I use for a single origin espresso and my wife uses for drip. The processing gives this coffee a deep body and complexity to round out its classic chocolate and peanut butter Brazilian flavor profile. Theres no old coffee on our virtual shelves. Well-roundedacidity, pleasant sweetness, goodcomplexity, soft nutty characteristics,chocolate notes. If you enjoy your coffee with a bit of milk or creamer, we suggest choosing a darker roast or a coffee with a heavier body. VARIETY In this specific Rubi variety, you can notice the flavour notes of yellow plums, milk chocolate and roasted hazelnuts, flavours typical for Brazilian produce. We are roasting almost daily at our shop to ensure a fesh cup with each shipment. The green beans are clean with very few rejects. All Rights Reserved. Cold air is utilized to dry the cherries for 4 days before switching to warm air for 3 additional days until the moisture content reaches 15 percent. Its so fun to feel connected to multiple parts of the world! Join our mailing list to receive news, updates, and special offers! Couldn't pass it up. Its what I expect from a good Fazenda. They are doing an amazing work! I'm using a Behmor drum roaster. Read More | Sitemap | About Us, Milk chocolate, nutty, grape, citrus; medium body, cools sweet. It is very clean and consistent. Full mouthfeel, front notes of hazelnut chocolate, super tangy on the back (almost hay-like). Recently, we have seen more quality-focused growers returning to the natural process and applying a new focus on quality to produce consistent and tasty results, like this Yellow Bourbon from the Dias Pereira family's award-winning Fazenda Serto in Carmo de Minas. This is one of my favorite love the taste thank you CBC. Initially, the coffee dries in static boxes for 12 hours during pre-fermentation. Customer was happy and I was happy duplicating the roast with a spare 1 lbs. Roasted 1/2lb on Behmor2000AB. Its sweet and nutty profile supports many flavors and is great without flavoring. Waldir's grandparents grew a type of grass on the farm that was used to make brooms. The knowledge of how to produce one of Brazils most outstanding coffees has been passed down from generation to generation. 1,080 - 1,140 masl, Dr. Fabio Araujo Reis, owner at Fazenda do Salto, works with his two sons to run their family farm and allow it to thrive. It starts off sweet with notes of tart fruit and finishes with a bittersweet, dark cocoa notes. His two sons Andre & Juca oversee the running of the farm, with his daughter running their on-site roastery. Usually, we are shipping out the day after roasting. To us, we would rather retire "McJoeJoe's Roast" if the beans have reached the end of their life. With a staff of 35 employees, many of whom live, have grown up and work on Fazenda Salto, the Fazenda has a dedicated group with a rich knowledge of the land and plants. I like dark roasts, so I take it into second crack before I start the cool cycle--about 18 or 19 minutes for these beans. This is a forgiving bean, perfect for beginners, that produces a good cup across the entire roasting spectrum. Get a weekly caffeine jolt from Coffee Bean Corral.
WOW! Produced under best agricultural practices with full traceability and certified by Utz Good Inside. Quick Facts.
For V60 (small) recipe (by our team member Alvin), - 18g of ground coffee to 288g of water- Medium fine grind- brew water to 94-95C. Total brewing time is ~2:10-2:155. We import this coffee from Interamerican Coffee. ALTITUDE Required fields are marked *. You are Brazil This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Perfect for all coffee lovers or as a gift! Despite the large amount of coffee that is produced in Brazil, more than 70% of the coffee farms in Brazil are less than 10 acres. This is one of my new favorites. This Brazilian coffee rests 1,100 meters above sea level near Santo Antonio do Amparo, which is 170 kilometers southeast of Belo Horizonte in Minas Gerais province. Butwith this bea, we actually dont mind the extra dark roast. Coffee is super complex and can be affected by alot of different things. Would buy again.
Great coffee. One of my go to coffees. Well balanced acidity and a delicate medium body. I placed an order just as the ice was hitting them, UPS and all other shippers pulled their vehicles from the road, CBC's customer service has been amazing, you guys ROCK! Jos acquired his first property in 1974, and since then has grown many award-winning coffees. This coffee was bright and really filled the cup even for a dark roast guy. That's why Brazilian coffee is one of the top choices among consumers around the world, supplying almost 60% of the world's coffee. This is November 2018. Our latest offering from Brazil is courtesy of the Okayama farm, and is a honey processed coffee with a foundation of cocoa, a delicate floral note, and a light sweetness on the finish. Okay, once, it seemed they were a little off their game, but most days it was good coffee. Learn more about our coffee subscriptions.
The luxury of receiving wonderful new tastes every month is priceless! We recommend starting with a 1:18 coffee-to-water ratio, which provides an excellent total extraction level and maximizes flavor pulled out of the ground coffee. Over the past quarter-century, Brazilian farmers seeking access to the growing specialty coffee market abandoned the traditional natural process in favor of the newer pulp natural process in the name of increased consistency and quality. Receive free shipping on all subscription orders! Manual on P5, Fast Drum Speed, Cool once first crack got rolling. Its ok. Roasts well to a medium dark, but not a lot of body. Home / Coffee Bios / Brazil Fazenda da Lagoa. Rinse filter and preheat brewer and server, throw away rinse water, 3. This review originally appeared in the May, 2016 tasting report: Brazil Naturals: Tradition Meets Trend. I love the Ethiopian naturals, and this is really not anything like them but so good and a nice break as I continue chasing the blueberry. You can try our Guest Roaster Subscription or browse our seasonal specialty coffee selection. Considering the large amounts of production, the price for Brazilian coffee is fair to the quality of the beans. We regularly sample and roast new coffees to make sure we have the highest quality bean for your cup! Now, to this bean. We are fuelling cafes and coffee lovers with some of the world's most incredible coffees.Studio Elan ApsSmedeland 24, 2600 Glostrup, Denmark CVR / VAT: DK39803992, The roast profile for Fazenda Esperanca is medium roast creating a rich but sweet character, making this variety perfect for both espresso and filter coffee. All Rights Reserved. This ensures us of getting a superior product and being able to deliver this to you, the consumer at a very good price. Using my Behmor on P5 and normal drum speed, I drop it at 1:40 past 1C. 2nd final pour using controlled high flow rate circular pours keeping the brew bed high and brewer almost full until hitting weight 288g. Jos Hiroiti Okuyama has a long history with coffee, developed from childhood when his parents immigrated to Brazil from Japan and developed a small coffee plot. In my experience, there is a very fine line between french roast and french roast plus / charcoal. The coffee arrived safely and timely all the way in Maryland, USA. I then dial it in to make a smooth and sweet Americano with an excellent long finish. Cupping notes: Well-rounded acidity, good body, pleasant sweetness, good complexity, soft nutty characteristics, chocolate notes. FLAVOR NOTESSalted chocolate pretzel, trail mix, roasted pecan, COUNTRY
Naturals form the backbone of the Brazil coffee industry, but this lot reflects a particularly refined approach to the method. A bit too acidic this morning, but still a great coffee! Taiwan Coffees , Carmo de Minas growing region, Minas Gerais State, Brazil. The coffee is produced by Waldir Batista Borges and his family. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. I highly recommend using Bean Bros! **New crop 21/22 will be available August 20. supremely sweet with a mild orange citric acidity, chocolate and sugar cane flavor profile, and a big creamy body. Sul de Minas, Minas Gerais This is our secondyear working with our favorite Brazilian farm, Fazenda Esperanca, which is the perfect introduction to the most popular coffee in the world. The Bela Vista farm is located in South of Minas, under a special micro region which produces top quality coffee from high lands. Visit www.willoughbyscoffee.com or call 800-388-8400 for more information. Region: So PauloProducer: Fazenda SaltoProcess: NaturalCupping Notes: Cherries, Orange, Praline and Milk ChocolateVariety: Yellow BourbonAltitude: 1,080 1,140m, Suitable for: Espresso, Moka Pot, French Press Great on its own, even better with milk. Decrease quantity for Brazil Fazenda Do Salto, Increase quantity for Brazil Fazenda Do Salto. My family enjoys the characteristics of the bean as well.
A man of simple means, he built the first house on the farm, which prospered to become one of the largest coffee estates in the region. We are proud to partner again with Bean Belt Coffees and Jos Hiroiti Okuyama to offer another delicious Brazilian coffee for your enjoyment. Love their coffee and their packaging. As of this date every state except Florida and both Carolinas have snow on the ground, CBC was hit hard with ice and cold. Roasting Schedule: All coffee orders placed online are roasted at the beginning of every month. JOIN OUR EMAIL LIST & RECEIVE 15% OFF YOUR FIRST ORDER! If you are missing your old favorite roast, reach out to us and we can help you find your new favorite! Great coffee from great places!! Fazenda Vassouro comes to us from Camacho in Minas Gerais, in south central Brazil. More smoke and chaff in the roasting process than other beans, but the finished product is always good. The coffee is harvested mechanically, with the farm equipped with large drying patios, as well as 8 rotational and 8 static boxes for drying. Intelligentsia Direct Trade means partnering with people who obsess about quality as much as we do, and building meaningful relationships with farmers. 7 coffee on Coffee Reviews list of the Top 30 Coffees of 2016. $40 Intelligentsia coffee buyers travel year-round working with a network of farmers. The name "Vassouro" means "broom". The rich aroma and heavy-bodied to citrus flavours make Brazilian coffee so popular, perfect to make intense espresso blends as well as lighter variants, like filter coffee. Low acid. A quarter-century of obsession with quality, more than 15 years of sourcing great coffee the right way, and an authoritative point of view on how to elevate coffee make Intelligentsia a trusted partner on your coffee journey. I'll likely upgrade quality of beans as I improve as a roaster. It's a coffee farm now, but the name pays tribute to its history.
First time I've tried this Bean and as always is delicious! I roast it to a lighter side of medium.
Willoughbys Coffee & Tea is a pioneer specialty coffee roaster established in the early 1980s that has gracefully and successfully moved with the times and now offers a menu of extremely refined small-lot, single-origin coffees.
Yellow Bourbon, Mundo Novo, Catuai, Icatu Started with this because of the price. Now you can try Fazenda Esperanca with Bean Bros from the 2019 harvest, and taste the magic of Brazilian coffee yourself. With its magnificent ecosystem and exceptional beauty, Fazenda da Lagoa heavily contributes to Brazils coffee history and reputation. Its 2,850 hectares include a natural reserve, woodlands, pastures and 1,500 hectares of coffees.
I never tried it before, but now I have, as a medium roast, and found it to be a flavorful cup of coffee. At Fazenda da Lagoa, coffee cultivation is much more than a business its a lifestyle. A natural or dry-processed coffee, which means the beans or seeds were dried encased in the entire fruit. Adjust grind and water temp depending on coffee, roast and desired taste. Five stars for this one! In addition, the farm sponsors a primary school to worker's children and rural community which surrounds the farm. Delicious cup! I ordered this coffee in response to a request for low acidity coffee. There is a large amount of chaff produced during roasting, just a fair warning. Recommended Method
This coffee tied for the top rating in a test of natural-processed Brazil coffees conducted for Coffee Review's May 2016 tasting report. It works well for both. Checkout July's AmazingMonthly Specials! Choosing a selection results in a full page refresh. I roasted these pretty dark, well into the second crack, using a drum based outdoor converted grille type roaster. But, the coffee I tasted while in Brazil was decent every day, every place. I have tried other Brazilian beans from other suppliers but keep coming back to this one as my stand alone, go to bean. A natural reserve, woodlands, pastures, 1,500 hectares of coffee trees, and over 40 natural springs live within its 2,850 hectares. I did it at a medium roast, I play with different roasts and the best to me was right at second crack. Cherry and Orange, with a smooth praline and milk chocolate finish. Good light roast. For me this is what coffee is supposed to taste like. Fazenda Salto has been a family of coffee producers for many generations, with Dr Fabio, a now retired Doctor as head of the family. The roast profile for Fazenda Esperanca is medium roast creating a rich but sweet character, making this variety perfect for both espresso and filter coffee. JOIN OUR EMAIL LIST & RECEIVE 15% OFF YOUR FIRST ORDER! PRODUCER Chocolattes16120 SAN CARLOS BLVD,FORT MYERS, FL 33908(239) 331-4443. Tasting Notes: Spanish peanuts, orange rind, chocolate, Region Minas Gerias- Nepomuceno Town, Brazil, Process Pulped natural and dried in the sun and mechanical driers, Mercantile / Roasting HQ217 N. Main Street Ann Arbor, MI 48104Wholesale (734)546-5558Mercantile (734)222-4514, Nebilyer Valley - Papua New Guinea Peaberry Green. Try before you stock up with a 1/2lb sample!! The purchase of this coffee supports the youth enrichment organization, "Casa de Criana. The seemingly infinitely long cocoa-toned finish is resonant and deep, with lingering hints of dried papaya, gardenia and almond. Adjust grind and water temp depending on coffee, roast and desired taste. Join the group of coffee lovers enjoying our roast every month. 5. For the final drying phase, the coffee is exposed to alternate warm and cold air every 12 hours until it reaches the desired moisture level. Fazenda da Lagoa is situated 1,100 meters above sea level near the town of Santo Antonio do Amparo, about 170 kilometers southeast of Belo Horizonte in the province of Minas Gerais. Amongst the settlers was Manouel Ferreira Carneiro. I was in Brazil in October and was only able to purchase one bag of beans (already roasted) at the airport. Fazenda Esperanca is a farm located in 1200 masl, making the harvest time late summer and the natural processing giving this variety its characteristic fruity flavour. While Fazenda da Lagoa honors its 200-year-old coffee tradition, it is also known for its innovative farming approaches, which include modern agricultural techniques that are based on scientific research that's carried out on the farm and shared with the wider community. Medium. Bloom using 1:3 ratio or ~56g for 35s3.
Even in Brazil, a country with a long coffee tradition, the history ofFazenda da Lagoa is a standout. I loved my Bean Bros package. First crack roast produces a very well balanced medium body coffee with good depth, low acidity an no lingering after tasted. Rinse filter and preheat brewer and server, throw away rinse water2. It's smooth and light but has a nice medium- full body that doesn't take away from coffee for the sake of coffee mentality. I like to roast each type of bean separately and then blend the roasted beans. I've only roasted 30 or 40 small roasts in my short time as I try to find my "gotta have bean" this one makes the list of buy more. I bought this on sale--first 3 lbs and then 25 lbs.
2022 Coffee Bean Corral. Very nutty and very good for the price!!! Enter your email address below to receive our free e-mail newsletter. Due to its diversity, Brazilian coffee can be paired with higher-acidity varieties from Central America or Ethiopia. It would be a bargain at its regular price, but at the sale price? To conserve this natural environment and preserve its ecological balance for future generations, all activities on the farm are carefully monitored. Pour Over. Learn to brew a Chemex with our detailed Brew Guides! I like to let the beans rest for at least 2 days. 1. Here, coffee is harvested mechanically, dried on 8 rotational machines and 8 static layer dryers, which maintain constant airflow with a combination of cold and warm air. In this specific Rubi variety, you can notice the flavour notes of. After this it is the boxes are swapped over to be dried with warm air for a further 3 days. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Juicy, balanced acidity; creamy, nectar-like mouthfeel. I always buy on sale and this one was excellent. Today, Carneiros direct descendant, Joaqum Paiva, is one of two managing directors on the farm. This coffee is a consistently good cup of coffee. The freshness of the coffee beans is what gives your coffee the specific delicious flavour. I'd order it again, but not yet, because I've got a lot of coffee to roast before I need more. I don't excel at cupping notes, but I do know what I enjoy and this bean roasted to full city is tasty. Several generations have been dedicated to creating excellent coffees for the pleasure of people all over the globe. The higher acidic coffee blends tend to carry richer flavours, like plum or cherry, combined with characteristic nutty to chocolate flavours. We recommend using Microsoft Edge, Firefox, Google Chrome or Safari for a better experience. I blend it with African or Indonesian beans and some Robusta for espresso. It appears your shopping cart is empty, but it doesnt have to be. It kinda stinks to have great price on beans but have to pay more for the shipping than what the beans cost. We ship freshly roasted speciality coffee worldwide.
We came to this coffee through that competition in 2020 and chose this coffee from the finalists. Highly recommended. Produced from trees of the Yellow Catuai, Mundo Novo and Acaia varieties of Arabica. I used a longer roast, raising the temp slower and the beans balanced. Notes: This exceptional coffee was selected as the No. By protecting healthy soils and rivers and producing sustainable coffee, Fazenda da Lagoa aims to be an inspiring partner to its neighboring rural communities.
I love it. Coffee from regions like Bahia or Minas Geras is slightly more heavy-bodied, with higher acidity, which makes them a great choice for espresso blends. (Although the Behmor claims a capacity of 16 oz, I find that the beans roast unevenly; 12 works better for me.)
First time roaster. I would advise anyone reading this not to buy it, then there will be an overstock of it, they will put it on sale, and I'll get it at a reduced price. ORIGIN
Fazenda Vassouro is produced by Waldir Batista Borges and his family in the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais. I have really enjoyed roasting this coffee. For our single origin coffees we recommend a pour over method either on a Chemex, V60 or Kalita Wave on a 5 or 6 grind setting if you are ordering from intelligentsia.com. Yes, some coffees taste better at certain times regarding the time from roast to your pot, but we believe in getting you the most fresh bean available and letting you decide when you would like to brew it up. Natural and pulped-natural process coffees are standard in Brazil. Even with my rookie status, this made some good coffee! Farm: Fazenda Esperana Producer: Bruno Souza Varietal: RubiGrowing Altitude: 1250maslProcessing Method: NaturalHarvest:2021 AugustFlavor Notes: Yellow Plums, Milk Chocolate, and Roasted hazelnuts.Roast Profile:Medium. 1. We will ship it separately in 10 to 15 days. Streams from 40 natural springs provide water to the land and gradually converge into two small rivers that mark the borders of the grounds and are the water source for the closest large town. This is the bean I put down for weekend guests. For example, you may taste a slight sweetness- a bit like strawberry. This coffee is wonderful for the price. Nope! That means that crops can change from season to season. Today, the Intelligentsia Direct Trade community includes more than 50 partners in 14 countries. Might even like it more at medium. Our coffee is delivered fresh from harvest and roasting. I'll definitely purchase this again. Produced in a region of Minas Gerais, this coffee is typical for its rich, full-bodied citric flavours and fruity aromas. Dried papaya, gardenia, bakers chocolate, fine musk, almond in aroma and cup. That being said, Brazil is one of the highest coffee producing countries in the world. We deliver worldwide - we have coffee lovers from more than 50 countries! This was a great buy on a great coffee. PROCESS If you are using a screen reader and are having problems using this website, please call 212 206 0707 for assistance. Fruity, Full Flavored, Low Acidity, Easy to Drink Light BodiedBrew. This place of exceptional beauty is a haven for diverse flora and numerous animals. Always excellent coffee and great service. A balanced flavor profile creates a rich and sweet character that goes well for filter or espresso brewing. Removed just before, or at the second crack. The Bottom Line: Juicy, exotic, port-like, and an excellent value. My first reaction was I tasted chocolate, low acidity with no after taste. This is a natural process coffee, dried with the fruit on the coffee seed. Typically, lighter roasts will not be able to handle milk.
Smooth, low acidity and makes a great, consistent cup of coffee. For the final drying phase, the coffee is exposed to intermittent warm and cold air every 12 hours until it reaches 11 percent moisture. Coffee is a plant! Easy to roast. It gives a possibility for mechanised coffee picking which streamlines the production process. Price is per LB (16oz) None of that funky 12 oz bag stuff from us! In other words, you will lose the coffee-ness if you put milk in a light roast. In addition to fostering relationships between coffee buyers and smallholder farmers, the auction of the competition coffees supports a local community organization called Casa de Criana through premiums on the price of green coffee. Great in espresso or pour over. Copyright 2022 Coffee Review. This has been my go to for flavored coffees for customers. Three days is even better. Great for a morning brew through a drip or an aeropress. Thanks to the low altitudes and flat to gently sloping terrain, Brazil has ideal conditions for mass coffee production. Its classic, mellow flavors are the result of a natural drying process, giving a unique depth to its quintessential Brazilian flavor profile. Once this Yellow Bourbon is harvested it is then placed in static boxes where the coffee is dried with for 12 hours using an anaerobic process as a pre-fermentation, after which cold air is then blown through the cherries for 4 days. CBC ran a great sale on this bean. Probably my only suggestion would be a shipping adjustment, if possible. is back-ordered. Im fairly new at roasting and this is the best Ive roasted so far. Brazil's hot, humid climate lends itself to be the perfect place to grow coffee. From the farm, coffee arrives at the roasting works in Chicago and Los Angeles, where coffee professionals cup, grade, and release over 50 single-origins and blends annually. The roots of Fazenda da Lagoa can be traced to the second half of the 18th century, when Portuguese settlers built a little chapel on the bank of the Amparo River and put up fences around an area that is todays farm.
Great coffee. In roasting with a Behmor it does great. Be the first to review Brazil Fazenda Salto: Natural. Bean Bros.' monthly selection of beans results in the best taste + quality of coffee one can drink. In 2019, Interamerican Coffee, with their parent company Neumann Kaffee Gruppe and Brazilian company HRNS started an annual competition to help the excellent smallholder farmers at Minas Gerais connect directly with coffee buyers abroad. 2nd final pour using controlled high flow rate circular pours keeping the brew bed high and brewer almost full until hitting weight 288g4. Andrew and Juca work with 35 year-round employees, many of whom grew up near the farm, choosing to return to Fazenda do Salto after finishing school. Sustainable principles guide all cultivation and processing practices on the farm. I started at the source and based cost this coffee based on CBC and its cowboy community, as well as my own roasting research, roasting began. Blind Assessment: Deeply sweet, layered complexity. This coffee was off the charts. Ill definitely be back! I have the hardest time timing the cut off after / during second crack. I have found roasting 200g at a time in the Behmor gives the best results. away from free shipping! I roast it just past first crack. Its a familiar and traditional farm that has introduced many updated farming techniques. A balanced flavor profile creates a rich and sweet character that goes well for filter or espresso brewing.
WOW! Produced under best agricultural practices with full traceability and certified by Utz Good Inside. Quick Facts.
For V60 (small) recipe (by our team member Alvin), - 18g of ground coffee to 288g of water- Medium fine grind- brew water to 94-95C. Total brewing time is ~2:10-2:155. We import this coffee from Interamerican Coffee. ALTITUDE Required fields are marked *. You are Brazil This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Perfect for all coffee lovers or as a gift! Despite the large amount of coffee that is produced in Brazil, more than 70% of the coffee farms in Brazil are less than 10 acres. This is one of my new favorites. This Brazilian coffee rests 1,100 meters above sea level near Santo Antonio do Amparo, which is 170 kilometers southeast of Belo Horizonte in Minas Gerais province. Butwith this bea, we actually dont mind the extra dark roast. Coffee is super complex and can be affected by alot of different things. Would buy again.
Great coffee. One of my go to coffees. Well balanced acidity and a delicate medium body. I placed an order just as the ice was hitting them, UPS and all other shippers pulled their vehicles from the road, CBC's customer service has been amazing, you guys ROCK! Jos acquired his first property in 1974, and since then has grown many award-winning coffees. This coffee was bright and really filled the cup even for a dark roast guy. That's why Brazilian coffee is one of the top choices among consumers around the world, supplying almost 60% of the world's coffee. This is November 2018. Our latest offering from Brazil is courtesy of the Okayama farm, and is a honey processed coffee with a foundation of cocoa, a delicate floral note, and a light sweetness on the finish. Okay, once, it seemed they were a little off their game, but most days it was good coffee. Learn more about our coffee subscriptions.
The luxury of receiving wonderful new tastes every month is priceless! We recommend starting with a 1:18 coffee-to-water ratio, which provides an excellent total extraction level and maximizes flavor pulled out of the ground coffee. Over the past quarter-century, Brazilian farmers seeking access to the growing specialty coffee market abandoned the traditional natural process in favor of the newer pulp natural process in the name of increased consistency and quality. Receive free shipping on all subscription orders! Manual on P5, Fast Drum Speed, Cool once first crack got rolling. Its ok. Roasts well to a medium dark, but not a lot of body. Home / Coffee Bios / Brazil Fazenda da Lagoa. Rinse filter and preheat brewer and server, throw away rinse water, 3. This review originally appeared in the May, 2016 tasting report: Brazil Naturals: Tradition Meets Trend. I love the Ethiopian naturals, and this is really not anything like them but so good and a nice break as I continue chasing the blueberry. You can try our Guest Roaster Subscription or browse our seasonal specialty coffee selection. Considering the large amounts of production, the price for Brazilian coffee is fair to the quality of the beans. We regularly sample and roast new coffees to make sure we have the highest quality bean for your cup! Now, to this bean. We are fuelling cafes and coffee lovers with some of the world's most incredible coffees.Studio Elan ApsSmedeland 24, 2600 Glostrup, Denmark CVR / VAT: DK39803992, The roast profile for Fazenda Esperanca is medium roast creating a rich but sweet character, making this variety perfect for both espresso and filter coffee. All Rights Reserved. This ensures us of getting a superior product and being able to deliver this to you, the consumer at a very good price. Using my Behmor on P5 and normal drum speed, I drop it at 1:40 past 1C. 2nd final pour using controlled high flow rate circular pours keeping the brew bed high and brewer almost full until hitting weight 288g. Jos Hiroiti Okuyama has a long history with coffee, developed from childhood when his parents immigrated to Brazil from Japan and developed a small coffee plot. In my experience, there is a very fine line between french roast and french roast plus / charcoal. The coffee arrived safely and timely all the way in Maryland, USA. I then dial it in to make a smooth and sweet Americano with an excellent long finish. Cupping notes: Well-rounded acidity, good body, pleasant sweetness, good complexity, soft nutty characteristics, chocolate notes. FLAVOR NOTESSalted chocolate pretzel, trail mix, roasted pecan, COUNTRY
Naturals form the backbone of the Brazil coffee industry, but this lot reflects a particularly refined approach to the method. A bit too acidic this morning, but still a great coffee! Taiwan Coffees , Carmo de Minas growing region, Minas Gerais State, Brazil. The coffee is produced by Waldir Batista Borges and his family. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. I highly recommend using Bean Bros! **New crop 21/22 will be available August 20. supremely sweet with a mild orange citric acidity, chocolate and sugar cane flavor profile, and a big creamy body. Sul de Minas, Minas Gerais This is our secondyear working with our favorite Brazilian farm, Fazenda Esperanca, which is the perfect introduction to the most popular coffee in the world. The Bela Vista farm is located in South of Minas, under a special micro region which produces top quality coffee from high lands. Visit www.willoughbyscoffee.com or call 800-388-8400 for more information. Region: So PauloProducer: Fazenda SaltoProcess: NaturalCupping Notes: Cherries, Orange, Praline and Milk ChocolateVariety: Yellow BourbonAltitude: 1,080 1,140m, Suitable for: Espresso, Moka Pot, French Press Great on its own, even better with milk. Decrease quantity for Brazil Fazenda Do Salto, Increase quantity for Brazil Fazenda Do Salto. My family enjoys the characteristics of the bean as well.
A man of simple means, he built the first house on the farm, which prospered to become one of the largest coffee estates in the region. We are proud to partner again with Bean Belt Coffees and Jos Hiroiti Okuyama to offer another delicious Brazilian coffee for your enjoyment. Love their coffee and their packaging. As of this date every state except Florida and both Carolinas have snow on the ground, CBC was hit hard with ice and cold. Roasting Schedule: All coffee orders placed online are roasted at the beginning of every month. JOIN OUR EMAIL LIST & RECEIVE 15% OFF YOUR FIRST ORDER! If you are missing your old favorite roast, reach out to us and we can help you find your new favorite! Great coffee from great places!! Fazenda Vassouro comes to us from Camacho in Minas Gerais, in south central Brazil. More smoke and chaff in the roasting process than other beans, but the finished product is always good. The coffee is harvested mechanically, with the farm equipped with large drying patios, as well as 8 rotational and 8 static boxes for drying. Intelligentsia Direct Trade means partnering with people who obsess about quality as much as we do, and building meaningful relationships with farmers. 7 coffee on Coffee Reviews list of the Top 30 Coffees of 2016. $40 Intelligentsia coffee buyers travel year-round working with a network of farmers. The name "Vassouro" means "broom". The rich aroma and heavy-bodied to citrus flavours make Brazilian coffee so popular, perfect to make intense espresso blends as well as lighter variants, like filter coffee. Low acid. A quarter-century of obsession with quality, more than 15 years of sourcing great coffee the right way, and an authoritative point of view on how to elevate coffee make Intelligentsia a trusted partner on your coffee journey. I'll likely upgrade quality of beans as I improve as a roaster. It's a coffee farm now, but the name pays tribute to its history.
First time I've tried this Bean and as always is delicious! I roast it to a lighter side of medium.
Willoughbys Coffee & Tea is a pioneer specialty coffee roaster established in the early 1980s that has gracefully and successfully moved with the times and now offers a menu of extremely refined small-lot, single-origin coffees.

I never tried it before, but now I have, as a medium roast, and found it to be a flavorful cup of coffee. At Fazenda da Lagoa, coffee cultivation is much more than a business its a lifestyle. A natural or dry-processed coffee, which means the beans or seeds were dried encased in the entire fruit. Adjust grind and water temp depending on coffee, roast and desired taste. Five stars for this one! In addition, the farm sponsors a primary school to worker's children and rural community which surrounds the farm. Delicious cup! I ordered this coffee in response to a request for low acidity coffee. There is a large amount of chaff produced during roasting, just a fair warning. Recommended Method
This coffee tied for the top rating in a test of natural-processed Brazil coffees conducted for Coffee Review's May 2016 tasting report. It works well for both. Checkout July's AmazingMonthly Specials! Choosing a selection results in a full page refresh. I roasted these pretty dark, well into the second crack, using a drum based outdoor converted grille type roaster. But, the coffee I tasted while in Brazil was decent every day, every place. I have tried other Brazilian beans from other suppliers but keep coming back to this one as my stand alone, go to bean. A natural reserve, woodlands, pastures, 1,500 hectares of coffee trees, and over 40 natural springs live within its 2,850 hectares. I did it at a medium roast, I play with different roasts and the best to me was right at second crack. Cherry and Orange, with a smooth praline and milk chocolate finish. Good light roast. For me this is what coffee is supposed to taste like. Fazenda Salto has been a family of coffee producers for many generations, with Dr Fabio, a now retired Doctor as head of the family. The roast profile for Fazenda Esperanca is medium roast creating a rich but sweet character, making this variety perfect for both espresso and filter coffee. JOIN OUR EMAIL LIST & RECEIVE 15% OFF YOUR FIRST ORDER! PRODUCER Chocolattes16120 SAN CARLOS BLVD,FORT MYERS, FL 33908(239) 331-4443. Tasting Notes: Spanish peanuts, orange rind, chocolate, Region Minas Gerias- Nepomuceno Town, Brazil, Process Pulped natural and dried in the sun and mechanical driers, Mercantile / Roasting HQ217 N. Main Street Ann Arbor, MI 48104Wholesale (734)546-5558Mercantile (734)222-4514, Nebilyer Valley - Papua New Guinea Peaberry Green. Try before you stock up with a 1/2lb sample!! The purchase of this coffee supports the youth enrichment organization, "Casa de Criana. The seemingly infinitely long cocoa-toned finish is resonant and deep, with lingering hints of dried papaya, gardenia and almond. Adjust grind and water temp depending on coffee, roast and desired taste. Join the group of coffee lovers enjoying our roast every month. 5. For the final drying phase, the coffee is exposed to alternate warm and cold air every 12 hours until it reaches the desired moisture level. Fazenda da Lagoa is situated 1,100 meters above sea level near the town of Santo Antonio do Amparo, about 170 kilometers southeast of Belo Horizonte in the province of Minas Gerais. Amongst the settlers was Manouel Ferreira Carneiro. I was in Brazil in October and was only able to purchase one bag of beans (already roasted) at the airport. Fazenda Esperanca is a farm located in 1200 masl, making the harvest time late summer and the natural processing giving this variety its characteristic fruity flavour. While Fazenda da Lagoa honors its 200-year-old coffee tradition, it is also known for its innovative farming approaches, which include modern agricultural techniques that are based on scientific research that's carried out on the farm and shared with the wider community. Medium. Bloom using 1:3 ratio or ~56g for 35s3.
Even in Brazil, a country with a long coffee tradition, the history ofFazenda da Lagoa is a standout. I loved my Bean Bros package. First crack roast produces a very well balanced medium body coffee with good depth, low acidity an no lingering after tasted. Rinse filter and preheat brewer and server, throw away rinse water2. It's smooth and light but has a nice medium- full body that doesn't take away from coffee for the sake of coffee mentality. I like to roast each type of bean separately and then blend the roasted beans. I've only roasted 30 or 40 small roasts in my short time as I try to find my "gotta have bean" this one makes the list of buy more. I bought this on sale--first 3 lbs and then 25 lbs.

We came to this coffee through that competition in 2020 and chose this coffee from the finalists. Highly recommended. Produced from trees of the Yellow Catuai, Mundo Novo and Acaia varieties of Arabica. I used a longer roast, raising the temp slower and the beans balanced. Notes: This exceptional coffee was selected as the No. By protecting healthy soils and rivers and producing sustainable coffee, Fazenda da Lagoa aims to be an inspiring partner to its neighboring rural communities.
First time roaster. I would advise anyone reading this not to buy it, then there will be an overstock of it, they will put it on sale, and I'll get it at a reduced price. ORIGIN
Fazenda Vassouro is produced by Waldir Batista Borges and his family in the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais. I have really enjoyed roasting this coffee. For our single origin coffees we recommend a pour over method either on a Chemex, V60 or Kalita Wave on a 5 or 6 grind setting if you are ordering from intelligentsia.com. Yes, some coffees taste better at certain times regarding the time from roast to your pot, but we believe in getting you the most fresh bean available and letting you decide when you would like to brew it up. Natural and pulped-natural process coffees are standard in Brazil. Even with my rookie status, this made some good coffee! Farm: Fazenda Esperana Producer: Bruno Souza Varietal: RubiGrowing Altitude: 1250maslProcessing Method: NaturalHarvest:2021 AugustFlavor Notes: Yellow Plums, Milk Chocolate, and Roasted hazelnuts.Roast Profile:Medium. 1. We will ship it separately in 10 to 15 days. Streams from 40 natural springs provide water to the land and gradually converge into two small rivers that mark the borders of the grounds and are the water source for the closest large town. This is the bean I put down for weekend guests. For example, you may taste a slight sweetness- a bit like strawberry. This coffee is wonderful for the price. Nope! That means that crops can change from season to season. Today, the Intelligentsia Direct Trade community includes more than 50 partners in 14 countries. Might even like it more at medium. Our coffee is delivered fresh from harvest and roasting. I'll definitely purchase this again. Produced in a region of Minas Gerais, this coffee is typical for its rich, full-bodied citric flavours and fruity aromas. Dried papaya, gardenia, bakers chocolate, fine musk, almond in aroma and cup. That being said, Brazil is one of the highest coffee producing countries in the world. We deliver worldwide - we have coffee lovers from more than 50 countries! This was a great buy on a great coffee. PROCESS If you are using a screen reader and are having problems using this website, please call 212 206 0707 for assistance. Fruity, Full Flavored, Low Acidity, Easy to Drink Light BodiedBrew. This place of exceptional beauty is a haven for diverse flora and numerous animals. Always excellent coffee and great service. A balanced flavor profile creates a rich and sweet character that goes well for filter or espresso brewing. Removed just before, or at the second crack. The Bottom Line: Juicy, exotic, port-like, and an excellent value. My first reaction was I tasted chocolate, low acidity with no after taste. This is a natural process coffee, dried with the fruit on the coffee seed. Typically, lighter roasts will not be able to handle milk.
Smooth, low acidity and makes a great, consistent cup of coffee. For the final drying phase, the coffee is exposed to intermittent warm and cold air every 12 hours until it reaches 11 percent moisture. Coffee is a plant! Easy to roast. It gives a possibility for mechanised coffee picking which streamlines the production process. Price is per LB (16oz) None of that funky 12 oz bag stuff from us! In other words, you will lose the coffee-ness if you put milk in a light roast. In addition to fostering relationships between coffee buyers and smallholder farmers, the auction of the competition coffees supports a local community organization called Casa de Criana through premiums on the price of green coffee. Great in espresso or pour over. Copyright 2022 Coffee Review. This has been my go to for flavored coffees for customers. Three days is even better. Great for a morning brew through a drip or an aeropress. Thanks to the low altitudes and flat to gently sloping terrain, Brazil has ideal conditions for mass coffee production. Its classic, mellow flavors are the result of a natural drying process, giving a unique depth to its quintessential Brazilian flavor profile. Once this Yellow Bourbon is harvested it is then placed in static boxes where the coffee is dried with for 12 hours using an anaerobic process as a pre-fermentation, after which cold air is then blown through the cherries for 4 days. CBC ran a great sale on this bean. Probably my only suggestion would be a shipping adjustment, if possible. is back-ordered. Im fairly new at roasting and this is the best Ive roasted so far. Brazil's hot, humid climate lends itself to be the perfect place to grow coffee. From the farm, coffee arrives at the roasting works in Chicago and Los Angeles, where coffee professionals cup, grade, and release over 50 single-origins and blends annually. The roots of Fazenda da Lagoa can be traced to the second half of the 18th century, when Portuguese settlers built a little chapel on the bank of the Amparo River and put up fences around an area that is todays farm.
Great coffee. In roasting with a Behmor it does great. Be the first to review Brazil Fazenda Salto: Natural. Bean Bros.' monthly selection of beans results in the best taste + quality of coffee one can drink. In 2019, Interamerican Coffee, with their parent company Neumann Kaffee Gruppe and Brazilian company HRNS started an annual competition to help the excellent smallholder farmers at Minas Gerais connect directly with coffee buyers abroad. 2nd final pour using controlled high flow rate circular pours keeping the brew bed high and brewer almost full until hitting weight 288g4. Andrew and Juca work with 35 year-round employees, many of whom grew up near the farm, choosing to return to Fazenda do Salto after finishing school. Sustainable principles guide all cultivation and processing practices on the farm. I started at the source and based cost this coffee based on CBC and its cowboy community, as well as my own roasting research, roasting began. Blind Assessment: Deeply sweet, layered complexity. This coffee was off the charts. Ill definitely be back! I have the hardest time timing the cut off after / during second crack. I have found roasting 200g at a time in the Behmor gives the best results. away from free shipping! I roast it just past first crack. Its a familiar and traditional farm that has introduced many updated farming techniques. A balanced flavor profile creates a rich and sweet character that goes well for filter or espresso brewing.