According toEveryday Health, consuming too many amino acids can lead to bloating, diarrhea, drops in blood pressure, kidney distress, and even gout. According to the National Institute of Health, supplement companies also do not even have to prove that these proprietary blends are safe before they go on the market. In the high amounts often consumed by military personnel, it can also cause severe gastrointestinal distress, hot flashes, and the shakes. The regular-strength shooter offered in berry, grape, citrus lime, pomegranate, orange and pink lemonade holds 200 milligrams of caffeine, according to its website. Taurine, glucuronic acid, malic acid, N-acetyl L-tyrosine, L-phenylalanine, caffeine and citicoline make up the 1,870 milligrams of its energy blend. Extra-Strength 5-Hour Energy packs 230 milligrams of caffeine into the tiny 1.93-ounce bottle. Adenosine binds to neurons in the brain to decrease the neurons excitability which, in turn, lowers the amount of dopamine and other stimulating chemicals released, thus resulting in feeling sleepy. Unleash the beast with 160 milligrams of caffeine in each 16-ounce can of the original or branch out with the brands more than 50 options. However, the content replacing the sugar is artificial sweetener or sugar alcohol. Get your hands on REIZE right now! Listed below is a selection of must-try energy drinks that I know youll like.
Your email address will not be published. Its the one that gives you wings. One 8.4-ounce can of classic Red Bull contains 80 milligrams of caffeine, 105 milligrams of sodium and 11 grams of sugar, according to the products website. Its a lot higher than the maximum daily allowance of 6-9 teaspoons of added sugar recommended by the AHA, even if you keep to one serving. Photo Modified/Flickr/Mike Mozart/ CC BY 4.0. Reign exceeded the Vitamin B6 levels by 120%, Vitamin B12 by 250% and Niacin by 130% recommended percentages. The colorful, loud cans fill gas station coolers everywhere, just waiting to be grabbed by everyone from tired truck drivers to high schoolers mid-cram session who are looking for a quick kick of energy and focus. The American Heart Association recommends that men consume no more than 36 grams of added sugar per day.
Excellent report. Energy drinks are primarily known for their caffeine and sugar content. The caffeine in energy drinks provides a false sense of energy, said Ashley Pearson, a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, and Licensed Dietitian Nutritionist. It has perfect Vitamin B6 (100%) and Niacin (100%) levels, however, it crosses the Vitamin B12 level by resting at 375%.
NOS original, also produced by Monster Beverage Corporation, has 210 calories, 410 milligrams of sodium and 53 grams of sugar per can. Though they might be effective pick-me-ups in the moment, most of these drinks contain a large amount of caffeine, sugar, additives, guarana, taurine and L-carnitine that can potentially have lasting health effects, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. Its important to note that certain beverages are only dangerous when consumed in large doses. You havent really tasted it all if you havent tried REIZE yet! Rip It is the drug of choice for many members of the armed forces, and has even been referred to in the field as "crack." It was also nothing to scoff at in terms of alcohol content, weighing in at 12% ABV. But let's be honest, when faced with a bag of chips or a bottle of soda, who is really consuming a single serving? The 16 oz can of C4 Energy has 250% of Vitamin B12 and 190% of Niacin. Edit or delete it, then start writing. According to the LA Times, researchers even found that a can of regular Rockstar can raise your fight-or-flight response and blood pressure within 30 minutes of consumption, which could lead to cardiovascular problems.
Hi, I'm Marty Spargo. Rockstar is placed here due to the significant decrease in caffeine levels compared to Reign and Bang. The total caffeine content is 300 milligrams per can. According to the Legal Examiner, the drink was like really diving in with beer and coffee each serving contained roughly the same amount of alcohol as four to six beers and the same amount of caffeine as four to six cups of coffee. But have no fear, consumer. Along with caffeine and sugar content, there are a lot of other things such as vitamins and minerals that are too high of an amount than what youd necessarily need. Although the company's marketing has since changed slightly, the beverage was allowed back on the market with little changes to the actual formula. The company's slogan is "The Legal Alternative," clearly drawing comparison to the schedule II drug. These beverages are not good for you in terms of nutrition, mainly because of their sugar content. While sodas have a legal caffeine cap, energy drinks do not. And so theres some that contain other ingredients in them too, that isnt fully tested in the United States, Pearson said. The human body is already used to digesting and using real sugar, but when it comes to sugar alcohols, the body treats them like fibers and doesnt actually break them down. Anything beyond this can cause caffeine toxicity, which may include vomiting, irregular heartbeat, seizures, or even cardiac arrest. After the ban, a black market popped up for fans of the drink, mainly on Craigslist. While mixing Red Bull with alcohol is considered a dangerous practice, at least the company doesn't sell the two together in the same can. Although it is naturally caffeinated, it still exceeds the recommended amount of caffeine for 12-17-year-olds and accommodates for half of the recommended adult intake. Some energy drinks indicate that they are sugar-free. Other ingredients include taurine and B vitamins, and the drink has expanded to numerous varieties of flavors and sugar-free options. There are two servings in each 480-milliliter can, and each serving has 62 grams of sugar, which is a lot of sugar. While premixed alcoholic energy drinks were all the rage in the early 2000s, they were banned by the FDA in 2010 following a slew of hospitalizations.
Ten of the most popular energy drinks with the most caffeine content.
With a whopping 505 mg caffeine, Wired X505 is the most caffeinated energy drink on the market. Many athletes and people who love to work out have been seduced by the propaganda and marketing of these companies. With 500 mg of caffeine per bottle, Fixx is the second most caffeinated energy drink on this list and one of the most concentrated ever on the market. Also, GURU 8.4 fl. So, without further ado heres my unbiased review on the worst energy drinks Ive ever tried! While somecaffeine can be beneficial while exercising, caffeine levels that are high enough to induce cardiac arrest don't sound beneficial. To top it all off, Guru uses only natural compounds derived from plants and does not contain any preservatives, minerals, or B vitamins in its formulations. His symptoms included vomiting, abdominal pain, jaundice, and dark urine, and biopsies showed liver damage. These are some of the probable long-term consequences of excessive energy drink intake. Full Throttle, produced by Monster Beverage Corporation, proudly boasts to be hard working, easy drinking. One 16-ounce can of Full Throttle Original Citrus has 160 milligrams of caffeine, 220 calories and 58 grams of carbohydrates from sugar per can, according to its website. But there is some evidence that overdoing the B vitamins can throw your system into a tailspin. Red Bull and Monster both contain caffeine, but we can see that Monster has twice as much, having 160mg per 16 fl oz can. There is no need to be a health expert to realize thats quite a bit. If you suffer from a swollen prostrate. Your donation will support the student journalists of West High School. All of this highlights that we don't actually know what is in a lot of energy drinks. RockStar Energy Drink is available in cans sized 8.4 ounces, 12 ounces, 16 ounces and 24 ounces. B vitamins are often included in energy drinks because they help regulate the body's energy supply and brain function, the idea being that they help the caffeine perk you up without compromising focus or giving you brain fog. It has 470% of Vitamin B6, 160% of Vitamin B12 and 190% of Niacin. This is well within the recommended daily amount of 5 g, but it's noteworthy that consumers can't easily know their own consumption because of the lack of requirement to list the amount. Drinking this much caffeine quickly can raise your heart rate massively, and is probably why the company lists a serving size as half a bottle. And whats even better? Although caffeine is used to boost energy, excessive amounts can lead to insomnia and an increase in anxiety, blood pressure and heart rates. Mohana Sunkara, Videographer|January 21, 2022. According to the British Medical Journal, a 50-year-old man was hospitalized and diagnosed with acute hepatitis in 2016 after an energy-drink-induced B-vitamin overdose. These supplement rules leave consumers with little information about what is actually in their drinks. To be fair, the man had consumed four to five energy drinks every day for three weeks. The product was also legally brought back onto the market later the same year, only minus the stimulants. But each of his drinks contained only 200% the recommended daily value of B vitamins, meaning that he didn't even get close to the amount in Zipfizz. Everything should be in moderation. Even still, you have to give GURU justice when it comes to nutrition, as it went to great lengths to eliminate synthetic ingredients and additives. Tired drinkers who opt for a can of Cherry Blast or Tropical Punch will get 160 milligrams of caffeine, while a can of the Original flavor has 142 milligrams of caffeine. However, high levels of B vitamins can cause adverse effects like gastrointestinal stress, insomnia, high blood pressure, and even skin rashes. Your contribution will allow us to purchase Scholarship Yearbooks, newsroom equipment and cover our annual website hosting costs. My goal for this article is not to put a bad name for certain energy drinks brands that I will be mentioning but to give you, my readers, an informed decision on what energy drink to consume. Overconsumption of added sugar has been related to several health problems, including an increased risk of stroke and heart attack, which I think this energy drink is a NO for me. Drinking one can of energy drink isnt expected to have any long-term damaging consequences. On this website, I share information about energy drinks so that you can be more informed about all of the different brands.
It seems nothing came of this investigation, so presumably the link wasn't very strong. It has also been linked to multiple deaths.
Here is a closer look at whats inside some of the most popular energy drinks on the market. One 16-ounce serving of Mountain Dew Amp contains 220 calories, 58 grams of sugar, 10 milligrams of sodium and 142 milligrams of caffeine. But since my preferred caffeine dosage ranges from 50 to 100 mg per serving, the high caffeine content in 5 Hour Energy isnt something I really like. purposefully inducing your body into a stress response should raise a giant red flag. This is because each shot of 5 Hour Energy contains 200mg of caffeine and that much caffeine in such a small volume (1.93 fl oz) can be dangerous. However, Sucralose is still used to sweeten the drink. However, if your caffeine metabolism is robust enough, a shot of 5 Hour Energy is undoubtedly faster and more potent than the average energy drink. Before anything else, I just want to say that anything that I would say in this article is just my personal perspective based on my own experience. Ingredients such as taurine and L-carnitine sound scary but are really just amino acids thought to help the body metabolize energy. Promoted by multiple fitness influencers, Alani Nu has built a reputable brand. You may have never heard of it, butRip It has been the energy drink of choice for the U.S. military for years. As for the other ingredients, there are a few things you should know. Energy drinks are also allowed to contain a proprietary blend of substances, and while manufacturers must list the blend's contents, they do not have to list how much extra caffeine they contain or what amount of each additional stimulant is included. Creatine is an amino acid (also known as, you guessed it, a B vitamin), which is commonly added to sports drinks to aid muscle and brain function. In short, containing too much caffeine, sugar, and calories is what makes an energy drink not good. Other Monster-related incidents reported to the FDA include "adverse events such as abdominal pain, vomiting, tremors and abnormal heart rate.". The even more powerful 5-Hour Energy Extra Strengthcontains 230 mg of caffeine. Energy drinks are some of the top selling beverages worldwide, with a 2020 global market size of a staggering $57.4 billion. NBC reports thata high school in Colorado Springs banned Spike Shooter in 2007, after two students were taken to the hospital with heart palpitations after drinking the beverage. Along with that, Celsius exceeds the recommended percentage for Vitamin B6 (118%), Vitamin B12 (250%) and Niacin (125%). A single 8-ounce energy drink can have as much as 250 milligrams of caffeine, according to the FDA. Thats all I would suggest to people. Still, nothing beats drinking lots of water, having plenty of sleep, living an active lifestyle, and eating a balanced diet. The safety of supplements is only interrogated if adverse event claims are filed, and as these claims have to make their way through a variety of agencies that have been known to redact information, there is no guarantee that the full ingredients will ever be made public. With that much caffeine in such a small package, it's no wonder this product gives you the shakes. The products are designed for athletes, and Rockstar initially released the 300 mg version as a zero cal, zero sugar "healthy" beverage. Now more than ever, people are relying on the caffeine content in energy drinks to keep them up and running throughout the day. Mountain Dew Amp is your classic Mountain Dew, but amped up. Based on this information, it is perhaps not surprising that 5-Hour Energy came under fire from the FDA in 2013, after 33 hospitalizations and 13 deaths were tenuously linked to the energy "shot." One energy drink can sometimes contain two or three servings which means the listed nutrition facts need to be doubled or tripled.
At just 2 ounces, this energy "shot" contains200 mg of caffeine per bottle nearly twice as much as some 16-ounce energy drinks. To make a long story short, more vitamins does not always equal better. Focus Aid is not a well-known energy drink but turns out to be one of the better options. The drink is able to boast zero calories with the help of the sweetener sucralose, which is popular in diet soda. Its more critical than ever for university students, career men and women, athletes, and gamers to have a little pick-me-up today. However, at 300 mg caffeine per can, it is one of the most caffeinated drinks on the market. There isnt one thats better than the other, but I would try to find ones that are lower in caffeine.. At just 2.5 ounces, this energy shot contains a whopping 300 mg of caffeine, in addition to 500% of your daily value of B12 and a proprietary blend of several ingredients in unlisted amounts. As Ill explain in a minute, 5 Hour Energy is the most toxic, in my opinion.
And it doesn't stop at caffeine it also contains high amounts of other eye-openers, like 4,400 mg of taurine, 375 mg of guarana, and 750% of your daily recommended value of vitamin B6. In addition, the tiny volume of 5 Hour Energy means youll be guzzling it rapidly, which means youll be consuming a lot more caffeine in a shorter period than youre accustomed to. oz. People who have tried it say it gives an insane kick with an eventual giant crash, which is not really surprising.
Furthermore, energy drinks are loaded with sugar and calories which arent essential for a healthy lifestyle. RUNA is a healthier option for energy drinks in terms of calories and sugars. But these drinks have a lot more to them than meets the eye. Guarana is derived from seeds of an Amazon plant that contain approximately four times the amount of caffeine found in coffee beans, and according to research published in the journal PLOS One, also contains other compounds thought to enhance caffeines stimulant effect. Bang doesnt exceed the recommended values with 30% of Vitamin B6, 60% of Vitamin B12 and 30% of Niacin that you should consume in a day. For me, Runa is probably the least harmful energy drink on the market. However, the content replacing the sugar is artificial sweetener or sugar alcohol. There are more than 15 flavor options including Rainbow Unicorn, Star Blast and Birthday Cake Bash. Quite the contrary! In addition, it includes several beneficial components, such as ginseng and Taurine. The brand also uses high fructose corn syrup as a sweetener, according to the Pepsico website. Pearson said limiting how much of the energy drink you are drinking is the best way to go. Pearson said, limiting how much of the energy drink you are drinking is the best way to go. It contains half the caffeine content of the most popular energy drinks such as Celsius and Alani Nu. Despite this new popularity, one jaw-dropping aspect of these energy drinks that are commonly looked upon is their nutritional facts. Although artificial sweeteners are zero calories and sugar alcohols are low in calories, theyre not necessarily good for you. Judging by the known quantities in the ingredient list, creatine and the other amino acids are estimated to be between 4 and 32.5 mg. According to a study published in the journal Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology, they are safe to consume even in large amounts.

Hi, I'm Marty Spargo. Rockstar is placed here due to the significant decrease in caffeine levels compared to Reign and Bang. The total caffeine content is 300 milligrams per can. According to the Legal Examiner, the drink was like really diving in with beer and coffee each serving contained roughly the same amount of alcohol as four to six beers and the same amount of caffeine as four to six cups of coffee. But have no fear, consumer. Along with caffeine and sugar content, there are a lot of other things such as vitamins and minerals that are too high of an amount than what youd necessarily need. Although the company's marketing has since changed slightly, the beverage was allowed back on the market with little changes to the actual formula. The company's slogan is "The Legal Alternative," clearly drawing comparison to the schedule II drug. These beverages are not good for you in terms of nutrition, mainly because of their sugar content. While sodas have a legal caffeine cap, energy drinks do not. And so theres some that contain other ingredients in them too, that isnt fully tested in the United States, Pearson said. The human body is already used to digesting and using real sugar, but when it comes to sugar alcohols, the body treats them like fibers and doesnt actually break them down. Anything beyond this can cause caffeine toxicity, which may include vomiting, irregular heartbeat, seizures, or even cardiac arrest. After the ban, a black market popped up for fans of the drink, mainly on Craigslist. While mixing Red Bull with alcohol is considered a dangerous practice, at least the company doesn't sell the two together in the same can. Although it is naturally caffeinated, it still exceeds the recommended amount of caffeine for 12-17-year-olds and accommodates for half of the recommended adult intake. Some energy drinks indicate that they are sugar-free. Other ingredients include taurine and B vitamins, and the drink has expanded to numerous varieties of flavors and sugar-free options. There are two servings in each 480-milliliter can, and each serving has 62 grams of sugar, which is a lot of sugar. While premixed alcoholic energy drinks were all the rage in the early 2000s, they were banned by the FDA in 2010 following a slew of hospitalizations.
Ten of the most popular energy drinks with the most caffeine content.
With a whopping 505 mg caffeine, Wired X505 is the most caffeinated energy drink on the market. Many athletes and people who love to work out have been seduced by the propaganda and marketing of these companies. With 500 mg of caffeine per bottle, Fixx is the second most caffeinated energy drink on this list and one of the most concentrated ever on the market. Also, GURU 8.4 fl. So, without further ado heres my unbiased review on the worst energy drinks Ive ever tried! While somecaffeine can be beneficial while exercising, caffeine levels that are high enough to induce cardiac arrest don't sound beneficial. To top it all off, Guru uses only natural compounds derived from plants and does not contain any preservatives, minerals, or B vitamins in its formulations. His symptoms included vomiting, abdominal pain, jaundice, and dark urine, and biopsies showed liver damage. These are some of the probable long-term consequences of excessive energy drink intake. Full Throttle, produced by Monster Beverage Corporation, proudly boasts to be hard working, easy drinking. One 16-ounce can of Full Throttle Original Citrus has 160 milligrams of caffeine, 220 calories and 58 grams of carbohydrates from sugar per can, according to its website. But there is some evidence that overdoing the B vitamins can throw your system into a tailspin. Red Bull and Monster both contain caffeine, but we can see that Monster has twice as much, having 160mg per 16 fl oz can. There is no need to be a health expert to realize thats quite a bit. If you suffer from a swollen prostrate. Your donation will support the student journalists of West High School. All of this highlights that we don't actually know what is in a lot of energy drinks. RockStar Energy Drink is available in cans sized 8.4 ounces, 12 ounces, 16 ounces and 24 ounces. B vitamins are often included in energy drinks because they help regulate the body's energy supply and brain function, the idea being that they help the caffeine perk you up without compromising focus or giving you brain fog. It has 470% of Vitamin B6, 160% of Vitamin B12 and 190% of Niacin. This is well within the recommended daily amount of 5 g, but it's noteworthy that consumers can't easily know their own consumption because of the lack of requirement to list the amount. Drinking this much caffeine quickly can raise your heart rate massively, and is probably why the company lists a serving size as half a bottle. And whats even better? Although caffeine is used to boost energy, excessive amounts can lead to insomnia and an increase in anxiety, blood pressure and heart rates. Mohana Sunkara, Videographer|January 21, 2022. According to the British Medical Journal, a 50-year-old man was hospitalized and diagnosed with acute hepatitis in 2016 after an energy-drink-induced B-vitamin overdose. These supplement rules leave consumers with little information about what is actually in their drinks. To be fair, the man had consumed four to five energy drinks every day for three weeks. The product was also legally brought back onto the market later the same year, only minus the stimulants. But each of his drinks contained only 200% the recommended daily value of B vitamins, meaning that he didn't even get close to the amount in Zipfizz. Everything should be in moderation. Even still, you have to give GURU justice when it comes to nutrition, as it went to great lengths to eliminate synthetic ingredients and additives. Tired drinkers who opt for a can of Cherry Blast or Tropical Punch will get 160 milligrams of caffeine, while a can of the Original flavor has 142 milligrams of caffeine. However, high levels of B vitamins can cause adverse effects like gastrointestinal stress, insomnia, high blood pressure, and even skin rashes. Your contribution will allow us to purchase Scholarship Yearbooks, newsroom equipment and cover our annual website hosting costs. My goal for this article is not to put a bad name for certain energy drinks brands that I will be mentioning but to give you, my readers, an informed decision on what energy drink to consume. Overconsumption of added sugar has been related to several health problems, including an increased risk of stroke and heart attack, which I think this energy drink is a NO for me. Drinking one can of energy drink isnt expected to have any long-term damaging consequences. On this website, I share information about energy drinks so that you can be more informed about all of the different brands.
It seems nothing came of this investigation, so presumably the link wasn't very strong. It has also been linked to multiple deaths.
Here is a closer look at whats inside some of the most popular energy drinks on the market. One 16-ounce serving of Mountain Dew Amp contains 220 calories, 58 grams of sugar, 10 milligrams of sodium and 142 milligrams of caffeine. But since my preferred caffeine dosage ranges from 50 to 100 mg per serving, the high caffeine content in 5 Hour Energy isnt something I really like. purposefully inducing your body into a stress response should raise a giant red flag. This is because each shot of 5 Hour Energy contains 200mg of caffeine and that much caffeine in such a small volume (1.93 fl oz) can be dangerous. However, Sucralose is still used to sweeten the drink. However, if your caffeine metabolism is robust enough, a shot of 5 Hour Energy is undoubtedly faster and more potent than the average energy drink. Before anything else, I just want to say that anything that I would say in this article is just my personal perspective based on my own experience. Ingredients such as taurine and L-carnitine sound scary but are really just amino acids thought to help the body metabolize energy. Promoted by multiple fitness influencers, Alani Nu has built a reputable brand. You may have never heard of it, butRip It has been the energy drink of choice for the U.S. military for years. As for the other ingredients, there are a few things you should know. Energy drinks are also allowed to contain a proprietary blend of substances, and while manufacturers must list the blend's contents, they do not have to list how much extra caffeine they contain or what amount of each additional stimulant is included. Creatine is an amino acid (also known as, you guessed it, a B vitamin), which is commonly added to sports drinks to aid muscle and brain function. In short, containing too much caffeine, sugar, and calories is what makes an energy drink not good. Other Monster-related incidents reported to the FDA include "adverse events such as abdominal pain, vomiting, tremors and abnormal heart rate.". The even more powerful 5-Hour Energy Extra Strengthcontains 230 mg of caffeine. Energy drinks are some of the top selling beverages worldwide, with a 2020 global market size of a staggering $57.4 billion. NBC reports thata high school in Colorado Springs banned Spike Shooter in 2007, after two students were taken to the hospital with heart palpitations after drinking the beverage. Along with that, Celsius exceeds the recommended percentage for Vitamin B6 (118%), Vitamin B12 (250%) and Niacin (125%). A single 8-ounce energy drink can have as much as 250 milligrams of caffeine, according to the FDA. Thats all I would suggest to people. Still, nothing beats drinking lots of water, having plenty of sleep, living an active lifestyle, and eating a balanced diet. The safety of supplements is only interrogated if adverse event claims are filed, and as these claims have to make their way through a variety of agencies that have been known to redact information, there is no guarantee that the full ingredients will ever be made public. With that much caffeine in such a small package, it's no wonder this product gives you the shakes. The products are designed for athletes, and Rockstar initially released the 300 mg version as a zero cal, zero sugar "healthy" beverage. Now more than ever, people are relying on the caffeine content in energy drinks to keep them up and running throughout the day. Mountain Dew Amp is your classic Mountain Dew, but amped up. Based on this information, it is perhaps not surprising that 5-Hour Energy came under fire from the FDA in 2013, after 33 hospitalizations and 13 deaths were tenuously linked to the energy "shot." One energy drink can sometimes contain two or three servings which means the listed nutrition facts need to be doubled or tripled.
At just 2 ounces, this energy "shot" contains200 mg of caffeine per bottle nearly twice as much as some 16-ounce energy drinks. To make a long story short, more vitamins does not always equal better. Focus Aid is not a well-known energy drink but turns out to be one of the better options. The drink is able to boast zero calories with the help of the sweetener sucralose, which is popular in diet soda. Its more critical than ever for university students, career men and women, athletes, and gamers to have a little pick-me-up today. However, at 300 mg caffeine per can, it is one of the most caffeinated drinks on the market. There isnt one thats better than the other, but I would try to find ones that are lower in caffeine.. At just 2.5 ounces, this energy shot contains a whopping 300 mg of caffeine, in addition to 500% of your daily value of B12 and a proprietary blend of several ingredients in unlisted amounts. As Ill explain in a minute, 5 Hour Energy is the most toxic, in my opinion.
And it doesn't stop at caffeine it also contains high amounts of other eye-openers, like 4,400 mg of taurine, 375 mg of guarana, and 750% of your daily recommended value of vitamin B6. In addition, the tiny volume of 5 Hour Energy means youll be guzzling it rapidly, which means youll be consuming a lot more caffeine in a shorter period than youre accustomed to. oz. People who have tried it say it gives an insane kick with an eventual giant crash, which is not really surprising.
Furthermore, energy drinks are loaded with sugar and calories which arent essential for a healthy lifestyle. RUNA is a healthier option for energy drinks in terms of calories and sugars. But these drinks have a lot more to them than meets the eye. Guarana is derived from seeds of an Amazon plant that contain approximately four times the amount of caffeine found in coffee beans, and according to research published in the journal PLOS One, also contains other compounds thought to enhance caffeines stimulant effect. Bang doesnt exceed the recommended values with 30% of Vitamin B6, 60% of Vitamin B12 and 30% of Niacin that you should consume in a day. For me, Runa is probably the least harmful energy drink on the market. However, the content replacing the sugar is artificial sweetener or sugar alcohol. There are more than 15 flavor options including Rainbow Unicorn, Star Blast and Birthday Cake Bash. Quite the contrary! In addition, it includes several beneficial components, such as ginseng and Taurine. The brand also uses high fructose corn syrup as a sweetener, according to the Pepsico website. Pearson said limiting how much of the energy drink you are drinking is the best way to go. Pearson said, limiting how much of the energy drink you are drinking is the best way to go. It contains half the caffeine content of the most popular energy drinks such as Celsius and Alani Nu. Despite this new popularity, one jaw-dropping aspect of these energy drinks that are commonly looked upon is their nutritional facts. Although artificial sweeteners are zero calories and sugar alcohols are low in calories, theyre not necessarily good for you. Judging by the known quantities in the ingredient list, creatine and the other amino acids are estimated to be between 4 and 32.5 mg. According to a study published in the journal Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology, they are safe to consume even in large amounts.