Giving oneself an unfair advantage in Total War: Rome Remastered may not be very honorable, but who needs virtue when a horde of barbariansis breaking down the gates? Please refresh the page and try again.
We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website.
The codes that have already been listed can easily end a campaign in a shockingly brief amount of turns. Never losing a battle guarantees ultimate victory considering military setbacks will never occur. The player should then see a single stack of velites in that particular army. Normally, the player would have to hire agents or build watchtowers to keep an eye on the movements of other factions. (Level 3), Understands Trade (Level 1) / Trader (Level 2) / Master Trader (Level 3), Fiscally Challenged (Level 1) / Incompetent Trader (Level 2) / Trading Liability (Level 3), A Sense of Justice (Level 1) / Just (Level 2) / Serves Justice (Level 3), Swift to Judge (Level 1) / Lacks Justice (Level 2) / Unjust (Level 3), Hard Justice (Level 1) / Harsh Justice (Level 2) / Severe Justice (Level 3), Soft Judge (Level 1) / Merciful Judge (Level 2) / Kind Judge (Level 3), Iron Fisted (Level 1) / Harsh Ruler (Level 2) / Cruel Ruler (Level 3), Reasonable Ruler (Level 1) / Kind Ruler (Level 2) / Benevolent Ruler (Level 3), Active Builder (Level 1) / Urban Planner (Level 2) / Great Builder (Level 3), Not Constructive (Level 1) / Sloppy Builder (Level 2) / Abhors Construction (Level 3), Generous (Level 1) / Openly Giving (Level 2) / Overly Generous (Level 3), Mean with Money (Level 1) / Hoarder of Wealth (Level 2) / Miserly (Level 3), Spooked at Night (Level 1) / Fear of the Dark (Level 2) / Noctophobic (Level 3), Likes the Dark (Level 1) / Effective at Night (Level 2) / Nocturnal (Level 3), Sexually Liberated (Level 1) / Sexually Eccentric (Level 2) / Sexually Debauched (Level 3) / Sexually Perverse (Level 4) / Sexually Corrupt (Level 5) / Diabolically Degenerate (Level 6), Adopts Scouting (Level 1) / Adept Scout (Level 2) / Reconnaissance Expert (Level 3), Competent Sailor (Level 1) / Fine Officer (Level 2) / Worthy Admiral (Level 3) / Great Admiral (Level 4) / Legendary Admiral (Level 5), Poor Navigator (Level 1) / No Naval Nouse (Level 2) / Total Landlubber (Level 3), Marks of War (Level 1) / Scarred (Level 2) / Terribly Scarred (Level 3) / Brutally Scarred (Level 4), Plotter (Level 1) / Schemer (Level 2) / Grand Conspirator (Level 3), Poor Plotter (Level 1) / Silly Schemes (Level 2) / Lost the Plot (Level 3), Talkative (Level 1) / Gossips (Level 2) / Utterly Indiscreet (Level 3), Discreet (Level 1) / Secretive (Level 2) / Impossible to Read (Level 3), Good with Infantry (Level 1) / Skilled with Infantry (Level 2) / Infantry Master (Level 3), Poor with Infantry (Level 1) / Inept with Infantry (Level 2) / Confused with Infantry (Level 3), Good with Cavalry (Level 1) / Dangerous with Cavalry (Level 2) / Great Cavalry Commander (Level 3), Poor with Cavalry (Level 1) / Inept with Cavalry (Level 2) / Shameful with Cavalry (Level 3), Nervous Near Aztecs (Level 1) / Fears Aztecs (Level 2) / Terrified by Aztec Ways (Level 3), Despises Aztec Ways (Level 1) / Hates Aztecs (Level 2) / Loathes Heathen Aztecs (Level 3), Nervous Near Byzantine (Level 1) / Fears the Byzantine (Level 2) / Terrified of Byzantium (Level 3), Dislikes the Byzantines (Level 1) / Hates the Byzantines (Level 2) / Loathes all Byzantines (Level 3), Uncomfortable Near Danes (Level 1) / Fears Danes (Level 2) / Terrified by Danish (Level 3), Dislikes the Danes (Level 1) / Hates the Danes (Level 2) / Loathes Disgusting Danish (Level 3), Edgey around Egyptians (Level 1) / Fears the Egyptians (Level 2) / Terrified by Egptians (Level 3), Dislikes the Egyptians (Level 1) / Hates the Egyptians (Level 2) / Loathes the Evil Egyptians (Level 3), Edgey Around the English (Level 1) / Fears the English (Level 2) / Terrified by the English (Level 3), Dislikes the English (Level 1) / Hates the English (Level 2) / Loathes the Evil English (Level 3), Wary of the French (Level 1) / Fears the French (Level 2) / Terrified by the French (Level 3), Dislikes the French (Level 1) / Hates the French (Level 2) / Loathes the French Fools (Level 3), Edgey around Imperials (Level 1) / Fears the Reich (Level 2) / Terrified of the Empire (Level 3), Dislikes the Reich (Level 1) / Hates the Reich (Level 2) / Loathes the Empire (Level 3), Nervous near Hungarians (Level 1) / Fears Hungarians (Level 2) / Terrified of Hungarians (Level 3), Dislikes Hungarians (Level 1) / Hates the Hungarians (Level 2) / Loathes the Magyar (Level 3), Nervous near Milanese (Level 1) / Fears Milanese (Level 2) / Terrified of Milanese Might (Level 3), Dislikes Milanese (Level 1) / Hates the Milanese (Level 2) / Loathes the Miserly Milanese (Level 3), Wary of Mongols (Level 1) / Fears Mongols (Level 2) / Terrified of the Mongols (Level 3), Dislikes the Mongols (Level 1) / Hates the Mongols (Level 2) / Loathes the Murderous Mongols (Level 3), Nervous near Moors (Level 1) / Fears the Moors (Level 2) / Terrified of the Moors (Level 3), Dislikes Moors (Level 1) / Hates the Moors (Level 2) / Loathes the Moors (Level 3), Wary of the Papacy (Level 1) / Fears the Papacy (Level 2) / Terrified of Papal Forces (Level 3), Dislikes the Papacy (Level 1) / Hates the Papacy (Level 2) / Loathes the Papacy (Level 3), Wary of Poles (Level 1) / Fears the Poles (Level 2) / Terrified of Poles (Level 3), Dislikes the Poles (Level 1) / Hates the Poles (Level 2) / Loathes Poland (Level 3), Wary of Portugese (Level 1) / Fears Portugese (Level 2) / Terrified of Portugese (Level 3), Dislikes Portugese (Level 1) / Hates Portugese (Level 2) / Loathes Portugal (Level 3), Wary of Rebels (Level 1) / Fears Rebelling Forces (Level 2) / Terrified of Rebellion (Level 3), Dislikes Rebels (Level 1) / Hates Rebels (Level 2) / Loathes Rebelious Scum (Level 3), Wary of Russians (Level 1) / Fears Russians (Level 2) / Terrified of Russians (Level 3), Dislikes Russians (Level 1) / Hates Russians (Level 2) / Loathes Russians (Level 3), Wary of Scots (Level 1) / Fears Scots (Level 2) / Terrified of Scottish (Level 3), Dislikes Scots (Level 1) / Hates Scots (Level 2) / Loathes Scottish Scum (Level 3), Wary of Sicilians (Level 1) / Fears Sicilians (Level 2) / Terrified of Sicilians (Level 3), Dislikes Sicilians (Level 1) / Hates Sicilians (Level 2) / Loathes Sicilian Scum (Level 3), Wary of Spaniards (Level 1) / Fears the Spanish (Level 2) / Terrified of the Spanish (Level 3), Dislikes the Spanish (Level 1) / Hates the Spanish (Level 2) / Loathes the Spanish (Level 3), Wary of Timurids (Level 1) / Fears the Timurids (Level 2) / Terrified of the Timurids (Level 3), Dislikes the Timurids (Level 1) / Hates the Timurids (Level 2) / Loathes the Invading Timurids (Level 3), Wary of the Turks (Level 1) / Fears the Turks (Level 2) / Terrified of the Turkish (Level 3), Dislikes the Turks (Level 1) / Hates the Turks (Level 2) / Loathes the Turkish (Level 3), Wary of Venetians (Level 1) / Fears Venetians (Level 2) / Terrified of Venetians (Level 3), Dislikes the Venetians (Level 1) / Hates the Venetians (Level 2) / Loathes the Venetians (Level 3), Nervous Battling Catholics (Level 1) / Fears Catholic Warriors (Level 2) / Terrified of Catholic Warriors (Level 3), Dislikes Catholics (Level 1) / Hates Catholics (Level 2) / Loathes Catholics (Level 3), Nervous Battling Orthodox (Level 1) / Fears Orthodox Warriors (Level 2) / Terrified of Orthodox Warriors (Level 3), Dislikes Orthodox (Level 1) / Hates Orthodox (Level 2) / Loathes Orthodox (Level 3), Wary of Muslims (Level 1) / Fears Muslims (Level 2) / Terrified of Islam (Level 3), Dislikes Muslims (Level 1) / Hates Muslims (Level 2) / Loathes Muslims (Level 3), Wary of Heresy (Level 1) / Fears Heretics (Level 2) / Terrified of Heretics (Level 3), Dislikes Heretics (Level 1) / Hates Heretics (Level 2) / Loathes Heretics (Level 3), Wary of Pagans (Level 1) / Fears Pagans (Level 2) / Terrified of Pagan Ways (Level 3), Dislikes Pagans (Level 1) / Hates Pagans (Level 2) / Loathes Paganism (Level 3), A Bit Odd (Level 1) / Of Dubious Lineage (Level 2) / Inbred (Level 3) / Woefully Inbred (Level 4) / Spawn of Incest (Level 5) / Betrothed to Mother (Level 6), Handsome (Level 1) / Physically Attractive (Level 2) / Striking to Behold (Level 3) / Physically Flawless (Level 4), Plain (Level 1) / A Bit Rough (Level 2) / Ugly (Level 3) / Repulsive to Behold (Level 4) / Cruelly Deformed (Level 5), Virile (Level 1) / Fertile (Level 2) / Prolific (Level 3), Effete (Level 1) / Infertile (Level 2) / Lame of Loin (Level 3), Good with Taxes (Level 1) / Thorough Taxman (Level 2) / Cruelly Exacting Taxman (Level 3), Poor with Taxes (Level 1) / Sloppy Taxman (Level 2) / Tax Farmer (Level 3), Bold Attacker (Level 1) / Risky Attacker (Level 2) / Suicidal Attacker (Level 3), Poor Risk Taker (Level 1) / Picks Fights Poorly (Level 2) / Utterly Foolhardy (Level 3), Calm When Outnumbered (Level 1) / Determined in Defence (Level 2) / Fears no Odds (Level 3), Poor Against Numbers (Level 1) / Beaten by Odds (Level 2) / Doomed Defender (Level 3), Silly Beliefs (Level 1) / Superstitious (Level 2) / Slave to Superstition (Level 3), Mostly Rational (Level 1) / No Nonsense (Level 2) / Utterly Pragmatic (Level 3), Extravagant (Level 1) / Royally Extravagant (Level 2) / Wildly Extravagant (Level 3), Cheap (Level 1) / Tight (Level 2) / Total Cheapskate (Level 3), Feeling Poorly (Level 1) / Delusions of Illness (Level 2) / Hypochondriac (Level 3), Healthy (Level 1) / In Good Health (Level 2) / Bastion of Health (Level 3), Servant of Heaven (Level 1) / Dramatic Visions (Level 2) / Vision of Prophecy (Level 3), Dysfunctional (Level 1) / Quite Mad (Level 2) / Utterly Insane (Level 3), Skewed View (Level 1) / Deranged (Level 2) / Dangerously Mad (Level 3), Fine with Blood (Level 1) / Sanguinary (Level 2) / Bloodthirsty (Level 3), Un-Manly (Level 1) / Disgusted by Blood (Level 2) / Fears Blood (Level 3), Easily Riled (Level 1) / Seethes with Anger (Level 2) / Driven by Rage (Level 3), Crude (Level 1) / Lewd (Level 2) / Shamelessly Lewd (Level 3), Proper Morals (Level 1) / Prim (Level 2) / Holier than Thou (Level 3), Hesitant Attacker (Level 1) / Over-Cautious Attacker (Level 2) / Indecisive Attacker (Level 3), Smart (Level 1) / Intelligent (Level 2) / Genius (Level 3), Looter (Level 1) / Pillager (Level 2) / Sacker of Cities (Level 3), Brutal Conqueror (Level 1) / Exterminator (Level 2) / Butcher (Level 3), Talent for Command (Level 1) / Natural Commander (Level 2) / Born to Command (Level 3) / Born Conqueror (Level 4), Quietly Observant (Level 1) / Spying Talent (Level 2) / Natural Spy (Level 3), Diplomatic Nature (Level 1) / Natural Mediator (Level 2) / Diplomatic Genius (Level 3), Cold Killer (Level 1) / Talent for Murder (Level 2) / Born to Kill (Level 3), Pretentious (Level 1) / Utter Snob (Level 2), Attractive (Level 1) / Head Turner (Level 2) / Vision of Beauty (Level 3), Flawed Features (Level 1) / Hideous (Level 2), Brave Woman (Level 1) / Dauntless Woman (Level 2), Timid (Level 1) / Skittish (Level 2) / Nuerotic (Level 3), Bruised Confidence (Level 1) / Insecure (Level 2) / Desperate (Level 3), Spirited (Level 1) / Engaging (Level 2) / Self-serving (Level 3), Reliable (Level 1) / Faithful (Level 2) / Unquestionably Loyal (Level 3), Suggestive (Level 1) / Scarlet Woman (Level 2) / Brazen Hussy (Level 3), Simplistic (Level 1) / Vapid (Level 2) / Total Bimbo (Level 3), Intelligent Lady (Level 1) / Educated (Level 2) / Scholarly (Level 3), Warm (Level 1) / Passionate (Level 2) / Insatiable (Level 3), Prudish (Level 1) / Cold (Level 2) / Ice Queen (Level 3), Snobbish (Level 1) / Intolerant (Level 2) / Despises Foreigners (Level 3), Tolerant (Level 1) / Accepting (Level 2) / Incredibly Accepting (Level 3), Potentially Confused (Level 1) / Prefers Women (Level 2), Fecund (Level 1) / Feracious (Level 2) / Always Ripe (Level 3), Infecund (Level 1) / Unprolific (Level 2) / Sterile (Level 3), Just and Fair (Level 1) / Publically Loved (Level 2) / People's Princess (Level 3), Hard But Fair (Level 1) / Harsh Mistress (Level 2) / Cruel Mistress (Level 3), Bean Counter (Level 1) / Bold Barterer (Level 2) / Commercial Conqueror (Level 3) / Robber Baron (Level 4), Daft Dealer (Level 1) / Easy Target (Level 2) / Open Purse (Level 3), Good with Money (Level 1) / Natural Born Merchant (Level 2) / Mercantile Genius (Level 3), Slight Indulgence (Level 1) / Decadent (Level 2) / Gaudy (Level 3), Capitalist (Level 1) / Market Controller (Level 2) / Monopolist (Level 3), A Few Enemies (Level 1) / Several Enemies (Level 2) / A Marked Man (Level 3), Slightly Crooked (Level 1) / Shady Dealer (Level 2), Legal Nouse (Level 1) / Legal Expert (Level 2), Secure Assets (Level 1) / Protected Assets (Level 2), Hires Guards (Level 1) / Employs Security (Level 2), Loyal to Coin (Level 1) / Self Serving (Level 2), Quite Religious (Level 1) / Dogmatically Religious (Level 2), Knowledge of Customs (Level 1) / Graceful Traveller (Level 2), Diplomatic Ability (Level 1) / Delicate Diplomat (Level 2) / Diplomatic Weapon (Level 3) / Mistress of Negotiations (Level 4), Lost in Conversation (Level 1) / Not Diplomatic (Level 2) / Royally Offensive (Level 3), Charming Consul (Level 1) / Natural Negotiator (Level 2) / Born Mediator (Level 3), Blessed (Level 1) / Divine Connection (Level 2) / Chosen One (Level 3), Intuitive Inquisitor (Level 1) / Hunter of Heretics (Level 2) / Born Inquisitor (Level 3), Servant of God (Level 1) / Enemy of Heretics (Level 2) / Purger of Heretics (Level 3) / Conqueror of Heretics (Level 4) / Grand Inquisitor (Level 5), Poor Prosecutor (Level 1) / Dubious Denouncer (Level 2) / Pathetic Prosecutor (Level 3), Somewhat Fair (Level 1) / Fair and Just (Level 2), Somewhat Unjust (Level 1) / Unfair and Unjust (Level 2), New Faith (Level 1) / New Conviction (Level 2) / Spiritually Reborn (Level 3), PriestToCardinal (Level 1) / BishopToCardinal (Level 2), Aggressive (Level 1) / Warlike (Level 2) / Violent (Level 3), Placid (Level 1) / Peaceful (Level 2) / Abhors Violence (Level 3), Questionable (Level 1) / Very Questionable (Level 2) / Utterly Corrupt (Level 3), Upstanding (Level 1) / Righteous (Level 2) / Immaculately Pure (Level 3), Growing Faith (Level 1) / Strong Faith (Level 2) / Shining Faith (Level 3) / Unquestionable Faith (Level 4), Waning Faith (Level 1) / Wavering Faith (Level 2) / Damaged Faith (Level 3) / Lost Faith (Level 4), Orthodox (Level 1) / Dogmatic (Level 2) / Utterly Dogmatic (Level 3), Odd Habits (Level 1) / Open-Minded (Level 2) / Quite Unorthodox (Level 3), Blessedly Lucky (Level 1) / Divine Protection (Level 2) / The Chosen One (Level 3), Morbid (Level 1) / Forsaken (Level 2) / Doomsayer (Level 3), Battler of Heresy (Level 1) / Enemy of Heresy (Level 2) / Purger of Heresy (Level 3), Missionary (Level 1) / Spreader of Faith (Level 2) / Beacon of Faith (Level 3), Bilingual (Level 1) / Multilingual (Level 2) / Translator (Level 3), Not Dogmatic (Level 1) / Respects other Religions (Level 2) / Open to all Religions (Level 3), Dogmatic Beliefs (Level 1) / Religiously Intolerant (Level 2) / Would-be-Inquisitor (Level 3), Calm (Level 1) / Sworn to Duty (Level 2) / Practically Dauntless (Level 3), Somewhat Nervous (Level 1) / Feeling the Risks (Level 2) / Trusts Nobody (Level 3), Growing Conviction (Level 1) / Strengthened Resolve (Level 2) / Feeling Invulnerable (Level 3), Waning Conviction (Level 1) / Questioning Cause (Level 2) / Feeling Vulnerable (Level 3), Little Aptitude (Level 1) / Some Aptitude (Level 2) / Great Aptitude (Level 3) / Powerful Channeler (Level 4) / Creature of Dark Arts (Level 5), Agitated (Level 1) / Angry (Level 2) / Seething with Rage (Level 3), Conforming (Level 1) / Reverant (Level 2) / Godfearing (Level 3), Thieves' Guild Apprentice (Level 1) / Thieves' Guild Journeyman (Level 2), Assassins' Guild Apprentice (Level 1) / Assassins' Guild Journeyman (Level 2), Hashashins' Guild Apprentice (Level 1) / Hashashins' Guild Journeyman (Level 2), Theologians' Guild Apprentice (Level 1) / Theologians' Guild Journeyman (Level 2), Crusader (Level 1) / Great Crusader (Level 2) / Grand Crusader (Level 3), Holy Soldier (Level 1) / Holy Defender (Level 2) / Holy Warrior (Level 3), Respected by Pope (Level 1) / Adored by Pope (Level 2) / Exhalted by Pope (Level 3), Pope's Enforcer (Level 1) / Pope's Executioner (Level 2), Winning First (Level 1) / Cruel and Cunning (Level 2) / Merciless Mauler (Level 3) / Field Tyrant (Level 4) / Warlord of Terror (Level 5), Fair Fighter (Level 1) / Noble in Battle (Level 2) / Bastion of Chivalry (Level 3) / Champion of Honour (Level 4) / Saint of Battle (Level 5), Mean Leader (Level 1) / Cruel Leader (Level 2) / Merciless Leader (Level 3) / Malevolent Leader (Level 4) / Tyranical Leader (Level 5), Fair in Rule (Level 1) / Noble in Rule (Level 2) / Chivalrous in Rule (Level 3) / Honourable Ruler (Level 4) / Saintly Ruler (Level 5), Respects the Enemy (Level 1) / Compassionate Victor (Level 2) / Quite Merciful (Level 3) / Merciful Champion (Level 4), Disrespects Prisoners (Level 1) / Lacks Compassion (Level 2) / Quite Merciless (Level 3) / Merciless Conqueror (Level 4), Noble Commander (Level 1) / Honourable Commander (Level 2) / Caring Commander (Level 3) / Merciful Commander (Level 4), Grim Commander (Level 1) / Cold Commander (Level 2) / Harsh Commander (Level 3) / Merciless Commander (Level 4), Good with Artillery (Level 1) / Adept with Artillery (Level 2) / Expert with Artillery (Level 3) / Masterful with Artillery (Level 4), Poor with Artillery (Level 1) / Awful with Artillery (Level 2) / Diabolical with Artillery (Level 3), Good with Guns (Level 1) / Adept with Guns (Level 2) / Expert with Guns (Level 3) / Masterful with Guns (Level 4), Poor with Guns (Level 1) / Awful with Guns (Level 2) / Useless with Guns (Level 3), Hexxed (Level 1) / Cursed (Level 2) / Blighted (Level 3) / Damned (Level 4), Warts (Level 1) / Flatulant (Level 2) / Boil-ridden (Level 3), Wracking Cough (Level 1) / Evil Illness (Level 2) / Stricken Down (Level 3), Sociable (Level 1) / Gregarious (Level 2) / Everyone's Friend (Level 3), Aloof (Level 1) / Introverted (Level 2) / Totally Closed (Level 3), Rebelled (Level 1) / Rebelious (Level 2) / Turncoat (Level 3), Feels Appreciated (Level 1) / Feels Respected (Level 2) / Feels Honoured (Level 3), Feels Unappreciated (Level 1) / Feels Disrespected (Level 2) / Feels Dishonoured (Level 3), Eastern Warlord (Level 1) / Mighty Warlord (Level 2) / Khan's Conqueror (Level 3), Mighty Eagle (Level 1) / Mighty Jaguar (Level 2) / Grand Jaguar (Level 3), Dangerous Captain (Level 1) / Famous Pirate (Level 2) / Notorious Pirate (Level 3), Wife is Fair (Level 1) / Wife is Charming (Level 2) / Wife is Lovely (Level 3), Wife lacks Charm (Level 1) / Wife is Undesireable (Level 2) / Wife is a Wretch (Level 3), Wife is Fertile (Level 1) / Wife is Very Fertile (Level 2) / Wife is Ripe (Level 3), Wife is Barren (Level 1) / Wife is Infertile (Level 2) / Wife is Cursed (Level 3), Wife is Useful (Level 1) / Wife is Smart (Level 2) / Wife is Wise (Level 3), Conqueror (Level 1) / Great Conqueror (Level 2) / Legendary Conqueror (Level 3) / All Conquering (Level 4), Politcally Wise (Level 1) / Politically Strong (Level 2) / Politically Powerful (Level 3) / First Among Firsts (Level 4), Politically Poor (Level 1) / Politically Weak (Level 2) / Politically Powerless (Level 3), Proud Legacy (Level 1) / Strong Legacy (Level 2) / Mighty Legacy (Level 3), Chivalrous Father (Level 1) / Legacy of Chivalry (Level 2), Dreaded Father (Level 1) / Legacy of Dread (Level 2), Tourney Entrant (Level 1) / Fair Jouster (Level 2) / Good Jouster (Level 3) / Knight of Renown (Level 4) / Tourney Champion (Level 5), Good Racer (Level 1) / Great Racer (Level 2) / Famous Racer (Level 3), Academy Trained (Level 1) / Officer Training (Level 2), Religious (Level 1) / Dutifully Religious (Level 2) / Religiously Active (Level 3) / Devoutly Religious (Level 4), Neglects Religion (Level 1) / Religiously Ignorant (Level 2), Unlucky Leader (Level 1) / Glory Hunter (Level 2) / Glorious Fool (Level 3), Somewhat Senile (Level 1) / Senile (Level 2) / Totally Senile (Level 3), Wife is Admirable (Level 1) / Wife is Noble (Level 2) / Wife is Revered (Level 3), Wife is Unpleasant (Level 1) / Wife is Nasty (Level 2) / Wife is Deplorable (Level 3), Cultured (Level 1) / Very Cultured (Level 2), Successful Saboteur (Level 1) / Expert Saboteur (Level 2) / Master Saboteur (Level 3), Unsuccessful Saboteur (Level 1) / Inept Saboteur (Level 2). Press ~ during gameplay to access the console, then enter the code.
To find the Unit ID's, go to your data folder in the Rome - Total War folder. Rome: Total War has a specific cheat 'console' built into it.
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move_character charactername, X, Y (Where charactername is name and X & Y are coordinates), create_unit [settlement/character] [unit ID] [amount] [exp/armor/weapon], give_trait_points [character] [trait] [number], auto_win [attacker/defender] (attacker/defender will win next auto battle).
We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website.
The codes that have already been listed can easily end a campaign in a shockingly brief amount of turns. Never losing a battle guarantees ultimate victory considering military setbacks will never occur. The player should then see a single stack of velites in that particular army. Normally, the player would have to hire agents or build watchtowers to keep an eye on the movements of other factions. (Level 3), Understands Trade (Level 1) / Trader (Level 2) / Master Trader (Level 3), Fiscally Challenged (Level 1) / Incompetent Trader (Level 2) / Trading Liability (Level 3), A Sense of Justice (Level 1) / Just (Level 2) / Serves Justice (Level 3), Swift to Judge (Level 1) / Lacks Justice (Level 2) / Unjust (Level 3), Hard Justice (Level 1) / Harsh Justice (Level 2) / Severe Justice (Level 3), Soft Judge (Level 1) / Merciful Judge (Level 2) / Kind Judge (Level 3), Iron Fisted (Level 1) / Harsh Ruler (Level 2) / Cruel Ruler (Level 3), Reasonable Ruler (Level 1) / Kind Ruler (Level 2) / Benevolent Ruler (Level 3), Active Builder (Level 1) / Urban Planner (Level 2) / Great Builder (Level 3), Not Constructive (Level 1) / Sloppy Builder (Level 2) / Abhors Construction (Level 3), Generous (Level 1) / Openly Giving (Level 2) / Overly Generous (Level 3), Mean with Money (Level 1) / Hoarder of Wealth (Level 2) / Miserly (Level 3), Spooked at Night (Level 1) / Fear of the Dark (Level 2) / Noctophobic (Level 3), Likes the Dark (Level 1) / Effective at Night (Level 2) / Nocturnal (Level 3), Sexually Liberated (Level 1) / Sexually Eccentric (Level 2) / Sexually Debauched (Level 3) / Sexually Perverse (Level 4) / Sexually Corrupt (Level 5) / Diabolically Degenerate (Level 6), Adopts Scouting (Level 1) / Adept Scout (Level 2) / Reconnaissance Expert (Level 3), Competent Sailor (Level 1) / Fine Officer (Level 2) / Worthy Admiral (Level 3) / Great Admiral (Level 4) / Legendary Admiral (Level 5), Poor Navigator (Level 1) / No Naval Nouse (Level 2) / Total Landlubber (Level 3), Marks of War (Level 1) / Scarred (Level 2) / Terribly Scarred (Level 3) / Brutally Scarred (Level 4), Plotter (Level 1) / Schemer (Level 2) / Grand Conspirator (Level 3), Poor Plotter (Level 1) / Silly Schemes (Level 2) / Lost the Plot (Level 3), Talkative (Level 1) / Gossips (Level 2) / Utterly Indiscreet (Level 3), Discreet (Level 1) / Secretive (Level 2) / Impossible to Read (Level 3), Good with Infantry (Level 1) / Skilled with Infantry (Level 2) / Infantry Master (Level 3), Poor with Infantry (Level 1) / Inept with Infantry (Level 2) / Confused with Infantry (Level 3), Good with Cavalry (Level 1) / Dangerous with Cavalry (Level 2) / Great Cavalry Commander (Level 3), Poor with Cavalry (Level 1) / Inept with Cavalry (Level 2) / Shameful with Cavalry (Level 3), Nervous Near Aztecs (Level 1) / Fears Aztecs (Level 2) / Terrified by Aztec Ways (Level 3), Despises Aztec Ways (Level 1) / Hates Aztecs (Level 2) / Loathes Heathen Aztecs (Level 3), Nervous Near Byzantine (Level 1) / Fears the Byzantine (Level 2) / Terrified of Byzantium (Level 3), Dislikes the Byzantines (Level 1) / Hates the Byzantines (Level 2) / Loathes all Byzantines (Level 3), Uncomfortable Near Danes (Level 1) / Fears Danes (Level 2) / Terrified by Danish (Level 3), Dislikes the Danes (Level 1) / Hates the Danes (Level 2) / Loathes Disgusting Danish (Level 3), Edgey around Egyptians (Level 1) / Fears the Egyptians (Level 2) / Terrified by Egptians (Level 3), Dislikes the Egyptians (Level 1) / Hates the Egyptians (Level 2) / Loathes the Evil Egyptians (Level 3), Edgey Around the English (Level 1) / Fears the English (Level 2) / Terrified by the English (Level 3), Dislikes the English (Level 1) / Hates the English (Level 2) / Loathes the Evil English (Level 3), Wary of the French (Level 1) / Fears the French (Level 2) / Terrified by the French (Level 3), Dislikes the French (Level 1) / Hates the French (Level 2) / Loathes the French Fools (Level 3), Edgey around Imperials (Level 1) / Fears the Reich (Level 2) / Terrified of the Empire (Level 3), Dislikes the Reich (Level 1) / Hates the Reich (Level 2) / Loathes the Empire (Level 3), Nervous near Hungarians (Level 1) / Fears Hungarians (Level 2) / Terrified of Hungarians (Level 3), Dislikes Hungarians (Level 1) / Hates the Hungarians (Level 2) / Loathes the Magyar (Level 3), Nervous near Milanese (Level 1) / Fears Milanese (Level 2) / Terrified of Milanese Might (Level 3), Dislikes Milanese (Level 1) / Hates the Milanese (Level 2) / Loathes the Miserly Milanese (Level 3), Wary of Mongols (Level 1) / Fears Mongols (Level 2) / Terrified of the Mongols (Level 3), Dislikes the Mongols (Level 1) / Hates the Mongols (Level 2) / Loathes the Murderous Mongols (Level 3), Nervous near Moors (Level 1) / Fears the Moors (Level 2) / Terrified of the Moors (Level 3), Dislikes Moors (Level 1) / Hates the Moors (Level 2) / Loathes the Moors (Level 3), Wary of the Papacy (Level 1) / Fears the Papacy (Level 2) / Terrified of Papal Forces (Level 3), Dislikes the Papacy (Level 1) / Hates the Papacy (Level 2) / Loathes the Papacy (Level 3), Wary of Poles (Level 1) / Fears the Poles (Level 2) / Terrified of Poles (Level 3), Dislikes the Poles (Level 1) / Hates the Poles (Level 2) / Loathes Poland (Level 3), Wary of Portugese (Level 1) / Fears Portugese (Level 2) / Terrified of Portugese (Level 3), Dislikes Portugese (Level 1) / Hates Portugese (Level 2) / Loathes Portugal (Level 3), Wary of Rebels (Level 1) / Fears Rebelling Forces (Level 2) / Terrified of Rebellion (Level 3), Dislikes Rebels (Level 1) / Hates Rebels (Level 2) / Loathes Rebelious Scum (Level 3), Wary of Russians (Level 1) / Fears Russians (Level 2) / Terrified of Russians (Level 3), Dislikes Russians (Level 1) / Hates Russians (Level 2) / Loathes Russians (Level 3), Wary of Scots (Level 1) / Fears Scots (Level 2) / Terrified of Scottish (Level 3), Dislikes Scots (Level 1) / Hates Scots (Level 2) / Loathes Scottish Scum (Level 3), Wary of Sicilians (Level 1) / Fears Sicilians (Level 2) / Terrified of Sicilians (Level 3), Dislikes Sicilians (Level 1) / Hates Sicilians (Level 2) / Loathes Sicilian Scum (Level 3), Wary of Spaniards (Level 1) / Fears the Spanish (Level 2) / Terrified of the Spanish (Level 3), Dislikes the Spanish (Level 1) / Hates the Spanish (Level 2) / Loathes the Spanish (Level 3), Wary of Timurids (Level 1) / Fears the Timurids (Level 2) / Terrified of the Timurids (Level 3), Dislikes the Timurids (Level 1) / Hates the Timurids (Level 2) / Loathes the Invading Timurids (Level 3), Wary of the Turks (Level 1) / Fears the Turks (Level 2) / Terrified of the Turkish (Level 3), Dislikes the Turks (Level 1) / Hates the Turks (Level 2) / Loathes the Turkish (Level 3), Wary of Venetians (Level 1) / Fears Venetians (Level 2) / Terrified of Venetians (Level 3), Dislikes the Venetians (Level 1) / Hates the Venetians (Level 2) / Loathes the Venetians (Level 3), Nervous Battling Catholics (Level 1) / Fears Catholic Warriors (Level 2) / Terrified of Catholic Warriors (Level 3), Dislikes Catholics (Level 1) / Hates Catholics (Level 2) / Loathes Catholics (Level 3), Nervous Battling Orthodox (Level 1) / Fears Orthodox Warriors (Level 2) / Terrified of Orthodox Warriors (Level 3), Dislikes Orthodox (Level 1) / Hates Orthodox (Level 2) / Loathes Orthodox (Level 3), Wary of Muslims (Level 1) / Fears Muslims (Level 2) / Terrified of Islam (Level 3), Dislikes Muslims (Level 1) / Hates Muslims (Level 2) / Loathes Muslims (Level 3), Wary of Heresy (Level 1) / Fears Heretics (Level 2) / Terrified of Heretics (Level 3), Dislikes Heretics (Level 1) / Hates Heretics (Level 2) / Loathes Heretics (Level 3), Wary of Pagans (Level 1) / Fears Pagans (Level 2) / Terrified of Pagan Ways (Level 3), Dislikes Pagans (Level 1) / Hates Pagans (Level 2) / Loathes Paganism (Level 3), A Bit Odd (Level 1) / Of Dubious Lineage (Level 2) / Inbred (Level 3) / Woefully Inbred (Level 4) / Spawn of Incest (Level 5) / Betrothed to Mother (Level 6), Handsome (Level 1) / Physically Attractive (Level 2) / Striking to Behold (Level 3) / Physically Flawless (Level 4), Plain (Level 1) / A Bit Rough (Level 2) / Ugly (Level 3) / Repulsive to Behold (Level 4) / Cruelly Deformed (Level 5), Virile (Level 1) / Fertile (Level 2) / Prolific (Level 3), Effete (Level 1) / Infertile (Level 2) / Lame of Loin (Level 3), Good with Taxes (Level 1) / Thorough Taxman (Level 2) / Cruelly Exacting Taxman (Level 3), Poor with Taxes (Level 1) / Sloppy Taxman (Level 2) / Tax Farmer (Level 3), Bold Attacker (Level 1) / Risky Attacker (Level 2) / Suicidal Attacker (Level 3), Poor Risk Taker (Level 1) / Picks Fights Poorly (Level 2) / Utterly Foolhardy (Level 3), Calm When Outnumbered (Level 1) / Determined in Defence (Level 2) / Fears no Odds (Level 3), Poor Against Numbers (Level 1) / Beaten by Odds (Level 2) / Doomed Defender (Level 3), Silly Beliefs (Level 1) / Superstitious (Level 2) / Slave to Superstition (Level 3), Mostly Rational (Level 1) / No Nonsense (Level 2) / Utterly Pragmatic (Level 3), Extravagant (Level 1) / Royally Extravagant (Level 2) / Wildly Extravagant (Level 3), Cheap (Level 1) / Tight (Level 2) / Total Cheapskate (Level 3), Feeling Poorly (Level 1) / Delusions of Illness (Level 2) / Hypochondriac (Level 3), Healthy (Level 1) / In Good Health (Level 2) / Bastion of Health (Level 3), Servant of Heaven (Level 1) / Dramatic Visions (Level 2) / Vision of Prophecy (Level 3), Dysfunctional (Level 1) / Quite Mad (Level 2) / Utterly Insane (Level 3), Skewed View (Level 1) / Deranged (Level 2) / Dangerously Mad (Level 3), Fine with Blood (Level 1) / Sanguinary (Level 2) / Bloodthirsty (Level 3), Un-Manly (Level 1) / Disgusted by Blood (Level 2) / Fears Blood (Level 3), Easily Riled (Level 1) / Seethes with Anger (Level 2) / Driven by Rage (Level 3), Crude (Level 1) / Lewd (Level 2) / Shamelessly Lewd (Level 3), Proper Morals (Level 1) / Prim (Level 2) / Holier than Thou (Level 3), Hesitant Attacker (Level 1) / Over-Cautious Attacker (Level 2) / Indecisive Attacker (Level 3), Smart (Level 1) / Intelligent (Level 2) / Genius (Level 3), Looter (Level 1) / Pillager (Level 2) / Sacker of Cities (Level 3), Brutal Conqueror (Level 1) / Exterminator (Level 2) / Butcher (Level 3), Talent for Command (Level 1) / Natural Commander (Level 2) / Born to Command (Level 3) / Born Conqueror (Level 4), Quietly Observant (Level 1) / Spying Talent (Level 2) / Natural Spy (Level 3), Diplomatic Nature (Level 1) / Natural Mediator (Level 2) / Diplomatic Genius (Level 3), Cold Killer (Level 1) / Talent for Murder (Level 2) / Born to Kill (Level 3), Pretentious (Level 1) / Utter Snob (Level 2), Attractive (Level 1) / Head Turner (Level 2) / Vision of Beauty (Level 3), Flawed Features (Level 1) / Hideous (Level 2), Brave Woman (Level 1) / Dauntless Woman (Level 2), Timid (Level 1) / Skittish (Level 2) / Nuerotic (Level 3), Bruised Confidence (Level 1) / Insecure (Level 2) / Desperate (Level 3), Spirited (Level 1) / Engaging (Level 2) / Self-serving (Level 3), Reliable (Level 1) / Faithful (Level 2) / Unquestionably Loyal (Level 3), Suggestive (Level 1) / Scarlet Woman (Level 2) / Brazen Hussy (Level 3), Simplistic (Level 1) / Vapid (Level 2) / Total Bimbo (Level 3), Intelligent Lady (Level 1) / Educated (Level 2) / Scholarly (Level 3), Warm (Level 1) / Passionate (Level 2) / Insatiable (Level 3), Prudish (Level 1) / Cold (Level 2) / Ice Queen (Level 3), Snobbish (Level 1) / Intolerant (Level 2) / Despises Foreigners (Level 3), Tolerant (Level 1) / Accepting (Level 2) / Incredibly Accepting (Level 3), Potentially Confused (Level 1) / Prefers Women (Level 2), Fecund (Level 1) / Feracious (Level 2) / Always Ripe (Level 3), Infecund (Level 1) / Unprolific (Level 2) / Sterile (Level 3), Just and Fair (Level 1) / Publically Loved (Level 2) / People's Princess (Level 3), Hard But Fair (Level 1) / Harsh Mistress (Level 2) / Cruel Mistress (Level 3), Bean Counter (Level 1) / Bold Barterer (Level 2) / Commercial Conqueror (Level 3) / Robber Baron (Level 4), Daft Dealer (Level 1) / Easy Target (Level 2) / Open Purse (Level 3), Good with Money (Level 1) / Natural Born Merchant (Level 2) / Mercantile Genius (Level 3), Slight Indulgence (Level 1) / Decadent (Level 2) / Gaudy (Level 3), Capitalist (Level 1) / Market Controller (Level 2) / Monopolist (Level 3), A Few Enemies (Level 1) / Several Enemies (Level 2) / A Marked Man (Level 3), Slightly Crooked (Level 1) / Shady Dealer (Level 2), Legal Nouse (Level 1) / Legal Expert (Level 2), Secure Assets (Level 1) / Protected Assets (Level 2), Hires Guards (Level 1) / Employs Security (Level 2), Loyal to Coin (Level 1) / Self Serving (Level 2), Quite Religious (Level 1) / Dogmatically Religious (Level 2), Knowledge of Customs (Level 1) / Graceful Traveller (Level 2), Diplomatic Ability (Level 1) / Delicate Diplomat (Level 2) / Diplomatic Weapon (Level 3) / Mistress of Negotiations (Level 4), Lost in Conversation (Level 1) / Not Diplomatic (Level 2) / Royally Offensive (Level 3), Charming Consul (Level 1) / Natural Negotiator (Level 2) / Born Mediator (Level 3), Blessed (Level 1) / Divine Connection (Level 2) / Chosen One (Level 3), Intuitive Inquisitor (Level 1) / Hunter of Heretics (Level 2) / Born Inquisitor (Level 3), Servant of God (Level 1) / Enemy of Heretics (Level 2) / Purger of Heretics (Level 3) / Conqueror of Heretics (Level 4) / Grand Inquisitor (Level 5), Poor Prosecutor (Level 1) / Dubious Denouncer (Level 2) / Pathetic Prosecutor (Level 3), Somewhat Fair (Level 1) / Fair and Just (Level 2), Somewhat Unjust (Level 1) / Unfair and Unjust (Level 2), New Faith (Level 1) / New Conviction (Level 2) / Spiritually Reborn (Level 3), PriestToCardinal (Level 1) / BishopToCardinal (Level 2), Aggressive (Level 1) / Warlike (Level 2) / Violent (Level 3), Placid (Level 1) / Peaceful (Level 2) / Abhors Violence (Level 3), Questionable (Level 1) / Very Questionable (Level 2) / Utterly Corrupt (Level 3), Upstanding (Level 1) / Righteous (Level 2) / Immaculately Pure (Level 3), Growing Faith (Level 1) / Strong Faith (Level 2) / Shining Faith (Level 3) / Unquestionable Faith (Level 4), Waning Faith (Level 1) / Wavering Faith (Level 2) / Damaged Faith (Level 3) / Lost Faith (Level 4), Orthodox (Level 1) / Dogmatic (Level 2) / Utterly Dogmatic (Level 3), Odd Habits (Level 1) / Open-Minded (Level 2) / Quite Unorthodox (Level 3), Blessedly Lucky (Level 1) / Divine Protection (Level 2) / The Chosen One (Level 3), Morbid (Level 1) / Forsaken (Level 2) / Doomsayer (Level 3), Battler of Heresy (Level 1) / Enemy of Heresy (Level 2) / Purger of Heresy (Level 3), Missionary (Level 1) / Spreader of Faith (Level 2) / Beacon of Faith (Level 3), Bilingual (Level 1) / Multilingual (Level 2) / Translator (Level 3), Not Dogmatic (Level 1) / Respects other Religions (Level 2) / Open to all Religions (Level 3), Dogmatic Beliefs (Level 1) / Religiously Intolerant (Level 2) / Would-be-Inquisitor (Level 3), Calm (Level 1) / Sworn to Duty (Level 2) / Practically Dauntless (Level 3), Somewhat Nervous (Level 1) / Feeling the Risks (Level 2) / Trusts Nobody (Level 3), Growing Conviction (Level 1) / Strengthened Resolve (Level 2) / Feeling Invulnerable (Level 3), Waning Conviction (Level 1) / Questioning Cause (Level 2) / Feeling Vulnerable (Level 3), Little Aptitude (Level 1) / Some Aptitude (Level 2) / Great Aptitude (Level 3) / Powerful Channeler (Level 4) / Creature of Dark Arts (Level 5), Agitated (Level 1) / Angry (Level 2) / Seething with Rage (Level 3), Conforming (Level 1) / Reverant (Level 2) / Godfearing (Level 3), Thieves' Guild Apprentice (Level 1) / Thieves' Guild Journeyman (Level 2), Assassins' Guild Apprentice (Level 1) / Assassins' Guild Journeyman (Level 2), Hashashins' Guild Apprentice (Level 1) / Hashashins' Guild Journeyman (Level 2), Theologians' Guild Apprentice (Level 1) / Theologians' Guild Journeyman (Level 2), Crusader (Level 1) / Great Crusader (Level 2) / Grand Crusader (Level 3), Holy Soldier (Level 1) / Holy Defender (Level 2) / Holy Warrior (Level 3), Respected by Pope (Level 1) / Adored by Pope (Level 2) / Exhalted by Pope (Level 3), Pope's Enforcer (Level 1) / Pope's Executioner (Level 2), Winning First (Level 1) / Cruel and Cunning (Level 2) / Merciless Mauler (Level 3) / Field Tyrant (Level 4) / Warlord of Terror (Level 5), Fair Fighter (Level 1) / Noble in Battle (Level 2) / Bastion of Chivalry (Level 3) / Champion of Honour (Level 4) / Saint of Battle (Level 5), Mean Leader (Level 1) / Cruel Leader (Level 2) / Merciless Leader (Level 3) / Malevolent Leader (Level 4) / Tyranical Leader (Level 5), Fair in Rule (Level 1) / Noble in Rule (Level 2) / Chivalrous in Rule (Level 3) / Honourable Ruler (Level 4) / Saintly Ruler (Level 5), Respects the Enemy (Level 1) / Compassionate Victor (Level 2) / Quite Merciful (Level 3) / Merciful Champion (Level 4), Disrespects Prisoners (Level 1) / Lacks Compassion (Level 2) / Quite Merciless (Level 3) / Merciless Conqueror (Level 4), Noble Commander (Level 1) / Honourable Commander (Level 2) / Caring Commander (Level 3) / Merciful Commander (Level 4), Grim Commander (Level 1) / Cold Commander (Level 2) / Harsh Commander (Level 3) / Merciless Commander (Level 4), Good with Artillery (Level 1) / Adept with Artillery (Level 2) / Expert with Artillery (Level 3) / Masterful with Artillery (Level 4), Poor with Artillery (Level 1) / Awful with Artillery (Level 2) / Diabolical with Artillery (Level 3), Good with Guns (Level 1) / Adept with Guns (Level 2) / Expert with Guns (Level 3) / Masterful with Guns (Level 4), Poor with Guns (Level 1) / Awful with Guns (Level 2) / Useless with Guns (Level 3), Hexxed (Level 1) / Cursed (Level 2) / Blighted (Level 3) / Damned (Level 4), Warts (Level 1) / Flatulant (Level 2) / Boil-ridden (Level 3), Wracking Cough (Level 1) / Evil Illness (Level 2) / Stricken Down (Level 3), Sociable (Level 1) / Gregarious (Level 2) / Everyone's Friend (Level 3), Aloof (Level 1) / Introverted (Level 2) / Totally Closed (Level 3), Rebelled (Level 1) / Rebelious (Level 2) / Turncoat (Level 3), Feels Appreciated (Level 1) / Feels Respected (Level 2) / Feels Honoured (Level 3), Feels Unappreciated (Level 1) / Feels Disrespected (Level 2) / Feels Dishonoured (Level 3), Eastern Warlord (Level 1) / Mighty Warlord (Level 2) / Khan's Conqueror (Level 3), Mighty Eagle (Level 1) / Mighty Jaguar (Level 2) / Grand Jaguar (Level 3), Dangerous Captain (Level 1) / Famous Pirate (Level 2) / Notorious Pirate (Level 3), Wife is Fair (Level 1) / Wife is Charming (Level 2) / Wife is Lovely (Level 3), Wife lacks Charm (Level 1) / Wife is Undesireable (Level 2) / Wife is a Wretch (Level 3), Wife is Fertile (Level 1) / Wife is Very Fertile (Level 2) / Wife is Ripe (Level 3), Wife is Barren (Level 1) / Wife is Infertile (Level 2) / Wife is Cursed (Level 3), Wife is Useful (Level 1) / Wife is Smart (Level 2) / Wife is Wise (Level 3), Conqueror (Level 1) / Great Conqueror (Level 2) / Legendary Conqueror (Level 3) / All Conquering (Level 4), Politcally Wise (Level 1) / Politically Strong (Level 2) / Politically Powerful (Level 3) / First Among Firsts (Level 4), Politically Poor (Level 1) / Politically Weak (Level 2) / Politically Powerless (Level 3), Proud Legacy (Level 1) / Strong Legacy (Level 2) / Mighty Legacy (Level 3), Chivalrous Father (Level 1) / Legacy of Chivalry (Level 2), Dreaded Father (Level 1) / Legacy of Dread (Level 2), Tourney Entrant (Level 1) / Fair Jouster (Level 2) / Good Jouster (Level 3) / Knight of Renown (Level 4) / Tourney Champion (Level 5), Good Racer (Level 1) / Great Racer (Level 2) / Famous Racer (Level 3), Academy Trained (Level 1) / Officer Training (Level 2), Religious (Level 1) / Dutifully Religious (Level 2) / Religiously Active (Level 3) / Devoutly Religious (Level 4), Neglects Religion (Level 1) / Religiously Ignorant (Level 2), Unlucky Leader (Level 1) / Glory Hunter (Level 2) / Glorious Fool (Level 3), Somewhat Senile (Level 1) / Senile (Level 2) / Totally Senile (Level 3), Wife is Admirable (Level 1) / Wife is Noble (Level 2) / Wife is Revered (Level 3), Wife is Unpleasant (Level 1) / Wife is Nasty (Level 2) / Wife is Deplorable (Level 3), Cultured (Level 1) / Very Cultured (Level 2), Successful Saboteur (Level 1) / Expert Saboteur (Level 2) / Master Saboteur (Level 3), Unsuccessful Saboteur (Level 1) / Inept Saboteur (Level 2). Press ~ during gameplay to access the console, then enter the code.
To find the Unit ID's, go to your data folder in the Rome - Total War folder. Rome: Total War has a specific cheat 'console' built into it.
Visit our corporate site (opens in new tab). for Jordan Peele's latest", The Gray Man review: "Hangs some ace action on a threadbare plot", Thor: Love and Thunder review: "Unashamedly absurd and wildly entertaining", Elvis review: "Baz Luhrmann, like Elvis, knows how to put on a great show", Lightyear review: "Fun, but doesn't take us to infinity and beyond", Ms. Marvel episode 6 review: "The MCUs newest hero is a force to be reckoned with", Resident Evil Netflix series review: "Does little to rise above whats come before", The Boys season 3, episode 8 review: "Not the fight we were promised", Star Trek: Strange New Worlds season 1, episode 10 review: "An ending that's pure heaven for fans of the original series", Ms. Marvel episode 5 review: "A brave, necessary story", Takes you closer to the games, movies and TV you love, Try a single issue or save on a subscription, Issues delivered straight to your door or device.
move_character charactername, X, Y (Where charactername is name and X & Y are coordinates), create_unit [settlement/character] [unit ID] [amount] [exp/armor/weapon], give_trait_points [character] [trait] [number], auto_win [attacker/defender] (attacker/defender will win next auto battle).