shop panternursery
From shop dasfarms, $42.95
From shop ThujaTrees, $69.95
Gardeners have planted millions of trees over the last two decades, and they have found this to be the perfect plant for so many uses around the garden. As you lay the mulch on top of the soil, leave an inch of space between the mulch and the base of the tree trunk.
While Arborvitae trees grow best in full sun, they can endure in partial shade. From shop FloridaFoliageStore, $30.98 This type of tree is especially toxic to horses, so we advise that you avoid planting it around stables and paths that you take the animal on.
2022 Garden Goods Direct. The common issue is that the roots of the Green Giant tree are unable to pull in a sufficient amount of water from the soil due to the ground being too dry or frozen. You will receive email notifications along the way on the progress of your order, as well as tracking information to track your plants all the way to their new home! Original Price $11.24
Some of the technologies we use are necessary for critical functions like security and site integrity, account authentication, security and privacy preferences, internal site usage and maintenance data, and to make the site work correctly for browsing and transactions.
This method takes a few more plants to create a hedge, but the result will be a solid, dense hedge that you will love.
This tree is widely known to be unattractive to deer and they will leave it alone.
One of the fantastic things about Green Giant Arborvitae is its resistance to deer.
Your trees will be shipped at a suitable time for planting.
So even if your hedge passes from sun to shade, you will have a beautiful even appearance the whole length, without thin, straggly areas. A 2 to 3-inch layer of mulch is sufficient but remember to take care not to cover any part of the stem of the plant with mulch.
Wait for the water to drain away and then put back the rest of the soil. It is always a perfect rich green and so beautiful it has to be the number-one choice for a large hedge. This technique helps to keep weeds away which will compete with the tree for the water and nutrients it receives.
From shop rogersearthworks, ad by SEEDVILLEUSA This Arborvitae is pest and disease free and best of all, deer wont touch it making this the perfect hedge for country homes.
Enter your email address here and we'll give you a heads up when this product is back in stock! You may also have a larger garden, and dividing it up into separate areas for vegetables, fruit trees, a childrens play-area, or a sheltered retreat is always a good way to start building the garden you will love. Click Buy it now or Add to cart and proceed to checkout. DaylilyNursery Unlike some evergreen trees, the Thuja Green Giant has few pest and disease problems. The roots of a Green Giant tree are not invasive.
Ad from shop QOSeedsUSA If you are planting against a fence, or along your property line, set the row at least 3 feet from the fence or line. Absolutely!
Delay shipping by leaving us a message at Checkout.
Instructional how-to's for the novice to expert gardener.
Under Add your personalization, the text box will tell you what the seller needs to know.
Once your order is placed online, our magic elves get right to work picking, staging, boxing and shipping your trees. Ad from shop seedsbypost
See the diagram below for an example of the staggered planting pattern: Thuja Green Giant trees take on a tall, broad-based, pyramidal shape if left un-pruned.
Ad from shop BristolBotanicals
From shop HyperHouseNursery, $69.70 Arborvitae Green Giant is very tolerant of a wide range of soil conditions, even drought. Ad from shop rogersearthworks
Found something you love but want to make it even more uniquely you?
Ad from shop dasfarms
If this occurs in summer, this is generally due to underwatering or drought. SilverStoneYard
Remove enough soil from the hole or trench so that the plants sit just an inch or so below the final level of the ground.
Send me exclusive offers, unique gift ideas, and personalized tips for shopping and selling on Etsy. We have tried many so-called starter fertilizers over the years and have come to rely on this one exclusively for our use. Looks like you already have an account!
Ad from shop CZGrain Once you buy an Arborvitae Green Giant, follow the planting and care instructions below for the best outcome: This Arborvitae does best when grown with a single leader, and extra main stems should be removed before planting. SEEDVILLEUSA
When it comes time to fertilize your Arborvitae Green Giant, we recommend Espoma Bio-Tone Plus Starter Plus fertilizer. Ad from shop ZenGardenGr Follow the directions for the quantities needed, as the concentration of the fertilizer can vary. Sellers looking to grow their business and reach more interested buyers can use Etsys advertising platform to promote their items.
Squeezing the evergreen leaves releases an aroma that is nothing less than nature's perfume.
Bare-root trees are shipped without soil around their roots. JMBGardens You can trim your hedge anytime between spring and early fall, although it is best not to do it during hot, dry weather.
Remember that neighbors or your city can trim trees up to the property line, so you want to have plenty of the plant on your side, so that it is protected from damage. FREE shipping, ad by HyperHouseNursery
We want to provide you with as many resources as possible to achieve successful planting and growth of your trees and shrubs.
Just let the plants grow they are naturally dense and will soon grow together. The seller might still be able to personalize your item.
Yes! If the ground was very dry when you started, you can water again, but it is usually not necessary. (10% off), ad by QOSeedsUSA Arborvitae Green Giant trees make an excellent windbreak, standing up to the strongest of winter winds, due to its substantial root system. Arborvitae trees also respond well to light pruning or shearing later in the growing season, at any time between spring and early-to-mid summer. We measure from the top of the soil to the top of the tree; the height of the container or the root system is never included in our measurements. Expert growers produced our plants for us, from material derived from that one original plant, and we guaranteed they are true to the original type. FREE shipping, ad by seedsbypost
Etsys 100% renewable electricity commitment includes the electricity used by the data centers that host, the Sell on Etsy app, and the Etsy app, as well as the electricity that powers Etsys global offices and employees working remotely from home in the US. Etsy is powered by 100% renewable electricity.
Some hedging plants take years to develop, but this is where the amazing Green Giant enters the picture. Only in very severe winters, and if you have many deer, can you have problems, and if you are concerned, just spray your plants with deer repellent in the fall.
Obviously if you plant in fall or winter, you will not see much growth until the following spring, but the roots will have been growing below ground, so your plants will get off to a flying start as soon as the first warm days of spring arrive.
It's known to be deer resistant no matter where it's planted in your yard.
Again, keep this clear of the stem and cover a good area around the plants. Because it is a strong, vigorous and fast-growing plant, Thujas can be planted at many different spacings and still succeed.
If this occurs during the winter, browning is generally a result of a combination of wind, sun, and cold temperatures which causes winter burn.
In double rows, set the rows 5 feet apart, with the trees 8 to 12 feet apart.
From this plant, the clone named 'Green Giant' was propagated. Spring planting will give you good establishment, since the plants will have a full growing season ahead of them to spread their roots and grow under ideal conditions. This can be anything from garden compost to rotted leaves, animal manure, or peat moss. Mulch is a great way to conserve moisture, keep the soil cool and prevent the soil from being compacted by heavy rain. Simply mix the recommended amount of Bio-Tone Plus Starter Plus into the back-fill soil and water in generously when back-filled.
While the industry-standard terminology is to call the sizes "Gallon Containers", that doesn't exactly translate to the traditional liquid "gallon" size we think of.
However, you should still leave it ample room to grow and thrive, as mature roots can stretch up to 24 inches. Ad from shop AllSunshineGardening
They have a growth rate of 3 to 5 feet per year until maturity. rogersearthworks When starting a new garden, or improving an older one, one of the first things to think about is screening.
From shop GreenThumbsGarden, ad by WeaverFamilyFarms
If your Green Giant tree is experiencing browning, try the tips below to revive it come springtime: The Thuja Green Giant is known to be toxic to animals like dogs, cats, and horses.
HorticultLLC FREE shipping, ad by DaylilyNursery
Every state has their own unique USDA restrictions on which plants they allow to come into their state.
For the perfect hedge, only trim the front and back, allowing the plants to grow naturally together at the sides.
These are more expensive, but they only need to be applied once a year in spring. Its best if the soil underneath is firm so that your plant will not be pushed deeper as you plant.
The genus name, Thuja, is from a Greek word for perfume. Most other soft evergreens and many other plants too are loved by deer, especially during the winter.
The green giant arborvitae is a large, vigorous, fast-growing evergreen.
Ad from shop SEEDVILLEUSA From shop AllSunshineGardening, $2.95 We recommend using a high quality mulch made from ground hardwood or cypress. With Green Giants you do not need to worry. You may notice that browning can occur multiple times throughout the year, typically in summer or winter.
Free Ground Shipping on Orders Over $130*. ArdentGardener If the weather is cooler, you can water just once a week right from the start. This will give new branches and foliage a chance to kick start growth before the season ends.
Captcha failed to load. TnnurseryStore ad by bluffviewnursery based on 27040 ratings and reviews, This product does not ship to AK, CA, HI, PR, Extremely fast growth-rate 3 to 5 feet a year, Quickly forms a large privacy screen or wind-break.
Once you have done this, add lots of water, until the hole is completely flooded. Set where you live, what language you speak, and the currency you use.
Arborvitae Green Giant trees are known for their ease of care and low maintenance, which makes them so popular.
Ad from shop LloydNursery When planting a hedge, prepare a strip of ground at least 2 feet wide, and preferably 3 feet wide.
From shop WeaverFamilyFarms, Sale Price $15.29 From shop panternursery, ad by FloridaFoliageStore
From shop LloydNursery, $29.95
Known as the fastest growing privacy tree, this arborvitae can reach a mature height of 60 feet if left untrimmed. While many of the items on Etsy are handmade, youll also find craft supplies, digital items, and more.
From shop SEEDVILLEUSA, ad by JandMFarms
Learn more. Your Green Giant trees will grow in all parts of your garden, from full sun to 50% shade. This makes it a great choice for low maintenance gardening.
If youve had problems with the Leyland Cypress or Emerald Green Arborvitae in your yard, this plant is a great replacement.
When you need a large screen or wind-break, Thuja Green Giant is the perfect choice, with its exceptional rate of growth, its toughness under all conditions and the speed with which it easily reaches full-size in a short time.
The short & sweet answer is: "United States Department of Agriculture Restrictions."
They will even tolerate a little more shade, although growth will be thinner and slower. We recommend our DIEHARD Transplant Fertilizer as the ideal soil additive for the quickest establishment of a healthy root system.
In trials at the University of Arkansas, it was the fastest evergreen they found, and tiny plants were 10 feet tall and 5 feet wide in just 7 years.
Plants put close together will naturally grow more like a hedge, those further apart will be more conical in shape, growing together lower down and closer to the ground first, before filling in higher up.
Now that your area is ready, set out the trees at the spacing you are using, and begin to plant.
Stones help drainage and keep the soil cool, so just leave them. All Rights Reserved. HyperHouseNursery Dont dig it in just spread a layer 2 to 3 inches thick over the area around your trees, but not right up against the stem. $15.29, $16.99 Orders typically ship out within 2 business days.
The Arbor Day Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit conservation and education organization. The flower buds, seeds and foliage are a food source, although this cultivar has greater resistance to deer browsing than most arborvitae. BrighterBlooms It combines the best qualities of both trees to make a powerful hybrid, producing vigorous, rapid growth and making a hardy tree that will grow well right across America.
Its also home to a whole host of one-of-a-kind items made with love and extraordinary care. Ad from shop Standgalore
LeesnurseryCo From shop TreeOfLoveNaturals, ad by GardensOyVey plantsandthings They need planted at the correct depth, watered and cared for in a way that is favorable to the plants health, and protected from the elements and animals. seedsbypost DivineDirect
For a narrower plant, make sure only one shoot stands above all the others at the very top, to keep a single trunk for as long as possible on your tree.
For the first few years you will get maximum growth by watering regularly, especially during warm or dry weather.
From shop CZGrain, $8.96
All of our orders ship via FedEx Ground! If you live in a colder area, we recommend the Emerald Green Arborvitae, which is hardyer all the way to minus 40 degrees, so it will even grow in zone 3. If the weather is warm and dry, water your Arborvitae Green Giant twice a week for the first month after planting and then once a week until late fall. However, they can be planted at 10 to 12-foot intervals if you dont mind waiting a bit for privacy; planting them closer together will reach the privacy goal faster. For trees planted in a row, you could also prune them into a formal hedge-shape by shearing back the entire outer-facing portion of each tree two or three times each year, allowing the tree surfaces that face each other to grow unchecked. Well Drained, Loamy, Sandy, Clay, Moist, Alkaline, Acidic.
Regular trimming will develop the densest hedge and give you the best appearance. From shop Newlifenurserydotnet, $69.99
Fences have a limited life, and begin to rot or rust almost as soon as they go up.
From shop seedsbypost, $16.00
There are many reasons why a barrier of plants should be perhaps the first thing you establish in your garden, and all of them are important. They can be quick and easy for one or a few plants, but for a big hedge it can take a while, unless you use a hose applicator, which speeds up the job a lot.
FREE shipping, ad by ArdentGardener
From shop AllSeasonsGardenShop, $14.67
Arborvitaes are a very popular hedge plant, because they are beautiful every day of the year, and fast growing too.
Ad from shop SandysNurseryOnline Three types of fertilizers are used: Granular fertilizers are spread over the soil around the trees in early spring, early summer and early fall. FREE shipping, ad by DivineDirect From shop DaylilyNursery, ad by ZenGardenGr If you compare a beautiful screen in vibrant green with even the nicest fence, it really is no contest. Thuja Green Giant Arborvitae are rapid growers which makes them excellent privacy screens.
Arborvitae provides nesting sites and cover for birds and small animals.
Thuja Green Giant is recognized as an Elite Plant by the US National Arboretum and has been granted the prestigious gold medal by the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society.
Nursery containers come in a variety of different sizes, and old-school nursery slang has stuck.
This tree does just fine without those ugly protections.
FREE shipping, ad by NaturalSoapAndGems
However, if you want maximum growth, and the healthiest green foliage, using fertilizer regularly is the way to go.
Clipped into the densest and greenest hedge you have ever seen, or left to grow naturally into a broad, upright barrier, either way you will love the privacy and protection this plant will give, at any height from a few feet to 30 feet or more. LloydNursery Its bright green color persists year-round, enhancing curb appeal while creating protective barriers and privacy with its dense foliage.
FREE shipping, ad by LeesnurseryCo
If you live in an area with deer, this can be a real problem, and limit your ability to grow many beautiful plants. (10% off), ad by Sovenytuja (15% off), ad by BristolBotanicals
Plant one row of trees with another row 6 to 8 feet in front of the first row filling in the gaps between the plants. Because of the high demand, we constantly receive new stock, but supplies can be limited.
In 2020 alone, purchases on Etsy generated nearly $4 billion in income for small businesses. A nurseryman from Tennessee called Don Shadow suggested the name Green Giant and one of the most outstanding introductions to gardening in America was born. From shop LeesnurseryCo, ad by panternursery Planting it deeper than the pot it was delivered in can cause rotting of the stem and death to the tree. Whether you use a single or a double row, the narrower spacing is better for a shorter hedge, up to 8 feet tall, and use the wider spacing for a taller hedge.
Its as simple as sticking a gardening tool in the ground and feeling the soil with your fingers - if its damp, you may want to wait a day to water it again.
Works well as a screen, hedge, or windbreak, Will be delivered at a height of 6"1' for bare-root;a height of 1' - 1 1/2' for 1-gallon pot, 3'-4' for 5-gallon pot, Can be planted farther from compatible pollinator, Roots re-establish quickly once planted, meaning growth will begin quickly, Higher survival rates in poor planting conditions. For the first few weeks after planting, water your arborvitae by counting 5 seconds for every gallon in the pot it was delivered in (if your tree was delivered in a 3-gallon pot, you would water the tree for 15 seconds). When you order trees from The Arbor Day Foundation, your order is guaranteed to arrive in a good, healthy condition or well replace them at no charge.
The best mulching materials are organic, rather than gravel, but if gravel is part of the design of your garden, then it is OK to use it. Whats the point in planting a beautiful tree if you have to cover it up with burlap or deer netting every winter? $41.65, $49.00
WeaverFamilyFarms FREE shipping, ad by TnnurseryStore
Ad from shop TnnurseryStore The only limitation when using plants as screens is the growth rate.
Ad from shop Newlifenurserydotnet Use a tightly stretched string to keep your trench straight, and to keep all the plants in line for a perfect planting job.
Ad from shop EurekaFarmsLLC Green giant arborvitae rapidly became a popular plant and is a good alternative for hemlock in the Northeast and Leland cypress in the Southeast.
Even better, if you plant a double row of trees as described below, as the plants mature they will become so dense they will create a virtually deer-resistant barrier that will protect the rest of your garden, and allow you to grow a wide variety of beautiful plants.
FREE shipping, ad by Standgalore
Once your plants are taller you can trim once a year if you wish, or even just every two or three years.
To get the best results from your planting, put some time into preparing the site. Its stately pyramid shape can be trimmed for a compact and clean style or can grow up to 60 feet for a full and luscious aesthetics.
It will grow well even in soil that is regularly wet, but not in soil that is permanently flooded. ZenGardenGr It was found originally in the Poulsen nursery in Denmark in the late 1930s, but the Second World War meant it went unnoticed until some young plants were sent to the National Arboretum in Washington, D.C. in 1967. From shop WoodenFishFarms, $58.85 Ad from shop JMBGardens
Remember, it is a pyramidal tree and can reach up to 60 feet tall and up to 18 feet wide so its important to give Thuja Green Giant trees ample room to expand allowing for symmetrical growth.
If you want a beautiful specimen evergreen to fill a corner of your garden, or stand out among shrubs and other trees, you never need to trim or clip your tree.
Stagger the plants so that each plant in one row sits in the space between the plants in the other row. Ad from shop panternursery
From shop dasfarms, $42.95
From shop ThujaTrees, $69.95
Gardeners have planted millions of trees over the last two decades, and they have found this to be the perfect plant for so many uses around the garden. As you lay the mulch on top of the soil, leave an inch of space between the mulch and the base of the tree trunk.
While Arborvitae trees grow best in full sun, they can endure in partial shade. From shop FloridaFoliageStore, $30.98 This type of tree is especially toxic to horses, so we advise that you avoid planting it around stables and paths that you take the animal on.
2022 Garden Goods Direct. The common issue is that the roots of the Green Giant tree are unable to pull in a sufficient amount of water from the soil due to the ground being too dry or frozen. You will receive email notifications along the way on the progress of your order, as well as tracking information to track your plants all the way to their new home! Original Price $11.24
Some of the technologies we use are necessary for critical functions like security and site integrity, account authentication, security and privacy preferences, internal site usage and maintenance data, and to make the site work correctly for browsing and transactions.
This method takes a few more plants to create a hedge, but the result will be a solid, dense hedge that you will love.
This tree is widely known to be unattractive to deer and they will leave it alone.
One of the fantastic things about Green Giant Arborvitae is its resistance to deer.
Your trees will be shipped at a suitable time for planting.
So even if your hedge passes from sun to shade, you will have a beautiful even appearance the whole length, without thin, straggly areas. A 2 to 3-inch layer of mulch is sufficient but remember to take care not to cover any part of the stem of the plant with mulch.
Wait for the water to drain away and then put back the rest of the soil. It is always a perfect rich green and so beautiful it has to be the number-one choice for a large hedge. This technique helps to keep weeds away which will compete with the tree for the water and nutrients it receives.
From shop rogersearthworks, ad by SEEDVILLEUSA This Arborvitae is pest and disease free and best of all, deer wont touch it making this the perfect hedge for country homes.
Enter your email address here and we'll give you a heads up when this product is back in stock! You may also have a larger garden, and dividing it up into separate areas for vegetables, fruit trees, a childrens play-area, or a sheltered retreat is always a good way to start building the garden you will love. Click Buy it now or Add to cart and proceed to checkout. DaylilyNursery Unlike some evergreen trees, the Thuja Green Giant has few pest and disease problems. The roots of a Green Giant tree are not invasive.
Ad from shop QOSeedsUSA If you are planting against a fence, or along your property line, set the row at least 3 feet from the fence or line. Absolutely!
Delay shipping by leaving us a message at Checkout.
Instructional how-to's for the novice to expert gardener.
Under Add your personalization, the text box will tell you what the seller needs to know.
Once your order is placed online, our magic elves get right to work picking, staging, boxing and shipping your trees. Ad from shop seedsbypost
See the diagram below for an example of the staggered planting pattern: Thuja Green Giant trees take on a tall, broad-based, pyramidal shape if left un-pruned.

From shop HyperHouseNursery, $69.70 Arborvitae Green Giant is very tolerant of a wide range of soil conditions, even drought. Ad from shop rogersearthworks
Found something you love but want to make it even more uniquely you?
Ad from shop dasfarms
If this occurs in summer, this is generally due to underwatering or drought. SilverStoneYard
Remove enough soil from the hole or trench so that the plants sit just an inch or so below the final level of the ground.
Send me exclusive offers, unique gift ideas, and personalized tips for shopping and selling on Etsy. We have tried many so-called starter fertilizers over the years and have come to rely on this one exclusively for our use. Looks like you already have an account!
Ad from shop CZGrain Once you buy an Arborvitae Green Giant, follow the planting and care instructions below for the best outcome: This Arborvitae does best when grown with a single leader, and extra main stems should be removed before planting. SEEDVILLEUSA
When it comes time to fertilize your Arborvitae Green Giant, we recommend Espoma Bio-Tone Plus Starter Plus fertilizer. Ad from shop ZenGardenGr Follow the directions for the quantities needed, as the concentration of the fertilizer can vary. Sellers looking to grow their business and reach more interested buyers can use Etsys advertising platform to promote their items.
Squeezing the evergreen leaves releases an aroma that is nothing less than nature's perfume.
Bare-root trees are shipped without soil around their roots. JMBGardens You can trim your hedge anytime between spring and early fall, although it is best not to do it during hot, dry weather.
Remember that neighbors or your city can trim trees up to the property line, so you want to have plenty of the plant on your side, so that it is protected from damage. FREE shipping, ad by HyperHouseNursery
We want to provide you with as many resources as possible to achieve successful planting and growth of your trees and shrubs.
Just let the plants grow they are naturally dense and will soon grow together. The seller might still be able to personalize your item.
Yes! If the ground was very dry when you started, you can water again, but it is usually not necessary. (10% off), ad by QOSeedsUSA Arborvitae Green Giant trees make an excellent windbreak, standing up to the strongest of winter winds, due to its substantial root system. Arborvitae trees also respond well to light pruning or shearing later in the growing season, at any time between spring and early-to-mid summer. We measure from the top of the soil to the top of the tree; the height of the container or the root system is never included in our measurements. Expert growers produced our plants for us, from material derived from that one original plant, and we guaranteed they are true to the original type. FREE shipping, ad by seedsbypost
Etsys 100% renewable electricity commitment includes the electricity used by the data centers that host, the Sell on Etsy app, and the Etsy app, as well as the electricity that powers Etsys global offices and employees working remotely from home in the US. Etsy is powered by 100% renewable electricity.
Some hedging plants take years to develop, but this is where the amazing Green Giant enters the picture. Only in very severe winters, and if you have many deer, can you have problems, and if you are concerned, just spray your plants with deer repellent in the fall.
Obviously if you plant in fall or winter, you will not see much growth until the following spring, but the roots will have been growing below ground, so your plants will get off to a flying start as soon as the first warm days of spring arrive.
It's known to be deer resistant no matter where it's planted in your yard.

If this occurs during the winter, browning is generally a result of a combination of wind, sun, and cold temperatures which causes winter burn.
In double rows, set the rows 5 feet apart, with the trees 8 to 12 feet apart.
From this plant, the clone named 'Green Giant' was propagated. Spring planting will give you good establishment, since the plants will have a full growing season ahead of them to spread their roots and grow under ideal conditions. This can be anything from garden compost to rotted leaves, animal manure, or peat moss. Mulch is a great way to conserve moisture, keep the soil cool and prevent the soil from being compacted by heavy rain. Simply mix the recommended amount of Bio-Tone Plus Starter Plus into the back-fill soil and water in generously when back-filled.
While the industry-standard terminology is to call the sizes "Gallon Containers", that doesn't exactly translate to the traditional liquid "gallon" size we think of.
However, you should still leave it ample room to grow and thrive, as mature roots can stretch up to 24 inches. Ad from shop AllSunshineGardening
They have a growth rate of 3 to 5 feet per year until maturity. rogersearthworks When starting a new garden, or improving an older one, one of the first things to think about is screening.
From shop GreenThumbsGarden, ad by WeaverFamilyFarms
If your Green Giant tree is experiencing browning, try the tips below to revive it come springtime: The Thuja Green Giant is known to be toxic to animals like dogs, cats, and horses.
HorticultLLC FREE shipping, ad by DaylilyNursery
Every state has their own unique USDA restrictions on which plants they allow to come into their state.
For the perfect hedge, only trim the front and back, allowing the plants to grow naturally together at the sides.
These are more expensive, but they only need to be applied once a year in spring. Its best if the soil underneath is firm so that your plant will not be pushed deeper as you plant.
The genus name, Thuja, is from a Greek word for perfume. Most other soft evergreens and many other plants too are loved by deer, especially during the winter.
The green giant arborvitae is a large, vigorous, fast-growing evergreen.
Ad from shop SEEDVILLEUSA From shop AllSunshineGardening, $2.95 We recommend using a high quality mulch made from ground hardwood or cypress. With Green Giants you do not need to worry. You may notice that browning can occur multiple times throughout the year, typically in summer or winter.
Free Ground Shipping on Orders Over $130*. ArdentGardener If the weather is cooler, you can water just once a week right from the start. This will give new branches and foliage a chance to kick start growth before the season ends.

Captcha failed to load. TnnurseryStore ad by bluffviewnursery based on 27040 ratings and reviews, This product does not ship to AK, CA, HI, PR, Extremely fast growth-rate 3 to 5 feet a year, Quickly forms a large privacy screen or wind-break.
Once you have done this, add lots of water, until the hole is completely flooded. Set where you live, what language you speak, and the currency you use.
Arborvitae Green Giant trees are known for their ease of care and low maintenance, which makes them so popular.
Ad from shop LloydNursery When planting a hedge, prepare a strip of ground at least 2 feet wide, and preferably 3 feet wide.
From shop WeaverFamilyFarms, Sale Price $15.29 From shop panternursery, ad by FloridaFoliageStore
From shop LloydNursery, $29.95
Known as the fastest growing privacy tree, this arborvitae can reach a mature height of 60 feet if left untrimmed. While many of the items on Etsy are handmade, youll also find craft supplies, digital items, and more.
From shop SEEDVILLEUSA, ad by JandMFarms
Learn more. Your Green Giant trees will grow in all parts of your garden, from full sun to 50% shade. This makes it a great choice for low maintenance gardening.
If youve had problems with the Leyland Cypress or Emerald Green Arborvitae in your yard, this plant is a great replacement.
When you need a large screen or wind-break, Thuja Green Giant is the perfect choice, with its exceptional rate of growth, its toughness under all conditions and the speed with which it easily reaches full-size in a short time.
The short & sweet answer is: "United States Department of Agriculture Restrictions."
They will even tolerate a little more shade, although growth will be thinner and slower. We recommend our DIEHARD Transplant Fertilizer as the ideal soil additive for the quickest establishment of a healthy root system.
In trials at the University of Arkansas, it was the fastest evergreen they found, and tiny plants were 10 feet tall and 5 feet wide in just 7 years.
Plants put close together will naturally grow more like a hedge, those further apart will be more conical in shape, growing together lower down and closer to the ground first, before filling in higher up.
Now that your area is ready, set out the trees at the spacing you are using, and begin to plant.
Stones help drainage and keep the soil cool, so just leave them. All Rights Reserved. HyperHouseNursery Dont dig it in just spread a layer 2 to 3 inches thick over the area around your trees, but not right up against the stem. $15.29, $16.99 Orders typically ship out within 2 business days.
The Arbor Day Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit conservation and education organization. The flower buds, seeds and foliage are a food source, although this cultivar has greater resistance to deer browsing than most arborvitae. BrighterBlooms It combines the best qualities of both trees to make a powerful hybrid, producing vigorous, rapid growth and making a hardy tree that will grow well right across America.
Its also home to a whole host of one-of-a-kind items made with love and extraordinary care. Ad from shop Standgalore
LeesnurseryCo From shop TreeOfLoveNaturals, ad by GardensOyVey plantsandthings They need planted at the correct depth, watered and cared for in a way that is favorable to the plants health, and protected from the elements and animals. seedsbypost DivineDirect
For a narrower plant, make sure only one shoot stands above all the others at the very top, to keep a single trunk for as long as possible on your tree.
For the first few years you will get maximum growth by watering regularly, especially during warm or dry weather.
From shop CZGrain, $8.96
All of our orders ship via FedEx Ground! If you live in a colder area, we recommend the Emerald Green Arborvitae, which is hardyer all the way to minus 40 degrees, so it will even grow in zone 3. If the weather is warm and dry, water your Arborvitae Green Giant twice a week for the first month after planting and then once a week until late fall. However, they can be planted at 10 to 12-foot intervals if you dont mind waiting a bit for privacy; planting them closer together will reach the privacy goal faster. For trees planted in a row, you could also prune them into a formal hedge-shape by shearing back the entire outer-facing portion of each tree two or three times each year, allowing the tree surfaces that face each other to grow unchecked. Well Drained, Loamy, Sandy, Clay, Moist, Alkaline, Acidic.
Regular trimming will develop the densest hedge and give you the best appearance. From shop Newlifenurserydotnet, $69.99
Fences have a limited life, and begin to rot or rust almost as soon as they go up.
From shop seedsbypost, $16.00
There are many reasons why a barrier of plants should be perhaps the first thing you establish in your garden, and all of them are important. They can be quick and easy for one or a few plants, but for a big hedge it can take a while, unless you use a hose applicator, which speeds up the job a lot.
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From shop AllSeasonsGardenShop, $14.67
Arborvitaes are a very popular hedge plant, because they are beautiful every day of the year, and fast growing too.
Ad from shop SandysNurseryOnline Three types of fertilizers are used: Granular fertilizers are spread over the soil around the trees in early spring, early summer and early fall. FREE shipping, ad by DivineDirect From shop DaylilyNursery, ad by ZenGardenGr If you compare a beautiful screen in vibrant green with even the nicest fence, it really is no contest. Thuja Green Giant Arborvitae are rapid growers which makes them excellent privacy screens.
Arborvitae provides nesting sites and cover for birds and small animals.
Thuja Green Giant is recognized as an Elite Plant by the US National Arboretum and has been granted the prestigious gold medal by the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society.
Nursery containers come in a variety of different sizes, and old-school nursery slang has stuck.
This tree does just fine without those ugly protections.
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However, if you want maximum growth, and the healthiest green foliage, using fertilizer regularly is the way to go.
Clipped into the densest and greenest hedge you have ever seen, or left to grow naturally into a broad, upright barrier, either way you will love the privacy and protection this plant will give, at any height from a few feet to 30 feet or more. LloydNursery Its bright green color persists year-round, enhancing curb appeal while creating protective barriers and privacy with its dense foliage.
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If you live in an area with deer, this can be a real problem, and limit your ability to grow many beautiful plants. (10% off), ad by Sovenytuja (15% off), ad by BristolBotanicals
Plant one row of trees with another row 6 to 8 feet in front of the first row filling in the gaps between the plants. Because of the high demand, we constantly receive new stock, but supplies can be limited.
In 2020 alone, purchases on Etsy generated nearly $4 billion in income for small businesses. A nurseryman from Tennessee called Don Shadow suggested the name Green Giant and one of the most outstanding introductions to gardening in America was born. From shop LeesnurseryCo, ad by panternursery Planting it deeper than the pot it was delivered in can cause rotting of the stem and death to the tree. Whether you use a single or a double row, the narrower spacing is better for a shorter hedge, up to 8 feet tall, and use the wider spacing for a taller hedge.
Its as simple as sticking a gardening tool in the ground and feeling the soil with your fingers - if its damp, you may want to wait a day to water it again.
Works well as a screen, hedge, or windbreak, Will be delivered at a height of 6"1' for bare-root;a height of 1' - 1 1/2' for 1-gallon pot, 3'-4' for 5-gallon pot, Can be planted farther from compatible pollinator, Roots re-establish quickly once planted, meaning growth will begin quickly, Higher survival rates in poor planting conditions. For the first few weeks after planting, water your arborvitae by counting 5 seconds for every gallon in the pot it was delivered in (if your tree was delivered in a 3-gallon pot, you would water the tree for 15 seconds). When you order trees from The Arbor Day Foundation, your order is guaranteed to arrive in a good, healthy condition or well replace them at no charge.
The best mulching materials are organic, rather than gravel, but if gravel is part of the design of your garden, then it is OK to use it. Whats the point in planting a beautiful tree if you have to cover it up with burlap or deer netting every winter? $41.65, $49.00
WeaverFamilyFarms FREE shipping, ad by TnnurseryStore
Ad from shop TnnurseryStore The only limitation when using plants as screens is the growth rate.
Ad from shop Newlifenurserydotnet Use a tightly stretched string to keep your trench straight, and to keep all the plants in line for a perfect planting job.
Ad from shop EurekaFarmsLLC Green giant arborvitae rapidly became a popular plant and is a good alternative for hemlock in the Northeast and Leland cypress in the Southeast.
Even better, if you plant a double row of trees as described below, as the plants mature they will become so dense they will create a virtually deer-resistant barrier that will protect the rest of your garden, and allow you to grow a wide variety of beautiful plants.
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Once your plants are taller you can trim once a year if you wish, or even just every two or three years.
To get the best results from your planting, put some time into preparing the site. Its stately pyramid shape can be trimmed for a compact and clean style or can grow up to 60 feet for a full and luscious aesthetics.
It will grow well even in soil that is regularly wet, but not in soil that is permanently flooded. ZenGardenGr It was found originally in the Poulsen nursery in Denmark in the late 1930s, but the Second World War meant it went unnoticed until some young plants were sent to the National Arboretum in Washington, D.C. in 1967. From shop WoodenFishFarms, $58.85 Ad from shop JMBGardens
Remember, it is a pyramidal tree and can reach up to 60 feet tall and up to 18 feet wide so its important to give Thuja Green Giant trees ample room to expand allowing for symmetrical growth.
If you want a beautiful specimen evergreen to fill a corner of your garden, or stand out among shrubs and other trees, you never need to trim or clip your tree.