And remember to continually learnjust like your campers.
Interested in events? Planning, Leadership & Managing Change, I felt the info was relevant to what is going on today and had clear implications for my work., I have to say that the highlight of the conference were the people that attended., One of the best conferences I have attended in years. Great size, balance of whole group and small group discussions, plenty of time to network.
Pictures and video are effective vehicles for telling stories.
She is passionate about GIS for good, and the power of storytelling with digital maps and location intelligence to engage stakeholders and inspire action. Keeping Infrastructure Stable, Productive & Secure, Program Delivery
Want to learn more?
), check out Beth Kanter's blog - she offers great insights and examples about how nonprofits can use technology effectively. Be part of the movement to lead the sector in using technology to create more social good in the world. Your Guide to Program Data Discovery will be held on Wednesday, March 23, 2022 from 11:15 am 11:45 am PST and focuses on how technology can help visualize impact in an easy-to-digest fashion. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Search for the NTC official hashtag on Twitter (#16ntcin 2016; #17ntc in 2017). Stories are our most powerful tool for communication. Aspiration's mission is to connect nonprofit organizations, free and open source projects, philanthropic funders and activists with strategic frameworks, technology solutions, digital practices and data skills that help them more fully realize their missions. Nonprofit Technology Conference - Nonprofit Technology N. Rubenstein Gives $10 Million to Restore Madison's Plantation, With $20 billion gift, Gates Foundation to boost payout to $9 billion, Nonprofits concerned about growth, insufficient funding, survey finds, People in the News (07/17/2022): appointments, promotions, obituaries, Raising the Bar, new health equity and well-being framework launched. You'll leave Washington, DC energized and brimming with actionable strategies.
Use tools and templates to make your job easier and more effective. The Greater Boston Food Bank shared their work using GIS to support food distribution.
Kudos!, If my organization cant afford to cover my cost to attend next year, I will pay for it out of my own pocket.
Using Data to Make Smart Decisions and Improve Results, Marketing, Outreach & Fundraising This session is intended to help benefit the technology goals of nonprofit leaders, program managers, and technology teams or anyone looking to learn new nonprofit skills. Why is open source innovative? Some highlights are as follows.
What do we need to realize the potential of IT for our organizations. Get access to immediate incident response assistance. Powered by Backdrop CMS // Privacy Policy, NTEN National Technology Conference in Chicago. The Exhibit Hall is held on all three days of the conference and is also the scene of the NTCs opening reception where we welcome attendees over food and drinks. What's up and coming that NPO techies should be aware of? Her background combines business, nonprofit leadership, and cross-sector collaboration in applying technology to achieve sustainable outcomes in the infrastructure/AEC space, with efforts ranging from renewable energy/energy optimization for AEC, to sustainable infrastructure in small island developing states (SIDS), and clean water access in developing communities. The NTC is the largest nonprofit tech conference and aimed at IT staff in nonprofits and the people supporting nonprofits and their IT needs. The Nonprofit Technology Conference (NTC) is the nonprofit sectors signature technology event. Their StoryMap Hunger Report 2020 combines maps and multimedia to tell an immersive story of food insecurity; it was widely covered, including on the front page of the Washington Post. Together, they collaborate, innovate, and discover new ways to spark change with technology. Free and Open Source Software--cheaper, better, faster software tools and development for nonprofits? In addition to the education and inspiration, NTEN is promoting accessibility, equity, and inclusivity like never before with dedicated racial affinity spaces, meditation sessions, and even virtual art galleries and live music. For example: Create email/eNewsletter templates - don't design every time. IT Infrastructure Breakout sessions, training courses, and consultations offer the valuable learning opportunities you need to keep moving forward. Aspiration is a values-driven nonprofit organization.
Camps could use this for moderated video contests. We offer all of our materials and resources under a Creative Commons ShareAlike license. We want those working for social, racial and climate justice to be able to find and use the best digital tools, resources and practices available, so that they maximize their effectiveness and impact and, in turn, change the world. Capital Area Food Bank shared how they leveraged GIS to identify key hunger hot spots in Greater Washington DC. Many other Jewish organizations were present and tweeting as well! Connect with decision-makers and thought leaders in the nonprofit technology sector. We assemble over 2,000 of the best and brightest nonprofit professionals from around the world. Here are some key tips from a session about how to tell great stories: Everyone in your organization should be collecting/telling stories: staff, board members, counselors, campers. Consider guest bloggers for additional stories/content. How do you leverage f/oss for nonprofit organizations? The NTC is produced by NTEN, the Nonprofit Technology Network, the membership organization of nonprofit technology professionals. The Foundation for Jewish Camp was also there - check out their tweets as well: @FdnJewishCamp. There's no shortage of educational experiences at the 2014 NTC. Contact us todayto learn how we can help you create transformational value with Salesforce. When you attend NTC, you make a solid investment in yourself, your organization, and your mission and it won't take long to realize a return on that investment. Resources for social justice technology capacity building? Cloud for Good is proud to be a part of 22NTC through providing a unique session tied to the theme of nonprofit programs. The schedule of events will be flexible with all sessions becoming available on-demand following the conclusion of 22NTC so the learning and exploration can continue long after the event ends. Jen has lived/worked internationally, and holds an MBA focused on environmental and social governance in global markets from Brown University, and is also a Sustainability-certified professional. Their Hunger Heat Map is a publicly accessible, interactive map that contains information layers to communicate with food insecure households, researchers, policy makers, and other food relief organizations. She is the creator of the landmark The 1619 Project an ongoing initiative from the New York Times Magazine that aims to reframe the history of the United States by placing the consequences of slavery and the experience of Black Americans at the center of the national narrative. Sitemap | Privacy Policy, LEAP - Leadership Engagement and Advancement Program, Sign up for your free YouTube nonprofit video channel, list of free tools that can help nonprofits use social media more effectively, This brief recap of the SXSW Interactive 2010 Conference. Attendees are welcomed and encouraged to bring their whole self to the NTC, and NTEN promises to weave a sense of community into session and activity throughout the three-day event. How do you manage IT projects in your organization? Incorporating Technology into Program & Service Delivery, Data Management From March to December of 2020, The Greater Boston Food Bank increased distribution by nearly 60% compared to the same period in 2019 the largest food distribution in its 40-year history. 22NTC will feature over 180 live, interactive, and thought-provoking sessions covering a wide swath of nonprofit subjects, as well as three inspiring keynote speakers: activist and writer Alice Wong, actor and human rights advocate Angelica Ross, and author Saeed Jones. You can use a free tool like. Create a "Central Info Bank" to store stories, quotes/testimonials, photos, stats; makes sure everyone has access. Please check the box to let us know you're human. Pardots Name Has ChangedWhat Does This Impact? Some key takeaways that we can all use in our work include: In SummaryThere are LOTS of nonprofits facing the same challenges as our camps. For more information on 22NTC, including how to register, visit Thats how important I feel this conference is.. The key? Nikole Hannah-Jones is a McArthur Genius and Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter covering racial injustice. With over 100 sessions exploring technologies, best strategies, and pressing issues; an exhibit hall highlighting the latest nonprofit products and services; and networking events every evening, the NTC is an event that cannot be missed! Innovation Slams: Learn about tools while having some fun! Unable to update subscription. Project/Risk Management: How to you choose software? More than 50,000 community members access NTENs capacity-building programs and services, including educational courses, the Nonprofit Technology Conference, and online and in-person discussion spaces. Don't recreate the wheel. A professor of African American studies at Princeton University and author of Race After Technology: Abolitionist Tools for the New Jim Code, Ruha Benjamin discussed how algorithms and predictive analytics have embedded bias and how they reinforce and maintain existing structures. Last week the Nonprofit Technology Conference (NTC 21) went virtual connecting nonprofits and technologies to help create a more just and equitable world. Event calendar covering 30 industries in 50 cities, BICSI Winter Conference & Exhibition - 2022. Read more about the Esri Racial Equity initiative, which addresses racial inequities using GIS and location intelligence. P.O. Eradicate cyberthreats with world-class intel and expertise, Expand your teams capabilities and strengthen your security posture, Tap into our global team of tenured cybersecurity specialists, Subscription- or project-based testing, delivered by global experts, Get ahead of database risk, protect data and exceed compliance requirements, Catch email threats others miss and prevent data loss, Researchers, ethical hackers and responders, Unprecedented security visibility and control, Key alliances who align and support our ecosystem of security offerings, Join forces with Trustwave to protect against the most advance cybersecurity threats. Sign up to receive the latest security news and trends from Trustwave.
Get the latest nonprofit news, funding opportunities, job openings, and more delivered to your inbox with Philanthropy News Digest newsletters. Create Press Release templates.
Want even MORE information?
JCamp 180 is a trademark of the Harold Grinspoon Foundation And many are overcoming those challenges with both technology and non-technology solutions. How to you manage risk? Many nonprofit organizations know they are making a difference in their unique communities, but do they also know how to showcase that impact? Learn alongside passionate nonprofit professionals who, like you, want to use technology effectively to advance their missions and bring about change. Use stories that already exist! The Mapping for Racial Justice session provided an overview of tools, data, and examples to help nonprofits apply a racial equity workflow to better serve communitiesand reduce racial injustice. How do you decide whether to build/buy/or bend? Plus, you'll be able to participate in powerful nonprofit initiatives like the Day of Service that create measurable change.
Using the Power of Technology for Outreach, Technology Strategy & Governance CC BY-SA 4.0.
With a wide mix of social events, seminars, trainings, and resources, the 2014 NTC will help you put technology to work to further your cause. Have a listen to Malkia Devich-Cyrils closing keynote on Grief and Grievance in a Digital Age. Salesforce Summer 22 Release: What You Need to Know, Understanding the New Vision + Vocabulary of Marketing Cloud. Candid gets you the information you need to do good. This is a bot-free zone. please try again later. One of our sales specialists will be in touch shortly. If that werent enough incentive, attendees of 22NTC can quality to earn credits toward CFRE, CAE, and NTEN Professional Certificates. The NTC keynotes featured inspiring community, thought, and action leaders. Jen Van Deusen works with nonprofits, NGOs, and other organizations that are focused on creating positive social and environmental impact, and a more sustainable future. This brief recap of the SXSW Interactive 2010 Conference in March gives 10 quick takeaways from that conference for nonprofits that dovetail nicely with the Nonprofit Technology Conference. Territorial Empathy, a nonprofit design collective focused on solving pressing urban issues with empathy-based design, presented their StoryMap Segregation Is Killing Us. This StoryMap analyzes and shows how generations of segregation separate historically marginalized people from resources and represent a public health crisis. The Esri nonprofit team had the great privilege of being part of the event. Train staff in how to use. Nonprofits use Esris ArcGIS to gain a greater understanding of where their constituents are and what local conditions look like; to allocate resources to the right place for greatest impact; and to advocate for their cause using simple, visual language everyone can understand. Emerging technologies can appear neutral, and even benevolent a kind of imagined objectivity compared to the racism of a previous era but actually have designed-in discrimination and replicate and amplify social divisions. Aspiration organized a track of 14 sessions and clinics on technology innovation in the nonprofit sector at the NTEN National Technology Conference in Chicago. Interested in community, events or resources for building technology capacity in support of social justice? The 2014 NTC offers many fun and informative opportunities to connect with peers, exhibitors, and experts who share your commitment and your challenges. Box 880264 Clinics and speed geeks feature security tools, blogging, taming your website with a CMS, and using Linux in your organization. From our member reception and progressive party to one-on-one chats and hands-on trainings, your time in Washington, DC will be chock-full of opportunities to share, bond, and build relationships. In just thirty minutes, we will identify the how and the why questions your data is asking, find out how your program data can help you showcase your impact, and teach you how technology can help you visualize that impact. For example, here is her post about social media measurement based on her session on the topic at NTC. Esri was a marketplace host and participated in two breakout sessions at NTC to showcase how mapping and GIS (geographic information systems) play a key role in addressing issues of racial equity and providing critical services to vulnerable communities during the COVID-19 pandemic. All rights reserved. Your communications have to be focused on your audience, not your organization: YouTube now offers a customizable video player and the ability to allow users to upload videos to your YouTube Channel. This session will illustrate how to do just that to grantmakers, board members, donors, and volunteers without spending countless hours building endless spreadsheets and reports. Malkia Devich-Cyril is Senior Fellow, lead founder, and former Executive Director of MediaJustice, and helped coin the term Media Justice in 2002, and for more than 20 years has worked against media bias and for human rights safeguards in the digital age. Copyright 2005-2017 Harold Grinspoon Foundation. And last (but certainly not least! Join us for the Tech Forward Conference, where nonprofit leaders will educate, inspire, and share how technology can elevate the way we work as nonprofits. 22NTC represents a sterling chance to connect with technology decision-makers and thought leaders from all across the nonprofit sector. Since the pandemic, these numbers have exploded. Partake in Aspiration's famous. Although there were plans to return NTC to an in-person event following the very first virtual NTC in 2021, the decision was made to return again to the virtual realm to ensure public safety. Read the values we hold as an organization, explore our services and programs, and become a member of NTEN today. Before the COVID-19 pandemic, more than 37 million Americans, including 11 million children, faced hunger every day. Start with Mission -> Strategy -> and Goals (You've been working hard with your JCamp 180 Mentors on that.
Repurpose/reuse stories across channels. The Nonprofit Technology Enterprise Network (NTEN) will be holding its annual Nonprofit Technology Conference (NTC) on March 23-25, 2022. Trustwave will be participating in The Nonprofit Technology Conference, which features over 100 educational sessions, an exhibit hall highlighting the latest nonprofit products and services, and networking events each day. GIS (geographic information systems) is a framework for managing information using location as a common reference, so you can see and communicate what is happening where. Engage in a conversation around how mission focused, transformative applications of technology can create a positive change in the sector. Resilience and Sustainability, the definitions, difference, and applicability of GIS. Our signature three-day gathering brings together nonprofit professionals from around the world to collaborate, innovate, and maximize effectiveness. Become a sponsor or exhibitor today. A longer story that can be used during a camp visit or in an eNewsletter can be shortened for a Facebook status update or Tweet. 2022 Cloud for Good All Rights reserved, Managed Services Consultant Digital in the USA or Canada, Cloud for Good Recognized as a Nationally Registered Apprenticeship Program by the U.S. Department of Labor, Nonprofit Technology Enterprise Network (NTEN), Introducing Cloud for Good Campaign Services, Salesforce Spring 22 Release: What You Need To Know, Recapping the 1st Annual Higher Education Dreamin, How Lessons Learned During the Pandemic Help Prepare Nonprofits and Higher Education for a Recession.
Interested in events? Planning, Leadership & Managing Change, I felt the info was relevant to what is going on today and had clear implications for my work., I have to say that the highlight of the conference were the people that attended., One of the best conferences I have attended in years. Great size, balance of whole group and small group discussions, plenty of time to network.

Want to learn more?
), check out Beth Kanter's blog - she offers great insights and examples about how nonprofits can use technology effectively. Be part of the movement to lead the sector in using technology to create more social good in the world. Your Guide to Program Data Discovery will be held on Wednesday, March 23, 2022 from 11:15 am 11:45 am PST and focuses on how technology can help visualize impact in an easy-to-digest fashion. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Search for the NTC official hashtag on Twitter (#16ntcin 2016; #17ntc in 2017). Stories are our most powerful tool for communication. Aspiration's mission is to connect nonprofit organizations, free and open source projects, philanthropic funders and activists with strategic frameworks, technology solutions, digital practices and data skills that help them more fully realize their missions. Nonprofit Technology Conference - Nonprofit Technology N. Rubenstein Gives $10 Million to Restore Madison's Plantation, With $20 billion gift, Gates Foundation to boost payout to $9 billion, Nonprofits concerned about growth, insufficient funding, survey finds, People in the News (07/17/2022): appointments, promotions, obituaries, Raising the Bar, new health equity and well-being framework launched. You'll leave Washington, DC energized and brimming with actionable strategies.
Use tools and templates to make your job easier and more effective. The Greater Boston Food Bank shared their work using GIS to support food distribution.
Kudos!, If my organization cant afford to cover my cost to attend next year, I will pay for it out of my own pocket.
Using Data to Make Smart Decisions and Improve Results, Marketing, Outreach & Fundraising This session is intended to help benefit the technology goals of nonprofit leaders, program managers, and technology teams or anyone looking to learn new nonprofit skills. Why is open source innovative? Some highlights are as follows.
What do we need to realize the potential of IT for our organizations. Get access to immediate incident response assistance. Powered by Backdrop CMS // Privacy Policy, NTEN National Technology Conference in Chicago. The Exhibit Hall is held on all three days of the conference and is also the scene of the NTCs opening reception where we welcome attendees over food and drinks. What's up and coming that NPO techies should be aware of? Her background combines business, nonprofit leadership, and cross-sector collaboration in applying technology to achieve sustainable outcomes in the infrastructure/AEC space, with efforts ranging from renewable energy/energy optimization for AEC, to sustainable infrastructure in small island developing states (SIDS), and clean water access in developing communities. The NTC is the largest nonprofit tech conference and aimed at IT staff in nonprofits and the people supporting nonprofits and their IT needs. The Nonprofit Technology Conference (NTC) is the nonprofit sectors signature technology event. Their StoryMap Hunger Report 2020 combines maps and multimedia to tell an immersive story of food insecurity; it was widely covered, including on the front page of the Washington Post. Together, they collaborate, innovate, and discover new ways to spark change with technology. Free and Open Source Software--cheaper, better, faster software tools and development for nonprofits? In addition to the education and inspiration, NTEN is promoting accessibility, equity, and inclusivity like never before with dedicated racial affinity spaces, meditation sessions, and even virtual art galleries and live music. For example: Create email/eNewsletter templates - don't design every time. IT Infrastructure Breakout sessions, training courses, and consultations offer the valuable learning opportunities you need to keep moving forward. Aspiration is a values-driven nonprofit organization.
Camps could use this for moderated video contests. We offer all of our materials and resources under a Creative Commons ShareAlike license. We want those working for social, racial and climate justice to be able to find and use the best digital tools, resources and practices available, so that they maximize their effectiveness and impact and, in turn, change the world. Capital Area Food Bank shared how they leveraged GIS to identify key hunger hot spots in Greater Washington DC. Many other Jewish organizations were present and tweeting as well! Connect with decision-makers and thought leaders in the nonprofit technology sector. We assemble over 2,000 of the best and brightest nonprofit professionals from around the world. Here are some key tips from a session about how to tell great stories: Everyone in your organization should be collecting/telling stories: staff, board members, counselors, campers. Consider guest bloggers for additional stories/content. How do you leverage f/oss for nonprofit organizations? The NTC is produced by NTEN, the Nonprofit Technology Network, the membership organization of nonprofit technology professionals. The Foundation for Jewish Camp was also there - check out their tweets as well: @FdnJewishCamp. There's no shortage of educational experiences at the 2014 NTC. Contact us todayto learn how we can help you create transformational value with Salesforce. When you attend NTC, you make a solid investment in yourself, your organization, and your mission and it won't take long to realize a return on that investment. Resources for social justice technology capacity building? Cloud for Good is proud to be a part of 22NTC through providing a unique session tied to the theme of nonprofit programs. The schedule of events will be flexible with all sessions becoming available on-demand following the conclusion of 22NTC so the learning and exploration can continue long after the event ends. Jen has lived/worked internationally, and holds an MBA focused on environmental and social governance in global markets from Brown University, and is also a Sustainability-certified professional. Their Hunger Heat Map is a publicly accessible, interactive map that contains information layers to communicate with food insecure households, researchers, policy makers, and other food relief organizations. She is the creator of the landmark The 1619 Project an ongoing initiative from the New York Times Magazine that aims to reframe the history of the United States by placing the consequences of slavery and the experience of Black Americans at the center of the national narrative. Sitemap | Privacy Policy, LEAP - Leadership Engagement and Advancement Program, Sign up for your free YouTube nonprofit video channel, list of free tools that can help nonprofits use social media more effectively, This brief recap of the SXSW Interactive 2010 Conference. Attendees are welcomed and encouraged to bring their whole self to the NTC, and NTEN promises to weave a sense of community into session and activity throughout the three-day event. How do you manage IT projects in your organization? Incorporating Technology into Program & Service Delivery, Data Management From March to December of 2020, The Greater Boston Food Bank increased distribution by nearly 60% compared to the same period in 2019 the largest food distribution in its 40-year history. 22NTC will feature over 180 live, interactive, and thought-provoking sessions covering a wide swath of nonprofit subjects, as well as three inspiring keynote speakers: activist and writer Alice Wong, actor and human rights advocate Angelica Ross, and author Saeed Jones. You can use a free tool like. Create a "Central Info Bank" to store stories, quotes/testimonials, photos, stats; makes sure everyone has access. Please check the box to let us know you're human. Pardots Name Has ChangedWhat Does This Impact? Some key takeaways that we can all use in our work include: In SummaryThere are LOTS of nonprofits facing the same challenges as our camps. For more information on 22NTC, including how to register, visit Thats how important I feel this conference is.. The key? Nikole Hannah-Jones is a McArthur Genius and Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter covering racial injustice. With over 100 sessions exploring technologies, best strategies, and pressing issues; an exhibit hall highlighting the latest nonprofit products and services; and networking events every evening, the NTC is an event that cannot be missed! Innovation Slams: Learn about tools while having some fun! Unable to update subscription. Project/Risk Management: How to you choose software? More than 50,000 community members access NTENs capacity-building programs and services, including educational courses, the Nonprofit Technology Conference, and online and in-person discussion spaces. Don't recreate the wheel. A professor of African American studies at Princeton University and author of Race After Technology: Abolitionist Tools for the New Jim Code, Ruha Benjamin discussed how algorithms and predictive analytics have embedded bias and how they reinforce and maintain existing structures. Last week the Nonprofit Technology Conference (NTC 21) went virtual connecting nonprofits and technologies to help create a more just and equitable world. Event calendar covering 30 industries in 50 cities, BICSI Winter Conference & Exhibition - 2022. Read more about the Esri Racial Equity initiative, which addresses racial inequities using GIS and location intelligence. P.O. Eradicate cyberthreats with world-class intel and expertise, Expand your teams capabilities and strengthen your security posture, Tap into our global team of tenured cybersecurity specialists, Subscription- or project-based testing, delivered by global experts, Get ahead of database risk, protect data and exceed compliance requirements, Catch email threats others miss and prevent data loss, Researchers, ethical hackers and responders, Unprecedented security visibility and control, Key alliances who align and support our ecosystem of security offerings, Join forces with Trustwave to protect against the most advance cybersecurity threats. Sign up to receive the latest security news and trends from Trustwave.
Get the latest nonprofit news, funding opportunities, job openings, and more delivered to your inbox with Philanthropy News Digest newsletters. Create Press Release templates.
Want even MORE information?
JCamp 180 is a trademark of the Harold Grinspoon Foundation And many are overcoming those challenges with both technology and non-technology solutions. How to you manage risk? Many nonprofit organizations know they are making a difference in their unique communities, but do they also know how to showcase that impact? Learn alongside passionate nonprofit professionals who, like you, want to use technology effectively to advance their missions and bring about change. Use stories that already exist! The Mapping for Racial Justice session provided an overview of tools, data, and examples to help nonprofits apply a racial equity workflow to better serve communitiesand reduce racial injustice. How do you decide whether to build/buy/or bend? Plus, you'll be able to participate in powerful nonprofit initiatives like the Day of Service that create measurable change.
Using the Power of Technology for Outreach, Technology Strategy & Governance CC BY-SA 4.0.
With a wide mix of social events, seminars, trainings, and resources, the 2014 NTC will help you put technology to work to further your cause. Have a listen to Malkia Devich-Cyrils closing keynote on Grief and Grievance in a Digital Age. Salesforce Summer 22 Release: What You Need to Know, Understanding the New Vision + Vocabulary of Marketing Cloud. Candid gets you the information you need to do good. This is a bot-free zone. please try again later. One of our sales specialists will be in touch shortly. If that werent enough incentive, attendees of 22NTC can quality to earn credits toward CFRE, CAE, and NTEN Professional Certificates. The NTC keynotes featured inspiring community, thought, and action leaders. Jen Van Deusen works with nonprofits, NGOs, and other organizations that are focused on creating positive social and environmental impact, and a more sustainable future. This brief recap of the SXSW Interactive 2010 Conference in March gives 10 quick takeaways from that conference for nonprofits that dovetail nicely with the Nonprofit Technology Conference. Territorial Empathy, a nonprofit design collective focused on solving pressing urban issues with empathy-based design, presented their StoryMap Segregation Is Killing Us. This StoryMap analyzes and shows how generations of segregation separate historically marginalized people from resources and represent a public health crisis. The Esri nonprofit team had the great privilege of being part of the event. Train staff in how to use. Nonprofits use Esris ArcGIS to gain a greater understanding of where their constituents are and what local conditions look like; to allocate resources to the right place for greatest impact; and to advocate for their cause using simple, visual language everyone can understand. Emerging technologies can appear neutral, and even benevolent a kind of imagined objectivity compared to the racism of a previous era but actually have designed-in discrimination and replicate and amplify social divisions. Aspiration organized a track of 14 sessions and clinics on technology innovation in the nonprofit sector at the NTEN National Technology Conference in Chicago. Interested in community, events or resources for building technology capacity in support of social justice? The 2014 NTC offers many fun and informative opportunities to connect with peers, exhibitors, and experts who share your commitment and your challenges. Box 880264 Clinics and speed geeks feature security tools, blogging, taming your website with a CMS, and using Linux in your organization. From our member reception and progressive party to one-on-one chats and hands-on trainings, your time in Washington, DC will be chock-full of opportunities to share, bond, and build relationships. In just thirty minutes, we will identify the how and the why questions your data is asking, find out how your program data can help you showcase your impact, and teach you how technology can help you visualize that impact. For example, here is her post about social media measurement based on her session on the topic at NTC. Esri was a marketplace host and participated in two breakout sessions at NTC to showcase how mapping and GIS (geographic information systems) play a key role in addressing issues of racial equity and providing critical services to vulnerable communities during the COVID-19 pandemic. All rights reserved. Your communications have to be focused on your audience, not your organization: YouTube now offers a customizable video player and the ability to allow users to upload videos to your YouTube Channel. This session will illustrate how to do just that to grantmakers, board members, donors, and volunteers without spending countless hours building endless spreadsheets and reports. Malkia Devich-Cyril is Senior Fellow, lead founder, and former Executive Director of MediaJustice, and helped coin the term Media Justice in 2002, and for more than 20 years has worked against media bias and for human rights safeguards in the digital age. Copyright 2005-2017 Harold Grinspoon Foundation. And last (but certainly not least! Join us for the Tech Forward Conference, where nonprofit leaders will educate, inspire, and share how technology can elevate the way we work as nonprofits. 22NTC represents a sterling chance to connect with technology decision-makers and thought leaders from all across the nonprofit sector. Since the pandemic, these numbers have exploded. Partake in Aspiration's famous. Although there were plans to return NTC to an in-person event following the very first virtual NTC in 2021, the decision was made to return again to the virtual realm to ensure public safety. Read the values we hold as an organization, explore our services and programs, and become a member of NTEN today. Before the COVID-19 pandemic, more than 37 million Americans, including 11 million children, faced hunger every day. Start with Mission -> Strategy -> and Goals (You've been working hard with your JCamp 180 Mentors on that.
Repurpose/reuse stories across channels. The Nonprofit Technology Enterprise Network (NTEN) will be holding its annual Nonprofit Technology Conference (NTC) on March 23-25, 2022. Trustwave will be participating in The Nonprofit Technology Conference, which features over 100 educational sessions, an exhibit hall highlighting the latest nonprofit products and services, and networking events each day. GIS (geographic information systems) is a framework for managing information using location as a common reference, so you can see and communicate what is happening where. Engage in a conversation around how mission focused, transformative applications of technology can create a positive change in the sector. Resilience and Sustainability, the definitions, difference, and applicability of GIS. Our signature three-day gathering brings together nonprofit professionals from around the world to collaborate, innovate, and maximize effectiveness. Become a sponsor or exhibitor today. A longer story that can be used during a camp visit or in an eNewsletter can be shortened for a Facebook status update or Tweet. 2022 Cloud for Good All Rights reserved, Managed Services Consultant Digital in the USA or Canada, Cloud for Good Recognized as a Nationally Registered Apprenticeship Program by the U.S. Department of Labor, Nonprofit Technology Enterprise Network (NTEN), Introducing Cloud for Good Campaign Services, Salesforce Spring 22 Release: What You Need To Know, Recapping the 1st Annual Higher Education Dreamin, How Lessons Learned During the Pandemic Help Prepare Nonprofits and Higher Education for a Recession.