Get the latest in beer, wine, and cocktail culture sent straight to your inbox. To begin making this cocktail, combine your cucumber and your mint in a blender or food processor, and puree until smooth.
Tori Kai is distilled in small batches, using a pot still, polished rice, and pure spring water. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our, Learn about Yobu Soju, Plus Three Fun Soju Cocktails to Try. If you are an adult aged 19 or over, you can order this liquor at most Korean food restaurants. The answer may surprise you. According to legend, Ghengis Khan himself introduced araq to Mongolia, and his grandson, Kublai Khan, brought it to Korea. Soju is traditionally made from rice, but that changed during the Korean War, according to Bran Hill, a distiller at Van Brunt Stillhouse who makes a traditional soju called Tokki. All that is required is a beer and wine permit. There are so many amazing brands of soju out there that youll have to start now if you want to try them all! Pairing soju with food isn't a big thing in Korea, as the typical meal doesn't involve courses but everything on the table at once in a communal setting, so you can't approach it like you would a wine pairing, where the food and wine get equal billing. Soju is nicknamed Korean vodka, but it's not hard liquor. Sojus earthiness perfectly complements the flavor of the cucumber, and since soju is so subtle, the flavors can really shine. Weve compiled a list of a few of our favorite brands to help get you started on your soju drinking journey. Soju is a Korean distilled rice wine that has been around for centuries. Another thing to know about soju is that the taste can vary considerably, thanks to lax laws regarding the ingredients used to make it. From the 1960s to 1990s, however, using rice to distill soju was banned by the South Korean government because of a nationwide shortage. Soju hasnt received the respect or elegance as sake, Te says, but its on the cusp. It had gone down to 25% in the 1990s. Scenes of actors drinking this unique green bottle appear in many K-dramas and Korean films. Despite the worldwide sales numbers of soju, the spirit isnt well known in the United States. Seoul Night, by The Han, is made from the ripened Asian golden plum and cold-filtered and has a floral aroma with dry aftertaste. Traditional soju is made from a blend of rice and grains. So purified water pour and mix in it to create a soft and light dilution alcohol drinking like cocktails. Made from a base of barley and carefully barrel-aged, Kakushigura Aged Barley Shochu is full-bodied and luscious, with aromas of sweet vanilla. Go out and get some soju to try for yourself! "Soju" in fact means "burnt liquor," in reference to how it's made. Still, artisanal soju makers have started to gain a following by resurrecting the age-old methods and putting out higher-alcohol soju made from rice. But no need to worry if you're not familiar with soju after reading this post, you'll be an expert! Then theres the yogurt-flavored soju, which has seen unmatched popularity in overseas markets outside South Korea, such as Australia, ever since its debut. When we go out to drink, sojus always been there, Soh says. The next thing you know, the bottle is gone., Soh says the tradition of drinking a bottle of soju is ingrained from a young age. With the rise of Korean food, however, thats starting to change, says Ryan Te, general manager of New Yorks Jungsik and former beverage director at Oiji. Also, there are hundreds of ways to make cocktails with soju and makgeolli, Korean rice wine. What Is Taperakia? So now that you know a little bit more about soju, it's time to go out and enjoy. In America, soju has been seen as a distilled spirit that doesnt follow the rules of a distilled spirit, Te says. soju (apple-flavored, if available). If you want something a little fruitier, Jinro also makes Strawberry, Green Grape, Grapefruit, and Plum flavors, to name a few. Congratulations, you've been studying hard! And in Korea, many restaurants sell soju because Koreans enjoy having it with their meals, just like wine. Heres a rule of thumb for the alcohol content of soju. So soju distillers adapted, using sweet potatoes and other starches instead.
However, distilling rice was banned during the Korean War, so distillers started using alternative starches such as wheat, sweet potatoes, and tapioca. Its a great beginner soju, as it has a very low ABV and is moderately sweet. We've now looked for Soju-related knowledge, history, and culture in Korea. Lower percentage mass produced sojus are coming out to attract young female customers. Sake is a rice wine (though it's actually brewed like beer), while soju is a distilled beverage. Now you may know more about soju than most Koreans since you've been reading up.
Soju right now everyone knows as flavorless, green-bottle soju, so we're trying to change people's perceptions to see that soju is a beverage with a lot of flavor and complexity. Today, it is made by several different companies in Korea and is exported to many countries around the world. In the traditional way, soju is sold by the bottle at restaurants in Korea. These days, there are many sojus with various flavors added. I was the wonder baby, surprised the whole maternity hospital by drinking up a full big bottle of milk within hours of being born. oh my god~ it's really good), fruit juice, soda water, ice, or coffee. It can also be mixed with beer (called the Somaek! This soju is light and easy to drink and is carefully distilled for a smooth yet bold taste. There are a lot of little traditions like that.. For those who prefer something fizzy and stronger, seven parts beer and three parts soju put together makes a new drink called somaek, which merges two wordssoju and maekjutogether and is literally translated as soju and beer. Regardless of what route youre taking, grab a bottle of soju next time you visit a liquor store and make sure to enjoy it with family and friends as its a social drink in Korea. I love Korea, kittens, kindness, kimchi, and knowledge. You can sip it if you want, but shooting it is more common.
Though many Westerners once tended to dismiss soju as a low-alcohol "Korean vodka" you might quaff at a karaoke bar, the liquor is becoming increasingly visible in the West, and you may find yourself downing a shot or two at a fancy bar sooner than you think. Restaurants can build low-alcohol cocktail lists by using soju as a vodka replacement, in turn boosting its popularity. 10 Food Trends That Will Be Everywhere This Summer. This is a great way to mix things up and enjoy soju in a new way. In 2015, fruit flavored soju came out, which brought the alcohol content down to 16%. Eventually, each town of a reasonable size had its own local soju distiller; those distillers sold to their neighbors and had a recipe that was handed down from generation to generation. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress, Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window). Jinro is the most well-known brand producing soju, with its quadruple-filtered Chamisul line being the most popular soju product in Korea. A bottle and glass of Soju with a sliced lemon, 2022 is part of the Allrecipes Food Group. It's basically a boilermakerdrop a shot of soju in a glass of beer and gulp it down. It's going to be super fun. Another soju from Japan, Takara Yokaichi Mugi Shochu is very complex and makes a wonderful accompaniment to any meal. It comes in many different flavors, and cocktails recipes and there are many soju brands. Asian yogurt drink, such as Yakult (which can be found at your local Asian grocery store), 2 oz. How do you drink it? If you have Korean friends or soju lovers around you, you can show off your knowledge of soju. Alkaline water has small particles that are rich in minerals, which gives Chum Churum a unique, smooth flavor. Yogurt in a cocktail? They allow drinkers to enjoy alcoholic beverages without the heaviness, the calories, and the hangovers. But its now popping up in liquor stores across the country, with a selection of brands and flavors. Soju Brands Available in the United States. The flavor profile of Soju can vary greatly, as there arent harsh laws that stipulate what ingredients can be used to make it. Soju is traditionally drunk neat. The low alcohol content soju with the fruit flavors make them so easy to drink, some people just stick a straw in them and drink them like juice. Jinro Chamisul: Made from a mix of rice, barley, and tapioca, this popular soju has 20.1 percent alcohol by volume. ", Related: Learn about Yobu Soju, Plus Three Fun Soju Cocktails to Try. Soju is neutral-tasting like vodka, but doesnt have the harsh alcohol burn thanks to having around half the percentage of alcohol. You are never supposed to pour your own soju. Never heard of it? Its just a matter of time until it breaks out., Like wine, soju is meant to be consumed with food, and vice versa. Thebest-selling spirit brand in theworld isn'ta type ofwhiskey, vodka or rumit's soju, a Korean alcoholic beverage that's taken the world by storm. "Ten or 15 years ago, nobody thought of mezcal except as a cheap bottle with a little worm inside that gave you a headache. learn even more about this Korean staple Soju, The Meaning of Popular Korean Hand Gestures. Offers may be subject to change without notice. This versatility is part of what makes soju so popular. They have a word in Korea that we dont have, Hill says. Whether you prefer a simple grain bowl with lots of veggies, a slice of loaded avocado toast or a delish salad, there's something for you in this mix. Soju is the worlds best-selling spirit, yet its only just starting to gain popularity in the US. Yes, There Is a Way to Make Soju Cocktails Delicious, How and Why to Use Shochu in Your Cocktails, Why to Stock Zero-ABV Beer and Wine Proxies at Your Bar, Science Explains Why Some Base Ingredients Make Better Vodka, 3 Drinks That Show Why A Bar with Shapes for a Name Is a New Bar That Matters, The 13 Best Scotch Whiskies to Drink in 2022, The 10 Best Italian Liquors to Drink in 2022. Look for higher-quality artisanal soju, if possible, as you'll find it much more complex and intriguing. In a fun way, its kind of a dangerous alcohol, says Max Soh, general manager and beverage director of New Yorks intimate and chic Korean restaurant Oiji. It pairs well with a huge variety of flavors and can be mixed into almost any cocktail, thanks to its lower alcohol content. Not surprisingly, it's a cocktail associated with younger drinkers. After chilling, the strong alcohol flavor becomes subdued and the refreshing fruity and sweet notes take center stage. This recipe puts a soju twist on a traditional appletini. These days, soju is made largely using rice with other grains mixed in, such as wheat and barley. Required fields are marked *. It is a Korean liquor that is loved by many. Learn about the Greek practice of shipping adult children Tupperware containers of food, plus get their recipes to make at home. Were seeing a divergence in soju alcohol percentage these days. Every item on this page was chosen by a Town & Country editor. "The traditional rice-based soju goes well with beef dishes, and there's barley soju that works nicely with pork belly.". In 1999, the government lifted the rice ban, but cheap soju only continued to grow in popularity both inside and outside of South Korea. When drinking soju with friends, hold a glass in one hand and when drinking with someone older or more respectable than you, hold a glass with both hands. The taste can vary, but in cocktails you'll see it used as a vodka substitute. Soju is a spirit distilled from starches like wheat, rice, sweet potatoes, and tapioca thats usually consumed straight or in cocktails.
Those changes also had unintended consequences in shaking up the South Korean alcohol industry and have been blamed for giving rise to a heavy drinking culture in the country. I appoint you as Dr. Soju. Its average alcohol content is slightly higher than wine. Its vaguely sweet, milky flavor makes drinking an entire bottle easy. It was originally made by fermentation, but nowadays it is distilled. Simon Kim owns Cote, New York Citys first Korean steakhouse. Another popular way to drink soju is with beer or other fruit juices. If you haven't heard of it, well then you've got a blind spot, because it's been the best-selling liquor in the world, according to CNN. Add your soju, simple syrup, lime juice, and 2 tablespoons of your cucumber-mint puree to a cocktail shaker with ice. Soju is a friend that accompanies you to both common and special events in Korea, much like vodka does for Russians. Traditionally, soju was around 40% ABV. "Rubbing alcohol," says Kim. And if you want to learn even more about this Korean staple Soju, be sure to check out our other blog post all about soju. There is a birth myth about me. Traditionallyoriginal Korean distilled spirits have a strong alcoholic flavor and high ABV such as gin. Soju works as a base spirit substitute in many classic cocktails, like this Hwayo Negroni from New York bar Oiji. The national drink of Korea, soju is the best-selling liquor in the world by volume, and sales have only been growing in recent years. Anju, which means food that is specifically made to be consumed with alcohol.. Restaurants that want to serve soju dont have to apply for (or pay for) expensive liquor licenses in New York and California. Its light, versatile, and incredibly delicious. As the average soju is low-proof with a similar alcohol content to Japanese sake, soju can be as mellow as a glass of red wine, which is why it pairs so well with food. From the 1960s to the 1990s, using rice was banned in soju production because it was in such short supply, so sojus were made with other starches like sweet potatoes and wheat. "Seoul Night will take your soju game to the next level, and you will never look back," Kim said. ("Soju" and "shochu" are even written with the same Chinese characters.). Its recommended to drink Kakushigura on the rocks or with cold water so you can really appreciate the more subtle flavor notes. One of the best parts about soju is its versatility, which allows it to blend so well in a variety of cocktails. Fantastic. "I pour you a glass, you pour me a glass, we toast, drink, and then do it all over again." The low-alcohol spirit is the best-selling liquor in the world. What a Newbie Needs to Know about Soju, One of the World's Most Popular Spirits. Here are the popular flavors we think will be big this year, plus recipes to try these trends at home. All you need is Soju, some friends and good times are sure to follow. Soju is a colorless grain-based distilled liquor with an average alcohol content of about 15 percent, with the exception of some high-proof sojus up to 50 percent. It is a scene of making 'Somaek' from a K-drama that is becoming a hot topic these days. For example, it was once banned by the Joseon Dynasty because it was seen as a tool of debauchery. Shake until thoroughly chilled, then strain into a glass with fresh ice. Its the worlds number one selling liquor by volume, which is surprising, as many people stateside have never even heard of it. But a U.S. law forbids such practice and requires restaurants to sell soju by the glass. See what other Food52 readers are saying. Just like wine, soju is intended to be consumed with food. You take that shot glass with two hands, turn your face to the side so you arent making eye contact with the person who handed you the glass, and shoot it. What Is Korean Soju And Why Is It So Popular? This cocktail is incredibly refreshing and perfect for summer! Everyone likes to be a cocktail master or beverage director, respectively, and create their own recipes. When drinking soju with friends, it is common to pour for each other. 2014 - 2022 VinePair Inc. Made In NYC. Though it's tempting to compare Korea's most famous alcoholic beverage to Japan's most famous alcoholic beverage, sake, that's a bit of an apples-to-oranges situation. Truly vs. White Claw: Whats the Best Hard Seltzer? Youre usually getting drunk and really happy and youre eating at the same time.
Before the 2000s, its average ABV was about 23%, but as people's preferences change, the alcohol content rate of soju is gradually decreasing. Its flavors vary depending on the brand, but general notes include sweetness accented with plum, malt, and a light hint of buttery richness, similar to Japanese sake. Gradually it became familiar as the Korean alcohol spirit in the world. You will only find these bottles in better Korean pubs, supermarkets, and specialty stores. These are much smoother to drink and are good introductory soju. Like most kinds of soju, its wonderful served straight, chilled, or mixed into a variety of cocktails. Garnish with a slice of Granny Smith, and enjoy. Once theyve poured your glass, you take it with both hands, turn your face to the side so that you arent making eye contact with the person who handed you the glass, and shoot it! When you see this scene, you will feel the excitement of wanting to participate in that soju party. In the 1960s, it was in the 30s. Anna Archibald is a Kansas-based freelance writer with more than 10 years of experience. Sojus ABV is between 20-25 percent, which is half of vodkas ABV (usually around 40 percent). While rice is usually thought of as a staple grain in meals across the worldfrom rolls of sushi, to bean bowls, to seafood risottoKorea also uses it for drinking purposes. There's a misconception floating around that you have to turn your head to the side and look away from the pourer when you drink, but that's probably based on a foreigner misreading the fact that eye contact is not common practice in Korean cultureit's seen as aggressive in a society where polite deference is the default. Unlike some kinds of soju, this brand actually offers quite a strong flavor, which mostly comes from the barrel-aging process. Its from Korea, and is mostly consumed in Korea, Japan, and China, with Jinro being the most popular brand. It is no exaggeration to say that it's Korea's national drink. Traditionally, an older member of the group will pour some soju into a glass and hand it to you. I wanted to be the Wonder Woman, but now be a quite similar Wander Woman, anyway :) In general, soju resembles a low-alcohol, tasteless version of vodka, but its more viscous and a little sweeter. Korean Hanbok: A Complete Guide to Everything You Need to Know. In Korea it's about $3 per 375-milliliter bottle. There are many soju brands, some of which are available in the U.S. market.
Soju originated in Arabia and was originally known as araq. The spirit was brought to South Korea by Mongol invaders during the early 13th century. Soju is basically a kind of distilled spirit made from grains like whiskey. They seem to know 101 ways to nicely pour soju into beer for making their own the Somaek. High end and craft sojus are appearing for connoisseurs, between 25 and 40% or more. Strain into a cocktail glass and enjoy! But what is Soju? Back in the day, there was a boom in Soju production as sweet potatoes. Always finish what's in your glass before accepting another pour, and no one should ever fill their glass themselves. It has a subtle character that ensures it wont overpower the dish its accompanying. It got its start in the 13th century, when invading Mongols brought with them distillation techniques they themselves had learned in the Middle East and similar to those still used today to make single-malt scotch or cognac. Tokki: A premium rice soju made in Brooklyn using the traditional method. Because of its low alcohol content, Soju is easy to drink straight and is the basis for a variety of low-alcohol cocktails. More broadly popular is somaek, a portmanteau of "soju" and "maekju," Korean for "beer." For a long timeat least in the U.S.soju was primarily associated with Korean barbecue joints and Korean restaurants in general. It turns out that soju has been around for centuries, and its popularity has fluctuated quite a bit over time. Has 23 percent alcohol by volume. This fragrant and crisp liquor is easy to drink, yet will still surely give you a buzz. I am the Earth and life wanderer who was born in Seoul, South Korea. Considered the most exclusive soju available today, Samhae soju was once served only to Korean aristocracy, and today boasts the Intangible Cultural Heritage stamp from the government. Your email address will not be published. Even the mint chocolate flavored soju! Your email address will not be published. Soju can be sipped, but shooting it is more common. Sojus alcohol content varies, but usually falls in the 20-25 percent ABV range. If you can find it, a pine-based soju is an excellent stand-in for gin. Has 23 percent alcohol by volume. "It's very interactive," says Simon Kim, the owner of Cote, a new and buzzy Korean steakhouse in New York City, which serves four premium sojus and uses the liquor in cocktails. The more common mass produced green bottles tend to be around 19-25% ABV. In general, Soju tastes similar to vodka but a little more viscous and slightly sweeter. The alcohol content is always somewhere on the bottle if youre unsure. History 101: Alcohol As Medicine Throughout The Ages, 3 oz. In the mid-2000s, new softer products came out to try to attract more female customers. For the first drink, an older member in the group will pour some soju into a shot glass and hand it to you. Yobo: A grape-based soju made in New York State. At this point, soju was made only from rice wine, and averaged about 40% to 50% alcohol. All Right Reserved. When you're short on time, you can still make a quick, healthy lunch that will help you power through the afternoon. Traditional soju is pure, fresh, and has a very smooth taste. Because of the complex flavors, its recommended that this soju be drunk straight or over ice. Whats the Traditional Way to Drink Soju? Strain your puree through a fine-mesh sieve to remove any lumps, extracting as much juice as possible. Good for cocktails. this link is to an external site that may or may not meet accessibility guidelines. Over the decades, mass produced soju has gone down in ABV. As the temperature rises, our collective palate starts to shift towards light and refreshing kinds of beverages. Long underrated in America, soju is finally starting to gain traction stateside. Tori Kai Soju is interesting, as it hails from Japan, not Korea. When I started playing with soju and changing it with other alcohols like whiskey or vodka, it changed the characteristics slightly, but still maintained the more classic cocktail flavor, says Soh, who advises that the ratio of soju to other ingredients often needs to be increased when using it in place of other spirits, due to its lower ABV. And now, like many aspects of Korean culture, its making its way across the Pacific Ocean in a big way. Some sojus, like Chamisul, are still made from sweet potatoes. Soju is usually made from rice, but nowadays there are many different kinds of soju on the market made from sweet potatoes, wheat, and even tapioca. 2018 Winter Olympics will kick off in PyeongChang, South Korea, drink an average of 13.7 shots of liquor per week.
Tori Kai is distilled in small batches, using a pot still, polished rice, and pure spring water. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our, Learn about Yobu Soju, Plus Three Fun Soju Cocktails to Try. If you are an adult aged 19 or over, you can order this liquor at most Korean food restaurants. The answer may surprise you. According to legend, Ghengis Khan himself introduced araq to Mongolia, and his grandson, Kublai Khan, brought it to Korea. Soju is traditionally made from rice, but that changed during the Korean War, according to Bran Hill, a distiller at Van Brunt Stillhouse who makes a traditional soju called Tokki. All that is required is a beer and wine permit. There are so many amazing brands of soju out there that youll have to start now if you want to try them all! Pairing soju with food isn't a big thing in Korea, as the typical meal doesn't involve courses but everything on the table at once in a communal setting, so you can't approach it like you would a wine pairing, where the food and wine get equal billing. Soju is nicknamed Korean vodka, but it's not hard liquor. Sojus earthiness perfectly complements the flavor of the cucumber, and since soju is so subtle, the flavors can really shine. Weve compiled a list of a few of our favorite brands to help get you started on your soju drinking journey. Soju is a Korean distilled rice wine that has been around for centuries. Another thing to know about soju is that the taste can vary considerably, thanks to lax laws regarding the ingredients used to make it. From the 1960s to 1990s, however, using rice to distill soju was banned by the South Korean government because of a nationwide shortage. Soju hasnt received the respect or elegance as sake, Te says, but its on the cusp. It had gone down to 25% in the 1990s. Scenes of actors drinking this unique green bottle appear in many K-dramas and Korean films. Despite the worldwide sales numbers of soju, the spirit isnt well known in the United States. Seoul Night, by The Han, is made from the ripened Asian golden plum and cold-filtered and has a floral aroma with dry aftertaste. Traditional soju is made from a blend of rice and grains. So purified water pour and mix in it to create a soft and light dilution alcohol drinking like cocktails. Made from a base of barley and carefully barrel-aged, Kakushigura Aged Barley Shochu is full-bodied and luscious, with aromas of sweet vanilla. Go out and get some soju to try for yourself! "Soju" in fact means "burnt liquor," in reference to how it's made. Still, artisanal soju makers have started to gain a following by resurrecting the age-old methods and putting out higher-alcohol soju made from rice. But no need to worry if you're not familiar with soju after reading this post, you'll be an expert! Then theres the yogurt-flavored soju, which has seen unmatched popularity in overseas markets outside South Korea, such as Australia, ever since its debut. When we go out to drink, sojus always been there, Soh says. The next thing you know, the bottle is gone., Soh says the tradition of drinking a bottle of soju is ingrained from a young age. With the rise of Korean food, however, thats starting to change, says Ryan Te, general manager of New Yorks Jungsik and former beverage director at Oiji. Also, there are hundreds of ways to make cocktails with soju and makgeolli, Korean rice wine. What Is Taperakia? So now that you know a little bit more about soju, it's time to go out and enjoy. In America, soju has been seen as a distilled spirit that doesnt follow the rules of a distilled spirit, Te says. soju (apple-flavored, if available). If you want something a little fruitier, Jinro also makes Strawberry, Green Grape, Grapefruit, and Plum flavors, to name a few. Congratulations, you've been studying hard! And in Korea, many restaurants sell soju because Koreans enjoy having it with their meals, just like wine. Heres a rule of thumb for the alcohol content of soju. So soju distillers adapted, using sweet potatoes and other starches instead.
However, distilling rice was banned during the Korean War, so distillers started using alternative starches such as wheat, sweet potatoes, and tapioca. Its a great beginner soju, as it has a very low ABV and is moderately sweet. We've now looked for Soju-related knowledge, history, and culture in Korea. Lower percentage mass produced sojus are coming out to attract young female customers. Sake is a rice wine (though it's actually brewed like beer), while soju is a distilled beverage. Now you may know more about soju than most Koreans since you've been reading up.
Soju right now everyone knows as flavorless, green-bottle soju, so we're trying to change people's perceptions to see that soju is a beverage with a lot of flavor and complexity. Today, it is made by several different companies in Korea and is exported to many countries around the world. In the traditional way, soju is sold by the bottle at restaurants in Korea. These days, there are many sojus with various flavors added. I was the wonder baby, surprised the whole maternity hospital by drinking up a full big bottle of milk within hours of being born. oh my god~ it's really good), fruit juice, soda water, ice, or coffee. It can also be mixed with beer (called the Somaek! This soju is light and easy to drink and is carefully distilled for a smooth yet bold taste. There are a lot of little traditions like that.. For those who prefer something fizzy and stronger, seven parts beer and three parts soju put together makes a new drink called somaek, which merges two wordssoju and maekjutogether and is literally translated as soju and beer. Regardless of what route youre taking, grab a bottle of soju next time you visit a liquor store and make sure to enjoy it with family and friends as its a social drink in Korea. I love Korea, kittens, kindness, kimchi, and knowledge. You can sip it if you want, but shooting it is more common.

Those changes also had unintended consequences in shaking up the South Korean alcohol industry and have been blamed for giving rise to a heavy drinking culture in the country. I appoint you as Dr. Soju. Its average alcohol content is slightly higher than wine. Its vaguely sweet, milky flavor makes drinking an entire bottle easy. It was originally made by fermentation, but nowadays it is distilled. Simon Kim owns Cote, New York Citys first Korean steakhouse. Another popular way to drink soju is with beer or other fruit juices. If you haven't heard of it, well then you've got a blind spot, because it's been the best-selling liquor in the world, according to CNN. Add your soju, simple syrup, lime juice, and 2 tablespoons of your cucumber-mint puree to a cocktail shaker with ice. Soju is a friend that accompanies you to both common and special events in Korea, much like vodka does for Russians. Traditionally, soju was around 40% ABV. "Rubbing alcohol," says Kim. And if you want to learn even more about this Korean staple Soju, be sure to check out our other blog post all about soju. There is a birth myth about me. Traditionallyoriginal Korean distilled spirits have a strong alcoholic flavor and high ABV such as gin. Soju works as a base spirit substitute in many classic cocktails, like this Hwayo Negroni from New York bar Oiji. The national drink of Korea, soju is the best-selling liquor in the world by volume, and sales have only been growing in recent years. Anju, which means food that is specifically made to be consumed with alcohol.. Restaurants that want to serve soju dont have to apply for (or pay for) expensive liquor licenses in New York and California. Its light, versatile, and incredibly delicious. As the average soju is low-proof with a similar alcohol content to Japanese sake, soju can be as mellow as a glass of red wine, which is why it pairs so well with food. From the 1960s to the 1990s, using rice was banned in soju production because it was in such short supply, so sojus were made with other starches like sweet potatoes and wheat. "Seoul Night will take your soju game to the next level, and you will never look back," Kim said. ("Soju" and "shochu" are even written with the same Chinese characters.). Its recommended to drink Kakushigura on the rocks or with cold water so you can really appreciate the more subtle flavor notes. One of the best parts about soju is its versatility, which allows it to blend so well in a variety of cocktails. Fantastic. "I pour you a glass, you pour me a glass, we toast, drink, and then do it all over again." The low-alcohol spirit is the best-selling liquor in the world. What a Newbie Needs to Know about Soju, One of the World's Most Popular Spirits. Here are the popular flavors we think will be big this year, plus recipes to try these trends at home. All you need is Soju, some friends and good times are sure to follow. Soju is a colorless grain-based distilled liquor with an average alcohol content of about 15 percent, with the exception of some high-proof sojus up to 50 percent. It is a scene of making 'Somaek' from a K-drama that is becoming a hot topic these days. For example, it was once banned by the Joseon Dynasty because it was seen as a tool of debauchery. Shake until thoroughly chilled, then strain into a glass with fresh ice. Its the worlds number one selling liquor by volume, which is surprising, as many people stateside have never even heard of it. But a U.S. law forbids such practice and requires restaurants to sell soju by the glass. See what other Food52 readers are saying. Just like wine, soju is intended to be consumed with food. You take that shot glass with two hands, turn your face to the side so you arent making eye contact with the person who handed you the glass, and shoot it. What Is Korean Soju And Why Is It So Popular? This cocktail is incredibly refreshing and perfect for summer! Everyone likes to be a cocktail master or beverage director, respectively, and create their own recipes. When drinking soju with friends, it is common to pour for each other. 2014 - 2022 VinePair Inc. Made In NYC. Though it's tempting to compare Korea's most famous alcoholic beverage to Japan's most famous alcoholic beverage, sake, that's a bit of an apples-to-oranges situation. Truly vs. White Claw: Whats the Best Hard Seltzer? Youre usually getting drunk and really happy and youre eating at the same time.
Before the 2000s, its average ABV was about 23%, but as people's preferences change, the alcohol content rate of soju is gradually decreasing. Its flavors vary depending on the brand, but general notes include sweetness accented with plum, malt, and a light hint of buttery richness, similar to Japanese sake. Gradually it became familiar as the Korean alcohol spirit in the world. You will only find these bottles in better Korean pubs, supermarkets, and specialty stores. These are much smoother to drink and are good introductory soju. Like most kinds of soju, its wonderful served straight, chilled, or mixed into a variety of cocktails. Garnish with a slice of Granny Smith, and enjoy. Once theyve poured your glass, you take it with both hands, turn your face to the side so that you arent making eye contact with the person who handed you the glass, and shoot it! When you see this scene, you will feel the excitement of wanting to participate in that soju party. In the 1960s, it was in the 30s. Anna Archibald is a Kansas-based freelance writer with more than 10 years of experience. Sojus ABV is between 20-25 percent, which is half of vodkas ABV (usually around 40 percent). While rice is usually thought of as a staple grain in meals across the worldfrom rolls of sushi, to bean bowls, to seafood risottoKorea also uses it for drinking purposes. There's a misconception floating around that you have to turn your head to the side and look away from the pourer when you drink, but that's probably based on a foreigner misreading the fact that eye contact is not common practice in Korean cultureit's seen as aggressive in a society where polite deference is the default. Unlike some kinds of soju, this brand actually offers quite a strong flavor, which mostly comes from the barrel-aging process. Its from Korea, and is mostly consumed in Korea, Japan, and China, with Jinro being the most popular brand. It is no exaggeration to say that it's Korea's national drink. Traditionally, an older member of the group will pour some soju into a glass and hand it to you. I wanted to be the Wonder Woman, but now be a quite similar Wander Woman, anyway :) In general, soju resembles a low-alcohol, tasteless version of vodka, but its more viscous and a little sweeter. Korean Hanbok: A Complete Guide to Everything You Need to Know. In Korea it's about $3 per 375-milliliter bottle. There are many soju brands, some of which are available in the U.S. market.
Soju originated in Arabia and was originally known as araq. The spirit was brought to South Korea by Mongol invaders during the early 13th century. Soju is basically a kind of distilled spirit made from grains like whiskey. They seem to know 101 ways to nicely pour soju into beer for making their own the Somaek. High end and craft sojus are appearing for connoisseurs, between 25 and 40% or more. Strain into a cocktail glass and enjoy! But what is Soju? Back in the day, there was a boom in Soju production as sweet potatoes. Always finish what's in your glass before accepting another pour, and no one should ever fill their glass themselves. It has a subtle character that ensures it wont overpower the dish its accompanying. It got its start in the 13th century, when invading Mongols brought with them distillation techniques they themselves had learned in the Middle East and similar to those still used today to make single-malt scotch or cognac. Tokki: A premium rice soju made in Brooklyn using the traditional method. Because of its low alcohol content, Soju is easy to drink straight and is the basis for a variety of low-alcohol cocktails. More broadly popular is somaek, a portmanteau of "soju" and "maekju," Korean for "beer." For a long timeat least in the U.S.soju was primarily associated with Korean barbecue joints and Korean restaurants in general. It turns out that soju has been around for centuries, and its popularity has fluctuated quite a bit over time. Has 23 percent alcohol by volume. This fragrant and crisp liquor is easy to drink, yet will still surely give you a buzz. I am the Earth and life wanderer who was born in Seoul, South Korea. Considered the most exclusive soju available today, Samhae soju was once served only to Korean aristocracy, and today boasts the Intangible Cultural Heritage stamp from the government. Your email address will not be published. Even the mint chocolate flavored soju! Your email address will not be published. Soju can be sipped, but shooting it is more common. Sojus alcohol content varies, but usually falls in the 20-25 percent ABV range. If you can find it, a pine-based soju is an excellent stand-in for gin. Has 23 percent alcohol by volume. "It's very interactive," says Simon Kim, the owner of Cote, a new and buzzy Korean steakhouse in New York City, which serves four premium sojus and uses the liquor in cocktails. The more common mass produced green bottles tend to be around 19-25% ABV. In general, Soju tastes similar to vodka but a little more viscous and slightly sweeter. The alcohol content is always somewhere on the bottle if youre unsure. History 101: Alcohol As Medicine Throughout The Ages, 3 oz. In the mid-2000s, new softer products came out to try to attract more female customers. For the first drink, an older member in the group will pour some soju into a shot glass and hand it to you. Yobo: A grape-based soju made in New York State. At this point, soju was made only from rice wine, and averaged about 40% to 50% alcohol. All Right Reserved. When you're short on time, you can still make a quick, healthy lunch that will help you power through the afternoon. Traditional soju is pure, fresh, and has a very smooth taste. Because of the complex flavors, its recommended that this soju be drunk straight or over ice. Whats the Traditional Way to Drink Soju? Strain your puree through a fine-mesh sieve to remove any lumps, extracting as much juice as possible. Good for cocktails. this link is to an external site that may or may not meet accessibility guidelines. Over the decades, mass produced soju has gone down in ABV. As the temperature rises, our collective palate starts to shift towards light and refreshing kinds of beverages. Long underrated in America, soju is finally starting to gain traction stateside. Tori Kai Soju is interesting, as it hails from Japan, not Korea. When I started playing with soju and changing it with other alcohols like whiskey or vodka, it changed the characteristics slightly, but still maintained the more classic cocktail flavor, says Soh, who advises that the ratio of soju to other ingredients often needs to be increased when using it in place of other spirits, due to its lower ABV. And now, like many aspects of Korean culture, its making its way across the Pacific Ocean in a big way. Some sojus, like Chamisul, are still made from sweet potatoes. Soju is usually made from rice, but nowadays there are many different kinds of soju on the market made from sweet potatoes, wheat, and even tapioca. 2018 Winter Olympics will kick off in PyeongChang, South Korea, drink an average of 13.7 shots of liquor per week.