Will the rest of SG-1 be able to solve the mystery of the boy's origin before he becomes a power-hungry warmonger? Stargate: Continuum - Daniel, Sam and Cameron are thrown into an alternate reality, where he loses his leg in an accident and must face the idea of living out the rest of his life there. Rush in Colonel Telford's body and confirms that Telford is a mole for the Lucian Alliance.
Jackson's friendship with Teal'c is more out of respect, as one is a scientist and the other a warrior, but the two often find ways to connect. mental torture prison, because he has promised not to interfere in mortal In Unending, in my opinion, to Daniel Vala was acting like the old Vala, trying to get in his pants like the old Vala did, so it was obvious Daniel give her a piece of his mind since he thought she has changed, before realizing that Vala was just scared to admit what she really felt for him, and went back to her old self, he even said to her you better not be messing with me, the phrase he told her in season nine when she tried to seduce him.
before Teal'c's time runs out, trapped within the Stargate memory. NO Vala/Daniel romance at all, it's squicky for me. The similarity between two characters can be calculated by taking the correlation between the lists of their traits. sometimes, his irrational people-centric focus puts him at odds with Jack, The Light - Daniel nearly dies when his body goes through massive withdrawl after exposure to an addictive Goa'uld device. A lot of posts created previously said they disliked him.
and brainstorming with Sam.
Stargate: The Ark of Truth - When SG-1 travels to the Ori home galaxy, Daniel leads the search for an Ancient device that can end the war.
I think he was just fed up to be there just for Vala amusement. I think Daniel deserved those 2 last seasons of being a legend.
Unending - Trapped on the Odyssey in a time-dilation bubble, Daniel and Vala eventually become life-long lovers -- until Carter manages to reverse time and return things to the way they were. His birthday is on July 8.
After they had left him on Abydos, Jackson had begun exploring and discovered a map room with gate coordinates to Stargates spanning the galaxy.
Need - Jackson succumbs to the repeated treatments of a sarcophagus and discovers he is unable to go on without it, his personality altered by the device, giving him an ethereal high. I can't really excuse Daniel of his behaviour but I'm also unconvinced that he would have turned into such a jerk, it seemed really out of character even after all the stuff he's been through. There have been many many meta discussions about it, most of which seem to revolve around exhaustion/disillusionment after so many years. Abydos was destroyed, Oma helped its people ascend, and Daniel was whisked away to face judgment by the Ancients. infp
Bascially, the end of the series made me lose a lot of the respect I had for Daniel and I'm not okay with that. Daniel was taken into the custody of foster parents; his grandfather, Nicholas Ballard (also an archaeologist), did not take him in. Those don't really make much sense to me.
Threads - In the space between life and death, Daniel meets the Ancient Oma Desala again and is offered the chance to ascend -- or die for good. about artifacts and preserving the past.
Are there any fics where he's called out or held accountable for the crap he pulled with Vala or for being an asshole?
One year later Jackson welcomed the return of O'Neill and several members of the team, including Samantha Carter. Especially when it was Daniel Jackson who has ignition the spark (found the point of origin) and therefore the Stargate command could start to work. ), Noticing and second, Journal of Second Language Writing 49, 100731, Journal of Psycholinguistic Research 48 (2), 289-306, The TESOL Encyclopedia of English Language Teaching, Language Teacher Identity in TESOL, 197-212, New articles related to this author's research, Department of English and Linguistics, Thammasat University, Professor of Cognitive Science, University of California, Merced, The Cognition Hypothesis: A synthesis and metaanalysis of research on second language task complexity, Cognitive individual differences in second language processing and acquisition, Language teacher noticing: A socio-cognitive window on classroom realities, Complementary theoretical perspectives on taskbased classroom realities, Task-based language teacher education in an undergraduate program in Japan. He told them he had come to learn that the Stargate goes to many other worlds. The child had been sent away with her handmaiden to the legendary planet Kheb. By logging in to LiveJournal using a third-party service you accept LiveJournal's User agreement, Posted on May. The Lost Tribe - Held captive by advanced alien soldiers, Daniel discovers that they are a lost tribe of Asgard, and risks his life to stop them from using technology that threatens the Pegasus Galaxy. own past haunts him.
After debating whether or not to accept her invitation to begin a new journey, Jackson decided he could do more as an ascended being and joined her, leaving his team behind. Jackson also has a deep and complicated friendship with Jack O'Neill, who frequently takes opposition to his side in matters of galactic concern.
The Quest, Part 2 - When SG-1 finds the real Merlin, still alive, Daniel puts his life on the line to help him finish the anti-Ori weapon. Daniel held to his belief that the great pyramids of Egypt were landing platforms for alien spacecraft, and was ridiculed by the academic community for those ideas.
One of the rockets shown launching is an Ariane 5, an European Space Agency launch vehicle. Yeah totally agree.
It wasn't that he was more outgoing, I liked that, but it was more the fact that he turned into a, dick. THIS is so true, also he became funnier and more badass. As it turned out, a chance encounter with a mysterious woman, Dr. Catherine Langford, gave him his chance to prove his theories were, indeed, true. Evolution, Part 2 - Jackson and Lee are tortured at the hands of Raphael, who is intent on understanding the technology behind the small cube he has procured. Working memory and second language development: A complex, dynamic future? I'm gonna go so far to say that Daniel's relationship with Vala was borderline abusive, if not, abusive. The two have been embroiled in numerous ethical controversies over the years, but continue to be loyal friends.
Users who took the quiz were asked to self-identify their Myers-Briggs and Enneagram types. Months later, SG-1 found Daniel on the Ancient planet Vis Uban with no memory of who he was. The Serpent's Lair - Jackson sustains fatal staff injuries and manages to place himself within a sarcophagus and exit through the Stargate before the Ha'tak explodes in orbit of Earth. A season 1-2 Jaffa would paste Season 8 Daniel. Not to mention that Daniel got really friggin buff towards the end of the series. When Daniel Jackson launches his suite of rockets, viewing from his bunker, the countdown goes to zero without engines firing - they start to fire at zero, and liftoff occurs several seconds later. He continues as a key member of SG-1.
experience when arguing his cases; its hard for him to move on, and sometimes consider the possibilities and wait to see what happens. Children of the Gods - Jackson receives visitors from Earth and learns of a new threat before serpent guards arrive, snatching his wife and brother through the Stargate. His stubbornness sometimes frustrates teammates, most of whom want him to Icon - Daniel is stranded on a world on the brink of civil war, where a local woman nurses him back to health after he is injured. SG-1 persuades him to return to Earth, where he rediscovers his old life and rejoins the team. Extroverted Thinking (Te): Daniel Jaffa used to be proper super soldiers.l before being gradually nerfed until only Teal'C was allowed to be physically and Bra'Tac mentally superior. A student of language, mythology and ancient cultures, Jackson's knowledge and razor-sharp wit is key to encounters with alien civilizations and displaced human colonies across the galaxy. I think ppl are put off by his change in demeanor.
Daniel Jackson is a character from Stargate SG-1.
His profound Out of Mind - Jackson is awakened by O'Neill and Carter, finding themselves within a futuristic Goa'uld mockup of the S.G.C. It kinda fucked with my head to be honest.
Not sure that this episode further developed the character or storylines, felt more like filler. PLAYED BY: Michael Shanks, James Spader
Sha're was dead, but Daniel had a new mission: find the boy.
Oh, you're not the only one who disliked the change in Daniel's personality in S9-10.
It is believed that this applies because (1) the use is transformative, (2) only a small low quality portion of the total work is used, and (3) its use does not compete and harm the ability of the owner to financially profit off of their work. Daniel vowed to find her, and remained with SG-1 to accomplish this incredible task. And his past goodness doesn't make up or excuse him for being a total jackass later. by David Birdsong.
When Langara is saved from Goa'uld invasion, Jackson is welcomed home by his friends as Jonas returns home.
Something along those lines. SG-1's archaeological expert, responsible for cracking the code to first activate the Stargate. This website has recruited more than 3 million volunteers to rate characters on descriptive adjectives and other properties, which can be aggregated to create profiles that users can be matched to as part of a personality test.
Kasuf: You forget it said the name Sha're. Introverted Sensing (Si): His walks a fine line between a desperate desire to help people, and respect for Well heh did have the whole ascension arc going for him. twice. play along (Jack and Sam are both Ti-Fe) or do the rational thing (Tealc). their cultures, traditions, and beliefs.
The profile image for the character on this page belongs to its original owner and is used under the fair use doctrine of US copyright law.
Vala and Daniel friendship would be okay but.
Often a moralist, Jackson verbally spars with O'Neill, a pessimist, to present a balanced perspective to the SG-1 team. Jackson brought the infant into the world with his own hands, and hid the baby away with Kasuf. Jackson joined SG-1 to pursue his loved ones, only to discover that Sha're had been taken as a host to Apophis's queen, Amonet. Pretense - Jackson and O'Neill play pivotal roles as archons in a Tollan triad to determine whether or not Skaara has priority control over his body. Rising, Part 1 - While doing research at the Antarctic outpost Atlantus, Daniel finds a gate address for the lost city of Atlantis in the distant Pegasus Galaxy -- and is disappointed that he can't join the expedition. One Abydonian year to the day Daniel returned with Teal'c to his former home to discover that Sha're had returned on her own.
official typing His character progression went literally from then underdog (film) to badass (s8-10).
31st, 2015 at 07:11 pm | Link | Leave a comment | 4 comments | Share | Flag. Vala wouldn't have been nearly as fun without Daniel to flirt with and bounce off.
harming their individual cultures.
The relationship hit some of my more personal buttons but I understand why others wouldn't feel that way or wouldn't see it that way. The Curse - Jackson encounters his former colleagues after he discovers his mentor has died, and finds that his former girlfriend has become host to the evil Goa'uld Osiris. Human - In Rush's memory of his past, Daniel approaches him to recruit him into the Stargate program.
Jackson grew up to become an eager archaeologist and specialist in ancient cultures and myths.
Smart, funny, and damn attractive. Within the Serpent's Grasp - With Jackson's knowledge of a launching point for an all-out attack on Earth, SG-1 gates to the provided coordinates where they find themselves aboard a Goa'uld attack ship headed for Earth.
Will the rest of SG-1 be able to solve the mystery of the boy's origin before he becomes a power-hungry warmonger? Stargate: Continuum - Daniel, Sam and Cameron are thrown into an alternate reality, where he loses his leg in an accident and must face the idea of living out the rest of his life there. Rush in Colonel Telford's body and confirms that Telford is a mole for the Lucian Alliance.
Jackson's friendship with Teal'c is more out of respect, as one is a scientist and the other a warrior, but the two often find ways to connect. mental torture prison, because he has promised not to interfere in mortal In Unending, in my opinion, to Daniel Vala was acting like the old Vala, trying to get in his pants like the old Vala did, so it was obvious Daniel give her a piece of his mind since he thought she has changed, before realizing that Vala was just scared to admit what she really felt for him, and went back to her old self, he even said to her you better not be messing with me, the phrase he told her in season nine when she tried to seduce him.
before Teal'c's time runs out, trapped within the Stargate memory. NO Vala/Daniel romance at all, it's squicky for me. The similarity between two characters can be calculated by taking the correlation between the lists of their traits. sometimes, his irrational people-centric focus puts him at odds with Jack, The Light - Daniel nearly dies when his body goes through massive withdrawl after exposure to an addictive Goa'uld device. A lot of posts created previously said they disliked him.
and brainstorming with Sam.
Stargate: The Ark of Truth - When SG-1 travels to the Ori home galaxy, Daniel leads the search for an Ancient device that can end the war.
I think he was just fed up to be there just for Vala amusement. I think Daniel deserved those 2 last seasons of being a legend.
Unending - Trapped on the Odyssey in a time-dilation bubble, Daniel and Vala eventually become life-long lovers -- until Carter manages to reverse time and return things to the way they were. His birthday is on July 8.
After they had left him on Abydos, Jackson had begun exploring and discovered a map room with gate coordinates to Stargates spanning the galaxy.
Need - Jackson succumbs to the repeated treatments of a sarcophagus and discovers he is unable to go on without it, his personality altered by the device, giving him an ethereal high. I can't really excuse Daniel of his behaviour but I'm also unconvinced that he would have turned into such a jerk, it seemed really out of character even after all the stuff he's been through. There have been many many meta discussions about it, most of which seem to revolve around exhaustion/disillusionment after so many years. Abydos was destroyed, Oma helped its people ascend, and Daniel was whisked away to face judgment by the Ancients. infp
Bascially, the end of the series made me lose a lot of the respect I had for Daniel and I'm not okay with that. Daniel was taken into the custody of foster parents; his grandfather, Nicholas Ballard (also an archaeologist), did not take him in. Those don't really make much sense to me.
Threads - In the space between life and death, Daniel meets the Ancient Oma Desala again and is offered the chance to ascend -- or die for good. about artifacts and preserving the past.
Are there any fics where he's called out or held accountable for the crap he pulled with Vala or for being an asshole?

After debating whether or not to accept her invitation to begin a new journey, Jackson decided he could do more as an ascended being and joined her, leaving his team behind. Jackson also has a deep and complicated friendship with Jack O'Neill, who frequently takes opposition to his side in matters of galactic concern.
The Quest, Part 2 - When SG-1 finds the real Merlin, still alive, Daniel puts his life on the line to help him finish the anti-Ori weapon. Daniel held to his belief that the great pyramids of Egypt were landing platforms for alien spacecraft, and was ridiculed by the academic community for those ideas.

It wasn't that he was more outgoing, I liked that, but it was more the fact that he turned into a, dick. THIS is so true, also he became funnier and more badass. As it turned out, a chance encounter with a mysterious woman, Dr. Catherine Langford, gave him his chance to prove his theories were, indeed, true. Evolution, Part 2 - Jackson and Lee are tortured at the hands of Raphael, who is intent on understanding the technology behind the small cube he has procured. Working memory and second language development: A complex, dynamic future? I'm gonna go so far to say that Daniel's relationship with Vala was borderline abusive, if not, abusive. The two have been embroiled in numerous ethical controversies over the years, but continue to be loyal friends.
Users who took the quiz were asked to self-identify their Myers-Briggs and Enneagram types. Months later, SG-1 found Daniel on the Ancient planet Vis Uban with no memory of who he was. The Serpent's Lair - Jackson sustains fatal staff injuries and manages to place himself within a sarcophagus and exit through the Stargate before the Ha'tak explodes in orbit of Earth. A season 1-2 Jaffa would paste Season 8 Daniel. Not to mention that Daniel got really friggin buff towards the end of the series. When Daniel Jackson launches his suite of rockets, viewing from his bunker, the countdown goes to zero without engines firing - they start to fire at zero, and liftoff occurs several seconds later. He continues as a key member of SG-1.
experience when arguing his cases; its hard for him to move on, and sometimes consider the possibilities and wait to see what happens. Children of the Gods - Jackson receives visitors from Earth and learns of a new threat before serpent guards arrive, snatching his wife and brother through the Stargate. His stubbornness sometimes frustrates teammates, most of whom want him to Icon - Daniel is stranded on a world on the brink of civil war, where a local woman nurses him back to health after he is injured. SG-1 persuades him to return to Earth, where he rediscovers his old life and rejoins the team. Extroverted Thinking (Te): Daniel Jaffa used to be proper super soldiers.l before being gradually nerfed until only Teal'C was allowed to be physically and Bra'Tac mentally superior. A student of language, mythology and ancient cultures, Jackson's knowledge and razor-sharp wit is key to encounters with alien civilizations and displaced human colonies across the galaxy. I think ppl are put off by his change in demeanor.
Daniel Jackson is a character from Stargate SG-1.
His profound Out of Mind - Jackson is awakened by O'Neill and Carter, finding themselves within a futuristic Goa'uld mockup of the S.G.C. It kinda fucked with my head to be honest.
Not sure that this episode further developed the character or storylines, felt more like filler. PLAYED BY: Michael Shanks, James Spader
Sha're was dead, but Daniel had a new mission: find the boy.
Oh, you're not the only one who disliked the change in Daniel's personality in S9-10.
It is believed that this applies because (1) the use is transformative, (2) only a small low quality portion of the total work is used, and (3) its use does not compete and harm the ability of the owner to financially profit off of their work. Daniel vowed to find her, and remained with SG-1 to accomplish this incredible task. And his past goodness doesn't make up or excuse him for being a total jackass later. by David Birdsong.
When Langara is saved from Goa'uld invasion, Jackson is welcomed home by his friends as Jonas returns home.
Something along those lines. SG-1's archaeological expert, responsible for cracking the code to first activate the Stargate. This website has recruited more than 3 million volunteers to rate characters on descriptive adjectives and other properties, which can be aggregated to create profiles that users can be matched to as part of a personality test.

The profile image for the character on this page belongs to its original owner and is used under the fair use doctrine of US copyright law.
Vala and Daniel friendship would be okay but.
Often a moralist, Jackson verbally spars with O'Neill, a pessimist, to present a balanced perspective to the SG-1 team. Jackson brought the infant into the world with his own hands, and hid the baby away with Kasuf. Jackson joined SG-1 to pursue his loved ones, only to discover that Sha're had been taken as a host to Apophis's queen, Amonet. Pretense - Jackson and O'Neill play pivotal roles as archons in a Tollan triad to determine whether or not Skaara has priority control over his body. Rising, Part 1 - While doing research at the Antarctic outpost Atlantus, Daniel finds a gate address for the lost city of Atlantis in the distant Pegasus Galaxy -- and is disappointed that he can't join the expedition. One Abydonian year to the day Daniel returned with Teal'c to his former home to discover that Sha're had returned on her own.
official typing His character progression went literally from then underdog (film) to badass (s8-10).
31st, 2015 at 07:11 pm | Link | Leave a comment | 4 comments | Share | Flag. Vala wouldn't have been nearly as fun without Daniel to flirt with and bounce off.
harming their individual cultures.
The relationship hit some of my more personal buttons but I understand why others wouldn't feel that way or wouldn't see it that way. The Curse - Jackson encounters his former colleagues after he discovers his mentor has died, and finds that his former girlfriend has become host to the evil Goa'uld Osiris. Human - In Rush's memory of his past, Daniel approaches him to recruit him into the Stargate program.
Jackson grew up to become an eager archaeologist and specialist in ancient cultures and myths.
Smart, funny, and damn attractive. Within the Serpent's Grasp - With Jackson's knowledge of a launching point for an all-out attack on Earth, SG-1 gates to the provided coordinates where they find themselves aboard a Goa'uld attack ship headed for Earth.