Given the current situation on the border between Greece and Turkey, this figure is not expected to decrease. Most immigrants are coming from Italy, Turkey and Kosovo. For this reason, as early as the summer of 2018, around 45 Frontex agents the European Border and Coastal Guard Agency arrived in the country and had spread out at various points along the border. In fact, dozens of Syrian and Iraqi migrants are stopped daily by the Albanian border police and Frontex. Southeastern Europe is experiencing one of the sharpest depopulations in the world, with countries such as Bulgaria, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Croatia on pace to see their populations shrink by at least 15 percent in coming decades. Copyright 2001-2022 Migration Policy Institute. While Italian citizens come mainly for employment and education purposes, nearly half of Kosovo nationals arrive to reunify with their families. H\]0F+r9s1&F/u8m-zSfa&}y"a{Qk}L8]3>IVR4m=.i/>1]"1=C^>x|%u(f#t=]mofzi? 0000003265 00000 n
;h([eNU,zZDL/tPs\c2UA-[[LcR[fG{'W):U,W{p#~(LklbaX9 The country registered 1.2 million emigrants in the first half of 2019 alone. 0000112080 00000 n
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The Ministry of Interior is another principal actor on migration in Albania. 206 of 16.03.2016. Early 2021 saw the long-awaited adoption of the new Law on Asylum, which brings Albania closer to international standards and EU legislation. Faced with a lack of employment opportunities and recurrent poverty, Albanian youth migrate to Italy alone in the hopes of improving their educational prospects or making money for their families. 0000106411 00000 n
15.279 bn, current prices USD (World Bank 2019), Directorate of Anti-Trafficking and Migration, National Reception Center for Asylum Seekers, National Migration Strategy and its Action Plan 2019-2022, National Strategy for Integrated Border Management and its Action Plan 2014-2020, Strategy against Organized Crime and Serious Crime 2021-2025 and its Action Plan 2021-2022, Analytical Report 'Lessons learned from the 2015-2016 migration situation in the Western Balkan region', Policy Brief 'Highly-skilled Return Migrants to the Western Balkans'. In the period from October 2018-April 2019, the Border and Migration Police in Albania, which actively cooperates with Caritas Albania for the identification and assistance of applicants arriving on national soil, identified over 3,500 incoming migrants, with the regions of Gjirokastra and Korca on the Greek border as the main access points. According to data provided by the Albanian Institute of Statistics, in 2018 the number of foreigners with residence permits was 14,162 people, which was 9.7% more than in 2017. Among these, the majority were between 18 and 40 years of age; 52% of the population in this age group declared their intention to emigrate. trailer
Most decide to return to Greece or try to flee to Western Europe again and just a few of them actually apply for protection. sD""+rPzA In this way we use the best proxy data to measure migration, based mainly on data collected from the migration module of the labor force survey combined with population projection rates 2011-3031. The main countries of destination targeted are likely to change from Greece and Italy to Germany and the US.
In 2019, their numbers have doubled reaching some 12,000 and 6,500 respectively. Having among the lowest GDPs in Europe, Albanias population takes advantage of emigration to cope: remittances are the largest source of foreign currency. Then come social reasons linked to the lack of a positive future (19.4%), education (17.4%), family reasons (4.6%) and health (1.5%). 0000002529 00000 n
The Law on Foreigners also brought improvements to procedures related to the treatment of irregular migrants, including the fight against irregular migration and the treatment of unaccompanied foreign minors. 0000033624 00000 n
While there is a diversity in religions, they are intermingled, with mosques and churches often a short distance from each other. 138 0 obj <>
The government affirms to have completed and adopted a comprehensive national cross-sectoral migration strategy and proceeded with the implementation of the integrated border management strategy. Specifically, Roman Catholics make up 10.03% of the population, and are the largest Christian group in the country. 1275 K St. NW, Suite 800, Washington, DC 20005 | ph. $]1[Vd\_^Hjc0|5WN^ NkT4h]QJp[+l1 H&
Its diverse diaspora accounts for nearly half of the countrys population with the largest Albanian communities established in Greece and Italy. 0000007543 00000 n
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The Migration Information Source provides fresh thought, authoritative data, and global analysis of international migration and refugee trends. Young people want new prospects and opportunities, considering that in 2019 the unemployment rate of the general population was 15.1%, with youth unemployment at 32.7%. Also in 2018, 6,893 irregular foreigners without the necessary documentation were identified, most of them from Syria (3,089 people), followed by Pakistanis (1,246), Iraqis (671), Palestinians (395), Algerians (378), Moroccans (344) and another 770 individuals from other countries. Thanks to the joint operation of the border police and Frontex since 2018, migrants who are stopped are sent to the Reception Centre in Babrru, near the capital, which has about 180 spaces available. 0000097170 00000 n
JRS Kosovo offers services particularly to asylum seekers in the reception centre near the city of Pristina, including language courses to help them integrate. The key legislation in the field of migrants, refugees and asylum seekers is the Law on Foreigners 108/2013, which deals with the regulation of travel documents, visas, stays, family reunions, etc. Its Directorate for Migration Policies is responsible for the management of the migration phenomenon and related policies. Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development. Its Department of Border and Migration within the State Police is responsible for border control and prevention of illegal activities conducted across national borders, as well as the implementation of readmission agreements between Albania and other countries. Fifty-eight percent came from European countries (8,212 people), followed by countries in Asia (4,022) and, finally, from America, Africa and Oceania (1,928). Minors are a particularly vulnerable group of migrants: 322 minors were arrested in the first half of 2018. %PDF-1.3
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SHIS, founded in 1998, is one of the NGOs on the ground and is particularly focused on the development of education for the promotion of human dignity based on Catholic social teachings. Arrivals were mainly from Syria, Pakistan, Iraq, Algeria, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Afghanistan, Yemen and Iran, following the Balkan route from Turkey and Greece to the heart of Europe. \-iz)szm_a0m g`Z]:]>=O*5h 0000117749 00000 n
This law has undergone several amendments* and improvements: in 2016, for example, Law Number 74 contained a number of additions to the Law on Foreigners as well as a Joint Instruction (Number 264, of 11.01.2016) regarding cooperation among the institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the State Intelligence Service in the area of issuing visas to foreigners. Driven by extreme poverty and unemployment, more than one-third of Albania's population has emigrated in the last 25 years. Another group of returning migrants, albeit much smaller in number, accounts for Albanians who wanted to establish a business or have been offered a better job at home. The Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities is the authority in charge of coordinating and managing the implementation of the National Action Plans and National Migration Strategies, as well as policies on the migration of workers, both domestic and foreign, on Albanian soil. H;r0E{B+@MTY@v2 ?pCh6]-/sY/~}kw8jDx@
{s"4$]< WO- UA= 5([+F vzo 4Ojl U_P"V/{W~:(s#W+khJ`[U:Ae|:;D_k"NDl@h[Iu}RZCC/,~j\;pG0 6ornY!sv5vH7 Data on foreigners are provided by the Department of Border and Migration, while data on asylum seekers and citizenship are provided by the Ministry of Internal Affairs. "
0000007741 00000 n
Since 2017, immigration to Albania has been decreasing (by 5,3 % in 2018, and 12,3 % in 2019). It has set the 'Agenda 2030' as a national priority and has endorsed the Global Compact on Migration and its objectives. 0000101374 00000 n
Most of them were minors from Syria who then applied for asylum. In order to do this work, Caritas Albania has established and maintains a relationship of cooperation with the public security authorities on the border to identify cases of exploitation, violence and human trafficking as well as providing assistance. Economic considerations are one of the main causes of emigration, which accounts for 57% of migrants motivation. One of the main contributors the International Organization for Migration (IOM), which began operating on in Albania in 1992 (although the country officially became a member of IOM in 1993). The National Strategy for Integrated Border Management 2014-2020 is among the most significant and current migration policies of the Ministry of Interior Affairs. Net migration: is the difference between the number of immigrants and the number of emigrants of a population, in a specific territory, in a given period of time (I-E). %%EOF
Finally, several policies and action plans have been launched in this field, beginning with the first Albanian migration strategy of 2004. Considering the increase in the flow of migrants to Albania, this highlights the need for an increase in the overall reception capacity of the country, which is currently 400 places. endstream
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Despite this, just as many manage to cross the border, stop in Albanian villages in search of food and clothing, and then set out again. Instead of passing through Serbia and Macedonia, they focused more on countries such as Bulgaria and Albania. Some really intend to stay in the country; others hope to use the time needed to find a solution to move to Bosnia or Montenegro from which they can later reach Germany, Denmark or other Western European countries. The area is 28.756 km2, and its coastline is bathed by the Adriatic Sea, and the Ionian Sea for 72 km. It has helped by deploying teams of doctors and volunteers to provide relief to those affected, assisting the injured in hospitals, distributing meals and basic necessities as well as providing psychosocial support to those affected by the earthquake. INSTAT estimates the annual number of immigrants and emigrants based on the integrated migration module in the Labour Force Survey since 2015. Minors, trafficking of whom is prohibited by Article 128/b of the Penal Code, as well as Articles 114, 114/a, 115, 117 and Article 26 of the Law for the Protection of the Rights of the Child, also merit separate mention.