: PP , 10ml essential oil of Frankincense,Boswellia sacra, Step 1 : How to order Conditions for cell seeding and essential oil treatment were identical to the cell viability assay. GC oven temperature was set and maintained at 80 oC for 2 min and programmed to 250 oC at a rate of 3 oC/min. Western blot analysis was performed to determine levels of Akt and ERK1/2 phosphorylation as well as cyclin D1 and cdk4 proteins expression.
Briefly, hydrodistillation was performed in a custom made hydrodistiller. Yu Q, Sicinska E, Geng Y, Ahnstrom M, Zagozdzon A, Kong Y, Gardner H, Kiyokawa H, Harris LN, Stal O. et al. Shao et al. Mikhaeil BR, Maatooq GT, Badria FA, Amer MM. 1. Add to Bag 1 Table S1. Satoh MS, Lindahl T. Role of poly(ADP-ribose) formation in DNA repair. Among the cancer cell lines, MCF7 cells were the most sensitive to essential oil with suppressed cell viability. reported that ethanol extracts of Boswellia carteri gum resins comprise 7 boswellic acids [4]. Hougari grade Boswellia sacra gum resins were obtained from the Hasik area to the east of Salalah City, Oman. Boswellia sacra essential oil was prepared from Omani Hougari grade resins through hydrodistillation at 78 or 100 oC for 12 hours. Boswellia sacra essential oil-suppressed cancer cell viability depended upon hydrodistillation temperatures. Additionally, Estrada et al. Effect of salai guggal ex-Boswellia serrata on cellular and humoral immune responses and leucocyte migration. Chemical profiles for Boswellia sacra essential oils obtained from different temperatures of hydrodistillation demonstrated that -pinene is the major compound present in both temperatures preparations (Additional File 1, Table S1). Multicellular tumor spheroids in culture have been used as an in vitro model for screening and testing anti-cancer drugs [45]. Boswellic acids inhibit glioma growth: a new treatment option? Soule HD, Maloney TM, Wolman SR, Peterson WD Jr, Brenz R, McGrath CM, Russo J, Pauley RJ, Jones RF, Brooks SC. Higher distillation temperature produced higher quantities of boswellic acids; higher amounts of total boswellic acids were detected in essential oil hydrodistilled at 100 oC as compared to 78 oC (Table (Table11). Human breast cancer cells and immortalized normal breast epithelial cells (1x103) were seeded in triplicate in their culture media, and quantified for their growth between 1 and 4 days following cell seeding. Under the culture condition used for each cell line, the immortalized normal breast epithelial cells proliferated faster than three breast cancer cell lines. Shao Y, Ho CT, Chin CK, Badmaev V, Ma W, Huang MT. Minotti G, Menna P, Salvatorelli E, Cairo G, Gianni L. Anthracyclines: molecular advances and pharmacologic developments in antitumor activity and cardiotoxicity. The oven temperature was then programmed to 290 oC at a rate of 10 oC/min and maintained for 15 min. Chemistry and immunomodulatory activity of frankincense oil. Samady L, Dennis J, Budhram-Mahadeo V, Latchman DS.
Ofir R, Seidman R, Rabinski T, Krup M, Yavelsky V, Weinstein Y, Wolfson M. Taxol-induced apoptosis in human SKOV3 ovarian and MCF7 breast carcinoma cells is caspase-3 and caspase-9 independent. 6. 2-3 AKBA: acetyl-11-keto--boswellic acid; ER: estrogen receptor; GC: gas chromatography; HPLC: high performance liquid chromatography; MS: mass spectrometry; PARP: poly (ADT-ribose) polymerase. Contents of boswellic acids in essential oils depended upon temperature of hydrodistillation. Chemical components of the essential oils were analyzed with a 7890 GC-MS (Agilent Technologies, Santa Clara, CA) equipped with an HP-1 column (50 m 0.32 mm 0.5 um). Boswellia sacra essential oil hydrodistilled at 100 oC was more potent than the essential oil prepared at 78 oC in inducing cancer cell death, preventing the cellular network formation (MDA-MB-231) cells on Matrigel, causing the breakdown of multicellular tumor spheroids (T47D cells), and regulating molecules involved in apoptosis, signal transduction, and cell cycle progression. Second, hydrosol, the aqueous phase of hydrodistilled products, contained up to 15.5% boswellic acids, but did not have detectible cytoxicity against breast cancer cells even when a 1:5 dilution was included in the cell cultures. Boswellia carterii extract inhibits TH1 cytokines and promotes TH2 cytokines in vitro. Results were considered statistically significant when P < 0.05. 8600 Rockville Pike To determine the capability of Boswellia sacra essential oil in suppressing breast cancer cell invasion, a modified in vitro Matrigel outgrowth assay was utilized [30]. Absorbance was read at 450 nm wavelength using a Quant microplate reader (Bio-Tek; Winooski, VT). Isolation and characterization of a spontaneously immortalized human breast epithelial cell line, MCF-10. MDA-MB-231 cells (4 104) were resuspended in 100 l growth media and added on the top of the polymerized Matrigel (A and B). Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil. Buchele B, Zugmaier W, Estrada A, Genze F, Syrovets T, Paetz C, Schneider B, Simmet T. Characterization of 3-acetyl-11-keto--boswellic acid, a pentacyclic triterpenoid inducing apoptosis. Received 2011 Aug 12; Accepted 2011 Dec 15. The pre-publication history for this paper can be accessed here: http://www.biomedcentral.com/1472-6882/11/129/prepub.
In this communication, essential oil was prepared by hydrodistillating Omani Boswellia sacra resins at two temperatures and characterized their effectiveness in suppressing breast cancer cell-specific viability, apoptosis, invasion, drug resistance, and related signaling pathways in vitro. To evaluate and predict breast cancer cell responses to Boswellia sacra essential oil, multicellular tumor spheroids, an in vitro model for simulating three-dimensional tumor micro-milieu [31], were applied. These results suggest that Boswellia sacra essential oil may represent an effective therapeutic agent for treating invasive breast cancer. Aroma from these resins is valued for its superior qualities for religious rituals since the time of ancient Egyptians [1]. Levels of phospho-Akt (Ser473) were immediately suppressed by essential oil obtained at 78 oC in all breast cancer cell lines. The site is secure. Both Akt and ERK1/2 have been proposed as molecular targets for treating breast cancer particularly in antiestrogen-resistant states [51,52]. Among many different cyclin D1 interactors, the cdk4 gene is found to be amplified and the protein to be overexpressed in a significant fraction of human breast cancer cases [63-65]; and the continued presence of cdk4-associated kinase activity is required to maintain breast tumorigenesis [66]. : Future pre-clinical and clinical studies are urgently needed to evaluate the safety and efficacy of Boswellia sacra essential oil as a therapeutic agent for treating breast cancer. First, although shelf life contents of boswellic acids decreased, Boswellia sacra essential oil-mediated tumor cell cytotoxicity remained constant during the same period of time. Step 2 : Payment Gillett C, Smith P, Gregory W, Richards M, Millis R, Peters G, Barnes D. Cyclin D1 and prognosis in human breast cancer.
Boswellia sacra essential oil-regulated target proteins activation and expression were analyzed using Western blotting. Dean JL, Thangavel C, McClendon AK, Reed CA, Knudsen ES. Boswellia sacra essential oil-mediated cell viability and death were studied in established human breast cancer cell lines (T47D, MCF7, MDA-MB-231) and an immortalized normal human breast cell line (MCF10-2A). Yang Q, Titus MA, Fung KM, Lin HK. Expression of -actin was also determined in parallel and used as a protein loading control. Acetyl-11-keto--boswellic acid (AKBA), being suggested as the most potent anti-inflammatory component from the resins, selectively blocks leukotriene biosynthesis through inhibiting 5-lipoxygenase activity [13]. Liu JJ, Nilsson A, Oredsson S, Badmaev V, Zhao WZ, Duan RD. Chevrier et al. Weckesser S, Engel K, Simon-Haarhaus B, Wittmer A, Pelz K, Schempp CM. Winking M, Sarikaya S, Rahmanian A, Jodicke A, Boker DK. extracts that provide the anti-inflammatory activity. Soule HD, Vazguez J, Long A, Albert S, Brennan M. A human cell line from a pleural effusion derived from a breast carcinoma. Pharmacology of an extract of salai guggal ex-Boswellia serrata, a new non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agent. All three human breast cancer cell lines were sensitive to essential oil treatment with reduced cell viability and elevated cell death, whereas the immortalized normal human breast cell line was more resistant to essential oil treatment. Although different cancer cell lines varied in their sensitivities to essential oil treatment, both temperatures of essential oil preparations, in general, suppressed cell viability in all three human breast cancer cell lines (Figure (Figure2).2). Requirement for CDK4 kinase function in breast cancer. Cicenas J, Urban P, Vuaroqueaux V, Labuhn M, Kung W, Wight E, Mayhew M, Eppenberger U, Eppenberger-Castori S. Increased level of phosphorylated akt measured by chemiluminescence-linked immunosorbent assay is a predictor of poor prognosis in primary breast cancer overexpressing ErbB-2. More importantly, immortalized normal breast epithelial MCF10-2A cells were resistant to Boswellia sacra essential oil-suppressed cell viability (Figure (Figure2).2). Langmead L, Rampton DS. Akihisa et al. Learn more Elevated cell death was observed in all three breast cancer cell lines treated with Boswellia sacra essential oils (Figure (Figure3).3). Our results are in accordance with the report by Hostanska et al. Essential oil-induced cytostatic and cytotoxic effects were expressed as mean standard error of mean (SEM) from at least four experiments. Capability of Boswellia sacra essential oil in suppressing multicellular spheroid growth. 1,500
Sharma ML, Khajuria A, Kaul A, Singh S, Singh GB, Atal CK. Liu JJ, Nilsson A, Oredsson S, Badmaev V, Duan RD. Importance of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase and its cleavage in apoptosis. Anti-invasive and anti-multicellular tumor properties were evaluated by cellular network and spheroid formation models, respectively. and transmitted securely. Briefly, 100 l culture medium was removed from each well at the time of assay, and an aliquot of 50 l XTT labeling mixture was added back to each well [28]. The half maximal inhibitory concentrations (IC50) of Boswellia sacra essential oil were calculated from cell viability assay using the curve fitting function in Sigma Plot (Systac Software, San Jose, CA). The resin has been used in incense and fumigants, as well as a fixative in perfumes. Frankincense is an aromatic resin hardened from exuded gums obtained from trees of the genus Boswellia (Burseraceae family). MS prepared Boswellia sacra essential oils. Boswellia sp. Anthoni C, Laukoetter MG, Rijcken E, Vowinkel T, Mennigen R, Muller S, Senninger N, Russell J, Jauch J, Bergmann J. et al. WW, AC, FGM, PTS, YTF, and HKL performed molecular and cell biology studies of cultured breast cells. Studies have shown that boswellic acids and AKBA activate the PI3K/Akt pathway in human colon cancer HT29 cells [56]. Immunoreactive protein bands were detected using an enhanced chemiluminescent (ECL) reagent (Thermo Scientific Pierce). Banno N, Akihisa T, Yasukawa K, Tokuda H, Tabata K, Nakamura Y, Nishimura R, Kimura Y, Suzuki T. Anti-inflammatory activities of the triterpene acids from the resin of Boswellia carteri. An aliquot (1 l) of essential oil was injected at a 1:125 split ratio with injector and detector temperatures at 250 oC with He as the carrier gas at 1.3 ml flow. Accessibility In addition, essential oils from both temperatures preparations were primarily composed of the major monterpene, including -thujene, unidentified 1, -pinene, and myrcene. reported that tirucallic acids purified from Boswellia carteri gum resins induce apoptosis in human prostate cancer cell lines [35]. Akihisa T, Tabata K, Banno N, Tokuda H, Nishimura R, Nakamura Y, Kimura Y, Yasukawa K, Suzuki T. Cancer chemopreventive effects and cytotoxic activities of the triterpene acids from the resin of Boswellia carteri. Lin HJ, Hsieh FC, Song H, Lin J. Elevated phosphorylation and activation of PDK-1/AKT pathway in human breast cancer. When cells were treated with essential oils at 1:800 (Figure (Figure5C)5C) and 1:1,500 (Figure (Figure5E)5E) dilutions obtained at 78 and 100 oC hydrodistillation, respectively, the formation of cellular networks was reduced without inducing cytotoxicity. Results were presented as average numbers of damaged cells for each essential oil preparation. Gillett C, Fantl V, Smith R, Fisher C, Bartek J, Dickson C, Barnes D, Peters G. Amplification and overexpression of cyclin D1 in breast cancer detected by immunohistochemical staining. Pathways that are activated by a mixture of chemical components in essential oil are expected to more complicate than the results presented in this communication. - 1-3 ( 2 ), Packaging & Recycle
Establishment and characterization of a cell line of human breast carcinoma origin. Doubling time for MCF10-2A cells was 12 hours as compared to 20, 22, and 27 hours for T47D, MCF7, and MDA-MB-231 cells, respectively; and MCF10-2A cell numbers were significantly higher than T47D, MCF7, or MDA-MB-231 cells at days 2, 3, and 4 following cell seeding (Figure (Figure11). Experiments were repeated at least 3 times and representative images are presented. Tumor cell plasticity enables highly malignant tumor cells to express endothelial cell-specific markers and form vessel-like network structures on basement membranes. government site. Cell viability was determined using the colometric XTT assay at 24 hours after essential oil treatment. Human breast cancer MDA-MB-231 cells were seeded at the concentration of 5x105 cells/60 mm tissue culture plates for adherence and subjected essential oils (1:800 and 1:1,200 dilutions of 78 and 100 oC, respectively) treatment. Svensson S, Jirstrom K, Ryden L, Roos G, Emdin S, Ostrowski MC, Landberg G. ERK phosphorylation is linked to VEGFR2 expression and Ets-2 phosphorylation in breast cancer and is associated with tamoxifen treatment resistance and small tumours with good prognosis. XTT assay was then performed in the same wells to determine the viability of essential oil-treated breast cancer cells on Matrigel.
Briefly, hydrodistillation was performed in a custom made hydrodistiller. Yu Q, Sicinska E, Geng Y, Ahnstrom M, Zagozdzon A, Kong Y, Gardner H, Kiyokawa H, Harris LN, Stal O. et al. Shao et al. Mikhaeil BR, Maatooq GT, Badria FA, Amer MM. 1. Add to Bag 1 Table S1. Satoh MS, Lindahl T. Role of poly(ADP-ribose) formation in DNA repair. Among the cancer cell lines, MCF7 cells were the most sensitive to essential oil with suppressed cell viability. reported that ethanol extracts of Boswellia carteri gum resins comprise 7 boswellic acids [4]. Hougari grade Boswellia sacra gum resins were obtained from the Hasik area to the east of Salalah City, Oman. Boswellia sacra essential oil was prepared from Omani Hougari grade resins through hydrodistillation at 78 or 100 oC for 12 hours. Boswellia sacra essential oil-suppressed cancer cell viability depended upon hydrodistillation temperatures. Additionally, Estrada et al. Effect of salai guggal ex-Boswellia serrata on cellular and humoral immune responses and leucocyte migration. Chemical profiles for Boswellia sacra essential oils obtained from different temperatures of hydrodistillation demonstrated that -pinene is the major compound present in both temperatures preparations (Additional File 1, Table S1). Multicellular tumor spheroids in culture have been used as an in vitro model for screening and testing anti-cancer drugs [45]. Boswellic acids inhibit glioma growth: a new treatment option? Soule HD, Maloney TM, Wolman SR, Peterson WD Jr, Brenz R, McGrath CM, Russo J, Pauley RJ, Jones RF, Brooks SC. Higher distillation temperature produced higher quantities of boswellic acids; higher amounts of total boswellic acids were detected in essential oil hydrodistilled at 100 oC as compared to 78 oC (Table (Table11). Human breast cancer cells and immortalized normal breast epithelial cells (1x103) were seeded in triplicate in their culture media, and quantified for their growth between 1 and 4 days following cell seeding. Under the culture condition used for each cell line, the immortalized normal breast epithelial cells proliferated faster than three breast cancer cell lines. Shao Y, Ho CT, Chin CK, Badmaev V, Ma W, Huang MT. Minotti G, Menna P, Salvatorelli E, Cairo G, Gianni L. Anthracyclines: molecular advances and pharmacologic developments in antitumor activity and cardiotoxicity. The oven temperature was then programmed to 290 oC at a rate of 10 oC/min and maintained for 15 min. Chemistry and immunomodulatory activity of frankincense oil. Samady L, Dennis J, Budhram-Mahadeo V, Latchman DS.
Ofir R, Seidman R, Rabinski T, Krup M, Yavelsky V, Weinstein Y, Wolfson M. Taxol-induced apoptosis in human SKOV3 ovarian and MCF7 breast carcinoma cells is caspase-3 and caspase-9 independent. 6. 2-3 AKBA: acetyl-11-keto--boswellic acid; ER: estrogen receptor; GC: gas chromatography; HPLC: high performance liquid chromatography; MS: mass spectrometry; PARP: poly (ADT-ribose) polymerase. Contents of boswellic acids in essential oils depended upon temperature of hydrodistillation. Chemical components of the essential oils were analyzed with a 7890 GC-MS (Agilent Technologies, Santa Clara, CA) equipped with an HP-1 column (50 m 0.32 mm 0.5 um). Boswellia sacra essential oil hydrodistilled at 100 oC was more potent than the essential oil prepared at 78 oC in inducing cancer cell death, preventing the cellular network formation (MDA-MB-231) cells on Matrigel, causing the breakdown of multicellular tumor spheroids (T47D cells), and regulating molecules involved in apoptosis, signal transduction, and cell cycle progression. Second, hydrosol, the aqueous phase of hydrodistilled products, contained up to 15.5% boswellic acids, but did not have detectible cytoxicity against breast cancer cells even when a 1:5 dilution was included in the cell cultures. Boswellia carterii extract inhibits TH1 cytokines and promotes TH2 cytokines in vitro. Results were considered statistically significant when P < 0.05. 8600 Rockville Pike To determine the capability of Boswellia sacra essential oil in suppressing breast cancer cell invasion, a modified in vitro Matrigel outgrowth assay was utilized [30]. Absorbance was read at 450 nm wavelength using a Quant microplate reader (Bio-Tek; Winooski, VT). Isolation and characterization of a spontaneously immortalized human breast epithelial cell line, MCF-10. MDA-MB-231 cells (4 104) were resuspended in 100 l growth media and added on the top of the polymerized Matrigel (A and B). Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil. Buchele B, Zugmaier W, Estrada A, Genze F, Syrovets T, Paetz C, Schneider B, Simmet T. Characterization of 3-acetyl-11-keto--boswellic acid, a pentacyclic triterpenoid inducing apoptosis. Received 2011 Aug 12; Accepted 2011 Dec 15. The pre-publication history for this paper can be accessed here: http://www.biomedcentral.com/1472-6882/11/129/prepub.
In this communication, essential oil was prepared by hydrodistillating Omani Boswellia sacra resins at two temperatures and characterized their effectiveness in suppressing breast cancer cell-specific viability, apoptosis, invasion, drug resistance, and related signaling pathways in vitro. To evaluate and predict breast cancer cell responses to Boswellia sacra essential oil, multicellular tumor spheroids, an in vitro model for simulating three-dimensional tumor micro-milieu [31], were applied. These results suggest that Boswellia sacra essential oil may represent an effective therapeutic agent for treating invasive breast cancer. Aroma from these resins is valued for its superior qualities for religious rituals since the time of ancient Egyptians [1]. Levels of phospho-Akt (Ser473) were immediately suppressed by essential oil obtained at 78 oC in all breast cancer cell lines. The site is secure. Both Akt and ERK1/2 have been proposed as molecular targets for treating breast cancer particularly in antiestrogen-resistant states [51,52]. Among many different cyclin D1 interactors, the cdk4 gene is found to be amplified and the protein to be overexpressed in a significant fraction of human breast cancer cases [63-65]; and the continued presence of cdk4-associated kinase activity is required to maintain breast tumorigenesis [66]. : Future pre-clinical and clinical studies are urgently needed to evaluate the safety and efficacy of Boswellia sacra essential oil as a therapeutic agent for treating breast cancer. First, although shelf life contents of boswellic acids decreased, Boswellia sacra essential oil-mediated tumor cell cytotoxicity remained constant during the same period of time. Step 2 : Payment Gillett C, Smith P, Gregory W, Richards M, Millis R, Peters G, Barnes D. Cyclin D1 and prognosis in human breast cancer.
Boswellia sacra essential oil-regulated target proteins activation and expression were analyzed using Western blotting. Dean JL, Thangavel C, McClendon AK, Reed CA, Knudsen ES. Boswellia sacra essential oil-mediated cell viability and death were studied in established human breast cancer cell lines (T47D, MCF7, MDA-MB-231) and an immortalized normal human breast cell line (MCF10-2A). Yang Q, Titus MA, Fung KM, Lin HK. Expression of -actin was also determined in parallel and used as a protein loading control. Acetyl-11-keto--boswellic acid (AKBA), being suggested as the most potent anti-inflammatory component from the resins, selectively blocks leukotriene biosynthesis through inhibiting 5-lipoxygenase activity [13]. Liu JJ, Nilsson A, Oredsson S, Badmaev V, Zhao WZ, Duan RD. Chevrier et al. Weckesser S, Engel K, Simon-Haarhaus B, Wittmer A, Pelz K, Schempp CM. Winking M, Sarikaya S, Rahmanian A, Jodicke A, Boker DK. extracts that provide the anti-inflammatory activity. Soule HD, Vazguez J, Long A, Albert S, Brennan M. A human cell line from a pleural effusion derived from a breast carcinoma. Pharmacology of an extract of salai guggal ex-Boswellia serrata, a new non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agent. All three human breast cancer cell lines were sensitive to essential oil treatment with reduced cell viability and elevated cell death, whereas the immortalized normal human breast cell line was more resistant to essential oil treatment. Although different cancer cell lines varied in their sensitivities to essential oil treatment, both temperatures of essential oil preparations, in general, suppressed cell viability in all three human breast cancer cell lines (Figure (Figure2).2). Requirement for CDK4 kinase function in breast cancer. Cicenas J, Urban P, Vuaroqueaux V, Labuhn M, Kung W, Wight E, Mayhew M, Eppenberger U, Eppenberger-Castori S. Increased level of phosphorylated akt measured by chemiluminescence-linked immunosorbent assay is a predictor of poor prognosis in primary breast cancer overexpressing ErbB-2. More importantly, immortalized normal breast epithelial MCF10-2A cells were resistant to Boswellia sacra essential oil-suppressed cell viability (Figure (Figure2).2). Langmead L, Rampton DS. Akihisa et al. Learn more Elevated cell death was observed in all three breast cancer cell lines treated with Boswellia sacra essential oils (Figure (Figure3).3). Our results are in accordance with the report by Hostanska et al. Essential oil-induced cytostatic and cytotoxic effects were expressed as mean standard error of mean (SEM) from at least four experiments. Capability of Boswellia sacra essential oil in suppressing multicellular spheroid growth. 1,500