The probable reason is the hard times of the ongoing pandemic (COVID-19). 7 No. Website design in e-banking services positively influences e-banking satisfaction. As shown in Table 3, all the ratios are within range. Convergent validity (FornellLacker criterion), Hypotheses testing (direct and indirect effects), Ahmad, N.H. Ramayah, T. Mahmud, I. Musa, M. and Anika, J.J. (2019), Entrepreneurship as a preferred career option. (2020), COVID-19 suicides in Pakistan, dying off not COVID-19 fear but poverty? (1997), Service quality in education: a student perspective, Quality Assurance in Education, Vol. 56 No. and Ullah, I. Blut, M., Frennea, C.M., Mittal, V. and Mothersbaugh, D.L. 8 No. The support provided by the banking professional are considered more secured and assured while any trouble is faced in India (Shankar and Jebarajakirthy, 2019) and similar case is expected in Pakistan as well.
E-banking creates serious privacy issues for the users as there is no in-person interaction (Kim et al., 2009; Shankar and Jebarajakirthy, 2019). 2, pp. The responses were measured on a 5-point Likert scale ranging from strongly disagree (1) to strongly agree (5). 1, pp.
The structured equation modeling was used to test the propositions of study. Inzamam Ul Haq is a young Research Scholar and Master of Science (Specializing in Finance) student at COMSATS University Islamabad, Pakistan.
(2010), An empirical investigation of product innovation and costomer loyalty in telecommunication industry, Paper presented at the 2nd International Conference on Information Science and Engineering. (2009), Trust, satisfaction and E-Loyalty in Pakistans electronic commerce, Paper presented at the e-CASE 2019 International Conference on e-Commerce, e-Administration, e-Society, and e-Education, Singapore. and Aslam, F. (2020), Prediction of daily COVID-19 cases in European countries using automatic ARIMA model, Journal of Public Health Research, Vol. 256-265. Wjcik, D. and Ioannou, S. (2020), COVID19 and finance: market developments so far and potential impacts on the financial sector and centres, Tijdschrift Voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, Vol. Advanced methods of marketing research. Hence, this study helped to enhance the literature and supported EBSQ to be used in these epidemic studies also. 185-207. The second dimension, privacy and security expresses the extent to which an e-banking user confidently shares personal information on an e-banking platform (Muturi et al., 2013). Finally, H9 with = 0.784, t value = 9.726, p value = 0.000 confirmed the proposed hypothesis and significant positive impact was proved. Aslam, F., Awan, T.M., Syed, J.H., Kashif, A. and Parveen, M. (2020), Sentiments and emotions evoked by news headlines of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak, Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, Vol. Suariedewi, I.G.A.A.M. Shankar, A. and Jebarajakirthy, C. (2019), The influence of e-banking service quality on customer loyalty, International Journal of Bank Marketing, Vol. 11. Traditional banking has declined during the COVID-19, and consequently, increase in e-banking platforms is observed. 52. 3, pp. We have considered only the mediated impact of e-banking customer satisfaction moreover it was quite difficult for us to build a relationship between EBSQ dimensions with e-banking satisfaction because of relatively less literature in the similar context. 79 No. 37 No. 29 No. 2017. The results confirmed, two predictors (reliability and website design) influence negatively however (privacy and security and customer service and support) effect positively. (2020), Entrepreneurial leadership and employee innovative behaviour in software industry, Journal of Business and Economics, Vol. (2014), The development of service quality dimensions for internet service providers: retaining customers of different usage patterns, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Vol. Ziaullah, M., Yi, F. and Akhter, S.N. Safi, K.U. (2015), Building trust in internet banking: a trustworthiness perspective, Industrial Management and Data Systems, Vol. 550-568. 10 No. (2010), The effect of perceived service quality dimensions on customer satisfaction, trust, and loyalty in ecommerce settings, Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, Vol. This study is theoretically backed by CMR theory as it connects the process of analyzing different perspectives and emotional responses of humans toward evaluation (Kemper, 1992; Lazarus, 1993; Lazarus and Lazarus, 1991). He is currently working as Assistant Professor of Marketing at COMSATS University Islamabad, Pakistan, and Research Fellow of China Brand Center, Academy of Entrepreneurship, Sun Yat-sen Business School, Guangzhou, China. and Kara, A. Similarly, the mediation of EBS between website design and EBL with = 0.133 and, t value = 5.778 however the tendency of 0.133, LL = 0.169, UL = 0.093 under 95% (confidence interval). 32 No. Thus, another recommendation is including the VRIO framework as a mediator will may result in some interesting findings .
The mediating effect of e-banking satisfaction between privacy & Security and e-banking loyalty implies that customer give importance to secure e-banking platforms. Parasuraman, A., Zeithaml, V.A. Cronin, J.J., Jr, Brady, M.K. Support services provided during e-banking should be less technical as satisfaction among users varies because of technicality of services (Black et al., 2014). 1047-1058. These results are inconsistent with the previous literature (Shankar and Jebarajakirthy, 2019). 90 No. Malik, S., Jaswal, L.H., Malik, S.A. and Awan, T.M. 1, pp. Qirici, E., Theodhori, O. and Elmazi, L. (2011), E-marketing and ICT-Supported tourist destination management. The estimation of a structural model was established through path analysis. Ul Haq, I., Paracha, A. and Shakeel, W. (2020), A multiple parallel mediation between transformational leadership and project-based performance a process model, Journal of Financial Engineering, Vol. 16 No. 2, pp. Most of the bank account holders (81.45%) frequently uses e-banking platform and nearly 94% believed e-banking is more useful than the conventional banking particularly because of lockdown restrictions, time and cost-effectiveness. The debate of research moves around the remedies of research questions mainly dealing with how service quality and its dimensions are associated with the e-satisfaction and e-loyalty of banking system and how e-satisfaction mediates the relationship of service quality and e-loyalty. 841-849. 4. Latif, K.F., Latif, I., Sahibzada, U. and Ullah, M. (2019), In search of quality: measuring higher education service quality (HiEduQual), Total Quality Management and Business Excellence, Vol.
7 No. Most of them (699) were young adults, with an age range 1827years, which makes 71.61% of the total followed by 214 respondents with age range 2837years. Unpredictably, where COVID-19 has shutdown business around the world and put a huge number of people below the poverty line, ample opportunities are created e.g. and Ma, Q. 32 No. Therefore, the indirect effect of reliability and website design on EBL via EBS proved to be partially mediated however the customer service and support confirmed full mediation. His hobbies include exploring fresh research in his area of interest and new destinations. Ul Haq, I. and Awan, T.M. The findings are novel as people usually do not pay attention toward website design because of busy schedules; however, they are concerned about website design and reliability. In almost every field, ICT is playing its role, e.g.
Liang, C.-C. and Pei-Ching, W. (2015), Internet-banking customer analysis based on perceptions of service quality in Taiwan, Total Quality Management and Business Excellence, Vol. This became of challenge for the banking industry also, especially in less developed countries, and role of knowledge management in commercial banks increased, which is termed as very important (Khokhar et al., 2010).
4, pp. 99-113. Likewise, the mediation of EBS in-between privacy and security and EBL = 0.173 and, t value = 5.466 however the tendency of 0.173, LL = 0.225, UL = 0.133 under 95% (confidence interval). Higher level of satisfaction can be achieved through an updated website (Kim et al., 2009) and enhanced interactive experience. 1-3. This study was conducted not only to improve the e-banking loyalty through utilizing and offering high-quality services in e-banking environment, but also to check the behavioral changes in account holders during the pandemic times. 3. Published by Emerald Publishing Limited. Also, future research should consider the combination of strategic management theories to study the relationship of EBSQ. (2020), Effect of mobile service quality to e-trust to develop e-satisfaction and e-loyalty mobile banking services. Love, P.E., Smith, J., Treloar, G. and Li, H. (2000), Some empirical observations of service quality in construction, Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, Vol. The better code of conduct for privacy and safety results in higher loyalty (Orel and Kara, 2014; Thaichon et al., 2014). Awan, T.M. 1. 115 No.
Convergent and discriminant validity were examined through factor loadings, average variance extracted (AVE) and composite reliability (CR) values (Cheah et al., 2018). restaurants (Malik et al., 2020; Malik et al., 2013; Safi and Awan, 2018), construction (Al-Momani, 2000; Love et al., 2000), education (Joseph and Joseph, 1997; Latif et al., 2019), etc. 22 No. 7). and Awan, T.M. This article is published under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) licence. (2003), eTailQ: dimensionalizing, measuring and predicting etail quality, Journal of Retailing, Vol. (2020), "Impact of e-banking service quality on e-loyalty in pandemic times through interplay of e-satisfaction", Vilakshan - XIMB Journal of Management, Vol. Singh, N., Srivastava, S. and Sinha, N. (2017), Consumer preference and satisfaction of M-wallets: a study on North Indian consumers, International Journal of Bank Marketing, Vol. Santouridis, I.
A bootstrap with a subsample of 5,000 to improve the statistical significance of items weightage was performed as per the statistical guidelines (Cheah et al., 2018). The advancement in information and communication technologies (ICT) has transformed way of doing business. (2004), Customer loyalty to contentbased web sites: the case of an online healthcare service, Journal of Services Marketing, Vol. It is pertinent to mention here that customer experience is always an important consideration for organizations (Mansoor et al., 2020). Sivapalan, A. and Jebarajakirthy, C. (2017), An application of retailing service quality practices influencing customer loyalty toward retailers, Marketing Intelligence and Planning, Vol. The detailed tabulation is given in Table 5. 2, pp. 4, pp. 239-247. A recent pandemic (COVID-19) was also one of the uncertain situations which helped customers, employees and public in large realize changes in business models (Seetharaman, 2020). The VIF measures the extent to which the multicollinearity issues make biases in regression outcomes. (1985), A conceptual model of service quality and its implications for future research, Journal of Marketing, Vol. This study brought an addition to the literature where CMR theory can be applied to support our framework, thus providing strength to it. Lee, H.H., Fiore, A.M. and Kim, J. Fornell, C. (1994), Partial least squares. The demographics information was also collected in the same questionnaire in a separate section. Amin, M. (2016), Internet banking service quality and its implication on e-customer satisfaction and e-customer loyalty, International Journal of Bank Marketing., Vol. 39-55. Online link was sent to the account holders of DSIBs using emails and messaging applications. (2014), Supermarket self-checkout service quality, customer satisfaction, and loyalty: Empirical evidence from an emerging market, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Vol. The acceptable AVE values should be 0.50 or greater (Cheah et al., 2018) by comparing diagonal values with the correlation coefficients for each construct in the relevant rows and columns (Hair et al., 2010). Wang, K.-Y. The account holders need to be satisfied from the customer services and support which then becomes a source of loyalty during COVID-19. Hall, M.C., Prayag, G., Fieger, P. and Dyason, D. (2020), Beyond panic buying: consumption displacement and COVID-19, Journal of Service Management. 1052-1058. and Nisar, A. The value of R2 exhibits the changes in the response variable because of the existence of an endogenous variable. 2. Cheah, J.-H., Sarstedt, M., Ringle, C.M., Ramayah, T. and Ting, H. (2018), Convergent validity assessment of formatively measured constructs in PLS-SEM, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, Vol. The structured responses recorded or generated through ICT or artificial intelligence applications has a limited amount of information and may not solve the problem. We have seen transformations in the banking systems every other day and conventional banking is reducing. The least (39) were in the age range 4857years. 111 No. 5. 3, pp. Additionally, it assists banks in strategic decisions making for improvements in the e-banking future of Pakistan and manage COVID-19 and digitalization. Dick, A.S. and Basu, K. (1994), Customer loyalty: toward an integrated conceptual framework, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Vol. The discriminant validity was then examined using the HetrotraitMonotrait (HTMT) ratios under the prescribed criteria (Franke and Sarstedt, 2019). 30-46. 55-68. 76 No. and Syed, F. (2020), Positive emotions as underlying mechanism between customer gratitude and behavioural intentions, Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, Vol. Orel, F.D. You can join in the discussion by joining the community or logging in here.You can also find out more about Emerald Engage. (2009), The role of etail quality, e-satisfaction and e-trust in online loyalty development process, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Vol. The link between e-banking privacy and security and e-banking loyalty was proved as fully mediated by e-banking satisfaction; however, indirect effect of the reliability and website design with e-banking loyalty was partially mediated. (2014), Service characteristics impact on key service quality relationships: a meta-analysis, Journal of Services Marketing. 21 No. International research journal of management, IT and Social Sciences, Vol. International research journal of management, The development of service quality dimensions for internet service providers: retaining customers of different usage patterns, A multiple parallel mediation between transformational leadership and project-based performance a process model, Business architecture: a new paradigm to relate business strategy to ICT, ICT use in marketing as innovation success factor, European Journal of Innovation Management, An empirical investigation of product innovation and costomer loyalty in telecommunication industry, Paper presented at the 2nd International Conference on Information Science and Engineering, COVID19 and finance: market developments so far and potential impacts on the financial sector and centres, Tijdschrift Voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, eTailQ: dimensionalizing, measuring and predicting etail quality, A review of research on the environmental impact of e-business and ICT, Building trust in internet banking: a trustworthiness perspective, E-loyalty: the influence of product quality and delivery services on e-trust and e-satisfaction in China, International Journal of Advancements in Research and Technology. 2, pp. 5 No. 5, pp. Giao, H., Vuong, B. and Quan, T. (2020), The influence of website quality on consumers e-loyalty through the mediating role of e-trust and e-satisfaction: an evidence from online shopping in Vietnam, Uncertain Supply Chain Management, Vol. 5-6, pp. 17 No.
E-banking satisfaction positively mediates the relationship between e-banking service quality and e-banking loyalty. Kemper, T.D. People in Pakistan are more leaned toward dealing with their banking needs through online means as they were not allowed to visit their bank branch. 2, pp. and Berry, L.L. (2007), A review of research on the environmental impact of e-business and ICT, Environment International, Vol. In case of similar epidemics and natural calamities, consumers may depict similar behavior as shown during the lockdown and social distancing during COVID-19; hence, the study can help regulatory bodies in preparing their safety roadmap. Education+ training, Examining service quality within construction processes, Internet banking service quality and its implication on e-customer satisfaction and e-customer loyalty, Sentiments and emotions evoked by news headlines of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak, Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, Covid-19, cash, and the future of payments. Article publication date: 19 October 2020. Zhu, H., Wei, L. and Niu, P. (2020), The novel coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan, China. 12 No. 29, pp. Along with the spread of virus, the fear termed as a social stigma and the real pandemic (Aslam et al., 2020) was noticed. Auer, R. Cornelli, G. and Frost, J. 643-651. (2006), Measuring service quality in e-retailing, Journal of Service Research, Vol. (1991), Emotion and Adaptation, Oxford University Press on Demand. 6 No. 4-33. (2020), The epidemiological characteristics of an outbreak of 2019 novel coronavirus diseases (COVID-19) in China, Zhonghua Liuxingbingxue Zazhi, Vol. In pandemic situation, this importance amplifies dramatically as ICT is aimed toward not only new developments but also customer retention. 187-200. (1992), Emotion and adaptation, In Jstor. 8 No. Esengun, K., Gunduz, O., Akay, M. and Cicek, A. The COVID-19 has changed the way people live, interact and make purchase decisions. 3. It's quite identical in the banking sector that digital means are getting popular as account holders are already much leaned toward online banking. 7 No. There can be a variation in their loyalty because of privacy concerns. He has mixed research interests, particularly behavior finance, bank marketing, diversification, hedge, safe-haven. Quach, T.N., Thaichon, P. and Jebarajakirthy, C. (2016), Internet service providers' service quality and its effect on customer loyalty of different usage patterns, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Vol. 5 No. 13 No. The rejected indirect effect of customer service and support on e-banking loyalty via e-banking satisfaction might be the reason people did not find their problems are fully resolved by the customer service and support department during the pandemic times. 6 No. The current circumstances progress the requirement of e-banking, had a critical influence on the usage of conventional banking and focused on the influence during the pandemic, however their preferences related to trust, safety and security, reliability, website designs and customer support, and an interesting change from previous literature is noted. To ensure the reliability and validity among constructs, measurement analysis is recommended (Hair et al., 2010). (2010), Role of knowledge management processes in the commercial banks in Pakistan, Paper presented at the 2nd South Asian International Conference (SAICON) 2010 Nurturing Innovation, Entrepreneurship, Investment and Public Private Partnership in Global Environment, Pakistan. The application of cognitivemotivationalrelational (CMR) theory in a relationship between e-banking service quality and e-banking loyalty with a mediating role of satisfaction is an emotional response to capture the behavioral changes during COVID-19. Electronic banking built an efficient flow of services provided with reduced operational and fixed costs with more safety features incorporated. 171-182. and Vincent, L.H. 7. Kim, M.J., Chung, N. and Lee, C.-K. (2011), The effect of perceived trust on electronic commerce: shopping online for tourism products and services in South Korea, Tourism Management, Vol. An empirical analysis of customer perception of US banks on service quality reports higher quality of EBSQ leads to satisfaction (Foroughi et al., 2019). Kassim, N. and Abdullah, N.A. This study adds into literature the EBSQ during this pandemic and captures dynamic users behavior via cognitivemotivationalrelational (CMR) theory. The full terms of this licence may be seen at Mansoor, M., Awan, T.M. and Aziz, R.A.E. Global Health Research and Policy, Vol. The data of 3000 account holders was purchased from a local email and messaging marketing company.
E-banking creates serious privacy issues for the users as there is no in-person interaction (Kim et al., 2009; Shankar and Jebarajakirthy, 2019). 2, pp. The responses were measured on a 5-point Likert scale ranging from strongly disagree (1) to strongly agree (5). 1, pp.
The structured equation modeling was used to test the propositions of study. Inzamam Ul Haq is a young Research Scholar and Master of Science (Specializing in Finance) student at COMSATS University Islamabad, Pakistan.
(2010), An empirical investigation of product innovation and costomer loyalty in telecommunication industry, Paper presented at the 2nd International Conference on Information Science and Engineering. (2009), Trust, satisfaction and E-Loyalty in Pakistans electronic commerce, Paper presented at the e-CASE 2019 International Conference on e-Commerce, e-Administration, e-Society, and e-Education, Singapore. and Aslam, F. (2020), Prediction of daily COVID-19 cases in European countries using automatic ARIMA model, Journal of Public Health Research, Vol. 256-265. Wjcik, D. and Ioannou, S. (2020), COVID19 and finance: market developments so far and potential impacts on the financial sector and centres, Tijdschrift Voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, Vol. Advanced methods of marketing research. Hence, this study helped to enhance the literature and supported EBSQ to be used in these epidemic studies also. 185-207. The second dimension, privacy and security expresses the extent to which an e-banking user confidently shares personal information on an e-banking platform (Muturi et al., 2013). Finally, H9 with = 0.784, t value = 9.726, p value = 0.000 confirmed the proposed hypothesis and significant positive impact was proved. Aslam, F., Awan, T.M., Syed, J.H., Kashif, A. and Parveen, M. (2020), Sentiments and emotions evoked by news headlines of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak, Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, Vol. Suariedewi, I.G.A.A.M. Shankar, A. and Jebarajakirthy, C. (2019), The influence of e-banking service quality on customer loyalty, International Journal of Bank Marketing, Vol. 11. Traditional banking has declined during the COVID-19, and consequently, increase in e-banking platforms is observed. 52. 3, pp. We have considered only the mediated impact of e-banking customer satisfaction moreover it was quite difficult for us to build a relationship between EBSQ dimensions with e-banking satisfaction because of relatively less literature in the similar context. 79 No. 37 No. 29 No. 2017. The results confirmed, two predictors (reliability and website design) influence negatively however (privacy and security and customer service and support) effect positively. (2020), Entrepreneurial leadership and employee innovative behaviour in software industry, Journal of Business and Economics, Vol. (2014), The development of service quality dimensions for internet service providers: retaining customers of different usage patterns, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Vol. Ziaullah, M., Yi, F. and Akhter, S.N. Safi, K.U. (2015), Building trust in internet banking: a trustworthiness perspective, Industrial Management and Data Systems, Vol. 550-568. 10 No. (2010), The effect of perceived service quality dimensions on customer satisfaction, trust, and loyalty in ecommerce settings, Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, Vol. This study is theoretically backed by CMR theory as it connects the process of analyzing different perspectives and emotional responses of humans toward evaluation (Kemper, 1992; Lazarus, 1993; Lazarus and Lazarus, 1991). He is currently working as Assistant Professor of Marketing at COMSATS University Islamabad, Pakistan, and Research Fellow of China Brand Center, Academy of Entrepreneurship, Sun Yat-sen Business School, Guangzhou, China. and Kara, A. Similarly, the mediation of EBS between website design and EBL with = 0.133 and, t value = 5.778 however the tendency of 0.133, LL = 0.169, UL = 0.093 under 95% (confidence interval). 32 No. Thus, another recommendation is including the VRIO framework as a mediator will may result in some interesting findings .
The mediating effect of e-banking satisfaction between privacy & Security and e-banking loyalty implies that customer give importance to secure e-banking platforms. Parasuraman, A., Zeithaml, V.A. Cronin, J.J., Jr, Brady, M.K. Support services provided during e-banking should be less technical as satisfaction among users varies because of technicality of services (Black et al., 2014). 1047-1058. These results are inconsistent with the previous literature (Shankar and Jebarajakirthy, 2019). 90 No. Malik, S., Jaswal, L.H., Malik, S.A. and Awan, T.M. 1, pp. Qirici, E., Theodhori, O. and Elmazi, L. (2011), E-marketing and ICT-Supported tourist destination management. The estimation of a structural model was established through path analysis. Ul Haq, I., Paracha, A. and Shakeel, W. (2020), A multiple parallel mediation between transformational leadership and project-based performance a process model, Journal of Financial Engineering, Vol. 16 No. 2, pp. Most of the bank account holders (81.45%) frequently uses e-banking platform and nearly 94% believed e-banking is more useful than the conventional banking particularly because of lockdown restrictions, time and cost-effectiveness. The debate of research moves around the remedies of research questions mainly dealing with how service quality and its dimensions are associated with the e-satisfaction and e-loyalty of banking system and how e-satisfaction mediates the relationship of service quality and e-loyalty. 841-849. 4. Latif, K.F., Latif, I., Sahibzada, U. and Ullah, M. (2019), In search of quality: measuring higher education service quality (HiEduQual), Total Quality Management and Business Excellence, Vol.
7 No. Most of them (699) were young adults, with an age range 1827years, which makes 71.61% of the total followed by 214 respondents with age range 2837years. Unpredictably, where COVID-19 has shutdown business around the world and put a huge number of people below the poverty line, ample opportunities are created e.g. and Ma, Q. 32 No. Therefore, the indirect effect of reliability and website design on EBL via EBS proved to be partially mediated however the customer service and support confirmed full mediation. His hobbies include exploring fresh research in his area of interest and new destinations. Ul Haq, I. and Awan, T.M. The findings are novel as people usually do not pay attention toward website design because of busy schedules; however, they are concerned about website design and reliability. In almost every field, ICT is playing its role, e.g.
Liang, C.-C. and Pei-Ching, W. (2015), Internet-banking customer analysis based on perceptions of service quality in Taiwan, Total Quality Management and Business Excellence, Vol. This became of challenge for the banking industry also, especially in less developed countries, and role of knowledge management in commercial banks increased, which is termed as very important (Khokhar et al., 2010).

A bootstrap with a subsample of 5,000 to improve the statistical significance of items weightage was performed as per the statistical guidelines (Cheah et al., 2018). The advancement in information and communication technologies (ICT) has transformed way of doing business. (2004), Customer loyalty to contentbased web sites: the case of an online healthcare service, Journal of Services Marketing, Vol. It is pertinent to mention here that customer experience is always an important consideration for organizations (Mansoor et al., 2020). Sivapalan, A. and Jebarajakirthy, C. (2017), An application of retailing service quality practices influencing customer loyalty toward retailers, Marketing Intelligence and Planning, Vol. The detailed tabulation is given in Table 5. 2, pp. 4, pp. 239-247. A recent pandemic (COVID-19) was also one of the uncertain situations which helped customers, employees and public in large realize changes in business models (Seetharaman, 2020). The VIF measures the extent to which the multicollinearity issues make biases in regression outcomes. (1985), A conceptual model of service quality and its implications for future research, Journal of Marketing, Vol. This study brought an addition to the literature where CMR theory can be applied to support our framework, thus providing strength to it. Lee, H.H., Fiore, A.M. and Kim, J. Fornell, C. (1994), Partial least squares. The demographics information was also collected in the same questionnaire in a separate section. Amin, M. (2016), Internet banking service quality and its implication on e-customer satisfaction and e-customer loyalty, International Journal of Bank Marketing., Vol. 39-55. Online link was sent to the account holders of DSIBs using emails and messaging applications. (2014), Supermarket self-checkout service quality, customer satisfaction, and loyalty: Empirical evidence from an emerging market, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Vol. The acceptable AVE values should be 0.50 or greater (Cheah et al., 2018) by comparing diagonal values with the correlation coefficients for each construct in the relevant rows and columns (Hair et al., 2010). Wang, K.-Y. The account holders need to be satisfied from the customer services and support which then becomes a source of loyalty during COVID-19. Hall, M.C., Prayag, G., Fieger, P. and Dyason, D. (2020), Beyond panic buying: consumption displacement and COVID-19, Journal of Service Management. 1052-1058. and Nisar, A. The value of R2 exhibits the changes in the response variable because of the existence of an endogenous variable. 2. Cheah, J.-H., Sarstedt, M., Ringle, C.M., Ramayah, T. and Ting, H. (2018), Convergent validity assessment of formatively measured constructs in PLS-SEM, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, Vol. The structured responses recorded or generated through ICT or artificial intelligence applications has a limited amount of information and may not solve the problem. We have seen transformations in the banking systems every other day and conventional banking is reducing. The least (39) were in the age range 4857years. 111 No. 5. 3, pp. Additionally, it assists banks in strategic decisions making for improvements in the e-banking future of Pakistan and manage COVID-19 and digitalization. Dick, A.S. and Basu, K. (1994), Customer loyalty: toward an integrated conceptual framework, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Vol. The discriminant validity was then examined using the HetrotraitMonotrait (HTMT) ratios under the prescribed criteria (Franke and Sarstedt, 2019). 30-46. 55-68. 76 No. and Syed, F. (2020), Positive emotions as underlying mechanism between customer gratitude and behavioural intentions, Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, Vol. Orel, F.D. You can join in the discussion by joining the community or logging in here.You can also find out more about Emerald Engage. (2009), The role of etail quality, e-satisfaction and e-trust in online loyalty development process, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Vol. The link between e-banking privacy and security and e-banking loyalty was proved as fully mediated by e-banking satisfaction; however, indirect effect of the reliability and website design with e-banking loyalty was partially mediated. (2014), Service characteristics impact on key service quality relationships: a meta-analysis, Journal of Services Marketing. 21 No. International research journal of management, IT and Social Sciences, Vol. International research journal of management, The development of service quality dimensions for internet service providers: retaining customers of different usage patterns, A multiple parallel mediation between transformational leadership and project-based performance a process model, Business architecture: a new paradigm to relate business strategy to ICT, ICT use in marketing as innovation success factor, European Journal of Innovation Management, An empirical investigation of product innovation and costomer loyalty in telecommunication industry, Paper presented at the 2nd International Conference on Information Science and Engineering, COVID19 and finance: market developments so far and potential impacts on the financial sector and centres, Tijdschrift Voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, eTailQ: dimensionalizing, measuring and predicting etail quality, A review of research on the environmental impact of e-business and ICT, Building trust in internet banking: a trustworthiness perspective, E-loyalty: the influence of product quality and delivery services on e-trust and e-satisfaction in China, International Journal of Advancements in Research and Technology. 2, pp. 5 No. 5, pp. Giao, H., Vuong, B. and Quan, T. (2020), The influence of website quality on consumers e-loyalty through the mediating role of e-trust and e-satisfaction: an evidence from online shopping in Vietnam, Uncertain Supply Chain Management, Vol. 5-6, pp. 17 No.
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