SEDL offers online resources and tools for effective out-of-school time program development.
Synergy 2020 Day 1 LEA Breakout Session Presentation Final July 2020, Synergy 2020 Day 1 Non-LEA Breakout Session Presentation Final, Synergy 2020 Day 2 Presentation Rev Final, Recording-Day 1 Statewide Meeting (9:00am-12:00pm) Cohort 14 Onboarding Session, Recording-Day 1 Statewide Meeting (1:00-3:00pm) Cohort 14 LEA Session, Recording-Day 1 Statewide Meeting (1:00-3:00pm) Cohort 14 Non-LEA Session, Recording-Day 2 Statewide Meeting (9:00-11:30am) Cohort 12 and 13 Continuation Session, Recording-Day 2 Statewide Meeting (1:00-3:00pm) Cohort 12, 13 and 14 Session, 21st CCLC Statewide Meeting 2020-2021 FAQs, 21st CCLC Final Standard Operating Procedures SOP Revised July 28, 2020, 21st CCLC Grant Guidance Revised July 28, 2020, LEA ERaCA Reconciliation Cover Sheet (Word). April 4, 2022-Spring Regional Training, Helena, MT Register Here, June 27-28 2022-21st CCLC Summer Meeting, Polson, MT, August 8-10 2022-Montana Afterschool Alliance State Conference, Bozeman, MT, HiSET (Formerly GED)/HiSET Options Program, Montana State Approving Agency (SAA)-Veterans Education, Educator License Options and Applications, Educator Licensing & Preparation Task Forces, Montana Educator Licensing Frequently Asked Questions, Acceleration and Evidence-Based Instruction, Montana Alternative Student Testing Pilot Program, Access to OPI Information Reporting Systems, School Innovation, Flexibility & Efficiency, IT Resources for Schools - Programs & Grants. Two ways to view the conference schedule and connect to the sessions: The compact schedule below provides an overview of the conference, as well as links to each session. The conference is organized in three strands comprising topics integral to the work of developing high-quality afterschool programs.
Success With Real-World Challenges, Nili Mathews, Training Manager, Kids Included Together (KIT), San Diego, CA,, Social Emotional Arts & Radical Community Healing (S.E.A.R.C.H.
A signed Confidentiality Agreement must be received by NCDPI to gain access to the new 21DC system. North Carolina Sex Offender Public Registry is a public safety resource that provides the public with access to sex offender data in North Carolina. How to register for the Federal data collection modules The system is composed of various DPI source data collection systems, a student and staff identification system, a centralized data repository, and associated reporting and analysis (or "business intelligence") tools.
The 1-day meeting on April 20, 2022 will focus on important 21st CCLC annual close out procedures and required summer program paperwork (basic info updates; carryover budgets, etc.). The programs focus on reading, mathematics, positive youth development and parent and family engagement.
The Ohio Department of Education is providing details about the 21st Century Community Learning Centers (CCLC) competitive grant at an upcoming virtual bidders conference on March 30. Password: PemA4MTk We hope to have guest speakers, and a variety of hands-on workshops. This session will not be recorded.
The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) is the agency in state government responsible for ensuring the health and safety regulations.
Attendees will need to provide their own lunch.
Nathan Houston, Founder of #iAmImpact; Director of Youth Development of Program Engagement for Mentor, CA, Sacramento, CA, A One-Stop-Shop: A Toolkit for You, Your Programs, and Your Teams (repeated session),, Advancing Equity and Youth Engagement Through Collective Impact Federal Program Monitoring and Support Division
, where all session details are displayed and links are provided. The Federal Program Monitoring and Support Division at the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction (NCDPI) engages in the following four types of monitoring: The 21st CCLC Program Administrators at NCDPI conduct an annual risk assessment analysis to determine what level or type of monitoring to conduct with each program. Login |
Afterschool programs offer a range of youth development activities that promote social and emotional development, extending students knowledge in new ways and providing them with crucial life skills.
The meeting will still be in-person in Greensboro, NC at the Koury Convention Center.
Recording link:, 21st CCLC 2021-2022 Important Date Calendar, Out-of-School Time Program Resources Document. The meeting will run from 8am-4pm with light refreshments. Recording link:, Day 2 - August 18 - Cohort 15 Breakout Session, Webex meeting recording: Statewide 21st CCLC Day 2 Breakout Session Cohort 15 Grantees-20210818 1745-1 The Ohio Department of Education is an equal opportunity employer and provider of ADA services. Please DO NOT submit Vendor Electronic Payment Forms to the Office of the State Controller.
Password: kTR2MWr7 NCDPI Cohort 15 Nita M. Lowey 21st CCLC Competition - Notice of Intent Form.
This website was developed by a contract with the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE).
Raleigh, NC 27699-6307, Physical Address: Eligible applicants include public and private school districts, county educational service centers, community and faith-based organizations and businesses. North Carolina Afterschool Professional Development System
To determine the number of reviewers required to support the NCDPI Cohort 16 Nita M. Lowey 21st CCLC Competition, potential applicants are encouraged to submit an electronic Notice of Intent by February 28, 2022.
Please save the following information for the upcoming 21st CCLC Program Foundations Mini-Conference: More information, including registration links, for the 21st CCLC Program Foundations Mini-Conference to come!
Laurel, NJ, Youth Development Specialist, American Institutes for Research, Chicago, IL, Restorative Practice Specialist, The Praxis Institute, Chicago, IL, Lead Training Specialist, You for Youth (Y4Y), Mt. DPI Form 1 NGO State Grants - General Info, Schedule of Rec and Exp (All), DPI Form 2 NGO State Grant Compliance Requirements - Certification and Sworn Statement (All), DPI Form 3 NGO State Grant Requirements - Program Activities and Accomplishments (Level 2,3).
Senior Technical Assistance Consultant, Illinois Quality Afterschool at AIR, Austin, TX, Supervisor, Wellness Department, Illinois State Board of Education, Springfield, IL, , Program Manager, Illinois Quality Afterschool at American Institutes for Research, Austin, TX, , Professor of Education and Senior Research Associate, San Francisco State University, San Francisco, CA; Founder and CEO, Flourish Agenda, Inc., Oakland, CA, Club Hub Instructor, Indian Prairie School District 204, Aurora, IL, Mixed Media Artist, Laura Lynne Art LLC, Aurora, IL, Key Accounts Manager, LEGO Education, St. Charles, IL, 21st CCLC Site Coordinator, Project Success of Vermilion County, Danville, IL, 21st CCLC Coordinator, Cahokia CUSD 187, Cahokia, IL, 21st CCLC Manager, Cahokia CUSD 187, Cahokia, IL, Deputy Superintendent, Cahokia CUSD 187, Cahokia, IL, 21st CCLC Community of Practice Facilitator, Cook County & Surrounding Areas, 21st CCLC Community of Practice Facilitator, Southern Region, 21st CCLC Community of Practice Facilitator, Central Region, 21st CCLC Community of Practice Facilitator, Northern Region, Technical Assistance Consultant, American Institutes for Research, Gaithersburg, MD, Lead Education Specialist, You for Youth (Y4Y), Mt. Recording link:, Webex meeting recording: Statewide 21st CCLC TA Meeting Day 2-20210818 1701-1 Laurel, NJ, Yana List, Education Specialist, You for Youth (Y4Y), Mt. To determine the number of reviewers required to support the NCDPI Cohort 15 Nita M. Lowey 21st CCLC Competition, potential applicants are encouraged to submit an electronic Notice of Intent by April 9, 2021. The American Institutes for Research (AIR) allows for the recording of audio, visuals, participants, and other information sent, verbalized, or utilized during business related meetings.,,, Cohort 15 TA Webinar Slides - Part 1 (3.16.21), Cohort 15 RFP Technical Assistance Webinar Part 1, Cohort15_21stCCLC RFP TA Meetings Final Part II, Cohort 15 RFP Technical Assistance Webinar Part II,, Comprehensive Continuous Improvement Plan, Emergency Assistance for Nonpublic Schools (EANS), Elementary and Secondary Schools Emergency Relief (ESSER), Extended Learning and Integrated Student Supports (ELISS) Competitive Grant Program, Monitoring Neglected and Delinquent Students.
Afterschool Alliance The grant provides high-quality before- and after-school programs, along with summer learning programs primarily for children of high poverty and in need of supports to improve academic achievement. Our conference theme, Afterschool for All, reminds us that every child deserves a high-quality afterschool program.
Register for 21st Century Community Learning Centers annual bidders conference, District and School Continuous Improvement, Research, Evaluation and Advanced Analytics.
Any participant who prefers to participate via audio only should disable their video camera so only their audio will be captured.
The 21 st CCLC grant funds are solely available on a reimbursement request basis for actual allowable expenditures. In PowerSchool menu, found under Federal Title X. PowerSchool-Neglected or Delinquent October Head Count, Progress Monitoring Report Cohort 13 and 14 Pgm Year 2020-21, McCloud's Computer & Skills Training Center.
These programs are goal oriented, routinely assess their progress, and make necessary adjustments to remain on track for reaching program goals. The website offers multiple resources to support program planning and implementation including an Out-of-School-Time Cost Calculator. All attendees from an organization must register separately to ensure all registered attendees receive important schedule information.
The electronic application period opens in April 4 and closes in late May 27. The conference will also cover the FY23 21st CCLC Grant Guidance updates. 301 N Wilmington Street, NC Childrens Internet Protection Act National Sex Offender Public Website (NSOPW) is a public safety resource that provides the public with access to sex offender data nationwide.
If you meet eligibility requirements to apply, we welcome you to do so. This online calculator lets you determine the costs of a variety of options for high-quality out-of-school time (OST) programs. A brief on Internet safety and compliance with the Childrens Internet Protection Act (CIPA), Mailing Address: The New Essential Standards are written using the Revised Bloom's Taxonomy (RBT). In PowerSchool menu, found under Federal Title I.
PowerSchool -TAS system collects information on students who are eligible and those who receive services under TAS. Laurel, NJ,, Sign-in/Waiting Room Developed through collaborative partners with NC CAP, the system provides an online centralized database of afterschool training opportunities across the state.
With equity as the goal, defined in the ISBE Strategic Plan as having high expectations for every learner and providing supports and resources so each learner can meet those expectations, afterschool for all is the way to go!
21st Century Village Community Learning Center, Inc. Slide Deck:January 24 2022 Statewide Meeting and Lunch & Learn Slides, Day 1 - August 17 - Non-LEA Breakout Session, Webex meeting recording: Statewide 21st CCLC TA Meeting Day 2-20210818 1300-1
PowerSchool-Student Participation collects count by grade level of children served with Title I Part A funds in private schools, neglected, and delinquent facilities during the school year. The competitive grant opportunity will be processed through the CCIP system.
Several resources exist to address health-promoting behaviors among children. The RFP and Application Guidance document is linked below.
Children participate in a variety of enrichment activities in areas such as sports, science, technology and arts and crafts. Emergency Planning All LEAs and charter schools with Title I Schools implementing a TAS program must report TAS data through this PowerSchool module.
SEDL is dedicated to solving significant education problems and improving teaching and learning through research, research-based resources, and professional development. Please note submission of a Notice of Intent is not a requirement to apply for the grant, nor does it oblige the organization to apply. The North Carolina 21st CCLC Mini-Conference will cover best practices for a strong fiscal and programmatic start to the new grant year. Webinar 1: Overview of RFP and How to Apply, Webinar 2: Application Guidance and Rubric Overview, Training 1: Preparing for the Cohort 15 Competition, Training 2: Cohort 15 CCIP Introduction and Training.
North Carolina Essential Standards (ES) The content does not necessarily reflect the views of the ISBE or any other source. Priority for funding will be given to qualifying programs that serve small town or rural districts. 21st CCLC Program Foundations Mini-Conference for North Carolina Subgrantees ~ July 14 & 15, Greensboro, NC. The 21st CCLC FY22 Competitive Summer Mini-Grant RFP and Application documents are linked at the bottom of this listserv message. On February 3, 2022, the NC State Board of Education approved the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction (NCDPI) to launch the Nita M. Lowey 21st Century Community Learning Centers (CCLC) Cohort 16 Competition for the 2022-2023 school year for any Public School Unit (PSU) or Non-PSU organizations [NPO (Non-Profit Organization), CBO (Community Based Organization), FBO (Faith Based Organizations), For-Profit, IHE (Institutions of Higher Education), City/Local Gov]. Recording link:, Day 2 - August 18 - Cohort 13 & 14 Breakout Session, Webex meeting recording: Statewide 21st CCLC Day 2 Breakout Session Cohort 13 & 14 Grantees-20210818 1744-1
To expand our professional development offerings and deepen the hands-on aspects of our workshops, we have moved all professional development sessions originally scheduled during the April 2022 Statewide Meeting to a new North Carolina 21st CCLC Mini-Conference focused on jump starting your grant year with a strong foundation.
Jasmin Woolfolk, 21st CCLC Site Coordinator, Springfield Urban League, Springfield, IL, Panelists:
Use research and data to answer questions about education.
PowerSchool-Targeted Assistance Schools
Password: JkCWwsg8 By joining a meeting, you automatically consent to such recordings. If you meet eligibility requirements to apply in the RFP, we welcome you to do so.
The database is searchable by filters (county, staff level, content area, etc.).
The Notice of Intent form can be completed using this link: NCDPI Cohort 16 Nita M. Lowey 21st CCLC Competition - Notice of Intent Form.
For questions regarding the NCDPI Cohort 15 Nita M. Lowey 21st CCLC Competition, please contact Susan Brigman at
iTunes U
PowerSchool Federal Modules Register here for the conference session on March 30 from 1-3:30 p.m. Watch a recording of the previous March 15 session.
If you meet eligibility requirements to apply in the RFP, we welcome you to do so.
There will also be a virtual training webinar to teach new users how to utilize the web-based grants management system, the North Carolina Comprehensive Continuous Improvement Plan (CCIP) to support potential grantees: **The CCIP virtual training webinar will be recorded and posted to the 21st CCLC NCDPI webpage**. Through partnerships with schools, families, and community, afterschool programs support diverse learners by providing myriad learning opportunities that address individual needs and help all children reach their full potential.
Please note submission of a Notice of Intent is not a requirement to apply for the grant, nor does it obligate the organization to submit an application.
Webinars, tools and resources for understanding and using the RBT will be made available throughout the winter and spring., Shayla Grantham, Supervisor, Wellness Department, Illinois State Board of Education, Springfield, IL, Lacy Wood, Program Manager, Illinois Quality Afterschool at American Institutes for Research, Austin, TX, Creating Conditions to Support Afterschool for All
NC CAP provides essential resources for developing high-quality afterschool programs including the Established Standards of Excellence, Afterschool Professional Core Competencies, and Recommended Standards for After-school Physical Activity.
Section 4204(a) of the ESSA defines Expanded Learning Program (ELP) activities as enrichment and engaging academic activities that are included as part of a program that provides students at least 300 additional program hours before, during, or after the traditional school day and supplements, but does not supplant regular school day requirements.
Marion Baldwin, Senior Technical Assistance Consultant, Illinois Quality Afterschool at AIR, Austin, TX, Moderator: Agencies and organizations eligible under the 21st CCLC program include, but are not limited to, local education agencies (LEAs), non-profit agencies, city or county government agencies, community-based organizations (CBOs), faith-based organizations (FBOs), institutions of higher education (IHEs), and for-profit corporations.
In PowerSchool menu, found under Federal Title I. PowerSchool-Student Participation
To determine the number of reviewers required to support the 21st CCLC FY22 Competitive Summer Mini-Grant application process, potential applicants are encouraged to submit an electronic Notice of Intent by December 31, 2021. ALL LEAs and charter schools, both those that receive Title I funds and those that do not receive Title I funds, must report ESSR data through this PowerSchool module.
North Carolina has chosen RBT to help move to the complex thinking expected from 21st Century graduates.
The program provides before and after-school, weekend, and summer school academic enrichment opportunities for children attending low-performing schools to help them meet local and state academic standards in subjects such as reading, mathematics, and science. Additionally, we will host a series of technical assistance webinars to support potential subgrantees: **All technical assistance webinars will be recorded and posted to the 21st CCLC NCDPI webpage**. On March 4, 2021, the NC State Board of Education approved the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction (NCDPI) to launch the Nita M. Lowey 21st Century Community Learning Centers (CCLC) Cohort 15 Competition for the 2021-2022 school year for any Public School Unit (PSU) or Non-PSU organizations [NPO, CBO, FBO, For-Profit, IHE, City/Local Gov].
The standards are designed to be robust and relevant to the real world, reflecting the knowledge and skills that our young people need for success in college and careers. NC DPI, as the State Education Agency (SEA), is required to monitor the quality and effectiveness of the programs operating with funds provided through 21st CCLC grants.
Conference participants will hear details about grant requirements, service expectations and the application process.
Department of Public Instruction, The program also supports a component for family literacy and community outreach.
Video and/or audio recordings of any AIR session shall not be transmitted to an external third party without the permission of AIR., Evaluation and Equity: Strategies and Perspectives, Sophia Mansori, Research Scientist, EDC, Waltham, MA, Sheila Rodriguez, Senior Training and Technical Assistance Associate, EDC, Chicago, IL, Josh Cox, Senior Research Associate, EDC, Chicago, IL,,, Its In The Bag: Creating a Bag Of Tricks for North Carolina Arts Council The competitive grant opportunity will be processed through the CCIP system. CEDARS = Common Education Data Analysis and Reporting System, NC's PreK-13 State Longitudinal Data System.
Lynn Sobolov, Grant Writer/Out-of-School-Time (OST) Consultant, Morgantown, WV
The competitive grant opportunity will be processed through the CCIP system.
The Montana Nita M. Lowey 21st Century Community Learning Center's grant requires grantees to set aside 5% of the award amount for professional development.
U.S. Department of Education (USED) The conference will have offerings for fiscal team representatives, new program directors and staff, as well as returning subgrantees.
(pdf, 4.9mb)., STUDENTS PERSPECTIVES ON AFTERSCHOOL PARTICIPATION AND RECRUITMENT In addition, programs may provide activities for youth development, drug and violence prevention, art, music, technology, character education, counseling, and recreation to enhance the program's academic components.
Synergy 2020 Day 1 LEA Breakout Session Presentation Final July 2020, Synergy 2020 Day 1 Non-LEA Breakout Session Presentation Final, Synergy 2020 Day 2 Presentation Rev Final, Recording-Day 1 Statewide Meeting (9:00am-12:00pm) Cohort 14 Onboarding Session, Recording-Day 1 Statewide Meeting (1:00-3:00pm) Cohort 14 LEA Session, Recording-Day 1 Statewide Meeting (1:00-3:00pm) Cohort 14 Non-LEA Session, Recording-Day 2 Statewide Meeting (9:00-11:30am) Cohort 12 and 13 Continuation Session, Recording-Day 2 Statewide Meeting (1:00-3:00pm) Cohort 12, 13 and 14 Session, 21st CCLC Statewide Meeting 2020-2021 FAQs, 21st CCLC Final Standard Operating Procedures SOP Revised July 28, 2020, 21st CCLC Grant Guidance Revised July 28, 2020, LEA ERaCA Reconciliation Cover Sheet (Word). April 4, 2022-Spring Regional Training, Helena, MT Register Here, June 27-28 2022-21st CCLC Summer Meeting, Polson, MT, August 8-10 2022-Montana Afterschool Alliance State Conference, Bozeman, MT, HiSET (Formerly GED)/HiSET Options Program, Montana State Approving Agency (SAA)-Veterans Education, Educator License Options and Applications, Educator Licensing & Preparation Task Forces, Montana Educator Licensing Frequently Asked Questions, Acceleration and Evidence-Based Instruction, Montana Alternative Student Testing Pilot Program, Access to OPI Information Reporting Systems, School Innovation, Flexibility & Efficiency, IT Resources for Schools - Programs & Grants. Two ways to view the conference schedule and connect to the sessions: The compact schedule below provides an overview of the conference, as well as links to each session. The conference is organized in three strands comprising topics integral to the work of developing high-quality afterschool programs.
Success With Real-World Challenges, Nili Mathews, Training Manager, Kids Included Together (KIT), San Diego, CA,, Social Emotional Arts & Radical Community Healing (S.E.A.R.C.H.
A signed Confidentiality Agreement must be received by NCDPI to gain access to the new 21DC system. North Carolina Sex Offender Public Registry is a public safety resource that provides the public with access to sex offender data in North Carolina. How to register for the Federal data collection modules The system is composed of various DPI source data collection systems, a student and staff identification system, a centralized data repository, and associated reporting and analysis (or "business intelligence") tools.
The 1-day meeting on April 20, 2022 will focus on important 21st CCLC annual close out procedures and required summer program paperwork (basic info updates; carryover budgets, etc.). The programs focus on reading, mathematics, positive youth development and parent and family engagement.
The Ohio Department of Education is providing details about the 21st Century Community Learning Centers (CCLC) competitive grant at an upcoming virtual bidders conference on March 30. Password: PemA4MTk We hope to have guest speakers, and a variety of hands-on workshops. This session will not be recorded.
The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) is the agency in state government responsible for ensuring the health and safety regulations.
Attendees will need to provide their own lunch.
Nathan Houston, Founder of #iAmImpact; Director of Youth Development of Program Engagement for Mentor, CA, Sacramento, CA, A One-Stop-Shop: A Toolkit for You, Your Programs, and Your Teams (repeated session),, Advancing Equity and Youth Engagement Through Collective Impact Federal Program Monitoring and Support Division
, where all session details are displayed and links are provided. The Federal Program Monitoring and Support Division at the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction (NCDPI) engages in the following four types of monitoring: The 21st CCLC Program Administrators at NCDPI conduct an annual risk assessment analysis to determine what level or type of monitoring to conduct with each program. Login |
Afterschool programs offer a range of youth development activities that promote social and emotional development, extending students knowledge in new ways and providing them with crucial life skills.
The meeting will still be in-person in Greensboro, NC at the Koury Convention Center.
Recording link:, 21st CCLC 2021-2022 Important Date Calendar, Out-of-School Time Program Resources Document. The meeting will run from 8am-4pm with light refreshments. Recording link:, Day 2 - August 18 - Cohort 15 Breakout Session, Webex meeting recording: Statewide 21st CCLC Day 2 Breakout Session Cohort 15 Grantees-20210818 1745-1 The Ohio Department of Education is an equal opportunity employer and provider of ADA services. Please DO NOT submit Vendor Electronic Payment Forms to the Office of the State Controller.
Password: kTR2MWr7 NCDPI Cohort 15 Nita M. Lowey 21st CCLC Competition - Notice of Intent Form.
This website was developed by a contract with the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE).
Raleigh, NC 27699-6307, Physical Address: Eligible applicants include public and private school districts, county educational service centers, community and faith-based organizations and businesses. North Carolina Afterschool Professional Development System
To determine the number of reviewers required to support the NCDPI Cohort 16 Nita M. Lowey 21st CCLC Competition, potential applicants are encouraged to submit an electronic Notice of Intent by February 28, 2022.
Please save the following information for the upcoming 21st CCLC Program Foundations Mini-Conference: More information, including registration links, for the 21st CCLC Program Foundations Mini-Conference to come!
Laurel, NJ, Youth Development Specialist, American Institutes for Research, Chicago, IL, Restorative Practice Specialist, The Praxis Institute, Chicago, IL, Lead Training Specialist, You for Youth (Y4Y), Mt. DPI Form 1 NGO State Grants - General Info, Schedule of Rec and Exp (All), DPI Form 2 NGO State Grant Compliance Requirements - Certification and Sworn Statement (All), DPI Form 3 NGO State Grant Requirements - Program Activities and Accomplishments (Level 2,3).
Senior Technical Assistance Consultant, Illinois Quality Afterschool at AIR, Austin, TX, Supervisor, Wellness Department, Illinois State Board of Education, Springfield, IL, , Program Manager, Illinois Quality Afterschool at American Institutes for Research, Austin, TX, , Professor of Education and Senior Research Associate, San Francisco State University, San Francisco, CA; Founder and CEO, Flourish Agenda, Inc., Oakland, CA, Club Hub Instructor, Indian Prairie School District 204, Aurora, IL, Mixed Media Artist, Laura Lynne Art LLC, Aurora, IL, Key Accounts Manager, LEGO Education, St. Charles, IL, 21st CCLC Site Coordinator, Project Success of Vermilion County, Danville, IL, 21st CCLC Coordinator, Cahokia CUSD 187, Cahokia, IL, 21st CCLC Manager, Cahokia CUSD 187, Cahokia, IL, Deputy Superintendent, Cahokia CUSD 187, Cahokia, IL, 21st CCLC Community of Practice Facilitator, Cook County & Surrounding Areas, 21st CCLC Community of Practice Facilitator, Southern Region, 21st CCLC Community of Practice Facilitator, Central Region, 21st CCLC Community of Practice Facilitator, Northern Region, Technical Assistance Consultant, American Institutes for Research, Gaithersburg, MD, Lead Education Specialist, You for Youth (Y4Y), Mt. Recording link:, Webex meeting recording: Statewide 21st CCLC TA Meeting Day 2-20210818 1701-1 Laurel, NJ, Yana List, Education Specialist, You for Youth (Y4Y), Mt. To determine the number of reviewers required to support the NCDPI Cohort 15 Nita M. Lowey 21st CCLC Competition, potential applicants are encouraged to submit an electronic Notice of Intent by April 9, 2021. The American Institutes for Research (AIR) allows for the recording of audio, visuals, participants, and other information sent, verbalized, or utilized during business related meetings.,,, Cohort 15 TA Webinar Slides - Part 1 (3.16.21), Cohort 15 RFP Technical Assistance Webinar Part 1, Cohort15_21stCCLC RFP TA Meetings Final Part II, Cohort 15 RFP Technical Assistance Webinar Part II,, Comprehensive Continuous Improvement Plan, Emergency Assistance for Nonpublic Schools (EANS), Elementary and Secondary Schools Emergency Relief (ESSER), Extended Learning and Integrated Student Supports (ELISS) Competitive Grant Program, Monitoring Neglected and Delinquent Students.
Afterschool Alliance The grant provides high-quality before- and after-school programs, along with summer learning programs primarily for children of high poverty and in need of supports to improve academic achievement. Our conference theme, Afterschool for All, reminds us that every child deserves a high-quality afterschool program.
Register for 21st Century Community Learning Centers annual bidders conference, District and School Continuous Improvement, Research, Evaluation and Advanced Analytics.
Any participant who prefers to participate via audio only should disable their video camera so only their audio will be captured.
The 21 st CCLC grant funds are solely available on a reimbursement request basis for actual allowable expenditures. In PowerSchool menu, found under Federal Title X. PowerSchool-Neglected or Delinquent October Head Count, Progress Monitoring Report Cohort 13 and 14 Pgm Year 2020-21, McCloud's Computer & Skills Training Center.
These programs are goal oriented, routinely assess their progress, and make necessary adjustments to remain on track for reaching program goals. The website offers multiple resources to support program planning and implementation including an Out-of-School-Time Cost Calculator. All attendees from an organization must register separately to ensure all registered attendees receive important schedule information.
The electronic application period opens in April 4 and closes in late May 27. The conference will also cover the FY23 21st CCLC Grant Guidance updates. 301 N Wilmington Street, NC Childrens Internet Protection Act National Sex Offender Public Website (NSOPW) is a public safety resource that provides the public with access to sex offender data nationwide.
If you meet eligibility requirements to apply, we welcome you to do so. This online calculator lets you determine the costs of a variety of options for high-quality out-of-school time (OST) programs. A brief on Internet safety and compliance with the Childrens Internet Protection Act (CIPA), Mailing Address: The New Essential Standards are written using the Revised Bloom's Taxonomy (RBT). In PowerSchool menu, found under Federal Title I.
PowerSchool -TAS system collects information on students who are eligible and those who receive services under TAS. Laurel, NJ,, Sign-in/Waiting Room Developed through collaborative partners with NC CAP, the system provides an online centralized database of afterschool training opportunities across the state.
With equity as the goal, defined in the ISBE Strategic Plan as having high expectations for every learner and providing supports and resources so each learner can meet those expectations, afterschool for all is the way to go!
21st Century Village Community Learning Center, Inc. Slide Deck:January 24 2022 Statewide Meeting and Lunch & Learn Slides, Day 1 - August 17 - Non-LEA Breakout Session, Webex meeting recording: Statewide 21st CCLC TA Meeting Day 2-20210818 1300-1
PowerSchool-Student Participation collects count by grade level of children served with Title I Part A funds in private schools, neglected, and delinquent facilities during the school year. The competitive grant opportunity will be processed through the CCIP system.
Several resources exist to address health-promoting behaviors among children. The RFP and Application Guidance document is linked below.
Children participate in a variety of enrichment activities in areas such as sports, science, technology and arts and crafts. Emergency Planning All LEAs and charter schools with Title I Schools implementing a TAS program must report TAS data through this PowerSchool module.
SEDL is dedicated to solving significant education problems and improving teaching and learning through research, research-based resources, and professional development. Please note submission of a Notice of Intent is not a requirement to apply for the grant, nor does it oblige the organization to apply. The North Carolina 21st CCLC Mini-Conference will cover best practices for a strong fiscal and programmatic start to the new grant year. Webinar 1: Overview of RFP and How to Apply, Webinar 2: Application Guidance and Rubric Overview, Training 1: Preparing for the Cohort 15 Competition, Training 2: Cohort 15 CCIP Introduction and Training.
North Carolina Essential Standards (ES) The content does not necessarily reflect the views of the ISBE or any other source. Priority for funding will be given to qualifying programs that serve small town or rural districts. 21st CCLC Program Foundations Mini-Conference for North Carolina Subgrantees ~ July 14 & 15, Greensboro, NC. The 21st CCLC FY22 Competitive Summer Mini-Grant RFP and Application documents are linked at the bottom of this listserv message. On February 3, 2022, the NC State Board of Education approved the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction (NCDPI) to launch the Nita M. Lowey 21st Century Community Learning Centers (CCLC) Cohort 16 Competition for the 2022-2023 school year for any Public School Unit (PSU) or Non-PSU organizations [NPO (Non-Profit Organization), CBO (Community Based Organization), FBO (Faith Based Organizations), For-Profit, IHE (Institutions of Higher Education), City/Local Gov]. Recording link:, Day 2 - August 18 - Cohort 13 & 14 Breakout Session, Webex meeting recording: Statewide 21st CCLC Day 2 Breakout Session Cohort 13 & 14 Grantees-20210818 1744-1
To expand our professional development offerings and deepen the hands-on aspects of our workshops, we have moved all professional development sessions originally scheduled during the April 2022 Statewide Meeting to a new North Carolina 21st CCLC Mini-Conference focused on jump starting your grant year with a strong foundation.
Jasmin Woolfolk, 21st CCLC Site Coordinator, Springfield Urban League, Springfield, IL, Panelists:
Use research and data to answer questions about education.
PowerSchool-Targeted Assistance Schools
Password: JkCWwsg8 By joining a meeting, you automatically consent to such recordings. If you meet eligibility requirements to apply in the RFP, we welcome you to do so.
The database is searchable by filters (county, staff level, content area, etc.).
The Notice of Intent form can be completed using this link: NCDPI Cohort 16 Nita M. Lowey 21st CCLC Competition - Notice of Intent Form.
For questions regarding the NCDPI Cohort 15 Nita M. Lowey 21st CCLC Competition, please contact Susan Brigman at
iTunes U
PowerSchool Federal Modules Register here for the conference session on March 30 from 1-3:30 p.m. Watch a recording of the previous March 15 session.
If you meet eligibility requirements to apply in the RFP, we welcome you to do so.
There will also be a virtual training webinar to teach new users how to utilize the web-based grants management system, the North Carolina Comprehensive Continuous Improvement Plan (CCIP) to support potential grantees: **The CCIP virtual training webinar will be recorded and posted to the 21st CCLC NCDPI webpage**. Through partnerships with schools, families, and community, afterschool programs support diverse learners by providing myriad learning opportunities that address individual needs and help all children reach their full potential.
Please note submission of a Notice of Intent is not a requirement to apply for the grant, nor does it obligate the organization to submit an application.
Webinars, tools and resources for understanding and using the RBT will be made available throughout the winter and spring., Shayla Grantham, Supervisor, Wellness Department, Illinois State Board of Education, Springfield, IL, Lacy Wood, Program Manager, Illinois Quality Afterschool at American Institutes for Research, Austin, TX, Creating Conditions to Support Afterschool for All
NC CAP provides essential resources for developing high-quality afterschool programs including the Established Standards of Excellence, Afterschool Professional Core Competencies, and Recommended Standards for After-school Physical Activity.
Section 4204(a) of the ESSA defines Expanded Learning Program (ELP) activities as enrichment and engaging academic activities that are included as part of a program that provides students at least 300 additional program hours before, during, or after the traditional school day and supplements, but does not supplant regular school day requirements.
Marion Baldwin, Senior Technical Assistance Consultant, Illinois Quality Afterschool at AIR, Austin, TX, Moderator: Agencies and organizations eligible under the 21st CCLC program include, but are not limited to, local education agencies (LEAs), non-profit agencies, city or county government agencies, community-based organizations (CBOs), faith-based organizations (FBOs), institutions of higher education (IHEs), and for-profit corporations.
In PowerSchool menu, found under Federal Title I. PowerSchool-Student Participation
To determine the number of reviewers required to support the 21st CCLC FY22 Competitive Summer Mini-Grant application process, potential applicants are encouraged to submit an electronic Notice of Intent by December 31, 2021. ALL LEAs and charter schools, both those that receive Title I funds and those that do not receive Title I funds, must report ESSR data through this PowerSchool module.
North Carolina has chosen RBT to help move to the complex thinking expected from 21st Century graduates.
The program provides before and after-school, weekend, and summer school academic enrichment opportunities for children attending low-performing schools to help them meet local and state academic standards in subjects such as reading, mathematics, and science. Additionally, we will host a series of technical assistance webinars to support potential subgrantees: **All technical assistance webinars will be recorded and posted to the 21st CCLC NCDPI webpage**. On March 4, 2021, the NC State Board of Education approved the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction (NCDPI) to launch the Nita M. Lowey 21st Century Community Learning Centers (CCLC) Cohort 15 Competition for the 2021-2022 school year for any Public School Unit (PSU) or Non-PSU organizations [NPO, CBO, FBO, For-Profit, IHE, City/Local Gov].
The standards are designed to be robust and relevant to the real world, reflecting the knowledge and skills that our young people need for success in college and careers. NC DPI, as the State Education Agency (SEA), is required to monitor the quality and effectiveness of the programs operating with funds provided through 21st CCLC grants.
Conference participants will hear details about grant requirements, service expectations and the application process.
Department of Public Instruction, The program also supports a component for family literacy and community outreach.
Video and/or audio recordings of any AIR session shall not be transmitted to an external third party without the permission of AIR., Evaluation and Equity: Strategies and Perspectives, Sophia Mansori, Research Scientist, EDC, Waltham, MA, Sheila Rodriguez, Senior Training and Technical Assistance Associate, EDC, Chicago, IL, Josh Cox, Senior Research Associate, EDC, Chicago, IL,,, Its In The Bag: Creating a Bag Of Tricks for North Carolina Arts Council The competitive grant opportunity will be processed through the CCIP system. CEDARS = Common Education Data Analysis and Reporting System, NC's PreK-13 State Longitudinal Data System.
Lynn Sobolov, Grant Writer/Out-of-School-Time (OST) Consultant, Morgantown, WV
The competitive grant opportunity will be processed through the CCIP system.
The Montana Nita M. Lowey 21st Century Community Learning Center's grant requires grantees to set aside 5% of the award amount for professional development.
U.S. Department of Education (USED) The conference will have offerings for fiscal team representatives, new program directors and staff, as well as returning subgrantees.
(pdf, 4.9mb)., STUDENTS PERSPECTIVES ON AFTERSCHOOL PARTICIPATION AND RECRUITMENT In addition, programs may provide activities for youth development, drug and violence prevention, art, music, technology, character education, counseling, and recreation to enhance the program's academic components.