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>> 4 0 obj In the past few years, advanced industrial companies have made solid progress in improving productivity along the manufacturing value chain. The data these smart products share can help you improve everything from product quality and customer service to logistics and R&D. /Contents 53 0 R << /Rotate 0 /MediaBox [0 0 595.22 842] /Parent 8 0 R We are located in Woodhall Spa opposite Sainsburys. /Resources 76 0 R /Contents 99 0 R /Resources 70 0 R /MediaBox [0 0 595.22 842] endobj See how manufacturers are applying digital technologies to improve supply chain metrics, collaboration, productivity, and profits. 0000002229 00000 n
/Type /Page >> /Kids [20 0 R 21 0 R 22 0 R 23 0 R 24 0 R 25 0 R 26 0 R 27 0 R 28 0 R 29 0 R] /Count 10 /Kids [10 0 R 11 0 R 12 0 R 13 0 R 14 0 R 15 0 R 16 0 R 17 0 R 18 0 R 19 0 R] This new wave of technology and innovation offers companies opportunities not only to drive a step-change in productivity and efficiency, but also to capture strategic business value by establishing competitive advantage in the way they operate their entire make to deliver value chain. 9 0 obj >> << /Rotate 0 Finally, an electronics manufacturer operating in a high-cost country virtually eliminated material handling labor using automated vehicles for material delivery and robots for palletizing. /Rotate 0 /Resources 100 0 R /Type /Page 0000000722 00000 n
/MediaBox [0 0 595.22 842] endobj The data these smart products share can help you improveeverything from product quality and customer service to logistics andR&D. Many are starting to experiment with technologies such as machine-to-machine digital connectivity (the Industrial Internet of Things, or IIoT), artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, advanced automation, robotics, and additive manufacturing. /Parent 7 0 R /Contents 59 0 R As manufacturers adapt to changing economic and competitive pressures, many are adopting an Industry 4.0 mindset with a focus on transitioning from an automated to intelligent manufacturing and intelligent asset management mindset. /CropBox [0 0 595.22 842] /Parent 7 0 R 1 0 obj /Contents 49 0 R 27 0 obj /Filter /FlateDecode /Resources 92 0 R /CropBox [0 0 595.22 842] << >> /MediaBox [0 0 595.22 842] 35 0 obj endobj /Count 7 0000026402 00000 n /Type /Page South Korea, for instance, has only 530 robots for every 10,000 production workers. Connecting an enterprise for greater productivity, Keeping machines moving despite disruption, Evolving for resilience to meet customer demands, Enable low latency, autonomous operations, and cloud-based orchestration, Read the intelligent manufacturing report, Improve asset performance and enhance maintenance strategies, Collect and track equipment usage information in a central repository, Leverage IoT-enriched business insights to embed in and extend business processes, Ensure the safety of employees and customers, Integrate 3D visualization and business data, Transform maintenance and field operations, Additive manufacturing (also known as 3D printing), SAP Internet of Things (SAP IoT) solution, SAP Business Networkfor Asset Management, SAP Environment, Health, and Safety Management. Javascript must be enabled for the correct page display.
/ModDate (D:20160218180356Z) /Contents 63 0 R These innovations bridge the physical and digital worlds and make intelligent and autonomous systems possible. /Resources 88 0 R 0000002601 00000 n Enable your people to manage complex tasks and unforeseen events with ad hoc decision support. Substantial though these cost reductions are, we expect them to be overshadowed by new revenue opportunities arising from increased speed to market, product customization, and new services. /CropBox [0 0 595.22 842] endobj 229 0 obj << /Linearized 1 /O 231 /H [ 988 1264 ] /L 208333 /E 40924 /N 34 /T 203634 >> endobj xref 229 29 0000000016 00000 n /CropBox [0 0 595.22 842] /Type /Page 12 0 obj yH k0R`_RC;EfJ#lF/pTMqw;l{y6|F}_n;e ~=gON,W[XGY@08 tm>vWx8TD7foDsZp\v:&e} /Contents 79 0 R Vulnerability to cyberattacks: With the increased connectivity and use of Big Data in Industry 4.0, effective cybersecurity is paramount and should be considered at every stage of implementation, not as the last step. In production environments, only 15 percent of assets are connected as yet, but change is taking off. /Parent 7 0 R /Type /Page /Rotate 0 %PDF-1.7 % Three principles can help manufacturing companies create a vision for digital manufacturing: Having addressed strategy and business benefits, companies can then turn to the critical elements of technology stack and ecosystem. /Contents 81 0 R In addition daily posts are made to Facebook , Twitter and Instagram to promote items available in the shop. /Parent 9 0 R /Type /Page
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<< Shop rent is for as much stock as you can fit on to 3 of the shelves on one of our bookcases. /Resources 47 0 R /Resources 62 0 R /Type /Pages PScript5.dll Version 5.2.2 These technologies include: Intelligent products: Develop connected, self-aware products that are capable of sharing information about their health, location, usage level, storage conditions, and more. To deliver tangible results, they need instead to begin with a clear view on how these solutions can address operational pain points, create competitive advantage, and drive bottom-line impact. 0000001096 00000 n
endobj Find out how Continental's Industry 4.0 strategy paved a path to a more productive future built on transparency and collaboration.
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What we learned from our researchand found reinforced by our client experience and industry observationis that companies often make the same few mistakes when defining and implementing strategies for technology-enabled transformation in manufacturing and delivery. Most of the business leaders we spoke to recognize that technology can help them navigate complex risk and regulatory environments, make their operations more efficient, and enhance the customer experience they offer. /Contents 87 0 R << /Annots [48 0 R] >> /Rotate 0 /CropBox [0 0 595.22 842] 64 0 obj
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Microsoft Word - OSullivan et al_2013_What is new in the new industrial policy_Oxford Review of Economic Policy 2 0 obj /CropBox [0 0 595.22 842] /Type /Catalog Crafters receive two sales reports a month. Find a wealth of inspiration from the changing of the seasons. To capture the value of digital in manufacturing and throughout the supply chain, leading industrial companies are developing use cases in three main areas: connectivity, intelligence, and automation (Exhibit 2). 0000040539 00000 n
>> /Rotate 0 In 1980, there were only a few thousand computer programmers in the whole world. For companies that aim well and execute effectively, the resulting cost reductions could be transformational. /Parent 8 0 R Please try again later. >> >> One halfway through the month and another at the end of the month along with any money that they have made. 0000009950 00000 n
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Please use the map to get directions. /Parent 7 0 R /Type /Page 0000003899 00000 n
Wearable devices and augmented reality apps can also help people solve problems, monitor their health, and keep them safe. /Parent 8 0 R >> /Parent 9 0 R /Parent 9 0 R % /Resources 60 0 R /CropBox [0 0 595.22 842] /Type /Page /Contents 91 0 R The technologies you start with will depend on which processes are the most critical to your core business model and which areas of your company stand to benefit the most from transformation. 14 0 obj /Type /Page McKinseys research shows that most advanced industrial companies are conducting pilots in all three of these areas (Exhibit 4). 0000039296 00000 n
/Type /Page Discover how INDEX-Werke reinvented itself during unprecedented challenges to continue providing repair services for customers. Here are some areas that you can look into to ensure you are giving the best impression! >> They can also anticipate service needs,receive remoteupgrades,andopen the door to new, service-based business models. /CropBox [0 0 595.22 842] /Resources 80 0 R If you would like to have a look through the paperwork please let me know and I can send over a copy for you to have alook at. 0000002426 00000 n
<< /Resources 98 0 R 29 0 obj Please email, How to encourage creativity in your child from an early age, Best 10 summer crafts for children to keep them busy, An essential guide to craft insurance for your business, 31 Day Handmade May Challenge social media post ideas, Do a craft room spring clean and become more productive, The life cycle of products in handmade business, Find inspiration from the seasons of nature. /Title (Microsoft Word - OSullivan et al_2013_What is new in the new industrial policy_Oxford Review of Economic Policy) 34 0 obj While many physical tasks will be taken over by robots, many more tasks will be created to run a digitally enhancedbusiness.
Bytheir design, Industry 4.0 solutions delivera lot ofrobust Big Dataand insightsthat can help you accurately assess their ROI andbenefits. endobj /Metadata 2 0 R /Rotate 0 /Parent 8 0 R 0000000988 00000 n 0000002834 00000 n /CropBox [0 0 595.22 842] /MediaBox [0 0 595.22 842] /Rotate 0 /Parent 9 0 R /Parent 7 0 R /Type /Page 18 0 obj 25 0 obj << When getting started, companies oftenfocusonone core technology at a time. /Contents 71 0 R << >> endobj /Type /Page << endobj /Contents 61 0 R /Type /Pages 0000004754 00000 n There is hanging and worktop space available as well but the 3 shelves gives you a rough idea of floor space so to speak. /Parent 8 0 R 0000004602 00000 n /Resources 54 0 R Steer your business to success and unlock the value of Industry 4.0 and IIOT software from SAP across your entire supply chain. /Parent 7 0 R endobj /CropBox [0 0 595.22 842] /MediaBox [0 0 595.22 842] With so many digital manufacturing solutions on the market, its easybut dangerousfor companies to get sidetracked by what looks exciting. << endobj >> << 16 0 obj >> << /Type /Page 0000003236 00000 n But the traditional levers that have driven these gains, such as lean operations, Six Sigma, and total quality management, are starting to run out of steam, and the incremental benefits they deliver are declining. endobj 24 0 obj 0000039856 00000 n /MediaBox [0 0 595.22 842] However, advancing beyond the pilot phase is still a big challenge for most manufacturing companies. Never miss an insight. << 0000001977 00000 n /MediaBox [0 0 595.22 842] << We recommend following three guidelines as you move forward: Digitizing an entire production system requires tremendous change that goes well beyond technology. Introducing new robotic technologies in product assembly, warehousing, and logistics can improve the productivity, quality, and safety of operational processes. /MediaBox [0 0 595.22 842] endobj >>
The results exceeded expectations, with a 20 percent improvement in procurement productivity and a 5 percent improvement in on-time delivery. << Improve your professionalism in your handmade business. << See how Faurecia keeps customers happy with a network of interconnected devices and technology prepared for the unexpected. /Nums [0 6 0 R] << endstream %PDF-1.2 % 20 0 obj /Rotate 0 /Resources 56 0 R /CropBox [0 0 595.22 842] /Rotate 0 >> Contracts have a 2 month notice period. 0000009574 00000 n endobj t+A\,7-=}>Ece}3-R. endobj /Type /Page >> /Resources 68 0 R
endobj One aerospace company struggling with supply issues combined data from purchasing, part tracking, and inventory monitoring in a single platform to enable real-time visibility of each part across the entire supply chain. 30 0 obj 13 0 obj /Parent 7 0 R << /Contents 93 0 R << But its notrepetitivelabor that leads to innovation itsideas and creative thinking. Gain insights on intelligent assets and mitigating risk, downtime, and supply chain volatility. /Resources 94 0 R 33 0 obj /MediaBox [0 0 595.22 842] Subscribed to {PRACTICE_NAME} email alerts. /Resources 90 0 R Shop rent is for as much stock as you can fit on to 3 of the shelves on one of our bookcases. /Type /Page << These savings in turn allowed the company to manufacture its product in higher-cost countries located close to attractive markets, thereby reducing shipping costs while increasing customer responsiveness and speed to market. /Count 27 /Resources 58 0 R In the aerospace and defense sector, for example, all of the top 10 companies and two-thirds of the top 50 have announced digital initiatives of some kind. Our research identified six success factors that fall into three categories: strategy, infrastructure, and organization (Exhibit 6). << Robotics and automation have been commonplace in industrial manufacturing for decades, but we are seeing a new wave of opportunity driven by declining technology costs, growing functionality, and an expanding range of environments in which robotics can be safely and effectively deployed. << Combine the power of digital manufacturing in factories and plants with end-to-end business process execution across the supply chain. /Type /Pages The natural season can give you inspiration for colours, themes and holidays. There have been many significant changes in the realm of industrial manufacturing and Industry 4.0. /Producer (Acrobat Distiller 9.5.5 \(Windows\)) The only other fee to be aware of is if a customer chooses to pay by card then the card machine takes a 2.75% fee, so just make sure this is added onto your prices justin case customers pay by card. << 0000018628 00000 n Establish a clear vision and a phased road map. /Contents 65 0 R /Contents 51 0 R By implementing a "Zero Trust" architecture and technologies such as machine learning and blockchain, companies can automate threat detection, prevention, and response and minimize the risk of data breaches and production delays across their networks. The popularity of products over their sale is known as a product life cycle, here I explain how this can be used for your handmade business products. /MediaBox [0 0 595.22 842] How much strategic business value they will generate remains to be seen, but we can expect the lions share of it to go to first movers. The technology industry is working on more than 700 IoT platforms for industrial use, and major tech companies are investing heavily in platforms that extend beyond individual companies to whole industries. Parts were automatically scanned for minute differences in surface texture at key points in the supply chain, virtually eliminating counterfeiting and ensuring regulatory adherence. By receiving regular stock updates Crafters will be able to monitor their stock levels and identify best sellers.
/Parent 8 0 R Please email us at: Tech-enabled transformation: The trillion-dollar opportunity for industrials. To do so, it installed an enterprise manufacturing intelligence (EMI) system that ingested data from more than 400 IoT sensors, enabling predictive intelligence to be applied to maintenance, quality, and parts supply. Digitally augmented workers are freed up to use their heads instead of just their muscles. >> 0000033139 00000 n
/MediaBox [0 0 595.22 842] /CropBox [0 0 595.22 842] SAP solutions enable you to easily onboard assets, optimize predictive maintenance, and more. Find out how SAPs Industry 4.0 strategy enables customers to benefit from business expertise, software solutions, and a partner ecosystem to make data-driven applications. trailer
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2016-02-18T18:03:56Z /Length 3668 endobj Deploying automation across the entire product assembly process from material handling to quality testing and packaging enabled one electronics company to reduce direct and indirect labor costs by more than 80 percent. Businesses and supply chains already use some of these advanced technologies, but the full potential of Industry 4.0 comes to life when theyre used together. 37 0 obj /Contents [37 0 R 38 0 R 39 0 R 40 0 R 41 0 R 42 0 R 43 0 R 44 0 R 45 0 R 46 0 R] /Type /Pages If the last few years have taught us anything, its that we cant always see whats coming. These lighthouse cases provide inspiration for other manufacturers in developing a vision for how technology can create value, building a solid business case, and charting an effective course for enterprise-wide implementation. /Rotate 0 In the US, for instance, the productivity of industrial workers has increased by 47 percent over the past 20 years. Acrobat Distiller 9.5.5 (Windows) 8 0 obj
15 0 obj Smart factories use sensors on equipment to acquire and process real-time data, intelligent manufacturing allows manufacturers a complete, 360-degree high-fidelity virtual data-driven integrated view of all operationsfrom suppliers and supply chains, through equipment, processes, and manufacturing practices, to final product testing and customer satisfaction. Estimates suggest that 60 percent of manufacturing tasks could be automated, but industrial robots have yet to achieve widespread penetration even among early adopters. >> It is so much easier to be productive if you can find all your supplies have a craft room spring clean and you will be able to find all your supplies. 7 0 obj /Rotate 0 /MediaBox [0 0 595.22 842] 0000040647 00000 n /Pages 4 0 R /Parent 8 0 R The nature and scale of the opportunities will vary from sector to sector and company to company, depending on factors such as value drivers, market dynamics, and operational maturity. With intelligent assets, technicians can monitor asset performance in real time, anticipate and prevent downtime, employ dynamic and predictive maintenance, take advantage of digital twins, and tightly integrate assets and business processes. /CropBox [0 0 595.22 842] For some companies, for instance, 3-D printing enables competitive differentiation through leading-edge designs that would be impossible to manufacture in any other way; for others, it is no more than an expensive distraction. Come in and browse a wide range of handmade items including but not limited to: Greetings Cards, Jewellery, Soft Furnishings, Candles, Art. /MediaBox [0 0 595.22 842] Advanced analytics and artificial intelligence can be applied to large data sets to generate new insights and enable better decision making in predictive maintenance, quality management, demand forecasting, and other areas. 0000009562 00000 n Machine-learning algorithms are growing more powerful as computing power advances and big data proliferates. /CropBox [0 0 595.22 842] /MediaBox [0 0 595.22 842] /CropBox [0 0 595.22 842] >> /Rotate 0 Today, there are more than 20 million. /Rotate 0 Empower workers with technologies such as AI and access to live sensor data so they know whats happening on the shop floor and are ready to make quick decisions and handle issues as they spring up. /Resources 72 0 R /Rotate 0 /Parent 7 0 R uuid:0a74d35c-8d7b-4b03-b961-e99eff25a42f /Subtype /XML >> %PDF-1.5 /Type /Page /Contents 97 0 R As a result, they struggle to move beyond what we call pilot purgatory and fail to capture sustainable impact at scale. /Type /Page Intelligent factories:Run smart factories highly digitalized, largely autonomous facilities that take full advantage of advanced technologies such as Big Data, AI, robotics, analytics, and the IoT. << However, the full potential of artificial intelligence has yet to be captured in production environments, which at present use only a small fraction of data for decision making.