And less energy use means longer lifespans for your heating and cooling systems. 0000107680 00000 n
Read more Home Energy Audit and Insulation reviews from actual customers. 612-335-5858, St. Paul |Midway Minneapolis | Downtown Home Energy Squad visits are currently available to any resident of Minnesota with a CenterPoint Energy or Xcel Energy account. As an approved contractor for Xcel Energy as well as county-funded programs, REenergizeCO is approved to assist homeowners in identifying smart efficiency upgrades and installing insulation for cash rebates and incentives. BPI Certified Company Perform a blower door test to measure your home for air leaks. 0000024311 00000 n
Your email address will not be published. 0000041661 00000 n
0000001486 00000 n
0000004623 00000 n
"The team we had were great! 0000007009 00000 n
If you are looking for a Centerpoint Energy or Xcel Energy preferred contractor to inspect and improve your homes energy efficiency, contact the experts at Century Insulation today at 763-270-8765. But when you have a free energy efficiency inspection performed, you can be certain that we will check thoroughly for this and that your home will be sufficiently protected from this hazard. BPI develops standards for energy efficiency retrofit work based on sound building science. 0000031103 00000 n
Our energy efficiency inspections and air sealing and insulation improvements will get your home operating at peak effectiveness. *LED lightbulbs available to Xcel Energy electric customers. We know that every house has different opportunities, which is why the Home Energy Squad doesn't offer cookie-cutter visits.
Contractors must have proof of certification and keep it up to date. Older homes and newer homes alike have a (not anymore) surprising shortage of insulation in their attics. 0 0000069606 00000 n We just need two hours of your time, access to every room in your house, and your energy history found at We pride ourselves on having a diverse and efficient team. 0000005065 00000 n
Eligible zip codes are limited to 80303, 80305, 80020, 80027. Application-received deadline is January 31, 2023. Homeowners will be asked in advance about the possibility of following social distancing protocols in their home, whether anyone in the home has been showing COVID-19 symptoms, and be requested to wear masks. (Part 1), What is the Difference Between Fiberglass Insulation and Cellulose Insulation? 0000001679 00000 n
REenergizeCO commits to baseline testing of homes. Xcel Energy Triples Time of Use Rates What You Need to Know. 0000010155 00000 n
Our staff install materials at the visit so you save energy and money right away. 0000012184 00000 n You will no longer have to put up with hot and cold pockets, or extreme temperature differences between the basement and the upper levels.
We will use infrared devices to determine any air leakages and where new or additional insulation should be placed. Each visit will be tailored to your needs and interests, including which materials are installed. As an approved Xcel contractor, REenergizeCO specializes in residential home diagnostics. We inspect your insulation, heating andcooling systems,and water heater. All types of visits count toward the goal. 0000000016 00000 n This is obtained through the Building Performance Institute. 0000037324 00000 n
0000107719 00000 n We are Colorado born. 0000048897 00000 n
0000069567 00000 n At the end of each calendar year, the city with the highest participation per capita wins. Our diagnostic process involves a very analytical approach starting with a full thermal energy audit with the use of a blower door test. 0000017135 00000 n (Part 2), What is the Difference Between Fiberglass Insulation and Cellulose Insulation? 0000015188 00000 n All of our employees can install all of our products. Only approved home energy auditors are able to offer Xcel Energy home energy audit rebates. 0000001180 00000 n 0000007558 00000 n The average home saves about $84 per month. REenergizeCO is an experienced Colorado energy auditing firm. They will save money on their energy bills and use less energy as well. We take 12 months of utility bills (if available) and plug them into our software along with all of the data points collected on the audit to make a custom report full of recommendations on how to improve the efficiency of the home. This pooling water can eventually leak through a roof, into an attic, and down exterior walls, creating the potential for mold and mildew. I got my money's worth in light bulbs alone! Xcel Energy Rebate Top Producer 0000007093 00000 n Complete an insulation inspection of your attic and walls using an infrared camera. (Part 1), Attic Air Sealing & Qualifying Attic Insulation = 30% or up to $500, Attic Insulation = 30% of qualified items, Max $500.00, Wall Insulation = 30% of qualified items, Max $500.00, Rim Joist Insulation Rebate = up to $100.00. Improvements must be made between January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022. Sign up for a visit. Century Insulation is a preferred contractor for Xcel Energy and Centerpoint Energy. 0000111887 00000 n When Century Insulation performs an energy inspection on your home, we will investigate and air leakages, from warm air leaking in the winter to cool air leaking in the summer. 0000048858 00000 n Commercial and Residential Insulation Experts in Twin Cities! At Century Insulation, we will ensure that your homes attic is sufficiently insulated so that it is energy efficient and you can save money.
What You Need to Ask Before Your Solar Estimate. 0000005692 00000 n xref Furthermore, an energy audit from Century Insulation and subsequent improvements will help to protect your home from destructive ice dams. Find out how we can customize the perfect solar power solution for your home or building. To schedule your Home Energy Squad visit complete the questions below. startxref Click on the link to view Xcel Energy'sprogram flyerfor full details and requirements. 0000041746 00000 n 0000002343 00000 n Home Energy Squad visits are available to anyone with a CenterPoint Energy or Xcel Energy account. Edina, Golden Valley, Minneapolis, Richfield and St. Louis Park pay the full cost of HES visits for residents in the 60-80% AMI. If you have completed any energy improvements on your home since your utility audit especially air sealing or insulation then we can check to make sure that your installed measures are actually saving energy. I appreciated that the crew was making unbiased recommendations and not trying to sell us anything.". Whats with All These Ads for Free Solar Panels? 0000003985 00000 n Check out the insulation rebates offered for 2022! 0000045135 00000 n 1754 University Avenue West endstream endobj 623 0 obj <>/Metadata 23 0 R/Pages 22 0 R/StructTreeRoot 25 0 R/Type/Catalog/ViewerPreferences<>>> endobj 624 0 obj <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC]/Properties<>/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 612.0 792.0]/Type/Page>> endobj 625 0 obj <> endobj 626 0 obj <> endobj 627 0 obj <> endobj 628 0 obj <> endobj 629 0 obj <> endobj 630 0 obj <> endobj 631 0 obj <>stream Because we are the team diagnosing the house, we want to be the team making the improvements as well. Diverse networks of 18,000 businesses and organizations have become Energy Star partners since the mark was introduced. %PDF-1.4 % Whether you want to live better in your home, improve your energy efficiency or qualify for incentives, REenergizeCO can help uncover ways to save resources and costs in every area of your home. hbb``b``3 1x4>0 651-221-4462, Copyright 2021Center for Energy and Environment. We take into account the homeowner and their behavior as well. 0001125563 00000 n Energy companies also like it when people upgrade their insulation and air sealing. 0000004509 00000 n
Energy Star Partner Our identity is in our people.
Our help doesn't end at the visit! endstream endobj 663 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/Index[25 597]/Length 42/Size 622/Type/XRef/W[1 1 1]>>stream For example, if you already have certain products installed, we may skip those and choose to spend more time on diagnostics or helping you plan next steps. When an attic is unevenly insulated, heat normally escapes through the top, causing snow at the top of the roof to melt and drip down, pooling where its stopped by an ice dam. trailer A LEED professional credential signifies that we are a leader in the field of energy efficiency and serve as an active participant in the green building movement. By focusing on the existing housing stock and utilizing Building Science Principals, we change home comfort and manage energy across the Front Range. 8 2$Rse^GTD3:kEDd" Customers should verify that the insulation and air sealing contractor is listed as a participating contractor on Xcel Energys Trade Partners website. 20x3H0a`>AAj v0\$y01 40`:2H(~'?AB V@Ay\TAj'f |b. <<2A309CF5BE71B749A8650EF83523035D>]/Prev 1325940/XRefStm 1486>> Solar panels can drastically reduce a carbon footprint. 0000019969 00000 n Not all auditors provide home improvement services. Minneapolis, MN 55401 You can always count on Century Insulation to get to you fast and get the job done right the first time! We have the capability to install every type and make of insulation on the market. Some heating systems may not be compatible with the ecobee 3 lite thermostat offered in this promotion. ENERGY STAR is a nationally recognized mark on products, appliances, homes, and buildings. Income limits are set annually by the MN Department of Commerce. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Get in touch with one of our solar experts to discuss your energy saving goals. For a home to qualify for a rebate check from Xcel Energy or Centerpoint Energy, there must be certain upgrades that take place. Please enable JavaScript in your browser for a better user experience. Anti-Spam Question: Which number is bigger 2 or 8? document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Learn about rebates your local energy company may be offering for Solar.You may be eligible for local and federal discounts for installing solar panels. 0000008105 00000 n Learn more and view the current Challenge standings.
If you request a phone call, we will do our best to get back to you within one business day. Staff will wear masks at all times, wash or sanitize hands on a regular basis, and follow social distancing protocols whenever possible. Home Energy Squad is provided by Xcel Energy and CenterPoint Energy,delivered by CEE. This testing measures exactly how much the house is leaking, or how much insulation is or isnt existing, and how the building envelope is performing. We do not hire third party contractors. TheIntercity Home Energy Squad Challengewas formed in 2020 to challenge residents to learn how their home uses energy and identify energy-saving opportunities through a home energy visit from theHome Energy Squad. Best Insulation Contractors Twin Cities MN. Superior Recovers- Marshall Fire Rebuilding and Recovery Resources, COVID-19 webpage- Status: High Community Level. We couldn't be happier with their service and will recommend the Home Energy Squad to friends and neighbors. 0000005580 00000 n A traveling trophy will be on display for the winning city. We are happy to let you know that Lewis Insulation, Inc. is listed as a preferred contractor for CenterPoint Energy, Xcel Energy & Minnesota Energy Resources. 0001122598 00000 n Dont see your city? H\j@z9& [N@;dGb,; It makes a lot of sense that people would want to improve the efficiency in their homes. How To Keep My Home Cool This Summer? Rv. Install energy-saving materials such as: *LED lightbulbs, door and attic hatch weather-stripping, programmable or smart thermostat, and high-efficiency water fixtures. Click Here to Learn About CenterPoint Energys Air Sealing & Insulation Rebate Program! 664 0 obj <>stream Perform a safety test on your home's heating system and water heater. REenergizeCO has been acknowledged 3 years in a row for being an Xcel Energy Top Gun Rebate producer. 0000002983 00000 n Our install crews are led by experienced crew leads who are on site during the install process. Keeping your home's temperature regulated. We hire the kind of people you want showing up at your house who are well educated employees. Energy Star continues to be a powerful tool to promote energy efficiency because it is a trusted and widely recognized name and symbol. YX=TuSn}fWHcw';yrwwi:eOc4^tw_hE=xv+ic[vF_[{1W.})kuUavxYk|m Air sealing homes to make them less drafty, and insulating the home in the right places with the right material is what we do. They were quiet, respectful, professional, and very thorough. 0000006337 00000 n In fact, they like it so much that theyll part of the bill to have it done. The best investment in comfort you'll ever make. hb``e``8ADbl,:w We are BPI certified (as all preferred insulation contractors must be) and will fully inspect your home so that you can save money on your energy bills while also using less energy. To receive a free ecobee 3 lite smart thermostat, customers must have Xcel Energy as their electric provider and sign up for Xcel Energys AC Rewards program. LEED Accredited Professional (LEED AP)
Free visits are available to income-qualified households(<60% AMI). We will also inspect your heating and cooling systems and give you detailed report with advised fixes/improvements. We offer two home visit options: For newer houses (builtin 2000and after), mobile homes, condos, and renters. After submitting this form you will receive a confirmation email. If you pay your gas utility bill to Xcel, you may qualify for the following rebates: If you pay your gas utility bill to CenterPoint Energy, you may qualify for the following rebates: If you pay your gas utility bill to Minnesota Energy Resources, you may qualify for the following rebates: 2022 Lewis Insulation | Residential Insulation Contractors Serving the Twin Cities, Minnesota (MN) Metro Website Design & SEO by, Inc Strategically Partnered with Elite Web Designs, Blower Door Testing & Infrared Diagnostics, Website Design & SEO by, Inc, Strategically Partnered with Elite Web Designs. Only participating contractors can offer the insulation and air sealing rebates. 0000022242 00000 n Energy Advisors connect you to vetted contractors, specialized financing, and rebates. Free visits are available to income qualifying households. REenergizeCO has been acknowledged 6 years in a row for being a Xcel Energy Top Gun Rebate producer. St. Paul, MN 55104 We help you solveenergy problems at home so you can save moneyand stay comfortable. Xcel Energy has extended the bonus rebate deadlinefor attic and wall insulation measures toall customers whose home suffered smoke damage from the Marshall Fire. 622 43 %%EOF REenergizeCO team members diagnose residential homes to determine if there are any major energy inadequacies causing high bills or discomfort.
Contractors must have proof of certification and keep it up to date. Older homes and newer homes alike have a (not anymore) surprising shortage of insulation in their attics. 0 0000069606 00000 n We just need two hours of your time, access to every room in your house, and your energy history found at We pride ourselves on having a diverse and efficient team. 0000005065 00000 n

Our staff install materials at the visit so you save energy and money right away. 0000012184 00000 n You will no longer have to put up with hot and cold pockets, or extreme temperature differences between the basement and the upper levels.
We will use infrared devices to determine any air leakages and where new or additional insulation should be placed. Each visit will be tailored to your needs and interests, including which materials are installed. As an approved Xcel contractor, REenergizeCO specializes in residential home diagnostics. We inspect your insulation, heating andcooling systems,and water heater. All types of visits count toward the goal. 0000000016 00000 n This is obtained through the Building Performance Institute. 0000037324 00000 n
0000107719 00000 n We are Colorado born. 0000048897 00000 n
0000069567 00000 n At the end of each calendar year, the city with the highest participation per capita wins. Our diagnostic process involves a very analytical approach starting with a full thermal energy audit with the use of a blower door test. 0000017135 00000 n (Part 2), What is the Difference Between Fiberglass Insulation and Cellulose Insulation? 0000015188 00000 n All of our employees can install all of our products. Only approved home energy auditors are able to offer Xcel Energy home energy audit rebates. 0000001180 00000 n 0000007558 00000 n The average home saves about $84 per month. REenergizeCO is an experienced Colorado energy auditing firm. They will save money on their energy bills and use less energy as well. We take 12 months of utility bills (if available) and plug them into our software along with all of the data points collected on the audit to make a custom report full of recommendations on how to improve the efficiency of the home. This pooling water can eventually leak through a roof, into an attic, and down exterior walls, creating the potential for mold and mildew. I got my money's worth in light bulbs alone! Xcel Energy Rebate Top Producer 0000007093 00000 n Complete an insulation inspection of your attic and walls using an infrared camera. (Part 1), Attic Air Sealing & Qualifying Attic Insulation = 30% or up to $500, Attic Insulation = 30% of qualified items, Max $500.00, Wall Insulation = 30% of qualified items, Max $500.00, Rim Joist Insulation Rebate = up to $100.00. Improvements must be made between January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022. Sign up for a visit. Century Insulation is a preferred contractor for Xcel Energy and Centerpoint Energy. 0000111887 00000 n When Century Insulation performs an energy inspection on your home, we will investigate and air leakages, from warm air leaking in the winter to cool air leaking in the summer. 0000048858 00000 n Commercial and Residential Insulation Experts in Twin Cities! At Century Insulation, we will ensure that your homes attic is sufficiently insulated so that it is energy efficient and you can save money.
What You Need to Ask Before Your Solar Estimate. 0000005692 00000 n xref Furthermore, an energy audit from Century Insulation and subsequent improvements will help to protect your home from destructive ice dams. Find out how we can customize the perfect solar power solution for your home or building. To schedule your Home Energy Squad visit complete the questions below. startxref Click on the link to view Xcel Energy'sprogram flyerfor full details and requirements. 0000041746 00000 n 0000002343 00000 n Home Energy Squad visits are available to anyone with a CenterPoint Energy or Xcel Energy account. Edina, Golden Valley, Minneapolis, Richfield and St. Louis Park pay the full cost of HES visits for residents in the 60-80% AMI. If you have completed any energy improvements on your home since your utility audit especially air sealing or insulation then we can check to make sure that your installed measures are actually saving energy. I appreciated that the crew was making unbiased recommendations and not trying to sell us anything.". Whats with All These Ads for Free Solar Panels? 0000003985 00000 n Check out the insulation rebates offered for 2022! 0000045135 00000 n 1754 University Avenue West endstream endobj 623 0 obj <>/Metadata 23 0 R/Pages 22 0 R/StructTreeRoot 25 0 R/Type/Catalog/ViewerPreferences<>>> endobj 624 0 obj <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC]/Properties<>/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 612.0 792.0]/Type/Page>> endobj 625 0 obj <> endobj 626 0 obj <> endobj 627 0 obj <> endobj 628 0 obj <> endobj 629 0 obj <> endobj 630 0 obj <> endobj 631 0 obj <>stream Because we are the team diagnosing the house, we want to be the team making the improvements as well. Diverse networks of 18,000 businesses and organizations have become Energy Star partners since the mark was introduced. %PDF-1.4 % Whether you want to live better in your home, improve your energy efficiency or qualify for incentives, REenergizeCO can help uncover ways to save resources and costs in every area of your home. hbb``b``3 1x4>0 651-221-4462, Copyright 2021Center for Energy and Environment. We take into account the homeowner and their behavior as well. 0001125563 00000 n Energy companies also like it when people upgrade their insulation and air sealing. 0000004509 00000 n

Our help doesn't end at the visit! endstream endobj 663 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/Index[25 597]/Length 42/Size 622/Type/XRef/W[1 1 1]>>stream For example, if you already have certain products installed, we may skip those and choose to spend more time on diagnostics or helping you plan next steps. When an attic is unevenly insulated, heat normally escapes through the top, causing snow at the top of the roof to melt and drip down, pooling where its stopped by an ice dam. trailer A LEED professional credential signifies that we are a leader in the field of energy efficiency and serve as an active participant in the green building movement. By focusing on the existing housing stock and utilizing Building Science Principals, we change home comfort and manage energy across the Front Range. 8 2$Rse^GTD3:kEDd" Customers should verify that the insulation and air sealing contractor is listed as a participating contractor on Xcel Energys Trade Partners website. 20x3H0a`>AAj v0\$y01 40`:2H(~'?AB V@Ay\TAj'f |b. <<2A309CF5BE71B749A8650EF83523035D>]/Prev 1325940/XRefStm 1486>> Solar panels can drastically reduce a carbon footprint. 0000019969 00000 n Not all auditors provide home improvement services. Minneapolis, MN 55401 You can always count on Century Insulation to get to you fast and get the job done right the first time! We have the capability to install every type and make of insulation on the market. Some heating systems may not be compatible with the ecobee 3 lite thermostat offered in this promotion. ENERGY STAR is a nationally recognized mark on products, appliances, homes, and buildings. Income limits are set annually by the MN Department of Commerce. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Get in touch with one of our solar experts to discuss your energy saving goals. For a home to qualify for a rebate check from Xcel Energy or Centerpoint Energy, there must be certain upgrades that take place. Please enable JavaScript in your browser for a better user experience. Anti-Spam Question: Which number is bigger 2 or 8? document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Learn about rebates your local energy company may be offering for Solar.You may be eligible for local and federal discounts for installing solar panels. 0000008105 00000 n Learn more and view the current Challenge standings.
If you request a phone call, we will do our best to get back to you within one business day. Staff will wear masks at all times, wash or sanitize hands on a regular basis, and follow social distancing protocols whenever possible. Home Energy Squad is provided by Xcel Energy and CenterPoint Energy,delivered by CEE. This testing measures exactly how much the house is leaking, or how much insulation is or isnt existing, and how the building envelope is performing. We do not hire third party contractors. TheIntercity Home Energy Squad Challengewas formed in 2020 to challenge residents to learn how their home uses energy and identify energy-saving opportunities through a home energy visit from theHome Energy Squad. Best Insulation Contractors Twin Cities MN. Superior Recovers- Marshall Fire Rebuilding and Recovery Resources, COVID-19 webpage- Status: High Community Level. We couldn't be happier with their service and will recommend the Home Energy Squad to friends and neighbors. 0000005580 00000 n A traveling trophy will be on display for the winning city. We are happy to let you know that Lewis Insulation, Inc. is listed as a preferred contractor for CenterPoint Energy, Xcel Energy & Minnesota Energy Resources. 0001122598 00000 n Dont see your city? H\j@z9& [N@;dGb,; It makes a lot of sense that people would want to improve the efficiency in their homes. How To Keep My Home Cool This Summer? Rv. Install energy-saving materials such as: *LED lightbulbs, door and attic hatch weather-stripping, programmable or smart thermostat, and high-efficiency water fixtures. Click Here to Learn About CenterPoint Energys Air Sealing & Insulation Rebate Program! 664 0 obj <>stream Perform a safety test on your home's heating system and water heater. REenergizeCO has been acknowledged 3 years in a row for being an Xcel Energy Top Gun Rebate producer. 0000002983 00000 n Our install crews are led by experienced crew leads who are on site during the install process. Keeping your home's temperature regulated. We hire the kind of people you want showing up at your house who are well educated employees. Energy Star continues to be a powerful tool to promote energy efficiency because it is a trusted and widely recognized name and symbol. YX=TuSn}fWHcw';yrwwi:eOc4^tw_hE=xv+ic[vF_[{1W.})kuUavxYk|m Air sealing homes to make them less drafty, and insulating the home in the right places with the right material is what we do. They were quiet, respectful, professional, and very thorough. 0000006337 00000 n In fact, they like it so much that theyll part of the bill to have it done. The best investment in comfort you'll ever make. hb``e``8ADbl,:w We are BPI certified (as all preferred insulation contractors must be) and will fully inspect your home so that you can save money on your energy bills while also using less energy. To receive a free ecobee 3 lite smart thermostat, customers must have Xcel Energy as their electric provider and sign up for Xcel Energys AC Rewards program. LEED Accredited Professional (LEED AP)
Free visits are available to income-qualified households(<60% AMI). We will also inspect your heating and cooling systems and give you detailed report with advised fixes/improvements. We offer two home visit options: For newer houses (builtin 2000and after), mobile homes, condos, and renters. After submitting this form you will receive a confirmation email. If you pay your gas utility bill to Xcel, you may qualify for the following rebates: If you pay your gas utility bill to CenterPoint Energy, you may qualify for the following rebates: If you pay your gas utility bill to Minnesota Energy Resources, you may qualify for the following rebates: 2022 Lewis Insulation | Residential Insulation Contractors Serving the Twin Cities, Minnesota (MN) Metro Website Design & SEO by, Inc Strategically Partnered with Elite Web Designs, Blower Door Testing & Infrared Diagnostics, Website Design & SEO by, Inc, Strategically Partnered with Elite Web Designs. Only participating contractors can offer the insulation and air sealing rebates. 0000022242 00000 n Energy Advisors connect you to vetted contractors, specialized financing, and rebates. Free visits are available to income qualifying households. REenergizeCO has been acknowledged 6 years in a row for being a Xcel Energy Top Gun Rebate producer. St. Paul, MN 55104 We help you solveenergy problems at home so you can save moneyand stay comfortable. Xcel Energy has extended the bonus rebate deadlinefor attic and wall insulation measures toall customers whose home suffered smoke damage from the Marshall Fire. 622 43 %%EOF REenergizeCO team members diagnose residential homes to determine if there are any major energy inadequacies causing high bills or discomfort.