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372 0 obj
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Pictures are not to be changed or altered in any way, shape or form without my consent. THANK YOU! Please ensure you are following proper guidelines with anything used, and seek professional advice if you dont know how to do something. %PDF-1.6
Were literally just getting started! Regardless of when your summer break begins we want to help you find the time to pack in all the fun! Fill out my Old Salt Farm Feature Agreement. It also cuts down on having to search for activities in the moment, or multiple spots holding all the information. Our pleasure. Click on the image and download the file to your computer. h[o0 r7!kD*m4J=xh!A?.A>%9v2( e8j^8.8 An Easter Service Idea. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. cycR/{zzjZK;/kh9E]hbTiS~,7`Dw:6-$r/$XE2Zh==ae,/iqjG/JZayc.Pv~fg\LW/1r6'6m`j6/c3O vm|ZNSKE-K\l,4si[='nH=6TU(KD JKP!1TooUd9-8^4We:L&Y>~h-^&n/+5dbrq^[g-0fwk5UO 9c
5W@Kx XwnOAD=#x>[r&',7[6m}]}b5eS+l#03SB6 ?P`e"h"#^B( 8`(6@+5"azc1CAW# ~s8zWsGO w4sA2=0v.~k|/z/dAnaKi,S(cutSp^r)6)PPEP-zIO IZ9% !qwHjP MyEZZpfFr2_ Planning in advance is one way to make sure you can fit in each and every activityandalso be able to see at a glance what you already have going on so there is no double-booking. pghR(,Ll!#c 5BPI93K) \%#> /xqN^"1IAGLJ@U#y .-p$5p> && Ex68LGlHF@z\ bE hmoG/ I originally created this calendar as a space to write down all the possibilities, then add the ones we choose to do on to our regular calendar. A separate calendar really is so helpful for the summer months. Whether you are planning family road trips, play dates, a day at the museum, splash pad fun, or picnics at the park, having a place to jot in all your summer plans is a must. The images, tutorials, and content on are protected by copyright laws. Exactly what I have been looking for!! Old Salt Farm is for entertainment purposes only. Filed Under: Calendars Tagged With: august 2022, calendars, july 2022, june 2022, may 2022, september 2022, summer 2022. You may not use any images without permission. Thank you for the freebies! The calendar is organized by months, and divided into weeks. We figured that we werent the only ones that could use a summer calendar with it so quickly approaching! Simply scroll through the 2022 summer calendars below, and choose the design you like with the starting month you need. DO NOT edit or remove watermarks from any image. This also helps us make our summer bucket list, which we do as school is getting out. 406 0 obj
Q@OqG#.z26!?^^ono'r\hbyxxmw;]_/a,n{{NtM#|yjmHc,c=,[w'"/tnoI*sTtSjwmv4u'r}ohju/]zyy]t.XnM? Please do not copy text or reprint recipes without my permission.
Make Your Own Tetherball Setfor half the cost! document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. h220R0Pw/+Q0L)620T$ ]>
With many more homeschool resources, coloring pages, word searches, calendars, holiday printables, educational worksheets and so much more to be created, we hope you come along on the journey! Required fields are marked *. };r]bvG Dryrn7A7{IG^qFh6, JJ\bbbbbbb6LqLqLqLqLqLqLLLLE_xxxxxDDDDDDDDDDp RwSSSSSSSS)XDj+/c/YP*RM*TS*. By downloading any files or printables, you accept that they are FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY. Learn how your comment data is processed. Some schools finish the school year sometime in May while others dont start their summer vacations until June or even July!
335 0 obj <>stream endstream endobj 336 0 obj <>stream Grab your printable to be less stressed, more organized, and happier starting today! We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. By using this site, you are agreeing to our Privacy Policy. A bP 8!-cN2u'3\-`>4sua)V^6 *eq du Summer is full of so many fun activities, and I needed a place to keep them all straight when they started piling up.
m$QDH R$e*JbQOxx&&aIHJXoh1-l`%Z You can sign up for our email list below! Fill out my Old Salt Farm Feature Agreement. Kierste Wade (Old Salt Farm) is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to DO NOT distribute or copy the content without written permission.
Happy summer! %PDF-1.7 %
You can print it by month, or the entire summer.
hbbd```b``"H 4i c"fIs0&j6-DJ5E$dFMY "}D@Y3@ K$rHD-n] $ .!Lg`| Use this printable family summer calendar to easily keep track of all your summer plans and activities, plus all the possibilities and summer happenings in your community. F!AMl'c |h:;F1 PDF and Excel options are available. . COPYRIGHT 2021 PRINTABULLS - Contact Us - Disclosure Policy - Privacy Policy. Required fields are marked *. Y"44D1/0$.oI6{{;AHJ$^ MR(-1#?1s{5Ki=R4nY/4.Ua h.O)vh$=0`^H hYmo7+-__Eb_}~P=G,rW>3V+Q&X'B@Q JD&yxiWGPMo~Oqz2qqC>w #@;&:>7 -7&LA4!b&DOW+hj[0)7_.O-e56wsDA b1JtB{>L?.r/ j=MN8~k'8Pz?#eunSkzY'e 04:(UkO Your email address will not be published.
As mentioned above, you can use these printable summer calendars for planning purposes, but these calendars are also very useful for other things such as tracking reading minutes or the number of books read by your children on summer break, writing in an activity to do every day, summer bucket list items, recipes to try each day, tracking screen time, chores to be done (we also have free printableToddler Chore ChartsandMultiple Children Chore Chartsavailable)the applications truly are endless and go far beyond the planning of appointments. %%EOF Each day has three slots for activities or plans, so theres plenty of room for all the goings-on. Adding in times and availability for other summer activities, such as paddle boarding, kayaking, picking blueberries, bowling (for rainy days), and more, is also very helpful. endstream endobj 342 0 obj <>/Metadata 5 0 R/Pages 339 0 R/StructTreeRoot 9 0 R/Type/Catalog/ViewerPreferences 373 0 R>> endobj 343 0 obj <>/MediaBox[0 0 612 1008]/Parent 339 0 R/Resources<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/Tabs/S/Type/Page>> endobj 344 0 obj <>stream When you make a purchase after clicking on one of those links, I earn a small commission that helps support this blog, at no extra cost to you. Please contact me with any questions. Ive been using this calendar for so many years now, and still absolutely love it. Always free. Often we wont have made specific plans for the week or day, but well look at the summer calendar to help us see whats going on and then decide! All you need to do now is print and plan! document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); A team of Moms and designers building the worlds biggest collection of free printables! Any and all content on this website is created for inspiration purposes only. This helps me keep my regular calendar free of all the extra activities we wouldnt necessarily be doing, but a great place for all the activities we are interested in doing. My patterns, ideas and tutorials are NOT intended for resale or re-distribution.
Looking for something specific but dont see it?
Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Because summer start times vary, weve created summer calendars beginning in either May, June, or July. Amazon offers a small commission on products sold through their affiliate links. All ideas and printables are for your personal use only. Each calendar consists of three consecutive months all on one page and is perfect for writing whatever you need! hb``e``:R+ 2022 Old Salt Farm ~ Custom site byMoonsteam Design. Creating with my suggested methods, products, instructions, tutorials, and tools is at your own risk. You can use the calendar digitally, or printwhichever is easier! Interested in sharing one of my photos or projects? Year number 11! endstream endobj 337 0 obj <>stream It gives me space for all of the library story times, park days, local festivals, holiday celebrations, and other summer activities that are regularly scheduled throughout the summer months. endstream endobj startxref Your email address will not be published. &*!B(`0P)?c-e^BR]T2ujh =2-4Of-;(A*Ehe+GpCSh4xX zG)g'7%,be.a;t~7xayigg>dy*R2H_I~HYRDJ?"kB^P>h_1 swd7N9 DTh(#d<85jx(:1$'. Your email address will not be published. 341 0 obj <> endobj It worked so well that Ive continued it year after year, and had other families tell me the same. These are SO CUTE. g#9Eb9]yg^8T{>F"h,o%`O?Ul|gX/?/t};_Oot^>pz<=GsNWwNp;_|>|^cX]D+Y]&+atu' It varies from place to place. Is school off for the summer where you are? Let us know via our Contact Us page and wed love to create it in the future! 6!8dB4S) How to Put Together a Summer Car Kit + tons of ideas and free printable, Paper Sack Mothers Day Card: a Childs Q&A, Some Bunny Loves You!
All tutorials and demonstrations are not intended to be professional advice, nor substitute as such, and I make no guarantees as to the procedures and information here. April 27, 2022 by Printabulls Team 4 Comments.

With many more homeschool resources, coloring pages, word searches, calendars, holiday printables, educational worksheets and so much more to be created, we hope you come along on the journey! Required fields are marked *. };r]bvG Dryrn7A7{IG^qFh6, JJ\bbbbbbb6LqLqLqLqLqLqLLLLE_xxxxxDDDDDDDDDDp RwSSSSSSSS)XDj+/c/YP*RM*TS*. By downloading any files or printables, you accept that they are FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY. Learn how your comment data is processed. Some schools finish the school year sometime in May while others dont start their summer vacations until June or even July!
335 0 obj <>stream endstream endobj 336 0 obj <>stream Grab your printable to be less stressed, more organized, and happier starting today! We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. By using this site, you are agreeing to our Privacy Policy. A bP 8!-cN2u'3\-`>4sua)V^6 *eq du Summer is full of so many fun activities, and I needed a place to keep them all straight when they started piling up.
m$QDH R$e*JbQOxx&&aIHJXoh1-l`%Z You can sign up for our email list below! Fill out my Old Salt Farm Feature Agreement. Kierste Wade (Old Salt Farm) is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to DO NOT distribute or copy the content without written permission.
Happy summer! %PDF-1.7 %
You can print it by month, or the entire summer.
hbbd```b``"H 4i c"fIs0&j6-DJ5E$dFMY "}D@Y3@ K$rHD-n] $ .!Lg`| Use this printable family summer calendar to easily keep track of all your summer plans and activities, plus all the possibilities and summer happenings in your community. F!AMl'c |h:;F1 PDF and Excel options are available. . COPYRIGHT 2021 PRINTABULLS - Contact Us - Disclosure Policy - Privacy Policy. Required fields are marked *. Y"44D1/0$.oI6{{;AHJ$^ MR(-1#?1s{5Ki=R4nY/4.Ua h.O)vh$=0`^H hYmo7+-__Eb_}~P=G,rW>3V+Q&X'B@Q JD&yxiWGPMo~Oqz2qqC>w #@;&:>7 -7&LA4!b&DOW+hj[0)7_.O-e56wsDA b1JtB{>L?.r/ j=MN8~k'8Pz?#eunSkzY'e 04:(UkO Your email address will not be published.
As mentioned above, you can use these printable summer calendars for planning purposes, but these calendars are also very useful for other things such as tracking reading minutes or the number of books read by your children on summer break, writing in an activity to do every day, summer bucket list items, recipes to try each day, tracking screen time, chores to be done (we also have free printableToddler Chore ChartsandMultiple Children Chore Chartsavailable)the applications truly are endless and go far beyond the planning of appointments. %%EOF Each day has three slots for activities or plans, so theres plenty of room for all the goings-on. Adding in times and availability for other summer activities, such as paddle boarding, kayaking, picking blueberries, bowling (for rainy days), and more, is also very helpful. endstream endobj 342 0 obj <>/Metadata 5 0 R/Pages 339 0 R/StructTreeRoot 9 0 R/Type/Catalog/ViewerPreferences 373 0 R>> endobj 343 0 obj <>/MediaBox[0 0 612 1008]/Parent 339 0 R/Resources<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/Tabs/S/Type/Page>> endobj 344 0 obj <>stream When you make a purchase after clicking on one of those links, I earn a small commission that helps support this blog, at no extra cost to you. Please contact me with any questions. Ive been using this calendar for so many years now, and still absolutely love it. Always free. Often we wont have made specific plans for the week or day, but well look at the summer calendar to help us see whats going on and then decide! All you need to do now is print and plan! document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); A team of Moms and designers building the worlds biggest collection of free printables! Any and all content on this website is created for inspiration purposes only. This helps me keep my regular calendar free of all the extra activities we wouldnt necessarily be doing, but a great place for all the activities we are interested in doing. My patterns, ideas and tutorials are NOT intended for resale or re-distribution.
Looking for something specific but dont see it?
Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Because summer start times vary, weve created summer calendars beginning in either May, June, or July. Amazon offers a small commission on products sold through their affiliate links. All ideas and printables are for your personal use only. Each calendar consists of three consecutive months all on one page and is perfect for writing whatever you need! hb``e``:R+ 2022 Old Salt Farm ~ Custom site byMoonsteam Design. Creating with my suggested methods, products, instructions, tutorials, and tools is at your own risk. You can use the calendar digitally, or printwhichever is easier! Interested in sharing one of my photos or projects? Year number 11! endstream endobj 337 0 obj <>stream It gives me space for all of the library story times, park days, local festivals, holiday celebrations, and other summer activities that are regularly scheduled throughout the summer months. endstream endobj startxref Your email address will not be published. &*!B(`0P)?c-e^BR]T2ujh =2-4Of-;(A*Ehe+GpCSh4xX zG)g'7%,be.a;t~7xayigg>dy*R2H_I~HYRDJ?"kB^P>h_1 swd7N9 DTh(#d<85jx(:1$'. Your email address will not be published. 341 0 obj <> endobj It worked so well that Ive continued it year after year, and had other families tell me the same. These are SO CUTE. g#9Eb9]yg^8T{>F"h,o%`O?Ul|gX/?/t};_Oot^>pz<=GsNWwNp;_|>|^cX]D+Y]&+atu' It varies from place to place. Is school off for the summer where you are? Let us know via our Contact Us page and wed love to create it in the future! 6!8dB4S) How to Put Together a Summer Car Kit + tons of ideas and free printable, Paper Sack Mothers Day Card: a Childs Q&A, Some Bunny Loves You!
All tutorials and demonstrations are not intended to be professional advice, nor substitute as such, and I make no guarantees as to the procedures and information here. April 27, 2022 by Printabulls Team 4 Comments.