Thank you for attending our 2022 Annual Conference! Government Finance Officers Association116thAnnual ConferenceJune 5-8,2022,at the Austin Convention Center, Austin, TexasMore details
Employers, find top candidatesPost a job listing .
Questions Contact the Ohio GFOA Office, by email, at [emailprotected]. Intermediate Governmental Accounting Seminar, Distinguished Budget Presentation Winners Announced, Anne Arundel County Receives Budget Award. June 5-8, 2022, at the Austin Convention Center, Austin, Texas. Thanks for your interest in PITI-VITI and our programs! The presentation will include information and details about the updated CPFO course, led by CPFO Program Manager Eric Roach. Maryland GFOA 4 Lan Drive, Suite 310 Westford, MA 01886, Congratulations to Montgomery County and The City of Rockville!! Submit suggestions, comments, or ideas for articles and educational events . However, due to recent spikes in COVID-19 cases and in the interest of attendee safety, Ohio GFOA made the tough, yet necessary, decision to change course: Treasurer of State, Center for Public Investment Management (CPIM), 2022 Advanced Governmental Accounting Seminar, Ohio GFOA Webinar: Measure What Matters: How a Leading Ohio Township Shows Progress on Priorities, 35th Ohio GFOA Annual Conference & Membership Meeting. An agenda with meeting locations, session information, and start times, is available for download below. Join the MDGFOA as an Associate Partner for our 2022-2023 Membership year. 35th Annual Conference and Membership Meeting October 5-7, 2022 Hilton Columbus at Easton 3900 Chagrin Drive Columbus, OH 43219. We do not share your information, and you can opt out of our mailing list at any time. Contact MDGFOA for more information at:, Thank you to our 2022-2023 Annual Partners, 2018 Maryland Government Finance Officer Association, 4 Lan Drive, Suite 310, Westford, MA 01886 410-870-4009 888-928-5853, Government Finance Officers Association 116th Annual Conference. Originally, our plan was to host the conference as a hybrid live/virtual meeting, with speakers and breakout sessions available to all attendees, whether joining us in Cleveland or from their homes. Eric Roach is the Program Manager for the Government Finance Officers Associations, We have moved our header quarters! Tuesday Evening Conference Kickoff Social Hour If you are local or arriving early to Columbus, we hope you will consider stopping by the hotel patio for the Ohio GFOA Conference Kickoff Social Hour on Tuesday, October 4, 2022, from 7:30-9:30 PM. Check out the Ohio GFOA Virtual Annual Conference home page here! The GFOA Annual Conference will take place from Sunday, June 5, 2022 to Wednesday, June 8, 2022. The Florida Government Finance Officers Association (FGFOA) was founded in 1937 and serves more than 2,800 professionals from state, county and city governments, school districts, colleges and universities, special districts, and private firms. I think that it is practical and necessary to put your best on the project., at the Austin Convention Center, Austin, Texas, Pleasure Driveway & Park District of Peoria, Illinois Government Finance Officers Association, 800 Roosevelt Road, Building C, Suite 312, Submit suggestions, comments, or ideas for articles and educational events . Sunday, June 5, 2022Wednesday, June 8, 2022, Austin Convention Center
2023 Annual Conference- June 14-16, 2023. Please help the IGFOA continue to promote excellence in governmental finance.
Photos from recent activities hosted by the Pacific and Virgin Islands Training Initiatives (PITI-VITI) in support of conferences, training and leadership development, are available below., Distinguished Budget Presentation Award winners though March 31, 2020, are now listed.
Login, The Florida Government Finance Officers Association ("FGFOA") is committed to ensuring accessibility of its website. Continuing education credits will be provided through the Ohio Accountancy Board (CPE), Ohio Treasurer of State's Center for Public Investment Management (CPIM), Ohio Auditor of State's Fiscal Integrity Act (FIA), and The Supreme Court of Ohio Commission on Continuing Legal Education (CLE). What is the typical life cycle of an ERP system. Have something to share? The 2023 GFOA and IGFOA summer meetings will be held in Portland, Oregon, from May 21-23, 2023. Most governments hold onto a system for 15-20 years between entire replacement projects. Maryland GFOA has transitioned to a new management company and has a new mailing address. We want to hear from you! In particular I wanted to, What is Fiscal First Aid? To sign up to received notifications, please enter your email address below and indicate which topics you're interested in. Support our Members in education, create new relationships with potential clients, build upon current business relationships. To help local governments deal, Yes. This webinar led by Tom Gregory will feature key insights from TD Banks Director and Senior Economist, James Marple, and TD Banks Head of Government Affairs, Jim Johnson on important topics including overarching economic updates, how the, Dear Colleagues, I wanted to thank everyone for their participation in the Fall Virtual Conference. Ohio GFOA's 35th Annual Conference & Membership Meeting offers 2 1/2 days of unsurpassed networking opportunities & educational sessions focused on issues facing the industry. Apply now to join the ELDP for the U.S. Virgin Islands! Registration for the Virtual Annual Conference is closed.
Please join us on February 16 at 2:00 p.m. for this virtual event, Our Evolving Economy Amid COVID-19. The award is based on nationally recognized guidelines and demonstrates a commitment to meeting the highest principles of governmental budgeting. GFOAs Triple Crown recognizes governments who have received GFOAs Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting, Popular Annual Financial Reporting Award, and the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award. Austin,Texas78701 Click for details. Volunteers are key to our diverse programs and services. Please see the address below and contact us at In order to display course offerings in your local time, please select your current location/Time Zone. The 33rd annual APIPA Conference will be held virtually from August 29 to September 2, 2022. Please. The US Treasury has released guidance to NEUs related to the ARPA funding, Ohio Government Finance Officers Association, 400 W Wilson Bridge RdSuite 120Worthington, OH 43085, Phone: 614.221.1900 | Email: [emailprotected], 35th Ohio GFOA Annual Conference & Membership Meeting, Treasurer of State, Center for Public Investment Management (CPIM), Tuesday Evening Conference Kickoff Social Hour, 2022 Advanced Governmental Accounting Seminar, Ohio GFOA Webinar: Measure What Matters: How a Leading Ohio Township Shows Progress on Priorities. When the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a pandemic, we vowed that the Ohio GFOA 33rdAnnual Conference and Membership Meeting would still go on someway, somehow. Many best practice articles suggest putting your best staff on the ERP implementation project, and then backfill for their ongoing day-to-day responsibilities. You will now be redirected to the virtual IGFOA Conference, hosted via Zoom. The IGFOA Winter Meeting will be held during the winter of 2022. Also, a special congratulations to the following jurisdictions who have received the award for 35 years or more: Cadillac, MI (37), Farmington Hills, MI (37), Montgomery County, MD (37), Cambridge, MA (36), Gladstone, MO (36), Roanoke,.
However, poor implementations, or lack of regular upgrades will require a shift much sooner (10-12 years is not unusual). The alternative is putting your less than best people on the project and setting up the system in a way that doesnt set up that foundation for future success.
GFOA & IGFOA Summer 2022 Draft Agenda and Participant List.
Additional session and schedule details are available on the, The IGFOA post-meeting will take place on Wednesday afternoon, June 8, 2022 to Thursday June 9, 2022. It is simply too important to cancel! CPE Certificates will be sent in the following weeks. All Rights reserved. I wanted to thank all our sponsors for their continued support and attendance at the Fall Conference.
What is the typical life cycle of an ERP system?From our research and experience, ERP systems need to be upgraded regularly. To report an accessibility issue, request accessibility assistance regarding our website content, or to request a specific electronic format, please complete our, Technical & Legislative Resources Committee. Do you find this practical; from your experience have you seen this actually carried out? Pacific ELDP applications will be opening soon. Training Starts Again In-Person for Insular Area Government Finance Officers, Interiors Office of Insular Affairs Announces Executive Leadership Development Program for Public Sector Officials from the U.S. Virgin Islands, Sixty-One American Samoa Government Ethics Officers Complete PITI-VITIs Ethical Decision-Making Workshop. document.write(new Date().getFullYear()) Florida Government Finance Officers Association. Additional details will be posted once available.
Already Registered? Government Finance Officers Association 116th Annual Conference This informal social hour is free to attend for conference attendees. June 5-8, 2022, at the Austin Convention Center, Austin, Texas. Annapolis, Md (March 19, 2021) Today, County Executive Pittman announced that Anne Arundel County has received the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award from the Government Finance Officers Association for its Fiscal Year 2021 budget. 500 E. Cesar Chavez St.
Map and directions.
The US Treasury has released guidance to NEUs related to the ARPA funding, Ohio Government Finance Officers Association, 400 W Wilson Bridge RdSuite 120Worthington, OH 43085, Phone: 614.221.1900 | Email: [emailprotected], Ohio Government Finance Officers Association, Ohio GFOA Virtual 33rd Annual Conference and Membership Meeting. Click here to view the award winners. Thank You for Subscribing to the PITI-VITI Mailing List! Join MD GFOA for a lunch & learn overview of the Certified Public Finance Officers (CPFO) program on October 20th, 2021 from 12:00-1:00 PM. PITI-VITI is supported by the U.S. Department of the Interior's Office of Insular Affairs. If you are not automatically redirected, you can manually enter the Zoom credentials below. Register now to join us! We had a turnout of nearly 300 members and the very active participation of our sponsors as well. The IGFOA pre-meetingwill take place on Saturday, June 4, 2022. Pacific & Virgin Islands Training Initiatives (PITI-VITI), Graduate School USA. Copyright 2022 Illinois Government Finance Officers Association. The IGFOA needs you. The summer meeting of the Government Finance Officers' Association (IGFOA) and the Island Government Finance Officers' Association (IGFOA) will take place from Saturday, June 4, 2022 to Thursday, June 9, 2022. By: Mike Mucha, GFOA Deputy Executive Director Shayne Kavanagh, GFOA Senior Manager of Research Katie Ludwig, GFOA Senior Manager Jamie Porter, GFOA Program Associate COVID-19 and the associated recession has presented immediate financial difficulties and has also harmed the long-term financial outlook for local governments. All rights reserved. Online registration is not available for this event. Manage your IGFOA profile, settings, preferences, and more. Welcome to the We recommend that you dont completely remove those individuals from.
Employers, find top candidatesPost a job listing .
Questions Contact the Ohio GFOA Office, by email, at [emailprotected]. Intermediate Governmental Accounting Seminar, Distinguished Budget Presentation Winners Announced, Anne Arundel County Receives Budget Award. June 5-8, 2022, at the Austin Convention Center, Austin, Texas. Thanks for your interest in PITI-VITI and our programs! The presentation will include information and details about the updated CPFO course, led by CPFO Program Manager Eric Roach. Maryland GFOA 4 Lan Drive, Suite 310 Westford, MA 01886, Congratulations to Montgomery County and The City of Rockville!! Submit suggestions, comments, or ideas for articles and educational events . However, due to recent spikes in COVID-19 cases and in the interest of attendee safety, Ohio GFOA made the tough, yet necessary, decision to change course: Treasurer of State, Center for Public Investment Management (CPIM), 2022 Advanced Governmental Accounting Seminar, Ohio GFOA Webinar: Measure What Matters: How a Leading Ohio Township Shows Progress on Priorities, 35th Ohio GFOA Annual Conference & Membership Meeting. An agenda with meeting locations, session information, and start times, is available for download below. Join the MDGFOA as an Associate Partner for our 2022-2023 Membership year. 35th Annual Conference and Membership Meeting October 5-7, 2022 Hilton Columbus at Easton 3900 Chagrin Drive Columbus, OH 43219. We do not share your information, and you can opt out of our mailing list at any time. Contact MDGFOA for more information at:, Thank you to our 2022-2023 Annual Partners, 2018 Maryland Government Finance Officer Association, 4 Lan Drive, Suite 310, Westford, MA 01886 410-870-4009 888-928-5853, Government Finance Officers Association 116th Annual Conference. Originally, our plan was to host the conference as a hybrid live/virtual meeting, with speakers and breakout sessions available to all attendees, whether joining us in Cleveland or from their homes. Eric Roach is the Program Manager for the Government Finance Officers Associations, We have moved our header quarters! Tuesday Evening Conference Kickoff Social Hour If you are local or arriving early to Columbus, we hope you will consider stopping by the hotel patio for the Ohio GFOA Conference Kickoff Social Hour on Tuesday, October 4, 2022, from 7:30-9:30 PM. Check out the Ohio GFOA Virtual Annual Conference home page here! The GFOA Annual Conference will take place from Sunday, June 5, 2022 to Wednesday, June 8, 2022. The Florida Government Finance Officers Association (FGFOA) was founded in 1937 and serves more than 2,800 professionals from state, county and city governments, school districts, colleges and universities, special districts, and private firms. I think that it is practical and necessary to put your best on the project., at the Austin Convention Center, Austin, Texas, Pleasure Driveway & Park District of Peoria, Illinois Government Finance Officers Association, 800 Roosevelt Road, Building C, Suite 312, Submit suggestions, comments, or ideas for articles and educational events . Sunday, June 5, 2022Wednesday, June 8, 2022, Austin Convention Center
2023 Annual Conference- June 14-16, 2023. Please help the IGFOA continue to promote excellence in governmental finance.
Photos from recent activities hosted by the Pacific and Virgin Islands Training Initiatives (PITI-VITI) in support of conferences, training and leadership development, are available below., Distinguished Budget Presentation Award winners though March 31, 2020, are now listed.
Login, The Florida Government Finance Officers Association ("FGFOA") is committed to ensuring accessibility of its website. Continuing education credits will be provided through the Ohio Accountancy Board (CPE), Ohio Treasurer of State's Center for Public Investment Management (CPIM), Ohio Auditor of State's Fiscal Integrity Act (FIA), and The Supreme Court of Ohio Commission on Continuing Legal Education (CLE). What is the typical life cycle of an ERP system. Have something to share? The 2023 GFOA and IGFOA summer meetings will be held in Portland, Oregon, from May 21-23, 2023. Most governments hold onto a system for 15-20 years between entire replacement projects. Maryland GFOA has transitioned to a new management company and has a new mailing address. We want to hear from you! In particular I wanted to, What is Fiscal First Aid? To sign up to received notifications, please enter your email address below and indicate which topics you're interested in. Support our Members in education, create new relationships with potential clients, build upon current business relationships. To help local governments deal, Yes. This webinar led by Tom Gregory will feature key insights from TD Banks Director and Senior Economist, James Marple, and TD Banks Head of Government Affairs, Jim Johnson on important topics including overarching economic updates, how the, Dear Colleagues, I wanted to thank everyone for their participation in the Fall Virtual Conference. Ohio GFOA's 35th Annual Conference & Membership Meeting offers 2 1/2 days of unsurpassed networking opportunities & educational sessions focused on issues facing the industry. Apply now to join the ELDP for the U.S. Virgin Islands! Registration for the Virtual Annual Conference is closed.
Please join us on February 16 at 2:00 p.m. for this virtual event, Our Evolving Economy Amid COVID-19. The award is based on nationally recognized guidelines and demonstrates a commitment to meeting the highest principles of governmental budgeting. GFOAs Triple Crown recognizes governments who have received GFOAs Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting, Popular Annual Financial Reporting Award, and the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award. Austin,Texas78701 Click for details. Volunteers are key to our diverse programs and services. Please see the address below and contact us at In order to display course offerings in your local time, please select your current location/Time Zone. The 33rd annual APIPA Conference will be held virtually from August 29 to September 2, 2022. Please. The US Treasury has released guidance to NEUs related to the ARPA funding, Ohio Government Finance Officers Association, 400 W Wilson Bridge RdSuite 120Worthington, OH 43085, Phone: 614.221.1900 | Email: [emailprotected], 35th Ohio GFOA Annual Conference & Membership Meeting, Treasurer of State, Center for Public Investment Management (CPIM), Tuesday Evening Conference Kickoff Social Hour, 2022 Advanced Governmental Accounting Seminar, Ohio GFOA Webinar: Measure What Matters: How a Leading Ohio Township Shows Progress on Priorities. When the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a pandemic, we vowed that the Ohio GFOA 33rdAnnual Conference and Membership Meeting would still go on someway, somehow. Many best practice articles suggest putting your best staff on the ERP implementation project, and then backfill for their ongoing day-to-day responsibilities. You will now be redirected to the virtual IGFOA Conference, hosted via Zoom. The IGFOA Winter Meeting will be held during the winter of 2022. Also, a special congratulations to the following jurisdictions who have received the award for 35 years or more: Cadillac, MI (37), Farmington Hills, MI (37), Montgomery County, MD (37), Cambridge, MA (36), Gladstone, MO (36), Roanoke,.
However, poor implementations, or lack of regular upgrades will require a shift much sooner (10-12 years is not unusual). The alternative is putting your less than best people on the project and setting up the system in a way that doesnt set up that foundation for future success.

Additional session and schedule details are available on the, The IGFOA post-meeting will take place on Wednesday afternoon, June 8, 2022 to Thursday June 9, 2022. It is simply too important to cancel! CPE Certificates will be sent in the following weeks. All Rights reserved. I wanted to thank all our sponsors for their continued support and attendance at the Fall Conference.
What is the typical life cycle of an ERP system?From our research and experience, ERP systems need to be upgraded regularly. To report an accessibility issue, request accessibility assistance regarding our website content, or to request a specific electronic format, please complete our, Technical & Legislative Resources Committee. Do you find this practical; from your experience have you seen this actually carried out? Pacific ELDP applications will be opening soon. Training Starts Again In-Person for Insular Area Government Finance Officers, Interiors Office of Insular Affairs Announces Executive Leadership Development Program for Public Sector Officials from the U.S. Virgin Islands, Sixty-One American Samoa Government Ethics Officers Complete PITI-VITIs Ethical Decision-Making Workshop. document.write(new Date().getFullYear()) Florida Government Finance Officers Association. Additional details will be posted once available.
Already Registered? Government Finance Officers Association 116th Annual Conference This informal social hour is free to attend for conference attendees. June 5-8, 2022, at the Austin Convention Center, Austin, Texas. Annapolis, Md (March 19, 2021) Today, County Executive Pittman announced that Anne Arundel County has received the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award from the Government Finance Officers Association for its Fiscal Year 2021 budget. 500 E. Cesar Chavez St.
Map and directions.
The US Treasury has released guidance to NEUs related to the ARPA funding, Ohio Government Finance Officers Association, 400 W Wilson Bridge RdSuite 120Worthington, OH 43085, Phone: 614.221.1900 | Email: [emailprotected], Ohio Government Finance Officers Association, Ohio GFOA Virtual 33rd Annual Conference and Membership Meeting. Click here to view the award winners. Thank You for Subscribing to the PITI-VITI Mailing List! Join MD GFOA for a lunch & learn overview of the Certified Public Finance Officers (CPFO) program on October 20th, 2021 from 12:00-1:00 PM. PITI-VITI is supported by the U.S. Department of the Interior's Office of Insular Affairs. If you are not automatically redirected, you can manually enter the Zoom credentials below. Register now to join us! We had a turnout of nearly 300 members and the very active participation of our sponsors as well. The IGFOA pre-meetingwill take place on Saturday, June 4, 2022. Pacific & Virgin Islands Training Initiatives (PITI-VITI), Graduate School USA. Copyright 2022 Illinois Government Finance Officers Association. The IGFOA needs you. The summer meeting of the Government Finance Officers' Association (IGFOA) and the Island Government Finance Officers' Association (IGFOA) will take place from Saturday, June 4, 2022 to Thursday, June 9, 2022. By: Mike Mucha, GFOA Deputy Executive Director Shayne Kavanagh, GFOA Senior Manager of Research Katie Ludwig, GFOA Senior Manager Jamie Porter, GFOA Program Associate COVID-19 and the associated recession has presented immediate financial difficulties and has also harmed the long-term financial outlook for local governments. All rights reserved. Online registration is not available for this event. Manage your IGFOA profile, settings, preferences, and more. Welcome to the We recommend that you dont completely remove those individuals from.