All individuals fared well in captivity, although the initial adjustment to the enclosures was faster in younger nymphs. In fact, only 4 exotic mantises have been documented in the US to date: Tenodera sinensis Saussure (Mantodea: Mantidae), Tenodera angustipennis Saussure (Mantodea: Mantidae), Mantis religiosa L. (Mantodea: Mantidae), and Iris oratoria L. (Mantodea: Tarachodidae). Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). Liturgusa are long-legged but dorsoventrally flattened, and hold their bodies close to the substrate. 5, 5. Foretibiae with dorsally oriented terminal spine. Gonatista (Fig. Yale University Press, New Haven and London, XVIII + 423 pp. Wings absent or highly reduced in females, 5. Foretibiae with dorsally oriented terminal spine. rev. Faculty of Biology, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Leninskie Gory st. 1 bldg 12, 119991 Moscow, Russia. rev. 216.231.4600. ZooKeys, 696, 1100. 3B). Mekongomantis quinquespinosa gen. et sp. Pronotum longer than wide, 2. Body dorsoventrally flattened with long laterally swept legs. Moist paper towels lined the bottom of the bin, and the lid was left unsealed with a gap of 2.5 cm for air circulation., Shorthouse, D.P. WWF (2013) Ecosystems in the Greater Mekong: Past trends, current status, possible futures.
Generi e specie nuove. State Museum of Natural History Karlsruhe, Division of Entomology, Erbprinzenstrasse 13, Karlsruhe, D76133, Germany. Wings in females reduced, but never absent Zootaxa, 4291 (3), 581587. Pronotum longer than wide CHRISTIAN J. SCHWARZ, Saussure, H. de (1870) Additions au Systme des Mantides. Laurentii Salvii, Holmiae, Stockholm, 824 pp. The discovery of such a large (>70 mm) genus level taxon exemplifies the poorly studied diversity of Mantodea in the rapidly deteriorating Greater Mekong area. Females with lateral cuticular outgrowths on the abdomen, 4. Cyclopean ear present in males, present or partially reduced in females (present between metathoracic coxa on sternum). To ease identification, we also provide a key to the Mantidae of South-East Asia. REINHARD EHRMANN. CHRISTIAN J. SCHWARZ, USA, Florida, Broward County, Long Key Nature Center and Natural Area, 26.076700E, 80.325100N. This pinned specimens color has faded somewhat from the living insects natural coloration, which is bright green. ROLF MRTTER, Forefemora with 1 posteroventral spine, 5. Foretibiae without dorsally oriented terminal spine. To document the presence of an established population of Liturgusa maya in Florida, we first compiled anecdotal reports (see below) of the species' occurrence in the state and reviewed the Florida State Collection of Arthropods for specimens or records of this species (none were found). WWF Greater Mekong (2016) Discovering the Greater Mekong. The new genus has five posteroventral spines on the forefemur, a feature previously unknown in any Mantidae (sensu stricto) genus. CHRISTIAN J. SCHWARZ, Rodrigues, H.M., Rivera, J., Reid, N. & Svenson, G.J. Of the 11 live specimens found, 1 was an adult female and the other 10 were nymphs ranging from first instar to sub-adult (sex-determinable nymphs were all female). Like most praying mantises, T. sinensis is a generalist predator feeding primarily on insects, but also can take vertebrate prey, including hummingbirds (Nyffeler et al. Two adult specimens were pinned; nymphs were stored in 70% ethanol. Translations are not retained in our system. No mantis species of the genus Liturgusa Saussure have been previously documented in the USA or Canada. Exotic insect species are a major threat to the biodiversity of native ecosystems (Mack et al. Mantises were placed individually in 1.0 L (32 oz) plastic cups with cloth or metal mesh lids (4.5 cm diam), with 4.0 cm 2.0 cm screen windows for air circulation. Omissions? Kaukerfe, Gymnognatha (Erste Hlfte; vulgo Orthoptera). From this first discovery site, T. angustipennis spread throughout the region and now also occurs in Delaware, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania (Caudell 1927; Gurney 1950; Maxwell & Eitan 1998), where its range overlaps with that of T. sinensis. This functionality is provided solely for your convenience and is in no way intended to replace human translation. The egg case itself is largely spherical, and narrows to a tube that extends away from the base (Fig. For example, the Chinese praying mantis, Tenodera sinensis, was first introduced to the Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, area in 1896, and after multiple re-introductions, spread across much of the eastern USA and into the western part of the country (Laurent 1898; Skinner & Calver 1902; Blatchley 1920; Rathet & Hurd 1983). Stagmomantis (Fig. 1. Body length equal to or smaller than 2.0 cm. 2002). Stl, C. (1877) Systema Mantodeorum. nov., a new Mantidae genus and species is described based on specimens from two localitiesLam Vien plateau in Vietnam and the environments of Umphang, Thailand. Adults and nymphs of Liturgusa have been found together on the same tree, suggesting overlap of generations in the same habitat, but parental care has not been documented. Liturgusa maya may have been introduced accidentally into Florida on imported plant material, or deliberately released into the wild after being kept in captivity as a pet. Enslin, Berlin, pp. Mantis introductions in the USA are relatively uncommon, a surprising fact considering that predatory insects are well-represented among introduced species worldwide (Maxwell & Eitan 1998; Snyder & Evans 2006). No cuticular outgrowths on abdomen of female The history of establishment and spread of T. sinensis across North America over the past century indicate that other exotic mantises could be equally successful adventive species in the USA, as well as pose threats to other insects, both native and non-native. Enter your email address to subscribe to Cleveland Museum of Natural History's weekly eNews. Liturgusa maya was collected 3 times, resulting in a total collection of 2 adult females, 12 nymphs, and 2 oothecae.
& Svenson, G.J. Bullettino della Societ Entomologica Italiana, 48, 43108. Andrew J. Nisip, Gavin J. Svenson, Brian Fridie, Andrea Lucky "A Newly Established Non-Native Praying Mantis Species, Registered users receive a variety of benefits including the ability to customize email alerts, create favorite journals list, and save searches. Because the number of specimens examined are limited, the measurements should not be taken to represent the full morphological range of this species. Nearly 50,000 non-native plants and animals have been documented as introduced into the US since the country's founding (USBC 2001). Roy, R. & Ehrmann, R. (2014) Un nouveau genre de Tenoderinae (Mantodea, Mantidae). Representative European genera are Mantis (M. religiosa is the most widespread), Ameles, Iris, and Empusa. Forefemora with 4 or 5 posteroventral spines, 6. Antenna uniformly threadlike, not narrowing from base to tip. Westwood, J.O. At present, this mantis is known only from a small, localized area; however, more widespread establishment in and beyond south Florida is possible because of the region's subtropical climate. (2017) Manual of praying mantis morphology, nomenclature, and practices (Insecta, Mantodea). BF would like to thank Brian Fridie Sr. for his assistance in providing transportation and field navigation. REINHARD EHRMANN, A comparison with nymphs of the native bark mantis, Gonatista grisea F. (Mantodea: Liturgusidae), indicated that this was a different species. Pronotum length nearly equal to width, 1. Body length longer than 2.0 cm. Collection data are listed for each date: 23 Sep 2015. (Photo credit: Ethan Staats), Today's hours: 10am to 5pm |
Zweiter Band. Besondere Entomologie. Of all the introduced temperate zone praying mantises in the USA, T. sinensis is the most common and wide ranging, and also has the best-documented ecological impact.
Forefemora with 1 posteroventral spine The geographic range of Liturgusa extends from Central America to southern Bolivia, and east to central Brazil. Shcherbakov, E. (2017) New genus and species of flower mantids (Insecta: Mantodea: Hymenopodidae) from Vietnam. European Journal of Taxonomy, 442, 117.
Zweite Abtheilung. Liturgusa maya specimens were collected in and near Long Key Natural Area and Nature Center (red star on large map) in Davie, Florida. Adult female (collected 1 Mar 2016; deposited at Florida State Collection of Arthropods): Body length 25.04 mm; forewing length 15.23 mm; hindwing length 11.46 mm; pronotum length 6.81 mm; prozone length 2.79 mm; pronotum width 2.14 mm; pronotum narrow width 2.12 mm; head width 5.74 mm; head vertex to clypeus 2.37 mm; frons width 2.17 mm; frons height 0.76 mm; prothoracic femur length 6.99 mm; mesothoracic femur length 7.99 mm; metathoracic femur length 8.07 mm; anteroventral femoral spine count 15 to 16; posteroventral femoral spine count 4; anteroventral tibial spine count 9 to 10; posteroventral tibial spine count 7.
Mantodea. The adult female of the newly identified praying mantis lineage Hondurantemna chespiritoi mimics a leaf in its coloration and body shape. & Ehrmann, R. (2017) A new genus and species of bark mantis from Thailand, with an updated key to the bark mantis genera of the Oriental region (Insecta: Mantodea). STIEWE, 517552. (Insecta: Mantodea: Hymenopodidae) of Borneo, with description of new taxa and comments on the taxonomy of the tribe. Adult female (collected 23 Sep 2015; USNMENT01091960): Body length 24.99 mm; forewing length 15.61 mm; hindwing length 11.88 mm; pronotum length 6.78 mm; prozonelength 2.05 mm; pronotum width 2.70 mm; pronotum narrow width 2.06; mm head width 5.69 mm; head vertex to clypeus 2.35 mm; frons width 2.09 mm; frons height 0.82 mm; prothoracic femur length 6.68 mm; mesothoracic femur length 7.85 mm; metathoracic femur length 7.98 mm; anteroventral femoral spine count 15 to 16; posteroventral femoral spine count 4; anteroventral tibial spine count 10; posteroventral tibial spine count 7. A wild caught sub-adult female later molted to adult and laid 5 oothecae, but all were deformed and no hatchlings emerged from them. Each cup contained a thin (2.0-2.5 cm) oak branch (Quercus sp. Brannoch, S.K., Wieland, F., Rivera, J., Klass, K.-D., Bthoux, O.
Images were processed in Adobe Photoshop CS6 Extended (Adobe Inc., San Jose, California) to adjust levels, contrast, exposure, sharpness, and add scale bars (10 mm). Exotic mantises have the potential to remain undetected long after establishment in introduced ranges because of their cryptic habits, camouflaged appearance, ability to feed on diverse prey, and low population densities. Zootaxa, 4291 (2), 243274.
Eleven mantises were observed in captivity from 1 Mar 2016 to 28 Jun 2016. Shafran Planetarium & Mueller Observatory. Burmeister, H. (1838) Fangheuschrecken. ), Zoological collections of Germany. One of the challenges in documenting this species and characterizing its ecological effects is the lack of easy-to-interpret and reliable identification materials for local mantis species. Librairie Encyclopdique de Roret, Paris, XVIII + 782 pp., 14 pls., Schwarz, C.J. The vast majority of records for the genus are from moist tropical forests, but some species also have been found in seasonally dry forests in Central and South America. Measurement data were captured for the 2 adult females using a Leica M165C stereo-microscope and a Leica IC80 HD coaxial video camera (Leica Microsystems, Wetzlar, Germany) using the live measurements module of the Leica Application Suite (LAS). Beyond the ability to thrive in a range of habitats across a large geographic area, this species is adaptable also in terms of its size plasticity, with the largest females being nearly 1.5 the size of the smallest females (Svenson 2014). The first known collection of this species occurred in 2014, when BF captured 1 nymph at Long Key Natural Area and Nature Center in Davie, Florida (Fig. Diet consisted of lab-reared wingless fruit flies (Drosophila melanogaster Meigen) (Diptera: Drosophilidae), lab-reared house crickets (Acheta domesticus [L.]) (Orthoptera: Gryllidae), and wild-collected pyramid ants (Dorymyrmex bureni [Trager]) (Formicidae: Dolichoderinae). To access this item, please sign in to your personal account. This mantis is regarded as responsible for displacing the native Carolina mantis, Stagmomantis carolina Johansson (Mantodea: Mantidae) (Slingerland 1899; Hurd 1999). MARTIN HELMKAMPF. Adults of all species of Liturgusa retain functional wings, but only a few have been observed flying. When startled, individuals often run quickly from the perceived danger to the opposite side of the tree trunk. 3E), 4. Cyclopean ear present in males, present or partially reduced in females (present between metathoracic coxa on sternum). We searched for specimens in the region where L. maya was reported to have been, and collected all individuals encountered for observation in captivity. Many thanks are owed to Gabriel Somarriba and the late Joshua Hildebrandt for field assistance in searching for and collecting mantis specimens. A third exotic mantis in the USA, Mantis religiosa, is native to Europe and likely was introduced in the early 20th century on ornamental plants (Scudder 1900; Rathet & Hurd 1983; Kisselburg & Cochran 2001; Snyder & Evans 2006). new genus, Mantodea, Mantidae, Vietnam, Thailand, The eggs are laid within the rounded base, and nymphs upon hatching crawl out through the extended tube. Although few mantis species have been introduced into the US, the history of these species suggests that once established, exotic mantises can become widespread. Although the geographic extent of the introduced population is unknown, the presence of multiple individuals at different life stages at 2 sites indicates an established population and not simply isolated individuals. Schwarz, C.J. This study documents for the first time an established population of an introduced mantis, Liturgusa maya Saussure & Zehntner (Mantodea: Liturgusidae), in the USA. (2018) Phasmomantella gen. nov., a spectacular new genus of praying mantis from southern Central Vietnam (Mantodea, Mantidae, Deroplatyinae, Euchomenellini). Given the rarity of exotic mantises becoming established in the US, and the potential for introduced mantises to negatively impact ecological communities, this paper details what is known about a previously undocumented mantis in Florida, Liturgusa maya Saussure & Zehntner (Mantodea: Liturgusidae), with the aim of supporting future research and population monitoring. Ruhr University Bochum, Department of Biology and Biotechnology, ND 1/31, D-44780 Bochum, Germany. Habitus images of Liturgusa maya collected in Long Key Natural Area and Nature Center, Davie, Florida. A key to the mantis genera of Florida was developed based on direct examination of mantis specimens in the Florida State Collection of Arthropods in Gainesville, Florida, USA, and at the Cleveland Museum of Natural History, Cleveland, Ohio, USA. Please note that a BioOne web account does not automatically grant access to full-text content. To ease identification, we also provide a key to the Mantidae of South-East Asia. Biodiversitt und Naturausstattung im Himalaya, 5, 227274. HAYAM EL-HAMOULY, (Photo credit: Henrique Rodrigues), The adult male of the newly identified praying mantis lineage Hondurantemna chespiritoi is smaller than the female and camouflages itself to match sticks and tree branches. Collected by Andrew Nisip and Gabriel Somarriba. & Shcherbakov, E. (2017) Revision of Hestiasulini Giglio-Tos, 1915 stat.
ZooKeys, 680, 73104. A thorough account of Liturgusa natural history can be found in Svenson (2014). Like other praying mantises, they are highly visual predators and fast-moving, an asset for both hunting and predator avoidance. 2000).
This genus belongs to an exclusively Neotropical praying mantis family (Liturgusidae) that comprises 5 bark-dwelling genera (Rivera & Svenson 2016). Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences, 56 (Supplement I, 9), 98118. Tomus 1, editio decima, reformata. Mittheilungen der Schweizerischen entomologischen Gesellschaft, 3 (5), 221244. One nymph (second instar) deposited at Florida State Collection of Arthropods.
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The rest of external morphology is similar to Tenodera Burmeister, 1838 and Mantis Linnaeus, 1758, while the characters of the male genitalia place the species more closely to Hierodula Burmeister, 1838 and Camelomantis Giglio-Tos, 1917. Body and wings mottled for camouflage; bark dwelling Can be cylindrical and delicate or broader and more robust (2006) Vietnam: a natural history. 4, 3. Discoidal spines arranged in a zigzag pattern. All specimens were captured alive and observed in captivity. One ootheca was found on the fence, whereas the other ootheca was found on oak bark approximately 1.5 m above the ground on another part of the property. The new genus has five posteroventral spines on the forefemur, a feature previously unknown in any Mantidae (sensu stricto) genus.
Initially, the only food accepted was D. bureni ants. Mantoida (Fig. & Minh, L.D. Vermeersch, X.H.C. 1 Mar 2016. CHRISTIAN J. SCHWARZ. A new genus and species of praying mantis (Insecta, Mantodea, Mantidae) from Indochina, with a key to Mantidae of South-East Asia. Sterling, E.J., Hurley, M.M. Pronotum length nearly equal to width This number of documented introductions to Florida undoubtedly underestimates the true number of exotic insect species because many introductions occur without record, and species can be established for years before their presence is documented, either in publications or through specimens vouchered in collections. An additional specimen of L. maya was collected in Apr 2016, approximately 6.4 km north-northwest of Long Key Natural Area and Nature Center, at Markham Park and Target Range (J. Hildebrandt, personal communication). Body and wings mottled for camouflage; bark dwelling, 2. Body elongated. 1A) is by far the most widely distributed, with records from central Mexico, central Venezuela, and as far south as southern Peru (Svenson 2014). (Insecta: Mantodea: Hymenopodidae) of Borneo, with description of new taxa and comments on the taxonomy of the tribe, A new genus and species of bark mantis from Thailand, with an updated key to the bark mantis genera of the Oriental region (Insecta: Mantodea), On the identity of Thespis disparilis Westwood, 1889 (Mantodea: Mantidae: Mantinae), On the identity of Oxymantis punctillata Werner, 1931 (Mantodea: Nanomantidae). SALWA KAMAL MOHAMMAD, ), placed vertically in the center so that all sides were accessible to the mantis. (2005) Conserving Bodiversity in Vietnam: Applying Biogeography to Conservation Research. Oligonicella (Fig. Although many exotic species established in Florida have no demonstrable negative impact on native insect communities, it is nonetheless important to document the presence of newly established species in order to evaluate their invasive potential. 1B). Forefemora with 3 discoidal spines and 5 posteroventral spines One adult female (USNMENT01091960), 1 nymph (USNMENT01091961), both deposited at National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution. 2013). The state of Florida is home to considerable insect diversity, comprising both native (approximately 11,500) and non-native (at least 949) species (Frank & McCoy 1995). Any uneaten food was left in the enclosure until subsequent feeding, unless the mantis displayed visible distress, and in that case it was removed.
Giglio-Tos, E. (1917) Mantidi esotici. On 1 Mar 2016, 11 live specimens and 2 empty (hatched) oothecae were found and collected at Long Key Natural Area and Nature Center. All images were captured over an 18% grey card background for white balance standards. Updates? 2017). In a search of the same area of Long Key Natural Area and Nature Center on 29 Dec 2016, 4 nymphs were found (3 second instar and 1 fifth instar), 2 of which were collected (1 second and 1 fifth instar). Examples from mantis introductions beyond the US provide additional cause for concern about potential impacts on native insect populations, especially other praying mantises that require similar food and habitat resources (Fagan et al. Shcherbakov, E. & Anisyutkin, L. (2018) Update on the praying mantises (Insecta, Mantodea) of South-East Vietnam. MICHAEL FALKENBERG. Forefemora with 4 discoidal spines and 4 posteroventral spines
This species is thought to be responsible for the displacement of New Zealand's only native mantis, Orthodera novaezealandiae Colenso (Mantodea: Mantidae) (Ramsay 1990; Fea et al.
An institutional or society member subscription is required to view non-Open Access content.
(both Hymenoptera: Formicidae), but L. maya was not seen eating them. This article documents a population of the non-native praying mantis species, Liturgusa maya Saussure & Zehntner (Mantodea: Liturgusidae) in Florida. 2002). Collected by Brian Fridie. (1889) Revisio insectorum familiae mantidarum, speciebus novis aut minus cognitis descriptis et delineates. Available from: (accessed 20 December 2017). Bulletin de la Socit entomologique de France, 119 (3), 339344. Create a new folder below. AJN was supported for a portion of this work in the lab of GJS by the Kirtlandia Society's Kirtlandia Research Internship Program at the Cleveland Museum of Natural History. Audinet-Serville, J.-G. (1838) Histoire naturelle des Insectes. Annales de la Socit entomologique de France, (N.S. The most pressing concern about L. maya in its introduced range is its potential to impact local populations of the native bark-dwelling mantis, G. grisea (F.), which is of comparable size and occupies a similar ecological niche. nov., a new Mantidae genus and species is described based on specimens from two localitiesLam Vien plateau in Vietnam and the environments of Umphang, Thailand.
Generi e specie nuove. State Museum of Natural History Karlsruhe, Division of Entomology, Erbprinzenstrasse 13, Karlsruhe, D76133, Germany. Wings in females reduced, but never absent Zootaxa, 4291 (3), 581587. Pronotum longer than wide CHRISTIAN J. SCHWARZ, Saussure, H. de (1870) Additions au Systme des Mantides. Laurentii Salvii, Holmiae, Stockholm, 824 pp. The discovery of such a large (>70 mm) genus level taxon exemplifies the poorly studied diversity of Mantodea in the rapidly deteriorating Greater Mekong area. Females with lateral cuticular outgrowths on the abdomen, 4. Cyclopean ear present in males, present or partially reduced in females (present between metathoracic coxa on sternum). To ease identification, we also provide a key to the Mantidae of South-East Asia. REINHARD EHRMANN. CHRISTIAN J. SCHWARZ, USA, Florida, Broward County, Long Key Nature Center and Natural Area, 26.076700E, 80.325100N. This pinned specimens color has faded somewhat from the living insects natural coloration, which is bright green. ROLF MRTTER, Forefemora with 1 posteroventral spine, 5. Foretibiae without dorsally oriented terminal spine. To document the presence of an established population of Liturgusa maya in Florida, we first compiled anecdotal reports (see below) of the species' occurrence in the state and reviewed the Florida State Collection of Arthropods for specimens or records of this species (none were found). WWF Greater Mekong (2016) Discovering the Greater Mekong. The new genus has five posteroventral spines on the forefemur, a feature previously unknown in any Mantidae (sensu stricto) genus. CHRISTIAN J. SCHWARZ, Rodrigues, H.M., Rivera, J., Reid, N. & Svenson, G.J. Of the 11 live specimens found, 1 was an adult female and the other 10 were nymphs ranging from first instar to sub-adult (sex-determinable nymphs were all female). Like most praying mantises, T. sinensis is a generalist predator feeding primarily on insects, but also can take vertebrate prey, including hummingbirds (Nyffeler et al. Two adult specimens were pinned; nymphs were stored in 70% ethanol. Translations are not retained in our system. No mantis species of the genus Liturgusa Saussure have been previously documented in the USA or Canada. Exotic insect species are a major threat to the biodiversity of native ecosystems (Mack et al. Mantises were placed individually in 1.0 L (32 oz) plastic cups with cloth or metal mesh lids (4.5 cm diam), with 4.0 cm 2.0 cm screen windows for air circulation. Omissions? Kaukerfe, Gymnognatha (Erste Hlfte; vulgo Orthoptera). From this first discovery site, T. angustipennis spread throughout the region and now also occurs in Delaware, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania (Caudell 1927; Gurney 1950; Maxwell & Eitan 1998), where its range overlaps with that of T. sinensis. This functionality is provided solely for your convenience and is in no way intended to replace human translation. The egg case itself is largely spherical, and narrows to a tube that extends away from the base (Fig. For example, the Chinese praying mantis, Tenodera sinensis, was first introduced to the Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, area in 1896, and after multiple re-introductions, spread across much of the eastern USA and into the western part of the country (Laurent 1898; Skinner & Calver 1902; Blatchley 1920; Rathet & Hurd 1983). Stagmomantis (Fig. 1. Body length equal to or smaller than 2.0 cm. 2002). Stl, C. (1877) Systema Mantodeorum. nov., a new Mantidae genus and species is described based on specimens from two localitiesLam Vien plateau in Vietnam and the environments of Umphang, Thailand. Adults and nymphs of Liturgusa have been found together on the same tree, suggesting overlap of generations in the same habitat, but parental care has not been documented. Liturgusa maya may have been introduced accidentally into Florida on imported plant material, or deliberately released into the wild after being kept in captivity as a pet. Enslin, Berlin, pp. Mantis introductions in the USA are relatively uncommon, a surprising fact considering that predatory insects are well-represented among introduced species worldwide (Maxwell & Eitan 1998; Snyder & Evans 2006). No cuticular outgrowths on abdomen of female The history of establishment and spread of T. sinensis across North America over the past century indicate that other exotic mantises could be equally successful adventive species in the USA, as well as pose threats to other insects, both native and non-native. Enter your email address to subscribe to Cleveland Museum of Natural History's weekly eNews. Liturgusa maya was collected 3 times, resulting in a total collection of 2 adult females, 12 nymphs, and 2 oothecae.

Forefemora with 1 posteroventral spine The geographic range of Liturgusa extends from Central America to southern Bolivia, and east to central Brazil. Shcherbakov, E. (2017) New genus and species of flower mantids (Insecta: Mantodea: Hymenopodidae) from Vietnam. European Journal of Taxonomy, 442, 117.
Zweite Abtheilung. Liturgusa maya specimens were collected in and near Long Key Natural Area and Nature Center (red star on large map) in Davie, Florida. Adult female (collected 1 Mar 2016; deposited at Florida State Collection of Arthropods): Body length 25.04 mm; forewing length 15.23 mm; hindwing length 11.46 mm; pronotum length 6.81 mm; prozone length 2.79 mm; pronotum width 2.14 mm; pronotum narrow width 2.12 mm; head width 5.74 mm; head vertex to clypeus 2.37 mm; frons width 2.17 mm; frons height 0.76 mm; prothoracic femur length 6.99 mm; mesothoracic femur length 7.99 mm; metathoracic femur length 8.07 mm; anteroventral femoral spine count 15 to 16; posteroventral femoral spine count 4; anteroventral tibial spine count 9 to 10; posteroventral tibial spine count 7.

Mantodea. The adult female of the newly identified praying mantis lineage Hondurantemna chespiritoi mimics a leaf in its coloration and body shape. & Ehrmann, R. (2017) A new genus and species of bark mantis from Thailand, with an updated key to the bark mantis genera of the Oriental region (Insecta: Mantodea). STIEWE, 517552. (Insecta: Mantodea: Hymenopodidae) of Borneo, with description of new taxa and comments on the taxonomy of the tribe. Adult female (collected 23 Sep 2015; USNMENT01091960): Body length 24.99 mm; forewing length 15.61 mm; hindwing length 11.88 mm; pronotum length 6.78 mm; prozonelength 2.05 mm; pronotum width 2.70 mm; pronotum narrow width 2.06; mm head width 5.69 mm; head vertex to clypeus 2.35 mm; frons width 2.09 mm; frons height 0.82 mm; prothoracic femur length 6.68 mm; mesothoracic femur length 7.85 mm; metathoracic femur length 7.98 mm; anteroventral femoral spine count 15 to 16; posteroventral femoral spine count 4; anteroventral tibial spine count 10; posteroventral tibial spine count 7. A wild caught sub-adult female later molted to adult and laid 5 oothecae, but all were deformed and no hatchlings emerged from them. Each cup contained a thin (2.0-2.5 cm) oak branch (Quercus sp. Brannoch, S.K., Wieland, F., Rivera, J., Klass, K.-D., Bthoux, O.

Images were processed in Adobe Photoshop CS6 Extended (Adobe Inc., San Jose, California) to adjust levels, contrast, exposure, sharpness, and add scale bars (10 mm). Exotic mantises have the potential to remain undetected long after establishment in introduced ranges because of their cryptic habits, camouflaged appearance, ability to feed on diverse prey, and low population densities. Zootaxa, 4291 (2), 243274.
Eleven mantises were observed in captivity from 1 Mar 2016 to 28 Jun 2016. Shafran Planetarium & Mueller Observatory. Burmeister, H. (1838) Fangheuschrecken. ), Zoological collections of Germany. One of the challenges in documenting this species and characterizing its ecological effects is the lack of easy-to-interpret and reliable identification materials for local mantis species. Librairie Encyclopdique de Roret, Paris, XVIII + 782 pp., 14 pls., Schwarz, C.J. The vast majority of records for the genus are from moist tropical forests, but some species also have been found in seasonally dry forests in Central and South America. Measurement data were captured for the 2 adult females using a Leica M165C stereo-microscope and a Leica IC80 HD coaxial video camera (Leica Microsystems, Wetzlar, Germany) using the live measurements module of the Leica Application Suite (LAS). Beyond the ability to thrive in a range of habitats across a large geographic area, this species is adaptable also in terms of its size plasticity, with the largest females being nearly 1.5 the size of the smallest females (Svenson 2014). The first known collection of this species occurred in 2014, when BF captured 1 nymph at Long Key Natural Area and Nature Center in Davie, Florida (Fig. Diet consisted of lab-reared wingless fruit flies (Drosophila melanogaster Meigen) (Diptera: Drosophilidae), lab-reared house crickets (Acheta domesticus [L.]) (Orthoptera: Gryllidae), and wild-collected pyramid ants (Dorymyrmex bureni [Trager]) (Formicidae: Dolichoderinae). To access this item, please sign in to your personal account. This mantis is regarded as responsible for displacing the native Carolina mantis, Stagmomantis carolina Johansson (Mantodea: Mantidae) (Slingerland 1899; Hurd 1999). MARTIN HELMKAMPF. Adults of all species of Liturgusa retain functional wings, but only a few have been observed flying. When startled, individuals often run quickly from the perceived danger to the opposite side of the tree trunk. 3E), 4. Cyclopean ear present in males, present or partially reduced in females (present between metathoracic coxa on sternum). We searched for specimens in the region where L. maya was reported to have been, and collected all individuals encountered for observation in captivity. Many thanks are owed to Gabriel Somarriba and the late Joshua Hildebrandt for field assistance in searching for and collecting mantis specimens. A third exotic mantis in the USA, Mantis religiosa, is native to Europe and likely was introduced in the early 20th century on ornamental plants (Scudder 1900; Rathet & Hurd 1983; Kisselburg & Cochran 2001; Snyder & Evans 2006). new genus, Mantodea, Mantidae, Vietnam, Thailand, The eggs are laid within the rounded base, and nymphs upon hatching crawl out through the extended tube. Although few mantis species have been introduced into the US, the history of these species suggests that once established, exotic mantises can become widespread. Although the geographic extent of the introduced population is unknown, the presence of multiple individuals at different life stages at 2 sites indicates an established population and not simply isolated individuals. Schwarz, C.J. This study documents for the first time an established population of an introduced mantis, Liturgusa maya Saussure & Zehntner (Mantodea: Liturgusidae), in the USA. (2018) Phasmomantella gen. nov., a spectacular new genus of praying mantis from southern Central Vietnam (Mantodea, Mantidae, Deroplatyinae, Euchomenellini). Given the rarity of exotic mantises becoming established in the US, and the potential for introduced mantises to negatively impact ecological communities, this paper details what is known about a previously undocumented mantis in Florida, Liturgusa maya Saussure & Zehntner (Mantodea: Liturgusidae), with the aim of supporting future research and population monitoring. Ruhr University Bochum, Department of Biology and Biotechnology, ND 1/31, D-44780 Bochum, Germany. Habitus images of Liturgusa maya collected in Long Key Natural Area and Nature Center, Davie, Florida. A key to the mantis genera of Florida was developed based on direct examination of mantis specimens in the Florida State Collection of Arthropods in Gainesville, Florida, USA, and at the Cleveland Museum of Natural History, Cleveland, Ohio, USA. Please note that a BioOne web account does not automatically grant access to full-text content. To ease identification, we also provide a key to the Mantidae of South-East Asia. Biodiversitt und Naturausstattung im Himalaya, 5, 227274. HAYAM EL-HAMOULY, (Photo credit: Henrique Rodrigues), The adult male of the newly identified praying mantis lineage Hondurantemna chespiritoi is smaller than the female and camouflages itself to match sticks and tree branches. Collected by Andrew Nisip and Gabriel Somarriba. & Shcherbakov, E. (2017) Revision of Hestiasulini Giglio-Tos, 1915 stat.
ZooKeys, 680, 73104. A thorough account of Liturgusa natural history can be found in Svenson (2014). Like other praying mantises, they are highly visual predators and fast-moving, an asset for both hunting and predator avoidance. 2000).
This genus belongs to an exclusively Neotropical praying mantis family (Liturgusidae) that comprises 5 bark-dwelling genera (Rivera & Svenson 2016). Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences, 56 (Supplement I, 9), 98118. Tomus 1, editio decima, reformata. Mittheilungen der Schweizerischen entomologischen Gesellschaft, 3 (5), 221244. One nymph (second instar) deposited at Florida State Collection of Arthropods.
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The rest of external morphology is similar to Tenodera Burmeister, 1838 and Mantis Linnaeus, 1758, while the characters of the male genitalia place the species more closely to Hierodula Burmeister, 1838 and Camelomantis Giglio-Tos, 1917. Body and wings mottled for camouflage; bark dwelling Can be cylindrical and delicate or broader and more robust (2006) Vietnam: a natural history. 4, 3. Discoidal spines arranged in a zigzag pattern. All specimens were captured alive and observed in captivity. One ootheca was found on the fence, whereas the other ootheca was found on oak bark approximately 1.5 m above the ground on another part of the property. The new genus has five posteroventral spines on the forefemur, a feature previously unknown in any Mantidae (sensu stricto) genus.
Initially, the only food accepted was D. bureni ants. Mantoida (Fig. & Minh, L.D. Vermeersch, X.H.C. 1 Mar 2016. CHRISTIAN J. SCHWARZ. A new genus and species of praying mantis (Insecta, Mantodea, Mantidae) from Indochina, with a key to Mantidae of South-East Asia. Sterling, E.J., Hurley, M.M. Pronotum length nearly equal to width This number of documented introductions to Florida undoubtedly underestimates the true number of exotic insect species because many introductions occur without record, and species can be established for years before their presence is documented, either in publications or through specimens vouchered in collections. An additional specimen of L. maya was collected in Apr 2016, approximately 6.4 km north-northwest of Long Key Natural Area and Nature Center, at Markham Park and Target Range (J. Hildebrandt, personal communication). Body and wings mottled for camouflage; bark dwelling, 2. Body elongated. 1A) is by far the most widely distributed, with records from central Mexico, central Venezuela, and as far south as southern Peru (Svenson 2014). (Insecta: Mantodea: Hymenopodidae) of Borneo, with description of new taxa and comments on the taxonomy of the tribe, A new genus and species of bark mantis from Thailand, with an updated key to the bark mantis genera of the Oriental region (Insecta: Mantodea), On the identity of Thespis disparilis Westwood, 1889 (Mantodea: Mantidae: Mantinae), On the identity of Oxymantis punctillata Werner, 1931 (Mantodea: Nanomantidae). SALWA KAMAL MOHAMMAD, ), placed vertically in the center so that all sides were accessible to the mantis. (2005) Conserving Bodiversity in Vietnam: Applying Biogeography to Conservation Research. Oligonicella (Fig. Although many exotic species established in Florida have no demonstrable negative impact on native insect communities, it is nonetheless important to document the presence of newly established species in order to evaluate their invasive potential. 1B). Forefemora with 3 discoidal spines and 5 posteroventral spines One adult female (USNMENT01091960), 1 nymph (USNMENT01091961), both deposited at National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution. 2013). The state of Florida is home to considerable insect diversity, comprising both native (approximately 11,500) and non-native (at least 949) species (Frank & McCoy 1995). Any uneaten food was left in the enclosure until subsequent feeding, unless the mantis displayed visible distress, and in that case it was removed.

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(both Hymenoptera: Formicidae), but L. maya was not seen eating them. This article documents a population of the non-native praying mantis species, Liturgusa maya Saussure & Zehntner (Mantodea: Liturgusidae) in Florida. 2002). Collected by Brian Fridie. (1889) Revisio insectorum familiae mantidarum, speciebus novis aut minus cognitis descriptis et delineates. Available from: (accessed 20 December 2017). Bulletin de la Socit entomologique de France, 119 (3), 339344. Create a new folder below. AJN was supported for a portion of this work in the lab of GJS by the Kirtlandia Society's Kirtlandia Research Internship Program at the Cleveland Museum of Natural History. Audinet-Serville, J.-G. (1838) Histoire naturelle des Insectes. Annales de la Socit entomologique de France, (N.S. The most pressing concern about L. maya in its introduced range is its potential to impact local populations of the native bark-dwelling mantis, G. grisea (F.), which is of comparable size and occupies a similar ecological niche. nov., a new Mantidae genus and species is described based on specimens from two localitiesLam Vien plateau in Vietnam and the environments of Umphang, Thailand.