The side rave is an 8mm steel angle (not pressed steel plate) for strength.
With 4 models ranging from 10 tonne to 22 tonne capacities. These trailers are fitted with four spring suspension and the side rave is pressed steel with keyhole chain securing points. The floats are of a strong, lightweight design and do not require stands, but instead are placed on level ground when not in use.
Registered in England No 7362441, Registered Office: Benthall Works, Benthall Lane, Broseley, Shropshire. The sheep decks are all aluminium section decks and store in the float when not in use.
Environmental XPRT
Each section of deck stores in the roof without the need to slide the sections from back to front and is held in place with one pin, making the process of decking the float quick and simple. For more information please contact your nearest snows sales team member or visit the Stewart website; By using this form you agree with the storage and handling of your data by this website. Email: However, you can change your cookie settings Each trailer is made from high quality materials and attention to detail to give outstanding value and long life. The sheep dividing doors are fabricated using pressed aluminium sheets. Standard features include 600mm headboard, ratchet style park brake, keyhole chain securing points, LED commercial road lighting system with front and side marker lights. Standard features include: 600mm headboard, ratchet style park brake, rope hooks on every floor bearer, rear light guards, hydraulic braking system and spray suppression flaps. Medical XPRT
The float sides are made from aluminium sheets pressed for extra strength. This includes cookies from third party social media websites and Google to track your use of A 28mm Keruing floor is standard and the standard trailer width is 2500mm (approximately 82). The float sides are made from aluminium sheets pressed for extra strength. All flat trailers are fitted with four spring suspension, a commercial LED road lighting system and a LED flashing warning light.. These Livestock Floats are manufactured for tractor trailers and are fabricated virtually entirely from aluminium to give a strong, but lightweight durable construction. We have been manufacturing quality aluminium floats since 1990. No personal information is collected. Cattle floats can not be retrospectively fitted with sheep decks. The decks are fabricated in two feet sections; each section is constructed of an aluminium box section frame sheeted with aluminiumtreadplate. Please note, hour clock reading refers to the number of our hours completed when the machine was acquired by G. M. Stephenson. These tractor drawn floats are a fully welded container; the pressed side sheets are welded to box section posts at 1150mm intervals, and the floor is welded all round. Agriculture XPRT is part of XPRT Media All Rights Reserved. The cattle doors can bepositioned along the length of the float using the galvanised pins provided. Be the first to review! We can supply the floats with a trailer, or build the float to fit a clients trailer. Standard features including sprung drawbar, LED lights, inspection ladder, hydraulic braking system, front, side and high level marker lights and a flashing warning light. happy to receive all cookies on this website. Agriculture XPRT is a global marketplace with solutions and suppliers for the agriculture sector, with product catalogs, articles, industry events, publications & more. We produce floats from 16 feet in length, for cattle, sheep or pigs. Sizes go from 16 feet in length, for cattle, sheep or pigs. The floats are secured to the trailer using four high-tensile securing straps; this system means that the float can be lifted off quickly and easily freeing the trailer for other uses. This includes Lincolnshire Motors, who are also part of the Burdens Group. Our trailers are sold throughout the UK and abroad by our network of appointed agents. Mon-Fri 7:30am - 5:30pm,Sat 7:30am - 12:30pm, BAILEY FLAT LOW LOADER TRAILER WITH STEWART LIVESTOCK BOX, YEAR 2020, C/W AIR & OIL BRAKES, SPRUNG DRAWBAR, X2 DIVISIONS, 435/50R19.5 WHEELS & TYRES,, Telephone: +44 (0)1723 891487 Stewart Trailers dealers for Lincolnshire, contact our Agricultural sales department. Required For Burdens Specialist Vegetable Machinery Division Here at The, Your Personal Invitation The Burdens Group Limited would like to, Our Shows and Events for 2022 The Burdens Group are, All content & photography Copyright 2020 Burdens Group Limited and its licensors | All rights reserved | Farmgear Websites for AgricultureRegistered Address: Spalding Road, Sutterton, Boston, Lincolnshire PE20 2ET | Company Number: 01661040 | VAT Number: GB679161696. If you continue without changing your settings, well assume that you are Monday - Friday : 8.00 - 17.00
The internal dividing doors are made entirely from aluminium. TF12 5BB, Authorised and Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority ( FRN 677769). No reviews were found for Stewart - Livestock Float Trailer - Standard Range. Privacy, Our sites:
The Stewart livestock float is an all aluminium, welded design, giving a very strong, durable float. They can also be supplied with standard section sheep decks and movable dividing doors or with folding decks, fixed position slam shut dividing doors and a hydraulically operated run up ramp. MORRIS CORFIELD 2022. Energy XPRT
These sheets are welded to aluminium box section posts positioned at 1150mm intervals, and are welded to thealuminium treadplate floor all round for easy cleaning. Search Our Machinery The floats may be fitted with sheep decks; however the sheep float is of a slightly different design to the cattle float so it must be made to accommodate the decks. These include sprung drawbar, heavy duty 40mm tow eye, inspection ladder, mud wings, spray suppression flaps, LED commercial road lighting system with front, side and high level rear marker lights, a flashing warning light and hydraulic braking system. Terms
The Burdens Group are pleased to announce that they are now Stewart Trailers dealers for Lincolnshire. Stop/tail lights and flashing warning light, rear light guards, hydraulic braking system and spray suppression flaps. The floats are supplied with internal dividing doors and may be fitted with sheep decks. The standard trailer width is 2500mm (approximately 82). The Stewart livestock float is an all aluminium, welded design, giving a very strong, durable float. Email: These sheets are welded to aluminium box section posts positioned at 1150mm intervals, and are welded to thealuminium treadplate floor all round for easy cleaning. this website. Posted onJuly 15, 2016October 12, 2020AuthorShane Darch, Available To order with a number of units now out working locally . Stock, View more contact and direction information. By using this form you agree with the storage and handling of your data by this website and our back office systems and confirm that you have read and agree to our. With 4 models to choose from, ranging from 10 tonne to 15 tonne capacities, each model is built using the finest quality materials, attention to detail and a host of features fitted as standard. This website uses cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. We may use these machines ourselves which will add to the hour clock reading figure seen on our website. at any time. We can supply the floats with a trailer, or build the float to fit a client's trailer. Mon-Fri 7:30am - 5:30pm, Sat 7:30am - 12:30pm. This addition to our already impressive line up of new sales franchises, further improves our offering of products and gives our customers a wide choice of trailers to suit any application including; With no less than 16 models to choose from, ranging from 11 tonne to 18 tonne capacities. Each float is designed and manufactured to suit the individual customer's requirements. XPRT, Stewart - Livestock Float Trailer - Standard Range, Standard Range - - Livestock Float Trailer Brochure. This site uses cookies; small text files that are placed on your device to help the site provide a better user experience. We operate from our modern manufacturing facility in the rolling Aberdeenshire countryside in north-east Scotland. Copyright G. M. Stephenson Ltd 2017 - Company No 05929781 - Terms & Conditions - Privacy Policy, BAILEY 28FT FLAT LOW LOADER TRAILER WITH STEWART LIVESTOCK BOX, JOHN DEERE 6150R *50K/ AIR BRAKES* *VIDEO INSIDE*. Saturday/Sunday : Closed, Please see specific harvest hours by location. The cattle dividing doors are fabricated using pressed aluminium sheets, and are fitted with a wheel at one endfor ease of use. There are 4 models to choose from, ranging from 8 foot to 15 foot long. For more information on the full range of Stewart Trailers please contact our Agricultural sales department.
Telephone: +44 (0)1723 891487 The floats are supplied with internal dividing doors and may be fitted with sheep decks. At the most commonly used positions near the centre of the float the holes are reinforced by means of an aluminium bush with a steel insert, and a stop is provided to prevent the door passing the hole when being pushed shut. To sign up to our newsletter please enter your email address below. They produce floats from 4.9mtr (16ft) in length, for cattle, sheep or pigs.

Telephone: +44 (0)1723 891487 The floats are supplied with internal dividing doors and may be fitted with sheep decks. At the most commonly used positions near the centre of the float the holes are reinforced by means of an aluminium bush with a steel insert, and a stop is provided to prevent the door passing the hole when being pushed shut. To sign up to our newsletter please enter your email address below. They produce floats from 4.9mtr (16ft) in length, for cattle, sheep or pigs.