Flowers. This school is awful. Go Eagles!!! We believe God has uniquely gifted each child with individual skills, abilities, and interests. They help me as much as they help my son, when I express concern about any subject or scoring I may not understand. It has a student teacher ratio of 15.0 to 1. No school is perfect; but HCA is a great academic investment, it feels like a family, and I highly recommend it. I believe that Dr. Cone, the current Principal, has almost single-handedly turned the school around by updating safety protocols and student awareness/recognition programs. This school is great my daughter is there, Trulia is a registered Trademark of Zillow, Inc. Zillow, Inc. holds real estate brokerage, Zillow Group is committed to ensuring digital accessibility for individuals with disabilities. a terrible school, my daughter cried every day for a month, said that the teachers were yelling at her, the principal did not care. The data displayed is compiled from the most recent sources available. Pompano Beach schools - Highlands Christian Academy is located at 501 NE 48th St, Pompano Beach FL 33064. Even better, I remember a Bible teacher asserting that the President's stance towards women in the Access Hollywood bus was more feminist than Beyonce who sings about women feeling empowered by their bodies. You can also use the form below to search for alumni info and Highlands Christian Academy students. As a student here, I was taught that only the Republican Party was morally sound and that the Democratic Party was run by Satan himself. There is a fight everyday. We believe God has uniquely gifted each child with individual skills, abilities, and interests. ng. If you're looking for a great education in a safe environment for your child, Verde Elementary is it. Im moving my entire family just so my daughter never has to go through this again. He is in 7th grade and has always attended public school.

Also, any questioning of any kind is wrong and sinful, so if your child is curiousI wouldn't recommend Highlands. HCA is a ministry of Grace Baptist Church and is located on the same property as the church, just east of I-95 between Sample Road and SW 10th Street. Highlands Christian Academy (HCA), a private Christian school located in Pompano Beach, Florida, is proud to offer a quality Christian education to children from three years of age through the twelfth grade. Furthermore, there is no such thing as critical thinking or different perspectives at this school. I recall reading in a science textbook that God made black people to work outside. Other religious. Religious Affiliation GreatSchools is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization, 501 Northeast 48th Street, Pompano Beach, FL 33064. HCA is a ministry of Grace Baptist Church and is located on the same property as the church, just east of I-95 between Sample Road and SW 10th Street.Read More, View Email Formats for Highlands Christian Academy, Highlands Christian Academys headquarters are in 501 NE 48th St, Pompano Beach, Florida, 33064, United States, Highlands Christian Academys phone number is (954) 421-1747, Highlands Christian Academys official website is www.highlandschristian.org, Highlands Christian Academys SIC: 82,821, Highlands Christian Academys NAICS: 6111,611110, Highlands Christian Academy has 83 employees, Highlands Christian Academy is in the industry of: Education, The technologies that are used by Highlands Christian Academy are: Facebook Workplace, Facebook Pixel, Facebook Analytics, Facebook Web Custom Audiences, Join the world's top companies using Zoominfo, Subscribe to "Highlands Christian Academy" News, See more information about Highlands Christian Academy. everywhere the police are standing near the school, as if you are coming to jail. View alumni from Highlands Christian Academy at Classmates.com. For public schools this is the 2015-2016 school year.

The main goal and priority of the school is to get more money, spirituality and education are only used to mask this fact. Data provided by the National Center for Education Statistics. The school has taken a major downward plunge in the past two years. It's a disgrace to call this effective education when textbooks are not only outdated, but present political skew and dogmatic thinking. That's why our goal is to come alongside parents, helping them train their children in spiritual formation, Christ-centered academics, and all aspects of Christian living. i really do enjoy the staff here, they are beautiful and have big hearts.

Highlands Christian Academy is a private high school located in Pompano Beach, FL and has 615 students in grades Pre-Kindergarten through 12th. I called and spoke to the Assistant principal and he just pushed me off like it was normal to have a fight everyday. GreatSchools is the leading nonprofit providing high-quality information that supports parents pursuing a great education for their child, schools striving for excellence, and communities working to diminish inequities in education. Explore the Institute of Education Sciences, National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), Program for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC), Early Childhood Longitudinal Study (ECLS), National Household Education Survey (NHES), Education Demographic and Geographic Estimates (EDGE), National Teacher and Principal Survey (NTPS), Career/Technical Education Statistics (CTES), Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), National Postsecondary Student Aid Study (NPSAS), Statewide Longitudinal Data Systems Grant Program - (SLDS), National Postsecondary Education Cooperative (NPEC), NAEP State Profiles (nationsreportcard.gov), Public School District Finance Peer Search, Association of Classical and Christian Schools (ACCS), The Association of Boarding Schools (TABS). she is always there and she treats everyone the same. We cannot be happier with this school. teachers do not teach anything, they sit on their own at the table. she wanted all the kids to attend so she wrote me a letter saying she would take care of it and she sympathizes with my situation. Gym teacher letting kids watch movies that are inappropriate even after students told him. Regardless of your opinion of whether education should be controlled by the government, this "education" is disgraceful and you would be doing a disservice to your child to send them here. Great experience for us! The teachers really care if the students do well and have a loving faith based approach to teaching which we love! 83 Employees, Highlands Christian Academy is dedicated to the process of assisting parents in the biblical training of students in all aspects of Christian education and living. My daughter has been attending this school since Kindergarten and will be entering the 3rd grade this next school year, and we love Verde. I thought your kids were supposed to be safe at school. Even the PTA has stepped up their game by keeping all parents, not just the members, aware of related activities. The teachers are very proactive in communicating with the parents. 501 NE 48th St, Pompano Beach, Florida, 33064, United States, Highlands Christian Academy's Social Media. Highlands Christian Academy (HCA), a private Christian school located in Pompano Beach, Florida, is proud to offer a quality Christian education to children from three years of age through the twelfth grade. That's why our goal is to come alongside parents, helping them train their children in spiritual formation, Christ-centered academics, and all aspects of Christian living. Schools that create a positive culture help all students thrive. He loves it at Highlands! Students are not taught to think for themselves, and teachers will teach them what is right and wrong rather than teach the students how to think about what is right and wrong. she is a lovely lady and she is so kind to my daughter. this is my daughter's 2nd year of school here. The list below is a sample of available courses at this school. Support our mission. GreatSchools is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Everything is taught by two curricula: Bob Jones University Press and ABeka by Pensacola Christian College. For private schools this is the 2015-2016 school year. same goes with other children. at the time, i was a sole income provider for my house. Seriously. Highlands Christian Academy is a Private school that serves grade levels PK-12. Awesome Teachers and staff, academically teachers working beyond to help every student. We are continuously working to improve the accessibility of our web experience for everyone, and we welcome feedback and accommodation requests. she always sticks with her if she's having problems. My daughter got bullied and pushed to the ground. 2022 High-Schools.com, Zion Lutheran School, Zion Lutheran Preschool, Download this data as an Excel or CSV Spreadsheet, Public School Enrollment Rankings for Florida, Student/Teacher Ratio Rankings in Florida, Free Lunch Assistance Rankings in Florida, Private School Enrollment Rankings in Florida, Private School Student/Teacher Ratio Rankings in Florida, Private School Full Time Teacher Rankings in Florida. if there is any issue with your child such as aftercare issues, bullying issues, etc. 1998-2022 GreatSchools.org All Rights Reserved. Oh yeah, and one of my favorite memories is being told that women are not equal to men and that's the way God intended it to be. My other daughter says the same thing too!Del Prado is an amazing school and I would give it 5 stars. her 3rd grade teacher Mrs. Sierra is a godsend as well. But, best of all, Sanders Park strongly encourages the parents/guardians to become a part of their child's education experience through volunteerism, mentoring, PTA, chaperoning & school/community events. If you wish to report an issue or seek an accommodation, please, Posted by a community member on 1/27/2020, Posted by a community member on 9/14/2017, 442-H New York Standard Operating Procedures. Highlands Christian Academy is the 64th largest private high school in Florida and the 831st largest nationally. i couldn't afford a measly $5 for my daughter to go on a science museum trip. Boca has by far the best school district in South Florida. Del Prado Elementary is a fabulous school.I have two wonderful daughters that go there.One of them is in grade 5, she does not want to leave this school,all of her teachers are and were great! Being a DC-raised parent, I have found the best location to raise my child. I love this school for the tenacity shown and exercised to bring their level of standards up to 'excellent' and I appreciate the effort, concern and love this school's staff & teachers have shown in maintaining & exceeding this level of excellence. they will always make sure your child is up to speed on classwork. Sanders Park Elementary has become a great school for Pre-K through 5th Grade kids in my community to attend. Pompano Beach, Fla., Oct. 09, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Waste Management, the leading provider of comprehensive waste management environmental services inNorth America, announced on Oct. 9 a $5 million donation to Step Up For Students, helping lower-income children attend the K-12 school that best fits their learning needs. View contact profiles from Highlands Christian Academy, Waste Management donates $5 million to the Step Up For Students Scholarship Program to help 744 Florida schoolchildren. From being ostracized, but also being able to see the inner workings of the teachers and administration as I was friends with teachers gives me a unique perspective.I think it's strong to preface that not only are some teachers (elementary through secondary) not certified to teach in the state of Florida, they don't have any experience in education and/or do not have a degree in education nor the field they teach in. Hit in the nose by a boy on the bus. It is shameful that these textbooks are used.So from the poor textbooks that these teachers over rely on because they are not from a non-biased institution of higher learning, comes this religious and political hailstorm that they preach to students. This is my sons first year at Highlands. To say that my experience at this school was below par would be an understatement. This is the worse school Ive ever seen in my life. This school is family friendly, and the teachers shows their love and care. i can really appreciate the involvement of the fairly new principal, Mrs. ABeka is not accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (which the state of Florida belongs, and PCC is in Florida).