All of the toll fines you accrue in Texas probably wont result in jail time ever. Click here for information regarding vehicles that have been stolen or sold. Friday: 7:30am - 7:00pm
I try back later it's the same it's been offline since I downloaded it. Yes. I no longer own the vehicle. Starting exit and mile marker: I610/North Loop at MM 0, in Houston. The vehicle was reported stolen before the toll transaction occurred. The North Tarrant Express is dedicated to improving mobility along north I-35W, northeast I-820 and SH 121/183 Airport Freeway through a regionally supported managed lane system. TxTAG) account, so why did I get a Pay By Mail statement? about doxo Should you take this route, you will need to post a bond to reschedule your court hearing. Plus about it for me is it is good for Texas, Oklahoma and Kansas. Their mission is to implement innovative, multi-modal transportation solutions that reduce congestion and create transportation choices that enhance quality of life and economic vitality. The vehicle was leased or rented to another party before the toll transaction occurred. I call they tell me to go in to one of their locations it's my phone. 936-756-0571, Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Management, Montgomery County Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Management. TollTag is operated by the North Texas Tollway Authority in Dallas. You can pay electronically with either a TxTag or TollTag transponder. A toll bill is then sent to the registered owners address. Remember, when counting axles, make certain to count all axles with wheels touching the ground. Be advised that if you loan your vehicle to someone else, Texas law dictates that the registered vehicle owner is responsible for paying any tolls incurred by that vehicle. Copyright 2022 is managed by Graham Digital and published by Graham Media Group, a division of Graham Holdings. If you miss your court date or still refuse to pay, you may face jail time at that point. The Mobility Authority is an independent government agency created in 2002 to improve the transportation system in Williamson and Travis counties. The existing frontage road lanes along the tollway remain toll-free. Ending exit and mile marker: I45 at MM 21.9, in Spring.
An invoice will be mailed to the registered owner if the vehicle doesnt have a transponder and you choose to use the Pay by Plate method of toll payment. Anyone can use the TEXpress Lanes and they are open to all types of vehicles including: passenger vehicles, SUVs, motorcycles, pickup trucks, large trucks and tractors with trailers. You could receive one bill from TxTag and one from the Mobility Authoritys billing service, called Cofiroute. However, you dont want to continue to ignore your court date. Why did I receive one from Cofiroute? To update your vehicle title information, visit the Texas DMV's, If you receive a bill or violation notice from another toll agency, you will need to resolve payment directly with that agency, even if you have a TxTag account. Travel times are approximate and are based on ideal travel conditions. The Central Texas Regional Mobility Authority operate, maintains and collects tolls on the 183A Toll Road in northwest Williamson County, the 290 Toll Road in eastern Travis County, the MoPac Express Lane in western Travis County, the 71 Toll Lane in south Travis County, 45SW Toll in southern Travis and northern Hays counties, and 183 Toll in east Austin. Be aware that discount tolls, those given for using a toll pass or transponder, may be restricted or otherwise limited to only that specific pass issued by Texas. I drove a rental car on a Mobility Authority facility, how can I pay my toll bills? 2022 - Montgomery County, Texas. Pay By Mail customers have 30 days to pay their bill either in person, via check, online, or over the phone. TxTag Customer Service Center
Learn more or contact them here. If the Harris County Toll Road authority doesnt receive your payment within 45 days, your account will be referred to collections. In Texas, multiple transportation agencies are authorized to operate toll roads and do their own billing. The vehicle was sold or transferred to another party before the toll transaction occurred. I already paid a bill from TxDOT, NTTA, HCTRA, KTA or OTA. Be sure to include axles on any trailers your vehicle may be towing. $49.88 max - $29.93 min (more information on: Two lanes in each direction between State Highway 6 and I- 610, Dynamic variable rate based on time of day and type of vehicle. Class 2: Any 2-axle vehicle, including motorcycles, Class 3: Any 3-axle vehicles, trailers or combos.
You still likely wont be arrested, but every case is unique. Obey all speed limits! How do I resolve this?
This app allows me to add a rental car's license plate to this account so that I can bypass the extra charges from the rental agency for toll roads (rental agencies charge a daily charge plus actual use charges). Thursday: 7:30am - 6:00pm No it's not. How can I pay my Harris County Toll Road Authority bill? You can also Pay by Plate if you dont have a transponder. The Harris County Toll Road Authority controls about 128 miles of roads in Houston. If you are a TxTag, TollTag (North Texas Tollway Authority), EZ TAG (Harris County Toll Road Authority), K-TAG (Kansas Turnpike Authority Tag), Pikepass (Oklahoma Turnpike Authority), or BancPass customer and have received a toll bill, there is probably a problem with your tag or account: In order to avoid penalties, you should make a payment on the bill received and contact your toll tag's customer service center to correct the cause of the problem: Toll bills issued by Cofiroute are received because a vehicle registered in your name used a Central Texas Regional Mobility Authority facility without a valid TxTag, TollTag, EZ TAG, K-TAG, Pikepass or BancPass. doxo enables secure bill payment on your behalf and is not an affiliate of or endorsed by Harris County Toll Road Authority. Contact SWC at 877-936-5684 or visit their website at: Drivers who want to travel on toll roads operated by the Mobility Authority but do not have a TxTag, TollTag, EZ TAG, K-TAG, Pikepass, or BancPass simply drive the road and wait to receive a bill in the mail. Remember to exit the managed lanes well before your desired exit from the freeway. How can I contact Harris County Toll Road Authority about my bill? document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Copyright 2022 ABC Bail Bonds | Licensed in Harris County - No. The times displayed here do not take into account any variations in speed, including time taken for rest stops, fuel stops, lodging, adverse traffic conditions or other delays. We make every effort to provide current, accurate, official tolls for the roadway you are traveling. There are three exemptions to this responsibility, which must be submitted in writing: Statements will be sent to you only if your account has a balance due during the statement cycle, but you may view and download your statements at any time by signing into your TxTag account and clicking on Transactions.. There's no need to prepay or register. The table below shows how an unpaid toll bill for $5.75 increases over time and can lead to legal action if not resolved. If you do not have a tag, you can still use the TEXpress Lanes and will be charged a photograph of your vehicle license plate made by video cameras. You can visit for more information. To qualify for HOV 2+ discounts, drivers must own a TollTag, TxTag or EZ TAG, enroll in the Drive On TEXpress app, and activate their HOV status prior to using the TEXpress Lanes. Alternatively, you can visit the Public Service Counter at the City of Houston Municipal Courts and pay your fine in full. is not affiliated with any government agency. Pay by Plate is also available on all toll roads. The Mobility Authority is an independent government agency created in 2002 to improve the transportation system in Williamson and Travis counties. If you fail to appear in court after you receive a summons, the Houston municipal court may put out a warrant for your arrest. Wednesday: 7:30am - 6:00pm Click here to pay your ticket through Texas Online Records. Industry groups comprise multiple related services. If you are traveling the full length of the Hardy Toll Road, the following tolls currently apply for the vehicle classes shown. Pay By Mail customers have 30 days to pay their bill either in person, via check, online, or over the phone. The registered owner of the vehicle is responsible for all tolls and late fees. Thank you for bringing this to our attention. Other payments may have a fee, which will be clearly displayed before checkout. I-635 LBJ Managed Lanes, Dallas/ Fort Worth, Texas, In the middle of I-635 from Luna Road to Greenville Avenue. I have an electronic tag (ex. You will be charged a higher rate than drivers with electronic toll tag devices. Dont let the fear of not being able to pay an outstanding toll bill get you in more trouble. Central Texas Regional Mobility Authority, Dispute a Toll Exceptions for Paying a Toll.
Not convenient at all. Proceed through the tolling plaza in the lane that corresponds with your status: for HOV, use the left lane during HOV hours; for tolling, use the right lane. Safety starts with understanding how developers collect and share your data.
However, missing your court date might! You could also receive a Pay By Mail bill if your TxTag was not detected on the toll road and your license plate does not match an existing tag account. If you have an electronic tag account but you do not have enough money in your tag account to cover your tolls, you will receive a statement in the mail that includes tolls charged at the higher Pay By Mail rates. Follow the directional signage to enter the managed lanes, electronic signs will display the current toll price.
TxTag is operated by the Texas Department of Transportation. Do you have a question about Houston or Houston traffic? I'm visiting Austin and getting a rental car. How do I dispute the toll charge?
There are two tolling segments of the NTE TEXpress Lanes:Toll Segment 1 runs from I-35W to the Northeast Loop / Airport Freeway interchange Toll Segment 2 begins at the Northeast Loop / Airport Freeway interchange and ends at Industrial Boulevard. Learn more about accepted electronic tag options. Visit the Texas toll pass page for complete information about compatible passes on the Hardy Toll Road. TXTAG is the primary toll pass transponder accepted on the Hardy Toll Road. I travel a lot and it was easier to use eztag for a lot of places rather than waiting in line to pay each time passing. Cash payment is not accepted on all-electronic tollways, Click here for interactive map.For billing inquiries go toHctra.orgFor all other inquiries:281-259-6492. You can contact them directly by phone at 281-875-3279. More Harris County Toll Road Authority FAQs. K-Tag is operated by the Kansas Turnpike Authority in Kansas. Funds you add to your TxTag account will not be applied to toll bills issued by Cofiroute.,, North Tarrant Express- I-820/ SH 183 Managed Lanes - Ft. Worth, Texas, Northeast I-820 and SH 121/183 Airport Freeway between I-35, Fixed rate based on current traffic conditions and type of vehicle. SWC can assist you with questions related to your toll bill or Notice of Toll Violation and can process your payment. We do not accept bill payments at this address. If you still havent paid your toll balance in Harris County after 60 days, and youve ignored collection efforts from the TRA and debt collectors, an administrative court hearing will be scheduled. If you received a toll bill, a vehicle registered in your name recently traveled on a Central Texas toll road. Due to heavy traffic congestion, many people choose to open an EZ TAG account to get to their destinations a bit quicker. In Houston, the fees will continue to accumulate if you dont pay your outstanding toll bill. You will continue to be charged at the Pay By Mail rates until your electronic tag account is replenished. Penn Credit is a collection agency for the Mobility Authority for transactions that took place on or after 11/18/2018. The following class or axle definitions will apply for your travel on the Hardy Toll Road. Discounts are planned to be available for HOV 2+ vehicles (vehicles with two or more occupants) and motorcycles during peak travel periods on weekdays. Yes. When adding Harris County Toll Road Authority to their Bills & Accounts List, doxo Users indicate the types of services they receive from Harris County Toll Road Authority, which determines the service and industry group shown in this profile of Harris County Toll Road Authority. GREAT for renters!! Toll bills are part of the Pay By Mail Program. Options for reaching HCTRA customer service. As of April 18, 2009, the Katy Managed Lanes opened for use by Single Occupancy Vehicles (SOV) in addition to traditional HOV traffic, The TEXpress Lanes on the LBJ Express project run:East and west on I-635/LBJ Freeway, in the middle of the roadway from Luna Road to Greenville Avenue. 2,647,900 Active TxTags as of October 31, 2020, North Texas Tollway Authority (TollTag) 1-972-818-6882, Harris County Toll Road Authority (EZ TAG) 1-281-875-3279, Central Texas Regional Mobility Authority 1-833-762-8655, Kansas Turnpike Authority (K-TAG) 1-316-652-2650, Oklahoma Turnpike Authority (PIKEPASS) 1-800-745-3727. doxo is used by these customers to manage and pay their Harris County Toll Road Authority bills all in one place. By signing up for AutoPay, your account will be automatically replenished when it gets to a preset low balance amount. I went to their website on my phone and laptop error message " your page has expired try again later." NOTICE: Toll calculators are continually updated and checked for accuracy. Austin, TX 78727. Free mobile app available on Google Play & Apple App Store, Never miss a due date with reminders and scheduled payments, Pay thousands of billers directly from your phone. Suggest an update. All Rights Reserved. I have had no issues using this app or the website.
TxTag toll bills can be resolved by visiting or by calling 1-888-468-9824. Please contact us at Payments are free with a enabling reliable payment delivery to thousands of billers. Southwest Credit Systems (SWC) is a collection agency for the Mobility Authority for transactions that took place on or before 11/17/2018. By signing up for AutoPay, your account will be automatically replenished with a credit/debit card or bank account when it drops to a preset low balance amount, so you never have to worry about how much money is in your TxTag account. Go to, If you fail to pay a bill on time, a $4.00 late fee will be applied to your account and appear on your next months bill. Texans with a toll tag will be charged a $4 late fee each month they miss a payment.
I-Pass/E-ZPass users receive discounted toll rates. North and south on I-35E/Stemmons Freeway, on the outside of the roadway ofrom I-635 south to the I-35E/Loop 12 split oFrom I-635 north onto I-35E just before Valley View Lane. Favorite Star Wars Bounty Hunter Characters, How to Get a Bail Bond for a DUI This Texas Summer, Petty Crimes That Have Landed People in Prison for Life. The bill will include a statement fee, and tolls will be charged at higher Pay By Mail rates until your TxTag account is replenished. Traffic expert and Whats Driving Houston reporter, proud Latina, lover of animals, food and our beautiful planet. Cofiroute is a private corporation that processes Pay By Mail toll bills for the Mobility Authority for toll transactions beginning November 18, 2018. Customers on Mobility Authority facilities can pay their tolls using an accepted tag or Pay By Mail, which can be paid in cash in person at one of our payment centers. If the address shown on your toll bill or notice is not current, or if you have recently moved, you must update your address through the Texas Department of Transportation. There are three easy ways to get a TxTag or open an account: Visit: It manages all toll transactions on Loop 1, SH 45 N, SH 45 SE and SH 130 in the Austin area and TxTag tag transactions anywhere in the state. The following is a synopsis of the Hardy Toll Road, TOTAL DISTANCE MEASURES DRIVING DISTANCE BETWEEN STARTING AND ENDING EXITS FOR THIS ROADWAY. The primary toll pass for the state of Texas is the TxTag, The following transponders are accepted on the Hardy Toll Road. Altogether, people without a toll tag will pay $5.15 for the late fee and statement fee. Learn more or contact them here. So many times I have rushed to add money right before passing with no issues. Copyright 2020 by KPRC Click2Houston - All rights reserved. SH 249 - from Spring Creek to Pinehurst, TXOperations Manager Robert CastanedaThis section is an all-electric tollway. Pay By Mail customers are charged a $1 processing fee. Learn where all of the toll roads are in Texas before you plan a trip to Texas!
However, you may face jail time for ignoring a court summons. The Harris County Toll Road Authority is completely hands-free, so if you drive through a toll with no cash you can pay your fee online. by Meria | Aug 25, 2021 | Bail Bonds, Harris County Jail, Help & Information | 0 comments. Customers in rental cars are required to pay for travel on Mobility Authority facilities and should contact their rental agency regarding payment. Customers that follow Harris County Toll Road Authority most often also follow: Pay your Harris County Toll Road Authority bill. The Hardy Toll Road has 5 axle designations. Can I find my bill online? Harris County Toll Road Authority customers added this company profile to the doxo Directory. However, if you start to rack up the fines, you may be ordered to court to dispute your unpaid bill. The statement will also include a mailing fee. TxTag is not affiliated with Cofiroute or the Mobility Authority's Pay By Mail program. Click here to learn how to file your change of address. Pikepass is operated by the Oklahoma Turnpike Authority in Oklahoma. Click here for additional information. You will receive a bill in the mail if there is not enough money in your TxTag account to cover the cost of your tolls. A bill for the tolls is then sent to you in the mail. The Mobility Authority operates cashless toll facilities. Compatible passes issued by states other than Texas may not qualify for discount tolls, although the transponder will work on the Hardy Toll Road. Home Departments DepartmentsL-P MontgomeryCountyTollRoadAuthority. EZ TAG is operated by the Harris County Toll Road Authority in Houston. As part of our Ask 2 series, the newsroom will answer your questions about all things Houston. The bill will include a $1.15 statement fee, and your tolls will be charged at the higher Pay By Mail toll rates. doxo users have indicated this company does business in these areas. You could also receive a Pay By Mail bill if your electronic tag was not detected on the toll road and your license plate does not match an existing tag account. Central Texas Regional Mobility Authority (Mobility Authority), Your tag may not be properly installed on your vehicle, Your license plate is not listed on your account or linked to your tag, You may need to add money to your account, Your license plate may need to be updated, You could have a metallic oxide windshield which prohibits the tag from working properly, There is some other problem with your tag account. If you dont pay your invoice by its due date, you will be charged late fees. protect users' payments. Pay with your Visa, MasterCard, or Discover credit card or debit card, with Apple Pay, or with your bank account. Both EZ Tag and TxTag can be used for payment in Houston and Harris County. 2021 Texas Department of Transportation. We work with government agencies to provide you with accurate information. Learn more about accepted electronic tag options. Toll roads around Austin accept TxTag, EZ Tag and TollTag electronic payments. The cost of tolls depends on which road you are traveling on, what time, the vehicle type and how many axles your vehicle has. For EZ TAG account holders, download the app and log into your account using the same username and password established on your log in. We make every effort to provide the most current, accurate, official tolls for the roadway you are traveling. Required fields are marked *. However, you should also log into your. Data privacy and security practices may vary based on your use, region, and age. Tolls on the Hardy Toll Road are calculated based on the number of axles for your vehicle. Why did I receive a Notice of Non-Payment? Every since I downloaded the app to try and manage my credit cards and make payments. Penn Credit can assist you with questions related to your toll bill or Notice of Toll Violation and can process your payment. doxo is not an affiliate of Harris County Toll Road Authority. The developer provided this information and may update it over time. Cofiroute is the toll payment processor for the Central Texas Regional Mobility Authority. However, even Houstonians without toll tags sometimes take toll roads when traffic comes to a grinding halt or theyre in a rush. Do I have to pay? Their mission is to implement innovative, multi-modal transportation solutions that reduce congestion and create transportation choices that enhance quality of life and economic vitality. When calculating a toll, the following options will be available in the calculator's drop-down menu: Book tonight's stay on our Texas hotels page. 2009 - 2022 Turnpike Information Company: The Turnpike AuthorityRemember: Go Online Before You Go On The Road!, 2009 - 2022 TURNPIKE INFORMATION COMPANY. Saturday: 8:00am - 12:00pm The fingerprint log in on my Android phone works perfectly! Your email address will not be published. Yes, however, please be advised that partial payments will be applied to the oldest outstanding toll linked to your license plate. Under Texas law you may be able to dispute these charges if you meet one of the following criteria: If you believe your bill was issued in error, contact Cofiroute to request a review of your account. Would you like to stay logged on? This essentially means youre on the run, and if you get pulled over for a simple traffic violation the officer can make an arrest. Why can't I pay cash on Central Texas Regional Mobility Authority facilities? Check out theircosts, payment methods,distance, historyand which cities they runthrough below. Very convenient. Most rental car companies now offer rental car customers the opportunity to use toll roads, but the programs can vary by agency and involve fees beyond those charged by Cofiroute. Click here for information regarding vehicles that have been stolen or sold. The Central Texas Regional Mobility Authority operates the 183A Toll Road in northwest Williamson County, the 290 Toll Road in eastern Travis County, the MoPac Express Lane in western Travis County, the 71 Toll Lane in south Travis County, 45SW Toll in southern Travis and northern Hays counties, and 183 Toll in east Austin. If you dont pay your bill within 31 days of your court hearing, you will not be allowed to register your vehicle in Texas. Customers needing to resolve a court summons should contact the courthouse listed on the summons. Signs indicate lanes that only accept EZ Tags on a Houston-area toll road in this undated image. Common questions, curated and answered by doxo, about paying Harris County Toll Road Authority bills. You have been issued a Notice of Non-Payment, because Texas Motor Vehicle records indicate a vehicle you own has used a Central Texas Regional Mobility Authority facility and you have not paid a toll bill that was previously sent to you by the stated due date. Failure to pay any remaining balances for toll bills in your name will result in additional fines and late fees. The Austin area has two toll authorities: If you do not have an electronic tag and you drive on roads operated by the transportation agencies above, you might receive two separate bills, depending on which roads you use. Pay the bond, go to your next hearing, and make payment arrangements. Why did I receive one from Cofiroute? What is a toll bill and why did I receive one? If you miss your court date, you should immediately contact the court, reschedule your hearing, document your contact with the courts, and request that they clear the warrant from your record. EZ TAG or other interoperable Texas toll tag is required in order to make payment. Why do I still have a balance for unpaid tolls from the Pay By Mail program? Failure to pay a toll bill can result in additional fees and court fines. However, there are multiple transponders you can use in Texas including the TxTag that works on all toll roads in the state, plus Oklahoma and Kansas. A list of compatible toll transponders is shown below. As the owner of this vehicle, you are legally responsible for the toll charges for which you have been billed, regardless of who was driving the vehicle, unless the vehicle was stolen or sold. People who drive the toll roads without a toll tag will pay an elevated rate because their statements will need to be mailed to them. You can search for your Pay By Mail bill online by clicking, If you haven't received a bill, it may be because the address on your vehicle title is not current. To use these express lanes drivers must have an EZ TAG or TxTag unless they qualify as HOV (High Occupancy Vehicles). doxo is not an affiliate of Harris County Toll Road Authority. Texas has over 50 toll roads across the state. I received a court summons. 12719 Burnet Road
Contact Penn Credit at 800-900-1361 or visit their website at: Send it our way, and we will try to hunt down an answer. No endorsement has been given nor is implied. Look up your missed tolls by license plate number, Enter your credit or debit card information, Pay your tolls only through this process with no additional fees. There are several ways to pay your toll bill or notice of non-payment. Tuesday: 7:30am - 6:00pm Contact us today to learn how we can help get your loved one out of jail. You are about to be logged out due to inactivity. NOTICE: Toll calculators are continually updated and checked for accuracy.
I have not had any luck I get an error message in the app that says "we are currently offline try back later." linked bank account. We pride ourselves on posting fast bonds, offering professional insights to anyone who comes through our doors, and compassionate customer service. The North Texas Tollway Authority processes tolls on the TEXpress Lanes and will mail you a ZipCash bill for your trip. Logos and other trademarks within this site are the property of their respective owners. Cofiroute is not affiliated with TxTag, TollTag or EZ Tag, and payments made to these accounts cannot be applied to toll bills issued by Cofiroute. Remember: Go Online Before You Go On The Road! To qualify for one of these exemptions, you must submit written proof that the vehicle was not legally under your ownership or control at the time the vehicle was on the toll road. Contact the, Drivers without a TxTag should receive a bill within three weeks of using a TxDOT-owned toll road. You could also be subject to steep fines and immediately be barred vehicle and license registration. Cofiroute can assist you with questions related to your toll bill or notice of toll violation and can process your payment.