The events that took place in 1944 are told in Hellsing: The Dawn, an ongoing prequel to Hellsing. After massacring everyone in sight, the British police and scattered military units fortified positions and hunkered down behind barricades, but were no match against the SS Vampires, having no specialized anti-vampire munitions. They're trembling! Incognito | Leif & Jessica | Bubbancy, Other Otherwise, you should close this page and view another page. Zorin led her battalion of troops against the Wild Geese, slaughtering most of the mercenaries. The organization then attacked Hellsing manor under the command of Zorin though the attack was initially a disaster, Seras Victoria having shot down their Zeppelin with AA cannons. Interestingly, Zorin's design bear's similarities to the anime-exclusive villain Incognito. While in London, Millennium found itself facing another enemy; the Iscariot Organization led by newly-appointed Archbishop Enrico Maxwell, which arrived with a far larger army backed up with gunships. Maybe I should just cut your head off. Powers / Skills After this event, Millennium began to plan their escape. Goals Eventually she encountered Seras and although Zorin was easily able to kill her she instead left her alive after scraping her eyes on her scythe, slicing off her left arm, and paralyzing her with a blow to the spine. For the assault's second phase, Millennium soldiers descended from the zeppelins, being launched from catapult-like devices. According to him, their only purpose is to wage war. The Bandits | Richard Hellsing | Sultan | Vampire Priest. GenocideMass murderTerrorismMutilationMass DestructionConspiracyWar crimesWarmongering Otherwise, you should close this page and view another page. By the time Zorin moved to finish off her enemy, Captain Pip Bernadotte, who was already severely injured, barged in and tried to save Seras, but was instead mortally wounded by Zorin, leading him to offer the injured Seras to drink his blood and awaken her latent vampiric powers. Without Alucard, the Hellsing forces are as weak as children", "The Deus Ex Machina is running interference for us, huh? She wields a scythe and has the ability to read minds and create illusions. Very clever of you. Zorin is a First Lieutenant in the organization known as Millennium, a remnant of the Nazi Party that is comprised of artificial vampires and lead by a man known only as the Major. It is notable that the jagged design on the scythe is relatively common on hand forged blades such as this one Dynasty Forge - Katana Blade and reveal themselves through the used metal metallurgy, folded smithing of 2 different steel hardenings and the polishing.
In one panel of the manga, the tattoos bear the phrase "Comic Master", referring to an online comic-making application. Seras then swears to destroy Zorin with Pip's help, and plows her way through Zorin's remaining forces. This is Thesecret1070. As Zorin orders them to fire the last rocket and finish the survivors, Seras appears and kills all her forces. ", (To her soldiers) "Crashland us! Enrico Maxwell | Alexander Anderson | Heinkel Wolfe | Yumie Takagi | Ninth Crusade, 2001 Hellsing Goals If you are 18 years or older or are comfortable with graphic material, you are free to view this page. He states that by pouring in so many vampiric soldiers, by slaughtering the Wild Geese and the people of London, and by drawing in the massed Vatican forces, he planned to sacrifice them all to kill one being - Alucard. Modified and advanced firearmsFREAK chipsMissilesFirearms and explosivesVampire armyZeppelin fleet Intentionally or not, Zorin's outfit bears an extremely close resemblance to the one worn by fellow manga vampire Dio Brando in part 3 of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure. Right before Seras did kill her, Schrdinger appeared and informed Blitz that her inevitable death will come in Seras' hands instead of being burned, asThe Major and Doc are too busy working on vampirizing Walter and had no time to activate the microchip, abandoning Zorin to a painful, humiliating death at the fledgling's hands. As one of the top members of Millennium Organization and a member of The Werewolves, she is a very powerful vampire with very unique vampiric abilities and weapons. Evil Organization After the events of Hellsing: The Dawn, most of the remaining Nazi officials escaped to South America some time after the end of the war in Europe, taking with them a battalion of 1,000 Waffen-SS volunteers. And I was so sure you were going to be a challenge. Her orders were to treat Seras as much as a valuable enemy as Alucard himself - orders Zorin foolishly ignored by taking too long to kill her. They eventually formed the "Letzte Bataillon" a secret unit for the eventual execution of Hitler's Special Order #666. In one panel of the manga, the tattoos bear the phrase, (To the colonial) "That's enough backtalk from you, colonial. The Major often tells his troops that their operation is executed as vengeance for their defeat 54 years ago - both against England and the Hellsing Organization - when in fact, his goals are much smaller. While hers is a dark and light grey, Soul's weapon form is red and dark grey, separated by a similar zigzag pattern on the scythe. If you are going to edit a lot, then make yourself a user and login. ", Her last name, Blitz, is German for "lightning". When she uses her illusion powers, the tattoos on her arm appear to slide off and spread out from her hand, being quickly replaced by more tattoos on her skin. Millennium's researchers have discovered a way to transform humans into vampires through unknown means, though it is suggested that some kind of surgery is involving implanting computer chips. Zorin reaches up and grabs Seras' face in an attempt to use her illusions again, but Pip's soul, having become one with Seras after drinking his blood, blocks her from going back into her memories. Right before Seras did kill her, Schrdinger appeared and informed Blitz that her inevitable death will come in Seras' hands instead of being burned, as The Major and Doc are too busy working on vampirizing Walter and had no time to activate the microchip, abandoning Zorin to a painful, humiliating death at the fledgling's hands. Origin The Major | The Captain | The Doctor | Zorin Blitz | Schrdinger | Rip Van Winkle | Luke Valentine | Jan Valentine | Tubalcain Alhambra | Walter C. Dornez | Letzte Bataillon, Iscariot Organization Fighting.Torturing people. My first proposal for the new year, and it's a Hellsing villain! Origin While Seras is frozen from reliving her trauma, Zorin takes the opportunity to torture her by cutting off her left arm, stabbing her in the back and gouging her eyes out, laughing at her pain and questioning why the Major said she was a threat. One stupid, weak little girl who's more dead than alive!
World War II I am an admin of this site. This is a kindness", (To Seras Victoria) "Just breaks your heart, doesn't it. Now, how to end this? Zorin eventually came across Seras and crippled her after gouging her eyes with her scythe, slicing left arm off her and leaving her paralyzed with a strike to her spine. She has narrow green eyes, with the right eye being much darker in color. Only death can cure stupidity! If you are going to edit a lot, then make yourself a user and login. Incognito | Leif & Jessica | Bubbancy, Other By then, Millennium's manpower was largely depleted, numbering only 572 troops. Crash land us dammit! Millennium Organization Millennium Organization Despite this, the survivors, behind halved in number and having lost all their heavy equipment, continued to attack, only to fall into a minefield set up by Captain Pip Bernadotte's Wild Geese troops.
This is Thesecret1070. This was known as the "Letztes Bataillon", translated in English as the "Last Battalion", a secret weapon to be used in a future conflict.
Full Name Sorry I had to cut your reunion short!". This organization consists of about 1000 SS soldiers. Agents CombatFirearm-wieldingTurning people into ghoulsSuper StrengthSuper Speed Otherwise, you should close this page and view another page. By the time of Alucard's return, only 572 troops remained. Not long after, the Major had them executed on a live broadcast to the London summit between Iscariot and the Table, formally declaring war upon England. Kill every bastard you find! Zorin is extremely sadistic and bloodthirsty, often enjoying using her illusion magic to mess with her victim's minds before she finishes them off. Her orders were to treat Seras as much as a valuable enemy as Alucard himself - orders Zorin ignored by leaving her alive. Zorin then creates a giant illusion of herself to confuse Seras and the Wild Geese as her men use the distraction to bypass the minefield and reach the manor. This is the best fight Hellsing can put up? Millennium Seras then healed herself (save for her left arm, which now spews shadow matter) and effortlessly destroyed the remaining members of Zorin's Battalion, leaving Zorin alone. It could be the fact that beforeWalter's betrayal, she was the strongest vampire in Millenium so she naturally underestimates her oppenents. Zorin Blitz "The Blitz" was also the common term for Germany's campaign of bombing raids on Britain during WWII. Target Seras Victoria! World War II Hellsing Crimes Target that bitch! was a character in the Hellsing manga series and a member of the Millennium forces. First Lieutenant Zorin Blitz is an officer in the Millennium Organization serving as a commander of the Letzte Bataillon and a major antagonist in the Hellsing manga series and its OVA adaption Hellsing Ultimate. Commanders Millennium Organization
Zorin wears a dark green halter top and the bottom half of a standard Letzte Batallion combat uniform (pants and boots). Alias Incognito | Leif & Jessica | Bubbancy, Other As such, Zorin dies in a complete contrast to Rip van Winkle; an un-glorified death that Schrdinger later describes to the Major as like "a gnat", ironically the same words she used to describe Pip. That scuzzy maggot obviously didn't recognize his place on the food chain, constantly buzzing around like a galling gnat. ", (To Seras Victoria) "God, you're such a weakling. Now alone against Seras, Zorin attempts to use her illusions against Seras again, but finds that Pip's soul is inside Seras' own and is protecting her from Zorin's powers. Zorin claims to The Major Hellsing is weak as children without Alucard. Hi. Millennium initially stayed hidden in the shadows, first by observing the Hellsing organization's capabilities by attacking it with ghouls (and devastating it in the process). She has narrow green eyes, with the right eye being much darker in color. Crimes I am an admin of this site. Commanders Pip tries to save Seras, but Zorin mortally wounds him. ", (To Seras Victoria) "I love the way you squirm beneath my boot heel! Once they arrived in the skies of London, they launched waves of V-1 flying bombs, devastating the city in mere moments and carving a massive, burning swastika created by the flaming destruction to mark the tremendous massacre. Ultimately, the Millennium forces were able to bypass the mine field with the help of one of Zorin's illusions and breached Hellsing Manor. Although first seen with The Major and the other members of the Letztes Batallion, Zorin's first mission shown is her attack on Hellsing Mansion during Millennium's invasion of London (Operation Seelwe 2). You cannot make said Removal Proposal without permission from an admin first. Zorin and her men eventually find Pip and the last of the Wild Geese held up in the manor's conference room, using a bazooka to blast through their barricade and kill a large portion of them. Destroy London (succeded).Plunge the world into an endless state of war and push humanity to the brink of extinction (failed). Much of the survivors were then wiped out by Alucard's undead army along with the Iscariot knights. She is also the only major member of Millennium who lacks such gloves. Seras Victoria was easily able to shoot down Zorin's zeppelin with the Harkonnen II's AA cannons, forcing the surviving members to carry on on foot. ", (To Seras Victoria) "Good morning, Seras. Zorin Blitz is one of the few major characters in the series to not wear white gloves. Some time after the end of the war in Europe, most of the members had left for South America, taking with them a battalion of 1,000 Waffen-SS volunteers. Ultimately, the Millinnieum forces were able to bypass the minefield and destroy the Wild Geese almost entirely, but were wiped out by Seras Victoria who also managed to kill Zorin Blitz in a brutal duel. Hellsing Firearm-wieldingTurning people into ghoulsSuper StrengthSuper Speed. Like all those men I killed! Mass murderPsychological abuseTortureMutilationTerrorismTreasonWar crimes Plunge the world into an endless state of war and push humanity to the brink of extinction (failed). Destroy Hellsing Manor and kill Seras Victoria (failed). First appearance (OVA) If you are going to edit a lot, then make yourself a user and login. Type of Villains British police officers attempted to fight back though were quickly wiped out as bullets had no effect on the vampire soldiers. God, what a joke! Not that it matters. Millennium OrganizationLetztes BataillonThe WerewolvesVanguard Unit Pip tries to save Seras, but Zorin mortally wounds him by throwing her scythe through his back. The only notable differences being the lack of an eye on Zorin's scythe and the colors of her weapon's blade. Hi. Her last name, Blitz, is German for "lightning". Annoying gnats that press their luck always end up getting swatted. The latter is more likely, as Hirano occasionally snuck in references to other works (such as "Trigun Maximum," "Gungrave," "Mission Impossible", and "Band of Brothers"), as well as comedic phrases ("Elvis Lives"). They're ready to piss themselves at the sight of a girl! was a character in the Hellsing manga series and a member of the Millennium forces. Yko Smi I am an admin of this site. Burn it down! It is likely a reference to Blitzkrieg (. Following the end of World War II, the mysterious group pools its resources and, with substantial help from the Vatican, is able to relocate to Brazil to go into hiding. If you are going to edit a lot, then make yourself a user and login. 1000 Waffen-SS Vampires Powers / Skills Letzte Bataillon During the events of Hellsing's main storyline, as the Major returns to Millennium's secret base in Jaburo, a Nazi Colonel as well as the other Nazi officials became furious with the Major, frantically asking why the top echelons had never been converted into vampires, and tried to beat him into submission. Interestingly, despite Schrodinger telling her the Major and Doctor had no time to activate her death switch, it is seen activating later, after Seras had killed her. According to Hirano, Zorin was his least favorite character while working on, Intentionally or not, Zorin's outfit bears an extremely close resemblance to the one worn by fellow manga vampire, It is notable that the jagged design on Zorin's scythe is relatively common on hand forged blades such as this one, Interestingly, Zorin's design bear's similarities to the anime-exclusive villain, Zorins second English voice actressunder the pseudonym Cherla Borinnosvoiced the. They consist of a large pentagram on her forehead, a purple spiral on her right shoulder, and innumerable letters covering the entire right side of her body (or at least her face, neck, and arm). The Major | The Captain | The Doctor | Zorin Blitz | Schrdinger | Rip Van Winkle | Luke Valentine | Jan Valentine | Tubalcain Alhambra | Walter C. Dornez | Letzte Bataillon, Iscariot Organization ", (To Seras Victoria) "So. This is Thesecret1070. Hellsing Most of them were wiped out by Alucard and his undead army, along with the Grand Army of the Reconquista, and the remains were presumably wiped out in the sanitation of the city. No! Schrdinger then appears before Zorin to deliver a message from the Major condemning her for being inept and disobeying his orders to treat Seras as a real threat. This Villain was proposed and approved by Villains Wiki's Pure Evil Proposals Thread. As Alucard was not killed by Van Helsing, Mina did not become fully human and thus, Millennium were able to extract some of her blood which contained Alucard's essence and used this as a base for all their artificial vampires. Sir Integra Hellsing was also pursued by a platoon of Millennium troops, though the chase was a failure when Father Alexander and a force of armed Iscariot paladins arrived in the nick of time, wiping out the vampire soldiers in seconds. He also had May Day, a giant, muscular female bodyguard. She is shown to be quite cruel, as she gleefully shows her enemies illusions of painful past events, such as showing one of the Wild Geese mercenaries an illusion of his dead daughter, and Seras flashbacks of the day her parents were murdered. Their foundation, "Hitler's Special Order #666", is an obvious reference to the mark of the beast in the Bible's Book of Revelation. The death of an insect! Millennium officer Eventually though, thanks to Zorin's illusions, the Millennium forces manage to get through the mine field and breach Hellsing Manor. Within three armored zeppelins, a thousand loyal soldiers armed with huge amounts of weaponry, marched on London. At the end of Volume 10, Zorin's scythe is seen at a shrine alongside items from other characters killed in the series. Zorin immediately puts Seras inside an illusion, making her relive several painful moments from her troubled childhood at an orphanage as she digs deeper inside her memories. She is also quick to anger and impulsive, which led to her going against orders and attacking Hellsing manor, resulting in her demise. She has a third eye in the palm of her right hand, which only opens when she is using her illusion powers. Type of Villain She is also the only major member of Millennium who lacks such gloves. Commanding roughly 1/3 of the Letztes Battalion, Zorin led an attack on Hellsing manor though it was initially a disaster, with Seras Victoria easily shooting down Zorin's zeppelin with theHarkonnen II'sAA cannons. She also wears black gloves on both hands and is rarely seen without her silver and dark grey scythe. The invasion of London began after occupying a Royal Navy carrier (which in turn was destroyed by Alucard), arriving at the city at night. At the end of Volume 10, Zorin's scythe is seen at a shrine alongside items from other characters killed in the series.
Artificial Vampire (Demon)
They also brought with them a massive amount of valuables taken from victims of the Holocaust, as well as an assortment of advanced weaponry, such as V-1 flying bombs and advanced Zeppelins in which to convey their forces. You're trash! Chapter 94 of Hellsing reveals that 'She' was in fact Mina Harker. Type of Villains She then prepares to kill Seras, claiming she's doing her a "kindness" after seeing what's inside her head. Other than that, enjoy Villains Wiki!!! First Lieutenant Zorin Blitz ( Zrin Burittsu Chi?)
As one of the top members of Millennium Organization and a member of The Werewolves, she is a very powerful vampire with very unique vampiric abilities and weapons. Millennium Organization She was able to effortlessly toy with Seras in her pre-blood infused state, but she was eventually outmatched once Seras drank Pip's blood. The survivors then charged at the manor on foot, but were caught in a minefield set up byCaptain Pip Bernadotte'sWild Geesetroops. Japanese seiy It is entirely possible that Hirano drew from these elements in creating his Hellsing character. Seras subsequently killed Zorin in a spectacularly violent and bloody manner, scraping her face across a wall and wearing it down like an eraser on paper. Hobby They consist of a large pentagram on her forehead, a purple spiral on her right shoulder, and innumerable letters covering the entire right side of her body (or at least her face, neck, and arm). It's time to wake up. It is likely that it activates in response to her death, though it is also possible that The Major and Doctor merely left her to a painful death for having proven herself to be incompetent. Millenium soldiers are equipped with World War 2-era German weapons and clothing, including Kar98 bolt-action rifles, MP40s, STG-44s, Stick grenades, Panzerfausts and Panzerschreks, as well as Stahlhelms along with SS-issue greatcoats. When she uses her illusion powers, the tattoos on her arm appear to slide off and spread out from her hand, being quickly replaced by more tattoos on her skin. These sad meat sacks are your combat elites? She is shown to be quite cruel, as she gleefully shows her enemies illusions of painful past events, such as showing one of the Wild Geese mercenaries an illusion of his dead daughter, and Seras flashbacks of the day her parents were murdered. The remaining Letzte Battalion during the battle of London. Zorin Blitz However, their forces were quickly depleted by both the frustrated Hellsing HQ assault attempt and the intervention of Iscariot forces in a fierce clash. A loose anime adaptation premiered in October 2001 and ended in January 2002, and a OVA series that completely follows the manga storyline premiered in February 2006 and ended in December 2012. Affiliations Full Name Mainly in the design of the blade.
Gender Enrico Maxwell | Alexander Anderson | Heinkel Wolfe | Yumie Takagi | Ninth Crusade, 2001 Hellsing
In one panel of the manga, the tattoos bear the phrase "Comic Master", referring to an online comic-making application. Seras then swears to destroy Zorin with Pip's help, and plows her way through Zorin's remaining forces. This is Thesecret1070. As Zorin orders them to fire the last rocket and finish the survivors, Seras appears and kills all her forces. ", (To her soldiers) "Crashland us! Enrico Maxwell | Alexander Anderson | Heinkel Wolfe | Yumie Takagi | Ninth Crusade, 2001 Hellsing Goals If you are 18 years or older or are comfortable with graphic material, you are free to view this page. He states that by pouring in so many vampiric soldiers, by slaughtering the Wild Geese and the people of London, and by drawing in the massed Vatican forces, he planned to sacrifice them all to kill one being - Alucard. Modified and advanced firearmsFREAK chipsMissilesFirearms and explosivesVampire armyZeppelin fleet Intentionally or not, Zorin's outfit bears an extremely close resemblance to the one worn by fellow manga vampire Dio Brando in part 3 of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure. Right before Seras did kill her, Schrdinger appeared and informed Blitz that her inevitable death will come in Seras' hands instead of being burned, asThe Major and Doc are too busy working on vampirizing Walter and had no time to activate the microchip, abandoning Zorin to a painful, humiliating death at the fledgling's hands. As one of the top members of Millennium Organization and a member of The Werewolves, she is a very powerful vampire with very unique vampiric abilities and weapons. Evil Organization After the events of Hellsing: The Dawn, most of the remaining Nazi officials escaped to South America some time after the end of the war in Europe, taking with them a battalion of 1,000 Waffen-SS volunteers. And I was so sure you were going to be a challenge. Her orders were to treat Seras as much as a valuable enemy as Alucard himself - orders Zorin foolishly ignored by taking too long to kill her. They eventually formed the "Letzte Bataillon" a secret unit for the eventual execution of Hitler's Special Order #666. In one panel of the manga, the tattoos bear the phrase, (To the colonial) "That's enough backtalk from you, colonial. The Major often tells his troops that their operation is executed as vengeance for their defeat 54 years ago - both against England and the Hellsing Organization - when in fact, his goals are much smaller. While hers is a dark and light grey, Soul's weapon form is red and dark grey, separated by a similar zigzag pattern on the scythe. If you are going to edit a lot, then make yourself a user and login. ", Her last name, Blitz, is German for "lightning". When she uses her illusion powers, the tattoos on her arm appear to slide off and spread out from her hand, being quickly replaced by more tattoos on her skin. Millennium's researchers have discovered a way to transform humans into vampires through unknown means, though it is suggested that some kind of surgery is involving implanting computer chips. Zorin reaches up and grabs Seras' face in an attempt to use her illusions again, but Pip's soul, having become one with Seras after drinking his blood, blocks her from going back into her memories. Right before Seras did kill her, Schrdinger appeared and informed Blitz that her inevitable death will come in Seras' hands instead of being burned, as The Major and Doc are too busy working on vampirizing Walter and had no time to activate the microchip, abandoning Zorin to a painful, humiliating death at the fledgling's hands. Origin The Major | The Captain | The Doctor | Zorin Blitz | Schrdinger | Rip Van Winkle | Luke Valentine | Jan Valentine | Tubalcain Alhambra | Walter C. Dornez | Letzte Bataillon, Iscariot Organization Fighting.Torturing people. My first proposal for the new year, and it's a Hellsing villain! Origin While Seras is frozen from reliving her trauma, Zorin takes the opportunity to torture her by cutting off her left arm, stabbing her in the back and gouging her eyes out, laughing at her pain and questioning why the Major said she was a threat. One stupid, weak little girl who's more dead than alive!
World War II I am an admin of this site. This is a kindness", (To Seras Victoria) "Just breaks your heart, doesn't it. Now, how to end this? Zorin eventually came across Seras and crippled her after gouging her eyes with her scythe, slicing left arm off her and leaving her paralyzed with a strike to her spine. She has narrow green eyes, with the right eye being much darker in color. Only death can cure stupidity! If you are going to edit a lot, then make yourself a user and login. Incognito | Leif & Jessica | Bubbancy, Other By then, Millennium's manpower was largely depleted, numbering only 572 troops. Crash land us dammit! Millennium Organization Millennium Organization Despite this, the survivors, behind halved in number and having lost all their heavy equipment, continued to attack, only to fall into a minefield set up by Captain Pip Bernadotte's Wild Geese troops.

Full Name Sorry I had to cut your reunion short!". This organization consists of about 1000 SS soldiers. Agents CombatFirearm-wieldingTurning people into ghoulsSuper StrengthSuper Speed Otherwise, you should close this page and view another page. By the time of Alucard's return, only 572 troops remained. Not long after, the Major had them executed on a live broadcast to the London summit between Iscariot and the Table, formally declaring war upon England. Kill every bastard you find! Zorin is extremely sadistic and bloodthirsty, often enjoying using her illusion magic to mess with her victim's minds before she finishes them off. Her orders were to treat Seras as much as a valuable enemy as Alucard himself - orders Zorin ignored by leaving her alive. Zorin then creates a giant illusion of herself to confuse Seras and the Wild Geese as her men use the distraction to bypass the minefield and reach the manor. This is the best fight Hellsing can put up? Millennium Seras then healed herself (save for her left arm, which now spews shadow matter) and effortlessly destroyed the remaining members of Zorin's Battalion, leaving Zorin alone. It could be the fact that beforeWalter's betrayal, she was the strongest vampire in Millenium so she naturally underestimates her oppenents. Zorin Blitz "The Blitz" was also the common term for Germany's campaign of bombing raids on Britain during WWII. Target Seras Victoria! World War II Hellsing Crimes Target that bitch! was a character in the Hellsing manga series and a member of the Millennium forces. First Lieutenant Zorin Blitz is an officer in the Millennium Organization serving as a commander of the Letzte Bataillon and a major antagonist in the Hellsing manga series and its OVA adaption Hellsing Ultimate. Commanders Millennium Organization
Zorin wears a dark green halter top and the bottom half of a standard Letzte Batallion combat uniform (pants and boots). Alias Incognito | Leif & Jessica | Bubbancy, Other As such, Zorin dies in a complete contrast to Rip van Winkle; an un-glorified death that Schrdinger later describes to the Major as like "a gnat", ironically the same words she used to describe Pip. That scuzzy maggot obviously didn't recognize his place on the food chain, constantly buzzing around like a galling gnat. ", (To Seras Victoria) "God, you're such a weakling. Now alone against Seras, Zorin attempts to use her illusions against Seras again, but finds that Pip's soul is inside Seras' own and is protecting her from Zorin's powers. Zorin claims to The Major Hellsing is weak as children without Alucard. Hi. Millennium initially stayed hidden in the shadows, first by observing the Hellsing organization's capabilities by attacking it with ghouls (and devastating it in the process). She has narrow green eyes, with the right eye being much darker in color. Crimes I am an admin of this site. Commanders Pip tries to save Seras, but Zorin mortally wounds him. ", (To Seras Victoria) "I love the way you squirm beneath my boot heel! Once they arrived in the skies of London, they launched waves of V-1 flying bombs, devastating the city in mere moments and carving a massive, burning swastika created by the flaming destruction to mark the tremendous massacre. Ultimately, the Millennium forces were able to bypass the mine field with the help of one of Zorin's illusions and breached Hellsing Manor. Although first seen with The Major and the other members of the Letztes Batallion, Zorin's first mission shown is her attack on Hellsing Mansion during Millennium's invasion of London (Operation Seelwe 2). You cannot make said Removal Proposal without permission from an admin first. Zorin and her men eventually find Pip and the last of the Wild Geese held up in the manor's conference room, using a bazooka to blast through their barricade and kill a large portion of them. Destroy London (succeded).Plunge the world into an endless state of war and push humanity to the brink of extinction (failed). Much of the survivors were then wiped out by Alucard's undead army along with the Iscariot knights. She is also the only major member of Millennium who lacks such gloves. Seras Victoria was easily able to shoot down Zorin's zeppelin with the Harkonnen II's AA cannons, forcing the surviving members to carry on on foot. ", (To Seras Victoria) "Good morning, Seras. Zorin Blitz is one of the few major characters in the series to not wear white gloves. Some time after the end of the war in Europe, most of the members had left for South America, taking with them a battalion of 1,000 Waffen-SS volunteers. Ultimately, the Millinnieum forces were able to bypass the minefield and destroy the Wild Geese almost entirely, but were wiped out by Seras Victoria who also managed to kill Zorin Blitz in a brutal duel. Hellsing Firearm-wieldingTurning people into ghoulsSuper StrengthSuper Speed. Like all those men I killed! Mass murderPsychological abuseTortureMutilationTerrorismTreasonWar crimes Plunge the world into an endless state of war and push humanity to the brink of extinction (failed). Destroy Hellsing Manor and kill Seras Victoria (failed). First appearance (OVA) If you are going to edit a lot, then make yourself a user and login. Type of Villains British police officers attempted to fight back though were quickly wiped out as bullets had no effect on the vampire soldiers. God, what a joke! Not that it matters. Millennium OrganizationLetztes BataillonThe WerewolvesVanguard Unit Pip tries to save Seras, but Zorin mortally wounds him by throwing her scythe through his back. The only notable differences being the lack of an eye on Zorin's scythe and the colors of her weapon's blade. Hi. Her last name, Blitz, is German for "lightning". Annoying gnats that press their luck always end up getting swatted. The latter is more likely, as Hirano occasionally snuck in references to other works (such as "Trigun Maximum," "Gungrave," "Mission Impossible", and "Band of Brothers"), as well as comedic phrases ("Elvis Lives"). They're ready to piss themselves at the sight of a girl! was a character in the Hellsing manga series and a member of the Millennium forces. Yko Smi I am an admin of this site. Burn it down! It is likely a reference to Blitzkrieg (. Following the end of World War II, the mysterious group pools its resources and, with substantial help from the Vatican, is able to relocate to Brazil to go into hiding. If you are going to edit a lot, then make yourself a user and login. 1000 Waffen-SS Vampires Powers / Skills Letzte Bataillon During the events of Hellsing's main storyline, as the Major returns to Millennium's secret base in Jaburo, a Nazi Colonel as well as the other Nazi officials became furious with the Major, frantically asking why the top echelons had never been converted into vampires, and tried to beat him into submission. Interestingly, despite Schrodinger telling her the Major and Doctor had no time to activate her death switch, it is seen activating later, after Seras had killed her. According to Hirano, Zorin was his least favorite character while working on, Intentionally or not, Zorin's outfit bears an extremely close resemblance to the one worn by fellow manga vampire, It is notable that the jagged design on Zorin's scythe is relatively common on hand forged blades such as this one, Interestingly, Zorin's design bear's similarities to the anime-exclusive villain, Zorins second English voice actressunder the pseudonym Cherla Borinnosvoiced the. They consist of a large pentagram on her forehead, a purple spiral on her right shoulder, and innumerable letters covering the entire right side of her body (or at least her face, neck, and arm). The Major | The Captain | The Doctor | Zorin Blitz | Schrdinger | Rip Van Winkle | Luke Valentine | Jan Valentine | Tubalcain Alhambra | Walter C. Dornez | Letzte Bataillon, Iscariot Organization ", (To Seras Victoria) "So. This is Thesecret1070. Hellsing Most of them were wiped out by Alucard and his undead army, along with the Grand Army of the Reconquista, and the remains were presumably wiped out in the sanitation of the city. No! Schrdinger then appears before Zorin to deliver a message from the Major condemning her for being inept and disobeying his orders to treat Seras as a real threat. This Villain was proposed and approved by Villains Wiki's Pure Evil Proposals Thread. As Alucard was not killed by Van Helsing, Mina did not become fully human and thus, Millennium were able to extract some of her blood which contained Alucard's essence and used this as a base for all their artificial vampires. Sir Integra Hellsing was also pursued by a platoon of Millennium troops, though the chase was a failure when Father Alexander and a force of armed Iscariot paladins arrived in the nick of time, wiping out the vampire soldiers in seconds. He also had May Day, a giant, muscular female bodyguard. She is shown to be quite cruel, as she gleefully shows her enemies illusions of painful past events, such as showing one of the Wild Geese mercenaries an illusion of his dead daughter, and Seras flashbacks of the day her parents were murdered. Their foundation, "Hitler's Special Order #666", is an obvious reference to the mark of the beast in the Bible's Book of Revelation. The death of an insect! Millennium officer Eventually though, thanks to Zorin's illusions, the Millennium forces manage to get through the mine field and breach Hellsing Manor. Within three armored zeppelins, a thousand loyal soldiers armed with huge amounts of weaponry, marched on London. At the end of Volume 10, Zorin's scythe is seen at a shrine alongside items from other characters killed in the series. Zorin immediately puts Seras inside an illusion, making her relive several painful moments from her troubled childhood at an orphanage as she digs deeper inside her memories. She is also quick to anger and impulsive, which led to her going against orders and attacking Hellsing manor, resulting in her demise. She has a third eye in the palm of her right hand, which only opens when she is using her illusion powers. Type of Villain She is also the only major member of Millennium who lacks such gloves. Commanding roughly 1/3 of the Letztes Battalion, Zorin led an attack on Hellsing manor though it was initially a disaster, with Seras Victoria easily shooting down Zorin's zeppelin with theHarkonnen II'sAA cannons. She also wears black gloves on both hands and is rarely seen without her silver and dark grey scythe. The invasion of London began after occupying a Royal Navy carrier (which in turn was destroyed by Alucard), arriving at the city at night. At the end of Volume 10, Zorin's scythe is seen at a shrine alongside items from other characters killed in the series.

As one of the top members of Millennium Organization and a member of The Werewolves, she is a very powerful vampire with very unique vampiric abilities and weapons. Millennium Organization She was able to effortlessly toy with Seras in her pre-blood infused state, but she was eventually outmatched once Seras drank Pip's blood. The survivors then charged at the manor on foot, but were caught in a minefield set up byCaptain Pip Bernadotte'sWild Geesetroops. Japanese seiy It is entirely possible that Hirano drew from these elements in creating his Hellsing character. Seras subsequently killed Zorin in a spectacularly violent and bloody manner, scraping her face across a wall and wearing it down like an eraser on paper. Hobby They consist of a large pentagram on her forehead, a purple spiral on her right shoulder, and innumerable letters covering the entire right side of her body (or at least her face, neck, and arm). It's time to wake up. It is likely that it activates in response to her death, though it is also possible that The Major and Doctor merely left her to a painful death for having proven herself to be incompetent. Millenium soldiers are equipped with World War 2-era German weapons and clothing, including Kar98 bolt-action rifles, MP40s, STG-44s, Stick grenades, Panzerfausts and Panzerschreks, as well as Stahlhelms along with SS-issue greatcoats. When she uses her illusion powers, the tattoos on her arm appear to slide off and spread out from her hand, being quickly replaced by more tattoos on her skin. These sad meat sacks are your combat elites? She is shown to be quite cruel, as she gleefully shows her enemies illusions of painful past events, such as showing one of the Wild Geese mercenaries an illusion of his dead daughter, and Seras flashbacks of the day her parents were murdered. The remaining Letzte Battalion during the battle of London. Zorin Blitz However, their forces were quickly depleted by both the frustrated Hellsing HQ assault attempt and the intervention of Iscariot forces in a fierce clash. A loose anime adaptation premiered in October 2001 and ended in January 2002, and a OVA series that completely follows the manga storyline premiered in February 2006 and ended in December 2012. Affiliations Full Name Mainly in the design of the blade.