And for some kids, these extracurricular investigations lead to big things. Research indicates that young children can improve their intuitive understanding of numbers by playing certain board games. And such intuitions really matter: When kids lack a strong grasp of how much different numbers really represent, they perform more poorly in school (Mazzococo 2011). In additional to finding books on the subject, check out the local planetarium and opens in a new windowVoyage to the Planets and Beyond (2004) , a fun BBC production that presents realistic (but imaginary) imaginary missions to Mars and other destinations. The children who participated got to choose their own books, and they consistently chose books that were too easy for them (Kim and Guryan 2010). 2017. Unfortunately, but not surprisingly, the majority of students from under-served communities do not participate in enriching, constructive summertime activities, and too often return to school even further behind their more fortunate peers. So when selecting books, its crucial to make sure youre child is excited by the content. See my recommendations in this opens in a new windowParenting Science guide. Kraft MA, and Monti-Nussbaum M. 2017. Equally as important are the social-emotional components involved with falling behind in school, a situation that all students have been facing since the pandemic made its way into our lives. 82(4): 1224-12377. Child Dev. Cheng Y-L and Mix KS. Perhaps most importantly, according to the same report, summer programs that utilize community assets and spaces not only accelerate student learning, but they also support the development of well-being, knowledge, and skills through the summer while promoting a sense of hope, belong, and anticipation for the coming academic year.. NWEA 2015 MAP Norms for Student and School Achievement Status and Growth. Not only is journaling a great way to capture summer memories, its also excellent writing practice for students. I dont know, but Im sure I would have been worse off. For instance, opens in a new windowDragonBox Numbers helps children aged 4-8 develop an intuitive understanding of numbers through game play. REGISTRATION DOES NOT IMPLY ENDORSEMENT, APPROVAL, OR RECOMMENDATION BY THE STATE. For example, in one study, kids visiting an anthropological exhibit learned more when their parents asked them open-ended questions about the artifacts they encountered (Jant et al 2014). Investigation of Summer Learning Loss in the UK-Implications for Holiday Club Provision. Here, we have the help of software developers. In an analysis of 41 summer reading programs, researchers found that these programs were effective at raising test scores, on average; additionally, low-income students benefited the most from summer reading programs. Summer learning loss, also known as summer slide, has been a point of discussion and concern in K12 education for decades. 2008. Children can backtrack in language skills, too including reading, writing, and spelling (Thum and Hauser 2015; Burgin and Hughes 2008; Shinwell and Defeyter 2017). Thum YM and Hauser CH. For example, when young school children were asked to practice mental rotation tasks tasks that required them to predict how two geometrical shapes would look when stuck together these kids went on to show improvements in their ability to solve basic algebra problems (Cheng and Mix 2012). 2016 2022 Horizons at Norwalk Community College . Visit the opens in a new windowParenting Science Store. And if youre looking for ideas for preschool science activities, see these opens in a new windowParenting Science pages. Math at home adds up to achievement in school. The report also illustrates the importance educators place on including enrichment activities, such as STEM/STEAM learning, in summer learning programs. What about motivation? Science 350 (6257): 196-198. What makes a great program? Visit your local library and talk with the childrens librarian. The effects of summer vacation on achievement test scores: A narrative and metaanalytic review. Equally important, though often overlooked, is the social-emotional aspect of summer learning. Kids learn by doing (Roberts et al 2018).
For example, in one study, a summer reading program failed to have any effect on childrens literacy skills. Encouraging kids to write in their journal at least once a day keeps literacy and writing skills fresh while providing a means for them to express their creativity. 2013 Jun 19. 37(1): 4554. We will comply to the fullest extent with the applicable regulations and provide reasonable accommodation to clients with impaired sensory, manual or speaking skills.
How do you think it would feel to sleep on this mat? Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson traces the beginnings of his career to childhood experiences with a telescope. Jant EA, Haden CA, Uttal DH, Babcock E. 2014. EURASIA J Math Sci Technol Educ 11(6):1339413. 5(1):35.
Published online ahead of print doi:10.1080/15248372.2012.725186. Psychology Science. COVID-19 school closures and prolonged virtual learning have disrupted learning for millions of K12 students, leading to unfinished learning and, for many, increased academic, social, and emotional gaps. Int J STEM Educ. Help kids consolidate what theyve learned by asking kids what they remember. Get to Know The Florida Center: Gigi Gillis, Get to Know The Florida Center: Debbie Keyso. Horizons prepares me.
When I was a child, extended summer breaks were a chance to indulge my curiosity about all sorts of things that never made it into the standard school curriculumpaleontology, astronomy, rock collecting, the geology of Mars, the search for extraterrestrial life, ancient history. While some experts claim that summer learning loss is a myth, assessment data and other evidence show otherwise. Horizons addresses the opportunity and achievement gaps for under-served students by offering our range of academic and healthy youth development programs free of charge to the community. Apps for more advanced students, like opens in a new windowDragonBox Algebra 12+ are also available.
Heres help for getting started., Online parenting studies: Research you can participate in, Dream feeding: An evidence-based guide to helping babies sleep longer, Infant sleep training: Gentle alternatives to cry it out. Research suggests the majority of the achievement gap is attributable to the summer slide, the accumulated lack of summer experiences that cause a child to lose academic ground. These, combined with reading and hands-on activities can help your child develop a lifelong interest in biology. Its unlikely that most kids will spontaneously practice the sorts of skills that will prevent learning loss in mathematics. The phenomenon has been documented in a number of countries, including Austria, Germany, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States (Paechter et al 2015; Meyer et al 2015; Jesson et al 2014;Shinwell and Defeyter 2017). During the summer, kids are more likely to continue reading at least a little. How many dinosaurs are here? Addressing the Layers Within Summer Learning Gaps. Studies suggest that kids may lose anywhere from 25-50% of their school-year gains in mathematics (Paechter et al 2015; Thum and Hauser 2015; Cooper et al 1996). Characteristics of Effective Summer Learning Programs in Practice. 2015. Investigating the summer learning effect in low SES schools. Childrens spontaneous focus on number before and after guided parent-child interactions in a childrens museum. Roberts T, Jackson C, Mohr-Schroeder MJ, Bush SB, Maiorca C, Cavalcanti M, Craig Schroeder D, Delaney A, Putnam L, Cremeans C. 2018. So many school kids experience reversals over the extended summer break. As we prepare for this summer, students face an unprecedented academic, social, emotional, and mental health crisisso its important to ask: How can summer programming close academic gaps and improve students social skills and resilience to put them on a trajectory of growth for the 2022-23 school year? Talking after school: Parents conversational styles and childrens memory for a science lesson. 674 (1) :85-112. Journal of Cognition and Development. Summer reading is important, but it doesnt always boost skills.
All Rights Reserved. Spatial training improves childrens mathematics ability. To find an informal summer learning program near you, look online, and try contacting local schools, public libraries, museums, and zoos. J Res Read 40:121. This follows the finding that students from low-income households with access to books over the summer see significantly more gains in reading scores from spring to fall than students from high-income households with access to books. This isnt the time for lectures and passively sitting by. All you need is a computer with an internet connection. [Epub ahead of print]. Cant afford to pay? You can read more about it (and get instructions for making your own game) opens in a new windowhere. For ideas on how to encourage spatial play, see my evidence-based articles about opens in a new windowtangrams, opens in a new windowblocks,and opens in a new windowother activities for boosting a childs spatial skills. Instead of being at home watching tv doing nothing, I'm here learning. Spacing effects in learning: a temporal ridgeline of optimal retention. For example, a study conducted in 2019 by the Center for Research and Reform in Education at Johns Hopkins University School of Education examined the relationship between participation in Catapult Learnings Summer Journey program and student achievement. Leichtman MD, Camilleri KA, Pillemer DB, Amato-Wierda CC, Hogan JE, Dongo MD. 2017-2019 Gwen Dewar, Ph.D., all rights reserved, Suddenly homeschooling? A text messaging field experiment to promote literacy skills. Researchers at MIT have developed a visual programming environment called opens in a new windowScratch. Simply put, summer learning goes a long way toward closing summer learning gaps and setting students up for academic success the following fallespecially important today as students and educators continue to address unfinished learning due to COVID on top of the summer slide. 2012. Institute for Scaling Evidence Based Education, comparison of pre-test and post-test iReady scores, Leveraging Summer for Student Access report, Interrupting Bias-Based Beliefs to Achieve Equity, Deficit-Thinking in Classrooms and Four Steps to Interrupt It, Three Ways to Mitigate Special Education Disproportionality, In-School Behavioral Health Services Archdiocese of Portland, OR, Catapult Learning Releases 2022 Learning Bags for Supplemental and At-Home K-12 Student Education, Catapult Learning Selected by Illinois State Board of Education to Deliver High-Impact Tutoring for Recognized Nonpublic K-12 Schools, Highlighting the income gap related to education is this. The Florida Center for Early Childhood, Inc. is dedicated to equal opportunity for all consumers without regard to race, color, religion, gender, or on the basis of any other condition or characteristic protected by federal, state or local law. In addition, try the free app, opens in a new windowBedtime Math. And after you leave? 156:1-15. Home Can Summer Learning Loss be Prevented? Finally, Ive found a number of books for children that help kids visualize mathematical concepts, and some include instructions for mathematical activities and games. Research in the Schools, 15(2): 5564. Dinosaurs. But you also want reading material that will stretch your childs skills introduce some new words and ideas. Studies show that students will lose two months of math skills during the summer months, while reading and writing skills are also affected. Bell SR and Carrillo N. 2007. Meyer F, Meissel K, McNaughton S. 2015. And never more so than now, as COVID-19 continues to inflict mental and emotional wounds on kids of all ages (not to mention adults). However, parents can play a key role in helping to prevent learning loss, and making sure their child is prepared to learn and succeed each fall. While academics are certainly a critical part of any summer learning program, its been shown that non-academic learning is key to any successful program. David Attenborough has produced many outstanding educational programs about animals. THE FLORIDA CENTER FOR EARLY CHILDHOOD, INC. IS A 501(C)(3) CHARITABLE ORGANIZATION. Berkowitz T, Schaeffer MW, Maloney EA, Peterson L, Gregor C, Levine SC, Beilock SL. Hands-on, activity-based STEM activities like building, coding, robotics, or science labs that allow kids to tinker and solve problems themselves. As I explain elsewhere, one of the best ways is to encourage children to explain what they have learned. Australian Journal of Language and Literacy. In another museum-learning study, preschoolers showed more spontaneous focus on numbers and counting after their parents had engaged them in playful number talk and counting games (Braham et al 2018). They also benefit when parents ask them to interpret what they see.
Computer programming. How many students have been bored by school, and thenone lucky daythey discovered an academic subject they were really passionate about? You can access these free materials, and other ideas to battle summer learning loss, opens in a new windowhere. According to the Leveraging Summer for Student Access report, imparting non-cognitive skills that impact academic achievement and nurture a sense of community and belonging are hallmarks of a high-quality summer learning program. 2022 Florida Center for Early Childhood. In addition, you will find links to many educational resources in my article, Suddenly homeschooling? But we dont have to wait for such changes to help our children. But dont you have to hold daily lessons, or turn the summer into a tedious series of drills. New Directions for Youth Development 114: 45-63. Dev Psychol. 2010. All Rights Reserved. As an example, Summer Journey offers both academic and family counseling, family workshops, and 1:1 wellness or academic check-ins so families remain engaged, supported, and up to date on their childs progress. 2011. 85(5):2029-45.
Students perceptions of STEM learning after participating in a summer informal learning experience. It also encourages them to learn stealth and patience! In addition, young school children can practice their basic addition and subtraction facts by playing the simple but excellent board game, Sum Swamp. The game is a race, with players rolling dice and performing quick calculations to determine the number of spaces they must move. It was tested by researchers, and found to be helpful when used by families on an everyday basis (Berkowitz et al 2016). 2015. Conversation and Object Manipulation Influence Childrens Learning in a Museum. Journal of Educational Psychology, Vol 102(1): 20-31. Child Dev. Why? Jesson R, McNaughton S, and Kolose T. 2014. Burgin JS and Hughes GD. Dont assume youll have to. Programs designed to accelerate learning, such as summer programming, have proven to help mitigate summer slide, especially for low-income students. Summer is an opportunity to meet students academic needs as well as address their social and emotional needs. But the benefits depend on making sure kids are truly stimulated and having fun! J Exp Child Psychol. A Longitudinal Cluster-Randomized Controlled Study on the Accumulating Effects of Individualized Literacy Instruction on Students Reading From First Through Third Grade. Front Public Health. Shinwell J and Defeyter MA. Here are the details, and tips for creating a rewarding, playful, educational summer. To learn more about the fascinating effects of explaining things to others, read my article, opens in a new windowHow kids learn math and science: Stimulate learning by asking kids to explain.. Copyright 2006-2022 by Gwen Dewar, Ph.D. all rights reserved. When it comes to closing summer learning and achievement gaps, its important to remember that academics are only one part of the story. More ideas. Cepeda NJ, Vul E, Rohrer D, Wixted JT, and Pashler H. 2008. Research suggests that summer camps in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) can stoke childrens interest in STEM fields. opens in a new windowDragonBox Algebra 5+ is aimed at children 5 and up, and secretly teaches children algebra concepts. The primary analysis demonstrated that students across all grade levels who attended Summer Journey regularly returned to school with higher math scores than their peers who had low attendance. Nor do we have to turn the summer into a time of regimented, structured learning sessions. Summer learning programs, such as Catapults Summer Journey, that offer family supports are designed to address the whole childacademics and social-emotional learning. This place is a second home. Summer Journey offers robust educational opportunities and engaging activities designed to prepare students for success in the fall and beyond. Studies show that learners can improve long-term retention when they space practice over multiple days. Review of Educational Research 66: 227268. They propose lengthening the school year, or replacing the long, summer hiatus with several shorter vacation periods distributed throughout the year. THE FLORIDA CENTER MEETS ALL REQUIREMENTS SPECIFIED BY THE FLORIDA SOLICITATION OF CONTRIBUTIONS ACT. 2013. For instance, in recent experiments on adults, people who were asked to recall a set of facts for 35 days benefited most when they held review sessions every 11 days (Cepeda et al 2008). Can schools enable parents to prevent summer learning loss?
How do you think it would feel to sleep on this mat? Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson traces the beginnings of his career to childhood experiences with a telescope. Jant EA, Haden CA, Uttal DH, Babcock E. 2014. EURASIA J Math Sci Technol Educ 11(6):1339413. 5(1):35.
Published online ahead of print doi:10.1080/15248372.2012.725186. Psychology Science. COVID-19 school closures and prolonged virtual learning have disrupted learning for millions of K12 students, leading to unfinished learning and, for many, increased academic, social, and emotional gaps. Int J STEM Educ. Help kids consolidate what theyve learned by asking kids what they remember. Get to Know The Florida Center: Gigi Gillis, Get to Know The Florida Center: Debbie Keyso. Horizons prepares me.
When I was a child, extended summer breaks were a chance to indulge my curiosity about all sorts of things that never made it into the standard school curriculumpaleontology, astronomy, rock collecting, the geology of Mars, the search for extraterrestrial life, ancient history. While some experts claim that summer learning loss is a myth, assessment data and other evidence show otherwise. Horizons addresses the opportunity and achievement gaps for under-served students by offering our range of academic and healthy youth development programs free of charge to the community. Apps for more advanced students, like opens in a new windowDragonBox Algebra 12+ are also available.

Computer programming. How many students have been bored by school, and thenone lucky daythey discovered an academic subject they were really passionate about? You can access these free materials, and other ideas to battle summer learning loss, opens in a new windowhere. According to the Leveraging Summer for Student Access report, imparting non-cognitive skills that impact academic achievement and nurture a sense of community and belonging are hallmarks of a high-quality summer learning program. 2022 Florida Center for Early Childhood. In addition, you will find links to many educational resources in my article, Suddenly homeschooling? But we dont have to wait for such changes to help our children. But dont you have to hold daily lessons, or turn the summer into a tedious series of drills. New Directions for Youth Development 114: 45-63. Dev Psychol. 2010. All Rights Reserved. As an example, Summer Journey offers both academic and family counseling, family workshops, and 1:1 wellness or academic check-ins so families remain engaged, supported, and up to date on their childs progress. 2011. 85(5):2029-45.
Students perceptions of STEM learning after participating in a summer informal learning experience. It also encourages them to learn stealth and patience! In addition, young school children can practice their basic addition and subtraction facts by playing the simple but excellent board game, Sum Swamp. The game is a race, with players rolling dice and performing quick calculations to determine the number of spaces they must move. It was tested by researchers, and found to be helpful when used by families on an everyday basis (Berkowitz et al 2016). 2015. Conversation and Object Manipulation Influence Childrens Learning in a Museum. Journal of Educational Psychology, Vol 102(1): 20-31. Child Dev. Why? Jesson R, McNaughton S, and Kolose T. 2014. Burgin JS and Hughes GD. Dont assume youll have to. Programs designed to accelerate learning, such as summer programming, have proven to help mitigate summer slide, especially for low-income students. Summer is an opportunity to meet students academic needs as well as address their social and emotional needs. But the benefits depend on making sure kids are truly stimulated and having fun! J Exp Child Psychol. A Longitudinal Cluster-Randomized Controlled Study on the Accumulating Effects of Individualized Literacy Instruction on Students Reading From First Through Third Grade. Front Public Health. Shinwell J and Defeyter MA. Here are the details, and tips for creating a rewarding, playful, educational summer. To learn more about the fascinating effects of explaining things to others, read my article, opens in a new windowHow kids learn math and science: Stimulate learning by asking kids to explain.. Copyright 2006-2022 by Gwen Dewar, Ph.D. all rights reserved. When it comes to closing summer learning and achievement gaps, its important to remember that academics are only one part of the story. More ideas. Cepeda NJ, Vul E, Rohrer D, Wixted JT, and Pashler H. 2008. Research suggests that summer camps in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) can stoke childrens interest in STEM fields. opens in a new windowDragonBox Algebra 5+ is aimed at children 5 and up, and secretly teaches children algebra concepts. The primary analysis demonstrated that students across all grade levels who attended Summer Journey regularly returned to school with higher math scores than their peers who had low attendance. Nor do we have to turn the summer into a time of regimented, structured learning sessions. Summer learning programs, such as Catapults Summer Journey, that offer family supports are designed to address the whole childacademics and social-emotional learning. This place is a second home. Summer Journey offers robust educational opportunities and engaging activities designed to prepare students for success in the fall and beyond. Studies show that learners can improve long-term retention when they space practice over multiple days. Review of Educational Research 66: 227268. They propose lengthening the school year, or replacing the long, summer hiatus with several shorter vacation periods distributed throughout the year. THE FLORIDA CENTER MEETS ALL REQUIREMENTS SPECIFIED BY THE FLORIDA SOLICITATION OF CONTRIBUTIONS ACT. 2013. For instance, in recent experiments on adults, people who were asked to recall a set of facts for 35 days benefited most when they held review sessions every 11 days (Cepeda et al 2008). Can schools enable parents to prevent summer learning loss?