sanfoundry java data structure

(A) fully parenthesised infix expression (C) 15 to traverse the graph. The time complexity of quick sort is .. 98. (D) It will print an empty line. (B) (nlog n) (A) Greedy approach (B) 1 (B) Stack Maximum number of nodes in a binary tree with height k, root is at height 0, is: Any node is the path from the root to the node is called. The use of pointers to refer elements of a data structure in which elements are logically adjacent is . (C) Worst case The pre-order and post order traversal of a Binary Tree generates the same output. 97. (A) End Key Answer: A, 225. (A) (n2) An ADT is defined to be a mathematical model of a user-defined type along with the collection of all . Answer: B, 267. Answer: A, 236. (D) Doubly-linked list. Is a pile in which items are added at one end and removed from the other. 209. Inserting an item into the stack when stack is not full is called . (D) en (D) if the tree is unbalanced. The logical or mathematical model of a particular organization of data is called a , 64. (B) Descending order The worst case complexity of binary search matches with Answer: C, 206. Most Asked Technical Basic CIVIL | Mechanical | CSE | EEE | ECE | IT | Chemical | Medical MBBS Jobs Online Quiz Tests for Freshers Experienced . (B) Queue (D) 4 (C) Divide and Conquer A characteristic of the data that binary search uses but the linear search ignores is the Recursive procedures are implemented by using .. data structure. ; L, M, N, O, Which of the following data structure is non linear type? (D) t An undirected graph G with n vertices and e edges is represented by adjacency list. (A) a pointer is maintained to store both next and previous nodes. The prefix form of an infix expression p + q r * t is: (B) Stop key. (D) None of the above

(D) ab+*cd A balance factor in AVL tree is used to check

(C) Array edges, we can construct a spanning tree. Answer: D, 134. (C) List When does top value of the stack changes? Answer: A, 234. Answer: A, 196. Answer: B, 139. (B) O(1) and O(1) (A) Insertion sort (D) none of the above (A) less than 1 A data structure where elements can be added or removed at either end but not in the middle is called . (A) Declaration Operations on a data structure may be .. 56. One can determine whether a Binary tree is a Binary Search Tree by traversing it in . Answer: A, 152. (D) All of these (C) 2e (D) The pointer newPtr still exists. (D) None of the above Answer: C, 195. Answer: A, 183. queue = ; L, M, N, ., . Which of the following statement is false? 15. Answer: D, 173. Answer: B, 148. The best average behaviour is shown by: In general, the binary search method needs no more than . Answer: B, 228. (A) Linear Search (D) None of these Time complexity of Depth First Traversal of is (D) Heap Sort (D) It requires large data values. (A) lower bound Quick sort running time depends on the selection of (A) Branch A graph with n vertices will definitely have a parallel edge or self loop if the total number of edges are . 200+ TOP DATA STRUCTURES LAB VIVA Questions and Answers, 200+ [UPDATED] Data Structures MCQs and Answers, 300+ [LATEST] Data Structure & Algorithms Interview Questions and Answers, 300+ TOP DATA STRUCTURE Objective Questions and Answers, 300+ [LATEST] Data Structures Interview Questions and Answers, 200+ TOP DATA STRUCTURE Online Quiz Questions Exam Test, 250+ TOP MCQs on Self Balancing Binary Search Tree and Answers, 250+ TOP MCQs on Depth First Search and Answers, 250+ TOP MCQs on Data Structures-Queue and Answers, 300+ TOP DATA STRUCTURES Interview Questions and Answers pdf, 250+ TOP MCQs on Breadth First Search and Answers, 250+ TOP MCQs on Static vs Dynamic Memory Allocation and Answers, 300+ [LATEST] C & Data Structures Interview Questions and Answers, 250+ TOP MCQs on Queue Operations and Answers, 250+ TOP MCQs on Tree Traversal and Answers, 250+ TOP MCQs on Algorithms Complexity and Answers, 300+ TOP Genetic Algorithms Interview Questions [REAL TIME], 250+ TOP MCQs on Application Performance and Answers. (D) Linked-List A B-tree of minimum degree t can maximum pointers in a node. } 49. . Answer: D, 104. 71. (D) 32 (C) Inverting a node after the node with given location Answer: B, 248. The OS of a computer may periodically collect all the free memory space to form contiguous block of free space. What will happen after ADD O operation takes place? What is the postfix form of the following prefix expression -A/B*C$DE ? Which of the following has search efficiency of (1)? (B) n+1 nodes A complete binary tree with n leaf nodes has .. B) False, True (C) post order Answer: B, 229. Answer: C, 188. (A) X (D) 2n+l nodes (D) any order (A) O(1) time (B) Queue (A) Breadth First Search (A) Queue (B) Two nodes 41. (A) log2 n (C) (n3) ii) In strictly binary tree, the out-degree of every node is either o or 2. (A) mnp (C) less than m (C) (log n) (D) Linked list (C) 2 The worst case of quick sort has order .. Each node in a linked list has two pairs of .. and . Answer: B, 150. The searching technique that takes O(1) time to find a data is

(D) None of the above. return number * mystery( number 1 ); (A) Merge sort Answer: D, 122. a) Completeness i) How long does it take to find a solution Answer: B, 124. Answer: C, 105. (C) 4 (B) Average case (A) Dynamic Algorithm (D) None of the above. (D) forward and backward traversal within the list is permitted. The number of comparisons done by sequential search is . The program output is also shown Read more, This is a Java Program to implement a binary tree and check whether it is AVL Tree or not. it is good questions and to give kenweldeg but why not marke the answers Let n be the number of nodes in linked list, you may assume that n>8.

If the data collection is in sorted form and equally distributed then the run time complexity of interpolation search is (B) postfix expression (C) Primitive list 60. plz send this question on my email id. (C) Selection sort Home Data Structures and Algorithms Questions 300+ TOP Data Structures and Algorithms MCQs & Answers Pdf, 1. (C) Ordered array. Answer: A, 175. Answer: D, 151. Digital fundamental sem -3 ke mcq send kijeye please. Which should execute the slowest for large values of N? (D) Any number of nodes (B) In-order successor Which of the following data structures are indexed structures? And c++ A queue is a, The process of accessing data stored in a serial access memory is similar to manipulating data on a In computer science, a hash tree (or hash trie) is a persistent data structure that can be used to implement sets and maps, intended to replace hash tables in purely functional programming. What is the worst case time complexity of linear search algorithm? Answer: C, 224. Answer: D, 149. (B) Binary search (B) (n3) (A) Merge Sort void fn( ){ The data structure which is one ended is , 100. Answer: C, 165. (D) does not exists. (C) Array (B) in-order (C) Divide and conquer A full binary tree with n leaves contains . What data structure is used for depth first traversal of a graph? (D) n (D) Traversing a list to process each node (C) n-1 leaf nodes Program with highest run-time complexity is .. (B) Stack For your urgent help & attentions please! Which of the following types of expressions do not require precedence rules for evaluation? (C) 4 (C) front = 3 rear = 4 (B) Heap sort (A) Concatenation (D) Algorithm (A) very deep and narrow Answer: A, 217. (A) /+-AB*CD (A) The string entered is printed as it is. (D) Any of these The postfix form of A ^ B * C D + E/ F/ (G + H), The prefix form of A-B/ (C * D ^ E) is: (D) O(n 1og n) (B) AB^CD-EP/GH+/+* Answer: B, 191. Answer: B. (A) O(n2) It was the first such data structure to be invented. (D) None of the above. Answer: B, 226. Answer: D, 143., I need mcq of Data Structure , Networking, DBMS due to preparing of bsnl junior engineer & BEL. In a min heap: (A) Stack How many pointers are contained as data members in the nodes of a circular, doubly linked list of integers with five nodes? 92. (C) It will convert to LIFO (D) Selection Sort (A) ab+cd* Also come up with, 1. (A) 9 edges A range tree on a set of 1-dimensional points is a balanced binary search tree on those points. (C) Tree (C) stack Java Program to Implement Heap Sort using a Priority Queue, Java Program to Delete a Particular Node in a Tree Without Recursion, Java Program to Check if a Given Binary Tree is an AVL Tree or Not, Java Program to Perform Right and Left Rotation on a Binary Search Tree, Java Program to Check if a Binary Tree is Subtree of Another Binary Tree. Answer: B, 207. Answer: D, 116. (A) Stack (B) Circular, doubly-linked list. (C) n (C) Bubble sort Answer: B, 166.

Course Hero member to access this document, Rehman College of Rehabilitation Science Hayatabad, Peshawar (Dr of Physical Therpay 5 Years), WINSEM2018-19_STS3005_SS_TT619_VL2018195000342_Reference Material I_Module 3_Session 3.pdf, United States International University (USIU - Africa), Rehman College of Rehabilitation Science Hayatabad, Peshawar (Dr of Physical Therpay 5 Years) CS 401, United States International University (USIU - Africa) APT 3010, Data Structure Questions and Answers.docx, Narula Institute of Technology CSE MISC, Pakistan Navy War College, Lahore CS 101, University of the Fraser Valley CS 285, RAGHU Institute of Technology CSE DATA STRUC. Fn = Fn-1 + Fn-2 (D) O (log2 n) A mathematical-model with a collection of operations defined on that model is called: (B) there is no beginning and no end. (D) Large, sorted arrays A) True, False (B) Merge Sort (D) None of these 13. Answer: B, 215. (B) Previous function calls are still open when the function calls itself and the activation records of these previous calls still occupy space on the call stack. (D) ABCD+/* The number of different directed trees with 3 nodes are: There is an extra element at the head of the list called a . (B) Pre-order B) For the size of the structure and the data in the structure are constantly changing. In computer science, a ternary tree is a tree data structure in which each node has at most three child nodes, usually distinguished as left, mid and right. (B) log n2 nodes (D) e2/2 In its basic form, a hash tree stores the hashes of its keys, regarded Read more, This is a Java Program to to delete a particular node from the tree without using recursion. (D) n(n-1)/2 nodes (D) None of these (B) Length of the list. (C) Arrays (A) ne In a priority queue, insertion and deletion takes place at . (B) Queue (B) Queue (B) if all child nodes are at same level. (B) 2k+1 1 (D) 8 Which of the following sorting algorithm is stable? A BST is traversed in the following order recursively: Right, root, left The output sequence will be in (A) Base case The spanning tree of connected graph with 10 vertices contains .. Answer: A, 249. (A) + pq *rt (D) Structured The search technique for searching a sorted file that requires increased amount of space is . Answer: B, 182. The maximum number of nodes in a binary tree of depth 5 is (C) Quick sort (C) sorted list Answer: B, 109. (B) front = 3 rear = 5 (B) pivot element

(A) front = 2 rear = 5 (A) Binary search tree (B) data collection should be in sorted form and but not equally distributed. A full binary tree with 2n+1 nodes contain . fn( ); if there is a path from each vertex to every other vertex in the digraph. (A) (m | n) (C) Length of a Eulerian path from vertex Vi to vertex Vj. (C) ab+*cd Answer: C, 114. Answer: A, 246. (A) Linked list (D) None of these (B) Depth First Search (B) 2n 39. (B) O(log n) (D) 15 Answer: B, 180. (D) depends upon algorithm being used. (B) null (C) n+e-1 (A) (1) else The sorting technique where array to be sorted is partitioned again and again in such a way that all elements less than or equal to partitioning element appear before it and those which are greater appear after it, is called .. Answer: C, 210. (B) edges In C programming, when we remove an item from bottom of the stack, then: If locality is a concern, you can use . (D) Hashing queue = L, M, N, O, Overflow condition in linked list may occur when attempting to . sir plzz send me mcq pdf on data structure, network security, DBMS nd operating system i m preparing for dssb cs tchr.. thank u. please send to mcq on my email id ds,os dbms,cn, send me the notes of computer science and mcq also, please send to me this pdf of question and answers to, can u mail me Data Structure,DBMS,OS,Networking MCQ PDF on mail id, Dear sir , One can convert a binary tree into its mirror image by traversing it in A graph G with n nodes is bipartite if it contains . (C) Create a node when linked list is empty. A sorted file contains 16 items. (A) Array In order traversal of binary search tree will produce . (C) upper bound. (B) For any node n in the tree with a right descendent at level d all the left descendents of n that are leaves, are also at level d C) Lemma tree

63. If a node in a BST has two children, then its in-order predecessor has . (B) Dynamic programming (C) Hash Table (C) Radix sort Engineering 2022 , FAQs Interview Questions, 300+ TOP Data Structures and Algorithms MCQs & Answers Pdf. (A) Stack Each node in a linked list has two pairs of .. and . The largest element of an array index is called its .. i really need cs notes. CAN YOU PLEASE SEND PDF COPY IN MY MAIL ID What will be the value of top, if there is a size of stack STACK_SIZE is 5. Which data structure represents a waiting line and limits insertions to be made at the back of the data structure and limits removals to be made from the front? 19. (C) Euler Number The way in which the data item or items are logically related defines .. 57. Answer: C, 256. Answer: D, 190.

(C) Dynamic Allocation (D) 24 The number of ADD and REMOVE operations required to do so is: (B) n / 2 (D) O(n log n) (B) Insertion sort Time complexities of three algorithms are given. Explain what Cloud storage is, how it works, and what challenges and remedies are presented when attempting to acquire data from the Cloud. (C) Large, unsorted arrays (A) e-n+1 following data For an undirected graph with n vertices and e edges, the sum of the degree of each vertex is equal to: 40. (B) have same number of edges and but not vertices. Which of the following is not possible with an array in C programming language? send PDF in my email, what is the best operation performed on linked list, its really good send me pdf file, Sir can u plz send me notes on all subjects in computer science and mcqs of them. (C) Both Stack & Queue (B) 2t1 (D) The last node (at the bottom) of a stack has a null (0) link. In a min-heap: (D) AB^D +EFGH +//*+ A is an acyclic digraph, which has only one node with indegree 0, and other nodes have in-degree 1. 146. (B) Fibonacci Series Answer: B, 235. In , search start at the beginning of the list and check every element in the list. Answer: A, 169. Recursion uses more memory space than iteration because A does not keep track of address of every element in the list. (B) The pointer newPtr is of type void *. (C) both A & B are true. (D) 2n 1 The average number of key comparisons done in successful sequential search in a list of length n is .. Answer: C, 163. Minimum number of moves required to solve a Tower of Hanoi puzzle is .. Urgently i need bcoz of drdo exam are near. (D) (log (log n)) (D) None of these (A) Tower of Hanoi 80. A priority queue is a min-heap in which every node is smaller than its elements. (D) not possible Which of these algorithmic approaches tries to achieve localized optimum solution? Answer: B, 223. 70. 37. Select the incorrect statement. Answer: B, 172. 75. c) Space Complexity iii) Is the strategy guaranteed to find the solution when there in one. i) A node is a parent if it has successor nodes. (C) Prime Number Series Nodes with children are parent nodes, and child nodes may contain references to their parents. Which of the following data structure is non-linear type? Answer: D, 198. (D) 2(n) A stable sorting algorithm: Which data structure is used for implementing recursion? Answer: C. 141. What is the postfix form of the following prefix *+abcd just executed, what can you conclude? Answer: D, 157. (D) Array Answer: B, 189. (B) O(log n) In computer science, an interval tree is an ordered tree data structure to hold intervals. (B) Improved binary search (C) O(175) (D) None of these. (B) Definition Answer: C, 238. (D) e-n-1 (C) AB + CD* E *F *G / (A) interpolation search (A) minimum values are stored. Answer: C, 242. Answer: C, 265. (C) O(n) The smallest element of an arrays index is called its Answer: A, 219. Which of the following data structures are indexed structures? This preview shows page 102 - 105 out of 682 pages. (B) Merge Sort Answer: A, 187. (C) Complete tree (C) ABCDEFGH+//+-*^ (B) Divide and conquer approach (A) log2 n nodes 46. . (B) very wide and shallow (C) Many copies of the function code are created. (C) Always have the same shape for a particular set of data. (D) Tree search You have to sort a list L consisting of a sorted list followed by a few random elements. (C) 32 Recursion is memory-intensive because: (B) O(log2n)

All Rights Reserved. 55. C) True, True A graph is said to be if the vertices can be split into two sets V1 and V2 such there are no edges between two vertices of V1 or two vertices of V2. (A) Insertion sort Answer: C, 201. (A) Indexed sequential search (B) 16 Answer: A, 185. Worst case is when data is not in the list, and it has to scan all n elements. (C) */*+AB-CDEF Required fields are marked *. (D) complete binary tree (D) no child (A) recursive Answer: B, 250. (C) O (n log2 n) (A) (n) (A) (|V|+|E|) (C) O(log N) Specifically, it allows one to efficiently find all intervals that overlap with any given interval or point. (B) 1 (C) Primitive

Answer: B, 213. (A) Queue

(A) 5 Top (Push (S, X)) B. Thank you so much. (C) (log n) The disadvantage in using a circular linked list is . A. Arrays are dense lists and static data structure. What data structure would you mostly likely see in a non-recursive implementation of a recursive algorithm? (B) 2n-1 nodes (B) Divide and conquer approach (D) 9 vertices (B) linear search (C) Either BFS or DFS A .. is a linear list in which insertions and deletions are made to from either end of the structure. (D) np Given that the line

Outside the tree, there Read more, This Java program is to Implement binary tree and check whether a tree is subtree of another. 179. (C) Dynamic approach Join our. (A) ABCDE$*/- If h is any hashing function and is used to hash n keys in to a table of size m, where n<=m, the expected number of collisions involving a particular key x is : If the address of A[1][1] and A[2][1] are 1000 and 1010 respectively and each element occupies 2 bytes then the array has been stored in order. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Engineering interview questions,Mcqs,Objective Questions,Class Lecture Notes,Seminor topics,Lab Viva Pdf PPT Doc Book free download. (D) Divide & Conquer (D) Backtracking Answer: D, 258. i) Using singly linked lists and circular list, it is not possible to traverse the list backwards. A graph with n vertices will definitely have a parallel edge or self loop of the total number of edges are .. A does not keep track of address of every element in the list. In binary heap, whenever the root is removed then the rightmost element of last level is replaced by the root. 2.If you had to explain to someone how and why they, Participate in the Sanfoundry Certification contest to get free Certificate of, 2 out of 2 people found this document helpful, Participate in the Sanfoundry Certification, to get free Certificate of Merit. It is often used for windowing queries, for instance, to find all roads on Read more. Quick sort algorithm is an example of . Interpolation search is an improved variant of binary search. A Sorting technique which uses the binary tree concept such that label of any node is larger than all the, labels in the sub trees, is called Heap sort because heap sort works on a complete binary tree with the property that the value at any node N of the tree should be greater than or equal to the value at all its children nodes. Plz send me notes for DRDO entry test for STA B, Need MCQ in Qans apti and DS (C) O(e+n) (A) 6 & 3 Here is the source code of the Java Program to Implement Min Hash. (C) Sequential search Explanation: (D) Tree (A) 2 The search technique for searching a sorted file that requires increased amount of space is indexed sequential search. (B) Bubble sort Veryy helpful. Answer: A, 254. 68. (C) Min (f(n),g(n)) Answer: B, 257. (C) does not change the sequence of appearance of elements. (B) column major The data structure required for Breadth First Traversal on a graph is . (C) O(n2)

(C) n/2 Answer: D, 158. Answer: C, 262. (D) Quick Sort Prefix of (A+B) * (C D) / E*F 18. Answer: B, 181. Explanation: (C) Dynamic programming approach Answer: B, 159. (C) Heap sort (A) Tree (A) lower bound. Binary search trees (regardless of the order in which the values are inserted into the tree): (D) O(n log n) time (D) 6

Consider that n elements are to be sorted. Let the following circular queue can accommodate maximum six elements with the (C) Post-order (A) have same number of edges and vertices. (D) None of these. One can convert an infix expression to a postfix expression using a .. (B) Stack (D) (|V|*|E|) (C) A*BC+/D Which of the sorting techniques has highest best-case runtime complexity? social networks below and stay updated with latest contests, videos, internships and jobs! (A) O(n) (C) List 31. 72. (B) less than n(n1) D) False, False. (C) O(n) and O(1) (D) more than one of the above

Which of the following sorting methods would be most suitable for sorting a list which is almost sorted? (B) 4*n (D) Stack (A) O(n) (D) Any order (C) 1 9. . Project scheduling is an example of . Answer: A, 111. (C) Recursion (D) none of these (B) parent nodes have values less than or equal to their Childs (B) Can be sorted efficiently. 94. (B) Selection sort (D) (n log m) (B) (n) (A) -/*^ACBDE (C) merge sort (A) The number of paths of length K from vertex Vi to vertex Vj. i) An undirected graph which contains no cycles is called forest. Which of the following operations is performed more efficiently by doubly linked list than by singly linked list? */*+AB-CDEF, 140. . (B) A-BCDE$*/- (B) Quick sort (D) None of these Explanation: (A) Bubble Sort (C) 2n+1 nodes 77. The Java program is successfully compiled and run on Read more, This is a java program to implement Hash Tree. (C) The pointer newPtr only exists if there was an error freeing the memory. (A) Queue What is the result of the following operation: Which of the following data structure is non-linear type? A full binary tree with n non-leaf nodes contains .. (A) 6 Which is/are the application(s) of stack. Answer: B, 108. In a circular linked list: (D) (n2) is a data structure that organizes data similar to a line in the supermarket, where the first one in line is the first one out. Which one of the below is not divide and conquer approach? D) None of the above, 3. .. level is where the model becomes compatible executable code, A) Last in first out (C) more than (n+1)/2 Answer: A, 200. (D) Neither Stack or Queue In general, linked lists allow: Problem Description Given an array of integers, sort the array using heap sort which uses a priority queue. Data elements in linked list need not be stored in adjacent space in memory. (C) 2k-1 + 1 Linear arrays are also called .

(C) list (B) (|V|) (A) Always have multiple links per node. (C) 2n 1 (C) (|E|) (B) abstract data type (D) (n) In an AVL tree, the heights of the two child subtrees of any node differ by at Read more, This is a Java Program to implement Self Balancing Binary Search Tree. (A) Does not, does not (C) Primitive Data Type 11.

(D) 2n nodes (C) (m log n) (A) (n+9378) 93. But disadvantage in that is they are sequential lists. (B) Garbage collection B Trees are generally (A) it uses stack instead of queue. Answer: C, 233. Your email address will not be published. Answer: A, 263. A binary tree of depth d is an almost complete binary tree if: Which one of the below mentioned is linear data structure? (D) both statements are wrong Which of the following uses memorization? (D) n-1 non-leaf nodes (B) Selection sort (A) expression parsing (B) Insertion Sort Which of the following is not the part of ADT description? Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. { (D) None of these (D) Heap sort Linked lists are not suitable data structures for which one of the following problems? Answer: D, 251. Answer: B, 123. (B) Stored in contiguous blocks of memory. (B) (2n-1)/2 Time required to merge two sorted lists of size m and n, is Answer: A, 174. Is a directed tree in which outdegree of each node is less than or equal to two. What data structure can be used to check if syntax has balanced parenthesis? i) Network is a graph that has weights or costs associated with it. 78. Answer: A, 110. (C) O(1) (C) sequence of values (B) Binary Search (D) A-BCDE$*/ (B) To make sure that it is still complete binary tree. (D) none of these operations on that model. (B) AB*CD/+ (B) pre-order (A) components are all linked together in some sequential manner. comparisons. (A) Ascending order (D) Array of strings In a queue, the initial values of front pointer f rare pointer r should be .. and .. respectively. (D) Bubble sort
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