ODEAMA Open and Distance Education Association of Malawi IELA stands for International E-Learning Association. WBTIC Web Based Training Information Center ECOO Educational Computing Organization of Ontario
Saide South African Institute for Distance Education IMS Global Learning Consortium ADEC Distance Learning Consortium ODLQC Open and Distance Learning Quality Council
AED Academy for Education Development For more details regarding the submission process, please check the IELA Awards Page. National Accreditation Board (LAN) Malaysia The International E-Learning Association (IELA) is dedicated to advancing the knowledge and practice of e-learning in the classroom and the workplace. The full-featured Yearbook of International Organizations (YBIO) includes over 72,500 organization profiles, additional information in the profiles, sophisticated search functionality and data export. 1907 - 2022 Union of International Associations, Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential, Executive Master in International Association Management, Yearbook of International Organizations Online.
IACET International Association for Continuing Education & Training In addition to IELA, International E-Learning Association may be short for other acronyms. Headquarters: 280 Park Ave S Apt 13E , New York, New York, United States, Legal Name: International E-Learning Association, International E-Learning Association's Social Media.
The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. Knowledge Management certification: Worthwhile?
By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. What is International E-Learning Association's Industry? Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website.
Educontact The European Centre for Higher Distance Education IELAs sponsorship of international conferences and journals, and its strong membership base, continue to advance the state of the art of the e-learning field worldwide in academic and business areas.
JADOL Jamaican Association for Distance and Open Learning
The 2016 Academic Division award winners were announced at the Awards Ceremony September 22nd, 2016 at the ICL Conference in Belfast, UK. Arkansas Distance Learning Association British Educational Communication and Technology Agency NYDLA New York Distance Learning Association Funktioniert gemeinsames Lernen auch in einer hybriden Arbeitswelt?
ISTE International Society for Technology in Education ALT The Association for Learning Technologies eLearning Guild
South African Branch of ICDE
Intelligence, Privacy
Chatbots in der Bildung - Wie baue ich meinen ersten Chatbot?
If you are visiting our non-English version and want to see the English version of International E-Learning Association, please scroll down to the bottom and you will see the meaning of International E-Learning Association in English language.
CNIE Canadian Network for Innovation in Education ADLA African Distance Learning Association ITTE The Association for Information Technology in Teacher Education elearningeuropa An Initiative of the European Commission
Das Metaversum: Science-Fiction oder greifbare Zukunft? eLearning Network
This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin.
Tiefgreifende Vernderungen verstehen, ermglichen und gestalten, KI in Aus- und Weiterbildung: Praxisbeispiel Fhrungskrfteentwicklung, Lernmanagementsysteme und ihre Stolperfallen, Abschluss der eLearning-Tage Rheinland-Pfalz 2022, Compliance und Corporate Security im Blended Learning, "Schule fr Morgen Digitaltalk" am 28. Mit dem Anlegen eines Nutzerkontos erkennen Sie unsere. AMTEC The Association for Media & Technology in Education in Canada
Danish Association of Open Universities
The deadline for submission is 07 June 2020. Greater Arizona eLearning Association NCDLA North Carolina Distance Learning Association
All submissions are evaluated by members of the IELA Awards Committee who look for a variety of attributes.
United States Distance Learning Association (USDLA) Royal Life Saving has won the Gold Award for Best Blended Learning Product 2020 at the International E-learning Association Awards for its Pool Lifeguard Suite. CRELL The Centre for Research on Lifelong Learning Developing the next generation of engineering innovators, experts and leaders, GEDC Secretariat Hans Jrgen HoyerGeorge Mason UniversityVolgenau School of Engineering4400 University Drive, MS 4A3Fairfax, VA 22030United States of America1-202-299-4942, All Rights Reserved Global Engineering Deans Council 2021.
We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits.
LINGOS Academic Division entries come from educational institutions and other organizations serving educational needs. AADLC Association of African Distance Learning Centres Juni, Wie Lehrkrfte online besser lernen: HPI-Tagung behandelt Qualitts-Fragen, Knstliche Intelligenz in der Schule erklren, BIBB: Innovative Berufsbildung live erleben, Deutscher Bildungsserver auf der Bildungsmesse "didacta", "Lern-Museum" mit Einblick in die Kunst des Online-Lernens, FKC-Event "Blended Learning in der Praxis", Weiterbildung und eLearning rechtssicher gestalten, ELearning-Content Lerner zentriert erstellen, Experimentierrume im Netzwerk Bildung Digital, ETeaching - Unterricht und Lehre digital gestalten.
WADEA The West African Distance Education Association
ICDL International Centre for Distance Learning EADTU European Association of Distance Teaching Universities
FDLA Florida Distance Learning Association
IMCCA Interactive Multimedia and Collaborative Communications Alliance
SALT Society for Applied Learning Technology PIRADE Pacific Islands Regional Association for Distance Education PNGADE Papua New Guinea Association for Distance Education
The Learning Lab COL The Commonwealth of Learning MoDLA- Missouri Distance Learning Association The strength of the product lies in its focus on taking a student-centred approach, which builds on a persons existing knowledge while prompting decision making, rather than simply providing information.
MLA College Ltd is a company registered in England and Wales.
It incorporates videos, graphics, illustrations, and situational images to engage the learner, and includes seven 15-minute modules to test the rapid decision-making skills that are part and parcel of being a lifeguard. Deutches Institut fur Fernstudienforshung Narrow down your search results by selecting more than one category (e.g.
The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. Policy.
Lernmotivation erhhen: Wie gelingt der Lernerfolg?
The Open Learning Foundation (UK) Wie verndert die Digitalisierung die berufliche Bildung? With members hailing from every continentand from the realms of business, industry, government, and academiathe IELA is a vibrant and diverse community of e-learning professionals, researchers, and students.
OCLC Online Computer Library Center
eLearning Industry Association of Victoria (Australia)
What is International E-Learning Association's official website?
Submissions are being accepted for the2022 International E-Learning Awards Business and Industry Division, presented by the International E-Learning Association. ICDE International Council for Open & Distance Education
Abonnieren sie CHECK.point eLearning, folgen sie unseren Themen und beziehen sie unsere neuesten Artikel. However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide a controlled consent.
Wohin geht die Reise im Corporate Learning? These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. We look forward to your submissions! We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. TheInternational E-Learning Associationis a leading international group that brings together researchers and practitioners in all forms of e-learning.
CTDLA Connecticut Distance Learning Association Hier knnen Sie ein neues Passwort anfordern.
ECICEL European Centre of Independent Certification in E-Learning CIFFADConsortium International Francophone de Formation a Distance This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The International E-Learning Association (IELA) is dedicated to advancing the knowledge and practice of e-learning in the classroom and the workplace. Keep in mind that the abbreviation of IELA is widely used in industries like banking, computing, educational, finance, governmental, and health.
MDLA Maryland Distance Learning Association Royal Life Savings Training and Workforce Development Manager, Shaun Jackson, said Royal Life Saving is delighted to have won this award.
TDLA Texas Distance Learning Association International E-Learning Association's revenue is $0 - 1M. ISPI International Society for Performance Improvement
EDEN European Distance E-Learning Network
The International E-Learning Awards are given each year for the best work in online learning, in two divisions: Academic and Business/Industry.
CARADOL Caribbean Association for Distance and Open Learning
Wird aus dem Handwerk bald ein "Roboterwerk"? European Accreditation Council (EAC)
These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent.
Gefahrenerkennung mit Compliance-Software von targens, Mit dem eLearning StarterPack digital durchstarten, Fachkrftemangel in KMU - ZP Digital Experience Day, Experimentieren mit der Virtual Reality-Plattform im BayernLab, "Videobasiertes Lernen ist im Mittelstand angekommen", Mittelstand und Corona: Unsere Branche - unsere Kunden, Neue Digitalmesse fr Mittelstand und Startups, Digitaler Bildungsansatz fr den Mittelstand, "Der Mittelstand geht sehr pragmatisch und zielorientiert vor". The International E-Learning Association is a leading international group that brings together researchers and practitioners in all forms of eLearning.
document.getElementById("ak_js").setAttribute("value", (new Date())
ASTD American Society for Training and Development Dont forget to follow us on Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook! ACODE Australasian Council on Open, Distance and E-learning
CAEL Council for Adult and Experiential Learning
We use cookies on our website. BSc (Hons) Sustainable Maritime Operations, BSc (Hons) Global Sustainable Development (Top Up), MSc Advanced Hydrography for Professionals, MSc Advanced Meteorology for Professionals, MSc Advanced Oceanography for Professionals, MSc Advanced Navigation for Professionals. Compliance und Langeweile - Nur im Doppelpack erhltlich? Die neue Rolle von Videos am Arbeitsplatz, Corona-Pandemie hat die Digitalisierung der Weiterbildung beschleunigt, Ein Drittel der Deutschen ist neugierig aufs Metaversum, XR-Bildung in Deutschland hinkt dem Bedarf hinterher, Sprachbrcken bauen fr schnelle Teilhabe in Alltag und Beruf, KI-Campus verffentlicht Fellowship-Sammelband, User Generated Content im Corporate Learning.
What does IELA mean? League for Innovation
NDLA Nebraska Distance Learning Association eLA eLearning Africa The International E-Learning Awards are given each year for the best work in e-learning, mobile learning, and blended learning, in two divisions: Academic and Business/Industry. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. International E-Learning Association is in the industry of E-Learning.
NADEOSA National Association of DE Organisations of South Africa This course also wonGold for Best Blended Learning Model at the LearnX Live Awards 2019.
IELA The International E-Learning Association eLearning Forum GHADEA Ghanaian Distance Education Association
International E-Learning Association's NAICS code is 236115, How many employees are working in International E-Learning Association, International E-Learning Association has 3 employees.
IADL International Association for Distance Learning Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors.
ABCC The Association of British Correspondence Colleges SeeRoyal Life Saving's Pool Lifeguard Course for more information. CeLEA Canadian eLearning Enterprise Alliance BILD British Institute for Learning and Development
Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business Website designed and developed by MLA College.
TOP NEWS: Corporate eLearning > Interviews, TOP NEWS: Corporate eLearning > Anwendungen, TOP NEWS: Corporate eLearning > Tools & Systeme, TOP NEWS: Corporate eLearning > Kommentare, TOP NEWS: Veranstaltungen > Online Training, TOP NEWS: Veranstaltungen > Call for Papers.
E-Learning is located in the K. Valdemara Street 19, Riga, LV-1010, Latvia.
EFODL European Federation for Open and Distance Learning eLearning Council United States Distance Learning Association This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin.
NADE Norwegian Association for Distance Education
OLT Canadian Office of Learning Technologies
Asian Association of Open Universities eLearning Design Lab Silicon Valley ISPI Branded watches cheap fake watches With Free Shipping and Automatic swiss watches replica swiss luxury watches 55% off. Open and Distance Learning Quality Council,(ODLQC), AACE Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education
WAOE The World Association for Online Education
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Swedish Centre for Flexible Learning
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Wissen in "erfolgskritisches Handeln" umsetzen, Digitale Sprachassistenten in eLearning-Umgebungen, Lernplattform Quizlet will mit KI den Bildungsmarkt verndern, ELearning-Plattform oncampus setzt auf mailbox.org, Social Media inspirierte Lernprogramme fr den Studieneinstieg, Change Management im Unternehmensplanspiel, Reinforcement Learning setzt Rahmenbedingungen, Feedback mit KI und Trusted Learning Analytics an Hochschulen, Geldsegen fr eLearning-Projekte der TH Kln, NRW frdert eLearning Projekte der Hochschule Rhein-Waal, Fernunterricht: Die Edu-Funktion von ClickMeeting, InduKo schafft Innovation durch Kollaboration, Verbesserte Usability und neue Funktionen mit OpenOlat 16.0, Open Olat Release 15.4 - mehr PS fr's eLearning, Superschnelles KI-System am KIT installiert, Online-Weiterbildung zum Selbstmanagement, Neue Online-Tools fr digitale Lehre und virtuelles Lernen, Zertifikat "Bildungstechnologie und eLearning". Distance Learning Accreditation Council (DLAC) Ireland Our partnership with Savv-e has allowed us to produce feature-rich multimedia course content that combines critical skills learning with expert design and functionality..
ODLA Oklahoma Distance Learning Association British Interactive Multimedia Association
We are committed to the highest standards of safety in aquatic centres, and pool lifeguard training is critical to that.
National School of Government (NSG) Knowledge Management Conference, Private Pdagogische Hochschule Burgenland (PPH Burgenland).
It has been designed to encourage collaboration among people from around the world with a variety of, Discover Knowledge Management training and education worldwide, Filed in: International E-Learning Association (IELA), International Conference on Knowledge, Culture and Change in Organisations*, British Academy of Management Conference (BAM Conference)*, Strategic Management Society Conference (SMS Conference)*.
2014-2022 MLA College - Online and Distance Learning Courses in Marine and Maritime Subjects. DETC -The Distance and Education Training Council
French Centre National dEnseignement a Distance The International E-Learning Awards are given each year for successful courses, sites, and products in three categories: eLearning, blended learning, and mobile learning. CCUMC Consortium of College and University Media Centers
EDNA Education Network Australia Institute of It Training
OTEN The Australian Open Training and Education Network Royal Life Saving Wins Gold at International E-Learning Association Awards, Keep your family safe, no matter where you are, Royal Life Saving Society - Australia on Facebook, Royal Life Saving Society Australia on LinkedIn, Gold for Best Blended Learning Model at the LearnX Live Awards 2019, Royal Life Saving's Pool Lifeguard Course. Swiss Centre Romand dEnseignement a Distance
NELA New England Learning Association For more information about YBIO, please click here or contact us. 2022 The European Centre of Independent Certification in E-Learning
The UIA is a leading provider of information about international non-profit organizations.
Please note that if you reject them, you may not be able to use all the functionalities of the site.
Copyright CHECK.point eLearning / INFObases GmbH, OMR baut digitalen Weiterbildungsbereich deutlich aus, 15 Jahre youknow GmbH: Groe Plne fr die Zukunft, VIVATOP: Augmented Reality in der Medizin, Preis-Begeisterungswerte fr eLearning-Anbieter ermittelt, Nach 22 Jahren: bitmedia ordnet Geschftsfelder neu, Das digitale Lern-kosystem bndelt Funktionen und Aspekte, Workflow Learning fr die Zuhauseberatung als Mixed Reality, Die Besonderheiten des Homeoffice bewltigen, Fachwissen exakt auf den Bedarf der Lernenden zuschneiden, Matthias Koll ist neuer Business Owner der Cyber Defense Academy, Rise Up ernennt Jrg Nrthemann zum Country Manager DACH, Oliver Hahn treibt Lokalisierung, Inhalte und Wachstum, X-CELL AG beruft Anja Drews in den Vorstand, Dr. Uwe Katzky zum Vorstandsmitglied des DRZ gewhlt, Digitale Deutschkurse fr Geflchtete aus der Ukraine, ELearning zu Krisenmanagement fr REWE Group Gesellschaften. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". ADL Advanced Distributed Learning Network CAEL Council for Adult and Experiential Learning MEEA Middle East eLearning Association British Accreditation Council These include, among others, educational soundness and effectiveness, user experience, and overall significance. Confederation of Open Learning Institutes of South Africa Global Distance Learning Channel
Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet.
Winners will be announced in September at the 2020 ICL Conference in Tallinn, Estonia, though you do not need to be present to win.
EDUCAUSE AECT Association for Education Communications & Technology 2022 SignalHire.com is operated by SENDERSYSTEMS LIMITED, International E-Learning Association headquarters is in United States. Registered office: C1 Apollo Court, Plymouth, Devon.
But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. This information is part of the Open Yearbook, a free service of UIA's subscription-based Yearbook of International Organizations (YBIO).
British Accreditation Council (BAC) Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA) the United Kingdom
International E-Learning Association's Headquarters are in 280 Park Ave S Apt 13E ,New York,New York,United States. .getTime()); Powerful Sales
You can decide for yourself whether you want to allow cookies or not. iNACOL The International Association for K-12 Online Learning Approximately 2000 participants have undertaken the course within NSW, WA and ACT since its release in 2018. CCCE Canadian Community of Corporate Educators
European Council for Business Education (ECBE)
Brazilian Distance Education Association ETOM Educational Teleconsortium of Michigan
International E-Learning Association is in the sectors of: Online Learning. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". DEASA Distance Education Association of Southern Africa New York, NY (USA), April 2020 - Now it's time to submit your entry for the 2020 International E-Learning Awards - Academic Division, presented by the IELA, International E-Learning Association!
What is International E-Learning Association's NAICS code? Lecturio untersttzt STIEBEL ELTRON auf dem Weg zur digitalen Akademie, Strategie-Verzicht bei Open Source-Einsatz, Schritt-fr-Schritt-Video-Kurse fr Azubis im Handwerk, Weiterbildung der HWK Potsdam per Blended Learning, Warum gerade KMU und der Mittelstand vom eLearning profitieren, TicTac Learn bernimmt die Interlake Learning GmbH, Novakid engagiert Lorena Prez Gonzalo als neue Personalchefin, TechSmith Camtasia 2022: Neue Gestaltungsmglichkeiten, E-WISE und Blueprint Learning werden zu Reducate, Durch Impulse aus dem Management zur positiven Lernkultur, Per VR-Headset Gesichtsausdrcke bertragen, Rumnische Umgestaltung der Bildung mit CYPHER LEARNING, Lernkosystem auch fr Coaching und Mentoring, Schulungszentrum in Tirol: Robotik zum Anfassen, ELearning-Initiative der TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Ziel erreicht: 100 zustzliche KI-Professuren in Deutschland, vhb untersttzt Studierende in und aus der Ukraine, "Lernziele sind nicht fix gesetzt, sondern dynamischer Natur". FAQ for Institutions Seeking Accreditation.
IDLA Iowa Distance Learning Organization
ADEIL Association for Distance Education and Independent Learning
DEATA Distance Education Association of Tanzania We are delighted to announce that our distance e-learning degree in Hydrography for Professionals has been awarded an Honorable Mention in the International e-Learning Awards by the International E-Learning Association (IELA).
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You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. FGDLA Federal Government Distance Learning Association
ACET Association for Educational Communications and Technology
This course, created in partnership with Savv-e, a specialist in eLearning design and development, provides a suite of interactive online modules for those working towards an entry-level lifeguard qualification and is designed to complement the face-to-face element of the course. It includes profiles of non-profit organizations working worldwide in all fields of activity. ZADE Zambia Association for Distance Education. NODE Learning Technologies Network (Ontario, Canada) Sprachlern-App von LinguaTV fr die Deutsche Post DHL Group, Security Awareness Trainings von G DATA fr IT-Sicherheit, Immersive VR-Brille speziell fr Unternehmen, Wie Learning Analytics dabei hilft, Lernformate zu optimieren, LMS - intelligent Lernen mit Artificial Intelligence, Neue Lernfunktionen mit KI im Sprachtraining, Skillsoft Lernplattform Percipio mit Benchmark-Funktion, Neues eLearning fr "Privileged Accounts". Buyer intent data, anonymous visitor identification, first party data integration backed by a massive contact database that will supercharge your sales team.
EUROCALL European Association of Computer Assisted Language Learning
International Association of Universities
British Institute for Learning and Development (BILD) The aim of the Open Yearbook is to promote the activities of international non-governmental organizations (INGOs) and intergovernmental organizations (IGOs).
Schoolnet Canada EARLI European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. Accreditation Council for TESOL Distance Education Courses (ACTDEC) Federation Interuniversitaire de l Enseignement Distance This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website.
Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website.
International Association for Distance Learning (IADL) Greek Universities Network for eLearning
ITC Instructional Technology Council TELECOOP Telecommunications Cooperative of Colorado Who is International E-Learning Association's Vice President? Sloan Consortium Standard? ElNet Elearning Network of Australasia MADE Malaysian Association of Distance Education
The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". PPDLA Pan Pacific Distance Learning Association Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. PL4 0SJ. Online-Tagung "Digital Together" fr eine zeitgeme Bildung, Kostenloser Kurs zur Flchtlings- und Integrationshilfe, Beitrge fr die 21. internationale ILIAS-Konferenz gefragt, Call for Proposals fr die Online-Konferenz zu New Work, LEARNTEC 2022: Call for Papers verlngert, Best Practices aus KMU und Small Business gesucht, Fernstudium: Studienpreise an erfolgreiche Absolventen vergeben, Qualittsauszeichnungen fr multimediale eLearnings, 27.
Saide South African Institute for Distance Education IMS Global Learning Consortium ADEC Distance Learning Consortium ODLQC Open and Distance Learning Quality Council
AED Academy for Education Development For more details regarding the submission process, please check the IELA Awards Page. National Accreditation Board (LAN) Malaysia The International E-Learning Association (IELA) is dedicated to advancing the knowledge and practice of e-learning in the classroom and the workplace. The full-featured Yearbook of International Organizations (YBIO) includes over 72,500 organization profiles, additional information in the profiles, sophisticated search functionality and data export. 1907 - 2022 Union of International Associations, Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential, Executive Master in International Association Management, Yearbook of International Organizations Online.
IACET International Association for Continuing Education & Training In addition to IELA, International E-Learning Association may be short for other acronyms. Headquarters: 280 Park Ave S Apt 13E , New York, New York, United States, Legal Name: International E-Learning Association, International E-Learning Association's Social Media.
The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. Knowledge Management certification: Worthwhile?
By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. What is International E-Learning Association's Industry? Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website.
Educontact The European Centre for Higher Distance Education IELAs sponsorship of international conferences and journals, and its strong membership base, continue to advance the state of the art of the e-learning field worldwide in academic and business areas.
JADOL Jamaican Association for Distance and Open Learning
The 2016 Academic Division award winners were announced at the Awards Ceremony September 22nd, 2016 at the ICL Conference in Belfast, UK. Arkansas Distance Learning Association British Educational Communication and Technology Agency NYDLA New York Distance Learning Association Funktioniert gemeinsames Lernen auch in einer hybriden Arbeitswelt?
ISTE International Society for Technology in Education ALT The Association for Learning Technologies eLearning Guild
South African Branch of ICDE
Intelligence, Privacy
Chatbots in der Bildung - Wie baue ich meinen ersten Chatbot?
If you are visiting our non-English version and want to see the English version of International E-Learning Association, please scroll down to the bottom and you will see the meaning of International E-Learning Association in English language.
CNIE Canadian Network for Innovation in Education ADLA African Distance Learning Association ITTE The Association for Information Technology in Teacher Education elearningeuropa An Initiative of the European Commission
Das Metaversum: Science-Fiction oder greifbare Zukunft? eLearning Network
This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin.
Tiefgreifende Vernderungen verstehen, ermglichen und gestalten, KI in Aus- und Weiterbildung: Praxisbeispiel Fhrungskrfteentwicklung, Lernmanagementsysteme und ihre Stolperfallen, Abschluss der eLearning-Tage Rheinland-Pfalz 2022, Compliance und Corporate Security im Blended Learning, "Schule fr Morgen Digitaltalk" am 28. Mit dem Anlegen eines Nutzerkontos erkennen Sie unsere. AMTEC The Association for Media & Technology in Education in Canada
Danish Association of Open Universities
The deadline for submission is 07 June 2020. Greater Arizona eLearning Association NCDLA North Carolina Distance Learning Association
All submissions are evaluated by members of the IELA Awards Committee who look for a variety of attributes.
United States Distance Learning Association (USDLA) Royal Life Saving has won the Gold Award for Best Blended Learning Product 2020 at the International E-learning Association Awards for its Pool Lifeguard Suite. CRELL The Centre for Research on Lifelong Learning Developing the next generation of engineering innovators, experts and leaders, GEDC Secretariat Hans Jrgen HoyerGeorge Mason UniversityVolgenau School of Engineering4400 University Drive, MS 4A3Fairfax, VA 22030United States of America1-202-299-4942, All Rights Reserved Global Engineering Deans Council 2021.
We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits.
LINGOS Academic Division entries come from educational institutions and other organizations serving educational needs. AADLC Association of African Distance Learning Centres Juni, Wie Lehrkrfte online besser lernen: HPI-Tagung behandelt Qualitts-Fragen, Knstliche Intelligenz in der Schule erklren, BIBB: Innovative Berufsbildung live erleben, Deutscher Bildungsserver auf der Bildungsmesse "didacta", "Lern-Museum" mit Einblick in die Kunst des Online-Lernens, FKC-Event "Blended Learning in der Praxis", Weiterbildung und eLearning rechtssicher gestalten, ELearning-Content Lerner zentriert erstellen, Experimentierrume im Netzwerk Bildung Digital, ETeaching - Unterricht und Lehre digital gestalten.
WADEA The West African Distance Education Association
ICDL International Centre for Distance Learning EADTU European Association of Distance Teaching Universities
FDLA Florida Distance Learning Association
IMCCA Interactive Multimedia and Collaborative Communications Alliance
SALT Society for Applied Learning Technology PIRADE Pacific Islands Regional Association for Distance Education PNGADE Papua New Guinea Association for Distance Education
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MLA College Ltd is a company registered in England and Wales.
It incorporates videos, graphics, illustrations, and situational images to engage the learner, and includes seven 15-minute modules to test the rapid decision-making skills that are part and parcel of being a lifeguard. Deutches Institut fur Fernstudienforshung Narrow down your search results by selecting more than one category (e.g.
The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. Policy.
Lernmotivation erhhen: Wie gelingt der Lernerfolg?
The Open Learning Foundation (UK) Wie verndert die Digitalisierung die berufliche Bildung? With members hailing from every continentand from the realms of business, industry, government, and academiathe IELA is a vibrant and diverse community of e-learning professionals, researchers, and students.
OCLC Online Computer Library Center
eLearning Industry Association of Victoria (Australia)
What is International E-Learning Association's official website?
Submissions are being accepted for the2022 International E-Learning Awards Business and Industry Division, presented by the International E-Learning Association. ICDE International Council for Open & Distance Education
Abonnieren sie CHECK.point eLearning, folgen sie unseren Themen und beziehen sie unsere neuesten Artikel. However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide a controlled consent.
Wohin geht die Reise im Corporate Learning? These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. We look forward to your submissions! We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. TheInternational E-Learning Associationis a leading international group that brings together researchers and practitioners in all forms of e-learning.
CTDLA Connecticut Distance Learning Association Hier knnen Sie ein neues Passwort anfordern.
ECICEL European Centre of Independent Certification in E-Learning CIFFADConsortium International Francophone de Formation a Distance This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The International E-Learning Association (IELA) is dedicated to advancing the knowledge and practice of e-learning in the classroom and the workplace. Keep in mind that the abbreviation of IELA is widely used in industries like banking, computing, educational, finance, governmental, and health.
MDLA Maryland Distance Learning Association Royal Life Savings Training and Workforce Development Manager, Shaun Jackson, said Royal Life Saving is delighted to have won this award.
TDLA Texas Distance Learning Association International E-Learning Association's revenue is $0 - 1M. ISPI International Society for Performance Improvement
EDEN European Distance E-Learning Network
The International E-Learning Awards are given each year for the best work in online learning, in two divisions: Academic and Business/Industry.
CARADOL Caribbean Association for Distance and Open Learning
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These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent.
Gefahrenerkennung mit Compliance-Software von targens, Mit dem eLearning StarterPack digital durchstarten, Fachkrftemangel in KMU - ZP Digital Experience Day, Experimentieren mit der Virtual Reality-Plattform im BayernLab, "Videobasiertes Lernen ist im Mittelstand angekommen", Mittelstand und Corona: Unsere Branche - unsere Kunden, Neue Digitalmesse fr Mittelstand und Startups, Digitaler Bildungsansatz fr den Mittelstand, "Der Mittelstand geht sehr pragmatisch und zielorientiert vor". The International E-Learning Association is a leading international group that brings together researchers and practitioners in all forms of eLearning.
document.getElementById("ak_js").setAttribute("value", (new Date())
ASTD American Society for Training and Development Dont forget to follow us on Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook! ACODE Australasian Council on Open, Distance and E-learning
CAEL Council for Adult and Experiential Learning
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It has been designed to encourage collaboration among people from around the world with a variety of, Discover Knowledge Management training and education worldwide, Filed in: International E-Learning Association (IELA), International Conference on Knowledge, Culture and Change in Organisations*, British Academy of Management Conference (BAM Conference)*, Strategic Management Society Conference (SMS Conference)*.
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The UIA is a leading provider of information about international non-profit organizations.
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Winners will be announced in September at the 2020 ICL Conference in Tallinn, Estonia, though you do not need to be present to win.
EDUCAUSE AECT Association for Education Communications & Technology 2022 SignalHire.com is operated by SENDERSYSTEMS LIMITED, International E-Learning Association headquarters is in United States. Registered office: C1 Apollo Court, Plymouth, Devon.
But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. This information is part of the Open Yearbook, a free service of UIA's subscription-based Yearbook of International Organizations (YBIO).
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International E-Learning Association's Headquarters are in 280 Park Ave S Apt 13E ,New York,New York,United States. .getTime()); Powerful Sales
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International E-Learning Association is in the sectors of: Online Learning. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". DEASA Distance Education Association of Southern Africa New York, NY (USA), April 2020 - Now it's time to submit your entry for the 2020 International E-Learning Awards - Academic Division, presented by the IELA, International E-Learning Association!
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The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". PPDLA Pan Pacific Distance Learning Association Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. PL4 0SJ. Online-Tagung "Digital Together" fr eine zeitgeme Bildung, Kostenloser Kurs zur Flchtlings- und Integrationshilfe, Beitrge fr die 21. internationale ILIAS-Konferenz gefragt, Call for Proposals fr die Online-Konferenz zu New Work, LEARNTEC 2022: Call for Papers verlngert, Best Practices aus KMU und Small Business gesucht, Fernstudium: Studienpreise an erfolgreiche Absolventen vergeben, Qualittsauszeichnungen fr multimediale eLearnings, 27.