coca cola political factors

Fortune. "200 million, Indians have no TV, phone or radio" (Shrinivasan, 2012: Online). 2014, India's Internet users increased, with around 237 million people now online (CIA, 2015). Finally, quantitative statistical data of epidemiological NCD trends and quality of life were obtained from the World Health Organization (WHO) and used to provide a description of Mexicos burden of disease. IPICs Industry Civic Influence pathway revealed how Coca-Colas partnership with researchers hampered the influence of those NGOs striving to oppose Coca-Colas activities. Public health, corporations and the New Responsibility Deal: promoting partnerships with vectors of disease? 22 Nov. 2015] Available at: countryeconomy/national-debt/india, Data World Bank, (2015). integrity, fairness and ethical conduct" (The Coca-Cola Company, 2015: Online). This Year. India's population in 2014, was 1 billion and around 237 million have access to the Internet that leaves over 1, billion people within India who have no access to Internet. Moreover, all three pathways are important and the presence of each is necessary to fully explain agenda-setting outcomes. ;vYl BGk=y8}J3 G 8r?

FunSalud has also worked closely with Coca-Cola on childhood obesity projects (Cecil, 2018). News. A systematic review, Historical institutionalism in comparative politics, Public Health and the Food and Drinks Industry: The Governance and Ethics of Interaction. More work will need to be done examining how Coca-Cola and other industries investing in other emerging markets, such as Brazil and India, are dividing civil society, leading to similar mobilization problems, or if strong state-civil societal partnerships pre-date this industry civic interference. score raised from 36 in 2013 to 38 2014. It furthers the University's objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide, This PDF is available to Subscribers Only. TheESG and Public Policy Committeeof the Board of Directors annually reviews our public policy agenda and advocacy program. The surprising story of ex-Mexican president Vincente Fox, who started as a Coca-Cola delivery worker and worked his way up to run Coca-Cola Mexico. Building on Walker (2009), Lee and Romano (2013) and De Bakker et al. Next, with respect to the IPICs Political Interests pathway, IPICs application to Mexico reveals how presidents with previous career histories in the soda industry and long-standing corporate allies facilitated the latters influence over NCD policy. by specifying how multiple institutional access contributes to this power. Furthermore, the SoH maintained its tradition of not proactively seeking the advice of advocates in favour of defending the publics healthcare interests, reflecting a pre-existing tradition of policy elites viewing civil society as unworthy of participating in concrete policy discussions (Rosenberg, 2015; interview with Luis Cruz, April 29, 2019; interview with Yarishdy Mora, April 9, 2019). The, Corruptions Perceptions Index shows an increase within the corruption in India as India's CPI, score raised from 36 in 2013 to 38 2014. Mialon et al. (2013). forbes/sites/afontevecchia/2014/07/07/indias-massive-e-commerce- RECIPIENTS. "Over the past 5. years, our water use ratio has come down by over 40%" (Coca-Cola, 2014: Online). Finally, in 2006 Coca-Cola also partnered with the SoH to create the Ponte 100 programme, which promoted the habit of individual exercise rather than dietary changes (Rosenberg, 2015; Ochoa, 2016; interview with Luis Cruz, April 29, 2019; interview with anonymous health official, April 25 and 29, 2019). The Times of India. water. Seven interviewees were selected due to their presence in Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), academia and government, chosen for their empirical knowledge and policy experience, not their personal views (see Table1).

"India recorded a Government Debt to GDP of 66 percent of the, country's Gross Domestic Product in 2014" (Trading Economics, 2015: Online). India's economic environment has a huge impact on Coca-Cola.

Corruption Impacts India's Business and Political Environment. Indeed, prior to the 2011 constitutional reforms regulating corporate access to congressional bodies, Coca-Cola lobbyists and supportive labour unions, such as the Cmara Nacional de la Industria de Azucar (CNIA), had repeated access to congressional members and committee meetings focused on NCD prevention policies. Finally, IPICs Industry Civic Influence pathway, which applies theories underscoring industrys manipulation of civic mobilization in the formers favour (Walker, 2009; Lee and Romano, 2013), also sheds light into the challenges of civic mobilization and resistance to Coca-Colas policy influence. [online] [Accessed 22 Nov. 2015] Available at: The India Today. Finally, some blamed the apathy and incompetence of congressional members for industries ability to repeatedly influence policy (Lira, 2017). Qualitative documents, such as journal articles, books, policy reports and news articles were obtained via Googles online search engine with keyword search terms. To better understand why this has occurred, this article introduces a political science agenda-setting framework and applies it to the case of Coca-Cola in Mexico. Employees may not be reimbursed, directly or indirectly, by the company for personal political contributions and expenses. [online] [Accessed 26 Nov. 2015] Available at: [online] [Accessed 20 Nov. 2015] Available at: Indias massive ecommerce opportunity and the explosion of mobile. Indian officials are demanding the closure of a Mehdiganj plant in Varanasi, as they are extracting too much groundwater. A History Of India. First, Coca-Colas financial importance to Mexicos market is insufficient for explaining its ability to consistently influence NCD policy agenda-setting. Nevertheless, there were several methodological limitations with the IPIC approach. 200 million Indians have no TV, phone or radio - Times of India. tradingeconomics/india/government-debt-to-gdp, Wilkes, T. (2015). IPIC also provides several real-world policy recommendations. A brief review of the literature helps to address this question. Finally, IPICs Industry Civic Influence pathway builds on the theoretical importance of industries impact on civic mobilization and pressures on the government for policy reform. After the discovery of more documents highlighting the tobacco industrys alternative political strategies, Savell et al. Methodologically, I employ qualitative single case study analysis, combining an analysis of 26 case study documents and seven in-depth stake-holder interviews. India has the seventh largest economy in the world. Mexico: NCD Deaths (diabetes, cardiovascular, chronic obstructive pulmonary; reported deaths). The Guardian. The creation of the Internet has led to, online advertising, this includes websites and advertising on social media, this is also, accessible through mobile phones. [online] [Accessed 24 Nov. 2015] Available at: Anti-Corruption Policy. A social factor Coca-Cola had taken into consideration is religion. Within these congressional venues, lobbyists pressured legislative representatives into refraining from passing the aforementioned legislation on a sugar tax (in 2008, 2012), marketing and sales (Calvillo and Peteranderl, 2018), made possible for several reasons. Televisions and the Internet are marketing tools used in order to promote Coca-, Cola's products. As Figure7 illustrates, these three pathways of the IPIC framework operate simultaneously, are isolated from each other, though eventually contributing to the same outcomei.e. Coca-Cola corporate executives also had long-held personal ties and thus direct access to senior health officials, such as former SoH Secretary Mercedes Juan Lpez, who often advocated on their behalf (Cecil, 2018; interview with Luis Cruz, April 29, 2019). [online] [Accessed

irishexaminer/business/coca-cola-india-warns-of-factory-closures-if- Nov. 2015] Available at: transparency/cpi2014/results/, Ferdman, R. (2014). Source: WHO and Global Health Observatory, 2019. Second, a more extensive cross-national comparative analysis of Mexico to several other emerging economies could have helped to further validate the IPIC framework. [online] [Accessed 24 Nov. 2015]. Mexicos soda industry quickly emerged during the 1980s and 1990s, when the economy began to liberalize. Online library search engines, such as ArticleFirst, Web of Science and PubMed (considered the most thorough databases for finding social science and medicine articles), were also used. providing gifts to politicians), and constituency-building (e.g. [online] [Accessed 24 Nov. 2015] sustainabilityReports/Sustainability_Report_dec_14, Coca-Cola, (2015). Company initiatives that encourage civic participation must fully respect an employees choice on whether, or not, to engage. Department of International Development, Kings College London, NE Bush House, 4th Floor, Room 4.13, London, Strand, UK. opportunity-and-the-explosion-of-mobile/, Fortune, (2015). funding research organizations, co-opting them into releasing supportive data in the hopes of influencing public opinion (information/messaging) (Savell et al., 2014). All rights reserved. Nov. 2015] Available at:, BBC News, (2012). Fox and Coca-Cola), as well as presidential support for industries in order to secure their assistance in achieving other social welfare policy objectives (e.g. First, this study only examined the role of Coca-Cola and no other soda industries in Mexico, thus limiting the number of observable implications of IPICs explanatory effectiveness. Since its emergence in Mexicos market in the 1970s, Coca-Cola has quickly become the most popular soda beverage in the nation, while in some instances being perceived as a form of medical treatment (Tyler, 2018). infographicsmania/india-obesity-statistics/. Country Economy. businessinsider/how-corruption-is-destroying-the-indian-economy- When conducting research, this study employed a qualitative case study methodological approach.

the-world-still-dont-have-internet-heres-where-they-live/, Forbes, (2014). water and sugar for their drinks and their water replenishment projects should be continued.

Coca-Cola essentially dominates the market and presents a formidable political and economic force. In India, the Golden Age of Television Is Now. And we do so by not including the personal political views of company directors, leaders and employees in the political decisions the company or Coca-Cola PAC makes. In order to fully understand Coca-Colas policy and research influence in Mexico, we need to better understand the companys historical institutional connections and capacity to divide civic mobilization. This study is motivated by two primary research questions. However, Coca-Cola has an anti-corruption policy in which they specifically state that, they do business with integrity which means they abstain from all forms of corruption and, they comply with the anti-corruption laws of each country. Heres 2015] Available at: articles.economictimes.indiatimes/2015-12-11/news/68959957_1_coca-cola- Sugar Stacks, (2014). Unemployment levels rising in India, experts say - Times of Future research will also need to examine to what extent IPIC applies to other countries. Book chapters and policy reports were obtained from colleagues in Mexico. This Is Coca-Cola's Response to India's 'Sin' Tax. swot tows