Copyright Calvary Christian School Naperville. We believe the investment in an education at Calvary Christian High School will yield a lifetime of returns.
Students will beequipped and intellectually prepared to live their lives with a Biblical perspective. Families may be charged prime plus two percent (prime + 2%) for all balances in arrears for periods greater than 30 days. CCHS utilizes the services of FACTS Tuition Management Company to determine financial assistance eligibility. Ten-month payment year starts September 1, 20XX and ends June 30, 20XX. Families needing assistance can apply after submitting a completed application for admission. Discounts apply only to tuition - all other fees and services are not discounted. They provide Calvary with a need-based financial aid analysis which includes a recommendation of what a family should reasonably be able to contribute toward tuition. The Calvary Christian School admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. Over $175,000 in tuition assistance is available for qualifying families. Tuition, paid in full at the beginning of the year, will be refunded based on this policy. The school board/administration reserves the right to review all donations and accept or reject them at its discretion. Note: a fair value must be allocated to used items. (Note: Exceptions may be made on an individual basis based on the application submitted.). Pastor/Christian Educator DiscountPastor/Christian worker discount applicants must meetministry eligibility requirements. Payment date may be chosen on the 5th or the 20th of the month. Families may choose to pay tuition at the beginning of the school year in full, make semi-annual payments in June and January or spread tuition payments over the course of the year in monthly installments. Option C: Half of annual tuition by ACH through FACTS. A policy is in place for dealing with tuition in arrears. Tuition refunds are issued by term only. At Calvary Academy, we firmly believe that providing a Christ-centered environment where students are challenged academically and nurtured spiritually will help them to develop a genuine relationship with Jesus Christ, and a heart for Christian service, leadership, and missions. All rights reserved. (Preferred School Number: 900089996) A used uniform sale is offered a couple times a year. Credit Card Fees apply. We look forward to the opportunity to show you our beautiful campus as you go through the Admissions process.

For further explanation of Fees, please see the section below: We realize a Christian education is a significant financial investment; therefore, we have established financial assistance for mission-compatible students whose families desire to partner with Calvary Christian High School for their child's high school education and have financial need. Tuition assistance becomes effective only after the student has completed the enrollment process and has been accepted as a student at Calvary. Families applying for Financial Assistance can receive a fee waiver code. if an item is donated to the school the value of the item is receiptable. Upon approval by the Committee, notice of tuition assistance will be provided . CCS offers payment plans to make affording Christian education fit within your budget. Students and parent/guardians must be willing to conform to the standards and philosophy of the school. Students participating in Calvarys After School Orchestra may rent an individual instrument for home use. The principal and the teachers will review all applications. It is non-refundable. 2022.
It is a ministry. *Families making monthly payments must submit payment through FACTS. For questions and inquiries please contact the Director of Admissions. 1133 E. County Line Rd.Lakewood, NJ 08701, 732-363-3633, 732-363-7337 fax, admissions@calvaryacademy.org, Calvary Tuition Assistance Application Checklist, Calvary Academy Tuition Assistance Policy, Select "Sign In" for current users, or "Create an Account" for New Users. Calvary offers up to 50% tuition assistance for children in TK-8th grade. There are no ongoing annual fees for technology at Calvary. Account must be in good standing or an administrative approved plan must be in place to be eligible for re-enrollment. Hot lunch is available 5 days per week for students in Preschool 3 - 8th grade. No tuition discount. The school offers a limited participation payment. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. A registration fee of $100 is payable for the home school program. Thank you for considering tuition assistance for your family. A 10% discount will be applied for each additional child. Miscellaneous Fees are billed through FACTS and will be automatically deducted. 1st Grade students must be 6 by September 1, 2022. Please know that we will make every effort to make it financially possible for you and your children to become and remain part of theCalvary Academyfamily. This fund is used on an on-going basis to cover pizza days, skating days, field trip, etc. All tuition for the school year must be paid by May 16. Uniforms can be purchased from. Plan must begin no later than August 20th, 2022 and be completed by May 20th, 2023. Students and parent/guardians alike must understand that it is a privilege for the student to attend Calvary Christian School. *A/T/M (Activity -Testing -Materials)FeeThe A/T/M Fee includes school yearbook, student insurance, locker rental, standardized achievementtesting, PSAT fee, instructionalmaterials and supplies,and a pass for admission to all home, non-tournamentathletic games. The Calvary Parent Association collects annual dues, donations for a fund to purchase birthday and year-end teacher gifts, as well as general donations. Due August 24th, 2022 and January4t4th, 2023. There are additional fees for 8th Grade Washington D.C. Trip, special field trips, student clubs, additional materials for specialized classes, competitive athletics, school pictures, cheerleading and music. cheques may be charged with a $25 administration fee.) Florida Tax Credit ScholarshipStudents who qualify for the income-based Florida Tax Credit Scholarship may be considered for admission at Calvary. CCHS is limited in the accommodations we are able to provide; however, we are willing to review the information and inform parents of the accommodations available at Calvary. Every effort is made to keep the tuition cost affordable while working to accomplish our vision. Please note that the filing deadline for financial assistance requests for the 2023-2024 school year is. A fee of $250 charged for each student to cover the cost of curriculum. To apply for Financial Aid please go toFACTS Financial Aid and complete an application. If Before and After School Supervision is required, an amount of $50.00 per student is required at the commencement of the year, for the Before and After School Fund. All other considerations are secondary. The entire amount of the tuition will be required in postdated cheques dated for the first of each month and made payable to Calvary Christian School. All information is kept confidential. It is a connection a connection between your childs needs and your family philosophy and our philosophy. Current Families: Application submission with required supporting documentation is DUE by April 15 each year. Families can only receive one discount and cannot be combined. Thank you for taking the time to evaluate the Calvary Academy tuitionassistance program. All students are expected to adhere to the same level of academic achievement for graduation and behavior expectations as set forth in our Parent-Student Handbook. At Calvary Christian School, we strongly believe that Christian education is not a commodity. For tuition paid by post-dated cheques, the school will return the appropriate funds based on this policy. Calvary Christian School is a non-profit registered charitable organization. Admission privilege rests with the administration of the School. Tuition assistance must be applied for annually. For information about this scholarship program, please select the link below. New Students Junior Kindergarten: A registration fee of $250 applies upon acceptance of each junior-kindergarten student. A forty percent (40%) discount is available to any pastor or individual in full time ministry. Fundraising enables us to purchase equipment and items for the school. Students who qualify for the income-based Family Empowerment Scholarship may be considered for admission at Calvary. Results are reviewed by the Tuition Assistance Committee. The following information is provided in order to make this process as simple as possible. Financial information is considered strictly confidential and has no effect on the admissions decision. Students applying to Calvary Christian School will be admitted on the condition that they are capable of maintaining standards as set forth by the school. Returning Students Grades K-8:A continuous enrollment fee of $175 is charged in mid-February for all returning students. Multiple Child Discounts:Full tuition is charged for the child enrolled at the highest grade level. Family Empowerment Scholarship for Educational Options (FES-EO). Discover Calvary's developmentally appropriate Preschool program where children, View Calvary's annual tuition, fees and financial assistance opportunities, Calvary strives for100% participationin the Annual Fund, whichsupports all areas of the school. Proceed to Student Application Information. Please call Krystal Shelton in the business office at (310) 573-0082 X126 or, Calvary is proud of our rich history of academic excellence, Christian values, leadership and service, impacting lives for over 25 years, Calvary appreciates and celebrates parent participation, believing that parents and educators are partners in each child's development, Explore how Calvary's students consistently make a meaningful difference in the lives of others, Calvary students are encouraged to explore and pursue their unique interests and passions through the arts, explore, learn and engage in the world around them, Calvary's Kindergarten program develops an academic foundation and love of learning, equipping students for years to come, Calvary's Elementary School provides an environment which nurtures each child's academic and personal excellence, The goal of our Middle School program is to develop critical thinkers prepared to enter top high schools and become future leaders, Learn about the requirements and deadlines that are part of Calvary's admissions process and complete the online application. There are no uniforms for Preschool. Financial Aid is awarded based on financial need and availability on a first-come first-serve basis. Notice of Leaving or Change of Program: Parents are required to contact administration to discuss the situation. Extra supplies may be required by individual teachers to be purchased by the student. Please make sure to enter Calvary's school code (2178) when completing the financial assistance application. New Students Grades K 8: A registration fee of $350 is charged upon acceptance of each new student. No tuition discount for monthly plan and credit card fees apply. var u2115264917="afrank"; var h1775920744="calvarylighthouse.org";var linktext=u2115264917+'@'+h1775920744;h1775920744="calvarylighthouse.org";document.write('' + linktext + '');
Option D: Half of annual tuition by credit card through FACTS. This can be discussed with the administration. Participation is optional. But money IS important, and tuition is an investment in the life of your child. Families must reapply for tuition assistance each school year, itdoes not carry over from year to year . A 3% tuition discount applies. Participation is optional. Additional deposits to this fund may be required throughout the year. You may submit a FACTS application for tuition assistance by selecting the following link: Tuition assistance is based on the availability of funds and demonstration of need.