(2013), however, reported values of non-significant or higher recorded metrics for fly half players when viewing individual position results; this could justify the selected positional groups of the current study. The maximum velocity of different playing positions of the current followed similar trends within published literature. J. Rugby as a stop-start, high-impact sport requiring players to accelerate and decelerate numerous times within matches was highlighted by the study on Super Rugby players by Owen et al. Measures of exercise intensity during soccer training drills with professional soccer players. These values correspond to 13 metabolic equivalents and are similar to those reported in semiprofessional rugby league (7.9 MJ) but 25% greater than those reported in professional soccer players (31,3). The results of the players also do not differ greatly from what has already been reported in the literature. McArdle, WD, Katch, FI, and Katch, VL. Players were categorized according to their playing positions and divided into primary positional groups described by Cahill et al. You may be trying to access this site from a secured browser on the server. Use of GPS-accelerometry technology offers a valuable insight into physiological demands during match play, not previously available through HR-based collection methods and video analysis. South Afr. The five secondary positional groups for the current study consist of the tight forwards (loose head prop, hooker, tight-head prop, and locks), loose forwards (blind-side flanker, open-side flanker, and eighth-man), half backs (scrumhalf and fly half), inside backs (inside and outside centers), and outside backs (right- and left-wingers and fullbacks). min1 recorded within semiprofessional rugby league (8). study to increase the sample size. Outside backs recorded the highest distance within velocity zones 4 (336.6 37.8 m), significantly different (p = 0.01) from tight and loose forwards, and 5 (219.9 41.9 m), significantly different from tight forwards, loose forwards, and half backs (p = 0.01). The use, distribution or reproduction in other forums is permitted, provided the original author(s) and the copyright owner(s) are credited and that the original publication in this journal is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. J. Rugby players (n = 40) from two universities were assessed during match play (n = 17) over a competitive season by using GPS. All rights reserved. Although the VC competition had a variety of law changes, many of the results remained significantly unchanged as seen in previous research listed in the Discussion section.
Performance profiling of players participating in university rugby is necessary to establish normative values; the performance profiles can assist strength and conditioning coaches in monitoring players readiness for competition. Data were extracted and divided into the relative periods from the GPS units, using the Catapult Open Field (version 1.21.1) software (Catapult; Melbourne, Australia). (2018) noted that the average velocity of most team sports was between 1.3 and 2.3 m/s (low intensity), which could question the ability of the players to accelerate and decelerate. 3.
Table 1. Docherty, D, Wenger, HA, and Neary, P. Time motion analysis related to the physiological demands of rugby. You can cancel anytime and if you cancel within 14 days you won't be billed. Appropriate classification of these contact loads may help in devising individual recovery programs specific to the player in question. These increases could predominantly be attributed to changes in laws and improved match analysis, equipment technology, and player conditioning (Quarrie and Hopkins, 2007). Furthermore, the HR-o2 regression has been shown to be a good predictor of aggregate responses to irregular exercise including vigorous anaerobic activity (7). The participants demographic information is shown in Table 1. A., Davids, K., and Wright, C. (2017). For more information, please refer to our Privacy Policy. The data were analyzed to identify information regarding player demands as presented in Table 3 during match play in primary and secondary positional groups.
Limited literature is available on high-speed meters covered for primary positional groups. Data were excluded from the study if a participant played less than 60 min or the GPS device lost signal. As mentioned before, the involvement of the half back positions during a match may indicate the importance of conditioning in those specific positions for players to be able to handle the specific match loads. A modern method used to quantify these positional demands is through global positioning systems (GPS). (2015). lvarez, JCB and Castagna, C. Activity patterns in professional futsal players using global position tracking system. All players were informed about the purpose of the study and gave informed consent before participating in the study. A tactical periodization approach for rugby union. Anal. Particular attention should be paid to the specific physical requirements of players in different positions to ensure that they receive adequate training (Tee et al., 2017) and individualized recovery. work-rates; game analysis; GPS technology; team sport. *, Game acceleration and speed data per position and half. The Northern Hemisphere is the future. (2016). J. Another notable point is the space within which both positional groups operate in. doi: 10.1519/jsc.0b013e3181ddf678, Owen, S. M., Venter, R. E., Du Toit, S., and Kraak, W. J. (2011); Owen et al. The Rugby Championship is still the pinnacle. *Correspondence: Wilbur Kraak, kjw@sun.ac.za, View all doi: 10.1016/j.humov.2016.05.007, Vilar, L., Arajo, D., Davids, K., and Button, C. (2012). Keywords: GPS, rugby union, positional groups, student athletes, performance analysis, Citation: Donkin C, Venter R, Coetzee D and Kraak W (2020) Positional In-Match Running Demands of University Rugby Players in South Africa. Analysis of the physical demands of international rugby union. In: 17. Res. Because of a lack of studies conducted on the student athlete population and the VC competition itself, strong inferences cannot be made that the law changes influenced the total distances covered. (2015), and Delaney et al. Both studies indicate that they made use of professional players for their data collection, where player level, competition laws, and coaching tactics may affect the results of recorded data.
Metrics such as acceleration, deceleration, mass, and velocity provide player load (Dalen et al., 2016). Maas, S, Kok, ML, Westra, HG, and Kemper, HC. The warm-up and half-time data were excluded and discarded. Please try again soon. The study has highlighted the following limitations: (1) small sample size due to GPS malfunction, players and teams not meeting the GPS or minimum time requirements, and only recording two teams over one competitive season; (2) lack of normative values for velocity thresholds; (3) lack of normative values for velocity thresholds for both primary and secondary positional groups, as well as the use of absolute thresholds over individualized thresholds; (4) tactical substitutions of players further reducing sample size; (5) no consistent data on valid inclusion times for player data; and (6) no contact data recorded, which may have impacted the results seen for some metrics. Demographic information of participants per positional group. Med. Players were grouped into two primary positional groups, forwards (n = 22) and backs (n = 18), and five secondary positional groups, tight forwards (n = 14), loose forwards (n = 8), half backs (n = 5), inside backs (n = 6), and outside backs (n = 7). Further data on players from different playing levels, positions, and teams will help in defining physiological demands and evolutionary trends. Players in the study by Reardon et al. The GPS units fitted into specialized neoprene vests designed specifically for positioning and securing of the unit on the players upper back. Bathgate, A, Best, JP, Craig, G, Jamieson, M, and Wiley, JP. Austin and Kelly (2014), however, found that players from both positional groups recorded higher total distance averages than those seen in similar studies. The GPS unit was switched on before the start of the warm-up and switched off after the match. 23. Rugby union (rugby), as an intermittent, high-intensity, collision sport that is popular globally, is characterized by physically intense phases of play and displays of speed, skill, and strength (Lindsay et al., 2015). (2013) and Tee and Coopoo (2015) reported no significant differences between the two playing positions. (2015). 19. Half backs recorded the highest match intensity (77.7 11.6 m/min), significantly higher than tight forwards and outside backs (p = 0.01). 14. Sport Phys. Changes in player characteristics and match activities in Bledisloe Cup rugby union from 1972 to 2004. In times of uncertainty you need journalism you can trust. Get new journal Tables of Contents sent right to your email inbox, July 2009 - Volume 23 - Issue 4 - p 1195-1203, An Evaluation of the Physiological Demands of Elite Rugby Union Using Global Positioning System Tracking Software, Articles in Google Scholar by Brian Cunniffe, Other articles in this journal by Brian Cunniffe, The Effects of Different Speed Training Protocols on Sprint Acceleration Kinematics and Muscle Strength and Power in Field Sport Athletes, Match-play Activity Profile in Elite Women's Rugby Union Players, Comparison of Methods That Assess Lower-body Stretch-Shortening Cycle Utilization, The Impact of Back Squat and Leg-Press Exercises on Maximal Strength and Speed-Strength Parameters, The Difference Between Countermovement and Squat Jump Performances: A Review of Underlying Mechanisms With Practical Applications, National Strength and Conditioning Association. Res.
4. The data presented in this case study are of a descriptive nature only, are limited by subject number, and do not reflect variations in game activity/player demands, which may occur within and between participation levels. The studies involving human participants were reviewed and approved by Research Ethics Committee (HSREC) (UFS-HSD2017/0062) at the University of the Free State approved the study. Wisbey, B and Montgomery, P. Quantifying AFL Player Game Demands Using GPS Tracking. *, Percent (%) time spent by players in each speed zone. 16. It is perhaps not surprising that EE is so high in professional rugby union given the nature and intensity of the game, involvement of total body musculature, and, most importantly, player size. No significant differences were observed for the total distance covered and the number of accelerations and decelerations. Consequently, the current EE data should be regarded as a crude estimation only and does not take into account resting energy expenditure. The movement characteristics of English Premiership rugby union players. Along with increased demands on players, the demands differ per position played (Duthie et al., 2003; Austin et al., 2011; Cahill et al., 2013; Tee and Coopoo, 2015; Tee et al., 2017). Understanding deceleration in sport. Strength Cond. 9. Esposito, F, Impellizzeri, FM, Margonato, V, Vanni, R, Pizzini, G, and Veicsteinas, A. Validity of heart rate as an indicator of aerobic demand during soccer activities in amateur soccer players. Dance 17, 18. (2015) (elite rugby). Sport Sci. A total of 17 matches were played by the two teams against different teams and each other, both home and away for the competition duration. 30. doi: 10.1016/j.jsams.2011.01.003, PubMed Abstract | CrossRef Full Text | Google Scholar, Austin, D. J., and Kelly, S. J. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). doi: 10.2165/00007256-200333130-00003, Duthie, G. M., Pyne, D. B., Marsh, D. J., and Hooper, S. L. (2006). Some error has occurred while processing your request. Teams could have further been influenced by tournament laws, such as the VC where players must overcompensate while other players in the team must sit out during the power play. Afr. Deutsch, MU, Kearney, GA, and Rehrer, NJ. Nevertheless, potential errors in estimation of EE using this method may occur and have been the subject of recent attention (13). Development of expertise in elite and sub-elite British rugby league players: a comparison of practice experiences. Half backs recorded the highest distance within velocity zone 3 (760.6 88.7 m), significantly higher than all secondary positional groups (p = 0.00).
Psychol. These higher totals were possible because the participants were elite rugby players. Normality assumptions were evaluated by inspecting normal probability plots and were mostly found to be acceptable. This averaging out approach may be criticized on the basis that the regression line is based on steady state responses, conditions not found in intermittent sport (12). The role of ecological dynamics in analysing performance in team sports. Received: 03 March 2020; Accepted: 15 June 2020;Published: 16 July 2020. Table 4 represents the positional recommendations for primary and secondary positional groups based on match-recorded data. South Afr. The Varsity Cup (VC) rugby competition in South Africa has become the most innovative and stimulating competitions in South Africa in terms of ideas (rules and law changes) and match play. Part I: Empirical movement analysis data. J. 49, 375383. Strength Condition. When comparing the primary positional groups, backs recorded significantly higher totals for high speed meters (p = 0.01), maximum velocity (p = 0.01), and velocity zones 3 (p = 0.01), 4 (p = 0.01), and 5 (p = 0.01). For information on cookies and how you can disable them visit our Privacy and Cookie Policy. Differences in results could be determined by playing level and game plans where teams play to their strengths. The development of specific conditioning programs for rugby players requires a thorough understanding of the game and the unique demands of playing positions. J. Sci. Results differed only in the number of meters ran where younger players were participants. Sprint patterns in rugby union players during competition. Forwards are also tactically used for their physicality and not necessarily speed. 17, 12521260. Additionally, teams with the means to monitor training sessions can maximize performance and minimize injury risk through analyzing player load. Our findings were similar to those reported by Reardon et al. The game became more intense, with players becoming heavier, and the backs particularly became taller (Quarrie and Hopkins, 2007; Vahed et al., 2014). Physical demands of elite rugby union match-play using global positioning system. Forwards tend to be involved in a higher amount of accelerations and decelerations during match play, suggesting that forward play is at close quarters to the opposition. This large difference in the number of accelerations and decelerations from the current study could be attributed to the inclusion and exclusion criteria used. Sports Sci.
It is difficult to compare literature because researchers analyze different aspects of accelerating and decelerating, such as Hewit et al. Participants were grouped according to primary and secondary positional groups. Inside backs registered 8.05 m s1 (Reardon et al., 2015), which were lower than that of the outside backs, and it corresponds with the results of the current study. The current study grouped the scrum and fly halves into one group called the half backs. The relationships between aerobic fitness, power maintenance and oxygen consumption during intense intermittent exercise. doi: 10.1080/17461391.2017.1380708. Coutts, A, Reaburn, P, and Abt, G. Heart rate, blood lactate concentration and estimated energy expenditure in a semi-professional rugby league team during a match: A case study. Graph showing HR data at 1-second intervals per half for both players. Austin et al. The difference between the two groups, population fitness and game plan, may have resulted in such close scores. 28. Sport 14, 259263. We would like to thank the players and coaching staff of the University of Free State and the University of Johannesburg for their participation in the study; and Prof. Martin Kidd from the Centre for Statistical Consultation, Stellenbosch University, for assisting with the statistical analysis. (2016). Application of individualized speed thresholds to interpret position specific running demands in elite professional rugby union: a GPS study. *, Estimated values for energy expenditure, oxygen consumption, and percentage of maximal oxygen consumption (. A total of 271 observations were included based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria. 28, 187193. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0153275, Dalen, T., Ingebrigtsen, J., Ettema, G., Hjelde, G. H., and Wislff, U. Jones et al. 31. The use of global positioning system (GPS) tracking devices to assess movement demands and impacts in under-19 rugby union match play: sports technology. Tomlin, DL and Wenger, HA. Reardon et al. The possibility of individualized player profiles or primary and secondary positional profiles can assist teams with regard to accuracy in which they prepare and execute training. Search for Similar Articles Nonetheless, the data suggest that replenishment of energy after a game is of great importance. (2015) did, however, report on all meters covered >5.0 m/s, lower velocities than the current study. The implementation of the Varsity Cup rugby competition among South African universities has sparked interest in university rugby cultures around the country.
Season and session planning may be taken into consideration, or for priority matches and examination periods. Reardon et al. The physical demands of elite English rugby union. Portas, M, Rush, C, Barnes, C, and Batterham, A. 24. 27, 3339. No! 25. (2009). (2015), namely, forwards (loose-head prop, hooker, tight-head prop, locks, blind-side flanker, open-side flanker, and eighth man) and backs (scrum-half, fly half, left winger, inside center, outside center, right winger, and fullback). FitSense Australia, 2005. J. 33, 4752. doi: 10.1519/jsc.0000000000001849, Duthie, G., Pyne, D., and Hooper, S. (2003). Tight forwards recorded the lowest maximum velocity (6,066 1,079 m/s) and were significantly lower (p = 0.01) than all secondary positional groups. The physical demands of Super 14 rugby union. Time-motion analysis: discriminating between winning and losing teams in professional rugby. These two universities made use of the Catapult Minimax X4 10 Hz GPS units with the same velocity zones allowing for comparisons to be made on players performance. Values are expressed as percentage (%) of maximum heart rate (HRmax). Uncontrollable elements, such as the tactical planning of coaches and player fitness, would also affect the accuracy of results during match play. The Statistica 13 software package was used to process the data. Further research on player wellness during training demands spikes or increased loads to simulate match conditions, which leads to another avenue to explore, namely, player management. Res. (2015). Another possible reason is the forwards involvement in set pieces and phase play, which is generally slow, while backs are often already moving when they receive the ball. 42, 110. The inside backs and loose forwards recorded the second and third highest averages in the current study. (2009) and Reardon et al. The results of the current study followed a trend indicating some consistency in recorded results.
Roberts, SP, Trewartha, G, Higgitt, RJ, El-Abd, J, and Stokes, KA. Tee, J. C., Ashford, M., and Piggott, D. (2018). Sports Sci. To the authors knowledge, no studies that assessed the in-match running demands of South African university rugby players have been conducted to date, which makes it difficult to draw comparisons. Time-motion analysis of professional rugby union players during match-play. Cahill et al. The backs recorded a higher match intensity average for the duration of the match when compared to the forwards, similar to Cunniffe et al. Recreat. Player load, acceleration, and deceleration during forty-five competitive matches of elite soccer. doi: 10.1519/00124278-200602000-00034, Harris, J., and Wise, N. (2011). (2015) covered more high-speed meters than the current study. This website uses cookies. Eur. doi: 10.1519/ssc.0000000000000390. Get the Sport Report every Thursday to stay up to speed with everything you need to know in the world of sport. 1.
Applied physiology and game analysis of rugby union. (2013); Owen et al. Sport 14, 866883. Contribution of phosphocreatine and aerobic metabolism to energy supply during repeated sprint exercise. This result was contrary to the findings of Quarrie et al. During university rugby matches, the backs covered greater distances and speeds than the forwards, whereas the forwards achieved more accelerations and decelerations than backs. Data were extracted as a csv file for further clean-up in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet before being analyzed by the Statistica 13 data processing package (version (Dell Inc., Round Rock, TX, United States). Journalism strengthens democracy. J. Patterson, R and Pearson, J. Work-rest periods: Their effects on normal physiologic response to isometric and dynamic work. doi: 10.1519/jsc.0b013e3181a3928b, Cunningham, D., Shearer, D. A., Drawer, S., Eager, R., Taylor, N., Cook, C., et al.
Delaney et al. 67 Articles, This article is part of the Research Topic, Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). Sport 16, 353359. This form of player monitoring would ideally enhance the management of player loads. In-match running demands variables used in the study. Sports Med. Edwards, S. High performance training and racing. RESULT | Dunkley powers England to comfortable T20 win over Proteas in Chelmsford, Proteas all-rounder Phehlukwayo out of England ODI series following freak clash with teammate, Wayde van Niekerk books first 400m final in 5 years at World Champs, Semenya falls well short in bold bid at world 5 000m: 'I am learning', Feisty Faf looking to 'irritate' fellow Springboks in Japan, A nude dawn: ANC KZN conference leadership race gets dirty with 'seductive' WhatsApp message claims, Mkhwebane impeachment: Taxpayers face paying R130 000 a day for legal team led by Mpofu, Kestell farm murders: Teenager stabbed, placed in bathtub filled with hot water, says family, Lucky Star-owner Oceana appoints Mazars as new auditor after PwC quit, Ivana Trump, the beehive blonde who helped make Donald Trump the king of bling. Copyright 2020 Donkin, Venter, Coetzee and Kraak. (2018) noted that physical preparation should not be done in isolation but with all the subsequent components for performance. Anthropometric and physiological characteristics of rugby union football players. 32. Backs are in more open playing field, while forwards are used physically in slower phase play.
Further work using this technology, in particular detailed analysis of accelerometer and player impact data, may help fitness experts in evaluating player work rates outside that of traditional locomotor activity. Using this method, data above (Table 8) show that estimated values for EE were 6.9 and 8.2 MJ for the back and forward, respectively. to maintaining your privacy and will not share your personal information without modify the keyword list to augment your search. 18. (2017). The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest. Similarly, the coaching staff may plan or cancel sessions based on player load data, where specific session running demands could increase player injury risk.