EEG Processing Team: Primary responsibilities include processing electrophysiological (EEG) data. Students are also expected to attend weekly lab meetings. The scope of the study of cognition at UCLA is broad, encompassing perception, the control of attention and motor responses, the formation of mental representations, the dynamics of memory retrieval, learning, cognitive development and cognitive breakdown, the mechanisms of reasoning, language, and problem solving. 4 Work on decoder to predict animal behavior Qualification: Strong background in Matlab or Python programming Experience in data analysis Creative problem-solving skills A desire to apply for graduate school (not required) Have interest in Neuroscience. Informal inquiries are encouraged. Baker, N., Lu, H., Erlikhman, G., & Kellman, P.J. Faculty Sponsor: Liu, ZiliDepartment: PsychologyContact Name: Lucy CuiE-mail: [emailprotected]. Having completed psych 100A and 100B is expected and 120A/120B is recommended. However, the question remains: is this benefit due to the video games, or are the players self-selecting by choosing to play games because they are already better at visual skills? Our ultimate goal is to test a new theory of incentives that can explain why the same incentives can be effective in some social contexts but backfire in other contexts.
Previous experience with coding in Python, Matlab, or similar is not required, but is appreciated. This National Science Foundation sponsored research investigates how the brain encodes into memory visually perceived scenes and objects (e.g., faces). This research project aims to quantify and evaluate the utility of action video games (first-person shooters) as training for visual skills. Preference given to those with strong organization and time management skills. Psych 120A&B are highly recommended. Under the supervision of the PI, the student will assist in rodent maintenance, eye-tracking experiments, visual behavior assays, data analysis. Salary is commiserate with experience.
As a mentor I endeavor to be ally and advocate for my trainees and to support and promote their careers. The goal of our research is to promote a deeper understanding of how stressful, emotional, or salient circumstances shape the content and structure of memory. Faculty Sponsor: Lu, HongjingDepartment: PsychologyContact Name: Lu, HongjingE-mail: [emailprotected]Room Number: 6552 Franz HallPhone: (310) 206-2587. Everett Mettler presented a paper entitled Enhancing adaptive learning through strategic scheduling of passive and active learning modes. UCLA Undergraduate Science JournalProvides an opportunity for undergraduates to present and publish research findings.
(2020). It is a quarter-long program for UCLA-wide undergraduate students to pragmatically participate in research with specific learning objectives with a specific focus in HCI related research. Students should have completed prior coursework in linguistics, and cognitive science or psychology. We also take students through the UCLA Psychology graduate program:Behavioral Neuroscience or Learning & Behavior tracks.
The published proceedings citation is: Lab Publication Note: Members of the Human Perception Lab, in collaboration with members of the David Geffen School of Medicine and the Harbor-UCLA Medical Center, published an article in the journal Academic Emergency Medicine Education and Training: Lab Publication Note: Members of the Human Perception Lab and the Computational Vision and Learning Lab published an article in Vision Research: The National Cancer Institute (NCI) of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) has awarded a 4-year grant to the UCLA Human Perception Laboratory for the project Perceptual and Adaptive Learning in Cancer Image Interpretation under the program Perception and Cognition in Cancer Image Interpretation.
The student need to utilizes skills in cognitive science such as psychology and programming to undergo extensive user research and build a functional physical or digital prototype related to HCI at the end of the quarter in order to complete the research project. Baker, N., Kellman, P. J., Erlikhman, G., & Lu, H. (2018). Responsibilities include scheduling experiments on experimentrix, conducting the experiments, and debriefing the participant after each experiment. This project will compare video games to other methods of visual learning training, and evaluate potential limitations. Research assistants would help in the collection of data by grading assessments, data entry, and general office work for at least 7 hours per week and will have the opportunity to participate in all aspects of research, including literature search, study design, experimental design, and data analysis. Were currently recruiting for a postdoc to join our team to lead NIH-funded projects investigating the neural circuit underpinnings of reward learning, motivation, and decision making (see more information on our research and publications). Krasne, S., Stevens, C. D., Kellman, P. J., & Niemann, J. T. (2020). Experience with children (camp counselor, tutoring, babysitting, etc.) We also interested in applying novel computational analyses to previously-collected data. UCLA Psychology Undergraduate Research Conference(PURC)Held at UCLA each Spring. The published proceedings citation is: Everett Mettler presented a poster entitled Adaptive vs. fixed spacing of learning items: Evidence from studies of learning and transfer in chemistry education. Research programs in the UCLA Human Perception Laboratory address a broad range of topics in visual perception, cognition, and learning. Faculty Sponsor: Peyman GolshaniDepartment: NeurologyContact Name: Pingping ZhaoE-mail: [emailprotected]Room Number: CHS-77100B. Students will be doing a variety of research-related tasks, from literature reviews to study design to study administration. The published proceedings citation is: Nicholas Baker presented a poster entitled Deep convolutional networks do not perceive illusory contours. 1285 Franz Hall, Box 951563 We want RAs who are not only talented and fastidious but also passionate and intrigued by the cognitive process underneath human decision making.
required. Mettler, E., Massey, C., Burke, T., & Kellman, P. J.
This project is to dissect the functions of individual retinal circuits and understand their roles in processing visual information. In the current line of research, we plan to run lab and field experiments where we will vary the pre-existing social relationship between the reward giver and recipient and the types of incentives used. There are few universities with more extensive central libraries, computing facilities, and brain imaging equipment. Applicants with experience in data analysis (e.g., Excel, SPSS, R) and programming (e.g., python, matlab, javascript) are preferred and will be given priority. The published abstract citation is: Gennady Erlikhman and Nicholas Baker presented a poster entitled Recursive networks reveal illusory contour classification images. The postdoc will have access to our teams deep technical toolbox, collaborative environment, and rich intellectual expertise. It is crucial to perceive and interpret human body movements to be able to interact with other people well. To apply for an undergraduate research position in our lab please contact Dr. Kate Wassum(
Were always looking for enthusiastic people to come do science with us! The goal of this project is to investigate principles and mechanisms of perceptual and adaptive learning in the learning of multiple diagnostic categories in dermatologic screening and mammography, with the ultimate aim of improving training and proficiency in cancer image interpretation. Tips for applying to and interview for graduate school:Resources, We take graduate students through the UCLA Neuroscience Interdepartmental program. While in my lab, my goal is help trainees grow as scientists, academics, communicators, and humans. Students who are exceptionally hard working, organized, detail-oriented, curious, and thoughtful should apply. Baker, N., Lu, H., Erlikhman, G., & Kellman, P.J. Information on any of the UCLA DLAM or lab safety courses you have completed (its okay if the answer is none). He studies social and moral cognition, motives and emotions; relationship-constitutive actions, experiences, and communications; motivations for violence; interpretations of misfortune and death; and links between psychopathology and social relationships. In our lab, we are investigating several different projects related to judgment, decision making, and human behavior. Counter-intuitive predictions, with promising pilot data, will be tested. This Areas goal is to produce cognitive psychologists who combine general scholarship with sophistication in research design, theory formulation, experimental and computational methods, and scientific communication. Behavioral movies will be analyzed using custom-written deep-learning based algorithms (DeepBehavior) that can track the position and orientation of each animal and quantitate interaction time, velocity and any other information we need. Must be proficient in Microsoft Office and comfortable learning new video coding software. Present your research in poster format. The time you are looking to invest in a research opportunity- hours/week and when this time is available and also longer-term (e.g., # of quarters). Were currently recruiting for a lab technician! The lab technician(s) will also assist with and conduct experiments investigating the neural circuit substrates of motivation and decision making (see more information on our research and publications). Students will gain experience with reading scientific articles, understanding statistical models, data entry in Excel, and articulating the role of sample size in statistical modeling. Faculty Sponsor: Montoya, AmandaDepartment: PsychologyContact Name: Kathleen Lamarque-NavarreteE-mail: [emailprotected]Room Number: LSB 5324Phone: 3107945069Website: In addition, the student will learn and perform basic bioinformatics using R and python, and histological and molecular techniques, and flow-cytometry, in order to participate in the project. Combined with different virus expressing calcium indicator GCaMP6f, we are using V3 miniscopes (UCLA Miniscope) to record neural activity in different brain regions when imaged mice are doing freely moving behavior test. Our research in perceptual learning, adaptive learning, and their applications to learning technology has been supported in recent years by the National Science Foundation (NSF), the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) at the US Department of Education, the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the US Office of Naval Research (ONR) and the National Aeronautical and Space Administration (NASA). (2019). Participants are eligible for a $500 Deans Prize. We're working on neural dynamics of nucleus accumbens (NAc) and its connected brain regions during social interaction (test mice interacting with conspecifics). The cognitive program at UCLA is designed to ensure exposure to the content and methods deemed essential for all cognitive psychologists, and to provide the opportunity for exposure to additional knowledge and research tools required for specialized professional positions. Psych 120A or B are highly recommended. Psych 120A and/or Psych 120B are highly recommended but also not required. Adjunct Professor of Surgery The postdoc will work with the PI to craft and lead a project that combines their own intellectual and technical training goals and research interests with the funded goals of the lab. Everett Mettler presented a paper entitled Perceptual learning benefits from strategic scheduling of passive presentations and active, adaptive learning. UCLA has established programs in cognitive science and cognitive neuroscience that sponsor colloquia, seminars, and interdisciplinary research. Ability to work in a collaborative environment, Experience working with laboratory rodents in a research setting, Animal, lab, and biosafety regulatory procedures, Neural recording and/or manipulation methods, Rodent behavioral tasks, especially those involving assessments of learning, motivation, and/or decision making, Computational and machine learning expertise. Mettler, E., Phillips, A., Massey, C., Burke, T., Garrigan, P., & Kellman, P. J. Present your research conducted in the field of Psychology such as Behavioral Neuroscience, Clinical, Cognitive, Cross-Cultural, Developmental, Forensic, Health, Measurement, Personality, Social Psychology, or other related Behavioral Sciences in paper or poster sessions. Do the same processes that underlie perception of movement in sport, discovery in art, facility with puzzles and other forms of visual expertise also underly such practical skills as fluency in mathematics or proficiency in medical diagnosis? Research assistants can help in the design and execution of new experiments that result from these exploratory data analysis projects. 1285 Franz Hall, Box 951563 The primary goal of this research is to understand the relationship between learned behaviors and neuron activity in the M1 region of the cerebral cortex. Faculty Sponsor: Harris, JesseDepartment: LinguisticsContact Name: Jesse HarrisE-mail: [emailprotected]Room Number: Campbell Hall 2226Phone: The research will incorporate insights from economics, social psychology, and anthropology and will be directly actionable for managers, policy-makers, and anyone that needs a hand from a friend. Throughout our lives, we are bombarded by a continuous stream of sensory information. Using both behavioral and electrophysiological methods, we examine the correlates of executive functions (e.g., attention, response inhibition, and working memory) and self-regulation behaviors during a mock-classroom lesson. We take undergraduates from all areas of campus. Faculty Sponsor: Liu, ZiliDepartment: Psychology-CognitiveContact Name: Dr. Zili LiuE-mail: [emailprotected]Room Number: 7619 FranzPhone: 310-267-4683. Research in the Language Processing Lab addresses how adults interpret sentences using a variety of information sources during online sentence comprehension, using methods such as eye-tracking, pupillometry, self-paced reading, memory probe tasks, and other response time methods. Faculty Sponsor: Kellman, PhilipDepartment: PsychologyContact Name: Faye TesoroE-mail: [emailprotected]Room Number: 7574 and 2349Phone: (310) 825-4202Website: Please contact your department directly for information about getting credit for research. Each of the major departments involved are among the most highly rated in the country. Theories and approaches tied to cultural psychology and intergroup relations are integrated to investigate psychological interventions. Faculty Sponsor: Zili LiuDepartment: PsychologyContact Name: Maggie YehE-mail: [emailprotected]Room Number: 8505 PritzkerPhone: 4153738678. UCLA is unique in the breadth and depth of its cognitive programs, which draw upon upwards of 40 faculty from such disciplines as cognitive, developmental, and physiological psychology, along with neuroscience, artificial intelligence, linguistics, and philosophy.