which words are antonyms of tranquility quizlet

what information should you include in an objective summary of a literary text? Noun - The arrangement of words and phrases to create well-formed sentences in a language. Adjective - In low spirits from loss of hope or courage. Lucas didn't return his uncle's smirk, and Buddy became _____. Draw a line under the thesis statement in the paragraph below. Which option correctly revises the sentence? Starfish are marine invertebrates. Adjective - The state or quality of conforming to conventionally accepted standards of behavior or morals. it is a familiar, casual way to refer to the devil. The roots ped and pod mean "foot." pray calm yourselves.". culinary, pernicious, artful, inert, latent, jocose, frugal, circumvent, myriad. Showing great variety; composed of different elements or many colors, (adj.) one theme in "to build a fire" is that human knowledge is no match for nature. What does it mean if two people have a congenial relationship? The family business had a history of making ______ moves that netted no profit until Lynn look over and found ways to increase revenue; however, even though she was a[n] ______ for the company's success, Lynn hated her job. Adjective - Of or prompted by feelings of tenderness, sadness, or nostalgia, typically in an exaggerated and self-indulgent way. I hear the boot of Lucifer, I see his filthy face! Why might authors use figurative language in a text? why might authors use figurative language in a text? select all that apply. Synonyms: repudiate, disown, abdicate. The root morph means "form" or "shape." Some words will not be used. "Let me get this straight. "Yum!" Synonyms: loquacious, garrulous, long-winded, prolix. What is the meaning of the phrase "the Old Boy" in Reverend Hale's final statement? Adj - open to more than one interpretation; having a double meaning; unclear or inexact because a choice between alternatives has not been made, v. - leave the main subject temporarily in speech or writing, V. - talk at length in a foolish or inconsequential way, Adj - obedient or attentive to an excessive or servile degree, Adj - (of a person, manner, or gesture) feeling or revealing an overt and often offensive sexual desire, Adj - showing or suffering from nervousness, fear, or a lack of confidence, Adj - open to more than one interpretation; uncertain or questionable in nature. What is the main function of stage directions in drama? During preparation for his twenty-first burglary, Simon wondered if, perhaps, he suffered from a type of ______. adj. In which sentences is parallel structure used? \text{lateral} & \text{impel} & \text{alacrity}\\ In the original version of Tartuffe, the play ended with Tartuffe being largely successful in taking control of Orgon's estate. and it knew that it was not good to walk abroad in such fearful cold. eager, earnest, devoted. A fictional narrative is a story about a specific event or experience from your life. how do phrases such as "as if she went by machinery," "agonies of remorse and arsenic," and "dead villain sat up" contribute to the author's voice? Noun - The use of irony and sarcasm to ridicule. What is word choice, or the way an author describes things or phrases ideas? I made a gift for you today, Goody Proctor. Which term refers to the emotional associations of a word or phrase? Which is the best definition of theme in a literary text? The words have negative connotations, giving the scene an ominous feeling. The prefix mono means "one." feral cats that have been rescued commonly exhibit one or more of these behaviors: they act timid, they become aggressive, or they seem lethargic. it was the time to lie snug in a hole in the snow and wait for a curtain of cloud to be drawn across the face of outer space whence this cold came. "But if you're really interested, maybe we can _____ on helping' you pick the winning horse." If the filament in the light bulb does not become _____, you will know that the bulb is burned out. Some words will not be used. read the passage from chapter 1, part 2, of little women. B. rewrote. Antonyms - disagree, differ, part company. He wore no gloves today; yesterday, he discovered that the cheap cotton painter's gloves were not ______ when he removed them and found his hands stained maroon.

disagreeably harsh-sounding; disorderly. Perhaps the old-timer on Sulphur Creek was right. She went to the house to _____ Jasmine into helping her move a truckload of stolen goods to another state-an easy job, she claimed, and virtually no risk. Synonyms: emphatic, vigorous, impassioned; Antonyms: apathetic, lukewarm, subdued, muted. List the three critical components for effective treatment of STIs, Examples of cultural traits that are exchanged, attacking person rather than their arguments. too much pride can lead to one's downfall. She hated this situation; she knew what to do, but in the way the school perceived her, it would be a lose-lose decision. Synonyms: delectable, flavorful aromatic, piquant. Noun - An individual or community of thought as a mini representation of the world. an author's attitude toward the subject of a text. The trail-mate could have built the fire. Synonyms: groggy, soporific. Not even the best research scientists could find a way to _____ the deadly effects of the microscopic villains. Dally, caricature, beleaguer, amalgamate, hone, felonious, demented. Who hasn't been disappointed after hype? Freely given; not called for by circumstances, unwarranted, (adj.) open and responsive to ideas or suggestions; Synonyms: open-minded, tolerant, amenable. Some words will not be used. Pray calm yourselves.". Adjective - Characterized of or appropriate to ordinary or familiar conversation rather than formal speech or writing. which words are antonyms of tranquility? A. nanotechnology B. decadence C. brinkmanship D. placebo E. kleptomania. For what purpose would the author of a drama use a soliloquy? (v.) To grow or accumulate over time; to happen as a natural result, (n.) A critical or explanatory note or comment, especially for a literary work, (n.) A state or scene of uproar and confusion, (adj.) generally positive toward both girls, based on the use of the phrase wonderful genius and the word modestly. n. irritation or humiliation caused by disappointment or frustration; v. to cause such a feeling. What is the story's climax-the moment of greatest excitement, when the conflict is resolved? He had already amassed a small fortune from the sale of stolen art, but he always seemed to need to pull off "just one more job" before he retired permanently. Rebecca's speech that begins, "I think she'll wake in time. Noun - A person who can endure pain or hardships without showing their emotions or complaining. Synonyms: chaos, bedlam, three-ring circus. how do the short, repetitive sentences create a tense mood? Synonyms: vilification, calumny; Antonyms: salute, tribute. select all that apply. $$ What best states the central idea of this passage? How do the short, repetitive sentences create a tense mood? Synonyms: (v) batter, sock, thump, pummel, toss about, Synonyms: caustic, mordant, acidulous, spiteful, Synonyms: (n.) turncoat, defector, heretic, Synonyms: objectionable, blameworthy, culpable, odious, Synonyms: dingy, sordid, foul, vile, abject, Synonyms: clamorous, uproarious, blustering, Synonyms: bulky, massive, copious, plentiful. What are the purposes of an aside in a drama? Sonya loves animals and nature, so during the summer she would rather work on her grandfather's farm than relax on the beach. To make matters worse, Mrs. Bailey frequently came outside to ensure that Justin hadn't become ______ n the job. To grow or accumulate over time; to happen as a natural result. n. a noisy quarrel or brawl. Accidental, occurring by a happy chance, (n.) The essential part, main point, or essence, (adj.) The few women of her time ______ did travel were usually wives of diplomats or missionaries. You've been out of jail for three days, and you already want me to _____ you in your scheme to commit a crime? In line 26 of the first passage, the word augmented most nearly means A. supplemented. Some words will not be used. Antonyms: order, calm, tranquility, peace, repose. The turbulent aftermath of either decision would be difficult to _____. Adjective - Assuming power or authority without justification; Arrogant and domineering. The supercontinent that formed near the end of the Paleozoic era, when plate movements brought all the landmasses of Earth together. an author's attitude toward the subject of a text. How do phrases such as "as if she went by machinery," "agonies of remorse and arsenic," and "dead villain sat up" contribute to the author's voice? this stage direction describes the non-verbal actions of the character. Characterized by or calling for continued sitting; remaining in one place. And it is my face, and yours, Danforth. The diction and syntax are exaggerated, moving the action to gently make fun of the characters. He fell right into a pot of water that the little pig had on for supper. The root magn means "great." Adjective - Formal and dignified, not cheerful or smiling; serious. \begin{matrix} In the selection from "Day of the Butterfly," how does the writer mostly reveal Ms. Adjective - Treating sexual matters in an indecent way. If he had only had a trail-mate he would have been in no danger now. D. imitated. Some words will not be used. Hidden, disguised, purposefully kept secret; sheltered, secluded, (adj.) Originally, the doctor worried that Kate would _____ compliance and simply pretend to remember things, but the doctor could tell that the memories were real by the way in which they seemed to _____ the patient emotionally. A thesis statement may provide a possible answer to a question, but it cannot be an actual question. At dinner one evening, shortly after the ______, Lynn announced that she had been offered a job with a larger company at twice her current salary.

Knowing that Mr. Tahoma was a[n] _____ of Peruvian cuisine and a weekly newspaper columnist with a[n] ____ following, the chef hoped that the waiters refrained from the _____ behavior that well-known food critics must often endure from servers. When he finally spoke, the Prime Minister delivered a[n] ____ address that revealed his anger and his plan of counterattack. That woman, however, turned into a mere pest under his searching scrutiny, and the child she had allegedly been afflicting recovered her normal behavior after Hale had given her his kindness and a few days of rest in his own house. the features of a play that allow an author to convey a message. an underlying message that tells a universal truth about life. The sentences sound like a loud, emotional speech. Adj - Tediously uniform or unvarying; can be used to discuss tone of voice. Synonyms: accustom, learn the ropes. Please leave, and don't come back.". He uses words and phrases such as everlasting funeral, judged for lies, and court to make Elizabeth sound like a severe person. He wore no gloves today; yesterday, he discovered that the cheap cotton painter's gloves were not _____ when he removed them and found his hands stained maroon. From the list below, supply the words needed to complete the paragraph. Which answer gives an example of figurative language in this passage? The figurative language illustrates that nature continues to be beautiful and is unaffected by the man's death. To demand insistently, especially in payment of debt; a creditor; dark, dull, drab, dingy, The essential part, main point, or essence. \text{paean} & \text{aphorism} & \text{affliction} & \text{impermeable}\\ Adj - Having an air of easy unconcern or indifference. The prefixes ambi and amphi mean "both" or "around." Doing _____ thing might become monotonous after a few hours. Reporters ______ him with phone calls for days after he announced the discovery of a remarkable new alloy, and Rearick knew that he would need to _____ his public speaking skills before he explained the full significance of the discovery In front of the television news cameras. Justin began to have second thoughts about his summer job when the temperature rose to ninety degrees. The root phob means "fear." A fire, a fire is burning! How do the dialogue and the stage directions work together to advance the plot in the passage? Doctor Rearick, a famous chemist, mused at the _____ of himself in the editorial cartoon.

What does Gertrude's welcome echo about the Royal relationship to their visit. According to critic Robert Graves, the "remarkable thing about Shakespeare is that he is really very goodin spite of all the people who say he is very good." How does the dialogue in this passage interact with the stage directions to create meaning in this scene? \end{matrix} which term relates to the feeling or atmosphere an author creates for the reader? undercover, clandestine, sub-rosa, synonyms: carefree, jaunty, gracious, suave, urbane, synonyms: (v.) hound, pester, harass, nag, synonyms: effectual, efficient, potent, powerful, synonyms: unintentional, unplanned, random, lucky, synonyms: voluntary, unjustified, uncalled-for, synonyms: domineering, magisterial, urgent, imperative, synonyms: (n.) vituperation, abuse, diatribe, philippic, synonyms: (adj.) Lucas never really adapted to conversing through a sheet of Plexiglas, and the tinny sound of Buddy's musing through the two-way intercom made him uncomfortable. the repeated sentence construction "she sends she makes she have she comes" gives the scene an intense rhythm. Little by little, the doctor _____ clues that might _____ the solution to Kate's disorder. adj. v. to express agreement; approve. This is the second time that you've been in trouble for fighting," said the principal. Flowers to help Marguerite? *fibers* are what *kind of evidence and why*. n. a wild uproar, din, or commotion. Adjective - Outstandingly bad; outrageous. quell, prowess, linguistics, purloin, vindictive, pugnacious, rabble. Terry stood out among the debonair crowd at the exclusive charily ball, mostly because he wore a baby blue tuxedo, ate straight from the snack tray, and made _______ remarks about the guest speakers. Which pilgrim is old, thin, frail, is a thief, and has a better job than the boss?

Level F Sadlier-Oxford Vocabulary Workshop New Edition Which answer most accurately completes the definition? Some words will not be used. They ate a delicious wolf stew for dinner and all lived happily ever after. Synonyms: boisterous, clamorous, strident. What does dovetails mean in this sentence? Adjective - Having or displaying a passionate intensity. Antonyms: confuse, bewilder, obscure, obfuscate.

Someone who fears being in a claustrum, or an enclosed space, is said to have _____. Pleasant, courteous, lighthearted; smooth and polished in manner and appearance, (v.) To demand insistently, especially in payment of a debt; (n.) A creditor; (adj.)

in act 1, part 5, of the crucible, the author implies that reverend hale ignores evidence that contradicts his conclusions. Replace it with a new thesis statement that clarifies the writer's theme. what can you infer about reverend hale from this passage? for what purpose would the author of a drama use a soliloquy? One hour was all Kate could stand before her therapy had to _____ for the day. Jasmine had thought that her irresponsible days of _____ were far behind her until Kayla showed up at her door. Well, it was up to him to build the fire over again, and this second time there must be no failure. What is the central idea of this passage? The prefix poly means "many." select all that apply. the stage directions and dialogue express conflict among mary warren, mercy, and abigail. Small mistakes can have big consequences. Dark, dull, drab, dingy, (n.) Calmness, composure, refusal to panic, (adj.) If hard work builds character, thought Justin, then he should have a[n] ______ amount of character after this job. Too much pride can lead to one's downfall. Much to everyone's dislike, the outspoken ____ used the ____ of the slave trade to ____ his racial supremacy speeches. $$ read this passage from chapter 1, part 1, of little women. Adjective - In a state of disrepair or ruin as a result of age or neglect. From the list below, supply the words needed to complete the paragraph. adj. Study the entries and answer the questions that follow. Noun - The quality or state of being twofold. however, that experience never raised a doubt in his mind as to the reality of the underworld or the existence of lucifer's many-faced lieutenants. what is word choice, or the way an author describes things or phrases ideas? after work, dean loves placing his touring bicycle in the trunk of his car, finding a scenic bike path, and cycling for at least one hour. Which passages from Part 2 of the text provide evidence for this theme? Antonyms: agreement, accord, unanimity, harmony. \end{matrix} Some words will not be used.

What is the impact of the author using figurative language to describe the stars in this passage? Someone who speaks in a single pitch, whose voice does not raise or lower, is said to speak in a[n] ______. It would even be fun, she claimed. Noun - A person whose attitudes and behavior are marked by conformity to the standards and conventions of the middle class. select all that apply. the most important message specific to the story. What is an example of figurative language in this passage? Some images used in this set are licensed under the Creative Commons through Flickr.com.Click to see the original works with their full license. He stood alone on the stage as he addresses the angered crowd; even his former friends and colleagues wanted to ___ him from their lives. The germ waited, as it had for days, until the host's chemistry was perfect for waking from its slumber and unleashing its _____ poison in the host's body: In a few hours, the single microbe would multiply into _____ bundles of destruction, and then the tiny legion would seize control of the host's nervous system. Overbearing, arrogant; seeking to dominate; pressing, compelling, (n.) A strong denunciation or condemnation; abusive language, (adj.) Synonyms: subdue, curb, stifle, bottle up. Synonyms: elucidate, untangle, spell out. to communicate relationships between characters. generally positive toward both girls, based on the use of the phrase wonderful genius and the word modestly. What is the impact of the author's use of words such as dead and freezing in the passage? From the list below, supply the words needed to complete the paragraph. magnanimous, impeccable, impound, contrite, expatriate, emulate, collaborate. Noun - Constant and earnest effort to accomplish what is undertaken; persistent exertion of body or mind. Antonyms: uncommunicative, reticent, terse. Antonyms: alert, lively, wide-awake, stimulating. In other cases, the starfish sheds an arm if it is attacked by a predator. Every day after sunset, Debra enjoys taking care of her garden, trimming the hedges, raking the fallen leaves, and watering the plants. What form of writing dealt with biblical subjects? Synonyms: agree, assent, ratify, sanction. Darling's character? Study the entries and answer the questions that follow. Adjective - Hostile and aggressive, pertaining to war or those engaged in war. select all that apply. This is what take the brain so long to do, according to Dr. Levitin. fort, fore (ex: fortress, forceful, reinforce, comfortable, effortlessly), Rhetorical Question - a figure of speech in which a question is asked for a reason other than to get an answermost commonly, it's asked to make a persuasive point. Adjective - Decaying or rotting and emitting a fetid smell. which is the best definition of theme in a literary text? Definition: demanding, having severe requirements, Definition: fully expressed, leaving nothing implied, Definition: benefit unfairly from something; bold or heroic deed, Definition: shallow, simplistic; effortless, Definition: a small group within a larger group, Definition: a mistaken belief, faulty reasoning, Definition: understand; a unit of depth, usually measuring water, Definition: symbol of a country or institution; point out, signal, draw attention to; become tired or weak, Definition: having a red or flushed face; flowery, elaborate, Definition: icy, related to glaciers; cold, unfriendly; extremely slow, Definition: pellets of ice; rain down with force; signal, greet or call out; praise (v), Definition: safe place or shelter, particularly for boats; keep or hold in mind; give a home to, shelter, or hide someone, Definition: belief that goes against the established opinion. From the list below, supply the words needed to complete the paragraph. "who is to say that robbing a people of its language is less violent that war. the diction and syntax are exaggerated, moving the action to gently make fun of the characters. Antonyms: talkative, garrulous, voluble, long-winded. the man knows it is dangerous to get his feet wet. The prefix super means "above" or "over." john says abigail told him she was not under the spell of witchcraft when they were alone together. "Your _____ on the field does not excuse your _____ behavior at school. People interpret facts in a way that justifies their beliefs. What is the meaning of the similes like sheaths of iron and like rods of steel in this passage? The man knows it is dangerous to get his feet wet. The prefix poly means "many." Adjective - Lower in rank or position; of less or secondary importance. Adjective - Unnecessary, especially through being more than enough. Adjective - Easily managed or controlled; docile; yielding. Exceeding ordinary knowledge and understanding, (n.) A depraved, vicious, or unprincipled person, scoundrel, (adj.) \begin{matrix} Adjective - Gloomy or sullenly ill-humored, as a person or mood; characterized by or expressing gloom. And it knew that it was not good to walk abroad in such fearful cold. Adjective - Possessing or showing courage or determination. Adjective - Characterized or expressing concerns about morals. Adjective - Briefly and clearly expressed. adj. For the third day in a row, he stood on a flimsy ladder and _____ maroon paint onto the side of Mrs. Bailey's house. v. to give up or resign something. what did grandma most likely mean? $$ adj. The repeated sentence construction "She sends she makes She have She comes" gives the scene an intense rhythm. variegated, heterogeneous, diverse; (n.) fool, synonyms: stimulating, arousing, vexing, galling, synonyms: esoteric, arcane, profound, abstruse, synonyms: (n.) scoundrel, blackguard; (adj.) an underlying message that tells a universal truth about life, read this passage from part 1 of "to build a fire.". From the list below, supply the words needed to complete the paragraph. Adjective - Excessively particular, critical, or demanding; hard to please. It was the time to lie snug in a hole in the snow and wait for a curtain of cloud to be drawn across the face of outer space whence this cold came. what are the purposes of an aside in a drama? what does it mean if two people have a congenial relationship? The root chroma means "color." The pig invited his two brothers over. \text{judicious} & \text{foible} & \text{catalyst} & \text{benediction}\\ \begin{matrix} divulge, gregarious, abet, coerce, temerity, jaundiced, insipid. the features of a play that allow an author to convey a message. characterized by a ready flow of words; glib, fluent.