Yes, if only. the cuts I heard of mmhmm sounded even more generic. I agree I dont necessarily care for the musical style, but the words are very powerful, authentic and vulnerable. In the mid-90's the lead singer had leukemia. I grew up in a mainstream coC that sung only hymns, and they sung them completely wrong.I could read music, and no one else in the congregation could. Where are the desperate pleas for help? Combo of 2 things I like: Abandon Kansas Dubstep. Others are shallow (or even erroneous) theologically, thus neglecting the teaching function assigned to congregational singing in the New Testament (cf. I also liked In Christ Alone because that song writer actually learned his scales and arpeggios. I may vomit. It is almost as if we are spouting a semi-pelagian view that Christians are without sin in this life now that they have Christ. Music, Art, AstroPhysics, Color booking, Sailboat Racing, Archeology, Quantum Physics, Weightlifting. Alright, no more edit titles. Mullet is only required depending on state legislation. Let me know if there's a certain Genre or style you like, I'll try to find you something. Im sending it to several pals ans additionally sharing in delicious. Powered by Invision Community. These and similar concerns are valid, but can be (and in some cases have been) overcome by better contemporary songwriters, and certainly one can present examples of more traditional hymnody with the same problems. It was like they were sinning or something. Sorry, this might annoy some of you. My prayer was more often help me with my unbelief (Mark 9:24) than it was Im desperate for You / Im lost without you. My early days as a Christian were filled with struggle, frustration, and, at times, failure. Now stop it! Sothey sang everything wrong. If I hear another song that i can replace Jesus/god with "baby" and it makes sense. Here I was stuck for quite a long time, with an uneasy feeling about contemporary worship music but having few good arguments against it, and not even a clear way to understand and articulate why I had this uneasy feeling. Worship songwriters keep it simple on purpose. He'd say "let's see if we can get 7 powers in there this time!" Genuine guys. Dishonesty about our relationship is fostered in this situation. If you mean that CCM sounds like the Pharisees prayer (Thank God Im not like that sinner over there), I dont believe Ive heard a single song like that on a CCM station or from the Christian artists whose music Ive purchased. There seems to be a lot of dishonesty in the modern evangelical movement today. Simple. So while singing in the choir, I had my iPad which didnt look too out of place. What can I say,taste changes with age. What can I say,taste changes with age. When I was still a believer I was really into it and I was really choosy as a song leader, both in leading songs that weren't just repetitious or boring, or too hard for the church to sing (it's acapella four-part music), and I almost never led two songs in the same key in a single service. This was introduced to us but this 87-year-old revival minister who was was always jumping and dancing on stage. This isnt a hate against you; I agree to what to said to some extent. Some sang out loud and bold ASS! Others dropped to a barely audible mumble. So would I, the only Xmas music I really listen to anymore are the British and Austrian boys choirs. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Yes, a covenental relationship is far more than boy/girl friend. Well, that was an issue because I had just built our new presentation system and was still training others how to rub it. I think enough, people have experienced first hand what I am talking about in this article to show that my complaints at the very least represent something of a problem in the world of CCM. But cutting back drastically has really helped my peace of mind. I am encouraged by CCM, but if someone isnt, obviously, I tell you to stop listening to it. SO SHOULD YOU!" This right herehilarious. There was some that I liked, but man there was a bunch of lousy garbage to wade through to find the few that actually sounded good.
Even on Christian TV where they supposedly get the most talented singers/musicians who make a living at it and have record contracts etc. I agree that our songs should tell the whole story. Set slide - active. Carmen was mentioned, though I think his heyday was over by the time you started listening in the early 2000s. Everyone else was holding song books so I am sure the people who saw me just had a silent kids these days gripe.
Did that music contain instruments? I've previously written on this board about attending a service at York Minster, one of the largest cathedrals in northern Europe. Yet, my current distaste in CCM stems from the fact that all of its musical composition is written in power chords and soft, easily digestible music. These guys are funny. Jesus death on the cross is a thing of beauty but it was messy, bloody and full of suffering. Just like your musical convictions led you to write a blog post about it, I also wanted to invite people to walk with me on my musical journey, which largely meant giving up a fast food CCM diet and seeking more substantial art both in creative musicianship and weighty lyrics. I hope you dont write game reviews before playing the game, as you obviously wrote this article without researching CCM. The only way to know if youve made a mistake, though, is to give CCM a fair listen again. Awesome! While I have written on this subject on a number of occasions, I have never been fully pleased with my arguments against contemporary worship music. I dont think its fair to judge all of CCM as a whole, but like many said, to point out specific artists. Dont automatically take for fact that all CCM is limited in depth and spirituality; try listening to some songs before making judgement P.P.S. While many books on contemporary worship are written to either attack or defend these practices, Lim and Ruth simply present the development of contemporary worship as it happened and is happening. Maybe Im crazy, but they stopped playing it, for a while at least!
And I say talentless because most of this music is four cords anda handful of lines repeated FOREVER! But that all went away sometime in the past 15 years. Jesus is victorious, and He has enabled us to tap into that power in our lives. I dont think Christians should be married to anything in pop culture just because that thing is identified as Christian.. It is important that Christians recognize that CCM artists are selling them a product. I agree with Drew in the topic of CCM usually being theologically shallow; but I have also listened to the current CCM and have to agree with most of the replys; the message has gotten better. Perhaps you should actively listen to a mainstream Christian radio station for a day or perhaps intermittently for a week to get a sense of what music is in rotation. That said, I cant wait to read your review on the new Super Nintendo system. Clear editor. I dug a bit more and found that this genre of music was comfortable in questioning our faith instead of simply singing along. Nowadays,Im enjoying the Beatles,Katy Perry,Bruno Mars and a bunch ofother ones I didnt listen to for thirty years. Third Day has several songs that speak of the struggles that come with our faith. I once listened to the St Paul'schoir singHandel'sMessiah in the cathedral and would do it again. It was Mark Schultzs Love Has Come, which discusses an eschatology (Every heart set free) that I found great problem with. Add to this the number of CCM artists who mostly took popular secular song structures and imported Jesus into them, and I can see why such criticisms have been leveled. Singing along to CCM felt like some weird existential experiencestanding outside myself applauding my own deep seated faith and many spiritual victories. I actually got burned out on all music. Terry Taylor (and his various projects) challenged the Churchs hypocrisy and silence, as well as addressing the heartbreak of loss (while yet exuding hopequite a feat!) In my late twenties,my husband and I got weary of the Assemblies of God (our background) and went to a church closer to CoC but with instruments. But Ive noticed a lot of songs todaymaybe the majority of them that I heararent so shallow. Dont stop listening to CCM because I did. I also listen to plenty of music made by Christians in my free time. Its a great chorus and very engagingbut I felt it was making light of the imminent return of Jesus without the importance of introducing people to the Son of God before they are deceived by the devil. As a scholar I was angered by the presentation of your argument, but that doesnt matter.
I have think music, like life, is something that we get out of it what we are looking to get. In the last 5-6 years, I also gradually started tuning out most of the radio safe CCM, and started getting into more indie music by Christians (I do still prefer music that has that Christian worldview breathing thru it). Granted, its an awesome song, but it doesnt talk about anything substantive. I used to sing along until they would get to the parts where they would repeat four words 5, 6, 8(!) so it suprises me that Relient K is called an exception. Some looked around with a guilty conscience and some turned to glare at the empty operators terminal then get terribly confused how no one was there. Or anything that involved repeating words was considered chanting to get the devil, demons, evil spirits to show up.
Family, walking/hiking, reading, psychology, simple living, minimalism, Reading, swimming, astronomy and studying religion. There was some that I liked, but man there was a bunch of lousy garbage to wade through to find the few that actually sounded good. I remember Randy Stonehills Latern in the Snow as an honest look at doubt (even while on that same album the sneering superiority of Great Big Stupid World marred the otherwise beautiful Wonderama). The only we get where I live are Way-FM (which plays songs from 20 years ago and claims to have a great ministry when it only plays music that 40-something Christians want to listen to), The Fish (a little better than Way-FM, but still not there yet), and the worst of them all K-Love. It was a relief to me to just sing and not wonder when someone would break out in hysterics ortongues or prophecy. Introduce friends & colleagues to the CAPC world with a gift membership. Im not commenting a lot in defense of CCM, but just to present my view, and im commenting this for anyone who wants to know a good inspirational artist: KJ-52. That was me, again admitting my own pretenses. /r/Christianity is a subreddit to discuss Christianity and aspects of Christian life. Great web site. 6:1). ExChristian.Net I appreciate your call to Christians to be self-aware, as long as that means humbly coming before the Lord so that He can reveal to us the places in our lives, hearts, and minds where His healing power hasnt touched yet so that we can open those places to Him. Mort ifi cation (Death/Thrash) Mainly their older stuff is better. Then, a few years ago, a little AM radio station called BOT Radio network came in and bought WNAZ, granted they had become a little stale, but they were still the best in Nashville. Im not sure when I had an entirely similar epiphany, but my storys a little different. But my dad and I enjoyed the original because in the sheet music, the bass clef does a very interesting crescendo that I cannot easily describe in text but it would throw off the more timid singers around us. No offense taken. Import lyrics and queue. We may not always feel that victory, as you were unable to ten years ago, but that doesnt mean that the victory is not actually there. Where are the artists willing to say with Paul I know that nothing good dwells within me, that is in my flesh . I just thought of that vice versa with "Baby" by Justin Bieber _ It creeped me out. I've quit listening to music in the car on my commute, and my brain is a lot quieter now. Had the pleasure of running a booth across from them at Spirit West Coast. It was around the end of my high school days that I had begun to rethink this starting with Guitar Hero, of all things. I HATE CONTEMPORARY WORSHIP SONGS!!! CD sales weren't going too well so the next day they brought a boombox and had a dance party every time someone bought an album or shirt. Saint (Classic Heavy Metal) Reminds me of Judas Priest. I believe you! He wrote it one night because he was waiting for his friend Beeker to fall asleep where he could see what was on the hotel tv that he knew he didnt need to see. Theyve been around 15 years, where have you been? Most of it is terrible. Get our weekly recap email for the latest from CAPC, delivered straight to your inbox. I'll make this post a lot prettier then. I barely listen to any CCM at this point; my music tastes are all over the place, from opera to chiptune but I try to see the beauty in the divine spark of humanity in everything (even if Im not particularly enamored with it). However, I think youre in danger of painting with too broad of a brush, and maybe allowing your self-admitted pretentiousness to assume that if its popular, it must be shallow and simplistic. Woah dude, thanks! We are commanded to love God and to love our neighbors as ourselves. This is a command and our eternal destination is at stake, according to evangelicals. Simple. Carman was the worst, especially when he tried to do hip-hop with his song Whos in the House. I've got more, but it's getting late (or should I say early). Whats the matter with this approach to music in worship? ", One of the churches my dad pastored had a music minister who thought it was fun to have the congregation put a bunch of "powers" in "power in the blood". Have you been under a rock? Theologically shallowmaybe in some cases, Id agree with you. At the very least, I have found a way to articulate the nagging concern Ive had for some time. I thought CCM was dead,, Ill give it a go! When I began in the Christian walk, I was already an 18 year old who had grown up in the church so I knew all the hymns and songs, but I immediately dove into Hillsong and the well known CCM bands. Yes! I don't think, "I LOVE GOD. They put on the best show I've ever been to. I would rather hear Christian musicCCM, Gospel, choruses or whateverin the context of worship, not of entertainment. : Deep South in the buckle of the bible belt. Need something real. Even when I was a Christian, I didn't care for much that was on worship albums. I dont have that kind of experience, so I cant relate, and that song is pointless to me. Pasted as rich text. Go check out the Christian rock scene. These songs are just awful. Some of it was good, and some had spiritual value to me. But my mother guilted me into it (she wanted video of dad and I signing together). The idea that you cannot find authentic Christian music that deals with struggles, doubt, frustration is mind boggling. One shortcoming of most of them is lack of specificity. Add to this the number of CCM artists who mostly took popular secular song structures and imported Jesus into them, and I can see why such criticisms have been leveled.. For example, my wife and I drove from Austin to Waco yesterday evening, and I heard four songs that at least raise reasonable doubt about your claim Matthew Wests Population Me, Matt Mahers Hold Us Together, Chris Tomlins Our God, and Sidewalk Prophets I Want to Live Like That.. Id like to know exactly which songs by which artists got you so cheesed that you finally reached out and touched that dial. It's maddening having a song stuck in your head ALL OF THE TIME. The Bible nowhere treats music as a sacrament. The New Testamentwhich speaks very little about music in worshipassigns to music a role having to do primarily with instruction (cf. I have think music, like life, is something that we get out of it what we are looking to get. Of course he couldnt name the artist, but it was easy enough to figure it out. You can keep your Woahs and your Yeahyeahs because they are about as effectual as a Rattata. Pretentiousness should never be confused with this; the first is posturing and the second is the way we grow in the love that Jesus commands us to share with others. Anyway, here's my list of good stuff to try before giving up: All Sons & Daughters This is a great worship band from Reality S.F. "There's a new name written up in glory, and it's mine (and it's mine), oh yes it's mine (oh yes it's mine)", "I'll fly away, oh glory iiiii'lll fly away. On a side note, I also discovered that the holy spirit cannot fully move upon the church unless it is preceded by a major key change. You can post now and register later. Philosophy, History, Science. 1, University of North Carolina at Greensboro. Josh Garrels! :).
I love Owl City, specifically because no matter what he sings about; from a Seattle he clearly never has been too, to a building a skyline, to a fictional beach; you can hear the Joy of the Lord pulsing through the speakers. As long as you're not playing the tune on an instrument, you aren't violating their rule that the music must be a capella. He can spit. The first reasons observations that you accepted as true, but not as your reasons for not listening to CCM: The most common critiques leveled at CCM by my contemporaries is that it is theologically shallow and stylistically derivative of successfulsecular musicians.
At that moment, Id realized that many of my favorite artists were simply aping what was already in the market place, simply replacing lyrics directed towards negative ends towards Jesus. The Electrics (Celtic Rock, similar to The Pogues or Floggin' Molly).
Beeker didnt fall asleep in time and we got an amazing cry from a transparent heart out of it. No way to edit on the fly! Chris Christian, back around the dawn of time, recorded what we in radioland used to privately call a Jesus loves me when my car wont start song. Courage and contentment also found by those looking for them. It's manipulative, and it makes me angry. Cant Take The Pain is one thats awesome. Common Yet Forbidden (Death Metal) One of my favorite. (Can I listen to Christian music in the background for edification and spiritual uplift, not for entertainment. I've heard. He is an example of praise in all he does. Courage and contentment also found by those looking for them. Seriously. Some things are made for others. To be completely fair, I dont hate ALL contemporary. Biotechnology, Immunology, Genetics, History, Atheism, Anything Southern.
Even on Christian TV where they supposedly get the most talented singers/musicians who make a living at it and have record contracts etc. I agree that our songs should tell the whole story. Set slide - active. Carmen was mentioned, though I think his heyday was over by the time you started listening in the early 2000s. Everyone else was holding song books so I am sure the people who saw me just had a silent kids these days gripe.
![bible holy would huge torah jewish](
And I say talentless because most of this music is four cords anda handful of lines repeated FOREVER! But that all went away sometime in the past 15 years. Jesus is victorious, and He has enabled us to tap into that power in our lives. I dont think Christians should be married to anything in pop culture just because that thing is identified as Christian.. It is important that Christians recognize that CCM artists are selling them a product. I agree with Drew in the topic of CCM usually being theologically shallow; but I have also listened to the current CCM and have to agree with most of the replys; the message has gotten better. Perhaps you should actively listen to a mainstream Christian radio station for a day or perhaps intermittently for a week to get a sense of what music is in rotation. That said, I cant wait to read your review on the new Super Nintendo system. Clear editor. I dug a bit more and found that this genre of music was comfortable in questioning our faith instead of simply singing along. Nowadays,Im enjoying the Beatles,Katy Perry,Bruno Mars and a bunch ofother ones I didnt listen to for thirty years. Third Day has several songs that speak of the struggles that come with our faith. I once listened to the St Paul'schoir singHandel'sMessiah in the cathedral and would do it again. It was Mark Schultzs Love Has Come, which discusses an eschatology (Every heart set free) that I found great problem with. Add to this the number of CCM artists who mostly took popular secular song structures and imported Jesus into them, and I can see why such criticisms have been leveled. Singing along to CCM felt like some weird existential experiencestanding outside myself applauding my own deep seated faith and many spiritual victories. I actually got burned out on all music. Terry Taylor (and his various projects) challenged the Churchs hypocrisy and silence, as well as addressing the heartbreak of loss (while yet exuding hopequite a feat!) In my late twenties,my husband and I got weary of the Assemblies of God (our background) and went to a church closer to CoC but with instruments. But Ive noticed a lot of songs todaymaybe the majority of them that I heararent so shallow. Dont stop listening to CCM because I did. I also listen to plenty of music made by Christians in my free time. Its a great chorus and very engagingbut I felt it was making light of the imminent return of Jesus without the importance of introducing people to the Son of God before they are deceived by the devil. As a scholar I was angered by the presentation of your argument, but that doesnt matter.
I have think music, like life, is something that we get out of it what we are looking to get. In the last 5-6 years, I also gradually started tuning out most of the radio safe CCM, and started getting into more indie music by Christians (I do still prefer music that has that Christian worldview breathing thru it). Granted, its an awesome song, but it doesnt talk about anything substantive. I used to sing along until they would get to the parts where they would repeat four words 5, 6, 8(!) so it suprises me that Relient K is called an exception. Some looked around with a guilty conscience and some turned to glare at the empty operators terminal then get terribly confused how no one was there. Or anything that involved repeating words was considered chanting to get the devil, demons, evil spirits to show up.
Family, walking/hiking, reading, psychology, simple living, minimalism, Reading, swimming, astronomy and studying religion. There was some that I liked, but man there was a bunch of lousy garbage to wade through to find the few that actually sounded good. I remember Randy Stonehills Latern in the Snow as an honest look at doubt (even while on that same album the sneering superiority of Great Big Stupid World marred the otherwise beautiful Wonderama). The only we get where I live are Way-FM (which plays songs from 20 years ago and claims to have a great ministry when it only plays music that 40-something Christians want to listen to), The Fish (a little better than Way-FM, but still not there yet), and the worst of them all K-Love. It was a relief to me to just sing and not wonder when someone would break out in hysterics ortongues or prophecy. Introduce friends & colleagues to the CAPC world with a gift membership. Im not commenting a lot in defense of CCM, but just to present my view, and im commenting this for anyone who wants to know a good inspirational artist: KJ-52. That was me, again admitting my own pretenses. /r/Christianity is a subreddit to discuss Christianity and aspects of Christian life. Great web site. 6:1). ExChristian.Net I appreciate your call to Christians to be self-aware, as long as that means humbly coming before the Lord so that He can reveal to us the places in our lives, hearts, and minds where His healing power hasnt touched yet so that we can open those places to Him. Mort ifi cation (Death/Thrash) Mainly their older stuff is better. Then, a few years ago, a little AM radio station called BOT Radio network came in and bought WNAZ, granted they had become a little stale, but they were still the best in Nashville. Im not sure when I had an entirely similar epiphany, but my storys a little different. But my dad and I enjoyed the original because in the sheet music, the bass clef does a very interesting crescendo that I cannot easily describe in text but it would throw off the more timid singers around us. No offense taken. Import lyrics and queue. We may not always feel that victory, as you were unable to ten years ago, but that doesnt mean that the victory is not actually there. Where are the artists willing to say with Paul I know that nothing good dwells within me, that is in my flesh . I just thought of that vice versa with "Baby" by Justin Bieber _ It creeped me out. I've quit listening to music in the car on my commute, and my brain is a lot quieter now. Had the pleasure of running a booth across from them at Spirit West Coast. It was around the end of my high school days that I had begun to rethink this starting with Guitar Hero, of all things. I HATE CONTEMPORARY WORSHIP SONGS!!! CD sales weren't going too well so the next day they brought a boombox and had a dance party every time someone bought an album or shirt. Saint (Classic Heavy Metal) Reminds me of Judas Priest. I believe you! He wrote it one night because he was waiting for his friend Beeker to fall asleep where he could see what was on the hotel tv that he knew he didnt need to see. Theyve been around 15 years, where have you been? Most of it is terrible. Get our weekly recap email for the latest from CAPC, delivered straight to your inbox. I'll make this post a lot prettier then. I barely listen to any CCM at this point; my music tastes are all over the place, from opera to chiptune but I try to see the beauty in the divine spark of humanity in everything (even if Im not particularly enamored with it). However, I think youre in danger of painting with too broad of a brush, and maybe allowing your self-admitted pretentiousness to assume that if its popular, it must be shallow and simplistic. Woah dude, thanks! We are commanded to love God and to love our neighbors as ourselves. This is a command and our eternal destination is at stake, according to evangelicals. Simple. Carman was the worst, especially when he tried to do hip-hop with his song Whos in the House. I've got more, but it's getting late (or should I say early). Whats the matter with this approach to music in worship? ", One of the churches my dad pastored had a music minister who thought it was fun to have the congregation put a bunch of "powers" in "power in the blood". Have you been under a rock? Theologically shallowmaybe in some cases, Id agree with you. At the very least, I have found a way to articulate the nagging concern Ive had for some time. I thought CCM was dead,, Ill give it a go! When I began in the Christian walk, I was already an 18 year old who had grown up in the church so I knew all the hymns and songs, but I immediately dove into Hillsong and the well known CCM bands. Yes! I don't think, "I LOVE GOD. They put on the best show I've ever been to. I would rather hear Christian musicCCM, Gospel, choruses or whateverin the context of worship, not of entertainment. : Deep South in the buckle of the bible belt. Need something real. Even when I was a Christian, I didn't care for much that was on worship albums. I dont have that kind of experience, so I cant relate, and that song is pointless to me. Pasted as rich text. Go check out the Christian rock scene. These songs are just awful. Some of it was good, and some had spiritual value to me. But my mother guilted me into it (she wanted video of dad and I signing together). The idea that you cannot find authentic Christian music that deals with struggles, doubt, frustration is mind boggling. One shortcoming of most of them is lack of specificity. Add to this the number of CCM artists who mostly took popular secular song structures and imported Jesus into them, and I can see why such criticisms have been leveled.. For example, my wife and I drove from Austin to Waco yesterday evening, and I heard four songs that at least raise reasonable doubt about your claim Matthew Wests Population Me, Matt Mahers Hold Us Together, Chris Tomlins Our God, and Sidewalk Prophets I Want to Live Like That.. Id like to know exactly which songs by which artists got you so cheesed that you finally reached out and touched that dial. It's maddening having a song stuck in your head ALL OF THE TIME. The Bible nowhere treats music as a sacrament. The New Testamentwhich speaks very little about music in worshipassigns to music a role having to do primarily with instruction (cf. I have think music, like life, is something that we get out of it what we are looking to get. Of course he couldnt name the artist, but it was easy enough to figure it out. You can keep your Woahs and your Yeahyeahs because they are about as effectual as a Rattata. Pretentiousness should never be confused with this; the first is posturing and the second is the way we grow in the love that Jesus commands us to share with others. Anyway, here's my list of good stuff to try before giving up: All Sons & Daughters This is a great worship band from Reality S.F. "There's a new name written up in glory, and it's mine (and it's mine), oh yes it's mine (oh yes it's mine)", "I'll fly away, oh glory iiiii'lll fly away. On a side note, I also discovered that the holy spirit cannot fully move upon the church unless it is preceded by a major key change. You can post now and register later. Philosophy, History, Science. 1, University of North Carolina at Greensboro. Josh Garrels! :).
I love Owl City, specifically because no matter what he sings about; from a Seattle he clearly never has been too, to a building a skyline, to a fictional beach; you can hear the Joy of the Lord pulsing through the speakers. As long as you're not playing the tune on an instrument, you aren't violating their rule that the music must be a capella. He can spit. The first reasons observations that you accepted as true, but not as your reasons for not listening to CCM: The most common critiques leveled at CCM by my contemporaries is that it is theologically shallow and stylistically derivative of successfulsecular musicians.
At that moment, Id realized that many of my favorite artists were simply aping what was already in the market place, simply replacing lyrics directed towards negative ends towards Jesus. The Electrics (Celtic Rock, similar to The Pogues or Floggin' Molly).
Beeker didnt fall asleep in time and we got an amazing cry from a transparent heart out of it. No way to edit on the fly! Chris Christian, back around the dawn of time, recorded what we in radioland used to privately call a Jesus loves me when my car wont start song. Courage and contentment also found by those looking for them. It's manipulative, and it makes me angry. Cant Take The Pain is one thats awesome. Common Yet Forbidden (Death Metal) One of my favorite. (Can I listen to Christian music in the background for edification and spiritual uplift, not for entertainment. I've heard. He is an example of praise in all he does. Courage and contentment also found by those looking for them. Seriously. Some things are made for others. To be completely fair, I dont hate ALL contemporary. Biotechnology, Immunology, Genetics, History, Atheism, Anything Southern.