To be quite honest, this episode did not go as expected. Number: Season 3, View planetclaireTVs profile on Facebook, View PlanetclaireOrgs profile on Google+.
SG-1 travels to Tollana to negotiate a treaty with them. Directed by
once you see what Im about to show you, there is no turning back. Jonathan Glassner Upon leaving, ONeill steals a piece of technology. Written by Hammond: Enough, Colonel. Ill be holding the door open so you cant go anywhere else. I lost. I hope youll make him feel welcome. About the time Maybourne came on the scene, I figured ONeill had to be working undercover. Hammond: I cant believe what Im hearing. Chronology Brzy na to vak Jacka navtv plk. Jackson: So this whole friendship thing that weve been working on the past few years? High Chancellor Travell: I assume you want weapons technology. And Teal'c well he really didn't say anything, but I could tell he was opposed to my actions by the way he cocked his head and sort of raised his eyebrow. Jackson: Sir, ah, I dont want to seem out of line here but, ah since Im a civilian here Im probably the only one that can say this Really. Major Carter can figure out how to reproduce it and well give it back. Maybourne: May I come in?
You know it'd be a lot more superior if it weren't so easy to steal. Carter and Daniel protested. Change). Followed by O'Neill recognizes Newman as one of the men SG-1 chased through the second Stargate in, O'Neill asks Hammond to grant him one last favor and allow him to retire on.
Runtime: 60 minutes, Writer: O'Neill: I suppose it is, Carter. Hammond: They just gave you the device as a reward for saving them from the Goa'uld? In that spirit wed like to arrange for a trade. And hopefully smooth over what must be some very ruffled feathers. Major General George S. Hammond later finds out about this and O'Neill soon resigns. ONeill: About? Hammond: Since SG-1 is considered the flagship unit, it falls on me to assure that you have the strongest possible leadership. I lost.".
Until now weve denied it. Jackson: Um we drew straws.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available from ONeill: Disappear? Jackson: Actually, General, the Tollan refused to give us any technology. Listen up, all of ya.
ONeills next visitor is Colonel Maybourne from the NID with an offer to lead a stealth team to take technology from other worlds. Jackson: What are you doing? Just as he tries to dial back, the Stargate opens, and SG-1 comes through. You and your team stole an alien device from an extremely advanced alien culture? ONeill is asked to retire early or face court martial, so he retires early. Jackson: Okay, we understand that. ONeill agrees to this offer and gets to the base by requesting off-world retirement from Hammond. No, I feel a little. Hammond: Colonel ONeill, you are out of line.
O'Neill: Shut up, Daniel. You've got two choices here. Jackson: Jack, youre crossing a line. He and ONeill argue about the current state of diplomatic ties with the Tollans and ONeill drops that the Pentagon wont approve a mysterious back-up plan. Partially justified, in that the plan was enacted in order to root out a mole in the SGC, who would obviously relay the information to Maybourne. Hammond: Im confused. ONeill: Well.
What difference does it make what title she has? ONeill: Nothing to worry about. Episode ONeill: None. Jackson: Jack? In response, an angry Colonel Jack O'Neill steals a device that disables weapons.
When Dr. Daniel Jackson visits him at home in an attempt to figure out what's going on, O'Neill insults him, telling him that apparently his teammates didn't really know him at all, and that he's finally acting like himself., Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 26 November 2020, at 15:23. SG-1 est en mission sur Tollana pour essayer d'tablir avec les Tollas d'obtenir quelques unes de leurs technologies trs avances. Now that the rogue team is caught, diplomatic peace is restored. (LogOut/ Therefore Im reassigning the most senior officer we have in the field as your new commanding officer. High Chancellor Travell: The reasons for these laws are still relevant. Enter the type and id of the record that this record is a duplicate of and confirm using Tollan law strictly forbids it. O'Neill calls him out for being overly melodramatic. ONeill: And when the Goauld wipe us out because we have nothing with which to defend ourselves Im sure well all feel great about ourselves and our high moral standards! Carter: Yes sir.
Carter and Daniel protested. Hammond: The Asgard insisted that Colonel ONeill be the only one involved. Dans un accs de colre, O'neill vole avant de rentrer un appareil sophistiqu O'Neill ezredes tapintatlansgot kvet el, ami veszlybe sodorja a diplomciai kapcsolatokat a Fld s szvetsgesei kztt.
I have to press charges. Our core mission is to go through that gate and find technologies we can use to defend against Goauld incursion.
The opera passage heard during the scene between O'Neill and, This episode marks the final appearance of. Those folks?
O'Neill: We don't need their stuff, Makepeace. After SG-1 returns to Earth, the diplomatic incident caused by the Tollan's discovery of the theft forces O'Neill into early retirement. Now retired and expelled from the SGC , O'Neill is visited by Colonel Maybourne, who offers him to participate in a secret operation regarding the Stargate.. After accepting the offer, Maybourne reveals to him that a branch of the NID has its own SG units operating from another world, without the SGC knowing.
document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Dangerous would be another word I would use. ONeill: They wont retaliate, if thats what youre worried about. Jackson: Ah, actually no it doesnt. He reveals that he had been undercover since Tollana in a coup to discover the rogue team that had been stealing technology from SGCs off-world allies. I am in no way obligated to put up with your crap anymore. By all means, General, do what you have to do. Jackson: Dont even think about it.
[] at the Tollan society first introduced in the season 1 episode Enigma. And Shades of Grey gave us a reason to dislike Colonel Maybourne again despite a potential redemption in []. You know that is the one thing we cannot give you. ONeill: Obviously the whole friendship thing, the foundation, its all solid. ONeill: I suppose it is, Carter. Stargate SG-1 Season 3 2000.01.14 Claire.
This is the first. They ask for technology to help defend Earth against the Goa'uld , but the Tolanos , fearing that it will be used against the other Earth nations, reject the proposal. Hammond: As long as I am in command of the SGC we will hold yourself to the highest ethical standard.
Hammond: You are bordering on insubordination.
O'Neill returns to the rogue team base after SG-1 leaves, and an Asgard appears next to the DHD as O'Neill departs, noting the address. How did you get the device? O'Neill: Like the Tollan, Tok'ra, Asgard, Nox. Those folks? ONeill: Shut up, Daniel. Hammond: They just gave you the device as a reward for saving them from the Goauld? Hammond: That could very well be your next stop if you say another word, Colonel. Were wasting a lot of time here. O'Neill: We never should have saved their technologically-superior butts. As soon as they stop taking stuff they're going to start taking people.
There, Hammond arrests them, and O'Neill does the same with Makepeace. (LogOut/ As soon as they stop taking stuff theyre going to start taking people. Original air date
Forget it. This is also the second episode where said new team member was not altogether welcome. Lets go. Hammond: What you have done here is clearly a court-martialable offense. O'Neill then evacuates the Rebel team through the Stargate to Earth.
You and your team committed a court martialable offence.
Soon, an Asgard shipappears on the SG Rebelde base and begins to take the stolen artifacts. ONeill: One of those ion cannons would be nice. Jackson: Feel like sharing? As a result, Jack is forced into early retirement. When O'Neill returns to the base, an Asgard ship descends and begins beaming out the stolen items. Il Colonnello Maybourne, che venuto a conoscenza dei fatti, si reca a casa di O'Neill per fargli un'interessante offerta: collaborare con una squadra segreta che ha il compito di impadronirsi di tecnologia aliena usando il secondo Stargate O'Neill, dopo averci pensato per qualche giorno, decide di accettare l'offeta di Maybourne e parte per la sua prima missione. Maybourne: I want you to understand that
"New Ground". One member, Major Dean Newman, is one of the men who fled through the second gate when SG-1 re-captured it in Utah. Jackson: Jack, you're crossing a line.
This is the second episode (this season no less!)
Marie Stillin Tom McBeath. When the Tollan refuse to share technology, even after SG-1 saved the planet from a Goa'uld attack, Jack gets angry and steals a device from them. Then the rebel SG Team explains to O'Neill that they have a man inside the SGC., and that they must leave him an Asgard concealment device, on a planet, so that when his unit arrives, he can take it and bring it to Colonel Maybourne. Hammond: Colonel O'Neill come in and take a seat!
This is that thing they disable our weapons with, isnt it? ONeill: Keep talking. O'Neill and Hammond reveal to the remaining members of SG-1 that O'Neill's uncharacteristic actions, at the request of the Tollan and the Asgard, were a ploy to get Maybourne to reveal the location of the rogue team, which had been damaging Earth's interests by stealing off-world technology. Carter: Is there anything I can do? But Major is a far cry from Colonel. Hammond: The offer is only on the table while youre in the room.
Jackson: Im sorry, I dont. Martin Wood. Eversti Jack O'Neill'in omituinen kyts synnytt diplomaattisen selkkauksen ja johtaa kurinpidollisiin toimenpiteisiin. Maybourne gives them the drop-off address for the device, and O'Neill offers to run the mission himself, explaining it as a desire to do at least once every job his new command does. Now stand down. During the mission debriefing, General Hammond discovers that the tech is stolen and not freely given.
SG-1 is informed that a new commander will be taking O'Neill's place, and that Major General George S. Hammond has chosen Colonel Robert Makepeace over Daniel Jackson's desire to have the team led by Major Samantha Carter.
SG-1 travels to Tollana to negotiate a treaty with them. Directed by
once you see what Im about to show you, there is no turning back. Jonathan Glassner Upon leaving, ONeill steals a piece of technology. Written by Hammond: Enough, Colonel. Ill be holding the door open so you cant go anywhere else. I lost. I hope youll make him feel welcome. About the time Maybourne came on the scene, I figured ONeill had to be working undercover. Hammond: I cant believe what Im hearing. Chronology Brzy na to vak Jacka navtv plk. Jackson: So this whole friendship thing that weve been working on the past few years? High Chancellor Travell: I assume you want weapons technology. And Teal'c well he really didn't say anything, but I could tell he was opposed to my actions by the way he cocked his head and sort of raised his eyebrow. Jackson: Sir, ah, I dont want to seem out of line here but, ah since Im a civilian here Im probably the only one that can say this Really. Major Carter can figure out how to reproduce it and well give it back. Maybourne: May I come in?
You know it'd be a lot more superior if it weren't so easy to steal. Carter and Daniel protested. Change). Followed by O'Neill recognizes Newman as one of the men SG-1 chased through the second Stargate in, O'Neill asks Hammond to grant him one last favor and allow him to retire on.
Runtime: 60 minutes, Writer: O'Neill: I suppose it is, Carter. Hammond: They just gave you the device as a reward for saving them from the Goa'uld? In that spirit wed like to arrange for a trade. And hopefully smooth over what must be some very ruffled feathers. Major General George S. Hammond later finds out about this and O'Neill soon resigns. ONeill: About? Hammond: Since SG-1 is considered the flagship unit, it falls on me to assure that you have the strongest possible leadership. I lost.".
Until now weve denied it. Jackson: Um we drew straws.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available from ONeill: Disappear? Jackson: Actually, General, the Tollan refused to give us any technology. Listen up, all of ya.
ONeills next visitor is Colonel Maybourne from the NID with an offer to lead a stealth team to take technology from other worlds. Jackson: What are you doing? Just as he tries to dial back, the Stargate opens, and SG-1 comes through. You and your team stole an alien device from an extremely advanced alien culture? ONeill is asked to retire early or face court martial, so he retires early. Jackson: Okay, we understand that. ONeill agrees to this offer and gets to the base by requesting off-world retirement from Hammond. No, I feel a little. Hammond: Colonel ONeill, you are out of line.
O'Neill: Shut up, Daniel. You've got two choices here. Jackson: Jack, youre crossing a line. He and ONeill argue about the current state of diplomatic ties with the Tollans and ONeill drops that the Pentagon wont approve a mysterious back-up plan. Partially justified, in that the plan was enacted in order to root out a mole in the SGC, who would obviously relay the information to Maybourne. Hammond: Im confused. ONeill: Well.
What difference does it make what title she has? ONeill: Nothing to worry about. Episode ONeill: None. Jackson: Jack? In response, an angry Colonel Jack O'Neill steals a device that disables weapons.
When Dr. Daniel Jackson visits him at home in an attempt to figure out what's going on, O'Neill insults him, telling him that apparently his teammates didn't really know him at all, and that he's finally acting like himself., Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 26 November 2020, at 15:23. SG-1 est en mission sur Tollana pour essayer d'tablir avec les Tollas d'obtenir quelques unes de leurs technologies trs avances. Now that the rogue team is caught, diplomatic peace is restored. (LogOut/ Therefore Im reassigning the most senior officer we have in the field as your new commanding officer. High Chancellor Travell: The reasons for these laws are still relevant. Enter the type and id of the record that this record is a duplicate of and confirm using Tollan law strictly forbids it. O'Neill calls him out for being overly melodramatic. ONeill: And when the Goauld wipe us out because we have nothing with which to defend ourselves Im sure well all feel great about ourselves and our high moral standards! Carter: Yes sir.
Carter and Daniel protested. Hammond: The Asgard insisted that Colonel ONeill be the only one involved. Dans un accs de colre, O'neill vole avant de rentrer un appareil sophistiqu O'Neill ezredes tapintatlansgot kvet el, ami veszlybe sodorja a diplomciai kapcsolatokat a Fld s szvetsgesei kztt.
I have to press charges. Our core mission is to go through that gate and find technologies we can use to defend against Goauld incursion.

The opera passage heard during the scene between O'Neill and, This episode marks the final appearance of. Those folks?
O'Neill: We don't need their stuff, Makepeace. After SG-1 returns to Earth, the diplomatic incident caused by the Tollan's discovery of the theft forces O'Neill into early retirement. Now retired and expelled from the SGC , O'Neill is visited by Colonel Maybourne, who offers him to participate in a secret operation regarding the Stargate.. After accepting the offer, Maybourne reveals to him that a branch of the NID has its own SG units operating from another world, without the SGC knowing.
document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Dangerous would be another word I would use. ONeill: They wont retaliate, if thats what youre worried about. Jackson: Ah, actually no it doesnt. He reveals that he had been undercover since Tollana in a coup to discover the rogue team that had been stealing technology from SGCs off-world allies. I am in no way obligated to put up with your crap anymore. By all means, General, do what you have to do. Jackson: Dont even think about it.

[] at the Tollan society first introduced in the season 1 episode Enigma. And Shades of Grey gave us a reason to dislike Colonel Maybourne again despite a potential redemption in []. You know that is the one thing we cannot give you. ONeill: Obviously the whole friendship thing, the foundation, its all solid. ONeill: I suppose it is, Carter. Stargate SG-1 Season 3 2000.01.14 Claire.
This is the first. They ask for technology to help defend Earth against the Goa'uld , but the Tolanos , fearing that it will be used against the other Earth nations, reject the proposal. Hammond: As long as I am in command of the SGC we will hold yourself to the highest ethical standard.
Hammond: You are bordering on insubordination.
O'Neill returns to the rogue team base after SG-1 leaves, and an Asgard appears next to the DHD as O'Neill departs, noting the address. How did you get the device? O'Neill: Like the Tollan, Tok'ra, Asgard, Nox. Those folks? ONeill: Shut up, Daniel. Hammond: They just gave you the device as a reward for saving them from the Goauld? Hammond: That could very well be your next stop if you say another word, Colonel. Were wasting a lot of time here. O'Neill: We never should have saved their technologically-superior butts. As soon as they stop taking stuff they're going to start taking people.
There, Hammond arrests them, and O'Neill does the same with Makepeace. (LogOut/ As soon as they stop taking stuff theyre going to start taking people. Original air date
Forget it. This is also the second episode where said new team member was not altogether welcome. Lets go. Hammond: What you have done here is clearly a court-martialable offense. O'Neill then evacuates the Rebel team through the Stargate to Earth.
You and your team committed a court martialable offence.

"New Ground". One member, Major Dean Newman, is one of the men who fled through the second gate when SG-1 re-captured it in Utah. Jackson: Jack, you're crossing a line.
This is the second episode (this season no less!)
Marie Stillin Tom McBeath. When the Tollan refuse to share technology, even after SG-1 saved the planet from a Goa'uld attack, Jack gets angry and steals a device from them. Then the rebel SG Team explains to O'Neill that they have a man inside the SGC., and that they must leave him an Asgard concealment device, on a planet, so that when his unit arrives, he can take it and bring it to Colonel Maybourne. Hammond: Colonel O'Neill come in and take a seat!
This is that thing they disable our weapons with, isnt it? ONeill: Keep talking. O'Neill and Hammond reveal to the remaining members of SG-1 that O'Neill's uncharacteristic actions, at the request of the Tollan and the Asgard, were a ploy to get Maybourne to reveal the location of the rogue team, which had been damaging Earth's interests by stealing off-world technology. Carter: Is there anything I can do? But Major is a far cry from Colonel. Hammond: The offer is only on the table while youre in the room.
Jackson: Im sorry, I dont. Martin Wood. Eversti Jack O'Neill'in omituinen kyts synnytt diplomaattisen selkkauksen ja johtaa kurinpidollisiin toimenpiteisiin. Maybourne gives them the drop-off address for the device, and O'Neill offers to run the mission himself, explaining it as a desire to do at least once every job his new command does. Now stand down. During the mission debriefing, General Hammond discovers that the tech is stolen and not freely given.
SG-1 is informed that a new commander will be taking O'Neill's place, and that Major General George S. Hammond has chosen Colonel Robert Makepeace over Daniel Jackson's desire to have the team led by Major Samantha Carter.