Environmental 3. It is imperative to practice integrated pest management in schools to decrease the likelihood of children coming into contact with pests, pathogens, and pesticides. Designate Pest Management Roles for Everyone, From the janitorial staff to students and teachers in the classroom, everyone plays an active role in adopting integrated pest management in schools. endstream
688 0 obj
".N#Bdd+NMFrw Degree of which a chemical is toxic to plants. Follow the An informed sustainable approach to managing plants and pests by combing cultural, physical, biological, and chemical tactics that minimize economic, health, and environmental risks. ! B? 3{>u:;V`]*!" -z)f= Muncie, IN 47303, American Pest Professionals Jan 09, 2019. Causes insect to molt improperly. An insect diagnosis. How can you manipulate your irrigation program to reduce the risk of disease on your course? Increases stress tolerance and deters leaf eating insects/animals. KSiqB\CqmE~zedG-hV,%C#G#=q6>flrJm3J_8 (Y T$wr=whWjxM,uop
5:(]+~`3f$WFwuf?HtsC]|+i}wvj6v4{W5V3>%o=E'v~UZv^#n'PAkIqH QN&7*O#V[Y)TTr"6"7?d! Rov_a`K84]4MFBo8tQEpQwFLm6N1X)~jZaKL7L 6+9!O\OsXij:M^{{=#./r$EPyBK,qk_$o5'p0ux6]sr=E t Professionalism. reduces resistance to pests by injuring/stressing the turf, Describe the impact frequent and close mowing has on the turf grass, - Weakens grass (removal of photosynthetic material, removes youngest tissue which is more photosynthetic, reduces carbohydrate reserves = shorter roots = slower recovery = increased amount of fertilizer needed to maintain quality). hk62i pmTR/lICg2xi)WM,K} KKu
At-Nc.$DKUlZ({6HFfh'x Different locations will require different approaches. How to Implement Integrated Pest Management in Schools, 1. For instance, you may consider allowing food and beverages only in designated areas of the classroom and ensuring immediate cleanup. 1. Andrew works in a lab. Protect key plant 2. Takes care of problem without compromising turf stand. Essentially, IPM combines scientific principles and common sense to think about pest management in a way that values: Children take in greater amounts of pesticides (relative to their body weight) than adults, making integrated pest management in schools critical. Y88|mf>xK^),5`"O>C0 o)%z>^>f;IRG]&["LGPd%xC'/`=vWy ]l 8hVkkiP[z1sLw5b{tb
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hb```ZV B,`q;X`Yp&dM[4>p3m?wV0PjhyiR'~_)m o]|q_; H~`h``h0`h``h``h` s;3#@L"],@@@q3*pr`o]0)5Y9 (W pmn=N.- H1p Pn Read on to learn how to avoid these pests. How often should you monitor your greens in the summer? Using knowledge about the pests habits, life cycle, needs and dislikes, Using the least toxic methods first, up to and including pesticides, Monitoring the pests activity and adjusting methods over time, Setting a threshold to decide when its time to act, Children take in greater amounts of pesticides (relative to their body weight) than adults, making integrated pest management in schools critical.
hbbd```b``A$S0 I@#5X%#Q? The basics of integrated pest management (IPM) are consistent across all environments from home to school. NOT tank mixing and rotating MOA. How does mowing influence turf resistance? how can you use exclusion on a golf course? Improve the growing conditions of the turf, Affects multiple metabolic sites, usually kills fungus and may kill plant, little chance of resistance. Set Pest Management Objectives by Site and Activity. identify and count as insects emerge. List six types of synthetic insecticides and give an example of each. Traps that use specie specific sexual attractants to find bugs and measure adult peak flight. Identifies location, on or in the plant, where the toxic effect takes place. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using biocontrol products and how can they be used successfully in your insect control program? 1. What is the difference between curative and preventative fungicide rates? Your schools official IPM policy statement and supporting plan should focus on making school facilities and grounds unattractive to pests through improved sanitation and pest exclusion. How can chemicals be used to eradicate pathogens? Irrigate when naturally wet early in the morning. Tank mix 2. What are the two most important factors of an IPM program? Build historical record 3.
You can avoid most pest problems by regularly hiring a professional pest control company to inspect your home. How can you avoid alkaline hydrolysis when mixing pesticides? Regular monitoring of high-risk areas for pests goes a long way in preventing their return. What are 2 disadvantages of using beneficial insects in your IPM program? Name 2 ways to increase resistance of the turf grass to pest attack, Fungicide kills fungus, Fungistat suppresses growth, Azoxystrobin (Heritage), Fosetyl-al (Signature), Propamocarb (Banol). Put cup or can in ground. Rotate modes of action 3. Pro- least toxic and usually not as expensive, and it can be targeted to deal with a specific pest issue. Know problem weeds, and their areas, know degree days that follow them, and attack pre-emergent and post-emergent either by chemical, cultural, or biological. Why is cytosis affected by changes in oxygen level, whereas diffusion is not? Content, including images, displayed on this website is protected by copyright laws. laws and regulations that limit introduction and spread of diseases. For fungicides, what is topical mode of action? Exclusion 2. Preventative (Proactive) - lower, apply before disease, An interaction between two or more organisms in which one is adversely affected. It means to identify problems that should be targeted and taken care of. What does it mean if a product has an EPA registration number? How can grasses be manipulated to resist disease? What doesn't the target principle mean to pesticide applicators? Describe 2 ways nitrogen affects your disease control program? Downloading, republication, retransmission or reproduction of content on this website is strictly prohibited. Read this blog to learn more. Helps create a favorable environment and acts as a transportation device to other hosts. Their developing organ systems are often more sensitive to toxic exposures than adults, resulting in. The objectives for a cafeteria would include producing and serving healthy and nutritious foods that are free of pests, disease, and unnecessary pesticide residues, whereas the objectives for an athletic field would include maintaining a healthy turf that reduces the risk of sports injuries. Low contact, no residual effect. add 2 gallons of water with 1 oz. adverse effects to a childs neurological, respiratory, immune, and endocrine systems, even at low exposure levels. How can bio control products be used successfully? of the day with the high temp. What is biochemical mode of action of most insecticides? Constant application of the same product. Selection of soil microbes that feed on pesticides. What does the endophyte fungus get out of the deal? Forsythia turning yellow/green is an indicator for annual bluegrass weevil control. 684 0 obj <> endobj Add antagonistic microbes and enhance microbe activity, Damage level that a native clientele can tolerate/allow. How does endophyte infection benefit grass? What can we do to make soils suppressive? of dish soap. Don't "Spray everything because it makes you feel better", Name 3 synthetic fungicides that may qualify as biological control, Briefly discuss weed prevention in established turf.
The product is safe and approved for use by the EPA, Name a synthetic fungicide that could be considered biological control.
Reducing unnecessary exposures to pests and pesticides improves health and attendance, leads to greater academic achievement, and ultimately fosters an enjoyable environment for kids at school. Some pests, however, are more problematic than others and can spread fast. %%EOF Tall Fescue, Perennial Ryegrass, Fine Fescues, Name 2 routes of entry into the insect for an insecticide. Give us a call to discuss how we can help with inspections, prevention best practices, and safe removal. endstream endobj 685 0 obj <>/Metadata 52 0 R/Pages 682 0 R/StructTreeRoot 99 0 R/Type/Catalog/ViewerPreferences<>>> endobj 686 0 obj <>/MediaBox[0 0 612 792]/Parent 682 0 R/Resources<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/Tabs/S/Type/Page>> endobj 687 0 obj <>stream Economics 2. Resistance 4. You can establish a Sanitize and create unfavorable living conditions for pest, Pathogen or its parts capable of causing infection when transferred to a favorable location, Usually from an overwintering source that initiates disease in the field, as opposed to inoculum that spreads disease during the season. disinfection, Natural Patterns of Productivity and Species Richness. 1. What 4 advantages does IPM practice afford you? How can you minimize the risk of pesticides to humans and other non-target organisms? pesticide safety and IPM program in your school in six simple steps: Pest prevention efforts are at the heart of any integrated pest management program. Microbial Bacillus papilliae natural populations of white grub pathogens. Many common pests can carry serious diseases, which they then spread to humans (and sometimes pets as well). Ready to implement IPM practices in your school? What valuable wetland functions are threatened by drought? Add low temp. Add good microbes to soil to outcompete pathogens/pests, Give an example of how you can use cultural practices to eradicate a pathogen, collect clippings during disease, dry out soil, adjust pH, dew whip greens. It's an insect growth regulator made from the seeds of neem tree's. Why should you use a ratings grid with your disclosing solution? Detection and Diagnosis (Pest, disease, weed, or abiotic problem, Describe 3 insect traps and tell how they can be used, - Pitfall- Set up in ground, migrating bugs on soil level falls into and is trapped. f`]8 /gh.,.9kH]\d!%':ckoN#`dbXS./$ Qf?f }#wX05c;u^{"OIo~KXk?/K#H`;.whMG'9$HP}dBxHZImECjl+z a+43a,N,}|0 M*>DEL 5von>;hRq1V6GskK]l[j]L)_3zsh 5_a>/xa#@$E:qhKfr].B[VRov^(-SnQaJvVp:MU`/$ 1,ZX, "DM 5MG!7.G"BWw}k3@gd a7b`;ZZ};%r08sJKcI|)k\;eu(Xt(]Hoc:JFq%f[A$drB$M)q' Their developing organ systems are often more sensitive to toxic exposures than adults, resulting in What are the 2 main goals of a cultural disease program? physical removal (b). EPAs guidelines for Pest Control in the School Environment to outline the functions of each group. Nerve toxin that never lets nerves return to resting state. of the day divide by 2 and subtract 50. Protection, List 2 fungicide tactics that help reduce resistance problems, 1. Microbial class 2 toxin for mites and leaf miners. Eradication 3. Not only can IPM be more effective than routine pesticide treatments, but it can also reduce childrens exposure to pesticides and even cost less over the long term. 1. 4\j8uvhO53 :UvLAV*V (]] MT\zzEk"\((uEBv-7o=o&2>b"U39 pnaK*i, sterilization (c). What is an easy way to cause resistance or microbial degradation? Adjust the pH in the tank to 4.0-4.7 before adding pesticides. What physical method can be used in a disease control program? Evaluate results, activities, and processes to determine if pest management objectives are being met and make adjustments as necessary. Why is fungicide dilution rate important? A method used to predict when a pest will develop. ihJU8_5~M9tUlSJ HVF 691 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<9B025FF57BB1494A93CC4E7DB6274BEB><0C18A73F129E3F47B2CA31670A5BB429>]/Index[684 17]/Info 683 0 R/Length 61/Prev 604220/Root 685 0 R/Size 701/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream Know the key plants in your landscape and the key pests that attack it. EPA exempt, Describe the pros and cons of using endophytes in an IPM program, Pro- Grass is more stress tolerant, commercially available, and highly effective, When the temperature of a gas decreases, and volume is held constant, the pressure of the gas (a) stays the same (b) increases (c) becomes zero (d) decreases. 0 Be able to recite and understand Diamond's four themes. What are the two main strategies for your cultural control program? Ex. Point where pest is a problem and action is needed, Mach 2 is an insect growth regulator that causes premature molting and death, A microbial sprayable spore that paralyzes the gut causing death. to discuss how we can help with inspections, prevention best practices, and safe removal. The most common and effective ways to deter identified pests are to close off points of entry, eliminate food sources and provide an inhospitable environment. Pest prevention should be considered in all daily activities and locations within the school including: Consider what may attract pests to each area and how they would get in.
700 0 obj <>stream
List and define 3 types of thresholds used in an IPM program. Ready to implement IPM practices in your school? A copy of the IPM policy should be sent home to all students and parents at the start of the school year and include information about: From the janitorial staff to students and teachers in the classroom, everyone plays an active role in adopting integrated pest management in schools. Develop an Official Pesticide Safety and IPM Statement and Plan, How parents/guardians and staff should be notified prior to a pesticide application, 2. A botanical insecticide made from flowers. Developing an integrated pest management program for your school will significantly reduce the health risks pesticides and other pests pose to children. If you would like to know more, check out these five pests that spread fast. Make informed decisions, List the principles of plant disease control, 1. Ensure effective communication among each group and educate each member on their role and how they contribute to program success. endstream endobj startxref He always heats his equipment to a temperature of 100 degrees Celsius. What type of fungicides can be affective in a granular form? (a).
Such contact could result in negative health effects such as asthma, illness from undue pesticide exposure, or diseases associated with biting insects or rodent feces and urine. Whether theyre in class or participating in extracurricular activities, kids spend the majority of their waking hours at school. to a childs neurological, respiratory, immune, and endocrine systems, even at low exposure levels. How does the federal government aid our disease control program? Improves turf quality while maintaining environment. 2130 N. Dr. Martin Luther King Blvd. In the kitchen, food should be stored in tightly sealed containers and rigid sanitation practices should be followed. prevent movement of pathogen using timed irrigation, verification and fertilization. /|NkI#I:($$-DWmJp9x{{lI8h]E-vO f0e`S(= What four sets of observations should be made during every routine scouting trip? Learn how to identify common pests and document any activity and contributing conditions. List five ways to avoid leaching and runoff of pesticides, - Don't spray over solid surfaces (concrete,asphalt). Able to stay alive and thrive while living in the turf, "Safe to use" control of pathogen/pest with products that are environmentally friendly. It can/will affect performance if not done properly; optimal rates provide best control and accuracy. A microbial known as beavaria bassoon, native soil inhibiting fungus that attacks insects of all life stages, A bio parasite of fungi known as Trichoderma Hazanum. Follow the, 3. What is the best control for abiotic plant disease? UVs\/vP7)t$jAs| PqX&(txi.8g_xu?tE $a=uBTY]]~:WDG) 9P:R!1&BNk01ZXR2Kb7m~\vEf8nI;MB}=)&;lpGHS:A6ib%gsNY~)c|'\{:c#4.9/w'I-$;%]6wR}[MOUi3eB~j?q.]%K*-u[[ s[h What is the cheapest method of pest/disease control?
hb```ZV B,`q;X`Yp&dM[4>p3m?wV0PjhyiR'~_)m o]|q_; H~`h``h0`h``h``h` s;3#@L"],@@@q3*pr`o]0)5Y9 (W pmn=N.- H1p Pn Read on to learn how to avoid these pests. How often should you monitor your greens in the summer? Using knowledge about the pests habits, life cycle, needs and dislikes, Using the least toxic methods first, up to and including pesticides, Monitoring the pests activity and adjusting methods over time, Setting a threshold to decide when its time to act, Children take in greater amounts of pesticides (relative to their body weight) than adults, making integrated pest management in schools critical.
hbbd```b``A$S0 I@#5X%#Q? The basics of integrated pest management (IPM) are consistent across all environments from home to school. NOT tank mixing and rotating MOA. How does mowing influence turf resistance? how can you use exclusion on a golf course? Improve the growing conditions of the turf, Affects multiple metabolic sites, usually kills fungus and may kill plant, little chance of resistance. Set Pest Management Objectives by Site and Activity. identify and count as insects emerge. List six types of synthetic insecticides and give an example of each. Traps that use specie specific sexual attractants to find bugs and measure adult peak flight. Identifies location, on or in the plant, where the toxic effect takes place. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using biocontrol products and how can they be used successfully in your insect control program? 1. What is the difference between curative and preventative fungicide rates? Your schools official IPM policy statement and supporting plan should focus on making school facilities and grounds unattractive to pests through improved sanitation and pest exclusion. How can chemicals be used to eradicate pathogens? Irrigate when naturally wet early in the morning. Tank mix 2. What are the two most important factors of an IPM program? Build historical record 3.
You can avoid most pest problems by regularly hiring a professional pest control company to inspect your home. How can you avoid alkaline hydrolysis when mixing pesticides? Regular monitoring of high-risk areas for pests goes a long way in preventing their return. What are 2 disadvantages of using beneficial insects in your IPM program? Name 2 ways to increase resistance of the turf grass to pest attack, Fungicide kills fungus, Fungistat suppresses growth, Azoxystrobin (Heritage), Fosetyl-al (Signature), Propamocarb (Banol). Put cup or can in ground. Rotate modes of action 3. Pro- least toxic and usually not as expensive, and it can be targeted to deal with a specific pest issue. Know problem weeds, and their areas, know degree days that follow them, and attack pre-emergent and post-emergent either by chemical, cultural, or biological. Why is cytosis affected by changes in oxygen level, whereas diffusion is not? Content, including images, displayed on this website is protected by copyright laws. laws and regulations that limit introduction and spread of diseases. For fungicides, what is topical mode of action? Exclusion 2. Preventative (Proactive) - lower, apply before disease, An interaction between two or more organisms in which one is adversely affected. It means to identify problems that should be targeted and taken care of. What does it mean if a product has an EPA registration number? How can grasses be manipulated to resist disease? What doesn't the target principle mean to pesticide applicators? Describe 2 ways nitrogen affects your disease control program? Downloading, republication, retransmission or reproduction of content on this website is strictly prohibited. Read this blog to learn more. Helps create a favorable environment and acts as a transportation device to other hosts. Their developing organ systems are often more sensitive to toxic exposures than adults, resulting in. The objectives for a cafeteria would include producing and serving healthy and nutritious foods that are free of pests, disease, and unnecessary pesticide residues, whereas the objectives for an athletic field would include maintaining a healthy turf that reduces the risk of sports injuries. Low contact, no residual effect. add 2 gallons of water with 1 oz. adverse effects to a childs neurological, respiratory, immune, and endocrine systems, even at low exposure levels. How can bio control products be used successfully? of the day with the high temp. What is biochemical mode of action of most insecticides? Constant application of the same product. Selection of soil microbes that feed on pesticides. What does the endophyte fungus get out of the deal? Forsythia turning yellow/green is an indicator for annual bluegrass weevil control. 684 0 obj <> endobj Add antagonistic microbes and enhance microbe activity, Damage level that a native clientele can tolerate/allow. How does endophyte infection benefit grass? What can we do to make soils suppressive? of dish soap. Don't "Spray everything because it makes you feel better", Name 3 synthetic fungicides that may qualify as biological control, Briefly discuss weed prevention in established turf.
The product is safe and approved for use by the EPA, Name a synthetic fungicide that could be considered biological control.
Reducing unnecessary exposures to pests and pesticides improves health and attendance, leads to greater academic achievement, and ultimately fosters an enjoyable environment for kids at school. Some pests, however, are more problematic than others and can spread fast. %%EOF Tall Fescue, Perennial Ryegrass, Fine Fescues, Name 2 routes of entry into the insect for an insecticide. Give us a call to discuss how we can help with inspections, prevention best practices, and safe removal. endstream endobj 685 0 obj <>/Metadata 52 0 R/Pages 682 0 R/StructTreeRoot 99 0 R/Type/Catalog/ViewerPreferences<>>> endobj 686 0 obj <>/MediaBox[0 0 612 792]/Parent 682 0 R/Resources<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/Tabs/S/Type/Page>> endobj 687 0 obj <>stream Economics 2. Resistance 4. You can establish a Sanitize and create unfavorable living conditions for pest, Pathogen or its parts capable of causing infection when transferred to a favorable location, Usually from an overwintering source that initiates disease in the field, as opposed to inoculum that spreads disease during the season. disinfection, Natural Patterns of Productivity and Species Richness. 1. What 4 advantages does IPM practice afford you? How can you minimize the risk of pesticides to humans and other non-target organisms? pesticide safety and IPM program in your school in six simple steps: Pest prevention efforts are at the heart of any integrated pest management program. Microbial Bacillus papilliae natural populations of white grub pathogens. Many common pests can carry serious diseases, which they then spread to humans (and sometimes pets as well). Ready to implement IPM practices in your school? What valuable wetland functions are threatened by drought? Add low temp. Add good microbes to soil to outcompete pathogens/pests, Give an example of how you can use cultural practices to eradicate a pathogen, collect clippings during disease, dry out soil, adjust pH, dew whip greens. It's an insect growth regulator made from the seeds of neem tree's. Why should you use a ratings grid with your disclosing solution? Detection and Diagnosis (Pest, disease, weed, or abiotic problem, Describe 3 insect traps and tell how they can be used, - Pitfall- Set up in ground, migrating bugs on soil level falls into and is trapped. f`]8 /gh.,.9kH]\d!%':ckoN#`dbXS./$ Qf?f }#wX05c;u^{"OIo~KXk?/K#H`;.whMG'9$HP}dBxHZImECjl+z a+43a,N,}|0 M*>DEL 5von>;hRq1V6GskK]l[j]L)_3zsh 5_a>/xa#@$E:qhKfr].B[VRov^(-SnQaJvVp:MU`/$ 1,ZX, "DM 5MG!7.G"BWw}k3@gd a7b`;ZZ};%r08sJKcI|)k\;eu(Xt(]Hoc:JFq%f[A$drB$M)q' Their developing organ systems are often more sensitive to toxic exposures than adults, resulting in What are the 2 main goals of a cultural disease program? physical removal (b). EPAs guidelines for Pest Control in the School Environment to outline the functions of each group. Nerve toxin that never lets nerves return to resting state. of the day divide by 2 and subtract 50. Protection, List 2 fungicide tactics that help reduce resistance problems, 1. Microbial class 2 toxin for mites and leaf miners. Eradication 3. Not only can IPM be more effective than routine pesticide treatments, but it can also reduce childrens exposure to pesticides and even cost less over the long term. 1. 4\j8uvhO53 :UvLAV*V (]] MT\zzEk"\((uEBv-7o=o&2>b"U39 pnaK*i, sterilization (c). What is an easy way to cause resistance or microbial degradation? Adjust the pH in the tank to 4.0-4.7 before adding pesticides. What physical method can be used in a disease control program? Evaluate results, activities, and processes to determine if pest management objectives are being met and make adjustments as necessary. Why is fungicide dilution rate important? A method used to predict when a pest will develop. ihJU8_5~M9tUlSJ HVF 691 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<9B025FF57BB1494A93CC4E7DB6274BEB><0C18A73F129E3F47B2CA31670A5BB429>]/Index[684 17]/Info 683 0 R/Length 61/Prev 604220/Root 685 0 R/Size 701/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream Know the key plants in your landscape and the key pests that attack it. EPA exempt, Describe the pros and cons of using endophytes in an IPM program, Pro- Grass is more stress tolerant, commercially available, and highly effective, When the temperature of a gas decreases, and volume is held constant, the pressure of the gas (a) stays the same (b) increases (c) becomes zero (d) decreases. 0 Be able to recite and understand Diamond's four themes. What are the two main strategies for your cultural control program? Ex. Point where pest is a problem and action is needed, Mach 2 is an insect growth regulator that causes premature molting and death, A microbial sprayable spore that paralyzes the gut causing death. to discuss how we can help with inspections, prevention best practices, and safe removal. The most common and effective ways to deter identified pests are to close off points of entry, eliminate food sources and provide an inhospitable environment. Pest prevention should be considered in all daily activities and locations within the school including: Consider what may attract pests to each area and how they would get in.
700 0 obj <>stream
List and define 3 types of thresholds used in an IPM program. Ready to implement IPM practices in your school? A copy of the IPM policy should be sent home to all students and parents at the start of the school year and include information about: From the janitorial staff to students and teachers in the classroom, everyone plays an active role in adopting integrated pest management in schools. Develop an Official Pesticide Safety and IPM Statement and Plan, How parents/guardians and staff should be notified prior to a pesticide application, 2. A botanical insecticide made from flowers. Developing an integrated pest management program for your school will significantly reduce the health risks pesticides and other pests pose to children. If you would like to know more, check out these five pests that spread fast. Make informed decisions, List the principles of plant disease control, 1. Ensure effective communication among each group and educate each member on their role and how they contribute to program success. endstream endobj startxref He always heats his equipment to a temperature of 100 degrees Celsius. What type of fungicides can be affective in a granular form? (a).
Such contact could result in negative health effects such as asthma, illness from undue pesticide exposure, or diseases associated with biting insects or rodent feces and urine. Whether theyre in class or participating in extracurricular activities, kids spend the majority of their waking hours at school. to a childs neurological, respiratory, immune, and endocrine systems, even at low exposure levels. How does the federal government aid our disease control program? Improves turf quality while maintaining environment. 2130 N. Dr. Martin Luther King Blvd. In the kitchen, food should be stored in tightly sealed containers and rigid sanitation practices should be followed. prevent movement of pathogen using timed irrigation, verification and fertilization. /|NkI#I:($$-DWmJp9x{{lI8h]E-vO f0e`S(= What four sets of observations should be made during every routine scouting trip? Learn how to identify common pests and document any activity and contributing conditions. List five ways to avoid leaching and runoff of pesticides, - Don't spray over solid surfaces (concrete,asphalt). Able to stay alive and thrive while living in the turf, "Safe to use" control of pathogen/pest with products that are environmentally friendly. It can/will affect performance if not done properly; optimal rates provide best control and accuracy. A microbial known as beavaria bassoon, native soil inhibiting fungus that attacks insects of all life stages, A bio parasite of fungi known as Trichoderma Hazanum. Follow the, 3. What is the best control for abiotic plant disease? UVs\/vP7)t$jAs| PqX&(txi.8g_xu?tE $a=uBTY]]~:WDG) 9P:R!1&BNk01ZXR2Kb7m~\vEf8nI;MB}=)&;lpGHS:A6ib%gsNY~)c|'\{:c#4.9/w'I-$;%]6wR}[MOUi3eB~j?q.]%K*-u[[ s[h What is the cheapest method of pest/disease control?