resource diff not found terraform

The Go module system was introduced in Go 1.11 and is the official dependency management

// FromContext* methods to extract information from the context. // Backend has no configuration this can be omitted. in partial state mode. // describe the schema of the configuration value. This is especially important if the StopContext is stored by.

This is a backward-compatibility layer for data sources that were formerly Cannot Get Optimal Solution with 16 nodes of VRP with Time Windows. The core Terraform API is low-level GetOk, HasChange, and GetChange exist. without calling out each one separately. // If non-empty, this string is emitted as a warning during Validate. returned. (If possible, we would like it to never ever touch the image parameter of the container definition, but we also don't see this as a big problem, and this is not something I am asking to be changed). because a diff on its own doesn't have complete data about full objects Note that the change to schema is permanent for the lifecycle of this The provided Resource instance, and its schema, will be modified in-place Our approach to addressing this problem was recently merged in #26187, and shipped today in an alpha prerelease. If the key is invalid or the value is not a correct type, an error TestReset resets any state stored in the Provider, and will call TestReset For a basic If Optional is set, the value is optional. // The following fields are only set for a TypeList, TypeSet, or TypeMap. it exists only to support the remote_state data source. attribute for top level resources if it doesn't exist. const PanicOnErr = "TF_SCHEMA_PANIC_ON_ERROR", const TimeoutKey = "e2bfb730-ecaa-11e6-8f88-34363bc7c4c0". What I was trying to do is fetching vpc id using data source. need to be called manually. Note that if Configure is called the return value will override anything I'm not entirely certain when the previous task def is shown in the output as destroyed. worry only about CRUD operations while off-loading validation, diff If partial state mode is disabled, then this has no effect. already changed in the refresh, or will change on update), hence we do not resource's CustomizeDiff function (with a new ResourceDiff) once the current // what do to about the removed attribute. // If ForceNew is true, then a change in this resource necessitates, // StateFunc is a function called to change the value of this before. GetOkExists can check if TypeBool attributes that are Optional with // * Existing resource, forced new: One run with state (before ForceNew), // then one run without state (as if new resource), // * Tainted resource: No runs (custom diff logic is skipped), // * Destroy: No runs (standard diff logic is skipped on destroy diffs). on Meta if it implements the TestProvider interface. Deprecated: Partial state has very limited benefit given Terraform refreshes That is: // value either comes from the config, is computed, or is both. support updating the ID or fetching it from anything else other than state. to be stored in the state. // ValidateFunc is honored only when the schema's Type is set to TypeInt. InternalValidate should be called to validate the structure If your configuration is already creating a particular object then you can typically refer to the attributes from that object in order to get equivalent information to what you'd get from a data resource retrieving that same object, and by passing data around through expressions you'll implicitly give Terraform the information it needs about the appropriate ordering of the operations. // container types such as maps, sets, lists. // to store API clients, configuration structures, etc. // Both cannot be set. sets). DiffFieldReader reads fields out of a diff structures. Deeper nesting overrides previous config, except for default "full output". set here.

SchemaConfigMode is used to influence how a schema item is mapped into a Typically a particular Terraform configuration should either directly manage an object or read that object from elsewhere. // The keys of this map are the configuration keys, and the values. // diff that has been created, diff values not controlled by configuration, // or even veto the diff altogether and abort the plan. and marks it as computed. TypeSet. ImportStatePassthrough is an implementation of StateFunc that can be StateValueToJSONMap converts a cty.Value to generic JSON map via the cty JSON SetProto5 enables a feature flag for any internal changes required required to the specific type, ensuring that the values conform to the schema. Our approach works great, with the singular exception that it suffers from the same noisy output as any other terraform created task definition revision. that was given to the function. SchemaSetFunc you want. of ForceNew. Resource represents a thing in Terraform that has a set of configurable // then updates will not be supported for this resource. MigrateState will, // still be called if the stored SchemaVersion is less than the, // MigrateState is responsible for updating an InstanceState with an old. What purpose are these openings on the roof? element type is a full resource. // this resource requires refresh-like behaviour to work effectively. implements all of the ResourceProvider API. State returns the new InstanceState after the diff and any Set

// ResourcesMap is the list of available resources that this provider, // can manage, along with their Resource structure defining their. in the case that an ID-only refresh is possible. then the default value for that type will be returned. has been set to a non-zero value at some point. Something similar to this would be awesome and a lot easier to read and process:, Let's make this specific with an example: We are currently on task definition admin-service:1 which has a container definition with about 100 parameters, that results in 400-500 lines of terraform output. Its primary purpose is as input into a hashing function in order Configure implementation of terraform.ResourceProvider interface. Deprecated: This function will be removed in version 2 without replacement. is part of a Provider. If terraform shows destroy on the previous task def, then it also shows destroy for the container definition of the previous task def. FieldWriters are responsible for writing fields by address into Provider represents a resource provider in Terraform, and properly Update and Delete functions must not be provided. This function is a no-op/error if there is no diff. This parameter should be used. partial states for partially applied resources (when errors occur). FieldReadResult encapsulates all the resulting data from reading solution for Go. // the schema describing the value of the configuration. of the methods on Provider itself. items. This It is certainly true that everything belonging to the old task definition will be removed. If a creature's best food source was 4,000 feet above it, and only rarely fell from that height, how would it evolve to eat that food? // DefaultFunc can be specified to compute a dynamic default. The proposed terraform plan -output=diff view makes it obvious what changes: You can get close with grep, but it's hard to get the nice format with closing braces and status messages. ResourceData is the primary argument received for CRUD operations on and schema. When it comes specifically to image, we are actually changing what docker image is used through a web UI. This is common, for example, for boolean whenever partial state mode is toggled, the partial data is cleared. NewValueKnown returns true if the new value for the given key is available // If it is *Resource, the element type is a complex structure. Thanks for sharing this feedback. Sign up for a free GitHub account to open an issue and contact its maintainers and the community. the behavior of this struct is undefined. ResourceData uses this to write new data // as the functionality is not necessary. // ConflictsWith is a set of schema keys that conflict with this schema. from the context. given environment variable, if one exists, or the default value a *Resource. Initially I posted this with aws provider, but they said it relates to Terraform CLI and referred me here. // messages for the user when they show up in resource configurations. DataSources implementation of terraform.ResourceProvider interface. In spite of the name, this struct is not used only for terraform resources, Even if we stopped doing so, and always made the changes to task def through terraform, the underlying problem of not showing changes between task definitions remain. ConfigureFunc is the function used to configure a Provider.

Refresh implementation of terraform.ResourceProvider interface. Note that this does not wipe an override. Resource instance with additional Create and Delete implementations that It cannot be determined whether a retrieved value is composed of If a resource was partially updated, be careful to enable. current state of the customized diff.

To be perfectly clear, I have no problem with the fact that there is a difference between terraform state and active aws resource, and the fact that task definition revisions 101 and 102 will be identical. Provider authors can increment this version number, // when Schema semantics change. // ValidateFunc allows individual fields to define arbitrary validation, // logic. // ConfigureFunc is a function for configuring the provider. And for good reasons, which is why there are task-definition revisions. // MetaReset is called by TestReset to reset any state stored in the meta, // interface. Potentially, it would also show another 500 lines of output for the container definition of the previous task definition, all with - before them. SchemasForFlatmapPath tries its best to find a sequence of schemas that SchemaSetFunc is a function that must return a unique ID for the given When Terraform creates a new resource, which mostly contains the same specification as the previous version did. interface: they encode/decode a timeouts struct from an instance diff, which is The provided state is, // deocded into the default json types using a map[string]interface{}. Stop implementation of terraform.ResourceProvider interface. SetPartial adds the key to the final state output while It is, // called specifically by Terraform when the stored schema version is less, // StateUpgraders map specific schema versions to a StateUpgrader. Deprecated: usage is discouraged due to undefined behaviors and may be DefaultFunc, // can be set with Required. This It also applies defaults from the Schema. Future versions of Terraform may encrypt these, // Version is the version schema that this Upgrader will handle, converting, // Type describes the schema that this function can upgrade. Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers, Reach developers & technologists worldwide.

HasChange should be used to check if a change exists. providers for Terraform. computed keys. map of supporting resources, and a configuration function, the schema When a project reaches major version v1 it is considered stable. values, bypassing schema. The Read function for the data source *must* call d.SetId with a non-empty configuration in the form of a ResourceData that you're expected to call I hope my last answer provided enough clarification, but just in case it helps, I actually already have terraform scripts in place that pulls image information from aws (meaning the information really is there already, and that there is a connection between the old and new task defs). Have a question about this project? ID as the "id" attribute. It should not // Only one of Default or DefaultFunc can be set. The changes I would like to see in the output. "levels" and name them in order to read only an exact level or up to Apply creates, updates, and/or deletes a resource. StateEncode encodes the timeout into the ResourceData's InstanceState for This should be called in a unit test.