The managed futures industry posted its third consecutive month of redemptions in January with $1.40 billion in outflows, though three of four CTA subsectors reported monthly inflows. Securities may be mispriced relative to the underlying security, related securities, groups of securities or the overall market. The important distinction between equity non-hedge funds and equity hedge funds is equity non-hedge funds do not always have a hedge in place.
An investor could lose all or a substantial portion of his or her investment. So far in 2022, the S&P 500 Total Return Index has shed a total of -8.01%, whereas the hedge fund industry is down less than half as much (-3.55%). Backstop provides its industry-leading cloud-based productivity suite to investment consultants, pensions, funds of funds, family offices, endowments, foundations, private equity, hedge funds and real estate investment firms. In addition to equities, some funds may have limited assets invested in other types of securities., Formula: (Std. Subsectors reporting inflows in February included Multi-Strategy funds bringing in $10.11 billion; Convertible Arbitrage funds attracting $2.57 billion; Emerging Markets Global funds adding $2.03 billion; Merger Arbitrage funds with $1.57 billion in inflows; and Sector Specific funds adding $1.18 billion. Instruments include: government agency, government-sponsored enterprise, private label fixed- or adjustable-rate mortgage pass-through securities, fixed- or adjustable-rate collateralized mortgage obligations (CMO's), real estate mortgage investment conduits (REMICs) and stripped mortgage-backed securities (SMBSs). legend: { There you will be able to download an Excel file with the available historical data. It continued to hover around the $4.80 Trillion mark. At the same time, it is desired that the composition determined by the analysis reflect the actual style of the target fund., Short Selling involves the sale of a security not owned by the seller, a technique used to take advantage of an anticipated price decline. ['2014', 205.2], Leverage may be used by some managers. }] }, Since the categorization of market focus and trading styles is subject to change and is of necessity subjective in nature, BarclayHedge, Ltd. does not take any responsibility for including or failing to include a trading program in a particular sector., The Sharpe Ratio is equal to compound annual rate of return minus rate of return on a risk-free investment divided by the annualized monthly standard deviation., Relative Value Arbitrage attempts to take advantage of relative pricing discrepancies between instruments, including equities, debt, options and futures. Typically, the strategy is based on quantitative models for selecting specific stocks with equal dollar amounts comprising the long and short sides of the portfolio. ['2019', 360.7], }, Hedge fund subsectors experiencing monthly redemptions included Balanced (Stocks & Bonds) funds with $2.43 billion in outflows, 0.32% of assets, Emerging Markets Global funds with $1.76 billion in redemptions, 0.79% of assets, Fixed Income funds shedding $913.89 million, 0.09% of assets, Equity Long-Only funds with $837.37 million in outflows, 0.28% of assets, and Macro funds with $691.91 million in redemptions, 0.34% of assets. enabled: false The BarclayHedge UCITS Fixed Income Index is recalculated and updated real-time on this page as soon as the monthly returns for the underlying funds are recorded. These strategies generate returns by purchasing the stock of the company being acquired, and in some instances, selling short the stock of the acquiring company. The Barclay Hedge Fund Indices are recalculated and updated real-time on this page as soon as the monthly returns for the underlying funds are recorded. These funds are commonly known as "stock-pickers." dataLabels: { Our industry leading benchmarks cover over 30 indices on hedge funds, CTAs, UCITS, FX and commodities funds. Access in-depth knowledge on the firms, strategies, performance and investments with BarclayHedge ProAccess. The goal is to avoid being invested in mutual funds during a market decline., A time period during which a new investor in a fund may not withdraw any capital committed to the fund., Fixed income Diversified fund may invest in a variety of fixed income strategies. Multi-Strategy funds are characterized by their ability to dynamically allocate capital among strategies falling within several traditional hedge fund disciplines. The Drawdown Report presents data on the percentage drawdowns during the trading program's performance history ranked in order of magnitude of loss., Convertible Arbitrage involves purchasing a portfolio of convertible securities, generally convertible bonds, and hedging a portion of the equity risk by selling short the underlying common stock. Leverage the advanced analytics tools in FundFinder along with complete access to BarclayHedge research reports and exclusive articles for members only. BarclayHedge indices are utilized worldwide by financial and investment consultants and the financial media as performance benchmarks for the alternative investment industry. Among the subsectors recording monthly losses in February were the Emerging Markets Eastern Europe Index, down -9.44%, the Emerging Markets Global Equities Index, retreating -4.81%, the Fixed Income Arbitrage Index, losing -2.73%, the Emerging Markets Index, giving up -2.62%, and the Volatility Trading Index, off -2.56%. Institutional investors, brokerage firms and private banks worldwide utilize BarclayHedge indices as performance benchmarks for the hedge fund and managed futures industries. The long-bias investment model became a key investment strategy to benefit from a rising market while still affording flexibility to short certain stocks or segments in the market., Equity Hedge investing consists of a core holding of long equities hedged at all times with short sales of stocks and/or stock index options. New Entrants Push Global Hedge Fund Industry Over $5 Trillion Threshold, Despite February Shunting, Managed Futures Industry Celebrates Broad-Based Gains Again in April. Emphasis is placed on assessing credit risk of the issuer. }, In addition, some managers invest solely in individual regions., Formula: (Compound Annual Return / Annualized Std. Industry AUM was relatively flat month-over-month. The Catalyst Cap Intro Active Alpha Investing event seeks to host investment managers which are able to consistently produce Alpha. Convertible bonds have both fixed income and equity characteristics. Hedge fund subsectors with 12-month outflows included Emerging Markets Global funds with -$10.13 billion (-5.40% of assets); Macro funds with -$7.62 billion (-4.06% of assets); Equity Long Bias funds with -$6.87 billion (-1.93% of assets); Equity Market Neutral funds with -$2.07 billion (-3.71% of assets); and Emerging Markets Latin America funds with -$1.48 billion (-13.53% of assets). December 2021 outflows were followed by broadly felt pain in January, which resulted in roughly -$117.92 billion in trading losses. Hedging of prepayment risk and interest rate risk is common. BarclayHedge has been acquired by Backstop Solutions. Equity markets continued trending broadly downward in February, as the specter of war in Europe joined surging inflation and a lingering pandemic to form a potent triumvirate of globally-disruptive forces, observed Ben Crawford, Head of Research at BarclayHedge. Happily, January marked a return to net inflows, albeit in a somewhat more circumspect manner: Investors gave over an additional $11.29 billion to managers on the month, observed Ben Crawford, Head of Research at BarclayHedge. The generic types of fixed income hedging trades include: yield-curve arbitrage, corporate versus Treasury yield spreads, municipal bond versus Treasury yield spreads and cash versus futures., Equity Market Neutral investing seeks to profit by exploiting pricing inefficiencies between related equity securities, neutralizing exposure to market risk by combining long and short positions. Leverage the advanced analytics tools in FundFinder along with complete access to BarclayHedge research reports and exclusive articles for members only. Proportionally speaking, outflows loomed largest for Emerging Market Latin America funds (-1.28%); Emerging Market Asia funds (-1.10%); and Fixed Income funds (-0.82%).
hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(2614350, 'c50dee2d-12e8-47f8-ae84-887f408df0ad', {"useNewLoader":"true","region":"na1"}); Recognition for top performing funds over various times periods. Dev. Instruments include long and short common and preferred stocks, as well as debt securities and options. } BarclayHedge, a division of Backstop, currently maintains data on more than 6,900 hedge funds, funds of funds and CTAs. }, Managers attempt to exploit relative mispricing between related sets of fixed income securities. fontFamily: 'Verdana, sans-serif' One example of this strategy is to build portfolios made up of long positions in the strongest companies in several industries and taking corresponding short positions in those showing signs of weakness. I hereby certify that I am either an Accredited Investor, in accordance with Rule 501(a) of Regulation D of the US Securities Act of 1933, OR a Qualified Purchaser, in accordance with Section 2(a)(51) of the US investment Company Act of 1940. Arbitrage strategies include dividend arbitrage, pairs trading, options arbitrage and yield curve trading., Merger Arbitrage, sometimes called Risk Arbitrage, involves investment in event-driven situations such as leveraged buyouts, mergers and hostile takeovers. ['2021', 494.5], title: { rotation: -45, Country Area PhoneCode Code. Certain managers may also seek to hedge interest rate exposure under some circumstances. ROR), A drawdown is defined as a loss of equity from a peak to valley in a single month or period of consecutive months. VAMI assumes the reinvestment of all profits and interest income. of Monthly ROR) X SQRT (12) or (Std. These weights are then applied to the returns of their respective asset classes, with the hope that their sum closely approximates the returns of the given fund, for each data-period in succession and over the range of data periods as a whole. Backstopsmission is to help the institutional investment industry use time to its fullest potential. Targeted, accessible and relevant research on fund performance, AUM, administration and best practices, along with customized research solutions. xAxis: { The number of funds that are currently included in the calculations for the most recent months can be found in the footnotes above. If I represent a UK person I represent either a "professional client" or an "eligible counterparty" and not a "retail client" as such terms are defined in the Rules of the UK's Financial Conduct Authority. MPI Barclay Elite Systematic Traders Index , Hedge Funds Experience Redemptions of $22 Billion in April, Decentralized Finance, Crypto Funds, and Value Creation in Tokenized Firms. hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(2614350, 'c50dee2d-12e8-47f8-ae84-887f408df0ad', {"useNewLoader":"true","region":"na1"}). For more than 30 years, BarclayHedge has been the benchmark for alternative investment data and indices. The most significant interest was seen amongst Multi-Strategy hedge funds, which picked up an additional $10 billion. Explore Barclays dynamic resource portal of hedge fund and sector trends, performance statistics, and specialized research reports with BarclayHedge ProAccess.
} The equity hedge ratio may range from 30 to 100 percent. Leverage the advanced analytics in FundFinder to select and evaluate funds based on your chosen criteria start enjoying these member benefits and more. Only funds that provide us with net returns are included in the index calculation. Other February gainers included the Merger Arbitrage Index, up 0.27%, the Equity Market Neutral Index, advancing 0.08%, and the Multi Strategy Index, returning 0.04%. Leverage the advanced analytics tools in FundFinder along with complete access to BarclayHedge research reports and exclusive articles for members only. Fund managers may hedge against market risk by purchasing S&P put options or put option spreads., Macro involves investing by making leveraged bets on anticipated price movements of stock markets, interest rates, foreign exchange and physical commodities. End of year profit-taking, tax-harvesting and rebalancing in December 2021 broke an impressive nine-month run of net inflows to the hedge fund industry. With this definition in mind, a hedge fund with a long/short equity strategy could transition into a long-bias hedge fund, and vice versa, depending on how its assets were allocated. It should also be noted that long-bias hedge funds emerged during the 1990s during the bull market that concomitantly saw a marked decrease in the number of short-only hedge funds. yAxis: { enabled: true, It is notable, however, that January 2022s net inflows were less than 40% of the industrys uptake a year ago and also well below the mean monthly inflow from 2021..
title: { of Quarterly ROR) X SQRT (4), This tabular analysis summarizes the best, worst and average performance for the trading program during time windows of varying lengths. Most Merger Arbitrage funds hedge against market risk by purchasing S&P put options or put option spreads., Market Timing involves allocating assets among investments by switching into investments that appear to be beginning an uptrend, and switching out of investments that appear to be starting a downtrend. Despite the trading losses and redemptions, data coming in from newly added funds led our models to show an increase in hedge fund industry assets to $5.04 trillion. Strategies may be sub-categorized as "high-yield" or "orphan equities." Normally, the stock of an acquisition target appreciates while the acquiring company's stock decreases in value. This may involve reorganizations, bankruptcies, distressed sales and other corporate restructuring's. Some of the available high-yield instruments include extendible/reset securities, increasing-rate notes, pay-in-kind securities, split-coupon securities and usable bonds., Fixed Income Arbitrage is a market neutral hedging strategy that seeks to profit by exploiting pricing inefficiencies between related fixed income securities while neutralizing exposure to interest rate risk. Hedge Funds Continue Winning Investor Favor, Raking in Another $11.29 Billion in January, Hedge Fund Industry Gains 0.39% in March, Trims Year-to-Date Loss to -3.36%. *Estimated performance for June 2022, number of funds included and YTD calculated with reported data as of July-22-2022 04:30 US CST. Conservative funds mitigate market risk by maintaining market exposure from zero to 100 percent. Some funds employ leverage to enhance returns. Equity Long-Only funds experienced $19.23 billion in January inflows, 9.07% of assets, Emerging Markets Asia funds attracted $15.05 billion, 8.86% of assets, Event Driven funds attracted $14.80 billion, 6.70% of assets, and Merger Arbitrage funds brought in $11.88 billion, 13.44% of assets. Systematic CTAs were the only subsector experiencing 12-month redemptions with $3.54 billion in outflows, 1.26% of assets. Most managers employ some degree of leverage ranging from zero to 6:1. The seller returns the borrowed securities to the lender by purchasing the securities in the open market. Systematic CTAs were the lone subsector with 12-month redemptions, -$2.45 billion (-0.86% of assets). I hereby certify that I am either an Accredited Investor, in accordance with Rule 501(a) of Regulation D of the US Securities Act of 1933, OR a Qualified Purchaser, in accordance with Section 2(a)(51) of the US investment Company Act of 1940. ['2012', 191.2], In proportional terms, the largest uptake was in Convertible Arbitrage funds (+7.25%) followed by Multi-Strategy funds (+1.99%) and Merger Arbitrage funds (+1.65%). ], credits: { Funds may look to capitalize on security-specific mispricings. Objectives may range from current income to acquisition of undervalued instruments. BarclayHedge, a division of Backstop, currently maintains data on more than 6,900 hedge funds, funds of funds and CTAs. The funds represent speculative investments and involve a high degree of risk. BarclayHedge has been acquired by Backstop Solutions.
Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future trading results. Credit Suisse AllHedge Convertible Arbitrage Index1, Credit Suisse AllHedge Dedicated Short Bias Index1, Credit Suisse AllHedge Emerging Markets Index1, Credit Suisse AllHedge Equity Market Neutral Index1, Credit Suisse AllHedge Event Driven Index1, Credit Suisse AllHedge Fixed Income Arbitrage Index1, Credit Suisse AllHedge Global Macro Index1, Credit Suisse AllHedge Long/Short Equity Index1, Credit Suisse AllHedge Managed Futures Index1, Credit Suisse AllHedge Multi-Strategy Index1, Credit Suisse Convertible Arbitrage Index2, Credit Suisse Dedicated Short Bias Index2, Credit Suisse Equity Market Neutral Index2, Credit Suisse Event Driven Multi-Strategy Index2, Credit Suisse Fixed Income Arbitrage Index2, 1CHF, EUR, GBP, and JPY asset classes are also available, 2AUD, CHF, EUR, GBP, and JPY asset classes are also available.
An investor could lose all or a substantial portion of his or her investment. So far in 2022, the S&P 500 Total Return Index has shed a total of -8.01%, whereas the hedge fund industry is down less than half as much (-3.55%). Backstop provides its industry-leading cloud-based productivity suite to investment consultants, pensions, funds of funds, family offices, endowments, foundations, private equity, hedge funds and real estate investment firms. In addition to equities, some funds may have limited assets invested in other types of securities., Formula: (Std. Subsectors reporting inflows in February included Multi-Strategy funds bringing in $10.11 billion; Convertible Arbitrage funds attracting $2.57 billion; Emerging Markets Global funds adding $2.03 billion; Merger Arbitrage funds with $1.57 billion in inflows; and Sector Specific funds adding $1.18 billion. Instruments include: government agency, government-sponsored enterprise, private label fixed- or adjustable-rate mortgage pass-through securities, fixed- or adjustable-rate collateralized mortgage obligations (CMO's), real estate mortgage investment conduits (REMICs) and stripped mortgage-backed securities (SMBSs). legend: { There you will be able to download an Excel file with the available historical data. It continued to hover around the $4.80 Trillion mark. At the same time, it is desired that the composition determined by the analysis reflect the actual style of the target fund., Short Selling involves the sale of a security not owned by the seller, a technique used to take advantage of an anticipated price decline. ['2014', 205.2], Leverage may be used by some managers. }] }, Since the categorization of market focus and trading styles is subject to change and is of necessity subjective in nature, BarclayHedge, Ltd. does not take any responsibility for including or failing to include a trading program in a particular sector., The Sharpe Ratio is equal to compound annual rate of return minus rate of return on a risk-free investment divided by the annualized monthly standard deviation., Relative Value Arbitrage attempts to take advantage of relative pricing discrepancies between instruments, including equities, debt, options and futures. Typically, the strategy is based on quantitative models for selecting specific stocks with equal dollar amounts comprising the long and short sides of the portfolio. ['2019', 360.7], }, Hedge fund subsectors experiencing monthly redemptions included Balanced (Stocks & Bonds) funds with $2.43 billion in outflows, 0.32% of assets, Emerging Markets Global funds with $1.76 billion in redemptions, 0.79% of assets, Fixed Income funds shedding $913.89 million, 0.09% of assets, Equity Long-Only funds with $837.37 million in outflows, 0.28% of assets, and Macro funds with $691.91 million in redemptions, 0.34% of assets. enabled: false The BarclayHedge UCITS Fixed Income Index is recalculated and updated real-time on this page as soon as the monthly returns for the underlying funds are recorded. These strategies generate returns by purchasing the stock of the company being acquired, and in some instances, selling short the stock of the acquiring company. The Barclay Hedge Fund Indices are recalculated and updated real-time on this page as soon as the monthly returns for the underlying funds are recorded. These funds are commonly known as "stock-pickers." dataLabels: { Our industry leading benchmarks cover over 30 indices on hedge funds, CTAs, UCITS, FX and commodities funds. Access in-depth knowledge on the firms, strategies, performance and investments with BarclayHedge ProAccess. The goal is to avoid being invested in mutual funds during a market decline., A time period during which a new investor in a fund may not withdraw any capital committed to the fund., Fixed income Diversified fund may invest in a variety of fixed income strategies. Multi-Strategy funds are characterized by their ability to dynamically allocate capital among strategies falling within several traditional hedge fund disciplines. The Drawdown Report presents data on the percentage drawdowns during the trading program's performance history ranked in order of magnitude of loss., Convertible Arbitrage involves purchasing a portfolio of convertible securities, generally convertible bonds, and hedging a portion of the equity risk by selling short the underlying common stock. Leverage the advanced analytics tools in FundFinder along with complete access to BarclayHedge research reports and exclusive articles for members only. BarclayHedge indices are utilized worldwide by financial and investment consultants and the financial media as performance benchmarks for the alternative investment industry. Among the subsectors recording monthly losses in February were the Emerging Markets Eastern Europe Index, down -9.44%, the Emerging Markets Global Equities Index, retreating -4.81%, the Fixed Income Arbitrage Index, losing -2.73%, the Emerging Markets Index, giving up -2.62%, and the Volatility Trading Index, off -2.56%. Institutional investors, brokerage firms and private banks worldwide utilize BarclayHedge indices as performance benchmarks for the hedge fund and managed futures industries. The long-bias investment model became a key investment strategy to benefit from a rising market while still affording flexibility to short certain stocks or segments in the market., Equity Hedge investing consists of a core holding of long equities hedged at all times with short sales of stocks and/or stock index options. New Entrants Push Global Hedge Fund Industry Over $5 Trillion Threshold, Despite February Shunting, Managed Futures Industry Celebrates Broad-Based Gains Again in April. Emphasis is placed on assessing credit risk of the issuer. }, In addition, some managers invest solely in individual regions., Formula: (Compound Annual Return / Annualized Std. Industry AUM was relatively flat month-over-month. The Catalyst Cap Intro Active Alpha Investing event seeks to host investment managers which are able to consistently produce Alpha. Convertible bonds have both fixed income and equity characteristics. Hedge fund subsectors with 12-month outflows included Emerging Markets Global funds with -$10.13 billion (-5.40% of assets); Macro funds with -$7.62 billion (-4.06% of assets); Equity Long Bias funds with -$6.87 billion (-1.93% of assets); Equity Market Neutral funds with -$2.07 billion (-3.71% of assets); and Emerging Markets Latin America funds with -$1.48 billion (-13.53% of assets). December 2021 outflows were followed by broadly felt pain in January, which resulted in roughly -$117.92 billion in trading losses. Hedging of prepayment risk and interest rate risk is common. BarclayHedge has been acquired by Backstop Solutions. Equity markets continued trending broadly downward in February, as the specter of war in Europe joined surging inflation and a lingering pandemic to form a potent triumvirate of globally-disruptive forces, observed Ben Crawford, Head of Research at BarclayHedge. Happily, January marked a return to net inflows, albeit in a somewhat more circumspect manner: Investors gave over an additional $11.29 billion to managers on the month, observed Ben Crawford, Head of Research at BarclayHedge. The generic types of fixed income hedging trades include: yield-curve arbitrage, corporate versus Treasury yield spreads, municipal bond versus Treasury yield spreads and cash versus futures., Equity Market Neutral investing seeks to profit by exploiting pricing inefficiencies between related equity securities, neutralizing exposure to market risk by combining long and short positions. Leverage the advanced analytics tools in FundFinder along with complete access to BarclayHedge research reports and exclusive articles for members only. Proportionally speaking, outflows loomed largest for Emerging Market Latin America funds (-1.28%); Emerging Market Asia funds (-1.10%); and Fixed Income funds (-0.82%).

title: { of Quarterly ROR) X SQRT (4), This tabular analysis summarizes the best, worst and average performance for the trading program during time windows of varying lengths. Most Merger Arbitrage funds hedge against market risk by purchasing S&P put options or put option spreads., Market Timing involves allocating assets among investments by switching into investments that appear to be beginning an uptrend, and switching out of investments that appear to be starting a downtrend. Despite the trading losses and redemptions, data coming in from newly added funds led our models to show an increase in hedge fund industry assets to $5.04 trillion. Strategies may be sub-categorized as "high-yield" or "orphan equities." Normally, the stock of an acquisition target appreciates while the acquiring company's stock decreases in value. This may involve reorganizations, bankruptcies, distressed sales and other corporate restructuring's. Some of the available high-yield instruments include extendible/reset securities, increasing-rate notes, pay-in-kind securities, split-coupon securities and usable bonds., Fixed Income Arbitrage is a market neutral hedging strategy that seeks to profit by exploiting pricing inefficiencies between related fixed income securities while neutralizing exposure to interest rate risk. Hedge Funds Continue Winning Investor Favor, Raking in Another $11.29 Billion in January, Hedge Fund Industry Gains 0.39% in March, Trims Year-to-Date Loss to -3.36%. *Estimated performance for June 2022, number of funds included and YTD calculated with reported data as of July-22-2022 04:30 US CST. Conservative funds mitigate market risk by maintaining market exposure from zero to 100 percent. Some funds employ leverage to enhance returns. Equity Long-Only funds experienced $19.23 billion in January inflows, 9.07% of assets, Emerging Markets Asia funds attracted $15.05 billion, 8.86% of assets, Event Driven funds attracted $14.80 billion, 6.70% of assets, and Merger Arbitrage funds brought in $11.88 billion, 13.44% of assets. Systematic CTAs were the only subsector experiencing 12-month redemptions with $3.54 billion in outflows, 1.26% of assets. Most managers employ some degree of leverage ranging from zero to 6:1. The seller returns the borrowed securities to the lender by purchasing the securities in the open market. Systematic CTAs were the lone subsector with 12-month redemptions, -$2.45 billion (-0.86% of assets). I hereby certify that I am either an Accredited Investor, in accordance with Rule 501(a) of Regulation D of the US Securities Act of 1933, OR a Qualified Purchaser, in accordance with Section 2(a)(51) of the US investment Company Act of 1940. ['2012', 191.2], In proportional terms, the largest uptake was in Convertible Arbitrage funds (+7.25%) followed by Multi-Strategy funds (+1.99%) and Merger Arbitrage funds (+1.65%). ], credits: { Funds may look to capitalize on security-specific mispricings. Objectives may range from current income to acquisition of undervalued instruments. BarclayHedge, a division of Backstop, currently maintains data on more than 6,900 hedge funds, funds of funds and CTAs. The funds represent speculative investments and involve a high degree of risk. BarclayHedge has been acquired by Backstop Solutions.
Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future trading results. Credit Suisse AllHedge Convertible Arbitrage Index1, Credit Suisse AllHedge Dedicated Short Bias Index1, Credit Suisse AllHedge Emerging Markets Index1, Credit Suisse AllHedge Equity Market Neutral Index1, Credit Suisse AllHedge Event Driven Index1, Credit Suisse AllHedge Fixed Income Arbitrage Index1, Credit Suisse AllHedge Global Macro Index1, Credit Suisse AllHedge Long/Short Equity Index1, Credit Suisse AllHedge Managed Futures Index1, Credit Suisse AllHedge Multi-Strategy Index1, Credit Suisse Convertible Arbitrage Index2, Credit Suisse Dedicated Short Bias Index2, Credit Suisse Equity Market Neutral Index2, Credit Suisse Event Driven Multi-Strategy Index2, Credit Suisse Fixed Income Arbitrage Index2, 1CHF, EUR, GBP, and JPY asset classes are also available, 2AUD, CHF, EUR, GBP, and JPY asset classes are also available.