She has over 10 years of experience working in the public child welfare field. Employees say they have not been paid in months. The same firm is representing the adoption agency in their case against the Biden administration. PA 211 Terms and Privacy. As first responders to the COVID-19 outbreak, we are here for you now more than ever. Site by Fireman Creative. Please contact the Special Collections Research Center in advance of your visit, so that materials may be relocated to the reading room for research, The Association for Jewish Children Records are in the custody of the Special Collections Research Center, Temple University Libraries. CSS seeks only an accommodation that will allow it to continue serving the children of Philadelphia in a manner consistent with its religious beliefs; it does not seek to impose those beliefs on anyone else.. JFCS - Children, Youth and Family Services, Jewish Family and Children's Service of Greater Philadelphia - SWAN (Statewide Adoption Network), If you represent this agency, update your listing. Sheila Ashs business, Noes Nest Bed & Breakfast, was hit hard by COVID-19 restrictions. Historic challenges demand historic action. The queer students say they have continued to harass them with help from a hate group. : View a description and list of collection contents in the online finding aid. $45. She is a licensed social worker and holds an MSW degree from the University of Maryland, Baltimore. We will provide practical strategies to avoid spoiling, foster independence, and encourage positive social relationships. Together, we can transform the lives of children, teens, and families. A Tennessee adoption agency that sued the federal government in December seeking the right to discriminate has used a new state law to deny service to a straight Jewish couple. Literary rights, including copyright, belong to the authors or their legal heirs and assigns. Prior to 2021, the Trump administration granted religious exemptions to the HHS rule. It was found in 1945 in Auschwitz but kept hidden in darkness for 70 years. July 2022 Update on JFCS Ukraine Relief Efforts, California Legislature Budgets Record-Setting Funding for Holocaust Education and Survivor Assistance in 2022-23, Legacy Gift Will Aid Future Generations of Children, Longtime JFCS Volunteer Leaves a Legacy of Caring, June 2022 Update on JFCS Ukraine Relief Efforts, JFCS Leaders Urge Legislators to Expand Mental Health Support, Koret Fellows Reflect on a Year of Service, Volunteers Are at the Heart of JFCS Food Bank, JFCS Holocaust Center Establishes Statewide Collaborative for Holocaust and Genocide Education, 36 Days In: Ukraine Relief Update and Local Support, Critical Aid Is Reaching Refugees from UkraineThanks to Our Community, The Magic Words "We Can Help" - How JFCS Is Helping theBlyzenkoFamily, JFCS Tackles the Youth Mental Health Crisis: From Teletherapy to Educator Training, JFCS Builds a Thriving Community for Adults with Disabilities, JFCS Mental Health Services Expand as Depression and Anxiety Double During the Pandemic, JFCS Leads in a Historic Milestone for Holocaust and Genocide Education, Multipurpose Senior Services Program (MSSP), Jewish Chaplaincy Services, serving Stanford Medicine, Pandemic Recovery No-Interest Loan Program (PRNL), Navigating High-Conflict Divorce3 Session Workshop, Special Needs InclusionFinding Your Childs Place in the Community. Founded during the Gold Rush, JFCS story mirrors the epic story of the Bay Area. Ten shocking facts about the Alliance Defending Freedom, Holston United Methodist Home for Children, Tennessee Department of Children's Services, House passes bill to protect access to contraception. The video they made got them arrested. If you would like to request specific accommodations to enable you to participate fully in a program or an event, or have general questions about the ways in which we strive to create an inclusive atmosphere, please contact NJHSAs Chief Program Officer, Lisa Loraine Smith at 201-977-2542.Copyright 2022 Network of Jewish Human Service Agencies Financials Privacy Policy Website by New Frontier, STRENGTHEN THE JEWISH HUMAN SERVICE SECTOR. JFCS has been here for our community through our most challenging times since 1850. Jewish Foster Home and Orphan Asylum (Philadelphia, Pa.). How our incredible volunteers, like Marci Dollinger of Marin County, are coming together to make sure that Holocaust survivors and local seniors have food, connection, and love during the pandemic. Pennsylvania 211 does not rate, recommend or endorse any agency. 195 Republicans voted against it, Fans are loving the trailer for "Game of Thrones" prequel "House of the Dragon" with non-binary lead, Miss Bhutan 2022 is ready to paint the Miss Universe stage rainbow, Publix heiress donated $50K to extreme anti-LGBTQ group Moms for Liberty's PAC, Publix heiress donated $50K to extreme anti-LGBTQ group Moms for Libertys PAC, Texas professor calls for cure to homosexuality to prevent monkeypox outbreak, Jojo Siwa hits a homerun at celebrity all-star softball match-up, Anti-LGBTQ Alabama pastor sentenced to 10 years in prison for molesting boys, Gay Oklahoma mayor resigns due to concerns for his safety after altercation with police. Meetings: Tues., 7/12, 7/19, 7/26. Joshua Cardenas honed his leadership skills through JFCS' YouthFirst. Hear what these teens have to say about their YouthFirst experience. The law was intended to allow Christian foster and adoption agencies to discriminate against LGBTQ couples. Thanks to our incredible community, JFCS has helped over 120,000 people this year. Caring for Community: Marci and Sonjas Story. JFCS YouthFirst offers a wealth of opportunities for Bay Area teens to develop leadership skills, make friends, and give back to the community. The couple would also need a home-study certification to adopt. A special message from the Ukrainian refugee children we together are helping. For parents of preschool and elementary ages. But the Tennessee law allows adoption agencies the freedom to discriminate if treating everyone equally would violate the agencys written religious or moral convictions or policies.. They were referred to the Holston United Methodist Home for Children for assistance. The Free Exercise Clause is about freedom of religion. The View from Noes Nest: JFCS No-Interest Loans Keep Small Business Alive Through the Pandemic. The city argued that the agencys willful violation of local nondiscrimination law meant the agency wasnt qualified to get city business. In 2021, in the case ofFulton v. City of Philadelphia, the Supreme Court voted nine to zero to allow a Catholic adoption agency, Catholic Social Services (CSS), to discriminate against LGBTQ people.
Researchers are responsible for determining the identity of rights holders and obtaining their permission for publication and for other purposes where stated, Finding aid available in repository and online. Theyre suing because the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) bans discrimination on the basis of religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and same-sex marriage status among recipients of HHS grant money. The collection contains administrative records, correspondence, foster home ward admission registers, court report summaries, institutional studies and reports, statistical data about child placements, limited financial records, and photographs, The Association for Jewish Children (AJC) was a social welfare organization and constituent agency of the Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia that served as an institutional foster home, child care, and adoption placement agency from 1941 until 1983. In honor of Novembers National Adoption Awareness Month, please join Meghan Wojtal of JFCS Philadelphia who will lead a discussion about the importance of inclusiveness and diversity in the work of adoption agencies. After graduating college and moving to Washington DC with financial aid from JFCS, Josh went on to hold a staff position in the office of Vice President Kamala Harris. Tennessees lawyer argued that it violates states sovereign authority to force its schools to treat trans students equally. EDUCATION & TRAINING - Jewish Family and Children's Service of Greater Philadelphia - Education and Outreach Services, FAMILY SUPPORT SERVICES - Jewish Family and Children's Service of Greater Philadelphia - Parenting Collaborative, SUBSTANCE USE DISORDER SERVICES - Jewish Family and Children's Service of Greater Philadelphia - Education and Outreach Services (EOS). They had planned to smash the phones of anyone trying to record their late-night vandalism. ",,, Federation Early Learning Services (Philadelphia, Pa.) records, 1913-2017 (bulk 1944-1994), Hebrew Sunday School Society of Philadelphia (Pa.) records, 1802-2002 (bulk 1888-1980), HIAS Pennsylvania records, 1884-2018 (bulk 1913-1989), Jewish Community Relations Council of Greater Philadelphia records, 1920-2004 (bulk 1939-1995), Robert B. Wolf and Morris Wolf papers, 1876-2003 (bulk 1978-1992). The couple was unable to adopt the child. Join JFCS Jewish Baby Network for a Sunday Funday and connect with other East Bay families. The agency is represented by Alliance Defending Freedom, a viciously anti-LGBTQ organization that serves as the legal arm of the religious right. The professor and students formed a prayer circle around queer students protesting an anti-LGBTQ slur left in a classroom. Lawyers for the city had argued that the agencies would not stop with LGBTQ couples and would start imposing the restrictions on other faiths as well. * The community resource directory information is up to date to the best of our knowledge. Network of Jewish Human Service Agencies (NJHSA). The Foster Home for Hebrew Orphans, Homewood School, Juvenile Aid Society, and Bureau for Jewish Children were among the institutions consolidated in 1941. The law was intended to allow Christian foster and adoption agencies to discriminate against LGBTQ couples. It would substantially burden Holston Homes exercise of its religious beliefs to knowingly engage in child placing activities in connection with couples who may be romantically cohabitating but not married, or who are couples of the same biological sex, the lawsuit states. We simply provide information as a public service. View a selection of digital images on the Temple University Digital Collections website. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Hebrew Ladies Aid Society (Philadelphia, Pa.).
Ironically, their own recording helped identify them. Juvenile Aid Society (Philadelphia, Pa.). Instead, Holstons lawsuit is only about its own rights as an organization under the First Amendment of the Constitution, as well as the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA), which is claims are being violated because it cant deny kids homes and keep its HHS grant. The AJC was established in 1941 from the merging of several allied organizations engaged in similar work. In 1943, 14-year-old Rywka,living in Polands notorious Lodz Ghetto, began to record her thoughts and dreams in a precious diary. Date(s) - Nov 72:00 pm - 3:00 pm. Under the circumstances here, the City does not have a compelling interest in refusing to contract with CSS. However, you should always call the provider to confirm this information and make an appointment. Join JFCS as we celebrate the significance of Hanukkah, its power to heal, and how sharing the light of Hanukkah inspires hope. Univ of Idaho law students allege professor & Christian students make them fear for their lives, D.C. trans shelter Casa Ruby shuts down amid financial crisis & alleged mismanagement, Trump judge blocks Joe Bidens executive order protecting trans rights in 20 states. JoJo Siwa landed flat on her back at home plate. But on the day they were supposed to start the training, they say in their lawsuit, they were refused service because they arent Christian. Hebrew Sunday School Society of Philadelphia (Pa.). Their lawsuit challenges the two-year-old religious exemption bill that allowed Tennessee adoption agencies to refuse child placement with families that violate the agencys written religious or moral convictions or policies., Related: Ten shocking facts about the Alliance Defending Freedom. The agency didnt deny turning the couple away and instead told local reporters to contact their attorneys. Foster Home for Hebrew Orphans (Philadelphia, Pa.). $135. Bureau for Jewish Children (Philadelphia, Pa.). $30. The couple is now suing the Tennessee Department of Childrens Services in state court, arguing that the adoption agency is state-sponsored and shouldnt be allowed to discriminate against them based on their religion. The North Eastern Hebrew Orphans Home joined the AJC in 1945. 2010 - 2022 LGBTQ Nation, All Rights Reserved. Create mainstream experiences for your child and learn how to embrace the individuality of all children.
Researchers are responsible for determining the identity of rights holders and obtaining their permission for publication and for other purposes where stated, Finding aid available in repository and online. Theyre suing because the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) bans discrimination on the basis of religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and same-sex marriage status among recipients of HHS grant money. The collection contains administrative records, correspondence, foster home ward admission registers, court report summaries, institutional studies and reports, statistical data about child placements, limited financial records, and photographs, The Association for Jewish Children (AJC) was a social welfare organization and constituent agency of the Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia that served as an institutional foster home, child care, and adoption placement agency from 1941 until 1983. In honor of Novembers National Adoption Awareness Month, please join Meghan Wojtal of JFCS Philadelphia who will lead a discussion about the importance of inclusiveness and diversity in the work of adoption agencies. After graduating college and moving to Washington DC with financial aid from JFCS, Josh went on to hold a staff position in the office of Vice President Kamala Harris. Tennessees lawyer argued that it violates states sovereign authority to force its schools to treat trans students equally. EDUCATION & TRAINING - Jewish Family and Children's Service of Greater Philadelphia - Education and Outreach Services, FAMILY SUPPORT SERVICES - Jewish Family and Children's Service of Greater Philadelphia - Parenting Collaborative, SUBSTANCE USE DISORDER SERVICES - Jewish Family and Children's Service of Greater Philadelphia - Education and Outreach Services (EOS). They had planned to smash the phones of anyone trying to record their late-night vandalism. ",,, Federation Early Learning Services (Philadelphia, Pa.) records, 1913-2017 (bulk 1944-1994), Hebrew Sunday School Society of Philadelphia (Pa.) records, 1802-2002 (bulk 1888-1980), HIAS Pennsylvania records, 1884-2018 (bulk 1913-1989), Jewish Community Relations Council of Greater Philadelphia records, 1920-2004 (bulk 1939-1995), Robert B. Wolf and Morris Wolf papers, 1876-2003 (bulk 1978-1992). The couple was unable to adopt the child. Join JFCS Jewish Baby Network for a Sunday Funday and connect with other East Bay families. The agency is represented by Alliance Defending Freedom, a viciously anti-LGBTQ organization that serves as the legal arm of the religious right. The professor and students formed a prayer circle around queer students protesting an anti-LGBTQ slur left in a classroom. Lawyers for the city had argued that the agencies would not stop with LGBTQ couples and would start imposing the restrictions on other faiths as well. * The community resource directory information is up to date to the best of our knowledge. Network of Jewish Human Service Agencies (NJHSA). The Foster Home for Hebrew Orphans, Homewood School, Juvenile Aid Society, and Bureau for Jewish Children were among the institutions consolidated in 1941. The law was intended to allow Christian foster and adoption agencies to discriminate against LGBTQ couples. It would substantially burden Holston Homes exercise of its religious beliefs to knowingly engage in child placing activities in connection with couples who may be romantically cohabitating but not married, or who are couples of the same biological sex, the lawsuit states. We simply provide information as a public service. View a selection of digital images on the Temple University Digital Collections website. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Hebrew Ladies Aid Society (Philadelphia, Pa.).